Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, March 24, 1914, Image 2

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    ground l ist season. North Bend
has started the season by piaciice
| last Sunday and have a game ar­
ranged with the Michie dredge nine
' for next Sunday.
North Bend is likely to be the
first to organize, for their enthusi­
asm always bears results.
have over there, Catcher Thomas,
Ted Kissarn, Surbeck, D. Hull. P.
Sater and a number ol other e lig i­
ble players They report several
unknowns also. The average rule
is that unknowns remain unknowns
although a few strangers made g >od
last season.
Marshfield has some material,
but not enough, it is thought, to
construct a team ’ Duke” Free­
man was out with the Nortli Bend
players last Sunday and had a
work out; “ Speed Woods isiu town
and is available; C. B. Landers has
returned to the bay from Portland
and be will probably be in tile line­
up this season. Mike Burke looks
confident this spring aud should
have a good season, for he is heav­
ier than last year Roy Abbott
says he is in good trim and expects
to play first base better than he did
last year.
At Coquille they have their reg­
ular team of last season, with a few
exceptions. Jim Collier will be
there and they will have the nu­
cleus from which to build a first-
class team.
Tamp Osborne, who is a good all-
around player and who is now in
North Bend, has an idea he wants
to pla\ with Marshfield this year
and will probably land here.
Rumors come from Bandon the
larger percentage of new arrivals
are ball players and they are stock­
ing up pretty heavily.
If Bandon
organizes and joins the league tire
rest of the county towns can look
for the usual pennant winning
Myrtle Point will play largely
home men no doubt, for the town
is small and they doh’t feel able to
support such a ream as Bandon aud
the Bay towns cau afford
The next thing in order, now the
season is upon us, is to call a meet­
ing of the five towns and talk the
situation over before it is loo late
to commence The start this sea­
son should not be later than Mav 20,
for interest lags later on and there
should be 16 games at least.
Planting Season is Here
Reaches “Standard A” With
a Rating of Ninety-Six
Services Sunday at 11 a. 111 and
Bridge has the first “ A Standard” 7:30 p. m.
Suuday School at 111 a. m.
Grass Seeds---Alsike Clover, Alfalfa
school iu the county
How is that
Frank H. Adams, Pastor
for the most isolated town in the
Rye Grass and Timothy
county, the only one that is reached
M. L Church
by wagon road alone?
Sunday school at iu a. m
County School Superintendent
Preaching at 11 a m.and 7:30 p.m
Corn, Vetches, Beets, Carrots etc.
Baker spent four days at Bridge
Prayer meeting Thursdays at
last week, reaching there Tuesday 7:30 p m. C H. B r y a n , Paster.
Everything for the Dairyman
and coming away Friday. On his
Christian Science Society
arrival he graded tlie school accord­
Corner Third uuJ Hall streets
ing to the new standardization
Services at 11 a m uext Sunday
system that has been explained in
subject leesou sermon, 1 R. ality”
the Herald, and found that it was Sunday School 10 a. IU.
entitled to a rating ot 85. This was
WedtUBtlay evening; in?e+ing S:90
high, considering that it was the
Drst test aud that the movement for
M. L Church South
Sunday school at to. i in.
standardization is new.
But the
Preaching Sunday n a. m. and
Bridge peonle were not satisfied to
occupy a position just below the
Kpwotth League at 6:45 p in
He would take a job below the act­
top; nothing is too good lor them
Prayer meeting Wed. 7:30 a m.
ual cost of production, for fear
so they got busy at once.
Protes-1 Ghoir practice Thurs. 7:30 a. m.
his unusual skill as a practical print­
sor Baker pointed out some ways 1
A. T h o m a s , Pastor,
Entered as second clas» matter May er and his good ability as a solicitor
in which the school fell short in
8, 1905. at the post office at Coquille, he should have worked up a very
minor matters, aud they went to it.
Oregon, underact of Congress ol March
profitable business. Instead of that,
Services first and third Sundays
8 , 1879.
They laid walks; They oiled the
he worked himself to death for sev­
Sunday sc ool
floors; they fixed jackets around the every Sunday at 10 a. m.
P. C. LEVAR, Lessee.
eral years, demoralized the printing
stoves; they fixed other thiugs
business <d the t o n , a d gave all
You are hrsutily w >lo- a in*.
Devoted to the material and social
they worked with such effect that
upbuilding o f the Coquille Valley par­ possible profits uw-y to his custo­
ticularly and of Cooa County generally. mers, who Would have been perfect­
before he came away the superin­
Subscription, $1.50 per year in advance ly willinL' to pay living pries for
school at 10 a in.
their print! g. Instead of building
Christian Endeavor at (5:30 p. m.
Phone Main 354.
the school entitled to credits of 96,
up a permanent hu-uuess.lie worked
Prayer meeting at 7:30 p.m . each
himself out altogether ami it seems
placing it in the " A Standard”
A Portland paper carries a story that the shop will soon be only an
class, the first to reach that proud
Preaching at 11:00 a. m. and 7:30.
that indicates that L. J. Simpson is unsavory odor lingering iu the
p. n».
again being urged to declare him­ memory.
Y* hi h i ft c 'r l i .l v i vi i d to nil
The school is in district No 77.
self a candidate for the Republican
There are two rooms, presided over these service.
nomination for Congress from this
T. n McDonald, Minister
by C E Mulkey as principal and
Such talk was strong
Irene Weekly as assistant.
The renewal of ti'k about locat­
some years ago, and it should be ing the wreck of tho brother Jona­
Apostolic Faith
60 pupils are enrolled, of whom 20
Trio ranting« >»r th * A ¡»on? »lie
still stronger at this time. There than, a sidp wheel steamer which
are entered in the Club Contests. F • i t * » Mia-io", over Kodersou h Sec­
seems to be a sentiment, all ovor went down of! the coast south of
The school has a Babcock milk tes­ ond Hand Store are hh foil* vvb :
the district favorable to the candi­
ter in use, and that it had already Tues.I iy, Th urn lay and S iM i lay
dacy of a man from the coast section, called forth a communication from
reached a high standard of efficiency nights a* 8 o\ I -ek and Sunday
F. B. Ticbnor, who states that he
morning nt 11 oclocfc and S i.nluy
and it would be difficult to find a can give exact information as io the
was shown by the high rating given
man better fitted for the place than location of the treasure of $1,000,-
on the first test.
Mr. Simpson; certainly no one has 000 which was aboard the vessel,
It is evident that, besides being
been mentioned who can be at all from a manuscript handed down
good roads boosters, the Bridge peo­
compared to him. He is still young,
ple are thoroughly alive in other
Tichuor. Mr. Tiehuor says: “The
is energetic and progressive, has a Brother Jonathan did not sink oil
respects, and they are to be con­
very pleasant manner and address, the California coast but the bottom
gratulated on being the first ones
is a good talker, and is fitted to of the ship fell out on the Oregon
On last Thursday evening at the to reach the top in the matter of
mingle with men in the highest cir­ coast. The upper part of the vessel
of Miss Myrtle Lund, tire good schools.
cles at Washington, taking his place
► . ---
days. The plunging of the vessel, vouug women's Sewing Club was
at once as a man not to be ignored. bucking a strong north wind, drove delightfully.entertained. The time
So far as his work for his own home the contents of her freight through was spent in needlework and socia­
bailiwick, for improvement of the her bottom and an eye wituess of bility. Delicious refreshments were
Again open under
two Coos county harbors etc , is the affair gave the information to served by the hostess, who was
District Attorney Lilj<qvist is in
new management
concerned, he would accomplish
danger of getting his name up as a
the vessel when the accident took True.
more than any other man we can place.’ ’ It is greatly to be regret­
Among those present were Mes- constitutional lawyer. He has just
Give us a call
send. He is not only well acquaint­ ted that this eye witness did not dames Jack Juza, F. B. Curry, Hal won another case before the Supreme
ed with our needs, but his own bus­ have a moving picture camera along. Pierce, Wilson, O O. Lund and F. Court on constitutional grounds, re­
iness interests are in line with those Old Barney l’ompelly, who used to C. True; and the Misses Bessie Mor- ceiving word last week that the suit
of the whole community, and be hung around the Salem saloons and rey, Edna and Emily Harlocktr, of Andreas Anderson and Alfred
was reputed to be the only survivor Rose Walker, Ruth Woodford, Doro­
has the brains and the force to do of the Brother Jonathan, would have thy Watson, Pearl Long, Margaret Brunell vs. the Smith-Powers Log­
effective work. Nor would be be been much interested in a picture and Myrtle Lund.
ging Co., and others, had been de­
handicapped for the lack of funds, showing just where the bottom of
The club meets every week, and cided in favor of his clients, Ander­ S Y N O P S IS O F T H E A N N U A L S T A T E M E N T
and his liberality in the matter of the vessel went to so suddenly. Mr. the next meeting will be held with son and Brunell
Life insurance
any public interest or enterprise is
This case was started in 1907 and
trouble to locate the vessel duriug
well known. A change is needed— the summer months, as the bed of
C om pany
has been fought by Mr. Liljeqvist
o f N e w a rk , in th e S ta te o f N e w J ersey, on
has been needed for a long time, the ocean is cement formation, and
through the County, Circuit, Dis­ the 31st d a y o f D ecem b er, 1913, m a d e to
the In su rn ace C o m m issio n er o f th e Estate
and it is to be hoped that Mr. Simp­ the safe would not be covered with
Dale, the ten-year-old son of Mr trict courts, back to a lower court o f O regon , puraant to la w :
sand.’’ He expresses a willingness and Mrs. Marcy, was kicked by a
com e.
son will consent to enter the race.
and at last to a final decision before T o ta l p rem iu m in In
c o m e ............ $ 23,936,471.87
to give information to any legiti­ burse last week, the blow struck him
In terest, d iv id e n d s an d ren ts
c e iv e d d u rin g th e y e a r . . .
mate concern, as be hasn’t time to on the face.
While he was badly the Supreme Court. It involved the In re
com e fro m o th e r sou rces r e ­
It is reported from Marshfield monkey with a mere million dollars.
hurt it is one of the conundrums constitutionality of the law under c e iv e d d u rin g th e y e a r ........
that the Gazoot print shop in that
how the boy missed having bis head which the County cou t was empow­ T o t a l in c o m e ............................$ 32,287,924.80
u rs o m e n ts .
town has changed hands and hns
kicked off The old saying must be ered to grant a franchise for a rail­ P a id fo r losses, »Is b en
d o w m en ts,
true that there are those who give road over a county load, and this a n n u ities a n d su rren d er
been absorbed by another printing
valu es ..........................................* 12,257,138.02
In the course of a talk on base­ special watch over children, for Dale law is declared unconstitutional by D iv id e n d s paid to p o lic y h ^ 'd -
concern. For the sake of the breth­
ers d u rin g tlie y e a r ...............
m issions and s a la rie s pairt
ren who like to get a reasonable ball prospects for this season, the was able to be out again in a day or the Supreme Court, sustaining Mr. C om
d u r l i f i;te y e t
sporting editor of the Evening Re­ two.
Taxes, licen ses and fe e s p a le
price for their work, it is to be cord has this to say:
d u rin g ia
y m i .......................
509,-S3 3.50
Fred Baker is sick.
He went to Liljeqvist’s contention.
A m o u i't • ? a ll o th e r e x p e n d i­
hoped lhat the report is true. Ever
It is said tlie race track grounds town to have a doctor tell him what
The circumstances of the case tu re • ........................................... 1. • -<».6 '9.78
since the shop was opened by C. S. are covered with from six inches to makes the pain.
were that the Smith-Powers compa­ T o t a l e x p e n d itu r e :.................... $ 21,078,408.58
A «sets.
Dodge, acme years ago, it has been ten inches of silt from the fill, and
Mrs. Minnrd is visiting her child­ ny wanted a tight of wav for a log­ M a rk et va lu e o f »o a l es ta te
o w n e d ......................................... $ 3,184,836.30
a thorn iu the side of the gentlemen also water from the daily flow of ren and friends down the river.
ging road over the lands of Ander­ M ark et va lu e o f s lo c k s and
the tide With such an outlook, it
bonds o w n e d ................................
of the craft who wished to conduct appears the securing of a suitable
Hailv Laird is back from Rose- son and others and acted under tlie Loan s on m o rtg a g e s a n d c o l­
la te ra l
e t c .............
Mrs. law as it then stood. They first had P roII’ i II! ¡io c s m u puli' y
their business on business lines. place to play ball will be one of the burg where he wintered.
Dodge was a good printer but lack­ obstacles the Marshfield fans will Laird and the baby will get home a road of pnblis easement laid out Cash in banks and or» h a n d .. 1.433,131.91
N et u n c o lle c te d a n d d e fe rre d
prem iu m s ..................................
ed natural horse sense. This was have to contend with.
The first autOH of the season came across the land, to reach the timber O ther assets ( n e t ) ....................... 3,390,893.23
There are enough players iu the
shown at once, when he not only
and coal land lying behind; then T o t a l a s s e ts ............................... $106,142,244.11
Coos Bay country to Make up sev­ up the East Fork Suuday.
cut prices but cut them away below eral teams, and a number ot men
a d m itte d
Mr. Belloni went out over the obtained a franchise from the county T o O t a r l eg assets
u .
the figure necessary to get the work. are here who were not on the Coos Bay wagon road with his young court for a railroad along this coun­
n u b ilit ie s .
cattle, bound for Woodland, Cal.
ty road. The contention of Mr. Lil- N •l et ital r e s (I. e r v e ...................................
- ..
••0.27 1.95
A ll o th e r lia b ilit ie s ..
Jjeqvist was that this was a subter­
T o t a l lia b ilitie s e x c lu s iv e o f
cup; i l i e
fuge, and tlx ■ t the law under which
T o l d i vi .i c* i • f- c c e D e ­
c em b er 31. 1913......................073.088,083.00
| it could be doue was unconstitution­
Ilusinens in O re g o n fo r th e Y ea r.
g th e
Our big Harmony Laboratories in Bos­ al for thf reason that it allowed the T o y t e a a l r risks w r itte n d r in
ton have caught up with their orders taking by subterfuge of private Gross p rem iu m s re c e iv e d d u r­
in g th e y e a r .............................
now and we won’t have to disappoint
L o sses paid d u rin g th e y e a r .
any who are using Harmony Hair Beau- property for a private purpose | L o sses Incu rred d u rin g th e y e a r
| tifi'er and want more of it, or any who This vi w lias been sustained by the
T o ta l am ou n t o f risks o u t­
have been advised by your friends to
s ta n d in g in O regon D e ­
cem b er 31. 191 : ................. $
use it.
W e can now fill all demands, Supreme court, which has declared
j even if it becomes even more of a rage j the whole act unconstitutional for T | iR M U T U A L B E N I J I T L I F E I N M H-
A N t »: C O M P A N Y .
j than it is now.
B y J. W M . J O H N S O N . S e c re ta ry .
Harmony Hair Beautitier is just what the reason set forth.
S ta u to ry g e n e ra l a g e n t an d a tto rn e y fo r
service, A rn o ld S. B o th w e ll, P o rtla n d , O r e ­
I it is named— a hair beautitier. It is not
The decision ia a very important gon .
a hair dye or hair oil—but a dainty,
j rose-perfumed liquid dressing to give one for this county, where cases of
D r . W a l t e r C u lin
the nair its natural gloss and bright- the same kind were liable to arise at
Local A gen t
1 ness, wavy softness, rich beauty. Easy
to apply— simply sprinkle a little on any time.
C o q u ille
O re g o n
The Coquille Herald
Can Locale Wreck
L I L L Y ’S S E E D S
A r e tested in a perfectly outfitted seed testing labora­
Smith-Powers Co. Loses
Before Supreme Court
can supply you with
V e tch and Chick Food
General Merchandise
Groceries, Flour, Feed, Up-to-date Boots and Shoes
Skeel’s O ld Stand
W est End Front Street
'P IO N E E R W H IT E L E A D |
net r W h i l e Lead.
Growth of Business Will
Cause no Powe. o
if your power is electricity supplied by the
Oregon Power Company.
Electric motors cost less per unit o f energy
and require but a fration o f the space requir­
ed by other units.
Maintainance and up-keep on motors are
With Central Station electric service your
business can enlarge indefitely—adding motors
as needed. This company is always ready to
serve your power requirements.
Central station service is elastic. It is adapt-
to every power need, great or small.
As to
economy, telephone 71 and let us show you
how much Central Station service will save you.
T u t t le
H o u se
East Fork Items
Ba se Ball Dope
w e d g e w o o d
W e are prepared es never before, to supply the needs of
for all kinds of
Coquille Valley
W e h ive an exceptionally well assorted stock of all kinds
ordinarily called for in
bills, and
ready for use
Fine Finishing Lumber
We Can Now Supply
This Hair Preparation
----------------- W e can furnish on short notice------------------
I an 6 inch FLOORING
RUST 10, any pattern
CEILIN G any pattern
MOULDING, all kinds,
FINISHING, to specifications
SILO IHLLS, complete to order
$ 32.00
$ 50.00
We carry a complete line of Wedge-
wood Stoves and Ranges made on the
Pacific coast for Pacific coast trade.
Perfect bakers and fuel savers. Drop
in and see them.
The House that saves you money
your hair each time before brushing it.
I Contains no oil, andiwillnot change col­
or of the hair, nor darken gray hair.
I To keep hair and scalp dandruff-free
and clean, use Harmony
This pure liquid shampoo gives an in­
stantaneous rich lather that immediate-
| ly penetrates to every part of hair and
scalp, insuring a quick, thorough clean-
’ sing.
Washed off just as quickly, the
1 entire operation takes only a few mo-
I ments.
Contains nothing that can
barm the hair; leaves no harshness or
stickiness—just a sweet-smelling clean­
Both preparations come in odd-shaped,
very ornamental bottles, with sprinkler
tops. Harmony Hair Beautitier, i t .00.
Harmony Shampoo, 50c. Both guaran­
teed to satisfy you in everyw ay, o
your money hack.
Sold only ajtthe
more than 7,000 Rexall Stores, and in
this town only by u<. — Kuhrman's t’har-
I mney, Coquille, Oregon.
For County Clerk
T o
th e
D e m o c r a tic
V o te r s
Marshfield, Ore., Mar 17,1914 ’
I h ereb y
annou nce
m y s e lf as a
A« a Republican, I hereby place
myself as candidate for nomination c a n d i d i t . f o r C o u n t y - f u d g e o f C o o s
at the primaries to be held May c o u n t y , O r e g o n , o n t h e D e m o c r a t i c
15th for the office of County Clerk t i c k e t f " r t h e c o m i n g p r i m a r y e l e c ­
If I am nominated and elected I t i o n . I f a v o r p e r m a n e n t h i g h w a y s
will during my term of office per­ a n d t h e d e v e l o p i n ' l i t o f t h e w o n d e r ­
form all the requirements and duties i n ' w e a l t h o f C o o s c o n t i c o n s i s t e n t
promptly, expeditiously, without w i t h e c o n o m i c a l a n d j u d i c i o u s e x ­
prejudice, and as economically as is p e n d i t u r e o f t h e t a x p a y e r s ’ m o n e y .
J J S t a n l e y .
consistent wi h good service.
C o q u ille , O r .g o n
lieving that I can save money for
--------------- .
the tax payer, and make some for
T r e s p a s s n o tic e s p r in t e d o n c lo t h
and w o rd ed
in k e t p i n g
w it h la w ,
"I want ycur vote,”
fo r s a le a t t h e H e r a l d ( ffio e .
F. K. A l l e n .
l ion er is strictly pure White Lead. It is manufactured by the ¿J
4 oM “ Dutch Process” of slow corrosion, which insures great body and
It ia ¿round in strictly pure refined Linseed Oil to the last degree
4 of fineness.
Pionc er Lend is unexcelled for extreme whiteness,opacity and cov-
JJ“ erir g qualities. It will be found at ali times to be absol utely uniform.
We know there iH no better lead manufactured tod ay that! Pio-
Sewing Club Entertained
T h ey stand the severest tests for purity and
\Ne are making a SPECIAL DISCOUNT on HOUSE
and BARN bills tor the month of MARCH
Write or Phone for Prices
Farmers 496
Home 676
Subscribe for the H erald.