All kinds of garden seeds at S. M. Athletic Coach to Lecture Nosier A Co , the Model Grocery. tâ e lfiu¿Áe¿s For The Lib Here Thursday Evening Surveyor A. N. Gould »pent sev­ Arrangements are b itig made eral days in the Buy section last Bill Hayward, Athletic Coach of for an ente-tiiinment fo- the Inn t week. the University of Otegon, will be 0 the puhl.c library on tin 1 !) b of í this month, when Ch irles Riley Geo. N. Farcin, formerly of Marsh­ hete next Thursday. He will visit McCalley will" give r> a I nos from the city schools during the day and field and now of Portland, is after in the afternoon will givj the boys 1 tie g 1 eat Honsier poet, .1 .me U hit- the Republican nomination for cou- some pointers about athletics. In comb Rilev, am) mus I tunihir* H» is a hum list the evening he will deliver an illus­ on the vimtn. giess from Ibis district. and fun-maker, anil hi* » 1 k in it trated lecture at the Grand Theatre, F E Allen, of Marshfiild, candi­ iu connection w ith tile regular run the km I llial appeals t > pc | !e date fo r th - R> pnblict U nomination of pictures. intelligence and discrimination Mr j McCalley has received most Hitter for county clerk, was in tbe city , ing press notices in the Western yesterday and seemed to feel cheer­ $ 1 0 Reward towns «h ire he has app>are l. nn ’ ful about bis chat cis. j tb' v hear evidence nf heji g of tin i ; Will be given for evidence that S| ut menus and not of the |i .id-f r * There is one advantage for the in* r iiant who doesn't believe in . d- will convict the three boys that de­ kind. E\| re*si n Ink - 11 at rai d< m stroyed the tiow-ers at M. H. Her- from the wriloups (af'er tbe event) vertiaing— lie has plenty of lime to sey’s residence Sunday night. They appi .ring in papers from Minna* >t sit out in fund and enjoy this pleas­ were there after 11 o’clock. t > Washington, ri n like this: ant sunshine. Grind Forks, N Dak.—On« of M. H. H k r s k y t lie lest sntei tnmmint programs The city cuuroil has determined its eaiure ever given in the citv wu* City Council to repair the Moulton street Ini the McCalley entertaine City Recorder Lawrence is now ail Great Falls, Mont — The inter- a lull board was present, but uut vertising for bids for the woik. nieul consists of readings from much business was transacted. Tbe bills against the city arising James Whitcomb Riley and other On Wednesday evening at 7:30 at It is not extravagance, but economy to paint the the Christian Chutch, there will be from the quarantine of the family humorous authors, impersonations house and things; it preserves them much longer. a Union Meeting which will be ad­ of E R. Campbell some time ago xiolm solos and violin imitations dressed by the Rev. R J. Surnmer- were acted upon. T h eb illsofC J. Mr. McCalley is one of America’s And then it makes you feel more like having your J lin. Mr. Summerlin is a live wire. Fuhrman and F. C. True, $ 17.45 foiemost laugh-makers, and the fact friends visit you. Y ou feel better, too. ' Come and hear his address in the for medicines and $ 102.25 f°r groc­ that he has been ca led upon to re­ eries, were ordered paid. The bill peat his program is one of the most W e have the L A ST IN G KIND of paints; our ioterest of Oregon dry. o f Dr. Hoag, $132 lor medical ser­ flattering eudorsemehts that any paints hold their brilliancy, too. W e also have the The decision of the two Watson vices. took the council’s breath performer could possible bare. ' brothers to run for county judge away but the reasoning faculties of North Yakima. Wash.— His im­ brushes and putty. Com e in and let us supply you personations are true to life, he has and county clerk seems to have set the members were not impaired so with those paints and things you want. A mo­ a pleasiog manner and his audience j the bees to buzzing in great shape, that you would notice it. is captivated with his personality, ' and the roar that is going up in tion to pay tbe medical man ball oi Come to OUR Drug Store what he wanted, $ 66 , went to a tie His seleotionB are full of “ human j some quarters is worth listening to. vote. Then a motion was put to nature.’’ Fergus Fall, Minn.—Mr. McCal­ For a big bargain in choice bacon pay him $ 40 , and this also went to see our window display, S M. Nos a tie, which was decided by the ley is a laugh maker of the highest type. His work is of the kind that mayor iu the affirmative. ler