WANTED M illw rig h ts Competent and Experienced TIDE WATEH DILL CO. Florence, Oregon THE HERALD Will Accept à Fi re w o o d & ----- ON------ SUBSCRIPTION The people in tlie FROM THE NATIONAL CAPITAL impracticable. Agricultural Department who have determined this are suspected of Events of Interest Reported having gased their conclusions upon early experiences with tame deer For The Herald PAN AM A CAN AL TO LLS Congressman Adamson of Geor­ gia attempted to find a back stair­ way of retreat, by declaring that the plank in the Baltimore platform in favor of discriminating in favor of American ships was "slipped over” on the platform committee. This old-fashioned political sub­ terfuge was immediately strangled by Senator Walsh ot Montana, who pointed out that be and Secretary '[ Bryan and Senator O’Gorman, as well as other party leaders, knew just what they were doing when this plank was put into the plat­ form. The President maintains that our policy discriminating against foreign ships cannot be carried out with honor in view of our treaty arrangements with Great Britain. The issbe appears likely to be sqare- ly met, and it is a sure indication of improved conditions since Demo­ cratic leaders refuse to hide behind the bushes, but declare the question will be settled iu the open arena of debate in the Senate. OPEN SEASON FOR WAR SCALES CHICHESTER ? ' ¡t LS Iu many of the states there is an open season for hunting and fish­ ing, and each year the sportsmen __UJTff I h | . A _ ___ . _____ anxiously Nbunt the coming of the DIA MOVO U K \ M > F I L L « , f.*r # 5 years known as Best, Safest, Always Keliatile SOLD BV ORl'GfilSTS LVEilYWHEB* happy days. Likewise there is an open season for war scares in the United States; and now we are be­ ing told of the dangers that sur­ round us because ot the fact that Incorporated our navy is only surpassed by that Manufacturers of of Great Britain— and possibly Ger­ The Celebrated Berc/mann Shoe The Strongest and Nearest Water many, which country we have Proof shoe made for loggers, miners "tied” if not passed. Washington prospectors and mill men. has its thumb on the dale of this 21 Thurman Street open season, and the rest of the P o r t l a n d , O regon . country shou'd mark it up on the calendar, as it can always be count­ OVER es Y E A R S ' ed as an annual visitor when the EXPERIENCE naval appropriation bill appears in Congress. Keep good, children— Japan, Germany, Great Britian, Mexico, nor any of the nations of the world are planning trouble with D e s ig n s the United States. T I I K 1IIA M O M » IH U M » . a Thco. Bergimiii ShoeMfg.Co. P aten ts C o p y r ig h t s A c . A n ro n e «ending a «ketch and description may qnlckljr a sc e rta in o ur opinion fr e e w h eth er an Inventio n Is probably p aten tab le. C om m unica­ tion s str ic tly coiithientlal. HANDBOOK o n P a te n t« sent fre e . O ldest uirency fo r se cu rin g p aten ts. P a te n ts tak en thro u g h M unn & Co. r e c e iv e tpecial notice, w ith o u t ch arg e, In t h e THE BEGINNING OF THE END â J . I H H WOOD t , . . ROAD BUILDING A SCHOOL STUDY in Missouri and Iowa hack yards It has been found that the meat ol the reindeer is of excellent quailty, and the skins are of great value. We learn that the European deer is used for dairy and transportation purposes, yet little attempt has been made so tar in our own coun­ try in this line. The customs of, different countries are interesting. I and a case in point was illustrated ! A n Interesting E x p e r i m e n t M a k i n g Road B ui ld in g a Cou rse of S t u d y In in a recent lecture by Madam Mont- R ur al Schools I* to Be M a d e In L a n | ford of Palestine, at a Masonic C o u n t y , O re . gathering in Washington She relat­ Road building as a course of study ed how the shepherds of Jerusalem d rural schools I s to be tried I d a dis­ drank the milk of sheep, and said I trict of Laue county. Ore., and a wo­ that in her girlhood days she had man Is to direct the work. The idea been "almost brought up on it ” 1 was conceived by Miss Goldie Van Biber, the district school supervisor, She declared it to be 11 s nutritious ] says a recent report. and palatable as cows mik. Yet in Actual road building is the labora­ the United States no one ever heard tory work which will accompany this course. The children of each school of drinking sheep’s milk And here | will bulk) and maintain a strip of coun­ there is no driving of reindeer, e x ­ try road near the Bchool building. The cept when Santa Claus used it in school whose road stands and is found in the best condition when winter prelerence to later day airships, comes will be the winner of a coutest which have proven far more feasible for which two silver cups have been than even the fleet-footed leindeer, offered ns prizes. “I was afraid that the county court inasmuch as the country now has might not allow me to experiment on so large a number of cbimneys; and the roads, but it bus even authorized these can be more easily leached the supervisors to furnish rock or gravel, handle powder and do the by airships than by reindeers that work that children could not do alone,” stub their toes over housetops and said Miss Van Biber. The county court saw In the scheme shingles Plans of an Oregon District Supervisor. A LODGE VERSUS NORRIS From Senator Lodge of Massa chusetls comes the admission that "suffering and injury" have been done to hundreds ot innocent peo­ ple in New England, as a result of the breakdown of the New York, New Haven and Hartford, and the Boston and Maine Railroads, and his opinion is that the Department of Justice and not Congress should be the instrument for lighting the wrongs of investors and stock­ holders. The minions of juslict have been riding exceedingly slow, and though the public is assured by Mr. Lodge and others that the new President of the New Haven system, Mr. Elliott, is a man ol “high char­ acter and honest purposes” yet but recently these same things were said about Mr.Mellenand the finau- ceirs of the house of Morgan, who milked almost dry one of the great­ est properties in America. Men like Senator Norris, who stand for up to the miuute methods of right­ ing wrongs, has declared that a thorough sifting of the New Haven affair is within the province and rightfully rests with Congress. Norris does not agree with the "waiting methods” of Mr. Lodge but would "soak it to ’em." PRIZE COMPETITION. of Miss Van Biber a plan to establish the fundamentals of good road build­ ing in a new’ generation and at the 8ame time interest the present genera­ tion In the principles of drainage and highway construction, which the chil­ dren learn at school. It has entered into the plan with enthusiasm. Miss Van Biber has Jurisdiction over 700 square miles, extending into Lin­ coln. Lane and Douglas counties. All the year, by horseback, boat or on foot, she travels over the rough mountain highways and up along the small riv­ ers. She introduced manual training In the Sluslaw schools, and exhibits of handicraft, sew ing, carpentry and bead- work from Florence took first prizes at the county fair, ahead of the Eugene and advanced Valley schools. She In­ stalled the Industrial w’ork and put it under proper supervision. Rond build­ ing Is her next step. Speaking of her plan, she said: ‘‘This is no scheme to work children on the roads. They will care for only 100 yards, and not necessarily that much. If the district road Is difficult The road building Is not to be taught by the teachers, because the average teacher Is not qualified tQ teach road building. “We shall organize a good roads club In each school. We shall give the scholars credit for the hour or more a week that they spend on the roads. Those who undertake the road work, which will he purely optional, will be excused from studying the road chap­ ter in the agricultural manual The whole plan Is to arouse Interest In roads and give adequate instruction, and the already overworked teacher* will not be burdened with this addi­ tional work “Of course all districts will not be able to participate, because many schools are built ou trails. They have no roads on which to work. Possibly these districts can compete for the prize by laying out and actually build­ ing a piece of road past their school.” On the outer wall of the United States general land office in Wash­ ington there appears the following A handsom ely Illu strated w eekly. L a rg e st c ir ­ bronze tablet: "Samuel F.B. Morse, cu lation o f any sclen tlllo tou rn ai. T e rm s, |3 a y e a r; fo u r m o nths, mont ns |L Sold by all new sdealers. Artist and Inventor, opened and N ew Y ork M B UN IUCo.3 6 “ "“ * operated on this site under the di­ iugton, D . C. rau ch O nico. f>25 F S t.. W ash ing to n, rection of the Postoffice Department the first public telegraph office in the United States; April i. 1845 . •What God Hath Wrought.’ ” In view of the present day agitation ot Regular an the Clock government ownership of the tele­ GOVERNORS INVITED INTO BOOST­ graph and telephone, who will say ER’S CLUB that this is not the Alpha and "Lets talk it over” is the sub­ Omega? stance of a suggestion by Secretary ROADS AND LIVING COST. THE LINCOLN MEMORIAL Lane to the governors of the states First-class fare only .. »7.50 üp freiglit, per ton 3.00 The clouds that have surrounded of Arizona, California, Colorado, Co st of H a u l i n g Bi g F a c t o r In Expense of F a r m Pr o d u c ts to C o n s u m e r . the formulative processes of the Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Ore­ Until very recently the vast majori­ gon, Utah, Washington and Wyo­ Lincoln monument have cleared E. & E. T. Kruse ty of people failed to understand that away The contract made by the ming. He wants the gentlemen to the good road is not a mere country 2 4 C aliforn ia S tre e t, San Francisco commission, of which ex-President take the bull by the horns and help dweller’s convenience or the means to motorists’ pleasure, but that it is an Taft is the head, has been approved map out a program for reclamation actual F o r R eservation s economic necessity. That it by the Secretary of War, and what­ work in the west. The Secretary costs the farmers of this country more NOSLER & NORTON ever friction might arise over the does not attempt to couceal the fact for a ten mile haul of produce from farm to town than it does to ship that A gents, C oquille, O regon dispute of authority between the there have been very unsatisfactory produce from New York to London Is Commission and the Secretary’s returns from the great majority of a fact. That It costs farmers abroad office has been discounted in ad these projects, and at the same time from one-half to one-tenth as much to haul a ton a mile on a road as It does vance by the appointment of ajoint no end oi hardships and loss to set­ the farmers of this country is another representative of both bodies, As tlers. As there is a growing ten­ fact. That practically every pound of flesh a result, the ground was broken in dency among the states to cooper­ bushel of wheat we consume must Washington on Lincoln’s birthday ate in reclamation projects, one of and travel over a road at least once and for the greatest of all our national the objects of Secretary Lane’s pro­ sometimes twice before we eat It is a memorials—for a building which posal is to bring the governors to­ third fa ct The three are the answer one part of the question. “Why does will in fact be a greater tribute gether, in order that everybody to it cost so much to live?” Some one even than that of the Washington may help their littte hit. has to pay for the expensive hauling Some one has to pay for the depreda­ monument. In short the Lincoln tion in the value of the horses and ve­ Curry Old Settler Dies ! memorial will be the greatest struct- hicles caused by poor roads Some | lire ever contemplated by the Arner- Again open under one has to pay for the extra time it The Gold Beach Globe report- takes to haul cotton to market w’ben j ¡can people, in honor of its most new management the sudden death of J. A Cooley, two mules are required to haul two I illustrious martyr. of Harbor, who was found dead in bales ten miles In one day, when on a REINDEER THAT SANTA CLAUS good road the same two mules could Give us a call bed, having evidently passed away haul twenty-four bales in the same MADE FAMOUS quietly in his sleep. He w >s one time with the same effort.—Suburban There is an explanation of the of the oldest settlers of the Cbetco Life Magazine. «___________ growth of conviction in the Santa Manager Valley and was very highly ester med N e w Road* F o r Wis c on si n . Claus story found in the fact that More than $4.000.000 worth of new by all that knew him He was the 1 30,000 domestic reindeer remain in el.lest son of one of the early pio roads, about 1.400 miles, will be built In Alaska. The United States govern­ Wisconsin in 1014. announces the state neer families of Curry County, and highway commission This Is 500 miles ment, which has finally discovered was shout 68 years of age. more than w’ere built In 101.3. in whiefr this country upon its map,has turn­ more than $3.000.000 w as fate will fall NO KNIFE. OR PAIN venting the destruction of these lished a new record for time be ; short by $350.000 Tbi'« amount will NO PAY UNTIL CURED t animals. There have been instan­ tween Coos Bsy and San Francisco he made up by the counties. More h r «UA»ANTE£ N o X Hay o r o th e r sw indle 1.400 separate piece* of road ces of cross breeding the domestic On her last trip she left Coos Bay \ than WRITTEN GUARANTEE were completed In 1013 3 - d a y p ain less p laster reindeer and the native wild cari­ at 7:30 a. m. Sunday with 1,600,000 j ' ■ ■■■ ANY TU M O R . LUMP o r SORE n the L IP . PACE bou It is found that the blood of of lumber, unloaded at Oakland o r b o d y long is CANCER. I t N e v s r P a in s U n til L a s t the latter can be used to good ad­ came hack and loaded another car­ S ta g e - 120-P A G E BOOK •ent I r c e : t e s t i m o n i a l s vantage in building up the reindeer go of like amount, and sailed again O REG O N a n d W A S H IN G T O N o f THOUSANDS C U R E D herds The domestic deer seem to at 11 a. m Thursday, making the: have decreased in size and other round trip in four days, three and A D ir e c t o r y o f e a c h C it y , T o w n a n d I BELIEVE IS ALWAYS CANCER, and ALWAYS p oiso n* V illag e, g iv in g d e s c r ip t iv e s k e t c h o f deep glan ds in th e a rm p it and K I L L S Q U I C K L Y ways because of the lack of careful one-half hours. Aud it used to each p la c e , lo c a t io n , p o p u la t io n , t e l e ­ I sw ear wo have C U R E D 1 0 , 0 0 0 . Ge sea sem e g r a p h . s h ip p in g a n d b a n k i n g p o in t ; ,mi Old Or. & Mrs. CHAMLEY ï i  i t ' i selection in breeding The caribou take that long to load one of the lit­ .■ Iso C la s s ifie d D ir e c t o r y , c o m p lie d b y " ■ « S T t s c c i s s m CANCER SUCIAUSTJ n v i a o " p r o fe s s io n i,rc superi r in size and are not so tle wind-jammers that carried about r b u tl .OSS A B 436 Vatonal St., SAN FRANCISCO. CAL K, U * *>« K * C O .. R K A T T T K wild as to make their domestication 400.000 t KINDLY MAIL this to somiono with CANCER Scientific American. Str. Elizabeth San Francisco and Bandon THE T u t t l e House FRANK HOFFMAN $1000 FREE P O L K ’ S- Any Lump « Woman’s Breast Business Directory fc ( SMINI, V . - P r t s . l . N . HA .HD, C i m i c i 0. c iAN fO R D , A . , t C .m i e i F I R S T N A T IO N A L BA N K Op C O Q U 1 L U B , O R £ GOJS T r a n s a c t » a G e n e r a l Ha n k it tf > B u b ì d c c ì p Indian fighting is a thing of the pa t now, but we must remember that It was only about a generation ago that General Custer aud his men were sur­ rounded and massacred by redskin >. There is an old orduauce sergeant ».t one of the Atlantic coast forts w!:o was a youngster iu the ranks of ti e regular army iu those days and past­ ed a g o o d many years on the plains, where Indian fighting was the order of the day. lie tells yarns about his experiences, some of them bloodcurd­ ling, some simply amazing. Here is one of tlie latter class: The Apaches were the worst var­ mints one had to deal with, and we were more afraid of them than any other suvages. They were m oil treacherous, more merciless aud prac­ ticed more deceptive methods than any other tribe with which I had tlie honor to exchange shots. When we were hunting them we were more sure that they weren’t hunting us. Any man going to a spring for water, drop­ ping out of the ranks to cool off or in auy wise going off by himself was liable to be taken in, and so noise­ lessly that the rest of the command wouldn’t know anything about it un­ til he was missed and some one would be sent hack to find him dead and scalped. One time when we w’ere after a party of Apaches, not knowing when they would turn on us in the middle of the night, or. more likely, ju st be­ fore dawn, we made preparations that would let us know of their coming Our commander bad taken the precau­ tion to bring along some barbed wire fencing, aud after getting into camp, before turning in under our blankets, we fenced ourselves in. Of course we didu’t expect to keep off the red devils with a wire fence, especially when we weren't helping the latter with lead. All we hoped for was a few’ moments’ delay, long enough, you know, to grab our rifles aud get on our feet. We bivouacked oue evening on a hillside so situated that we couldn’t very well be taken on the flank, and instead of running the wire around us we stretched It before us, so that any force coming up the hill must pass over it. Though the moon was in the third quarter, the night, being cloudy, was quite dark. The Apaches were so sly that In order to get a warning of their coming we hung all the tin plates, tin cans—anything, in fact, that would rattle—on the wire. I was listening then for nil I was worth for the slightest sound that would indicate the presence of an en­ emy. i had to take it out in listening, for I couldn’t see anything unless it was above the sky line. The moon passed a thin space in the clouds Just as 1 heard a tinkle away down at the other end of the fence. Peering in that direction I saw something white. I didn’t wish to make a guy of myself by firing at nothing, and I didn’t wish to take any chances with Apaches about. I heard another tinkle and saw the white thing move. It seemed to be on the outer side of the fence, but in another moment it was on the In­ side. 1 had brought my rifle to my shoulder at the first sound, and. seeing that whatever it was had got in be­ hind the fence. I let drive. I could hear a prolonged rattle of accouterments as the line of sleeping men arose, and their rifles sounded like a modern machine gun. The field officers went hurrying about, and the company officers formed their meu. In a few moments they were all stand­ ing in line ready for another volley, but the second volley was never fired. The clouds broke away from before the moon so that we could see what was going on before us, and we found there was nothing going ou. No sign of an Apache appeared. The order was given to break ranks, and within ten minutes the men were dow’n on the ground again, most of them snoring loudly enough to keep a sentry from hearing any more tinkling tin plates. I was relieved soon after and joined the chorus. The next morning our commander called up the guard of the night before and asked uiTwho had fired the warn­ ing shot and at what he had fired. I confessed that I was the man and had fired at something white down at the other end of the wire fence. “Something white!” he exclaimed contemptuously. “Did you ever know a redskin to wear anything white? No Indian, no Apache certainly, would wear anything that could be seen on a dark night.” I was dismissed with no other rep­ rimand than this, if it could be con­ sidered a reprimand, and went off to a campfire where my men were cooking breakfast. “What were you men on guard fir­ ing at Inst night?’’ asked one of the men. • “Apaches,” I said, putting on n bold front. “The moment I fired they ske­ daddled down the hill under cover of the darkness.” “How could you see them in the da rk ?’’ This stumped me. but further re­ mark was unnecessary since the mys­ tery was solved by Sergeant Connover. “What he was firing at,” he said, “was a boiled shirt of mine that I washed after we bivouacked last night and hung on the wire fence to dry. And Just look at it.” he added, producing the article; “It’s riddled!” “Serve* you right.” said 1. “for hang­ ing your shirt on a menus of defense.” BUTTER W R A P P E R S AT TH E HERALD O F F IC E L . H arlo ck er, Isaiah Had- er. L . I I . H azard , R . E . S h in e . C r o c k e r W o o l w o r th N ’ I B a n k , S a n K ran » F i r s t N a t 'l B a n k o f P o r t l a n d , P o r t i a i «I. R. S. K nowlton , President G eo . A. R obinson , Vice-Pres. R- II. M ast , Cashier. Farmers Merchants Bank and C0QUILLE, OREGON Op ned for Busmes March. 18 9 0 CORRKSPONDENTS! Ladd & niton Bank, Portland National Park, New York :■ u u -¿r:- First National Bank, San Francisco First Trust & Savings, Coos Bay V ’ :: - Gi 4 9 \ u -T -I U 4 ^ 5 jy OI.D RELIABLE—EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS STEAMER BREAKWATER fi" ALWAYS ON TIME Sails from Portland at 8 P. M., Every Tuesday Sails from Coos Bay Feb. 14th 1:00, Feb. 21st 7:30 a, in., Feb. 28th 10:30 a. m. Ticket* on sale to all Eastern points and information as to routes and ratess cheerfully furnished W.L. K0LM. Agm t ■ <* Phone Main 181 « .L h Fred V o n P eg ert KîME & VON PEGERT General -lacksmithing. Wagon Making,* Machine Work, Pattern Making and Casting, Yutomobile Work, Roseburg Myrtle Point Stage A n d A u to Lin e Lcavts Myrtle Point 5 a . m. Arrives Ro6cburg, next day Leaves Roseburg Op m. Arr. Myrtle Pointby 10 p. in. Make reservations in advance at Ow I Drug Store, Marshfield. Carrying Baggage and United States Mail « J. L. LAIRD, Proprietor Office at Laird’s Livery Barn, Myrtle Point, Both Phones ■ DO Y OU Use your TELEPHONE to advantage? I W H Y NOT? It is cheaper to TALK than to TRAVEL. We hone tell stations in Coos and Curry Counties and connect with the Bed system at Roseburg Coos B ay Home Telephone Co Main Office Marshfield, Oregon I I i r* If you are to hit what you aim at. A IM THROUGH US People should know what you have to offer and we have the means of = = = = = telling them. = = = = = An Ad. from you in this paper will reach buyers who buy, isn’t that sufficient ?