Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, February 17, 1914, Image 1

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    ♦J The Herald, the old estab­
lished reliable newspaper of
the Coquille Valley in which
an “ ad" always brings resultt
VOL. 32,
T he C oquille H erald
Fraternal and BeneVoIent Orders
F. & A. M .— Regular meeting of
• Chadwick Lodge No. 68 A . F. & A.
M .. at Masonic Hail, every Ka'urday
night in each mouth on or before the
full moon.
I). D. 1’ iek ck , W . M.
R. H. M a s t . Secretary.
E. S.— Regular meeting of lleulah
• Chapter No. 6, second and fourth
Friday evenings of each month, in Ma­
sonic Hall.
M a r y A . P ierce , W . M.
A nna L aw rence S e c.,
O. O. F .— Coquille Lodge No. 63,1. U.
1 . O. F ., meets every Saturday night
n Odd Fellows Hall.
C. H. C l e a v e s , N. G.
J. 8. L aw r en ce , Sec.
a m ie r e b e k a h l o d g e , n o . 20
I. O. O. F., meets every second and
fourth Wednesday nights in Odd Fellows
E m ily H e r s k y , N. G,
A n n ie L aw r e n c e , Sec.
C z I. O. O. F„ meets the tint and third
Diuraduy nights in Odd Fellows Hall.
J. 8. B arton , C. I\
J. 8 .L awrence , Sec.
n ig h t s
C O Q U I L L E , C O O S C O U N T Y , O R E G O N , T U E S D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 17, 1914.
N O . 21
p y t h i a s . — Lycurgus
Lodge No. 72, meets Tuesday nights
in W . O. W . Hall.
R. R. W a t so n . K R . 8.
O. A. M inton ye , C. C.
P Y T H I A N SISTERS— Justus Temple
t No. 35, meets first and Third Mon­
day nights in W . O. W. Hall.
Mas. G eorge D a v is , M . E. C.
M rs . F red L ineuar , K . of li.
Condensed for the Quick A s-
similation o f Busy Men and
W o m en —General Round­
up of a W id e Scope.
Rich radium ores have
found in Russian Turkestan.
New and important discoveries of
oil have been made in Mexico.
Confucianism has been ioimally
adopted as the state religion of
A Denver engineer has a plan for
raising the Titanic by the use of
powerful magnets.
Among the bequests made by the
late Lord Slrathcona is one of $500,-
000 for Yale University.
Interest to Those W h o
Patronize the Movies
E. E. Rittenhouse Heads New
Move to Prolong Human Life
The national convention of mov­
ing picture manufacturers, at Cin­
cinnati, resolved that no more than
; two reels should be shown for five
cents and that ten cents should be
charged for four reels. This is said
to be the beginning of a movement
to fix the lowest price at 10 cents,
as soon as practicable.
A man named Fritz Schindler,
said to be an American, while try-
iug to photograph a lion at night in
the jungles ol Africa, lor the movies,
was attacked by the lion, and
though the man’s companions were
able to save him from immediate
death, be was so badly injured that
he died a few hours later.
A love tale in picture that will
appeal to every woman with a sym­
pathetic heart is George Kleine’s
Photo Drama “ The Last Days of
Pompeii” which is announced for
February 21, at the Scenic.
Bulwer Lytton’s famous novel is re­
produced upon the screen with
amazing fidelity and none of the de­
tails of one of the greatest love
stories ever written is missing.
The Grand announces some com­
ing features that should be well
worth seeing.
Reduction in Star Route Service
Events of Interest Reported
For The Herald
(By J. E Jones)
P E R Y E A R $ 1 .5 0
Preparation of a Presidential pri­
mary bill as advocated by President
ED M E N -C oqu ille Tribe No. f t , 1. Wilson will begin at once.
O. R. M ., meets every Friday night
Mohammed Ali Miiza, the de­
1 n W. O. W . Hall.
J. *», B arton , 8achem.
posed Shah of Persia, it is reported,
A . P. M ill e r , C. of R.
will visit this country in May.
W . A.— Regular meetings of Bea-
You may see an eclipse of the
. ver Camp No. 10.550 in M . W . A.
sun this month— if you get to the
Hall, Front street, first and third Sat-»
urdavs in each month.
H o ff Defends His Action
Antarctic continent by the 24th.
C. D. H udson , Consul.
L l H . I r v in e , Clerk.
The United States now stands
O. P. Hoff, state labor commis­
N. A .— Regular meeting of Laurel third in the list, for naval power,
• Camp No. 2972 at M. W . A . Hall, Germany second and England first. sioner, who has been ihe subject ot
Front street, second and fourth Tues­
much unjust criticism because he
A bill to keep out immigrants
day nights in each month.
is enforcing the law as it is bis duty
M a r y K er n , Oracle.
who can not read and write has
E dna K kli . s y , Rec.
to do. requests the Herald to give
passed the House by a vote ol 240
O. W .— Myrtle Camp . N o . 197,
publicity to the following:
meets every Wednesday at 7:30 to 140.
Much adverse criticism having
m. at W . O. W . Hall.
Three revolutions are in progress been made because of my determi­
E. RITTENHOUSE Is president of the new Life Extension Institute,
Lee Currie, C. C.
Incorporated under the laws of the state of New York. He Is con­
J ohn L e n e v e , Sec.
this week among the turbulent nation to enforce the eight hour
servation commissioner of one of the big life Insurance companies of
American republics— Mexico, Peru law on public works, the same as
the country and as such Is an expert on life statistics. The Institute
fc - meets second and fourth Monday and Haiti
Is an unusual organization. It Is started with the purpose of attempting to
nights in W . 0 . W . Hall.
lengthen human life by applying modern science. The method to be followed
O ra X . M a u r y , G. N.
A new Southwestern trunk line that the work of the Bureau, which Is fhp same ns that applied to ordinary machinery -Inspection and repairs.
M a r y A. P ierce , Clerk.
of railroad is planned, to begin at is dealing with what is today the Any person, whether an Insurance policy holder or not, may have an exuininn-
made of hts_j)U>,si'N»U:o««lUlon for the purpose of prolonging his life. For­
ARM ERS UNION.— Regular meet­ Grand Junction, Colo., and end at
greatest question before the Ameri­ ttnn
ings second and fourth Saturdays in
mer President Taft is chairman of the board of directors.
can people— the labor question,
each month in W . O. W . Hall.
F r a n k B u r k h o lu k r , PreB.
A German aviator has made a should not be hampered by wrong
O . A. M into n yk , S ec.
world's altitude record for a flight conclusions. The laws coming un
r a t e r n a l a i d n o . 398, meets the with four passengers.
He attained der my jurisdiction to enforce, like
second and fourth Thursdays each
all laws, are enacted by the people
a height of 9350 feet.
month at W . 0 . W . Hall.
M rs . C h a s . E v l a n d , Pres.
of this state, either direct through
I ncrease in Parcel Post Business Swamps Contractors and
M rs . L ora H arrin g to n , Sec.
have agreed to put through, at this the initiative or by the legislature
Makes Service More Expensive
I am not responsible for the same.
Educational Organizations and Clubs session, the bill for establishing ru­
When an act is passed it is either a
ral land credit for farmers.
That there is danger of attempted with the approval of the Interstate
L E AG U E — Meets monthly at the
Secretary Bryan has directed good law, a faulty law, or no law
reduction of star route service in Commerce Commission, after inves-
High School Building during the school
year for the purpose oi discussing edu­ American Minister McMillan
cational topics.
Lima to recognize the new provis­ be enforced for its value; if a faulty various sections of Oregon is ,be | ti&a,ion’ ,0 reduce the rates and in-
R ena A nderson , Pies.
law it should be enforced that the warning note contained in a letter I crease the weight limis. In making
ional government of Peru.
E dna M inaku , Sec.
reductions, the Depaitment estab­
faults may be seen and cured; if no
An aeroplane race around the
recently received here from formel lished the same rate for the 150
O K E E L K L U B — A business men’s
law at all or its iatent obscure, it is
social organization. Hall in Laird’ s world is being planned for next
for the Supreme Court to decide. I Senator Jonathan Bourne who ad­ mile zone as for the 5o mile zone
building, Second street.
year, to start from and end at the
A . J . S herw ood . P te s.
believe all good men and women on vises that prompt protest should be This gave patrons ol long star
F red S l a g le , S e ..
Panama-Pacific exposition.
sober second thought will realize made against any such move. This routes a rate that is below the
The million-dollar oil tank steam­ that it is my sworn duty to see that is a matter ot interest particularly freight rate, thus throwing into the
Piresident; J. C. S a i a g e , Secretary
er Frank H. Buck, the largest un­ the laws are enforced. ‘‘Trimming” to Eastern Oregon and coast coun­ mails much matter that would ordi-
der the American flag, was launched by officers settles nothing. I should ties having much star route mail naryily be hauled in freight wagons.
Transportation Facilities
last week at San Francisco.
Senator Bourne takes the view
know what the law means and the service.
R A IN S—Leave, south bound 9:00 a.
Moses Friedman, superintendent people whom it effects should know
m. and 3:00 |
As every one knows, the adop­ that the original 50 mile and 150
il):4 0 a . m. and 4:40 p. m.
of the Carlisle Indian School, has what it means. It is my duty to tion of the parcel post resulted in mile zone should have been retained,
OATS— Six boats plying on the Co­ been suspended as the result of an
enforce the labor laws, and I believe enormous inceases in the amount of with rates that will be self support­
quille river afford ample accommo-
dation lor carrying freight and passen investigation by a Congressional the right thinking people of the mail, especially for delivery within ing, and that if the Department
gers to Bandon and way points. Boats committee.
state, when they understand the short distances. The government made a mistake in establishing one
1 eave at 7 :30, 8 :30, 9 :20 and 9 :30 a. m.
and at 1 :00, 3 :30 and 4 :4o p. m.
A new version of the Jewish Bi­ situation, will hack me up in doing is trow considering h ijs lor new rate for the two distances, it should
on which Hebrew scholars have so, but whether they do or not, be- star route contracts and it is cer­ uot try to avoid the consequence by
TAGE— J. L. Laird, proprietor. De­
parts 5 :3 0 p. m. for Roseburg via been engaged for six years, is near­ ievitig I am right, I shall go ahead tain that the compensation asked reducing or discontinuing the ser­
Myrtle Point,carrving the United Slates
He contends that people
by bidders will far exceed the vice-
O . P. H o f f
ing completion and will be issued
mail and pasengers.
State Labor Commissioner. amounts paid in the past. It is an­ who have gone out on the frontier
OSTOFFICE.— A. F. Lint-gar, post­
ticipated that in an effort at econo to make their homes and develop
master. The mails close as follows:
King F'erdinand of Bulgaria
Has Trouble Unloading
Myrtle Point 8:40 a. m. and 2:35 p. m.
the Department will either the latent resources of the country
Marshfield 10:15 a. in. and 4:15 p. in. plans to visit the United States in
the letting of new contracts are entitled to such encouragement
Bandon and way points, Norway and April, accompanied by politicians
(Port Orford Tribune.)
Arago 12:45 p. m. Eastern mail 4:45
or will reduce the frequency of ser­ and assistance as the government
a. m. Eastern mail arrives 10: a. m.
can give, in the matter of mail ser­
who will study American condi­ Itogue river last Saturday and land­ vice from daily mail to three times
vice and says that patrons of star
C ity and County O fficers
to twice or once a week, or, in some routes should not consent to any
Mayor....................... ........... A. T. Morrison
General Jacob Seebler Coxey of
J. 8. Lawrence
and tb» freight was taken in small some instances, discontinue the diminution of service on account of
Treasurer..................................|R. H. Mast Masillion, Ohio, declared a week
any unwise acts ol the administra­
service altogether
City Attorney.................... Is. A. Liljeqvist ago he will be in Washington, D boats to the end of the wharf that
Engineer.........................1*. M. Hall-Lewis
In his parcel post bill, Senator tive officers of the government.
Marshal............................... C. A. Evernden C , May 1, with half a million uu
Senator Bourne’s letter is the first
As one of the Bourne provided for eight zone
Night Marshal.......................John Hurley employed men, a new Coxey’s fixed to raise it.
distances, the first two being 50 intimation received here that there
Water Superintendent . 8 . V . Epperson
Fire Oliie;...........................Walter Oerding Army.
to onload, a sack of sugar slipped miles and 150 miles, respectively. is danger of delay in letting con­
Councilmen—D. D. Pierce, C. T. Skeeis
Attorney General
W . C. Laird, G . O. Leach, W . H . Ly­
to one side and a sailor stepped to The hill also authorized the Post­ tracts or probability of effort to cur
ons, Leo J. Cary. * Regular meetings has filed a Sherman law suit to
master General, when experience tail service. It will serve to place
tirst and third Mondays each month. break the Southern Pacific’s control recover it with the result that the
boat was upset. The two seamen demonstrated the desirability, and the people of Oregon on their guard.
over the Central Pacific Railway
Justice of the Peace .........J. J. Stanley
that manned it with its conteuts,
Constable............................. Ned C. Kelley aud its subsidiary Pacific coast
Not School Holiday
Lost Her Deckload
consisting of three sacks of sugar,
state lines.
County Judge
John T. Hall
Two biplanes for the army and
The Siuslaw must have some i The last legislature has pass-
Commissioners— W . T. Dement, Geo. J.
and eight or teD «acks of rolled
navy are being made at the factory barley, were spilled into the ocesn. water craft of the same kind that ed a law which will cause school
Clerk ................................ James Watson
near Los Angeles, and the utmost One sailor climbed on the over­ have he. n reaponsihle for scaring children of this state to have three
Sheriff.................................................. W . W . Gage
Treasurer..........................T . M . Dimmick secrecy guards the details of con­
turned boat, while a rope was the liver and lights out of passen- less holidays during the year. Lin­
Assessor .......
T. J. Thrift
The Florence co|n’B birthday (February 12th),
School Supt..............Raymond E. Baker struction, as they are said to em­ throwD to the other, and as the lat­ gers on this river.
A . N. Gould body u?w features.
West reports that the Beaver recent- Washington’s birthday (February
F. E. Wilson
Health Officer.............. Dr. Walter Culin
Former President Taft, last week wharf, and when he bad nearly ly rolled down and spilled a lot of 22nd) and Columbus Day (October
Some 20« 12) are the three days which in the
in addressing Amherst College stu- I reached the top of it his hands freight iD to the river
dents, described William D. Hay- slipped arid he went down with a sacks of flour, 20 of middlings and future will not he legal holidays for
Societies will g e t the very best
on . her public schools, but a portion of , each
, 0 , had , been
, piled
1 ,
wood, I. W. W. leader, as “ repre- splash. However, the men were 14 of sugar
upper deck, and when she got out . . . .
sentiog a type of Lnionism led by rescued without further mishap, al- from the wharf she listed until the of sald dai N aha11 be Het a*,art and
at the office o f Coquille Herald
the red flag and without God or | though all the freight in the boat whole business slid off into the be observed in the public schools of
the state by a| propriate exercises.
was ruined by the salt water.
<IJob Printing— N ew presses
new material and experienced
workmen. A guarantee that
Herald printing will please
1 lie most sensitive people on the
lace of the globe are the Japanese,
and it is known to a few Washing­ Transpiring in Oregon Boiled
Down to Least Number of
ton statesmen who have shared the
confidence ol the President that Mr.
Lines and Y et M ake the
Wilson regards the Japanese ques­
Subject Understood.
tion as one of the most set ions
clouds on the diplomatic horizon.
This is "Child Welfare Week”
Japan is no longer an objept ol throughout the state.
terror to the American government,
The Hood River county court
but it has assumed an attitude of an
faces the chance of another recall
offended nation, Lrec. use of the re­
strictions placed upon its citizens
The old Hoffman House at Eu­
by America. No end of explana­
tion appears to convince the Japan­ gene is to be remodeled and made
ese that the federal government is into a firstclass hotel.
W. M. Ladd is entering upon his
not supposed to regulate the legisla­
tion of its separate Males. Congress twentieth year as president of the
has bent its knee to the will of Portland Y. M. C. A.
President Wilson, just as it did to
The savings and time deposits in
the demands of former Presidents the banks of the state increased
Taft and Roosevelt, in the refusal about $5,000,000 last year.
to pass legislation offensive to the
A Story-Tellers’ League has been
government of Japan. The question organized at the Portland Library.
was forced upon the House of Rep Meetings will be held twice a month.
resentatives by the immigration bill,
John H Mathews, a veteran cav­
to which Congressmen Baker aud alryman died at the Shldier’s Home
Hayes of California alterapted to at Roseburg on the nth, at the age
add amendments excluding Asiat of 74
ics fiom our shores. Congress ap­
Dr. S Hamilton, one of Rose-
pears determined to uphold ils reg
butg’s old citizens and for many
ulaily constituted representatives,
years a prominent business man
and the Republican leader, Mr there, is dead.
Mann, has stated this position very
Ray Littlefield, who was serving
clearly, in the following words:
iu the Lane county jail for
‘While I do not have the greatest
has been pardoned by
pride in the present State Depatt
Governor West.
ment, I feel that in conducting our
The third annual Oregon Irriga­
relations with foreign countries I
am bouud to rely, in the first in tion Congress met in Portland last
stance, at least, upon the State De­ week. Delegatas attended from all
partment.” To a careful observer sections ol the state.
this appears a clear definition ol
The lumber carrier Navarro, ply­
Washington sentiment; inasmuch ing between Portland and San
as the most positive foes of the Ad­ Francisco, will be equipped with
ministration have adhered exactly passenger accommodations.
to this policy in all foreign matters,
Montaville Christian Church is
including onr attitude toward Mex­ without a pastor, Rev. S. H. Kim­
ico. In the Mexican situation there ball having tendered his resignation
have been more reasons lor out­ alter nine months in the pulpit.
breaks of differences than have oc­
The whistling buoy which went
curred in relation to any of cur adrift from off the mouth of Coos
other foreign relations. This is be­ Bay was picked up at Vancouver
cause of geographical conditions; Island, having drifted 350 miles.
inasmuch as three of the states of
An organization nas been formed
our Union border upon Mexico.
for the purpose of advocating the
These states have six Senators and
commission form ol government for
thirteen Representatives, with con­
the state, abolishing the legislature.
continually supplying
The keepers of pool rooms at
them with antidotes for the relif
were acquitted of the charge
of Mexico, and our own people on
of keeping open on Sunday, brought
the border.
by the “ Law and Order League.”
‘ D O M E STIC FO R CE ” A N D "D O M E S ­
Lane county has employed a
County Agriculturist at a salary of
The action of President Wilson $1500 a year, to assist the farmers
compltsh much. The United States in the best methods of farm work.
iu lifting the embargo on arms is
The Corvallis Creamery Co., of
far more significant than the mere Portland, has been fined $50, after
act ot "feeding” guns and ammu­ pleading guilty to using borax in
nition to the Mexicans. It estab­ butter and selling misbranded
lishes in a measure the policy of butter.
the American government, which
An attempt to open a pool hall at
while reserving its good offices for
Halsey brought on a fight in and
the benefit of our troubled neigh­
before the council, and on a tie vote
bors, has recognized the fact that a
the mayor decided against issuing
mere change of personel of officials
the license.
at Mexico City is not likely to ac-
Governor West says that the; :
government has practically deter
mined that "civil war carried to its penditure of $ 137 . 5 ° ° from
bitter conclusion” is the solution of game protection fund last year was
the Mexican problem, and that be­ too much, and he recommends that
fore Mexico can resume her full in­ $100,000 be the limit.
ternational responsibility that it
must feel the full consequences of
"domestic force” which in time
must be succeeded by "domestic
counsel.” Every friendly sugges­
tion on the part ol the United States
or other powers has been repudiated
by the country to the southwest.
Washington has decided to Let Mex­
ico fight it out.
The independence of the Philip­
pines may still be a cherished hope,
and the Overman resolution, if it
should succeed, is intended to ease
the way. This resolution provides
that the neutrality of the Philip­
pines, in the event of any war "be­
tween nations of the earth,” is to be
provided for by treaties. The reso­
lution declares as a matter of policy
that the Philippines should be inde
pendent as soon as it is possible to
confer such independence on them
in justice to themselves and with
honor to the United States. It is
(Continued on fourth page)
Three Copperfield liquor dealers
have begun suit against Governor
West and Colonel Lawson for the
destruction of their wares at Cop­
perfield. $8000 damages are asked.
An attempt is being made to
choke off the Eastern lecture bureau
which has been selling graduating
addresses, orations, essays, etc., to
the students at the state university
to be used as their own.
The County Court of Douglas
County has let a contract to the
Cowlitz Bridge Company ot Port­
land to erect a bridge across Cow
Creek, at Quine’s Creek, several
miles above Glendale.
The price
is $2197.20.
Major Morrow writes to the pres­
ident of the Port of Siuslaw that he
has submitted bis report to the
Chief of Engineers on the cost of
completing the jetties at that port,
as originally planned, and that the
sum total of the additional funds re­
quired was $225,00a