ViHable all the time — Grand Theater. Deputy Sheriff Clyde Gage wag in MaigLIiuld Frida* night ou offi­ cial business. Get jour little girl a Ra n Cape at Lyons aud Jems. Mrs W H bhroeder is still seven« ly ill and suffering greatly. It can nut be said that she is improving. Mrs. Win. Vaughan and Miss Evelyn Vineyutd, of North Bend, OU know wlmt that means—Misery—Worn'—Big Bills—Debts! You know you can’t afford to get sick. visited friends iu this city for a Keeping in good health means food and clothing for you and your family. It’s up to you to take care short time Saturday. of yourself. It s up to you, whenever you don’t feel right, to take something to make you right, to strengthen Rents collected and property you, build you up, ward off worse sickness, protect you a n d y o u r f a m ily l That thing we have, and in looked alter by the Pacihu Real offering it to you we protect you against money risk, by personally promising you that if it doesn’t protect Estate Jo., M. M. Young, manager. you against sickness, w e’ ll give y o u b ack y o u r m o n e y w it h o u t a w ord o r q u estio n . It is— Four thousand feet of pictures every night at the Scenic. Coos coua'y’s share of tbe state automobile license fued, amounting to $91)0.21 has been received by Treasurer Ditumick Lirge stock of Gutdeu seed tbice packages for 10 cents at Knowltons TO GET QUALITY IN THE PRESENTS YOU BUY YOU MUST Drug Store. COME TO THE QUALITY JEWELRY STORE. ALSO COME TO THE STORE WHERE YOU HAVE A MAGNIEICIENT LINE TO SE­ It is stated that the ptoductiou LECT FROM. IF YOU CANNOT MAKE UP YOUR MIND WHAT of coal at the Riverton mine is now It Is the B e s t Rem edy TO GIVE, COME TO US AND WE SHALL CHEERFULLY HELP W e M ak e O ur Living Y OU MAKE A SELECTION AND AID YOU IN SENDING SOME­ When you are run-down, no matter what the cause. 3000 tons a month, an increase of out of the drug business right here in your town. It is our duty to give THING DIFFERENT. AS OUR STORE IS SO PEOPLE COME TO US you the best remedy we can for whatever ailment you may have, and It doesn’t merely stimulate you and make you feel good for a few 200 per cent stuce a *ear ago. TO BUY THEIR WEDDING PRESENTS. hours, but takes hold of the weakness, and builds you up to a healthy, business sense demands that we recommend nothing unless we know it’s normal condition. Lyons k Jones have tbe shelled good. Pecans, Almonds and Peanuts; tiy It is a real nerve-food tonic, a real builder of healthy nerves, rich W e know Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion is good. We believe it is the blood, strong muscles, good digestion. them. best builder of health, energy and strength there is made. We know it is It contains the Hypophosphites, to tone the nerves and give energy, Mrs. R. J. Coke, formerly Miss greatly helping many of your neighbors. We believe that it will make and pure Olive Oil* to nourish the nerves, the blood, the entire Bystem, you well and strong again, and save you money and worry in the end. and give vitality, strength and health. Baibsra Bettys, of Fairviaw, now It is pleasant to take, the greasy flavor of the Olive Oil having been We feel it is good business for us to recommend Rexall Olive Oil a resident of southern California, Professional Cards removed. Emulsion and get you to use it, because we know you’ll thank us after­ is visitiug relatives in the county. For you who are tired out, nervous, run-down, debilitated, weak, ward for making our confidence in it so plain that you didn’t hesitate PH Y SIC IA N S emaciated—for convalescents—for old people— A lores of men have been employ­ to take us at our word. We also feel sure that once for puny children—we recommend Rexall Olive Sold only at the 7000 you have used it, you'll be as enthusiastic about it as Visable all the time — Grand ed during tbe present week iu re­ Stores—the World's Oil Emulsion as the best medicine we know of to we are and will recommend it to your friends. Read Greatest Drug Stores -$1.00 a bottle Theatre. DR. JA S . RICHMOND pairing the beach walk which was make and keep you well and strong. our money-back guarantee and get a bottle today. Sold in this town only by us Physician The heav* winds Sunday Dight damaged by the high tides about a Surgeon Office in Kichmonri-Barker Bldg. put the telephone lines out of com­ month ago.—Bandon Surf. Office Phono Main 211 mission. Northern grown seeds, fresh and W e G u a ra n te e T h is R em edy to Relieve a n d S a tis fy Y o u — o r Y o u r M o n ey B a c k Try those nice Salted Pecans and thoroughly tested 3 papers for 10c We don’t want your money unless Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion really helps and satisfies you. Knowltons Drug Store. Peanuts at Lyons k Jones. Dr. C. W. ENDICOTT If it doesn’t, come back and tell us, and we’ll give back your money. We believe it will pro­ L. H. Hazard and L. A. Liljeqvist D entist Register at County Clerk’s office tect your health—if it doesn’t, the money is yours, and we want you to have it. represented Coquille at the smoker and then see B. Folsom and sign Office over First National Bank given to Major Morrow, of the gov­ Phone Main 431 Road Bond Petition. ernment engineers at the Millicoma Four good garden lots, east of LAW YERS new bridge, $050. Inquire Pacific club in Marshfield last Friday night. Real Estate Co. l-20-4t List your property with the Pa­ A. J. SHERWOOD Register at County Clerk’s office cific Real Estate Co., M. M. Young A ttorney at L aw and then see B. Folsom and sign manager. First National Bank Building Word has been received of the Rooms 2-3-4 Road Bond Petition. Thursday night at the Grand— accidental death in South Carolina of W. H. Watson, once a resident L. J. LILJEQVIST Oliver Twist in four reels. A ttorney at L aw The Coquille river steamer fleet of Marshfield, and the father of Mrs. First National Bank Building went to sea last Wednesday, after C. B. Stallard, of Coaledo, and Mrs. erxjaJLZ M e a n s "KING OF ALL” ~ O u r s is The Coquille, Oregon being storm-bound for several days. J. J. Cameron, of Lampa. Full stock of grass seeds at Jason F. Miller, of RivertoD, was W ALTER SINCLAIR in town Thursday. After about five Visable all the time — Grand Clarence Cuniogham was quite Knowltons Drug Store. A ttorney at L aw The Ladies' Aid of the M. E. years' residence on the river, Mr. Theater. severely injured last Thursday by Notary Public Coquille Church will meet Thursday after­ Miller is preparing to go to Tehama In spite of the unusually heavy being struck in the face by the han­ noon at 1 sharp, with Mrs. Oscar county, California, where he will storms for the past week, the mail dle of a winch at the Cedar Point E. D. SPERRT try the farming in that vicinity. Nosier. has been arriving with very little J boom. The blow broke his nose A ttorney and Try a pair of “Red D Loggers The Western World, of Bandon, delay, for which the contractors and cut a deep gash in his cheek. C ounsellor at L aw announces that it haB ordered a should receive the hearty appreci­ It also knocked him into the river, at Lyons & Jones. Office in Robinson Building and but for the prompt assistance A very heavy wind storm pre­ linotype machine, which will soon ation of this community. vailed Sunday night, but so far as be received. The World is already The onion sets we bandle are pro­ of a companion he would have beeu W. C. C H A S E beard from no serious damage was one of tbe best weeklies in tbe duced by au expert in that line on drowned. A ttorny at L aw couDty. done. soil beat adapted to that purpose From all accounts the late fresh­ H. O . ANDERSON Office in Richmond-Barker Bldg Call and examine our stock of and from thb best Strain of onions et has made a good cleanup of all The Herald has to thank J. S garden seeds and onion sets before They are the best. Knowltons Drug logs above tide-water on all forks C. R. BARROW Barton, of the Title Guarantee and buying your Beads. Knowlton's Store A ttorney and C ounsellor at L aw Abstract Co., for a very convenient Edgar McDaniels, of the North Da vid SwiDg Ricker, a specia of the river. Those from the south 3SE □ BE 3BE Office Phone 335 fork have been coming out aud memorandum calendar for 1914. Bend Harbor, was in the city be­ writer for the Oregonian, is in this down the river, to be boomed far­ 1 Residence Phone 346 Very choice onion sets, tbe best it tween traiDB yesterday, bis sublime couoty, having come in over the ther down, while tbe north fork lot is possible to produce, Knowltons failh in this Balubrious climate be­ Middle fotk route accompanied by is being held, to be released later. J. J. STA N LEY Drug Store. LAWYER ing shown by the fact that he was his wife. They walked the most of The river has been running bank We are offering for a few days your Richmond-Barker Building Reports from the Bay show Sun­ epuipped with neither overcoat nor the wav aud acquired much data as full at this place for several days choice of a big lot of ladies shoes, priced Coquille, Oregon to the condition of the roads. day night’s storm must have been umbrella. regularly at $3.00 and $3.50, good stand­ with very little variation. It wus more severe on that side than this. Just feceived a large slock of Saturday night at the Grand— at its highest point, by two or three ard shoes at, for your choice damage was done by Clover, Alsike and Rye Grass seeds Trail of the Serpent; Like Darby inches, at noon today, but was fall­ LyoDS & Jones have the Red D ¡Considerable all other seeds used by dairy­ and Joan; Surrender; Ratifera. $ 1.60 Loggers Shots; calked, $8.50, with­ i tbe high wind on the bay and ¡Diets. and ing at Myrtle Point. men, Knowltons Drug Store. out calks, -------- $800. «------------- Also a few pair of good standard chil­ The Coos County Grange Associ­ Get your butter wrappers at the The jetty lights at Bandon have been receiving the idiotic attention dren shoes at ation will meet at Bandon Thursday The Library Catarrh Cannot Be Cured Herald office. of tbe miscreant with a gun, and w ith LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as the» f afternoon. An address by Dr. C. cannot reach the seat of the disease. Ca­ F. Hodge, of the U. of O., is on the E. S. Geer, of Marshfield, who four steamers were delayed in sail­ A meeting of the executive board tarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you m ust take In­ program. was sentenced to three months in ing last week by the fact that the of the Public Library was held last ternal remedies. H all’s C atarrh Cure la AT SKEELS’ OLD taken internally, and acts directly upon jail selling liquor to a minor and lights had been put out of commis­ evening to make further arrange A big log jam formed in south was for the blood and mucous surfaces. H all’s sion by tbe malicious marksmen. afterwards paroled and later STAND C atarrh Cure Is not a quack medicine. It Coos river in last week's freshet, ments as to the opening of the li­ w as prescribed by one of the best phy­ brary and to draft rules for the sicians In this country for years and Is and it is said to contain 4,000,000 bad bis parole revoked for gambling Fine Dairy Ranch on Daniels a regular proscription. It Is composed of the best forties known, combined with the feet of logs from tbe camps above was brought over Saturday by Sher­ creek, 160 acres, improved, with handling aud giving out of the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the stock. $10,000, $3000 cash, balance books. A committee was appoint­ tion last F'riday evening. In addi­ iff Gage to serve his time. mucous surfaces. The perfect combina­ tide water. Child M anagem ent. terms to suit without interest. Pa­ ed to draft such rules, and it was tion of the two ingredients is w hat pro­ 1 don't like punishments. You will tion to the regular eighth graders, duces such wonderful results In curing Rain Capes and Hats at Lyons k cific Real Estate Co. l-2l)-4t Friday night at the Graud— catarrh. Send for testim onials, free. resolved to purchase some more all sixth grade pupils had been per­ never torture a child Into duty, but a F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Props., Toledo. O. Pawnee Romance; Half Wit; Trail Jones. Get one for your little girl Mr. and Mrs. VV. II. Laird and books with the funds available. mitted to write on Physiology while sensible child will dread the frown of before school starts. Sold by Druggists, price 75c. Judicious mother more than all the Take Hall’s Family Pills for constipation. of Steel, io two reels. daughter formerly of Coquille left Arrangements have been made for the seventh grade pupils had tried a rods, dark rooms and scolding school­ R. S. Koowlton has secured the on tbe Speedwell, and will go to the opening of the library room their bauds at Geography. This mistresses In the universe.—White. exclusive local agency for the Lu­ the San Juan Valley California three afternoons and three evenings an ext’a heavy group of pa­ ther Burbank Co. aod «ill have tbe he expects to engage in farm­ of the week, on alternate days made pers lor examiners to handle. handling here of tbe products of the where in partnership with a brother. with Mrs. T. M. Dimmick in charge. Each of the the towns of the county Calilornia wizard. He will shortly ing Mr. Laird is a brother of Geo. P. Last Saturday’s “ book shower” re­ had a large class of applicants for have a stock of the Burbank flower Laird seeds and will take orders for any er. of this city.—Bandon Record­ sulted in the addition of quite a diplomas with the exception of number of volumes to the library. Marsfield. North Bend had twelve other seeds or bulbs of the new The “California Rodeo” picture pupils in the examination and all varieties. Banquet for Cates Premium Hams at the Scenic was far the best passed without condition; niueieen Visable all tbe time — Grand shown and most satisfactory round-up film at Myrtle Point and thirteen Theater. Invitations are out for the ban­ wrote Premium bacon ever shown in these parts. The quet passed; Bandon had eighteen ap­ whicy will be tendered to Lew plicants and photoplay was clear, and the camera A. Cates passed; Coquille, by the Commercial Club, ten applicants two and Silver Leaf Lard men bad followed the different inci­ and eight passed. The satisfaction my work dents to their conclusion, which has at Woodmen’s hall on Thursday The successlul pupils from the is giving is the best evening. Quite a long program of RATES: One cent a word, each in­ not been the case in the Pendleton school were Pearl Willord, guarantee you can have speakers and more or less mythical local sertion. No charge less than 15 cents' Round-up pictures. Violet Stanley Fernery, — that you are taking no subjects is given, and the menu has Curry, Painter, FOR SALE—A new live room Tbe local police officers were on an Pearl Long, Zelma Strang, chances when you come attractive look. This banquet Jack Leach and Edna Bungalow in a good location on bunt last Saturday night for a girl Robison. to me for your glasses. is a graceful method of honoring a All of these pupils are planning tbe easy payment plan. See B. Give me a trial. In do­ Folsom. 1-31- tf who had left her home on tbe north gentleman whose residence here, to enroll in high school at once. fork without tbe consent of her though short, has left Its mark on ing so you are protected 3 LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING Rooms parents. The were accompanied In addition to the regular eighth by a money back guaran­ for rent. Apply to this office. by the girl’s father, and she was the community. graders, Coquille had fifty-eight pu­ tee. Consultation and -------------- . <»«------- • pils who wrote on one or two sub­ OREGON CHAMPION Gonsilterry finally located at one of the picture examination free. Eighth Grade Exam plsnts two years old for ssle, 10 shows. Tbe young lady is just un- jects. F^ach of these pupils passed cents each. Also a few thousand in the subjects taken. strawberry plants. $5 a thous­ d tr eighteen years of age, and her The county eighth grade examin­ - «••- - DlSTHiniTOHS 1 ing board finished examining tbe case will come before the juvenile and delivered at traiu or boat l State Licensed Optician papers for the January examina- Have you paid the printer? Cash only. Bert Seal. r-9-4tp court later. THE QUA, OF OUR WEDDING PRESENTS 'o/vttPP „ O liv e O il Em ulsioN IS NEVER QUESTIONED W . H. SC H R O ED ER JEWELER MERELY MENTIONED Fuhrman’s Pharmacy Coquille Oregon iSZSZSZSZKSZSZSZSZSZSZ^^ BEDSTEADS SPRINGS AND MATTRESSES To Reduce Stock Half Price P. E. Drane ^SWIFT'S I I I i I The Best I I W. F. PETETT WANT COLUMN Ask Vour Grocer L Nosier & Norton _ ■ ■ ■ ■ • ■ ■ ■ • ■ ■ ■ ■ I W. F. PETETT