Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, January 27, 1914, Image 2

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T h e C o q u i lle H e r a ld
Entered as second class matter May
8, 1905. at tlie post otlice at Coquille,
Oregon, underact of Congress of March
8, 1879.
I*. C. LEVAK, Lessee.
Devoted to the material and social
upbuilding o f the Coquille Valley par­
ticularly and o f Coos County generally.
Subscription, $1.50 per year in advance
Phone Main 354.
The Taylor Evangelistic company
will begin a series of Union Meet
ings at the skating rink, beginning
Sunday. The company consists of
the following persons.
Geo. W.
Taylor of Los Angeles, Evangelist.
Prof. Clarence E. Lane, his assist­
ant and musical director.
Paul 13.
Taylor, Soloist. Mrs. Taylor, Cor-
netist and leader in personal work.
Mr. Taylor has proved himself an
unusually successful evangelist and
the churches feel themselves fortu­
nate in having secured him.
The largest chorous of voices
ever heard in Coquille will sing in
these meetings.
The skating rink will make a fine
place to hold the meetings, and the
building will be comfortably heated
and seated with chairs and church
pews. A large attendance is confi­
dently expected.
— «•*-•-------- ----
An Umbrella Mystery
The paragraph about the lost um­
brella is hoary with age, but here
is a glimpse of the other side of the
shield. One day last week the edi­
tor of this paper went to the post
office for his mail, got it and re­
turned straight to the office, calling
nowhere either going or coming.
Then he unhooked the umbrella
from his left elbow to stand it in its
usual place in the corner by the
door, when he was much surprised
to find the corner already occupied
by his own property. A second look
at the umbershoot in his hand
showed that it was an entire stran­
ger that he never saw before in his
life. Where he acquired it is still
an unsolved mystery. We would
be glad to have the owner, if there
be one. call and get it—but we
loaned it to IJ. A Folsom during
one of Sunday’s showers, and
haven’t seen it since.
A i ■ r.TTl A P A
r i X
T\rr!TP S A J 1 L
L i
No such Extraordinary Bargains * LI I A R1 FN7
"will b© seen Rg'Rin for onotilier ye^r ^
l e a d in g
and A. J. Sherwood, was appointed
Basket Ball
to audit the books. James Watson
made a nice talk in appreciation of
The Coquillo High School basket
Mr. Cates’ services to the club and | bull team made a trip to Myrtle
to the community, for which servi j Point last Friday night aud detest­
ces he had declined all compensa- : ed the High School team there by a
tion, and his remarks were enthusi­ score of 25 to 19.
Coquille took
astically concurred in by all those the lead from the beginuing uml al­
present. Mr Watson suggested that though Myrtle Point put forth lots
as a mark of appreciation and es­ of energy and some good playing
teem the club tender Mr. Cates a they were unable to turn the score.
banquet before his departure, and The basket shooting done by Miller,
the suggestion was adopted, the ocuter fur Mrytle Point, was a fea­
chair appointing Messrs. Watson, ture of the game. Out of eleveD
Cary, Morrison and foul baskets tried at by him nine
Lamb as a committee on arrange­ were made and some of bis field,
goals were of the sensational kind.
Action was taken looking to the
The local boy were not used to
repair of the large sign at Marsh­ a hall as large as the one in which
field which was erected last summer they were playing (and let us bay
by this city, Baudon and Myrtle here that Myrtle Point now has an
Point, and was wrecked by a high excellent hall) and at first were
wind in the fall.
The secretary was instructed to
correspond with the proper officials
of the Breakwater and the local
railroad in an endeavor to elimin­
ate the delay in the receipt here of
freight from Portland.
Among the speakers were H. W.
Young, the new proprietor of the
Sentinel, J. C. Smith, of the state
Agricultural College, and Mayor
Morrison, the latter urging every
one to register and sign the good
roads petition.
Bar Dredge Arrives
After five years ot waiting from
the time the appropriation for her
construction was made, the bar
drtdge Col. P. S. Michie arrived at
Coos Bay last Wednesday and was
received with much noisy welcome
by the optomistic citizens of that
part of the county, some o f whom
hope that her work may have some
effect in deepening the channel on
their bar. On Saturday she went
down and sucked up a load of sand
which she took to sea and dumped,
but it is not intended to work regu­
larly on the bar during bad weathar.
Curry Pioneer Passes Away
Mrs. Caroline Forty died Sunday
at the home of her daughter, Mrs,
Bentz, at Bunker Hill, at the age ot
86 . She was the widow of George
Forty, who died a number of years
ago. They formerly lived at Pott
Orford, where two sons, George
and Charles still reside. She had
been making her home on Coos
Bay for about ten years.
Comic Opera Saturday
School Notes
On Saturday evening next, at
Masonic ball, the comic opera, “ The
New Minister,” will be presented
under the direction of Mrs. Geo.
Leach for the benefit of the South­
ern Methodist church. There are
filty people in the cast, and rehears­
als have been in progress for more
than two months. The opera is full
of fun from start to finish, Mr. Geo.
Leach, an oldtimc favorite in Co­
quille, being the “ big Scream.”
There is good singing, good com­
edy and good music. The following
are among those participating in
the play: Geo Leach, Frank G.
Leslie, C. E- McCurdv, Melvin
Kern, Earl Leslie, Perry Lawrence,
Aaron Wilson, M O. Hawkins,
Miss Myrtle Lnnd, Miss Beulah
Price, Mrs, Frank G. Leslie, Mrs.
Kate Watson, Mrs. J. S. Lawrence
Reserved Seat Tickets on S:le at
Fuhrman’ s Drug Store.
—— — *•» -
Do not fail to hear Dr. Hodge of
Oregon University at the court
house Thursday evening at 7:30.
The lecture will be over in time for
the Commercial Club banquet.
somewhat at a loss to loss to locate
the basket. Leslie played in hard
luck us to making baskets but play­
ed a fine guarding game. Kern is
coming to the front as a forward
and played a good game.
showed up with all of his former
style, while the way Miller and
Watson guarded their men left
nothing to be desired.
The points were made as follows:
ForM rrtle Point iu the first half,
Miller made one field goal and five
foul and Dement one field goal.
In the second half Miller made two
field and four foul goals and Rnck-
liff one field goal. For Coquille in
the first half Leslie made one field
goal, Kern two and Oerding two
field and two foul. In the second
Leslie two field goals; Kern two and
Oerdiug one and three fouls.
“ Bucky” Mast accompanied (he
team in capacity of referee in place
of Walter Oerding, and did him­
self credit considering it was his
first game.
A double header will be played
here next Friday evening when
Ban Ion comes up to play the local
High School and Kiverton will meet
the Firemen. The former will be
tbe firBt league contest which the
people of Coquille have had an op­
portunity to witness
At Norway Saturday eveni ng the
Riverton High School boys took
the Norway Athletic club down to
defeat on their own floor by a score
of 18 to 7, in a fast roogh game.
This makes three consecutive wins
for the Riverton High boys, as they
had won from Bandon, 24 to 10, at
Bandon, and had beaten Norway 14
to 19 on the home floor. The River­
ton High was unfortunate in not
being included in the league, but
will eventually secure some open
dates. The boys are young to play
athletic clubs, but they are willing
to play any team anywhere They
look forward to their game with the
Fireman at Coquille Friday evening
as another easy victory.
The Riverton boys will play tbe
High School team at Marahfieid on
Feb. 6 th, and they are endeavoring
to arrange a game with North
Beud for the same trip.
Various members of the public
speaking class 1 ave appeared before
the high school assembly during the
past f»w days. Verna Phillips and
Ben Herscy have both given read­
ings. On last Thursday morning a
pantomime was given representing a
scone in a dentist's office. Perry
Lawrence represented the dentist,
George Oerding, the mao with a
Skin Grafting Operation
toothache, Mary Fuisonne, the little
girl with a bad tooth, and Naomi
(Western World)
Knnwltnn, the little girl’s mother.
A very delicate skin grafting op­
The eelectiuu was excee lingly well eration was performed at Emergency
givoo and was highly appreciated. hospital yesterday when Dr M nn,
Proffossor Pitman, who is doiDg assisted by Drs. Leep unJ Gale,
extensive work for the Oregon state transplanted eight square inches of
Normal, will deliver a lecture in cuticle from Oscar Farris and Miss
Coquille on Wednesday evening, Wilma McLeod onto the face of
Feb. 4. The place of the meeting Joseph Doyle, the 18 mouths old
Commercial Club Meets
j will be published later. Iu addi­ baby of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Doyle
The Commercial Club held a well tion to the evening lecture. Mr. of Bills creek, who two w<eks ago
attended meeting last
Tuesday Pitman will address the high school last Monday fell onto a hot stove,
evening and several matters of im­ students in the morning and the severely injuring hirasdf. The lit­
portance were discussed.
teachers in the aft«rncon.
All tle lad hsd been terribly burned on
Secretary Lew Cates proffered his teachers from surrounding districts the right side and his right hand
resignation, made necessary by his as well as others interested are cor- will be disfigured for life. His face
coming departure, and Prof. How­ dially invited to the address to on the right side was so badly burn
ard was appointed to fill the vacan­ j teachers which wiil he given at the e l that his was drawn out of
cy for the present. Secretary Cates school bouse at three o ’clock in the position. The operation yesterday
reported $157 50 in the treasury,
Examinations began yesterday. was performed in the hope of re­
and at his request a committee, con­ . The first semester closes next Fri- moving the condition and prevent­
sisting of C A. Howard, L J. Cary I Jay.
ing permanent disfigurement.
Ko-Keel Klub Meets
A large and enthusias it meeting
of the Ko Keel Kluh was 1 eld Mon­
day eveuing at the club rooms
The by-law banishing intoxicat­
ing liquors in every shape and lorm
from the club* rooms was unani­
mously adopted. There was not a
single dissenting vote.
There were a number of new ap­
plications for membership. Those
who had been ported a sufficient
length of time and who were voted
on aud elected were John W. Mil­
ler, Harry Oerding, Periy Law­
rence and Waller Oerding.
The party of tile 17 th inst was
such a marked success, it was de­
cided to give another on the even­
ing of Feb 14 th, St Valentines day,
and the committee having this in
charge are Fay Jones, Robt. Wat­
son, John Paulson, Hall Lewis and
Dr. Endicott which assures an en­
joyable time.
“ Another Landmark Gone”
Tbe Marshfield dailies contain ac­
counts of the blowing up of one of
the old wrecks on tbs mudflats op ­
posite that town, and an astonish­
ing variety of information as to the
identity of the wreck was gleaned
from the “ old residents.” The bones
of two steamers rested on the flats,
though one collection had nearly
disappeared beneath the surface.
One was that of the stern-
wheel bay steamer Messenger, which
should be remembered by all the
old settlers. She used to ply be­
tween Empire City, then the county
seat, and Utter City, then a flourish­
ing village at tbe head of steamboat
navigation on
Isthmus slough,
where she made connections with
the Isthmus Transit railroad and
handled the traffic, from this side
She was one of the first good pas­
senger boats on the Bay, being pre­
ceded by the Coos, a small side­
wheeler. One night she took fire
while lying at the Dean & Co. lock
and was cut loose, drifting across
the channel to the mudflats, where
shg burned to the water's edge. She
left her remains about opposite the
present Beaver Hill coal bunker.
The other wreck was that ol the
tug Escort, which was built at
Marshfield by John Howlett and
which towed vessels on the bay and
over the bar for many years under
command of Captain James Magee,
probably the best bar-tug man on
the coast. J. F Dunham, after clos­
ing his sawmill near Coaledo, was
engineer on the Escort in the early
eighties. The old Escort was built
on wonderfully graceful lines and
Bhe was one of tbe prettiest craft
that ever navigated the water. To
see her coming up the bay under
full speed was an artistic treat. She
also “ handled well,” and the writer
has many times seen Captain Magee
lay her alongside and parallel with
the dock, so close that the deck-
h >nd could step ashore, but not
touching tbe wharf until the line
was out. Through niggardliness of
the owners, her boilers came to be
in a chronic state of weakness and
finally they blew lip one day oppo­
site the Marshfield waterfront, and
she was deposited on the flats op­
posite town, quite a distance north
of the Messenger wreck. Later the
bull was burned to the water’ s edgo
Now the timbers have fo be re­
moved, as the channel is to be
widened by dredging.
o u t f it t e r
Use Electricity
Services Suuday ut 1 1 a . 111 . aud
7:30 p. m.
Suuday School at 10 a. m.
Frank H. Adams, Paster
It Saves
M. L Church
Sunday school at 10 a. m
Preaching at 11 a m.and 7:30 p.m.
Prayer meeting Thursdays at
7:30 p. m. C H. B r y a n , Pastor
Christian Science Society
Corner Third and Hall stieets.
Services at 11 a w. next Sunday
Subject lesson sermon, 1 Love ”
Suuduy School 10 a. m
Wednesday evening meeting 3: '0
The cost of installing is little, coYnpared to
the convenience and benefits derived.
Get an estimate on wiring
your house, Today
M. L Church South
Sunday school at 10 . a m.
Preaching Suuday 11 a. tn. and
Epwotth League at 6:45 p. m
Prayer meeting \fred 7:30 a m
Choir practice Thurs. 7:30 a. tn.
A. T h o m a s , Pas'oi.
Services first and third Sundays
Suuday school
every Sunday at 10 a. m.
You are h i *1 lily wile
List Your Property With
Pacific R ea l Estate Co.
Bible school at 10 a m.
Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. m.
Prayer meeting at 7:30 p.m. each
Preaching at 11:00 a. tn. and 7:30.
p. m.
You are cordially invited to all \
these services
Farm Lands, Timber Lands, Residence and
Business Property. Houses for Rent
M . M. Young, Mgr., Coquille, Ore
T. B. McDonald, Minis er j
Sti\ Elizabeth
Regular as the Clock
San Francisco
a n d Bandon
First-class fare only............... $7.50
Up freight, per ton................. 3.00
E. & E . T . K ru se
24 California Street. San Francisco
Use your TELEPHONE to advantage?
It is cheaper to TALK than to TRAVEL.
For Reservations
We have toll stations in Coos and Curry Counties
and connect
system at Roseburg
C oos B with
a y H the
om Bed
e Telephone
Main Office
Miss Rita Stratum, who went to
Monmouth to attend the Normal
School, but was stricken with along
and severe spell of sickness, arrived
in Pt rt Orford a few days ago on
her return to her home at Wedder-
Editor Stewart aud latntly expect
Marshfield, Oregon
Agents, C oquille, O regon
Trespass notices printed on cloth
shingle mill. In his plant he now
has two gasoline engines and will and worded in keeping with law,
for sale at the Herald office.
to return home by the first
shortly install another one.
arriving at Bandon from San Fran­
Haagensen’s plant when fully
Notice to Taxpayers
equipped will be second to none in
Coquille, Oregon, Jan. 1st., 1914.
The blockaded roads caused a its line in the State.
Tax. s for the year 1913 will be
two days delay in the delivery of
due and payable Jan. 15th., 1914.
the paper mail last week, but ever 5 -
If not paid by the 1st. of April, 1 per
thing is running smoothly again
cent, a month for every month there­
after will be added until Sept. 1st,
Reports from Washington indi­
when 10 per cent penalty w 11 ,'also
cate that attorney J. M. Upton, of
be added.
Marshfield will receive the appoint­
No rebate allowed.
ment as Register ot the Roseburg
Tax bills will be mailed upon re­
Land Office. Monroe has hosts ol
ceipt of description of property on
friends in Curry who would be
I which you desire to pav taxes.
pleased to see him “ knock the per­
1 9 4t
County Treasurer.
It is said that everything comes
to him who waits. W. Sutton had
a barn, used only as a shelter to
stock, which lie intended to move
•o a more suitable location last fill,
but decided to wait until spring.
Last Saturday mornieg it was
moved without any effort on his
part, std now instead of occupying
35 feet square of ground it covers
an area ot about five acres. It cer­
tainly spread itself
Rooms in Connetion
In tbe Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Coos County
Alex ion Building
East End First St.
Mary Hart,
George E. Hart, I
Defendant. J
$1000 FR EE
(Gold Beach Globe)
Under the able leadership o! Piof. IF I FAIL TO C ure any f;ANCE8 ui TUMOR
Backensto, the Gold Htach Marine POOR CURED AT HALf PR'CS OR FREE
The Brownsville glove factory
Band is making rapid progress in NO KNIFE, O
will be moved to Albany.
No X
R*y or other swindle
band second to none in the Stale.
3 -d a y painle»* plaater|
(From the Port Orford Tribune)
O, P. Haagensen is now refitting or
or body long is CANCER.
Until Lest
and installing new machinery in Stage Pains
•ent free; testim o nia ls '
his wood work shop In I.anplnia, of
never again to depart Irom his trade,
null wright and general wood work. I BELIEVE IS ALWAYS CANCER, and ALWAYS ooltonS
glands in the armpit and K I L L S Q U I C K L Y
He now has in his shop two plan­ deep
I swear we hgve C U R E D lO .O O O . Go see some
, ers, band
saws, circular saws,
Old Or. ft Mrs. CHAMLEY ^
tinning lathe and other machinery
A B 438 Valerias St.. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL.
with fully equipped KINDLY MAIL this to somoona with CANCER
Any Lump "Women's Breast
To George E. Hart, the above named
In the Name o f the State o f Oregon
You are hereby notified that you are
required to appear in the above en
titled Court and answer the complaint
on file against you in the above entitled
action within six weeks from the 23rd
day o f December, 1913, and if you fail
so to appear and answer on or beforr
the 3rd day ot February, 1914, the last
day o f the time prescribed in the order
for publication o f this summons, for
want thereof the plaintiff will apply to
the Court for the relief demanded in
in said complaint, and will take ju dg­
ment against you for a decree dissolv­
ing and anulling the marriage contract
now existing between you and plaintiff
and for her costs and disbursements
Service o f this summons is made by
publication in pursuance o f an order of
the Honorable R.G. Morrow, presiding
Circuit Judge o f Coos County, Oregon,
dated the 20th day o f December, 1913,
and directing that the same be pub­
lished once a week for six successive
weeks in the Herald, a weekly news­
paper o f general circulation published
at Coquille, Coos County, Oregon.
C. F. M cknight ,
Attorney for Plaintiff.