Extra Large Nothing Small Hi“h Firemen The first practice game of tbe G R A N D T H E A T E R season fur the local High School 6000 fEET TONIGHT ALL NEW NO REPEATERS A Devilish Doctor, Comedy _ 1 Rosita’s Cross of Gold, A Beautiful Romance of sunny Italy O Koina-San, Japanese Drama The Statue, Comedy A n Unexpected Meeting, a funny one From Mine to Mint, An educational feature showing how gold is mined and made into coin Door open 7, Pictures 7 :1 0 C / ty Visable Theuter. <Ó0?n£. ^ 7n£cC¿c¿nz_ fé i J& at'eoát? D o not neglect your cold. It may develop into pneumonia, pleurisy, congestion, consumption and death. W hen you catch cold, “catch” your cold in time to overtake it. You can quickly relieve your cold if you take the right kind of medicine in time. Remember, we do not fill prescriptions with old poor drugs; we use only pure, fresh drugs, and fill your prescriptions exactly as prescribed by your physician. Come to OUR Drug Store FUHRMAN’S PHARMACY TH 1 R E X H L L P rofession al Cards S T O R E MERELY MENTIONED P H Y S IC IA N S Z. T. Siglin was over from the Bay on Friday. DR. JAS. RICHMOND Physician Surgeon Office in Riehmond-Barker Bldg, Office Phone Main 211 Dr. C. IN. ENDICOTT D entist Office over First National Bank Phone Main 431 LAWYERS all the time — Grand Mrs. Cor* Wilson, of Bandon, was in town Saturday on business. The Farmers Union is planning for a big meeting at Myrtle Point on Feb. 7th. Try those nice Salted Pecans and Peanuts at Lyons k Jones. George M. Brown has announced bis candidacy for the attorney gen eralship. A. J. SHERWOOD A ttorney at L aw First National Lank Building Rooms 2-3-4 Mrs. Fred Minard was a passen­ ger to Marshfield Saturday for a short visit. L. J. ULJEQVIST Misses Claire and Gretchen Sher­ wood visited friends in Marshfield several days last week. A ttorney at L aw FirBt National Bank Building Coquille, Oregon Four good garden lots, east of new bridge, $G50. Inquire Pacilic Real Estate Co. l-20-4t WALTER SIN CLAIR A ttorney at L aw Notary Public Visable Theatre. Coquille E. D. SPERRY ATTORNEr A N D C ounsellor at L aw Onice in Robinson Building W. C. C H A SE A ttorn y at L aw Office in Riehmond-Barker Bldg C. R. BARROW A ttorney and C ounsellor at L aw Office Phone 335 Residence Phone 346 J. J. STANLEY LAWYER Riehmond-Barker Building Coquille, Oregon A heay gsl6 prevailed off the coast last Friday and at 8 a. m the wind waa blowing G5 miles an hour at Cape Blanco, and the barometer was d o w D to 28.70. At Coos Bay the glass stood at 28.82, which was so extremely low that the steamer Breakwater did D o t leave f o r Port­ land oo her schedule •SWIFT’S all the time — Grand Prices 5c & 10c Visable Theater. all the time — Grand List vour property with the Pa­ C. C. Eviand has been under the weather lately and was dowu town cific Real Estate Co., M. M. Young manager. yesterday for ibe first time iu four Fine Dairy Ranch on Daniels days. creek, 1G0 acres, improved, with People who do not wear cast iron stock. $10,000, $3000 cash, balance shoes are complaining of the amount terms to suit without interest. Pa­ l-20-4t of broken glass wbich litters the cific Heal Estate Go. sidewalks in two different places Rain Capes and Hats at Lyons k near the junction of First and Hall Jou-B. Get one for your little girl before school starts. streets. Ed Aason, who was hurt last week by falling from the log chute above town, having lost his balance from stepping on a piece of loose bark, is on duty again, somewhat the worse for the accident. Try a pair of “ Red D Loggers” at Lyons k Jones. The new 1914 Ford car which has been received by Fred Slagle, tbe agent here, was the object of much interest when it appeared on the street yesterday, and much favorable comment was heard, all the new features of this popular car appearing to meet the approval of the numerous experts Get your little girl a Rain Cape at Lyons and Jones. A Marshfield butcher was offered Australian beef at 9 cents f. o. b. San Francisco, and this would in­ Visable all the time — Grand dicate that some relief is in sight for those who like an occasional Theater. The Herald is informed that many taste of fresh meat. Mrs. E. D. Howe, who recently friends of Z. T. Siglin are urging underwent a serious surgical opera­ him to enter the ring as a candidate tion at Mercy hospital, has so far for the county judgeship, and that recovered as to able to return to while he is not inclined to scrap for her home iu Marshfield, which will the place, he is in a receptive mood. be good news to her friends in this Mr. Siglin is an old settler and one of the best known men in tbe coun­ city. ty among tbe older residents, and Four thousand feet of pictures bis friends are all those who know every night at the Scenic. him. Mrs. E. A. Howe went to the Bay --------------a «a > a---- Friday to take the Breukwater for Licenses to W ed Portland, on her way to Bemidji, Minn , where she will join Mr. County Clerk Watson issued the fol­ Howe and make a visit to her moth- lowing marriage licenses during the week: They expect to return here Henry Gustafson and Mary Ann late the spring. Johnson. Later dispatches, since the first Carl Sigurd Ekhalm and Ina page of this issue was printed, in­ Mary Widlund. dicates that the loss of life in the Clifford C. Faircbiles and Isabelle Japanese earthquake and eruption Brunner. was greatly over estimated in the Clyde W. Loveland and Lillian the first accounts received, and was McIntyre comparatively slight. Sentinel Changes Hands Lyons & Jones have the Red D Loggers Shoes; calked, $8,50, with­ Mrs. Myrtle Pounder and Miss out calks, $8.00. After having, in the poetical Gladys Howe went to Marshfield G. G. Gill, of Dora, aged about words of his last editorial, “ guided the Coquille Valley Sentinel safely Friday afternoon to visit friends. 44 years, was brought to town o’er the shoals and through the Emmett Pierce, who has charge Thursday by Z F. Young, suffering breakers into a land-locked harbor,” of the Simpson camp at Tarheel from mental derangement. He was Lew A. Cates evidently began to poiut was in town Friday on busi­ examined the same day by Judge long for the free breezes and spank­ ness. Hail and Dr. Culin and was com­ ing seas of the big open water, and he has relinquished the helm to Rents collected and property mitted to the asylum at Salem. W. H. Young, who arrived here last looked after by the Pacific Rea) E. A. Folsom on Friday received week and made a quick deal with Estate Oo., M. M. Young, manager. a telegram from Portland bringing Mr. Cates tor tbe newspaper. Mr. Young comes here from John Jeffreys, who recently the sad news of the death in that Woodburn, where for the past two bougi-v a farm at Gravel Ford, has city Thursday night of Mrs. Fred years he has conducted the weekly been called to Pomeroy, Washing­ Folsom, formerly Miss Bonewitz, of Independent, wbich he sold a short ton, by the serious illness of a Myrtle Point, where she and her time ago. Prior to coming to Ore­ sister. husband resided until going to gon, he had been in the newspaper j business at Independence, Kansas, Since La France went to the pen­ Portland about three years ago. for thirty years, and his journalistic itentiary to serve his sentence of Lyons & Jones have the shelled j experience covers a period of forty one to five years, his wife has ap­ Pecans, Almonds and Peanuts; try ! i years. His fami ly, which consists of a wife and two daughters, a son plied to the Multnomah county au­ them. Sheriff Gage started this morning and tbe son’s wife aud two children, thorities for a pension. will come here as soon as Mr. The people of Coquille are invit­ by way of Marshfield for Salem in Young can secure a suitable house ed to a “ book ehower” to be given charge of four candidates for quar­ for a residence. The new editor of next Saturday afternoon and Even­ ters at tbe penitentiary. These in­ tbe Sentinel has made a very favor­ ing at th» opening of the public cluded \V. C. Payton and W. C. able impression on all who have met him, andthe Herald predicts library in the city ball The hours Spencer, convicted of forgery; Frank that he will bewell liked and will are from 3 to 10 p. m. and every VaughD, convicted of horse-stealing, get out a good paper. one is urged to come and bring a and Mrs. Lottie Cappious, who goes Mr.Cates, during bis year's stay book suitable for library use or a up for a murderous attack on a man berehas certainly caused a rattling Marshfield. Tbe woman's hus­ among tbe journalistic dry bones, subscription to a good magazine. band accompanies the parly, and Si and has proved himself a live wire Noah will also assist the sheriff in in the newspaper business, or io any other which be may tackle. He conveying the bunch. expects to get his business dealings here rounded up sometime next week and will then go to Cottage Grove to look after property inter­ RATES: One cent a word, each in­ ests there, after which he will prob­ sertion. No charge less than 15 cents' ably go to St Louis, where a very attractive offer has been made for 3 LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING Rooms him to come back to a position he for rent. Apply to this office. formerly held there. He and Mrs. OREGON CHAMPION Gooseberry Cates have made uiany friends here plants two years old for sale, 10 and both will be missed. cents each. Also a few thousand Boon Jilted, Probably. strawberry plants. $5 a thous­ ••Only tbe brave deserve the fair/* and delivered at train or boat. ‘Maybe. But It's tbe rich who get Cash only. Bert Seal. r-9-4tp them."—Boston Transcript "1 WANT COLUMN Premium Homs Premium Bacon and Silver Leaf Lard I I I I The Best I I Ask Vour Grocer Nosier & N orton, L D I S T R in U T O R B | FOR SALE OR RENT—The 100 acre Farm on Lampa Creek in the Coquille Valiev known as the Green Place, is for sale or rent, preferably a sale. About 90 acres of fine bottom land,mostly seeded 7 ft noroo ..rv U I l l 1 J - J 70 acres of ft fine hill ^ land, seeded for pasture. Good two-story bouse and fine barn. An ideal dairy farm. Close to Coquille Riv­ er and two county roads intersect near the house For particulars inquire of JAMES T. GREEN, 305 E. Telegraph S t, CarBon City, Nevada, 12-16-4t basket ball team was played Friday night with a team representmg the Firemen, which rrsubed in a victory ?,‘ir with a score of 37 to 24. The Firemen played good fast game and at the end of ibe first half the score stood 1G to 14 iu their favor. But in th second half tbe school tt am wok up a little and slipped over several neat ones on their opponents. Al­ though this was only a practice game it emphasizes tbe fact that Coquille will be represented by strong High School team iu the coming league contests. With two exceptions the team is composed of the same players who last year made the splendid record of not losing a game tbe entire season and tbe new material which has taken their place is showing up in good shape. There is no reason why with the proper support and en couragemeut from tbe people, Co qutlle may not retain the ctiaaqion ship for another year and perhaps reuew Iasi year’s record. TbeFreshmen and Eighth graders played a preliminary game Friday night with the result that the grade team piled up a score of 12 points to the Freshmen’s 6. The High School bojs go to Myrtle Point next Friday to play their first league gurae and an ex­ citing time is anticipated. The Myrtle Point team took Bandon in­ to camp to the tune of 13 to 11 on tbe lGth and to all appearances they have a strong team. A boat will run from here to Myrtle Point leaving at 5:30 p. m. and returning after the game. A fare of fifty cents for tbe round ttip will be charged. The following Friday tbe boys play Bandon on tbe home floor. W o rk for the Fool-Killer Tbere is a tiue chance for the fool-killer to make himself useful in this vicinity by watching the power line between here and Myrtle Point and putting an end to the pernici ous activities of the irresponsible idiots who shew their skill with the rifle aud their lack of brains at tbe same lime, by shooting the insula tors off the Oregon Power Com­ pany’s poles. Myrtle l’oint was without lights one night last week from this cause. Tbeie is quite heavy penalty for this sort of mali­ cious destruction of property, and the Oregon Power Co. offers a re ward for evidence which will lead to the conviction of the guilty parties. They will probably be caught, sooner or later, for tbe in telligence to evade detection could not be expected of the persons who evidently belong to tbe class of young “sports” whose dream of earthly glory is comprised iu tbe possession of a rifle, a cayuse horse and a yaller dog. H ow M oney is Divided The Good Roads petitions now in circulation call for the following apportionment of tbe funds of $440,000 proposed to be raised: Seventy thousand dollars begin­ ning at a point on tbe Cooston- Peterson lauding survey nearest tbe Hardy coal bunkers and build on this survey to the road stake on the J. C. McCulloch ranch; thence via Haynes’ Slough to South Lake; thence around the east side of South Lake to Lakeside. One hun­ dred thousand dollars to be ex­ pended between Bandon and tbe Curry county line; the remainder or $270,000, to be expended on a road from Marshfield to Coquille and from Coquille to Marshfield; and from Bridge to Coquille via Myrtle Point. The last jury case before the Cir cuit Court was disposed of this at ternoon, and Judge Coke excused .1 .. ! I the jury with tbe infottnation that they might be called again later. Tbe last case tried was that of Cbas. Sneddon, of Marshfield, who had been adjudged insane by tbe countyxourt and had taken an ap­ peal. The jury decided that the old gentleman was sane, and be went home happy. RELY ON GOODS A N D JEWELRY THE PICTURE OF “ PRINCE CHARMING ’ AND THE SCALES TELL OUR BUSINESS METHODS. WE ALWAYS GIVE YOU EULL MONEY'S WORTH. OUR LONG EXPERIENCE IN BUYING JEWELRY AND OPTICAL GOODS HAS TAUGHT US WHAT A N D WHERE TO BUY. SO THAT WHEN YOU BUY FROM US YOU KNOW THAT IT IS CORRECT AND THE QUALITY IS SUPERB. WE WILL DO YOUR REPAIRING RIGHT. W . H. S C H R O E D E R JEW ELER STOVES ^ A N fezSZSZSZS£3S5£^ r Hi T o Reduce Stock We are offering for a few days your choice of a big lot of ladies shoes, priced regularly at $ 3 .0 0 and $ 3 .5 0 , good stand­ ard shoes at, for your choice $ 1 .5 0 Also a few pair of good standard chil­ dren shoes at H a lf P r ic e I P. E. Drane ST A N D a much on Tenmile and a timber The Then. Bergmann Shoe Mfg. claim, were also sold by tbe widow. Co , of Portland, is still growing. Recently, Harry G. Hoy, tbe Marsh­ During the year o( 1913 their out- field attorney, took up Ihe search . . . r - for tbe heirs and was successful in put showed an increase of 48 per j |ocaling the B0D Md daughter> cent, which is a remarkable record through the assistance of Bob Agers, They have taken out a permit to another former resident of Marsh­ enlarge their factory again, which field. Mr. Hoy informs the Herald will be good news to their custom­ that through the terms of the settle­ ment effected, the heirs recover the ers as it will enable the Company property, which is now quite valu­ to fill their orders more promptly able, while Mr. Seaman will be re­ in the future. imbursed for bis expenditures. J. L. Smith, of the O. A. C. who is now located in Coos county, is busy on tbe river getting acquaint­ ed and lining up his work for the assistance of tbe farmers. Got your butter wrappers at the Herald office. The case of the Fletcher heirs against A. E. Seaman, which was before thn cirruit court, has been settled out of court. This suit in­ volved the ownership of a piece of property in Marshfield which be­ longed to the late C. W. Fletcher at the time of bis death. He had been married in Marshfield, and bis wid­ ow afterward sold the property to Seaman. A search for heirs who were supposed to exist somewhere the East was unsuccessful, and Sold by Druggists, price 75c. Taka DiU's Family Pill« for constipation. A T SKEELS’ O L D iergmann Enlarges Factory two otner pieces of property, Figures published in San Fran­ cisco of the lumber receipts in that city from Oregon show that for the last two weeks in December Coos county easily led any other port ol Oregon, including Portland, in the amount of fir and spruce shipped to the Golden Gate. The fir and spruce lumber re­ ceipts at San Francisco from all ports on the North Pacific coast are as follows: Coos Bay __________ 3,311,000 Aberdeen __________ 4,350,000 A s to ria ____________ 1,600,000 Bandon____________ 1,738,000 Columbia R iver______2,241 000 E v e r itt_______ 400,000 Grays Harbor ____ __ 650,000 M ukiltio___________ 978,000 Port A n g e le s_______ 850,000 Seattle ___________ 600,000 Wills pa ............................ 1,190.000 Total ....... 17,908,000 w ith LOCAL, A P P L IC A T IO N S , aa they cannot reach the »eat o i the disease. Ca­ tarrh 1« a blood or com tltutional disease, and In order to euro It you m u lt take In­ ternal remedies Hall'« Catarrh Cure 1» taken Internally, and act* directly upon the blond and mucous surface*. Hall'» Catarrh Cure Is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best phy­ sicians In this country for years and Is a recular prescription. It la composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surface«. The perfect combina­ tion o f the two Ingredients 1» w hat pro­ duce* auch wonderful reault* In curing catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F . J. r i lF .N K Y A C O.. Prop»., Toledo. O. ^ SH. O. A N D E R S O N u 7letcher-Seaman Case Settled Catarrh Cannot Be Cured D RANGES Lumber Shipments from Coos - «•* - Jury Excused YO U C A N TH E Tuttle House Again open under new management Give us a call FRANK HOFFMAN Manager Every Part of the Art of UNDERING W. F. PETETT L A has had Our Careful Attention The satisfaction my work is giving is the best guarantee you can have that you are taking no chances when you come to me for your glasses. Give me a trial. In do­ ing so you are protected by a money back guaran­ tee. Consultation and examination free. It is our business, so it is necessary that we use the very best and latest methods to turn out the best work possible Oar service is at your command. If yon are not already a customer we would be glad to add you to our host of satisfied patrons. W. F. PETETT State Licensed Optician COQUILLE LAUNDRY & ICE C&