im i i Annual Clearance Sale t Í i EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED—EXCEPT CONTRACT GOODS Preparatory to receiving our Spring Stock we are offering fall and winter goods at the lov/est prices ever before quoted. W e need the room, you need the goods, therefore our mutual interests are served by these Temptingly Low Prices Ï Lorenz’ Annual Sale are an event in merchandising in this valley. Our determination is to carry no dead or out-of-date stock from year to year, but to make an annual clean-up of broken lines and all goods which are not of the always-staple lines and patterns. T q this end we make prices that will move the goods and keep our stoc k bright, new and attractive. It is our purpose to now eclipse all previous money-saving opportunities, many goods in the stock being priced at actual cost. It will pay economical buyers to make purchases now for advance use. Everything in the house except contract goods, have been greatly reduced in price for the balance of January, for cash only. SALE^ NX to his old place ns city en-1 T h e C o q u ille H era ld i Lewis giueer was submitted by Mayor Morrison to tbe council and was PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY ! confirmed. Entered at) second class matter May Ordinance No. 107 was passed, 8, 1905. at the poet office at Coquille, authorizing the city to issue city Oregon, under act of Congress of March improvement bonds in the sum of 8, 1879. $04114.15 for unpaid assessments for P. C. LEVAR, Leasee. the improvement of First street in Elliott’s and Motley’s addition. Devoted to the material and social upbuilding of the Coquille Valley par­ ticularly and of Coos County generally. Subscription, $1.50 per year in advance Phono Main 354, SAN FRANCISCO OR PORT­ L A N D - WHICH? An effort is being made to iuduce the merchants of this river to guar­ antee sufficient freight to pay a steamer of the Brooklyn's class to go on the regular run between this port and Portland. This means that trade amounting to some thousands o f tons a month of assort­ ed merchandise must be switched from San Francisco to Portland. If any one among the Herald’s read­ ers can give good reason why this should be doue, we will be glad to publish bis analysis of the situation. T o one who has watched the course of events iu this section for the past 38 years it seems that every consid­ eration, both of sentiment and busi­ ness policy, would dictate a contin­ uance of close trade relations with the city which has always taken our products, from which the capi tal has come for the development ot our resources, and in which our merchants and buyers have ; lways received treatment ot a liberality and courtesy, which call, il not for gratitude, at least for appreciation. Until 0. A Smith came into this country practically every entetprise requiring outside capital found its backing in San Francisco. The out- notable exception is the Southern Oregon Company, which was an Eastern enterprise and which has doue as much to hold this country back as any one human influence But never a dollar of Portland money has gone into the develop ruent of a Coos county resource; never a shipload ol Coos county ptoducts has found a market in Portlaud. Even the transportation facilities by which Portlaud has al­ ready drawn more profit from Coos county trade than she was ever en­ titled to have been furnished by- San Francisco or Southern Pacific capital The enterprises on this river today which require outside backing draw their strength from San Francisco. It isn't a bad policy for an individual or a community to stand in with those who stand in with them If Portland warns a share of the trade pickings on this river, let her subsidize a transporta­ tion line, if necessary, and compete for it. City Council The city council tuet last evening with a full attendance excepting Couucilnmu Pierce. The matter of establishing a pub­ lic hitching rack for the convenience of the country trade was up for dis­ cussion, and the plan proposed was to place it at the junctiou of First street (Elliott's addition) and Hall street, where a similar rack was once maintained, plat king the north side of the street from the present planking. The fact was reported to the council that George Robinson, who owns the two lots on the corner would object to the rack being placed there, aud the street com­ mittee was instructed to confer with Mr. Robinson on the project. The matter of the cinders from the mill was also discussed, but no action was t iken, th.- council being strongly averse to doing anvthing to embarrass the mill company, winch is expected to take some steps to abate the nuisance as soon as practicable. The appointment of P. M. Hall- Myrtle Point Pointers r ^ 1 8AT- Sesonable H E N THE R LE Y A D IN G L O U O R E N Z TFITTER r X, Remedies PR E SB YT E R IA N CHURCH. For the Coughs and Colds use A. D. S. PREPARATIONS ZD vV (P a fa rr/ t ¿Jetty a t 2 5 c is a scientifc, healing and deodorizing emollient i / «/ 1 C 'on y/ts , < 'Soltis, •S t i t ) S r o n c /tia f • A ffe c tio n s V i n e < T r p e c t o r a n t H e n t/to/izect\ a t 5 0 c is a well-tried and most efficient remedy * f o r O old s and £ a g r i p p e • A t ZD S Q o td a n d Z ta g rip p e , a t 2 5 c will be found to give immediate relief i ? «/ 1 ■ A ead acA e are very useful for relief o f the headaches arising from the clogged state of the system incident to a cold C o m p le m e n t A t ZD S A ie p a t i c S a l t s , a t 5 0 c furnish the laxative necessary in the treatment of a cold—an agreeable, effervescent Saline Laxative and uric-acid-solvent. IS N O W L T ON'S DRUG STORE — * 8 ir itv P Electricity It Saves Suuday school at io a. m. Preaching at 11 a in.aud 7:30 p.m 1 Prayer meeting Thursdays at 7:30 p. m. C. H. B r y a n , Pastor. Time Money Labor Christian Science Society Corner Third aud Hall streets. Services at 11 a. in. next Sunday Subject lesson sermon, ‘ Suuday School 10 a. m Wednesday evening meeting 8:00 The cost of installing is little, compared to the convenience and benefits derived. Get an estimate on wiring your house, Today M. E. Church South A t ZD aS A ie a d a c h e “W a f e r s , a t 2 5 c 'J A \ ecessa ry Use Services Sunday at 11 a. in and 7:30 p. in. Sunday School at 10 a. m. Frank H. Adams, Pastor. M. E. Church f f o r O a ta rr/t a n d O o/d in t/ie y^iead John Broadbent resigned his position at the Sugar Loaf Cream­ ery and took the last Bteamer from Bandon to Sin Fraueisco where he will remain for a while. Wo are sorry to say Mrs. Herman Lucker is very sick and on Monday the 19 th was removed to North Rend where she will undergo a surgical operation at the Mercy Hospital. The basket ball game between Myrtle Point and Bandon on Fri­ day the lGtli at the new hall erected where the dancing pavilliou was, bv 11. C. Dement, was won by the M . P. team, they coming out two points ahead. A fair crowd was in atten­ dance notwithstanding the inclemen­ cy of the weather. During the hard wind of last week four large panes of glass were blown from the new school bouse windows. Jus. Lewellen, who recently re­ turned from a trip north, took his depar'ure for Los Angeles on the last south Pound steamer. C. H. Southmayd is improving »lowly. OBSERVER SUNDAY SERVICES IN CUUUIEEE CHURCHES Suuday school at io. a. m. Preaching Suuday n a. m. aid 7=30- Epworth League at 6:45 p. m. Prayer meeting Wed. 7:30 a. in. Choir practice Thurs. 7:30 a. .n, A. T h o m a s , Pastor. OREGON POW ER CO. ST. JAMES EPISCOPAL. Services first aud third Sundi ys of each mouth. Sunday sch. ol every Sunday at 10 a. m. You are hraitily wile m . List Your Property With CHURCH OF CHRIST. CURRY COUNTY* CULLINGS (From the Port Orford Tribune) Miss Ruby Carey, of Coos county, bus been visiting frieuds aud rela­ tives in Port Orford during the p ist week. Editor H T. Stewart and family expect to return from their viait to Southern California on or in foie the first of February, which will be a great relief to the editor pro tern •is well as to the readers of tin Tribune. The County Court last week With Full Equipment f. o. b. Coos Co. granted the petition for n changi in the road from Knapp's Barn up It is advisable to place your Gold Run guleh, thence to or near the cemetery, aud thence to conuect order early to insure early with the present road at a point spring delivery. near the top of the Hubbard’s creel hill. Steve Merrill has tbe lumber on the ground and is preparing t build a cheese factory at Eucbri Coquille, Oregon Creek, on what is known as the D [ L Moore place, and hopes to hav. I it ready for tbe beginning of th dairy season. He expects to hav. . the milk from about 100 cows to begin with. Cleghora place, has given up his ped here from Portland. They will Fishtrap and Vicinity job aud came up Saturday intending live in the Frank Fish bouse for to remain on the place. Mrs Larue awhile, possibly during the remain­ Mr, and Mrs. Louis Pinkston and | is expected home in about two der of the winter. two children, Eunice aud Lena, weaks. Mr. aud Mrs, Larue are Miss Ethel Taylor is home again have been visiting frieuds nnd rela 1 now grandparents, as a little daugh­ for a week or 90 , as Mrs. Jenkins, lives at Bandon for the past week ter was botn to Mrs. Herbert Saf- n Whose home she is employed, is They report the weatLrr as being fell (there daughter) of near Los visiting on the lower river. Angeles, during Mrs. Larue’s visit extremely bad while there. Misses Belvs Pingston and Hazel Mr, and Mrs. Janies Robison liavi there Radabaugh visited over Sunday at been staying at Mr Pinkston’s plan School on Upper Fishtrap is their homes on Fishtrap. during the latter's visit at Ramlon drawing to a close, only a few more The Ladies’ Aid of this place held John Finel is Nile Miller had the misfortune to weeks remaining. their last meeting at the home of teacher, having taught a six months sprain his ankle very badly, while Mrs. Albert Fish. he and James Hammock were on term. The Farmers’ Union met at the their way over to Bear Greek, last Alva Taylor, who has been sick school house last Sattirdav, but as Thursday. with lagrippe, is still verv weak, there was no ie. cream and cake in Misa Violet Royer of Myrtle Point suffering from a bad cough, but is evidence, the turnout was not all is visiting at tbe home of Mr. and getting better, however. that could be expected. What is Mrs. W. Hammock, of Upper Fish- Mrs Tex. Robison has been visit­ the matter, are the men “ broke,’’ or tray, (Better look out Cassie.) ing her son George and family re­ | just getting economical, or are they Mrs. F. M Miller, or Auut Srril maining with them several days of getting tired of seeiog their wive»(T) da, as nearly everyone calls her, has list week. make pigs of themselves. Which been quite sick for several davs suf­ Mr. and Mrs. Rock Robison, who is it? fering with neuralgia aroutd the lecently came here, have been visit­ I wonder if the Earnest, tender heart. She is improving, however, ing in the home of Msrion C inton glances of s certain youug man of being able to be around again. for severs! davs After considerable this community is not balm for a J. B Larue,who has been working delay they have received their broken heart? at Bandon ever since trading for the household goods, which were ship­ NUF SED N EW 1914 PRICES Model T Runabout $600 Model T Touring Car 6 5 0 Model T Town Car 850 FRED SLAGLE P acific R ea l E state Co. Bih.e school at 10 a in. Christian Endeavor at (1:30 p. n. Prayer meeting at 7:30 p.m. caffi Wednesday. Preaching at 11:00 a. in. and 7:30. p. in. You are cordially invited to ill these services. T. if. McDonald, Minisi er Farm Lands, Timber Lands, Residence and Business Property. Houses for Rent M. M. Young, Mgr., Coquille, Ore. Str. Elizabeth Regular as the Clock San Francisco a n d Bandon First-class fare only.............$7.50 Up freight, per ton.............. 3.00 E . & E . T. Kruse 24 California Street, San Francisco F or Reservations NOSLER & NORTON I DO YO U Use your TELEPHONE to advantage? i WHY i I ■ NOT? It is cheaper to TALK than to TRAVEL. We have toll stations in Coos and Curry Counties and connect with the Be'l system at Roseburg Coos B ay Home Telephone Co. Main Office Marshfield, Oregon A gents, C oquille, O regon OVER 6S YEARS’ EXPERIENCE P atents I RADC M A R K S D e s ig n s C o p y r i g h t s A c . A n y o n e s e n d in g ft " k e tc h n n d d e s c rip tio n m a y q u ic k ly a s c e r t a in o u r o p in io n fre e w h e th e r an In v e n tio n is p ro b a b ly p a te n ta b le . Coim tm nlcft* t lo n s s t r lc f ly c o n f id e n t ia l. HANDBOOK o n I ’a t e u U sen t fre e. O ld e s t a a e n c y fo r s e c u rin g p ate n ts. P a t e n t s ta k e n th ro u g h M u n n A C o . re c e iv e tp ec in l n o tic e , w it h o u t c h a rg e, in th e Scientific American. A h a n d s o m e ly illu s t r a t e d w e e k ly, c u la fto n o f a n y s c ie n t if ic J o u rn a l, i o n u s. 93 a y e a r ; f o u r m o n t M , I L O o lU b y a ll n e w sd e ale rs. after will be added until Sept. 1st , when 10 per cent, penalty will also In th e C ircu it C ou rt o f th e S tate O regon io r C o o s C o u n ty be added. Mary Hart, | No rebate allowed. Plaintiff, | Tax bills will be mailed upon r • vs. }■ SUMMONS. ceipt of description of pr perly cn George E. Hart, I Defendant, j which you desire to pay taxes. To George E. Hart, the above nan T M DIM MICK. I defendant. 1-9 4t County Treasurer. In the Name of the State of Orej : You arc hereby notified that you required to appear in the above titled Court and answer the compla on file against you in the above entit action within six weeks from the ? day of December. 1913, and if you THE SKOOKU M MUNN & Co.3648'0“ «*- New York Branch Ottico, t>25 F St., W ashington. D. C. RESTAURANT Trespass notices ptimed on cloth and worded in keeping with law, for sale at the Herald office. Rooms in Connetion » «• - - Notice to Taxpayers A le x s o n Building East End First Si. Cw\uilte, Oregon, Jan 1st , 1914 Tax s for the year 1913 will be due and payable Jin. 15th , 1914 If not paid .by the 1st. of April, 1 p< i cent, a month for every month there G EO . C. T H E R A U PH OP ILETOH LT so to appear and answer on or bei the 3rd day of February, 1914, the day of the time prescribed in the or for publication of this summons, w-ant thereof the plaintiff will apply the ( ourt for the relief demanded in said complaint, and will take ju ment against you for a decree diss< ing and anulling the marriage contr now existing between you and plain and for her costs and disburseme herein. Service of this summons is made publication in pursuance of an order the Honorable R.G. Morrow, presid ( ireuit Judge of Coos County. Oreg dated the 20 th day of December, It and directing that the same be p lished once a week for six success weeks in the Herald, a weekly ne- paper of general circulation publisl at Coquille, Coos County, Oregon. 12-23-7 1 c. F. M c k n ig h t Attorney for Plaint