Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, January 06, 1914, Image 4

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Mungo Park’» Daring Plunge Into the
Heart o f the Continent.
Kills Germs
Kills Odors
Use it today - the
stronoest Lye in
the New Sifter Cen
L IT T L E Babbitt’s Lye and
a lot of water will keep your
home and barn free of all germs
and odors.
Why not try it today?- - and see
for yourself how easily, cheaply
and thoroughly it does the wotk.
W rite fo r booklet showing many
Valuable presents t r the
W rite fo r Catalogue
Highest in Strength
But N ot in
P r ice
You Use Less
It Lasts Louocr
B . T. B A B B I T T
P . O. Box 17 7 6
Mungo Park started out on ills Afri­
can exi>edltlon—the first serious at­
tempt that was ever made to explore
tlu* “ dark continent”—-on Oct. 24, 1795.
The lion hearted Scotchman, with two
negro servant«, set out from Gambia,
on the west coast, and plunged fear­
lessly into the task which before him
no white man had ever attempted.
It took a real man to plunge Into the
unknown Interior, filled with tales of
the monstrous and the terrible. Huge
serpents, roaring lions, great black
cannibals, scorching heat, deadly fe­
vers—who would dare to challenge
tlyse things? And so Africa remained
“ dark” until yesterday, as it were,
while Moses was battling with his
problem in the Arabian wilderness;
while civilization was maturing in
Egypt and Greece; while Homan repub­
lics and empires were rising and fall­
ing; while the modern nations were
coming into being; while crusaders
were fighting and troubadours sing­
ing; while Columbus was discovering
the new world and Washington was
founding the United States of America.
But at last the man and the hour
met. and the son of the Selkirkshire
farmer took his brave leap into the
mystery. In the mystery he remained
a year and a half, when he reappeared,
returned to England and wrote “ Trav­
els In the Interior of Africa,” a book
which is still one of the most interest­
ing in the libraries of the world.
In the year 1805 Mungo Park started
on his second trip to the dark conti­
nent. a trip from which he was never
to return. Resolved, with true Scotch
grit, to “ discover the mouth o f the Ni­
ger or perish In an attempt,” Fark
pushed on through the pathless forests
until he reached a point between 9 and
10 north latitude, where in attempting
to make his escape from the natives,
who were about to kill him, he was
drowned in the mighty stream, which
should be accepted ns his most fitting
monument.—Rev. T. B. Gregory in
New York American.
No need having piles any longer!
No need of suffering another dayl
Steam s’ Pile Remedy (complete witli
tube) will help you or IT C OST S
This remedy is a combination of
the lately discovered, high-priced Ad­
renalin Chloride with other powerful
curative principles, and IT STOPS
So sure are we that Stearns' Pile
Remedy will benefit you that we
you are not satisfied.
This is the only pile remedy that
we can guarantee and we know you
will thank us for telling you about it.
W e have the exclusive agency.
R . S. K N O W L T O N
Will Accept
Fi re w o o d
Ones From the Old Testament
That Pleased the Puritans.
A certain set o f Christian names
taken from the Bible have been in use
so long that we do not think o f them
as Bible names. Among them are
Adam, Moses, Samuel, David, Daniel.
Solomon, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Others taken from the saints, like
Peter, Paul, John, Stephen and Mat­
thew, originally given to children be­
cause they were born on the saint’s
day, are still so common that we think
of them as English names.
These names antedate the use o f sur
names, ns may be inferred from the
fact that nearly all of them have given
rise to patronymics, like Jacobson,
Peterson and Stevenson. In the twelfth
century missionaries sent out by the
authorities ust>d to baptize whole vil­
lages at once and to save time invested
all the men with the name of John or
some other saint and the women usual­
ly Mnrv or Martha. To distinguish the
Johns some additional name like Short
or Strong or White or Black was given
him by the neighbors, and so Christian
names nnd surnames were united.
After the reformation It became the
fashion among the Puritans to give
children the names o f characters like
the Old Testament, and odd ones like
Melchisedec or Barzillai were pre­
ferred. Among these were Abel, Devi,
Jesse, Amos, Asa, Isaiah, Ephraim,
Gideon, Malachi, Job, Abner, Hosea,
Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Zechariah, Asher,
Eli and hundreds o f others.—Hartford
The English Penny.
The English penny has had a good
long inning. For over six centuries it
was practically the only English coin,
for while the florin did not appear until
1343, the penny was Introduced by
Offa, king of Mercia, who took as a
model a coin struck by the father of
This penny of Oflfa’a wns a silver
coin, nnd it was followed in 1357 by
one of gold, and it was not until the
time o f George III. that copper pence
were struck, the present bronze not
coming until Victoria had been over
twenty years on the throne.—London
Old Time Rowing Costumes.
----- ON-----
English rowing men a century ago
wore costumes far different from what
they wear now. In 1805 It was the cor­
rect thing for them to wear a green
leather ontskin cap with a Jacket and
trousers of nankeen. In the first uni­
versity race nt Henley in 1829 Oxford
won wearing blue checks, while Cam­
bridge wns in white, with pink waist­
coats. Broad brimmed heavy straw
hats came in a little later.
Maud— Why didn't you protect your­
self when Jack kissed you? Betty—
Why, at first I was simply speechless,
nnd then I thought I would Jnst see
how many times the impudent fellow
would dare to do it.—Boston Transcript.
D. A. R.—I have the drum that my
great great-grandfather
through the Revolution. The Flippant I
One- Ynd when he saw the enemy did ;
he beat it?—Puck.
The Celebrated Berym ann Shoe
The Strongest and Nearest Water
Proof shoe made for loggers, miners
prospectors and mill men.
1 Thurman Street
P o b t la n d , O regon ,
Both Affected.
She—You really should give up smok­
ing; it affects the heart. He—By that
reasoning I ought to give up you also.
—Boston Transcript.
Work will hide from most o f us muco
needless worry.
O R E G O N a n d W A S H IN G T O N
Business Directory
A D ire cto ry o f each City, Tow n and
V illage, g ivin g dee rtptlve ak tch o f
each place, location, population, tele­
graph, sh ippin g and banking poin t;
also Clftesirted D irectory, com p ile d by
bualnoHs and profession
Merchants Bank
x x x x x x x
Roseburg M yrtle P oin t Stage
S u b scrib e For T h e H era ld
teenth ordinance of the city guild of
carpenters providing that tlie mem­
bers should attend the funeral of any
one of the fraternity resident within
the city “ or in the subburbs.” The
natural inference is that even then it
was part o f the everyday talk o f the
citizens.—Pall Mall Gazette.
Good Substitute.
“ Why have you not come to my
bridge party ns you promised?” tele­
phoned the irate hostess. “ You are
breaking up one table.”
“ I am sick,” wns the reply.
“That’s an old excuse.”
“ Really, I’ m sick. I have a trained
“ Well, you should have sent a sub­
stitute. Ask the nurse If she plays.” —
Kansas City Journal.
An Inducement.
W ife — I wish, Harry, dear, you’d
get me a nice clock for my room. Hub
—But I am really very short aud can’t
afford— W ife (Interrupting) — If you
will I’ll set it back two hours the
evening you go to the club.—Boston
“ There Is bo sweeter suffering than
hope.” So runs an old German prov­
erb. melancholy text for hearts that
bitter disappointment has cured and to
whom all hope is but memory.
Chinese Idols.
The Chinese, according to a mission­
ary. are the most exacting o f worship­
ers. When they pray to their idols
they ask for definite material blessings
and they expect results. The life o f an
idol in China is precarious. G ifts will
be heaped before it only as long as it
seems to be bringing about the wishes
of its followers. If the shrine falls
upon evil times and disappoints its
worshipers their homage soon fades.
Not only do the gifts cease, but the re­
sentful people o f the countryside will
come in a body nnd smash the ineffi­
cient symbol.
A Change.
“ Tommy,” said an irate mother to
her incorrigible offspring, “ if you
don’t behave I’ll give you a good
“ Well, that’ ll be a change, anyway,”
replied the little fellow. “ All the other
whippings I ever got from you were
bad.” —Chicago News.
Nothing but Fun.
“ H ow’s your wife these days?”
“ Well, she has found a soap that
makes washing a pleasure, a machine
that makes sewing delightful and a
contraption that makes sweeping a
dream of bliss. She ought to find life
one continuous round o f joy.” —Louis­
ville Courier-Journal.
Pa Knew.
“ Pa. what’s nn agnostic?”
“ It’s one o f those poems where the
Mr. Staylate—The other night I heard
a story that gave me such a start. first letters o f the lines spell out a
Miss Much bored—I wish I knew it.— word. Now run along and let me read.”
—Boston Transcript.
Woman’s Home Companion.
An Alarming Tale.
Tact Is when you cover your mouth
Ella—Did the bride smile as she
walked down the aisle? Mai—I don't j with your hand and make the other
party believe that the yawn was a
know; I was watchiug her hat.—Kan
smile.—Cincinnati Enquirer.
sas City 8tar.
The Attraction.
• *•» *
Seville’s Tower of Giralds.
H. E.SHINE, V .-I’ rcs.
From its great antiquity alone If
l. H. HAZIftO, Coluti
0 C SANFORD, A o t . C o h K i
i rrom nothing else it Is plain that the
(Continued Irom firs-t page)
The Old Duchess Could and Did Swear
(iiralda at Seville could not have been ,
Like a Trooper.
century. As a rule the states have
I studied from the tower o f the iffadison
The old Duchess o f 8t. Albans, who
Square Garden in New York, which
selected their great statesmen for
O p C O Q U I L iL B , O H E G O fi.
the American will recall when he sees had been tlie widow o f Mr. Coutts, the
the two places allnted to each of the
It. If the case must be reversed aud banker, when the duke, much her Jun­
I rtu iH a c ta a G e n e r a l B a n k i n g B u a in e a E
we must ullow that the Madison ior in age, married her, was one o f the states iu the Hall of Fame.
Square tower was studied from the habitual visitors at Talmouth. My first
Ciiralda, we must still recognize that view of lier, however, was at the Crieff
l o r p t f Olractor,
C ,r r ,« ,,,,,a t ,
The American Telephone and
It is no servile copy, but in its frank hotel, on her way through to Ken more,
R . O. Dem ent,
A . J . Sherwo. d ,
National Baak u Commerce, New Y ork Ci
imitation has a grace aud beauty when tlie duchess and her retinue ar­ Telegraph Company has not been
L . H artocker,
X,. H . H aiard,
Urocker W oolw orth N ’ lBank, San Franci
which achieve originality. Still, the rived in eight carriages; for though by slow iu making haste to get under
I» .iah Hacker,
R .E . Shii.,
Kirnt N nt'l llaak o f Portland. Portland.
Glralda is always the Giralda, and, birth o f no family, she had a most ex­
cover, and shield itself from the
though there had been no Saint Gau- alted Idea of her own importance and
dens to tip its summit with such a fly­ when paying u series o f short visits to prosecution instituted by the Attor­
ing footed nymph as poises on our country houses was so convinced of ney General of the United States
R. 8. K now lton , President
G eo . A. R obinson , Vice-Pres.
tower, the figure of Faith which the savage condition of the highlands
R. H. M a st , Cashier.
crowns it is at least a good weather that she traveled always with her own The action of this telephone mo­
vane and from its office o f turning gives chef and pâtissier, who alone were per­ nopoly is viewed in Washington as
tlie mighty bell tower its name. Long mitted to cook her meals at the inns an attempt to forestall government
centuries before the tower was a bel­ she stopped nt on the road.
I shall not easily forget the sight o f ownership, but it is safe to say that j
fry it served the mosque, which the
cathedral now replaces, as a minaret the disgorging o f the duchess’ own the sentiment that has been created
for tlie muezzin to call the faithful to chariot when it pulled up at the inn by Postmaster Generals and other
prayer, but it was then only two-thirds door! First emerged her grace herself,
an enormously fat woman; then fol­ pubic officials has been advanced
as high.—Harper’s Magazine.
lowed lier three nieces, daughters of by the retreat of the wire people.
Op.-ned for Busines March. 1890
Sir Francis Burdett, whereof the
Cultured Hindus.
In Bengal there are about 70,000,- youngest and best looking became In­
correspon den ts :
In emphasizing the determina­
000 of people, and they boast of heritress of her wealth, and Baroness
[.add & Tilton Bank, Portland
First National Bank, San Francisco
tion of the federal government to
perhaps the best culture in India at Burdett-Coutts.
These young ladies, evidently in mor­ enforce the tood and drugs act, re­
National Park, New York
First Trust & Savings, Coos Bay
the present lime. The language as a
written language is only fifty years tal terror o f their awful relative—not cent large shipments ol tomato pulp
Though for over a thousand without reason—followed the duchess
years it has been a dialect, there is in in single file, dutifully carrying each from Baltimore to Galvestou, T ex ­
.. » ( 0 ^ 3 ( 3 4 3 ^ 5 ;
It is r -SV io at-ra-r ;■
Indian history unfortunately no trace some article necessary to her grace’s as, have been destroyed.
of Bengali having been an important com fort — reticule, cushion, wraps, charged that it is a common thing
literary tongue. The language orig­
among shippers to can filthy, de­
inates from Sanskrit, the mother sites, the duchess’ favorite lap dog and
tongue from which every other Indian her pet parrot in a cage. After them composed, and putrid vegetable
came her grace’s private physician,
language has borrowed its alphabet,
grammar an^ vocabulary; but, unlike who traveled always in the same car­
riage as herself, so ns to be on the spot, “ t e a c h e r ’ s p e t s ” a t w e s t p o in t
the others, Bengali never shrinks
Portland at 8 P. M.,
while the duke preferred the coach box
We all remember the teacher’s!
from gathering new materials. There
Every Tuesday
to the company inside—and no wonder!
are numerous Persian, French, Ara­
pets in the public schools, and now i
All the time the duchess’ tongue was
Bay at Service of Tide
bic and English words incorporated in
heard going—scolding, complaining, it appears that this feature of hu­
Every Saturday
it, and the wonder of it is that, in­
abusing everybody, from her husband man nature has been asserting it- ¡
Tickets on sale to all Eastern points and information as to route
stead o f having been degraded into
downward, in unmeasured terms. The
and rate.- cheerfully furnished
some vulgar form like pidgin English,
unfortunate nieces came in for no small
Bengali has become the most literary,
share of her harangue and earned pain­
Phone M ain 181
scientific and perhaps the most philo­ fully any share o f her fortune she may
of Oregon, asking for an investiga- |
sophic o f modern Indian languages.
have left them in her will, for she
swore like a trooper or a Billingsgate
Shrewd Sexton.
is p o l y g a m y s p r e a d in g ?
fishwife the whole time.—Lady Login
Among the tourists who travel in Cornhill Magazine.
It appears that there is a suspi­
Fred Von Pegert
through France a considerable number
cion in New England that polyga­
visit the cathedral at Rheims, a mag­
nificent example of gothic architecture.
my exists even outside of Utah,
In the tower there is an enormous
Senator Weeks of Massachu­
clock, nnd it is tlie sexton’s business Bunsen’s Feat After His Goblet of
setts has introduced a resolution iu
Solution Had Been Upset.
to wind it every day. a very tiring job.
The remarkable skill in dealing with the Senate asking for an investiga­
ns the weights are naturally extremely
the material o f their experiments that
The sexton, however, is a very some chemists have is well illustrated
--- -
shrewd fellow. Whenever he shows by the following story told of the great
From off the Map
the trippers this wonderful piece of German chemist Professor Robert Bun­
G e n e r a l niacksmithnir
mechanism lie remarks, “ Ladies and sen:
Wagon Making. Machim
Professor Bunsen evaporated fifty
gentlemen, if you do not believe me
(Gold Hill News)
Work. Pattern Making and
regarding the heaviness of the clock hogsheads o f water from the Durk-
Casting, Automobile Work.
The Man Without a Country bud
heim spring and carefully isolated
weights try for yourselves.”
Each of the trippers immediately from the residue a small quantity of nothing— in the vulgar vernacular—
give a turn or two to the wheel, and the salts of two very rare elements, on John D. Rockf-rfeller The pow­
as there are some 200 visitors a day caesium and rubidium. lie dissolved
the trippers unconsciously and eagerly these salts in a small beaker o f water erful oil magnate is iu bis country
wind the clock for him and in addition and set them aside on his laboratory but not of it. The hamlet of Rock
give him nn extra tip for being allow­ table.
erfeller, Illinois, irking under an
One day a friend came to see Profes­
ed to do his work.—London Onlooker.
sor Bunsen. Unnoticed by the chemist appelation that is considered dis
his visitor in leaning against the labo­ graceful and un-American, petition­
Emily Bronte’s Looks.
And Auto Line
A discussion as to the personal ap­ ratory table tipped over the beaker and ed the postoffiee department for
pearance of Emily Bronte reveals the spilled its contents on the floor and on
remarkable fact that no one knows his clothing. The solution looked like permission to change its address to
Lcav s Myrtle Point 5 a. m.
anything about it since there is no au­ plain water, so the man thought noth­ 0D6 less conspicuous and abhorred !
Arrives Roseburg, next day
thentic portrait in existence. When ing o f the accident nnd a few minutes
Colleges and institutes may bear ¡
Leaves Roseburg..... 6 p. m.
Charlotte Bronte first saw George later took his departure.
Arr. Myrtle Point by 10 p. in.
Shortly after the gentleman had gone the Rockerfeller name, memorial |
Henry Lewes she said that he was
wonderfully like her sister Emily, but Bunsen noticed that the contents of windows may make gay twilight in
Make reservations in advance at Ow I
this is unfortunate for Emily since the beaker had been spilled. Instantly his honor— for the Rockerfeller
Drug Store, Marshfield.
Lewes was very much like a baboon. he ran out to the street, overtook his
Possibly the comparison was due to a friend and brought him back to the gusher is bouuteous and greases
Carrying Baggage and United States Mail
even the portals of the church— but
sisterly candor that so seldom errs on laboratory.
J. L. LAIRD, Proprietor
With water Bunsen carefully extract­ the respect and affections of bis
the side of mercy. Thanks to photog­
raphy, the historian of the future will ed the salts from the sleeve of the gen­
Livery Bam. Myrtle Point, Both Phones
not be in doubt as to the appearance tleman’s coat and his underclothing,
of celebrities o f the present generation, washed his arm, cleaned off a drop him, Aren, Illinois, isn’t much of a
but he is likely to have his own opin­ that had spattered on his shoe, careful­ name, but it has no associations that
ion as to those worth knowing about.— ly washed the floor nnd the table, col­
lected nil the solutions together, puri­ constantly remind the citizens of
fied them and on evaporation found personified privilege nnd grinding
that he had recovered the valuable greed.
“ Suburb.”
When did the word “suburb” first salts! So perfect wns his skill that he
Lonely John Rockerfeller— with
find its way into tlie language? It is had not lost a weighable amount.—
his chaplain, his caddie, and
used in a recently discovered four­ Youth’s Companion.
Realism In Art.
His Narrow Escape.
Tw o artists were boasting bow they 1
“ I tell you. the closing o f the Steenth
could paint
"Oo you know,” said one,
” 1 painted n sixpence on the ground , National was a mighty close call for
one day, and n beggar nearly broke his me.”
Ungers trying to pick It up!" "T hat’s
“ flow wns that?”
nothing to what I did,” said the «flier. ! “ Why. a friend had advised me to
’T painted n leg o f mntton on a stone, put my money In it and” —
and it was so realistic that a dog ate
“ And you took his advice?”
half the stone before he found out his
“ No. but T would If I’d had any mon­
mistake I”
ey.” —Philadelphia Ledger.
his paid sycophants, alone to do
him honor ami estimate their prob­
able bequests.
Ingenuity at Allegany
The Pacific Homestead has a
picture showing a view of an auto-
moble and a silo, and under it ap­
pears this legend: "Modern way
of filling a silo on the tarm of W
A. Gage, near Allegany, Coos j
county, Oregon. The automobile i
furnishes the power for operating
the ensilage cutter; a 14-inch pulley
was put on one of ihe rear wheel j
axles. Power was plenty and some
to spare.”
Another Lesson
( Batidon Surf)
There is no use in trying to be
patriotic by patronizing Portland,
Several of our business houses or­
dered Xmas goods from Portland
weeks ago and owing to the delay
occasioned by reason of the Tilla­
mook tieiug bat bound in some God­
forsaken imitation port along the
coast, their holiday trade in season­
able goods is nix.
Portland mer­
chants handle but very little of our
products, but have ill the past sold
largely to us. They have insisted
upon our buying in that market
but they have provided no satisfac­
tory means of delivering the goods
As there are no less than four
reliable frieght boats plying be­
tween this port and San Francisco,
and as San Francisco takes all our
surplus products, why do not our
merchants practice reciprocity by
transferring their trade to that city
and be done, once for all, with the
disapointments incident to shipping
via the jerkwater route.
K eep your business on the move.
Let us help you !
Your stationery must be done in the
best possible form.
W e will print it.
W e do Job W ork of every dlscription
for the progressive merchant.
Cards, Letterheads, Billheads,