I Fortune Hunting Girls By HELEN CONSTABLE COOS B A Y WAGON ROAD « J, SHERWOOD t m R. (.SHINE, V . - I ’res. l . H. HAZA 0, Cash la r 0. C SANFORD, Aast. Cashier F I R S T N A T I O N A L BANK. op C O Q U I I i l i H , O R B O O P . Friend of the Old Road Argues that It is the Better Route for an Outlet to the Valley, and a Douglas County Citizen Speaks for the Middle Fork T r a n »n c t iA a G e n e r a l B a n k i n g B u e in e a *» Editor Herald: full benefit of their money, but the ] could be asked? S a i l * of Tlr.ctor. Cerraapaaiaata. On the Coos Bay wagou route, R , O. Den.-nt, I have been watching with inter­ whole county, with the exception A. J . Sherwood, National Bank o Commerce, New York Cl Marjorie Tait. a miss In short dresses, L . Harlocker, L. H. Hazard, Crocker Woolworth N ’ lBank, San Franct was sitting by s table studying her les­ est the long discussion about the of the Middle Fork will secure bet- however much improved, no such Iatiiah Hacker R.E. Shine. First Nat’l Bank of Portland, Portland. sons when she heard her mother and a best route fora county trunk line. ter service than by any other route. record can be made. No engineer visitor, Mrs. Winston, tulklng In the The most noticeable feature of the T h eo d o re S. FI asto n anci no road builder will say that it next room. whole movement is the fact that -------- could. Surveying alone cannot "Malcolm writea me that he's coming R. 8. K n ow l .’ on , President G eo . A . R obinson , Vice-Pres. S J. Culver, in a letter which lower mountains not build tunnels, down for a week this fall to visit me." each section ol the county is work­ R. 11. M a s t , Cashier. “ What can your nephew find to ing (or its own local interests, with­ was printed in the Roseburg Re­ either of which would be necessary amuse him In such a quiet place as out giving consideration to the view takes issue with au article ap­ there. Then thirdly, that a “ bet­ this? There are no young men, and good of the county as a whole. pearing in the Marshfield Record ter country would be tapped” by as for girls, there are only a few In What Coos County needs is a and the Herald recently. The let­ such a road. Such au assertion is ahort dresses.” still further from the facts. From "That's what he's coming for—to get toad that will give the greatest ser­ ter follows: COQUILLE. OREGON Roseburg to Camas mountain the rid o f the girls. They are worrying vice to the largest number ot people. To the FMitor:— the life out of the poor fellow trying to That road is the Coos Bay Wagon There is an interview published route passes through a continuous Opned for Bustnes March, 1 8 9 0 marry him. You know, Malcolm has Road and its branches to Coquille in the Marshfield Record, and a agricultural region, by way of Just come Into a fortune of four or five and Myrtle Point. The Coos Bay statement of comparison between Green, Winstons and Brockway, hundred thousand dollars. He’s hand­ Use it today— the co rrespo nd ents : road forms the shortest route be­ the roads to Roseburg from Marsh­ with Looking Glass and Ten Mile some as a picture, was voted the most stronoest Lye to Ladd & Tilton Bank, Portland First National Bank, San Francisco valleys adjacent, and the Olalla field via Myrtle Point and Camas tween Roseburg and Coos Bay and popular man In his class while In col­ the New Sifter Ci n National Park, New York First Trust & Savings, Coos Bay all other parts of the county with Valley, and from Marshfield via the country also on the way. This is lege and Is highly Intellectual.” L I T T L E Babbitt's Lye and •Marjorie gasped at this catalogue of the exception of the Middle Fork. old Coos Bay wagon road; with the one of the oldest farmiug regions of a lot of water will keep 5 ■ uv attractions. From Roseburg to Myrtle Point opinion that the later route should Douglas county. The present ex- home and barn free of nil germ , “ Dear me,” exclaimed Mrs. Talt, C M C S O - - L 1 -: > O -£5 -‘t S d S O iS C? via the Coos Bay road, the distance be preferred in considering the pro- cellent road passes for lour miles ! and odors. "how I should worry about him If he OLD R E L IA B L E —E Q UIPPED W IT H W IRELESS Why not try it today?—ami see were my son! The marrying age Is is three miles shorter than over the posed Coos county roads bond issue over the well timbered Camas j for yourself how easily, cheaply the most dangerous of all to a man.” Middle Fork road. To Coquille, of $440,000, chiefly because of the mountain, which timber when re- and thoroughly it does the wot k. "By and by you'll have to worry thru Fairview, the distance is shorter distance, a better grade, moved will leave good farming land about Marjorie." Write for booklet sh ir.g many twelve miles shorter, and thru Myr­ and of the ” much better country to Camas Valley, 25 miles southwest . A L W A Y S ON T IM E uses. Valuable p r c .f.ts for the “ Not for years. Marjorie has scarce­ be tapped by the Coos Bay wagon of Roseburg, is one entire series of j tle Point it is three miles shorter. labels. Write for Catalogue ly put away her dolls. Tell Malcolm Sails from Portland at 8 P. M., From Coquille the road is plank­ road,” than by the Myrtle Poiut- farms, and from this valley S } 4 j Kvery Tuesday when he arrives to come and 6ee us." H ig h e s t in S t r e n g t h f r* B u t N o t in P r i c : ” When Malcolm Wright came to town ed to within less than lorty miles ol Roseburg road. The assumed facts miles to the Coos county line, along I Sails from Coos Bay at Service of Tide be ealled at Mrs. Talt's. Mrs. Tait Roseburg, and automobiles havt as well as the reasoning of this in­ a water level grade as recently lo- : Every Saturday You Use Less It Las.. . . . was taking a siesta, and it required covered the first twenty-two miles terview are much at variance with cated, is a rich forest of merchant- j Tickets on sale lo all Eastern points and information ns* to routeB and rate.- cheerfully furnished some time for her to awaken and get B. T. B A B B IT T able timber which when removed the real facts of the situation. iu an hour and a half. herself In proper costume to receive P. O. Box I 776 NEW YORK CITY W. L. KOLffl, Agent Phone Main 181 As to distance, from Myrtle Point will likewise afford an immense From Myrtle Point up the East visitors. Marjorie, who examined the -C f- : : -cCr. : « R S « card as it was carried past her In the Fork to the Coos Bay road there is to Roseburg is but 62 miles, and stretch of fertile soil for agriculture, upper hall, rail down a back staircase, practically a river grade to within while it is 30 miles further to From the Coos county line all the seated herself before ber study table thirty miles of Roseburg, with the Marshfield, it is flanked from this way to Myrtle Point, along a wat- > O C O ^ .X X K - < * > JK ; X X > O O O O O O O < ) and began to repeat ber lessons aloud: point by a broad guage railroad,; er-level route as located, is now exception of Cooper Mountain. Fred Von Pegert C. I. Rime "Amo, 1 love; amas, thou Invest; From Marshfield to Roseburg conveying passenger coaches, moru-j found a continuation of well ¡ru­ arnut, he loves; umanius, we love; am- over the Middle Fork road, the dis ing and evening both ways.over this pr0Ved aud profitable farms, except atis, you love; amant, they love.” Over the 30 mile interval As lo time, no from ,he line to Rock Creek. At Mr. Wright, hearing the Latin verb taoce is ninty-five miles "to love” conjugated by a soft femi­ Coos Bay road the distance is only other route can transport passen- Bridge, a small town, various M ECH ANICAL nine voice, arose from his chair and seveuty miles. More than twenty gers and freight to Marshfield from branches of the river enter the looked Into the other room through the open door. He saw a very pretty, miles are planked and could be cov­ Roseburg more rapidly than by raai„ stream near by, and have Innocent looking schoolgirl sitting be­ ered by an automobile at this time Myrtle Point. If the wagon road 1 nice farms on all of them, extend fore ber books, apparently unconscious of year. On the other road the on­ for the entire distance must be con- ! ing for miles batk irom the river G e n e r a l ''lacksmithin^ Ï of being observed. He listened to some Wagon Making, Machin 4 more self drilling, then gave un ly really good piece is the ten miles sidered, it is admitted to be longer valley. If by “ a much better couu- ' Work, Pattern Making and ^ “ Ahem!” between Coquille and Myrtle Point than by the Coos Bay wagon route, try” is meant larming lands, then l Casting, Automobile Work. ill il a il Marjorie gave u start so well feigned Between Marshfield and Sitkum but the natural and impassible ob-1 no favorable comparison can be thut the young man did not doubt for ► COQUILLE, OREGON a moment that it was caused by see­ the only portions which require structions in that route render it made with this. If is meant tim ing him. wotk to put in excellent condition lunger, more unsafe aud more cost- j ber covered or coal under laid lands "Oh, dear!” she exclaimed. are the ten miles between Marsh­ ly for traffic than the other. Geo­ then the comparison is still more iti “ Well, now, 1 like that! 1 find you saying 'I love, you love, we love,’ and field and Sumner and a short dis­ graphic distance is not an element favor of the Camas Valley-Myrtle on seeing me you exclaim, ‘Oh. dear!’ tance near the Silkutn Post Office in the case, as the old saying still Point route. What is said of Brewste’ I presume if you bad finished It would Sitkum is only seven or eight miles remains true that “ the longest way Valley is true, and much that r No need having piles any longer! have been, ’Oh, dear Malcom Wright!' And Auto Line N o need of suffering another day! round is oTien the shortest way further on; but to reach Brewster " I assure you—I —1 was studying. from the comity line. From Myr­ Btearns’ Pile Remedy (complete with home.” As to grade, the two tle Point to the Coos Bay road there You were quiet. How long have you Valley that impassible Weekly tube) will help you or I T C O S T S Leaves Myrtle Point 5 a. n. been in the drawing room?” YOU NOT O NE CENT- are sixteen miles to be put in good routes long traveled by the public mountain and 11 miles of canyoi “ Long enough to have sent my card This remedy Is a combination of Arrives Iloseburg, next da condition before the road is service­ speak for themselves. No disinter­ must be overcome. the lately discovered, high-priced Ad­ to Mrs. Tait, your mother, and been Leaves Roseburg...... 6 p. n . ested person who has ever traveled able at all times of year. renalin Chloride with other powerful wuiting several minutes.” The Camas Valley-Myrtle Pom Air. Myrtle Point by 10 p. m. curative principles, and I T STOPS At tills juncture Mrs. Tait was heard Iu short, work is required on on­ ! both at any season will pretend that route is the one selected for survey: T H E P I L E P A I N IN O N E M I N U T E ! Make reservations in advance at Owl coming downstairs, and Mr. Wright, ly a little more than ihirty miles to j a better grade exists on the Coos by several railroad companies aud So sure are we that Steams’ Pile Drug Store, Marshfield. who had barely crossed the threshold Remedv will benefit you that we stepped back In time to avoid appear­ give Coos Bay, Coquille, aud Myr­ Bay wagon road- I h e high alti­ no such location has ever been seri •Will REFUND YOUR MONEY if ing to have left the room. The ludy tle Point a good road clear to the tude and the steep ascent on the ously contemplated over the Brew Carrying Baggage and United States Mail you are not satisfied. received him cordially, regretting that This is the only pile remedy that county line on the Coos Bay road, j eastern slope of the Weekly moun­ ster route because of the engitieet- J. L. LAIRD, Proprietor she bad not sous or daughters of an we can guarantee and we know you whereas on the Middle Fork road, tain, with the abrupt and precipit­ ing difficulties. Will thank us for telling you about it. ago to help make Ills stay pleasant. Office at Laird’s Livery Barn, Myrtle Point, Both Phones W e have the exclusive agency. A day or two later Mr. Wright, ap the same amount of work would ous decline in the 1 1 miles of can­ It is idle to talk about the saving R . S. K N O W L T O N proaching Mrs. Talt’s home, saw her reach from Marshfield but a short yon on the western slope,with con­ of distances if iutervening obstacle; emerge from the house. Marjorie saw stant slides and washings, has here­ him from an upper window. He distance above Myrtle Point. increase the labor, the cost and the mounted the steps and rang. Marjorie So far as cost is concerned, it tofore and always will make impos­ danger But above all it is a ques opened the door. would matter little to Douglas coun­ sible any decent grade. The route tion as to where the greatest num­ “ Good morning. Is your mother at ty which road was repaired, as over the Camas mountain has now ber of people will be accommodated borne? No? How unlucky! Perhaps you will permit me to come In for a practically the same distance would been so lowered aud improved as to From Myrtle Point to Marshfield is moment. I wish to leave u message have to be repaired on both roads, make it the only practicable all year the heart ol the country, with towns, for her." and that county can raise no reason­ thorofare. The railroad engineers villages, mills and coal mines along A month passed. Mr. Wright re­ mained away from tho many girls who able objections to working on the found a grade which does not e x ­ the way. It is the greatest possible were trying to snare him. The route road that is by far the more adapt­ ceed one per cent. The further 1 good to the greatest possible num past Mrs. Talt's house was his favor­ route from Camas Valley toward able to Coos County service. ber that we should consider. To­ ite walk, and whenever ho was sure There is another way ot viewing Myrtle Point, of about 32 miles, is ward this end a good road is a Mrs Tait was not at home he called and asked for her and was taken In the matter. If the road is put one of the most natural and easy mighty big factor, and the Douglas charge by Marjorie. Ono eveuing he down the Middle Fork, the entire grades to be found in any portion county court does itself and the peo­ called when he knew the mother was section of the county watered by of the Coast Range. For a wagon ple adjacent to all that route from at home. “ Why, Mr. Wright," the good lady the North and East Forks will not road, the Douglas county surveyor Roseburg to the county liue an in­ exclaimed, "you hero yet? What be benefited in the least, while the found a grade for a hard surface justice to dilly dally and delay act dread you must have o f the glrla of your home to have kept away from people living on those streams will road at no place to exceed three per ive work. A portion of it is now a them so long!” have to help foot the bills just the cent. Such a road will enable au­ “ It is about a girl o f your home that same. If, on the other hand, the tos to reach tide-water and steamer disgrace to any people, and soon the public voice will be heard in I have called to speak to you." road enters the county by way of navigation and railroad connections long and loud protest. “ A girl of my home!" “ Yes, your daughter, Miss Marjorie. the Ivast Fork, not only will the at Myrtle Point, easily in three 1 wish your permission to pay my ad­ North and East forks derive the hours from Roseburg S. J . C U L V ER . What more dresses to her, or, rather, your per­ mission that we be engaged." Mrs. Tait gaped at Mr. W right with the constitutional prerogatives twenties among the peaks of the "1 love her very dearly, and she pass; it swings from the open ocean of the states.” loves"— to strum in the sentinel pine, and I (Continued from first page) “ What, that child?” " N A V A L H O L ID A Y ” A PPR O V E D "She tells me she is nearly eighteen." (ound that in the same day the want to go back to the high hills— I “ But how, when, where"— The House of Representatives the hills that were always mine! Marjorie came up behind her mother range iu prices paid in the local having threshed out the naval holi­ TIIF. IM AMOMI ItllA V ,, a 1 ndl. »! A»l. \ " ir I>* 1 , . • : . /A I've little faith in the valley, markets for different bales of mid­ | and put her arms about her. |\ < hl-oh«*h-lor'n IHIumoml 7 IMIU 11 . 1 r . 1 l and 1 -..M t . , \ V / "1 heard all you and Malcolm's aunt dling cotton varied in different lo­ day proposition brought forward by where the seasons vary and change, - J a k H b ' V r t . " ' l l . | . i t h 111 -• L i n. X / said about those horrid girls who were | T v l Take no <>th«-r liny o f your » calities ftom seventy-five cents to Representative Hensly, has, by a but I know each whim of the ilr Ask f«r< ill-« III '■i-TFir» r i m a a i o m » b r a n d pii.M «,ro« i a \ trying to catch him for his fortune, vote of 317 to eleven, approved of weather among the rocks of my f years know a, Best, Safest, . - 1 • . . lo and I thought It a pity that they should fifty-eight dollars. The Galveston the resolution, which calls upon j tange; there’s a flat at the base ol SOLD BYDRIGHISTS' V.‘ "WHIM* deceive so nice a man. He heard me prices are apparently ignored. conjugating the verb ’to love’ when President Wilson to coopeiate with Baldy, where my corn grew twice T H E R IG H T S O F S T A T E S he called on you. and somehow It af­ Winston Churchill, First Lord as tali as the fodder your tarmets There is hardly a week passes fected Ills brain, for"— of the British Admirality, to bring gather for the district fair in the Mr. Wright took Marjorie awny from but some southern Member rises in her mother and, placing his own nnu about a suspension of Naval build­ fall—there's a flat lies out in the Incorporated Congress to tell ot the states and to j about her, the two pleaded their cause Manufacturers of ing programs for a year. The reso­ timber, with a spring where the describe the functions ol state gov­ together." The Celebrated Cerqmann 'hoe “Oh, It’s all right!” said the older ernment, and the manner ol attempt­ lution expresses as “ the sense ol deer come down—and I want to gc The Strongest ami Nearest Water lady. "Only 1 can't make out how ed invasion by the National Con­ Congress” that the proposal would back to the high hills, away from Proof shoe made for loggers, miners you tw o managed to do the courting.” But now Mr Volstead, be the means of avoiding the "waste your dad blamed town. “ I managed It. mamma. I did It for gress. prospectors and mill men. Malcolm. Just think o f his being drlv- ranking Republican Member of the of investing iu war material 1 Thurman Street You breed no men in the valley ♦ eu from his home by those horrid for­ House Committe on the Judiciary P o rt la n d , O reoon . like Jason that fit the hear,your son-- tune hunting girls." The H illm a n Babbitts PURE Farmers LYE Kills Germs and Merchants Bank Kills Odors A STEAMER BREAKWATER 0 KIME_ & VON PEGERT IT WILL MAKE YOU HAPPY S H O P / l>oooo *ooc<>&oooooco<) Roseburg Myrtle Point Stage Subscribe For T h e H erald THE HERALD SPREAD OUT! Will Accept à Fi rewood & ---- ON---- SUBSCRIPTING FROM THE NATIONAL CAPITAL C H IC H E S T E R S P IL L S Thco. Berpmn ShooM fg.Co. K e e p vour business on the move. 6 L e t us help you ! Y ou r stationery must be done in the best possible form. P O L K ’ S' OREGON and W ASHINGTO N Business Directory A D irectory o f each City, Tow n and Village, g iv in g descriptive sketch o f each place, location, population, tele* hanking point; fry, com piled by B U TTER WRAPPERS AT THE bu It. I.. r o i.K * CO., flK A T T tV HERALD O FFICE and a resident of Minnesota, attacks the proposal of President WilsoD that Congress shall enact a law for the election of candidates in pri­ maries, and bases his objection up­ on the rights of the states; like­ wise declaring that the proposition is unconstitutional. According to Mr. Volstead, the President’s plan "is an unauthorized interference By Ben H. Lampman I ’ m sick of the valley, Sonny, and the valley is tired of me— I want to go hack to the hills that lie outstretched along the sea; the brc’ zes that breathes Irom the west­ ward scarce rustles your scrawny grass, but it whoops like a lad in are holler-chested for lack of tlu ! upper air--the air that croons in the cedars, fragrant and fresh and sweet, that leaps like a colt unhar uessed where the clouds and snow- cap meet; that sings on the trail tc Baldy, I brushed each step of tlx way; and I want go back to the high hills, back to my hills— to stay?—The Gold Hill News. W e will print it. W e do Jo b W ork of every discription for the progressive merchant. Cards, Letterheads, Billheads, ' Everything.