Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, December 23, 1913, Image 3

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W. F. Petett has installed an
All kinds of Christmas confection­
ery at Folsom’s. Come and see.
electric motor to furnish power for
A C hristmas dance will be given agate grinding.
at Riverton on Christmas evening.
The subject at the Christian Soi-
The merchants do not report an euce church noxt Sunday will be
Christmas "Christian Science.”
trade, and that is drawing it mild.
The Farmer's Union recently or­
A. J. Sherwood, of this city, is ganized at Marshfield is growing
now vice-president of the State Bar fast.
Association,which is a well-deserved
W. E. Hayes has been displaying
some original and artistic designs
It is reported that the Coquille in window-dressing at bis toy empo­
Valley Creamery will install machin­ rium on First street
ery fot the manufacture of cheese
of Fancy
Christmas box candies at Folsom's
the coming year.
List your property with the Pa­ Confectionery.
Daniel Rakozsky, a foreigner
cific Real Estate Co., M. M. Young
working in a Willett Si Burr camp
A. H. Snyder, one of the old set­ committed suicide last week by
tlers of this valley, died early last shooting himself with a 32 caliber
Despondency was the
week at the home of his daughter, revolver.
Mrs. C. H. Bunch, near this city. cause.
Tbe burial took place at Myrtle
Take your subscriptions for all
magazines and periodicals to Fol
som’s ConfeoMonery. You will get
A matinee at tbe Scenic Thurs­
the regular publishers’ rates, with
Have you eaten too many big, fine dinners dur­
Santa Claus will he present, and the benefit of any special offers,
ing the holidays? If so, thoroughly cleanse your sys­
every child in attendance will re and save the troubleand expense of-
sendiug the money, with no risk of
ceive a box of candy.
tem before you become sick. It is far easier to arrest
The Myrtle Minstrels will give
a disease in its early stages than to permanently get
Charles E. Schroeder, who went
an entertainment next Monday
rid of it later. See your doctor now, and then us, be­
from Prosper to California a short
evening at the Grand theater, for
fore the ill effects have settled down upon you. You
time ago, writes to the Herald that
the beuefit of the Coquille Commer­
he is now located at Anaheim and
can then begin the new year with vigor and vim.
cial club, the use of the house being
that Mrs. Sehroeder’s health is
donated by C. S. Hall for the occa­
much better.
Come to OUR Drug Store
Tom Brown, who was working
Miss Carrie Stevens, of North
Willett & Burr on railroad con­
Bend made a brief visit with friends
struction was severely injured last
in this city last Thursday, and inci­
dentally fed one of tbe Herald job week by being caught between two
presses for a while, being one of the cars, having an arm and leg broken
most skillful press feeders in the and sustaining other injuries.
Have you noticed that there has
been no failure of the lights during
The Alexson building, in which
the Grand theater and the Skookum the Christmas shopping season?
restaurant and rooming house are The Oregon Power Company took
Frank Burkholder was a Marsh­
situated, has been Bold to Mrs. especial paios to provide against
field visitor last Friday.
Bledsoe, and it is understood that any such annoying occurrence, and
Office in Richmond-Barker Bldg.
some improvements will be made in with success.
Office Phone Main 211
nuts at Folsom’s Confeotionery.
J. L . Kronenberg, of Bandon,
tbe property.
Clerk Watson spent
proposes to finance a movement to
Thursday night in Marshfield.
bring at least two carloads of high
has been crowding out the church
D e n tist
The Bandon Recorder of Dec. 19th notices and some other regular mat­ grade Holstien cattle from the East
Office over First National Bank
comes with a handsome Christmas ter from the Herald for which to the dairy farms of the Coquille.
Phone Main 431
As the Holstein is a great milk breed
apology is hereby made.
We will
•Rents collected and property also give our readers more live local it is to be hoped that the movement
will materialize.
looked after by the Pacific Real matter when the rush is over.
Estate Co., M. M. Young, manager.
S. R. Young, who has been visit­
The commencement of construc­
J 0. Savage took the train for
his parents, Mr. and Mrs W.
tion on the Western Union telegraph
Marshfield yesterday for a brief
has just received a tele­
line from Eugene to Coos Bay on
business visit.
the lioe of the Willamette Pacific gram from bis home in Seattle
Four thousand feet of pictures railroad arouses hopes that the line bringing the sad news of the death
every night at the Scenic.
may be extended to the towns of of his little son, sged about four
years, and be will leave at once for
The Bandon school census sh ow B the Coquille valley.
his home.
925 pupils,25 more than Marshfield,
John Paulson has pouqht of F.
the nearest competitor.
Among the many handsome cal
T. Crewes the old cigar factory
Again open under
endRrs handed out by the business
The Coquille Commercial Club
building now occupied by E. H.
bouses this season, it is no dispar­
will meet at the council chamber in
new management
Kern with bis cabinet making works.
agement to the others to say that
the city ball this evening.
Tbe deal was made through the Pa­
Funds being raised for the repair cific Real Estate Co., and the price the most beautiful and artistic is
Give us a call
of the large advertising sign of the is said to have been$800,the buyer to the long panel given by Nosier &
at Marshfield, which was pay about $180 additional on the Norton. It is a work of art and
F R A N K H O F F M A N Coquille
would be an ornament to any wall.
wrecked in a storm some weeks ago. street improvements.
That the people of Coquille ap­
A matinee at the Scenic Thurs­
The latest from the Kinney deal
day sfternoon, commencing at 2:30
preciate a high-class picture was
on the Bay is that tbe creditors are
Santa Claus will be present, and
Bhown last evening, when the Scen­
Every Part of the Art of
every child in attendance will re­ getting together on a new plan ic was well filled with people who
which may result in placing the
ceive a box of candy.
hud come on one of the coldest and
property on tbe market in lots to
Has Had Our Careful
wettest nights of the season to see
ers and bricklayers of Bandon have suit purchasers, au unassailable ti­ the Edison picture, “ Mary Stuart.”
organized for the purpose of put­ tle being given. In that case, there It is needless to say that they were
ting in force an eight-hour working is likely to be something doing in well repaid.
real estate there.
The Herald wishes its friends and
A matinee at the Scenic Thurs­
It is our business, so it
Tha Times is reforming.
a Merry Christmas and a
day afternoon, commencing at 2:30.
clipping from The Herald, it assev­
is necessary that w e use
Santa Claus will be present, and Happy New Year. The others can—
erates, “ A Coquille paper savs:” every child in attendance will re­ well, let it pass, it is the season of
the very best and latest
That is better than stealing it bodi­ ceive a box of candy.
Peace and Good Will.
methods to turn out the
ly, putting a raised date line and a
The Coquille M illscd Merc. Co
best work possible
"Special to the Times” over it.
Test Suit Commenced
call attention to tbe fact that they
Some beautifully finished and ar­ are better prepared than ever to
supply apple, prune and tomato
A test suit to determine the lega
tistic myrtle wood novelties, made
boxes. Shipments made promptly status of the Port of Bandon has
Our service is at your command.
by the North BeDd Manufacturing by rail or steamer. All orders will
been filed by County Attorney Lil-
If you are not already a customer
Co., have been on sale in at least receive immediate attention.
we would be glad to add you to
jeqvlst and will be pushed to a deci­
two places here, and have given our
our host of satisfied patrons.
Coquille Mill & Merc Co. sion in the supreme court of the
Christmas Bhoppers a chance to se­
cure something “ different” and dis­
tinctive, while pitrouizing home in­
F U H R M A N ’S P H A R M A C Y
state. This action is taken to fore­
stall possible trouble in the future,
when private parties might bring a
similar suit when it would interfere
seriously with tbe work of the Port
---------------------- -
« ------
Leaton Convicted
The jury in the case of W. J.
Leaton,charged with robbing tbe
safe of Eastside, of which town he
was recorder, of $3085, found a ver­
dict of “ guilty,” after being out
from 9:40 until shortly after 5
o’clock Thursday. Judge Morrow
gave a sentence, which is provided
by law, o f one to fifteen years in the
penitentiary, and also imposed a
fine $6170, twice the amount of the
sum stolen. The verdict of the jury
came as a surprise to many who lis­
tened to the evidence. The general
comment had been that while there
no doubt of Leaton's guilt, the fact
that all the evidence was circum
stantial would probably prevent the
jury from reaching an agreement
on a verdict. General satisfaction
was expressed at the result, and the
jury is given credit for using a lot
of plain common sense in reaching E cK IN LY -P H IL L IP S — In
city, Dec. 1913, Henry R. Mc­
their conclusion. County Attorney
Kinley and Miss Flora Phillips,
Liljeqvist is given great credit for
Rev. C. H Bryan officiating.
handling a difficult case and for
marshalling his evidence in a mas­
terly manner. Judge Morrow gave YOU NG-RU NDLE— In this city
Dec. 17, 1913, Varo Young and
tbe defense ten days in which to
Miss Conchita Rundle, Justice of
file further motions
the Peace J. J, Stanley officiating'
How to Tak$ Good
Care of Your Hair
Nothing spoils your good looks so
much as homely hair—stringy, dull-
colored, harsh. Nothing adds to good
looks so much as beautiful hair—soft,
silky, wavy and gloosy.
No matter
how beautiful your hair is now, you can
improve its good looks by using Har­
mony Hair Beautifier. I f y o u r n a ir is
homely and ugly now, Harmony Hair
Beautifier will make it softer, silkier,
lossier, more beautiful in every way.
t also makes it easier to put up and
helps it to "stay put.’ ’
Its rich rose
odor hides the unpleasant, oily smell o f
the hair. Harmony Hair Beautifier is
rightly named; it beautifies the hair.
Very easy to apply—simply sprinkle
a little on your hair each time before
brushing it.
It contains no oil, and
will not change the color o f the hair
nor darken gray hair.
To keep hair and scalp dandruff-free
and clean, use Harmony Shampoo. This
pure liquid Shampoo gives an instanta­
neous rich lather that immediately pen­
etrates to every part o f hair and scalp,
insuring a quick, thorough cleansing.
Washed off just as quickly, the entire
operation takes only a few moments.
Can’t harm the hair; leaves no harsh­
ness or stickiness—just a sweet clean­
Both preparations come in odd­
shaped, very ornamental bottles, with
sprinkler tops. Harmony Hair Beauti­
fier, $1.00. Harmony Shampoo, 50c.
Both guaranteed to satisfy you in ev­
ery way, or your money back. Sold in
this community only at our store—The
Rexall Store—one o f the more than
7,000 leading drug stores in the United
States, Canada and Great Britain,
which own the big Harmony laborato­
ries in Boston, where the many cele­
brated Harmony Perfumes and Toilet
Preparations are made.
Fuhrman’ s
Pharmacy, Coquille, Oregon.
% e Turn Aside1
acre Farm on Lampa Creek in
tbe Coquille Valiev known as tbe
Green Place, is for sale or rent,
preferably a sale. About 90 acres
of fine bottom land,mostly seeded;
70 acres of fine hill land, seeded
for pasture.
bouse and fine barn. An idea)
dairy farm. Close to Coquille Riv­
er and two county roads intersect
near the house. For particulars
inquire of JAMES T. GREEN,
305 E. Telegraph S t , Carson City,
from business to wish the people
of the Coquille a happy Holiday
Season and a continuance of the
greatest prosperity for another
year in this, the land of plenty
I Nosier & Norton â
LOST— Pocket Book
card with address an 1 $20 hill.
Finder please leave card at Her­
ald office, as it is highly valued.
FARM FOR SALE— A bargain; 120
acres, 60 acres bottom, balance
bench, all cleared, well improved
new house costing $3000, near
Price $10,500, easy
terms. B. Folsom. “•
OLD NEWSPAPERS— Cheap at the
Herald office.
Apple Boxes
W . F. P E TE TT
State Licensed Optician
G ood
8b. One of tbe best timber prop,
ositions on the market today. Close
to railroad, water and town ¡natural
outlet for thousands of logs.
mile of road puts you into the tim­
ber. Timber estimated at 20 to 25
million feet. Mostly red and yel­
low fir aud some white fir.
best logging proposition, easy of
access;land does not go with this
buy. Long time to remove timber;
right of way grant, timber back of
this tract can be had at a reasonable
figure. Full information given to
parties who are interested and can
qualify to take a proposition of this
If r r g (EljriHtmas
liajqjil Nrui $>ar
And all th . season’s best wishes
to our many friends and customers,
whom we thank for their liberal patronage
o f the past year and to whom we give
earnest assurance o f our continued
efforts to please
DC ==1EI[D E1E
The satisfaction my work
is givin g is the best
guarantee you can have
that you are taking no
chances when you come
to me for your glasses.
Give me a trial. In do­
ing so you are protected
by a money back guaran­
Consultation and
examination free.
Have you paid the printer?
We manufacture the standard
box prescribed and approved by
the state horticultural society, and
adopted by the State Legislature,
and until further notice will sell
boxes in any quauity at the follow­
ing prices:
6c Marshfield,
RATES: One cent a word, each in­
sertion. No charge less than 15 cents'
Get her a fancy box of candy for
Christmas at Folsom's.
W . F. P E TE TT
T h ere Is no substitute
for R oyal Baking Pow­
der for m aking the
best cake, biscuit and
pastry. R oyal is A b ­
solutely Pure and the
only baking powder
m a d e from R o y a l
grape cream of tartar.
■ — —
H o lid a y P re se n ts =
Ladies' Gold Watches, $10 up
Gold Lockets, monogram engrav­
ed free, nice assortment
Boys' Watches, from $1 up
Gents’ Watches, from $1 up
Bracelets, fine quality and
nifty designs
Set Rings, Signet Rings, engrau-
ed free
Set Pins, new and pretty— Baby Rings and Rings for
the little tots— Watch Fobs, Necklaces, Lace Pins
All goods purchased at my store will be engraved free
Agates polished and set in Stick Pins and Rings
V . R. Wilson
Coquille, Ore.
Watch Maker, Manufacturing Jeweler and Engraver
Under the auspices of the Coquille
Commercial Club
See Our Line
Dec. 29, 1913
The Grand Theatre has been donated to the Co­
quille Commercial Club on Monday night Decem­
ber 29, 1913, but will not be completed for the
Movies until on or about January 3, 1914.
Everything to
make the little
ones happy
This will not be a Sunday Show house
(B y request o f the Coquille Public)
~ ~
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all Coquulers
U 7Y V N I R C
I n L
• L. r lH
Next door to Thomp-
son’« Barber Shop