flT h e Herald, the old estab­ lished reliable newspaper •( the Cocjuille V alley in which an ‘ ‘ad’ always brings results. VOL. 32, T he C oquille H erald COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1913. NO. 13 •JJo b Printing— N ew presses new material and experienced workmen. A guarantee tha Herald printing will please PER YEAR $1.50 CITY DIRECTORY Fraternal and Benevolent Orders A F. A A. M.—Regular meeting of . Chadwick Lodge No. 68 A. F. & A. M.. at Masonic Hall, every Saturday night in each month on or before the lull moon. C. W . E ndioott , W. M. R. H . M ast , Secretary. E. S.—Regular meeting of Beulah O • Chapter No. 6, second and fourth Friday evening! of each month, in Ma­ sonic Hall. Eva B arrow , W . M. J osephine G. P eoples , bee. T O. O. F.—Coquille Lodge No. S3,1. O. . 1 . O. F., meets every Saturday night n Odd Fellows Hall. I C. H. C lkavks , N. G. J. 8. LAWRENCE, Sec. a m i e r e b e k a h l o d g e , N o T20I I. O. O. F., meets every second and I fourth Wednesday nights in Odd Fellows Hall. E mily H ehsey , N. G, A nnik L awrence , Sec. M A CHRISTMAS MESSAGE AT NIGHT /"«O Q UILLE ENCAM PM ENT, No. 26 I By ALICE E. ALLEN. L * I. 0 . O. F., meets the firstand third I Thursday nights in Odd Fellows Hall. 1 J. 8. B arton , C. ?. ¡Copyright, 1913, by American Presa Asse J. S. L awrence , Sec. elation.] NIGHT8 OF P Y T H IA S .—Lycurgus Lodge No. 72, meets Tuesday nights K in \V. O. W. Hall. T seemed to Ruth as she flew for the dozenth time to her telephono that dreary afternoon of the duy before Chrlstmua that she had t ->YTHIAN SISTERS—Justus Temple 1 No. 35, meets first and Third Mon­ friends In the grim old city of which the bad never known until then—true day nights in W. O. W. Hall. „ „ friends, even If they were bumble and Mss. G eoroe D av is , M. E. C too poor to do more than telephone M rs . F red L ineoar , K. of R. their good wishes. ED M E N -C oau ille Tribe No. 46, 1. This special message was from O. R- M., meets every Friday night Ruth's proprietor. Could he call that in W. O. W. Hall. evening? Ruth's “ Of course noL Mr. J. 8. B arton , Sachem. Mayne,” was firm. Could he take her A. P. M iller . C. of R. out, then—a dinner somewhere, the U W. A.—Regular meetings of Bea- theater? Just this once, for Christ LV1. ver Camp No. 10,560 in M. W. A. mas' sake? Ruth’s refusals as trans lall, Front street, first and third Sat- mltted by the telephone were all firm irdays in each month. and relentless. But as she came away M. O. H a w k in s . Consul. and sat down In her chair by the win R. B. R o g er s , V . C. dow her eyes were wistful. N ed 0 . K elley , Clerk. “ It will never do for the proprietor N. A .— Regular meeting of Laurel to call upon his stenographer.'' she . Camp No. 2972 at M. W. A . Hall, said, with a sorry little smile. “T o be Front street, second and fourth Tues­ sure, there was a time” —when he was day nights in each month. her father's clerk—"but times havs M ary K ern , Oracle. changed." E dna K elley , Rec. Perhaps because it was Christmas mp No. 197, lfi O. W .—Myrtle Camp eve, when memories, no matter how :30 isday at 7 : • meets every Wedi well behaved at other times and sea­ p. m. at W. O. W. Hall. sons, will walk abroad; perhaps be Lee Currie, C. C. cause othjer things—such as love, joy, JonN L eneve , Sec. peace and good will—were thronging V E N IN G TID E CIRCLE, No. 214, heaven and earth below; perhaps only meets second and fourth Monday because Ruth was tired and perplex- nights in W. O. W. Hall. O ra X. M au ry , G. N. M ary A. P ierce , Clerk. R. R. W atson , K R. 8 O. A. M into nye , C. C. I R R W E ARM ERS UNIO N.— Regular meet­ ings second and fourth Saturdays in each month in W. O. W. Hall. F rank B urkholder , Pres. O. A. M intonye , Sec. F aidno . 398, m eets the second and fourth Thursdays each r a t e r n a l F month ai W. O. W . Hall. M rs . C has . E vland , Pres, M rs . L ora H arkington , Sec. Educational Organisations and Clubu O Q I II L L K E D U C A T IO N A L LEAG UE— Meets monthly at the High School Building during the schoo, vear for the purpose 0 1 discussing edu­ cational topics. hKNA A nderson , Pies. E d n a M inaku , Sec. K C O K E E L K L U B —A business men’s social organization. Hall in Laird’ s building, Second street. A. J. S h e r w o o d , Pies. F r e d S l a GLB, Se.. ommercial clui > j . e . N orio » President; J. C. 8 a * a l e , Secrutary Transportation Facilities R AIN S—Leave, south bound 9:00 a. m. and 3:00 p. m. North bound i9:40 a. m. and 4:40 p. m. r Six boats plying on the Co­ B OATS quille river afford ample accommo­ — dation for carrying freight and paasen gers to Bandnn mid way points. Boats I save at 7 :30, 8 :30, 9 :20 and 9 :C0 a. m. and at 1:00, 3 :30 and 4 :4o p. nr.. TAGE—J. L. Laird, proprietor. De­ S parts 5:30 p. m. for Koeeburg via Myrtle Point, carrving the United Slatee mail and pasengers. OSTOFFIOE.— A. F. Linegar, post­ master. The mails close as follow.: Myrtle Point 8:40 a. m. and 2:35 p. m. Marshfield 10:15 a. m. ami 4:15 p. in. Bandou ami way points, Norway and Arago 12:45 p. m. Eastern mail 4:45 a. m. Eastern mail arrires 10: a. m. P City and County Officers Mayor............................ A. T. Morrison Recorder......................... J. ft. Lawrence Treasurer............................’R. H. Mast City Attorney................. L. A. Liljeqvist Knginee-.................... P. M. Hall-Lewis Marshal.......................... C. A. Evernden Night Marshal.................. John Hurley Water Superintendent . .8. V. Epperson Fire Chiei..................... Walter Oerding Councilmen —D. D. Pierce, C. T. Skeels W. C. Laird, G. O. Leach, W. H. Ly­ ons, Leo J. Cary. Regular meetings tirst and third Mondays each month. Justice of the Peace.........J. J. Stanley Constable........................Ned C. Kelley County Judge . . ................ John T. Hall Commiasioners- -W. T. Dement, Geo. J. Ulerk ..........— ..............James Watson W. W. Gage ............ T. M. Dimmick T. J. Thrift School Supt. ...... Raymond E. Baker A . N. Gonhl ................ F. E. Wilson Health Officer ....... . Dr. Walter Culin Societies will g et the very beet PRINTING at the office o f Coquille Herald HKR REFUSALS WERE FIRM AND RELENT­ LESS. pictures, enougl? to eat and weas. What more need any one ask? Noth­ ing—except at Christmas. At Christ­ mas. to a woman, lore is a necessity. That night, in the middle of the darkest hour. Ruth sat up straight in bed. She was absolutely sure that the telephone bell over her desk bad just rung. All was still, so, after a min­ ute of waiting, she lay down again, laughing to herself. The telephone hud been so busy nil day bringing her messages that she bad beard It in her dreams It could not really have rung. After a little she drowsed off, only to hear Its shrill Jingle again and again. It no longer wakened her. But In her dream she went to the tele­ phone. took down the receiver and lis­ tened Out o f the darkness and dis­ tance a voice spoke—Jack's voico. “ Merry Christmas" was Its only mes­ sage. But so strong and clear were the words that when Ruth finally awoke to a sunny Christmas morn­ ing. she still tingled to tlielr memory. Perhaps, when one first awakes, the heart has more control over one than the head. Anyhow, when Ruth sat up and looked out of her window at the already busy streets far below her, her heart was doing the talking. "Jack Is waiting for you—some­ where,” It said. “ And he belongs to you. Why not claim your own?" After a minute Ruth's heart spoke again. “ What if you are poor? What If he Is not rich? Can't two work to­ gether better than apart? Why not give Jnck a Christmas gift? The only one he wants?” Ruth did not give her head time to argue with her heart. As soon ns she was dressed she was at the telephone giving Jack's business number. After she had waited wbat seemed a long, long time her head did remind her. "Why, o f course," she said slowly, “ he will be up country today.” She was just about to hnng up the receiver. “ Wait a minute,” cried her heart Hearts do know things, especially at Christmas. And then— “ Hello!" said a big, hearty voice out of the distance. “ Oh. Jack!” cried Ruth “ Is It you. really you?” "Yes, Ruth," srld the voice. “ Who else? You wanted” — “To—wish you a merry Christmas. Jack," Ruth faltered. "Thanks. That all?" “ Yes,” snid Ruth, listening to her head. Then: "No—not quite. I—I want­ ed to hear your voice; that's all.” “ Is It?” asked the voice Ruth wanted to hear “ You see. Jack," Ruth hurried on, “ 1 dreamed about you last night I—I thought you called me up, and—and It was only a dream." “ 1 came so near It." said the voice, "that I stood here by my phone for nn hour Rut It wns late, and—well, Ruth, l wanted you to call me up this time.” "You’ re not in tile country?” “Not yet. W e go tonight.” "W e?" “ Mother and I. She’s spending part of Christmas in the city. Rut we miss the snow aud the slelghbells and the home folks." "It sounds lovely,” cried Ruth, "and so Cbristmnsy. Olve your mother my love. Jack, and wish her the merriest Christmas.” “ She’ll be glad to hear from you, Spot’s Friend By E L D O N S P E A K E [Copyright. 1913, by American Pro elation.] E A R Mr. Santa, I don't know you. And maybe It’s Just as well. For, beln’s you never done nothin' for me, 1 ain't quite so ‘frald to tell W^hat It Is that I’d like to have you do Just as quickly as ever you can. And maybe some day I can pay you back If I ever grow up to a man. ▲ dog catcher came here last week and took My puppy away somewhere. And I am so lame that I can’t go look And get him away from there. And even If I could go where he’s at I haven’t no dollar to pay. And If you will kindly advance me that I'll try and return it some day. •SPOT—T H A T 'S H IS N A M H ." You know, my papa he went and died And left just my mamma and me And Spot—that’s his name—and we cried and cried. For we missed him a lot, we three. And mamma she works, and we got along. And Spot he stayed home with me And never went out, for I’m not very strong. And I have to have some one, you see. The dog man that took him away he said He’d keep him ten days in the pound. And after that time poor Spot’ll be dead— And three days from now Spot’ll be drowned. Bo please, Mr. Santa, If you can spare A dollar to set Spot free, Please take It and give to the man up there And send home my puppy to me. “ Goodby, Jack, dear!” cried Ruth. But there was no answer. The next minute she again took down the receiver. “ Get 3890 again; quick!” she said. “ H ello!" said Jack’s voice. “ Is that you. Jack?" “ O f course. Something you forgot dear?" “ No; I didn't forget 1 wouldn’t say It, but I must Don’t look at me. Jack. ed and lonely—whatever the reason- sitting there In her little window, looking down upon the street, with Its throng of gny, good natured shoppers, Ruth did what she bud sternly forbid­ den herself to do—she went hack over the years which had made such changes I d her life. There was her father’s business disgrace, the loss of erery thing, followed by his death. Then came her own beginning In business In spite of herself. Ruth smiled to think of what her old friends would say could they know what a capable little business woman necessity had made of her. Rut not one of them all knew where she was. Not one had traced her to this great city—that Is. ezeepl Jack. Jack? As soon as Ruth admit ted that name Into her thoughts. II •I'VE BEEN READY, ALWAYS, JACK." dominated all else It brought back Its owner—strong, manly. Insistent one ot but listen. I'm listening to my heart the won't-take-no-for nn-answer kind now. There la something I want. Ruth found herself wondering—almost Jack.” -that Jack had taken her no as final “ Yea.” Apparently be had. It bad surely been “ It's a big something. Guess. No; as strong as she could make I t And don't guess. W a lt It’s you.” Ruth he had gone away—and had not conn bung up the receiver and ran to the bnck With the many friends who had chair by the window quite the other rung up to ask bow she was and to side of the room. say "Merry Christmas" there had been It was not quite a minute when the no Jack—Jack of the strong face, the telephone bell rang shrilly. loyal heart, the tender eyes and volee “ Is this Miss Uuzen?" said the oper How bad she ever let him go? ator's voice. “ Some time you will want me. Ruth." “ Yes,” said Ruth. SITTING IN HER L IT T L E WINDOW. be had said. Above the rush and roar "Message wasn't finished—w a it” of the great city Itutb heard the words Ruth; we’ ve been talking of you. Any “ Hello!” came Jack’s voice, big. again just ns she had beard them ev thing else?” strong, Tlbrant with happiness. “That ery day and every night since Jack yon, Ruth?” “ No.” had gene away. "1 could urge you now. “ Yes.” “ Sure, dear?” hut I want you of your own free will, "Coming,” said the voice, "mother Ruth's eyes were so full o f tears that dear And you will come some day. as Bhe said Hfterward. she couldn't see and 1, to take you up Btate with us I do not even need to nsk a promise—1 to talk. Can yon he ready In an hour?" know. What Is ours does come to us. “ Yea.” said Ruth ‘T've been read> "Sure, dear?” asked the voice again. If we wait. I can w a it” “That's a ll" she said bravely, “ only always. Jack.” That was three years ago. At first —are you well?" What came next must have surprised Ruth had half expected his return even that long suffering, much endur "Perfectly. And you»" Bui he never came And he never sent j "Oh, yesl Wasn't It strange I heard Ing wire. Sure It is that Ruth's cheeks her a word Ruth was tired of watch the bell whe i you (Mdn t really ring up flamed like red holly berries. tng the malls now And her proud lit j last night, Ji -k?" And even before she ran to put her tie head told her eager little heart that “ No.” said lack firmly. “ Your heart clothes In her suit case, to do her hair It was not fair to call Jack back Just heard mine, little girt. I f only yon tnd to put on her one good gown, from because life was hard and lonely and , would listen to It oftener.” above her bookcase she took a sprig aimoet unbearable sometimes. So she 1 “ 1 can't i ways hear It,” laughed o f scarlet holly. With a red ribbon tolled sway until toll became work- Rnth. “ My b id Is such a good talker.” she tied It over the telephone. work that she enjoyed. She had her “ I f ever anything deserved a merry “Tim e’s u ." said a strange voice little rooms by herself, her books, her tome where. Christmas." she cried, “you do!” A A A * » * * A r A * * * * * * * * * * * A * *8 A -k Quotations to Go With Christmas Gitts ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ A P R E T T Y and original touch may be given a Christmas gift by ac­ companying It with a dainty card on which are written the recipient’s name and some apt quotation of an appropriate nature. A few selected quotations suitable for different gifts may be of interest For a postal Card album: Kind messages that pass from land to land.—Longfellow. For a set of books by a well known author: The chief glory of every people ai4soe from Its authors.—Dr. Johnson. For a small afternoon tea caddy: Tea, thou soft, thou sober, sage and ven­ erable liquid.—Colley Cibber. For a useful purse: The best friends are in the purse.—Ger­ man Proverb. Happy the man who, void of cares and strife. In silken or In leathern purse retains A splendid shilling. -J oh n Philips. With a pack of cards: The cards beat all the players, be they never so skillful.—Emerson. With a pair o f gloves: Oh, that I were a glove upon that hand! —Romeo and Juliet With a silver handglass: The heart Uke a mirror, should reflect all objects without being sullied by any —Confucius. With a “ tear off” calendar: The longest day must have an end.— Italian Proverb. A Christmas gift of a ring far a flan cee or wife: So let our love As endless prtfve And pure as gold forever. —Robert Herrick. For the last baby: Much Is she worth, and even more la made of h e r—W. El Henley. With an umbrella: The year, most part deformed with drip­ ping rains.—Cow per. With a cookbook: The taste of the kitchen la batter than the smell.—Old Proverb. With an electric torch lamp: To a great night a great lanthorn.—Old Proverb. With a needlecase: Who • • • hath need of a hundred eyes.— Old Proverb. With a photograph: Generally muslo feedeth the disposition of spirit which It flndeth.— Bacon. CHRISTMAS IN MEXICO A RELIGIOUS FEST IV A L And please, Mr. Santa, if you haven’t get No dollar to spend that way, I wish that at least you would go see Spot And tell him we’ll meet some day. And If you don't mind that he’s not very clean. And If there’s nobody to see, I wish you’d Just klnda—he’ll know what you mean— Just give him a pat for me. H RISTM AS celebrations in Mexico differ greatly from oura and usual­ ly last for several days. Bright lanterns suspended In tbe air proclaim the glad tidings of tbe holidays, and eVery Mexican Jacal, no matter how HOW TO SPEND CHRISTMAS. bumble, puts out Its beacon to light tbe Ferg,t Yourself For the Day and Try steps o f the Saviour should be per- to Make Others Happy. cbance appear. The story o f tbe birth DAY off, a few remembrance* of the Redeemer Is annually portrayed from relatives and friends and In all Mexican towns nnd In a sym­ a good dinner—Is that all that bolic language which tbe most Igno­ rant can readjly understand. Christmas means to you? Sure­ The performance la given by fifteen ly you are going to make It aa players, consisting of Joseph and Mary occasion for more than uanal re and tbe Infant Jesus, two arcbaugels, jolclng this year, a real old fash­ Lucifer aud three of bla minions and ioned Christmas. Surely you art a number of shepherds. Tbe costumes going to he more llbetal In spirit aro adapted to tbe Mexican conception thnn ever before and scatter mer of the characters and are novel In the rlment on all sides. Have you extreme All of tbe costumes are got been a little selfish, have you de­ up tastefully, and, while a strict con­ voted so much time to enjoying formance with the requirements of tbe yourself that you have forgotten first century might rob Joseph o f his other folks? sombrero, still It Is doubtful If tbe Those you have forgotten an lesson which It is desired to Instill In good folks, aren’t they, the beet the minds of the people would be as folks In the world? And you an effective If all the minor detnlls of tbe just going to show them how ap­ early Jewish fashions were followed. preciative you are. You don't The scene of tbe play opens near like this modern way of turning Bethlehem, where tbe shepherds are dear old Cbrlstmaa Into an occa­ tending their flocks, by a bust of angels sion for trading and exchanging appearing and telling them of the birth gifts. You are going to see all of the Savlonr and Inviting them to fol­ the friends you can on that day low to where he Ilea. They follow tbe and shake hands with as many; star which leads them to the stable. In pat them on tbe back and tell the manger of which the Infnat rests them how glad you are to be with In the arms of Mary and Joseph. While them. And to those you cannol rejoicing, Lucifer, armed with two see you are going to write cheery, swords, appears and attempts to de­ warm hearted letters and tell stroy the child Jesus, but Is repulsed them you want to bear from by two angels, who keep watch over them oftener. Isn't that how you him. Not to be outdone, Lucifer sum­ feel about the greatest of all mons three archdemont, who fight with birthdays? the angels for the course of half an hoar, resulting In the final overthrow PLUM PUDDING AND MINCE of the evil one and his emissaries and PIE CHRISTMAS NECESSARIES the placing of the feet of the angels upon their necks. Then the shepherds break ont Into Plum pudding and mince pie are mi­ rejoicing, and, while a portion of them nor but necessary accompaniments ot sing the praises of tbe Redeemer who Christmas day. and strangely enough Is born unto them, others chant In a the former was long ago accepted as harmonious strain tbe goodness and typical of the riches and spices brought mercy of God. This feature, accompa­ by the three wise men to the child In nied by music on tbe harp and violin, the manger, while the Christmas pie is kept up nntll a late hoar each night was held In abhorrence by all members until the holidays are over. of strict puritanical bodies, who be­ One must understand the Mexican lieved : people and their devoutness and In­ All plums the prophets' sore deny. tense religious feeling to fully appre­ And spice broths are too hot; ciate how strongly the presentation of Treason's In the December pie And death within the pot the shepherds affects tbclr minds. lf(J V * ______ C 0