CBB'SMS W h en yon make Christina Gifts, you naturally want to give something that will give m ore than momentary pleasure; some article o f beauty or utility, or both, thar will serve to give joy to the recipient long after the season of gifts is over. In our well-selected ilo ck there are a great variety o f such goods, and you may b e sure that the quality is always above reproach. H ere are a few suggestions for shoppers: Suitable fo r Ladies: Hand Bags, Mesh Baqs. Money Purses, Card Cases, Toilet Sets, Manicure Sets, Hand Mirrors, Triple Mirrors, Combs, Hair Brushes, Boohs, and Finest Stationery. Kodaks Suitable fo r Gentlemen: Shaving Sets, Shaving Mirrors, Razors. Safety Razors, Pochet Knives, Toilet Sets, Fountain Pens, Money Purses, B ill Boohs. Card Cases, Fine Stationery, Boohs. Kodaks hj 8 cfays left before (3/iristmas K N O W L T O N ' S DRUG S T O R E rP K o C a h i lillc v PUBLISHED EVERY It*i8 knowD thBt an imiueD8e cousulate at Portland, making iuuui- l n e v^oquiiit n e r d iu rieg_ TUESDAY Entered as second class matter May 8, 1905. at the post office at Coquille, Oregon, under act of Congress of March 8, 1879. P. C. LEVAR, Lessee. Devoted to the material and social upbuilding o f the Coquille Valley par­ ticularly and o f Coos County generally. Subscription, $1.60 per year in advance Phone Main 351. amount of pulp is now consume 1 in the Orieot, and it would seem that this is one Coos county product tbi)t' may easily furnish freight for trans­ pacific steamers. It is tru9 that deep liners could not now enter and leave Coos Bay with full cargoes, but they can come in light and fake part of a load, finishing at other points with other freight. After the bar dredge has been tried out on the Coos Bay bar and proven a failure, which is inevitable, then jetty work will be resumed, and we will eventually have a real deep water harbor here in Coos county, and w; will see steamship lines operating direct be­ tween here and the Orient. life. She left a note saying: "Can't have the privileges other girls have goodby." The family formerly re­ sided on the Disher place, on Fat Elk, having moved to Alsea, a little over a year ago. The sympathy o f all go out to them in their sad be' revement. Marvel was IS years, 1 month and 6 days old and was well liked by all, and had many friends, both in this locality, and at Alsea. O live-O il Emulsion The good roads meeting held at Marshfield Friday evening resulted in the re-adoption of the resolution passed at the last meeting here, as to the disposition of the funds, should bonds be voted. It will be recommeuded that $100,000 be ex­ pended on the road from Bandou to the Curry county line, $70,000 from Glasgow to Tenmile, and the bal­ ance between Bridge and Marsh­ field, $270,000; work on this part of the project to commence at Marsh fiield and Coquille simultaneouslv and at Bridge working toward Co­ quille. It was the opiuiun of those present that the whold work should be uuder the supervision of a thor­ oughly competent and experienced road eugiueer. Owing to the mix up in the election laws, the petition wi not be circulated until after the first of iheyear, when the new registra tion commences. Then the voters will be urged to register as soon as possibl-, and an endeavor will be made to get the signatures of ut least ¿5 per cent of the legal voters The meeting was harmonious, and the disposition of the funds was agreed on without a dissenting voice (WITH HYPOPHOSPHJTES) Is designed to prevent as well as to relieve disease, whether caused by cold weather, overwork or worry. Vaccination prevents sm allpox; inoculation with antitoxin prevents diphtheria. Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion strengthens the body to resist the growth o f disease germs in the blood, and thus fortifies the system and puts it into a proper healthy condition to resist disease E very person not in perfect health has incipient germ s o f some distressing ailment in his or her system . Y ou w ho are w eak and run-down, from w hatever cause — You w ho are apparently well now, but w hom past experience has taught are liable to catch cold easily and suffer from the various other effects o f cold w eather— Take ho ne a bottle o f R e x a ll O liv e O il E m u ls i o n today and use it as a means to get well and keep welt It Is an Ideal Nerve Food Tonici The Hypophosphites it contains are recommended by leading physi. cians everyw l ere as extremely valuable in all cases of debility weakness. T he pure Olive Oil is one o f the most nutritious and most* easily-digested foods known to science. It helps to rebuild wasting tissues and restore health and strength in convalescence and in all conditions o f feebleness, debility, wasting, emaciation* malnutrition, and particularly in throat and lung affections. It is equally suitable for the child, the adult and the aged. /I and A New* Mill F. C True has taken advantage of the day current recently inaugu rated to install an electric coff-i grinder in his “ Model Grocery ' The new machine is au ornament to the store, beside doing its work in a way that produces genuine steel- cut coffee, avoiding the powdering of the berry, and causing the bev­ erage produced therefrom to be clearer and better flavored. Coat Style White Pleated Front Arrow Brand Collars I “ Anoka” is the latest We have Them Loggers' Rainproof Shirts $4.50 i P ut yourself in shape, now, to successfully com ­ bat and keep from having colds, grippe, bronchitis, pneumonia, catarrh, typhoid fever, rheumatism, etc. G et well and strong. See to it that your blood and nerves— your entire system — are in perfect condition. Good Roads Meeting Soft Front, Military Collar I Cold W eather Diseases Evangelist Adams will deliver bis popular lecture on “ The Missing Link,” at the Christian church to night, Tuesday. An evening of in struction, entertainment and laugh ter. Don’t miss it, but if you think it is a sin to laugh, don’t come, small admission. The meetings will close Wednesday evening. Subject of closing sermon will be “ The Got den Opportunity," or “ The Blind Beggar of Jerico.” Baptismal services at the cl. se. There have been more than twenty additions during these meetings. Wear a Cluet, Peabody Shirt On Christmas Our Gents' Furnishings Department is Complete Throughout to Resist Revival Meetings A BLOW TO GOOD ROADS The action of the county court in refusing to call an election to vote on road bonds has sent flashes of prickly heat up and down the spi­ Pleasant Party nal columns of the good roads boosters. It comes ns an unexpected One of the most successful social slap in the face at a time when it Fishtrap and Vicinity seemed that matters were beginning events of the season was a party to move in a satisfactory manner given last Friday evening by Mr. Rev. Mrs. Dora Young held ser­ The insufficiency < 4. the petition is and and Mrs. C. A. Shroeder at vices at the Willowdale United given as the reason for the action tneir home near Norway, in honor [ I Brethern church Sunday a. m., with of the court, but it is strongly sus­ of their daughter, Miss Mable’s a good attendance. About sixty pected that there ¡9 more to it than eighteenth birthday. Mrs. J. B. Larue left this place for that. It is claimed that, while tech­ guests were present and from the nically the petition did not contain time they arrived until they reluc­ Bandon Friday, thence by boat to the requisite 20 per cent of the vo­ tantly departed, everyone enjoyed Los Angeles, where she will visit Dancing for several weeks with her sister. ters because the failure of the new themselyes to the limit. registration law under which many was the prevailing amusement for Her son Lester accompanied her as of them bad registered left their reg the younger set, while the older far as Bandon, to spend a few days, istration illegal, still their petition ones played cards or watched the visiting his father and friends. Dainty refreshments of The members of the Willowdale was sufficient to authorize the court ; dancers, to call the election if it so wished. sandwiches, cake and coffee were ' U. B. church are preparing to build It is strongly hinted that the court Berved at midnight and after more a build a brick flue in their church disapproved of the Tenmile proposi­ dancing the guests dispersed and at this place, which is greatly need- tion and took this way of killing it all were unanimous in the declara- ed and will be very much appreciat­ off. It is also hinted that the court io n that they had had the time of ed by all attending during the cold Quite a number of wet season. feels that the activity of the good their lives. roads association is in a way a re young Coquille people attended, go- Mr. and Mrs. Rock Robison and flection on the county court, which ] ing up by boat. Many attractive son Rock and daughter Katie, have has been managing road matters for lind pleasing gifts were received by been visiting the former’s brothers many years to the considerable dis- j Miss Mable which is further proof in this locality, having spent several satisfaction of the people. In any °$ the fact that she is a great favor- days with Tenn Robison and fam­ case, it would seem that the bonding it® among the young people, ily. They went to Bandon Sunday scheme is effectually squelched for to look after their household goods the present. Young Girl Suicides which they had shipped by water. Mr. Robison Ed and family also re­ Some of the first wood pulp turned Word received from Alsea, turned with them. We were in­ out at the new Smith pulp mill at Benton county, Oregon, gives the formed that they contemp'ate rent- Mr. Ribisou Marshfield was sent to Governor sad information of the death of Miss inga dairy ranch. IVest, and as a result of the com­ Marvel Lowrv at that place, by and son E 1 formerly resided here, ment in the Portland papers a com­ taking carbolic acid It Bcetns the having left here several years ago. munication has been received by the girl thought she did not enjoy as The agent for a stove company Marshfield Chamber of Commerce many privileges as other girls bad was in this locality the past week, from thesecretary of the Japanese and therefore decided to end her delivering the ranges, which they Negligee Strengthen Your System LYONS & JONES I contains no alcohol or dangerous or habit-forming drugs. It i3 very pleasant to take. Enough for full tw o weeks’ treatment, $1.00. Sold only at The Rexall Stores— the W orld’s Greatest Drug Stores — and always with a full guarantee of satisfaction* or your money bpek. Sold In this community only at The X&Ô0CÜÜÙ Store Fuhrmans Pharmacy Coquille, Oregon Means “ King oi All had taken orders for some two and half months ago. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Radabaugh and family and Rev. Mrs. Young took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fish Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ferry Brewer spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M. T Clinton. Perry has so far. recover­ ed from his great joy at becoming papa” that he is beginning to be able to sleep without laughing, a j thing be could not do at first. The infant child of Bert Doyle of Arago, bas been very low with the whooping cough. For a few days its life was dispaired of.Three of the other children also have it. that the w riter ever heard o f in this neck o f timber. C ivet cats are plen tifu l; skunks are a curiosity. T o Make Your Hair M ore Beautiful To give your hair that gloss and lus­ tre and wavy silky-softness, use Har­ mony Hair Biautitier. It takes away the dull dead look o f the hair, and makes it bright—turns the stringiness into fluffiness—overcomes the oily odors and leaves a sweet, true-rose fragrance — makes the hair easier to put up neat­ ly and ea-ier to keep in place. It is just exactly what it is named—a hair beauti- fier, and whether your hair is ugly now or beautiful, it will improve its appear­ ance. You’ ll lie proud o f and delighted with the results, or your money back. NU F SED. Very easy to apply—simply sprinkle a little on your hair each time before brushing it. Contains no oil; will not Myrtle Point Pointers change the color o f the hair, nor dark- j en gray hair. To hair „ and scalp dandruff-free The M. E. Ladies’ Aid were en- . keep , _. . tertainedat Mrs. W Lundeys who gave an afternoon tea on the 10th. The sum of $11.50 was added to their fund thereby. About twenty four of the neigh­ bors supnsed Frank Southmayd and family on Saturday evening the i 13tb. Music, games of various | kinds, and a fine lunch helped to j pass a very enjoyable evening. Mr. Frank Morris has been quite ill at the Guerin with pneumonia but is tow improving. Steve Reed gets out on the street on crutches They expect soon to return to their j ranch. Mr. Lloyd Spires has been in Marshfield for the past week on business. OBSERVER ! pure liquid Shampoo gives an mstanta J !'“8 neous rich lather that immediately pen etrates to every part o f hair and scalp, insuring a quick, thorough cleansing. Washed off just as quickly, the entire operation takes only a few moments. Can’ t harm the hair; leaves no harsh­ ness or stickiness—just a sweet clea n- liness. Both preparations come in odd­ shaped, very ornamental bottles, with sprinkler tops. Harmony Hair Beauti- fier, $1.00. Harmony Shampoo, 60?. Both guaranteed to satisfy you in ev-l cry way, or your money back. Sold n this community only at our store—T ie Rexall Store—one o f the more th: n 7,000 leading drug stores in the United States, Canada and Great Britain, which own the big Harmony laborato­ ries in Boston, where the many ce ’ e- brated Harmony Perfumes and Toilet Preparations are made. Fuhrman’ s Pharmacy, Coquille, Oregon. Nolic« East Fork Items M. C. and Mrs. Miller and the vouQger •hildrt n were at Marshfield last week. Mrs. Miller, who bas been ill for several weeks, is much I improved. Mrs. Clara Hunch bas sold her place and expects to give possession in a week or two. It is reported that Pearley Crow­ ley'a place in Brewster valley is sold, the closing of the sale waiting on hearing from Mr. Crowley who, with bis fatnilv, is in Arizona, Mr. Courtright caught, re -ently.a genuine skunk. It is the first one Sheriff’s Sale of Real Properly on Foreclosure Butler, and all persons claiming tng under __ them subsequent to the Plaintiff’ s Mortage lien in, o f and to said real Notice is hereby given, that by virtue ! property. Said mortgaged premises o f an execution duly issued out o f the hereinbefore mentioned are described Circuit Court o f the State o f Oregon, in said execution as follows, to-w it: for the County o f Coos and to me direct- Iaits Nine (9), Ten (10), Nineteen (19) ed on the 8th day o f November, 1913, and Twenty (20) in Block No. One (1) upon a judgement and decree duly in Industrial Addition to Bandon, Coos rendered, entered o f record and docket- County, Oregon. ed in and by said Court on the 30th day o f Said sale being made subject to re- September, 1913 in a certain suit then demption in the manner provided by in said Court pending, wherein Kitty i law. Perdue was plaintiff and Edward Per­ Dated this 14th day o f November 1913. due, sometimes known and designated as W. W. G age , Arville Perdue and Mary J. Perdue, his ! Sheriff o f Coos County, Oregon. wife and Lucinda Butler, were defendants 1 l-18-5t in favor o f plaintiff and against said de­ fendants bywhich execution I am com­ manded to sell the property in said execu­ Notice oi Final Settlement tion and hereinafterdesenbed to pay the sum due the paintiff o f seven hundred twenty-one andau-lOOdollars,with inter- Notice is hereby given that the under­ est thereon at the rate o f seven percent, signed has tiled his final account in the per annum from the 30th day o f Sept., matter o f the administration o f the 1913, until paid together with the costs Estate o f Ole Samuelson, deceased, and and disbursements o f said suit taxed at that the County Court for Coos County, one hundred thirty-nine and 10-100dollars Oregon,has set the 24th day o f Decem­ and costs and expenses o f said execution. ber, 1913, as the day and the County Court I will on Saturday the 20th day o f Decem­ Room at the County Court House, Co­ ber, 1913, at the hour o f Ten o ’ clock A. quille, Coos County, Oregon as the place M. o f the said day at the front door of for hearing objections to said final ac­ the County Court House in Coquille, count and the settlement o f said estate. Coos County, Oregon, sell at public Dated this 24th day o f November, auction to the highest bidder for cash 1913. in hand on the day o f sale, all the OLE LUND right, title, interest and estate which Executor o f the estate and o f the said defendants Edward Perdue and last Will and Testement o f Ole Samuel­ Mary J. Perdue, his wife, and Lucinda son, deceased. ll-25-5t ^Swift's Cotosuet^ I I I Notice is hereby given that any per­ son or persons who shall deposit in any j o f the waters o f the Coquille River, or j any place where high water will float it int<*he River.any sawdust,shavings. | lumber waste or slashings o f trees, or brush, will be prosecuted for such o f­ fense under and in accordance with the provisions o f sections 42 and 52 o f | Chapter 232 o f the General Laws o f j Oregon o f 1913; all person owning land ! upon which are slashings or waste tim­ ber o f any kind are required at their peril to see that such waste is not floated | into the River. This notice is given pursuant to order o f the Roard o f Commissions o f the Port o f Bandon. .1. E. M orton , Secretary o f the l’ort o f Bandon. L 12-2-3t 1 A Pure Vegetable Short­ ening Containing Refined Cotton Seed Oil, Vege­ table Color, Beef Stearine. Nosier i i i & N o rto n . n iN T iiiiiim iiiM I