CHRISTMAS Neckties Galore Hosiery ar.d F u rn ish in gs SUGGEST IONS For Ladies K have 50 dozen New and Nifty Neckties, Sleeve Holders, Fancy Garters and Silk Hosiery, all in neat­ ly fixed Christmas Boxes, just the tiling for presents. Call and see them W COQUILLE HABERDASHERY who is also known here The sketch is entitled “T he Soul Savers’’ and is a satire on some of the methods of P U B U 8H E D EV ERY TUESDAY the New York slumming societies. I t was especially written for Miss Entered aa second clase m atter May They made a 8, 1805. at th e poet .office a t Coquille, lies and Thompson Oregon, under act ol Congress of March big hit with it j n San Diego, theD 8, 1879. went to S an Francisco. Miss lies ! obtained an interview with the P. C. LEVAR, Lessee. m anager of th e Orpheum and he Devoted to the m aterial and social was so well pleased with her work upbuilding of the Coquille Valley p a r­ th a t he made a contract with ber at ticularly and o f Coos County generally. once. W hile waiting for the open- Subscription, $1.60 per year in advance of h e r season, Miss lies and h e r as­ sociates were summoned to Sacra P h o n e Main 354, mentó, where the sudden illness of | L u lu Glaser has left a vacancy in M argaret lies Goes On Up the vaudeville program. Her sketch was substituted fur th at of Miss M argaret lies, the charming little Glaser, for over a week, and the actress who is so well known in dramatic critic of the Sacramento this county, is now on the big Or- Union says tn at the pations had no pbeum Circuit with a vaudeville complaints to make at the change. sketch, in company with Joe T h o m p ­ Miss Ilea plays Spokane, Seattle and son, a former popular mem ber of! P o rtland, th en goes Eaet to Chicago Ilea Company, and Lolita Howard, j an d th e larger places. H er irieuds _________________________________ _ here, of whom th e r e a are many, will be glad to learn of her success, and will be confident th at she will make good in the larg er field. The Coquille Herald Str. Elizabeth R egular as the Clock San Francisco a n d Bandon First-class fare only........... $7.50 Up freight, per ton ................ 3.00 E. & E. T. K ruse 2 4 C a lifo rn ia S tr e e t, S a n F r a n c is c o F o r R e s e rv a tio n s NOSLER & NORTON A g e n ts, C o q u ille , O re g o n THE SKOOKUM RESTAURANT Rooms in Connetion A lex ao n B u ild in g E a s t E n d PirB t S t. GEO. C. THERAULT P R O P R IE T O R School C ensus C o m p le te d School Clerk J. S. Lawrence has finished the school census of this i district and has made his teport. He found a total of SCO children of school age, 285 of whom were | females and 275 males This is an increase of 53 over last year's cen­ sus, when 507 were found in the district. To Buy Salm on C E. Nicholson, of th e Coos Bay Ice & Cold Storage C j , was on the river eatly last week m ak in g a r ­ rangem ents with the fishermen and others for the bu yin g and shipment to Marshfield of steelhead salmon T h e company will not have a special representative on the river but the fish will be handled by the steamer Dispatch qnd handled thro u g h the w arehouse here. T he W orld C hanges H ands The \\ estern W orld, published at Bandon, and the cleanest looking weekly in the county, has changed hands M. B. 1‘acssy of Bandon and L. D. Felaheim, recently of Nampa, Idaho, have purchased the plant and good will of the p ap er and in the future it will be published under the firm of World P u b lish in g Com- pauy. To make much im provem ent in tho paper, the new management will have to go some. Mr. Felsbeim passed through town S aturd ay even­ ing on his way to Marshfield and For Gentlemen K O DA KS KODAKS HAND BAGS MESH BAGS MONEY PURSES CARD CASES TOILET SETS MANICURE SETS HAND MIRRORS TRIPLE MIRRORS HAIR BRUSHES COMBS BOOKS FINE STATIONERY SHAVING SETS SHAVING MIRRORS RAZORS SAFETY RAZORS POCKET KNIVES TOILET SETS FOUNTAIN PENS MONEY PURSES BILL BOOKS CARD CASES BOOKS FINE STATIONERY Make your selections while the selecting is good KNOWLTON' S DRUCi S TORE N orth Bend to look at soffio priut- wedding which is scheduled ing material th a t is fo r sale. come off very soon To keep up the excitement over Died the bank robbery, wc have bad a horse thief working near R ural. A SAMSON— A t Prosper, O regon, A man giving the name of Woods Dec. 8, 1013, Mrs. E s th e r Samson probably only one of n®nv aliases, who has been on the Smith-Powers aged 69 years and 15 days. The funeral was held h ere today, stock ranch and was discharged, upon the arrival of th e Dispatch, stole a pair ot horses belonging to from the Christian church, and i n ­ Gua Adelsperger, took them to Rose- te rm ent was made in the Masonic b u r g and disposed of them, camp ! back, to ok a team from the Max cemeterv. D em ent ranch, belonging to the (ate of L iberty Hayes, recently shot, Small B laze in R e stau ra n t took them to North Bend and dis­ posed of them for $130. The horses Ig n itio n of gasoline at the base were recovered, l h e thief was cap­ of th e coffee urn in th e Club Cafe tu red and ia now in jail in Coquille. caused a blaze th at ran to the ceil­ Woods has a wife and one child. ing and excitement that ran th rou gh Observer. the buaineas p a rt of town, at 4:45 yesterday afternoon. T h e fiames S tren g th fo r Old People were pro m ptly extinguished, but the fire alarm bad been ru n g and Old people, to overcome the weaken­ the d e p artm en t responded promptly reaching the scene too late to put ing, debilitating effects of increasing old age, often make a very sad mistake the a p p aratu s into action b u t in ( in using so-called “ remedies” that con­ time to show th a t they were on the] tain alcohol and dangerous or habit­ job and ready for business on sho rt forming drugs. Often this stuff, be- notice. A few dollars worth ,,f cause it livi ns and brightens them up a wallpaper will cover the damage to them to im agine th a t it is doing them the restaurant. ariTt the feeding of ood, when it isn’t. Remedies th a t rely the hu n g ry was in terru p ted b u t a or th e ir sale on such deceit, do harm , because th e false excitem ent of the few minutes. Give the Children A S a n ita ry Bedstead We are over-stocked with Bedsteads, and for a few days will make specially low prices EM BE'l that in buying here you pay no R EM more than elsewhere, and usually less, and f M yrtle Point Pointers E d C arter came in from Colusa, Cal , via Roseburg, on business. He left his wife and son in Colusa. He says Mrs. C. is not in the best of health this winter. One of ou r old tiihers, Mr. J. Ma- thena, is quite sick with dropsy. He spent a g re a t deal of time last year in Coquille. Alva L ee’s yo un gest son had a narrow escape from losiog an eye, being hit j u s t above it by an arrow shot at him in play. Sush playthings are d an gero us in the hands of small children. The Presbyterian L ad ies’ Aid held a bazaar at L u n d y ’s ball on Friday, at which a good sum was realized from the sale of fancy work for the holidays. If you listen closely you will hear the echo of the bells for a double Wear a Cluet, Peabody Shirt On Christmas Negligee Coat Style Soft Front, Military Collar White Pleated Front nerves and h e a rt leaves them worse th an they w ere before. Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion is a real medicine—a splendid body and stren g th - builder, especially good for old people, because it furnishes to the system ingre­ dients necessary to rebuild w asted tis­ sues, strengthen the nerves, give new energy and a younger and livelier feel­ ing to the body. I t m ay not m ake you feel b e tte r a fte r the first dose, nor per­ haps for several days. B ut if you don’t feel much b e tte r and stro n g e r before you have taken a q u a rte r as m uch as you have of o ther m edicines th a t didn’t help you, we will gladly give you back your money. T h a t’s certainly a square deal. The four H ypophosphites it contains are used by leading physicians every­ w here in debility, w eakness and liabil­ ity to disease, to tone and stren g th en the nerves. P urest Olive Oil, one of the m ost nutritious, m ost-easily-digested foods known, being tak en w ith tne hy­ pophosphites. gives rich tissue nourish­ m ent to the whole system . You who are w eak and run-down, and you who are a pparently well now, but a re liable to suffer from various cold w eath er ailm ents, use Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion to g e t and keep well and strong. For the tired-out. run-down, nervous, em aciated or debilitated—the convalescing—grow ing children—aged people—it is a sensible aid to renew ed stren g th , b e tte r spirits, glowing health. If it docs not help you, your money will he given back to you w ithout argum ent. Sold in this com m unity only a t our store—The Rexall S to re —one the more than 7,000 leading d rug stores in the U nited S tates, Canada and G re at B rit­ a in .—F uhrm an’s Pharm acy, Coquille, Oregon. you can help your friends in the Piano Contest Coquille Furniture Co. in -hand on th e day of sale, all 'h e right, title , in te rest and e sta te which said defendants Edw ard Perdue and M ary J . Perdue, his w ife, and L tcii.da B utler, and all persons claiming under them subsequent to th e P laintiff’s M ortage lien in, of and to said real property. Said m ortgaged premi es hereinbefore m entioned are d escrilcd in said execution as follows, to-w it: L ots Nine (9), Ten (10), N ineteen f 19 and T w enty (20) in Block No. One 1) in Industrial Addition to Bandon, Coos County, Oregon. Said sale being made su b ject to re ­ dem ption in th e m a n re r provided by “Anoka” is the latest We have Them Loggers’ Rainproof Shirts $4.50 D ated this 14th (lay of N ovem ber 1913. W. W. G a g e , Sheriff of Coos County, Oregon. 1l-18-5t I A Coffee Percolator, Chafing Dish, Toaster or Stove Makes an Ideal Gift Notice N otice is hereby given th a t any per­ son or persons who shall deposit in any of the w a ters of the Coquille River, or any place w here high w a ter will float it into th e River,any saw dust,shavings, lum ber w aste or slashings of trees, or brush, will be prosecuted for such o f­ fense under and in accordance w ith the Sheriff’s Sale of Real Property on Foreclosure provisions of sections 42 and 52 o f , C hapter 232 of the G eneral Laws of Oregon of 1913; all person owning land Notice is hereby given, th a t by virtue upon which a re slashings or w aste tim ­ i of an execution duly issued out of the b e r of any kind are required a t th e ir C ircuit C ourt of the S ta te of Oregon, peril to see th a t such w aste is not floated for the County of Coos and to me d irec t­ the River. ed on the 8th (lay of Novem ber. 1913, into This notice is given p u rsu a n t to order upon a judgem ent and decree d u ly , of the Board of Commissions of the rendered, entered of record and docket­ ed in and by said C ourt on the 30th day of P o rt o f Bandon. J . E. M o r t o n , Septem ber, 1913 in a certain su it then S ecretary of the P o rt of Bandon. in said Court pending, w herein K itty 12-2-3t Perdue was plaintiff and E dw ard P e r­ due, sometimes known and de signated as Notice of Final Seulement Arville Perdue and M ary J. Peniue, his wife and Lucinda Butlqf, w ere defendants , in favor of plaintiff and against said de­ N otice is hereby given th a t the under­ fendants bj which execution I am com­ manded to sell the property in said execu­ signed has tiled his final account in the tion anil herein after described to pay the m a tte r of th e adm inistration of the sum due the paintiff o f seven hundred E state of Ole Samuelson. deceased, and tw enty-one anil 20 -100 dollars, w ith in te r­ th a t th e County Court for Coos County, 1 est thereon a t the ra te of seven p e rce n t, Oregon, has se t the 24'h day of Decem­ per annum from the 30th day o f Sept . ber,1913,as the day and th e County Co, rt 1913, until |>aid to g eth e r with the costs Room a t th e County C ourt House, Co- and disbursem ents of said suit taxed a t uille, Coos County. Oregon as the place one hundred thirty-nine and 10-100dollars or hearing objections to said final nc- , and costs and i xjiensesof said execution. count and the settlem ent of said e state. D ated this 24th day o f November, I will on Saturday the 20th day of Decem­ ber. 1913, a t the hour of Ten o ’clock A. 1913. OLE LUND M. of the said day a t the fro n t door of E xecutor of the e sta te and of t e the County C ourt House in Coquille, Coos County, Oregon! sell a t public last Will and T estem ent of Ole Same I- ll-25-5t auction to the highest bidder for cash son, deceased. ? Our Cents' Furnishings Department is Complete Throughout Electrical Xmas OREGON POWER CO i Arrow Brand Collars W Make This An LYONS & JONES i I D O Y Use O your U TELEPHONE to advantage? i W I I i H Y NOT? It is cheaper to TALK than to TRAVEL. IVe haue toll stations in Coos and Curry Counties and connect with the Be l system at Roseburg Coos B ay Home Telephone Co. • Main Office MarsIfficM, Or* go»