©1 m sg of young men. Be this hm It mo.' terror. Later they would come bar’ . I had not been In the house nu hour I peering fearfully to gain possession »f R. S. K nowlton , President G eo . A. R obinson , Viee-PreB. fore 1 saw evidence in the girl of a the specimen cases because their em­ R- H. M ast , Cashier. strong predisposition in my favor ployer would never need them ugaiu. Then, too, the terrible risk I was run The heavy vine twisted upward lv> nlng served to heighten her Interest lr the orchids now only fifteen feet above me. As to my feelings for her, 1 wifi ^ ^ A L W K Y S BEGINS I SMALL LUMP LIKE his head. He looked at them with refer to that later. THIS and ALWAYS P O I S O N S DEEP GLANDS starting eyes because swaying above “I may as well say here, however, m THE ARMPIT AND K I L L S Q U I C K L Y them was the monstrous, threaten!i ; that 1 couldn't tear myself away from head of a boa constrictor whose great C0QUILLE. OREGON her till evening, when I started agaii. body was twisted around the vine to S h e Disp la y ed M i l i t a r y G en­ for a night ride toward Stevenson A Story o f the which he clung. Junction. Intending to go on from there ius U n c o n s c i o u s l y How his keen eyes had failed to d 0p>ned for Busines March. 18 9 0 Orinoco IF I FAIL TO CURE any CANCER or TUM OR to Bridgeport, with a view to learning tect the body of the great snake as it what force there was at the lattei X I TREAT BEFORE it Poisons Bone orOeep Glands twisted upland around the large trunk place guarding the long railroad bridge . J . CORRKSPONDKNTS: By C L A R ISSA M A C H IE . . of the giaut vine he never knew. No KNIFE or PAIN across the Tennessee river. 1 got on I>eatb stared him in the face. I f Ladd & Tiltcn Bank, Portland First National Bank, San Francisco No Pay Until Cured| very well, penetrated as far as 1 had By T IM O T H Y L. DODGE - he drop pet! into the river the monster s No X Kay or other National Park, New York Firat Trust & Savings, Coos Bay Intended and made my way back to - . . . . . . . Cwindlo. An island tail could catch him ere he fell, an« plant makes the cure tli* home where I bad left the girl. , ,»* » “• ‘l '" 1’4 "■ that jungle failing In that, the deadly water se • ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE “She told me that the family had in along the upper reaches of the Orinoco pents would put him out of existence. ny TUMOR, LUMP or! “lt’a all very well to educate a man river. >re on the lip,.face Already the body moved sluggishl; in the science of war,” said the old curred hostility for harboring me. since , Cha’ les Goodell. orchid hunter for a or body long is Cancer the woman with whom I had break- J but his fascinated eyes did not leav » It Never Pain* until last veterau, “but If he hasn’t got the rich Philadelphia collector, stood on •tage. 120 PAGE BOOK fasted oil my way down had reported OLD RELIABLE—EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS ■eat free; tefltuuoniala of faculties in him that go to make a my presence to a Confederate cavalry the high bank of the river and looked the hideous head among the orchid The flat eyes regarded him with eoM ousands cured at home longingly up at the cluster of mauve leader his education won’t do him B IT S T O »O M R force In the vicinity and they had been orchids clinging to the top of u rotted hatred; the ugly mouth grinned. any good. We had a lot of book gen looking for me. He heard the distant shouts of hi < “The girl learned that there wen tree trunk that overhung the river. It Indians. era Is lu the war between the states, 1» C A N C E R . We refuse thousands D y i n g , Even If they had come i > T ALWAYS ON TIME was a lofty tree, and, bowed with dis­ Came Too Late. We have cured 10,000 in 20 yrs. and we had some born generals. The scattered forces in my way on the him they could not help him. ease and age. it bent Its head, decked 4 Sails from Portland at 8 P. M., Address SR. & M RS. DR. CHAM LEY & CO. former «lid a lot of harm, and the latter watch for me, so I decided to make a witii the delicate butterfly blossoms, ITis first downward movement wou' ’ Every Tuesday detour southward and work my way 4 1 be the signal f«>r the beginning of th * A 436 VALENCIA ST., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL — well, the latter did a lot of harm to back over the Cumberland plateau. I over the slothful river that it would ■ end. Sails from Coes Bay at Service of Tide KINDLY MAIL this to some one with CANCER tlie enemy. parted from my love on an eminence bridge when it crashed down in the He closed his eyes and prayed. IT * Every Saturday “You wouldn’t expect to find military uear her home where she could sec hurricane season. :• Ticket* on sale lo all Fasten. ....... and information as to routes talents In a woman, would you? Well, me for a long distance. I cheered her Goodell’s Carib Indians had refused I thought of Ids mother and of All« e i Blake, the girl he was to marry. jjl and rate- cheerfully furuiahed I spent four years under generals of by telling her that the Yankees would to climb the tree and were now squat­ Ills grip loosened on the tw istel all kinds, and the genius for war that be down there soon in fore© and 1 ting sullenly around a little fire on j vine, so dreadfully Imbued with life; f w- L. K0LM, Agent Phone Main 181 which a bird was cooking. came most particularly under ray ob­ would surely see her again. j h!s feet slipped. Tiie mauve orchids tempted .Goodell servation was displayed by a girl. “About a mile south of my starting | The vine moved. “In the spring of 1862, when the army point I came to a river. I crossed It beyond discretion. He decided to Tie looked up and saw that the ugly I was with was at Shelbyville, Tenn.. by a ford and had ridden another milt mount the tree and secure them him­ I bead was lowered. O O O O O O O O O C O O O O O O O O O «: ray captain told me that there was a when I struck a crossroad by which self. although he knew the risk he ran I Again he slipped down and again Fred Von Pe ger t call from general headquarters for 1 intended to proceed eastward and in doing so. C. 1. Kime the vine moved. If the tree should fall under his some one to go south on secret service then northward. I had just turned j Cold sweat broke out on his body ami — learn wlmt force of Confederates when I heard a voice behind me weight he would be flung into the his face dripped. was occupying the territory south of calling on me to throw up my hands. river, a prey to the vicious alligators Now bo bent his body and looked I did so at once, and three Confederate or the venomous snakes that abounded. down at the tall of the serpent. It But the securing of this particular had loosened from the vine and was cavalrymen in charge of a corporal MECHA ICAL specimen would not only be u triumph, moving to and fro like the pendulum took me In. “After questioning me they decid'd but It meant a liberal sum of money of a clock. Alexson Building that I was the man they were look­ added to the store he was saving up Death above and death below! Well, B ast End First St. ing for and started with me for the for a home and the girl he expected to he would die fighting. camp of the force to which they be make his wife on his return. G e n e r a l Flaeksmithing, His hand found his revolver, and Wagon Making, Machine longed. lie had examined the orchid through he wriggled around until he could see Work, Pattern Making and “The road struck the river at the ford his flcldglnsses, and he was convinced tlie head again. Casting, Automobile Work. ______________________ and we started In to cross it single that it was the long lost specimen that It had flattened Itself among the or­ file. Two of my captors preceded and Mr. Clay, his employer, had offered chids and was regarding him coldly PROPRIETOR C O Q U I L L E , OREGON two followed me. There was a ledge $10,000 for. There were the delicate ns before. lie would wait until It lift­ Just below the ford which my girl mauve outer leaves with tiie hearts of ed again, and when Its throat was had cautioned me against, calling my flaming crimson and orange, with mar­ presented to view he would try to ;4>C O < 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 < > 0 0 0 0 0 < j attention to the fact that the running velous stripings of black. blow the head off. It would be diffi­ water would deceive me as to the There were two ways of reaching the cult at that distance with a single direction I needed to take. She told mauve orchids. One was to climb the shot, and the death agonies of the rep­ letterheads and envel­ me that if I dldu’t keep well upstream tree trunk with the risk of weighting tile might involve his own death. opes ma Ice a favorable I would go over the ledge into deep it down to destruction when he reach­ impression on your cor­ Goodell closed his eyes again and water. ed the upper part. This way was hin­ muttered a prayer as the strongest respondents. Ard Auto Line ‘I soon saw that the first man in dered by a tangle of great vines that men do in moments of danger. The line, the corporal, was heading too far head was lifting again and resumed its see If your station­ downstream. When he reached the I civ- 9 Myrtle Point 5 a. m. swaying movement. Higher, higher it ery cannot be lin middle of the river he went over the A i rives lit) sc burg, next day went, until the mottled throat was re­ proved In some re­ ledge and 1 saw him no more. The Leaves Roseburg..... 0 p. ni. spects vealed. next man was frightened, but headed Arr. .Myrtu Point by 10 p. m. Spat! his horse farther upstream. I wished The bullet went over Its head. ITis Make re sedation 8 in advance at Owl work at lowest prices I could go over the ledge and be arm was unsteady: he must try again. Drug Stoie, Marshfield. drowned, to save mysel/ from a bang can be bad In our Job Again he raised the automatic revolver, Ing. I was turning my horse In that Printing department and again it sounded on the heavy ju n­ direction when the man next in my Carrying Baggage and United Slates Mail gle air. rear, who had come up beside me. Spat! G es j s U o J. L. LAIRD, P r o p r ie t o r seized my bridle rein. The head of the reptile wagged vio­ “When 1 was looking him In the face Office at Laird’s Livery Barn, Myi le Point, Both Phoucs " I RECOGNIZED T H E U IR L I H A D D E F T AN lently and all outlines were lost as the I saw a round hole appear In his fore H O U R B EFO RE.” bullet found its mark. The great bod;» trembled violently, the tail lashed to us and come back wkh the informa­ head. He fell from his horse and was swept away with the current. He had R. E.SHINE, V .-l rts and fro. and the vine slipped down « J. SHERWOOD P r o . tion. 1 was a private in those days been shot, but who had st\ot him was I. H. HAE m RD, ¿asuier and anxious to do something by which ward. t C SANFORD, A i m . Cashier I might gain promotion. I thought a mystery. I glanced to the opposite Charles Goodell slipped down, his Regular as the Clock that If I gained the information to bank and saw a little cloud of smoke, eyes ever on the horrid specter of the enable the general to carry out any but no oue who had fired a shot. descending head. "Two of the four men were now plans he might have I could count on o p c o q u iu l is , o n e c o ti, Once he glanced below and saw that his influence. So I volunteered and eliminated. The man behind me was the tail was lashing the water. He was ordered to report at headquarters. a brave fellow. He spurred forward took courage and slipped farther down. T r a r i H u c i s o G e n e r a l B u n k i n g B u s s in e : The general questioned me, aud evi­ and. drawing his revolver, ordered me The great body of the dying reptile, *7.50 First-class fare only . dently making up his mind to try me to proceed. But we hadn’t gone six came down with him. Boaro of D ire e u ra Correapondenf* .. 3.00 Up freight, per ton told me to scout southward aud learu yards before I heard a crack, and at Three feet above the river bank he so far as 1 could just what Confeder­ the same time my man fell from bis could stand the horror no longer, and R .Ü . D em ent, A J . .Sherwood, Nation**) B an k <> i ,onui>«j >i e. \ .v ' . • * « ate forces were between him and the saddle. Where he was hit I did not L . H a r lo r k e r , he dropped, clutching at a young greer L . H. H azard. C rocker W nolw oith N )l >ank, iS»n h ru n . i Tennessee river. He was intending know, but if he wasn’t killed he was vine that swung harmlessly near. Kainh H acker, E. & E. T . K ru se R . E. S h in e. Fire« N a t’1 bank <.f Portlan d . 1 n it d m ; doubtless drowned. to make a forced inarch with a view to The green vine held and broke his 2 4 C alifornia S tre e t, San Fran cisco “Turning my bead, I saw the fourth cutting a railroad, lie left me free to fall. He swung violently to and fro go in uniform or in citizen’s dress, as 1 man urging his horse as fast as he and when a favorable opportunity pre could through the rapid current toward pleased. I concluded that I could get seated itself be loosened his hold and Fo r R eservations farther south a ml learn more by as­ the southern shore. He had evidently fell upon the ground close beside his had enough of trying to run me into NOSLER & NORTON suming to he a southerner, so T chose T H E B U L L E T W E N T O VER ITS H E A D . heap of specimen cases. Then he faint camp and was trying to save himseli to go In citizen’s dress. must lie cut through with a machete ed away for tiie first time in his adven Agents, Coquille, O regon from the invisible marksman. “I confess I didn’t like the prospect turous life. “I was now free as a bird, and it before lie could reach the coveted prize. of being detected ns a Yankee soldier lie recovered consciousness almosi The other way was to climb up the didn’t take long for me to gather my in disguise within the enemy’s lines great twisted vine that hung down­ immediately, for the shots had brought faculties sufficiently to understand that hunting for information, for I was ward from the very point where the back his frightened Indians, and the;, rta T v rs pretty sure In that case to be hanged some one hud saved me from my cup orchids clung to the tree. The vine gathered about him with scared looks tors, though 1 was not quite sure but for a spy. Besides, I was starting at and pointing fingers. swung almost within his reach now. night, which Is just the time a man's that 1 would be the next victim. How and its lower end touched the surface He took out his emergency flask and is now fully equipped with modern pluck Is at the lowest ebb. I rode most ever, I lost no time in pushing forward of the water. restored in a measure his shattered to the northern side of the river, and faces of type and accessories of the night and early in the morning “The twisted vine,’’ he decided at nerves. He sent them to the river to stopped at the outskirts of a town my horse carried n.e up the steep as­ last, and, tossing aside his hat, he look at the dead carcass of the boa for the execution of cent on to the bank. There I looked called Fayetteville. pulled on heavy gauntlets, saw that his constrictor, but always they came back Will Accept “Those towns down there were sure about me aud at the base of u tree saw leather puttees covered every exposed aud gazed at him as though upon a Le. to sympathize with one side or the a girl lying on the ground, with a rifle portion of his lower limbs and took spirit from another world. other. Shelbyville was largely in favor beside her. I spurred toward her, dls hold of the twisted vine. Looking at his watch, he found that of the Federal«; I d Fayetteville they mounted and recognized the girl I had 19 B is Indians gathered around the tree three hours had passed since he had were all Confederates. I didn’t know left not an hour before. with the eager curiosity of children in climbed the twisted vine. It had seem­ “She was in a dead faint, but I pick­ this at the time, and I didn’t take pre­ the performance of his difficult feat. ed like fifteen minutes. No wonder he cautions. I stopped at a house and ed her up and kissed her back to con­ As he pulled himself up by the strength felt like an old man under the consum asked for some breakfast, for which 1 sciousness. of his massive arms and shoulders Ills ing fear of those three horrible hours. “She bad seen me captured and my paid in greenbacks. This excited sus­ The continued wonder of his guides lees and feet were twined about the picion; the woman of the house played captors start for the river. Her mili­ thick vine. excited his impatience, and he drew * Union and drew a confession from me tary eye had taken in the situation at Suddenly the Indians uttered shrill out a pocket mirror and looked at him­ that I was of the same persuasion. If once. Running home, she had got a cries of alarm and disappeared in the self. * there had been a man about I would rifle, and returning lay in concealment K jungle. Ilis face peered at him pale and hag­ have been in trouble right off. As It with a view to attacking the enemy Goodell, glancing down, saw nothing gard. His abundant hair was white was. I thought It best to mount my while crossing the stream. Seeing the to frighten them. and. noting that lfiH as snow. -ON- lender heading too far down, she had horse and get away. specimens were safe, went stolidly up The wondering Indians now climbed “I went on southward, talking wltu waited till he fell over the ledge; then, on his perilous climb; the vine swayed in a style unexcelled and at prices tin* people 1 mot. telling them that I taking advantage of the confusion, sh«* now and then under his weight, but the tree without protest, and the mauve orchids which had blanched Goodell’s equally as inviting as can be had come from Shelbyville and had had opened fire. its upper tendrils appeared to be firmly hair to obtain were packed away in left a force of Yankees there. Then I "There are many Instances in history obtained from others fastened t<» the tree trunk, while Its the specimen cases, and the little expe­ asked them about 'our fellows* and where generals have seized upon Just roots 'were strongly intrenched in the dition turned down tiie river. got all they knew. At noon I stopped such a moment to rout an enemy, hut river bottom. Many weeks later Charles Goodell at a farmhouse, and tills time 1 struck this is the only affair of the kind that Goodell «lid not know when he felt Every Part of the Art of a Union family sure enough. The came under my own personal observa n change in the character of the vine appeared in Philadelphia anil delivered his consignment of valuable orchids to father was away serving with an east tion. Besides. It saved my life. up which he was climbing with the “I got the girl back to her house and orchids ever growing nearer to his his employer. But the case of mauv< Tennessee Federal regiment. There orchids came last. were a mother, n daughter about twen­ then pushed my horse to his utmost eager touch. Has Had Our Careful “IIow about these?” demanded Mr ty years old and some small children. to place ns many miles as possible he First the twisted vino had been Clay eagerly. "I soon found that it was safe to tween me and that region. Fortunate Attention slightly rough, but its bark appeared confide In those people and confessed ly I eluded those on the watch for me to be smooth now. sometimes almost I “Those,” said Goodell slowly, “an* myself a Union man. I also told the and got my Information In to the gen slippery to the touch, and once Goodell j the price of my nerve and a portion of my youth. I shall never hunt nnothei daughter Just what I was a spy. She ernl. He commended me highly for would have sworn that It moved. But \ caught her breath and bit her lip. my work and recommended me to the it was « old and clammy. Once Ills face orchid. Mr. Clay. The price of the mauve orchids Is $25,000.” It is our business, so it knowing full well what my fate would governor of my state for a com mis I] | ton lied it. and he drew back with n “I will pay it.” said the rich man slon.” be if caught. is necessary that we use feel I n •• of sickening revulsion. ITe j quickly, “and afterward you may teh “ I have never known such quick ! “What became of the girl?” asked felt faint and dizzy, and he closed Ills ; me the reason why you value them so PRINTED PROMPTLY <-ns s of love between the sexes as dur ! one of the listeners. the very best, and latest • *yes. A N D ACCURATELY highly.” Inc that war. Perhaps the girls, being ! “Our force advanced as soon as I g When he opened them again It was ; methods to turn out the to camp, and I saw her again frequen* j t«> confront the renJ horror of tin* j So Charles Goodell told him the sto­ country bred, had not met any men ex cept country bumpkins and were the I ly. After the war I went down th< best work possible ry of the twisted vine as I have told K ! «Ituntlon. more easily attracted to a different and married h e r” \n wonder his Caritrs had fled l ■» j to vou. f 4 t W -M-!- l»H»M»M-b PANCER j L i IN WOMAN’S BREAST A G IR L 1 GENERAL I WILL GIVE $1000 THE TWISTED!: VINE Farmers and Merchants Bank ! ^ r STEAMER BREAKWATER t ANY LUMP IN WOMAN’S BREAST TH E SKOOKUM RESTAURANT KIME & VON PEGERT Rooms in Connetion S H O P GEÜ. C. T H E R A U L T Rose burg Myrtle Point Stage Better Best Str. Elizabeth FIR S T S a n F ran cisco a n d B andon N A T IO N A L. R A N K Coquille Herald THE HERALD r à Fi rewood < J PRINTING ID ID mJ V - SUBSCRIPTION L A U N D E R IN G iOaut ilrirfs El Our servii'© is at your command. If you are not already a customer we would be glad to add you to our host of satisfied patrons BU TTER W RAPPERS AT THE COQUILLE LAUNDRY K ICE CO. H ERA LD O F F IC E P O L K ’ S' Have you paid j O REGO N a n d W A S H IN G T O N ’ Business Directory A D irec to ry o f e a c h C ity , Tow n and V illa g e, g iv in g d e s crip tiv e sk e tc h o f ea ch p lace, lo ca tio n , p op u lation , te le ­ graph. sh ip p in g an d b a n k in g p o in t; also C lassified D irecto ry , com p iled by busin ess and p rofession K. I.. r o i . K * CO., SKA TTLC CHICHESTER S PILLS / L X |( W ork entrusted to us ^ ill receive the personal supervision of a practical printer who takes pride in the proper execution of every detail the printer? T H E IMAMOXIl H 1M V1. A L « d i * « ! Awk your l».-t . '-i f r A \ « hl-rh« »-ter*» 1»! into. I!.-,. Kt tl an l Uol ! N im , sealed wltl» f 1 -• K> W| T a k e n*» nthrr P r.. \ / 4>r ynur ” D r t a t - A'U'rflll ■ «1 S TKRN niA M fIM » 1 1 K W years known.-is R et, S . I.. s t . S j > Reitabt* : 3 » IT MASTS EYCRYVKI* Incorporated. Manufacturers of The Celebrated Hergmann 8 hoe E 1 The Strongest and Nearest Water Proof shoe made for loggers, miners prospectors and mill men. ¿1 Ttiurinsu Street P o rtla n d O hkoov . Give Us a Trial Order i -