Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, November 11, 1913, Image 1

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    (JThe Herald, the old estab­
lished reliable newspaper of
the Coauille Valley in which
an “ ad'* always brings results.
V O L . 32,
T he C oquille H erald
C O Q U I L L E , C O O S C O U N T Y , O R E G O N , T U E S D A Y , N O V E M B E R 11, 1913.
NO. 8
Fraternal and Bendbolent Orders
F. & A. M.—Kexular meeting of
. Chadwick Lodge No. 68 A. F. A A.
M.. at Masonic Hall, every Baiurday
night in each month on or before the
full moon.
C. W . K noicott , W. M.
R. H. M a s t , Secretary.
-Regular meeting of Beulah
foil rtn
Friday evenings of each month, in Ma­
sonic Hall.
E va B akkow , W. M
No. 6, second and
0 __ .E Chapter
National Chairman Finds the
Events of Interest Reportée
News Cheering
for The Herald
Douglas County to Abandon Project of Building on Middle
(By J. E. Jones)
Fork Route and Follow Umpua River to its
At Progressive headquarters in
Mouth, Thence toward Coos Bay
Portland, the following telegram
The “ Good Roads” movement
in Coos county has struck a snag,
and those who do not think that it
is a serious one have another tbiuk
coming The plan on which the
Coos Bay and Coquille sections,
with the exceptiou of the Tenmile
district, seemed able to unite has
been proved impracticable by the
attitude of Douglas county, and the
hard surface road to the interior by
way of Myrtle Point and the Mid­
dle fork will not be built, at least
lor many years to come.
While the Douglas county Good
Roads boosters had practically-
agreed to advocate the building ot
a hard surface road to the Coos
county line on the Middle fork
the benefit of the Coquille valley-
They claim that, merely as a route
to a seaport at Coos Bay, the Ump­
qua route is but very few miles, if
aDy, longer, and that it will answer
every purpose equally as well, while
opening up a large part of Douglas
county. Further, the people of
that part of Douglas county state
emphatically that thev will vote
down any other proposition and
that if the Middle fork route plan
be carried through over their pro­
test they will renew the movement
for county division. These repre­
sentations have been put with such
strength that Douglas couDtv has
abandoned all intention of going
ahead with the Middle fork project.
Columbus Caravels on W ay
From Chicago to San Francisco
LEAGUE— M eets m o n th ly a t the
biddy with 295.
Over $80,000 has been expended
on the new court house at Klamath
Falls and the building will be com­
pleted next spring.
The Remedial Loan Association
KEEL KLUB—A business men’s
social organisation. Hall in Laird’ s has been organized at Portland,
building, Second street.
with the object of putting the loan
A. J. S herwood . Pies.
sharks out of business.
F red S lag le , S p . .
H igh School B u ild in g d urin g th e school
y e a r for th e purpose 01 d iscu ssin g e d u ­
ca tio n a l topics.
K en a A nderson , Pies.
E dna M in a r o , Sec.
P resid en t;
E. N orvon
J . C. S a v a g e , Secretary
‘Transportation Facilities
RAINS—I-eave, Boutb bound 9:00 a.
m. and 3:00 p. m. North bound
i0:40 a. m. and 4 :40 p. m.
boats plying on the Co­
quille river afford ample accommo­
dation for carrying freight and pxaaen
gers to Bandon and way points. Boats
I eave at 7 :30, 8 :30, 9 :20 and 9 :^0 a. m.
and at 1:00. 3 :30 and 4 :45 p. it - ______
L. Laird, proprietor. De­
parts 5:30 p. in. for Koseburg via
Myrtle Point, carrying the United Slates
mail and paseilgers.
TyOSTOFFIOE.— A. F. Linegar, post-
1 master. The mails close as follows:
Myrtle Point 8:40 a. m. and 2:36 p. in.
Marshfield 10:15 a. m. and 4:15 p. in.
Bandon and way points, Norway and
Arago 12:45 p. m. Eastern mail 4:45
a. m. Eastern mail arrives 10: a. m.
City and County O fficers
Mayor..................... ...........A. T. Morrison
Recorder ...........................J. 8. Lawrence
Treasurer................................ *R. H. Mast
City Attorney....................L. A. Liljeqvist
Engineer ..........
.P. M. Hall-Lewis
Marshal.............................. C. A. Evernden
Night Marshal..................John Hurley
Water Superintendent .8. V. Epperson
Fire Chiei..........................Waiter Oerdlng
Councilmen—D. D. Pierce, C. T. Skeels
W. C. Laird, G. O. Leach, W . H. Ly­
ons, Leo J. Cary. Regular meetings
first and third Mondays each month.
Justice of the Peace ..... J. J. Stanley
Constable........................... Ned C. Kelley
County Judge
John T. Hall
Commissioners—W. T. Dement, Geo. J.
Clerk ............................
James Watson
Sheriff ................................... W. W. Gsge
Treasurer......................T. M. Dimmick
Assessor ................................ T. J. Thrift
School Supt..............Raymond E. Baker
A. N. Gould
Coroner .........................
F. E. Wilson
Health Officer..............Dr. Walter Culin
Societies will get the very best
at the office o f Coquille Herald
P E R Y E A R $ 1 .5 0
Secretary Lane of the Iuterior
Transpiring in Oregon Boilec Department has t>eeu driving it
Down to Least Number o!: home to Washington that the cause
J o seph in e G . P e o p l es , bee.
of the complaints that have been
Lines and Yet Make the
T O. O. F .—Coquille Lodge No. 53,1. 0 .
been coming ftom the people of the
I . O. F., meets every Saturday night
Subject Understood.
west in tremendous volume during
n Odd Fellows Hall.
C. H . C l e a v e s , N. G.
past years must be alleviated.
J . 8 . L aw rence , 8 e c.
Wallowa has gone dry by a vote He takes issue against the policy
m a m i f . REBEKAH LODGE, No. 20 of 188 to 97.
based on the theory that the govern
. . . I. O. O. F., meets every second and
fourth Wednesday nights in Odd Fellows
Salem was carried by the "drys” ment of today must fight battles to
E m ily H ek s k y , N. G, ^
extend over future generations, and
on Nov. 4tTY
A n nie L a w r e n c e , See.
exact toll for the treasury be­
The entire county court of Hood
/CO Q U ILL E ______
fore the interests of the liviug gen­
„ ..
I. O. O. . F . „ . meets the first and third River has beeu recalled.
Thursday nights in Odd Fellows Hall,
eration come in for even scant con
J. 8. B arton , C. P.
The Tidewater mill on the Sius- sideration.
The Secretary is not
J . S .L aw rence , Sec.
law has closed down.
patient with
the idea enter
n i g h t s o f PYTHiAs.-Lycurgus
The dredge Oregon has commenc­ tained by a branch of the national
Lodge No. 72. meets Tuesday nights
ed work at Toledo, on Yaquina government which has beeu appar­
In W. O. W. Hall.
„ _ „
R. R . W atso n , K R . 8.
ent to a disagreeable extent in the
O. A . M intctnyb , C. C.
land office, where hoinesttaders are
YTHIAN S I S T E R S — Justus Temple
No. 35, meets first and Third Mon­ ning for statewide prohibition next nearly always treated as though
day nights in W. O. W. Hall.
_ year.
they were speculators in disguise,
M is . G borue D a v is , M . E . L .
M r s . F red L ineo ah , K. of R.
Six carloads of Ashland apples and are frequently held up for yeais
ED M E N -C oauille Tribe No. 46, 1. are now being packed for shipment before coming into the long restrict­
0 . R- M., meets every Friday night
ed possession of the little ground
to London.
in W. O. W . Hall.
J. 8. B arton , S ach em .
The Portland Floral society will which they have struggled to possess
A. P. M ill e r , C. of R.
give a flower show at the armory The Secretary is a practical man o.
W. A .— Regular meetings of Bea- on Nov. 11,
the west who knows the problem
. ver Camp No. 10,550 in M . W . A.
before him, arid there is a growing
Hall, Front street, first and third Sat­
Courses in cooking and sewing
confidence that he is ‘getting away"
urdays in each month.
are popular features of the Lincoln
M. O. H a w k i n s . Consul.
with his job.
R. B. R og ers , V . C.
high school in Portland,
Nan 0 . K e l l e y , Clerk.
A freak apple at Hood river is
Representative James R. Maun,
N. A.— Regular meeting of Laurel
. Camp No. 2972 at M. W. A . Hall, one half perfect Spitzenberg and of Chicago, author of the white
Front street, second and fourth lues- the other half a perfect Ortley.
slave legislation aud the pure food
day nights in each month.
M a r y K er n , Oracle.
The Eugene Fruit Growers’ as­ and drug act has let it be known
E dna K e l l e y , Rec.
sociation has shipped three tons ol that he will again arise to the occas­
O. W .— M im e Camp
carni) No. 197, Bartlett pears to Havre, France.
ion to stem the increasing number
. meets every Wednesday at
Mayor Rice, of Roseburg, an­ of self-iuflicted fatalities that come
m. at W. O. W . Hall.
Lae Currie, C. O.
nounces that the police force of that by way of the use of bichloride of
J ohn L kneve , 8ec.
city must enforce the law or get mercury. Paris green, carbolic acid,
and other drugs have bad their day
m eets second and fourth Monday
nights in W. O. W. Hall.
President Campbell, of the Uni­ and now the rage seems to be a lit­
O ra X . M a u r y , G. N.
versity of Oregon, is off on a trip to tle pinch of bichloride as a means
M a r y A. P ierce , C le rk ,
ARMERS UNION.— Regular meet­ visit a number of the Eastern col­ of escaping the troublesome affairs
ings second ami fourth Saturdays in leges.
of the times. Mr. Mann has been
each month in W . O. W. Hall.
in consultation with Secretary Hou­
F r a n k B u r k iio ld ek , Pres.
O. A. M into n yk , Sec.
Commission has been organized at ston and other officials of the Agri­
Salem for the administration of the cultural Department with a view to
r a t e r n a l a i d N o . 398, meets the
more thoroughly restraining the
second and fourth Thursdaya each uew law.
month at W. O. W , Hall.
of bichloride in the hopes that
And now the record of 291 eggs
M rs . CnAB. E v l a n d , Pres.
M rs . L ora H arrington ^ S ec. in a year, held by a Corvallis hen, tbeie may be a useful conservation
has been busted by a Washington of human lives.
Educational Organizations and Clubs
f l jo b Printing— N ew presses
new material and experienced
workmen. A guarantee that
Herald printing will please.
A concrete dam has been built
for the water system of Wallowa,
taking the place of a log dam
washed out last June.
Mrs, C. Stumo, of Roseburg, at­
tempted to commit suicide last week
because her son, C. W. Stump, had
married against her wishes.
The author of the "sterilization”
bill, killed by the voters, says that
its deleat was due to ignorance,
and he will keep by the fight.
A. R Norman will become the
manager of the Byllesby interests
at Eugene, succeeding J. M. Jen­
nings, who will come hack to
The fact that the Secretary of
War has arranged for the transfer
of cavalry and infantry from the
Mexican border to Fort Ethao Allen
Vermont; Fort Myers, Virginia;
Fort Leavenworth, Kansas; Fort
Sheridan, Illinois and other bead-
quarters for troops, does not signify
that there is a pressing inclination
to intervention in Mexico.
troops that are being sent home to
their barracks are being replaced
by other forces. More than a year
ago there was plenty of excitement
in official circles over the holding of
troops on the Mexicad border, but
gradually tt has come to be under­
stood that they, like our ships off
the Mexican coast, are doing what
amounts to police duty.
When the regular session ot Con­
gress convenes in December, and
assuming that the currency legisla­
tion will by that time take its place
on the statute books along side of
The Pacific Mail steamship Al- the tariff law, one of the great prob­
goa, which recently took 6,000,000 lems of Congress will be legislation
feet of lumber from this coast to to better the conditions of the
Australia, has been chartered for American farmer. Senator Gore of
another cargo.
Oklahoma has been back to his
The first shipment of butter from state, and has spoken specifically
New Zealand arrived tn Portland concerning this question on a num­
last week and was placed on the ber of occasions. It will be recol­
market at 2 1-2 cents under tne lected that during the past two
Oregon product.
years there have been many excur­
Governor West is now indulging sions to many European countries,
in one of his undignified attacks on where they have gone for the pur­
other state officials, State Engineer pose ot investigating conditions re­
Lewis being the object of his pre­ specting (arm loans, with the view
to more modern methods of hand­
sent typewriter activity.
The liquor dealers of Salem will ling credits in the United States.
make a legal fight against the"dry" 1 Somehow or another Congress and
result of the election in that city, the Administration seem to feel that
claiming that the county court bad it is much more difficult lor farmers
no right to call for the submission to obtain loans than anyone else,
ol the question at a special election ! and propose to take up the subject.
The fruit and cannery men of | The San Francisco Y. W. C. A.
Salem have asked the Industrial send out a warning to girls and
Welfare commission to exempt them women not to come to that city
from the operation of the minimum with the expectation of finding
wage law, on the ground that its work on account of the coming ex­
application would ruiu their busi­ position, as there are to many there
OLUMBUS made a wonderful Journey of world Importance when he
crossed the Atlantic and discovered the new continent The journey
o f the replicas of his famous caravels from Chicago to San Francisco,
all the way by water via the Panama canal. Is In a way as Interesting,
although, of course, of no historical moment. These ships were brought from
Spain twenty years ago for the World’s fair at Chicago and hare withstood the
bands of time so well that they are now on their second Journey, manned by
Harvard students. The trip will be made through the SL Lawrence river, At­
lantic ocean, Panama canal and Pacific ocean, with many stapa, reaching the
Panama-Pacific exposition In time for exhibition.
was received by State Chairman T.
B. Neuhausen from O- K. Davis'
secretary of the Progressive Nation­
al Committee, New York City:
“ Progressives will have over 20
members in the incoming New
York Legislature, whereas we have
only had four up to date. We have
elected Mayors of five cities in New
York, six cities in New Jersey aud
scattering cities in Ohio and other
states. In Massachusetts the Pro­
gressive candidate for Governor
polled many thousand more votes
than in the election last year, de­
feating the Republican candidate
and running strong second. In
New Jersey the Progressive candi­
date for Governor polled a large
vote and prevented a Republican
from being elected.
"W e have elected enough mem­
bers of the Governor’s Council in
Massachusetts to hold the balance
ot power. Eighteen Progressives
have been elected to the Massachu­
setts Assembly, as compared with
five last year, and we also hold the
balance of power in that body. In
the Indianapolis Mayorality contest
we ran strong second, Democrats
Same in Louisville, Kv.,
where we beat the Republicans six­
teen to one and elected a Progress­
ive member of the Keutucky Legis
lature. The National Committee
considers the result of Tuesday’s
elections most encouraging to the
Progressive cause»”
Condensed for the Quick As­
similation of Busy Men and
Women— General Round-
Up of a Wide Scope
The Crown Prince of Sweden has
become a teetotaler.
It has been decided that the next
Eugenics congress will be held In
New York in 1915.
An automatic photographic ap­
paratus forjudging races has proved
successful in France.
The elections throughout the
country gave the Democrats no
cause for despondency.
Woods, a small hamlet in Indi­
ana is now the center of population
of the United States.
Great Britain will have 32 dread-
naughts in commission next year,
while Germany will have 15.
A committee has Ejeen formed in
England and Holland to finance the
exploration of New Guinia by air­
The Italian government will con­
tribute a generous snm toward tbe
erection of a Catholic cathedral at
John Mitchell announces bis ear­
ly withdrawal from official connec­
tion with the American federation
of Labor.
Up to date tbe Panama canal has
cost $314,370,978, and cost on com­
University Lectures for Coos
pletion will tie within the estimate
University of Oregon,
A fashion note from London
Eugene, Ore., Nov. 6, states that furs will t>e worn in
North Bend, Marshfield, Myrtle their natural color this winter, in­
Point, Coquille aud Bandon will stead of being dyed.
probably be given this fall and win­
The electrification of the entire
ter a series of lectures by members
New York system of the Pennsyl­
of the faculty of the University of
vania railroad will be accomplished
Oregon. No charge is made for
within tbe next few years.
these lectures, either by tbe Univer­
Tammany went down to over­
sity to the towns ot by the towns to
whelming defeat in the New York
the people attending them.
Bandon was the first town to seek election, the fusion candidate E>eing
the course, F. Amelia Henry ot the elected by majority.
A bottle containing a note thrown
Bandon public library, offering to
get tbe cooperation of the other jpur into the Beaver river in Pennsylva­
Coos county towns so that the Uni­ nia last March was recently picked
versity lecturers would not have to up off the coast of Scotland.
make so long a trip lor a single ap­
In the aeroplane race for the
pearance. If arrangements are fin­ Gordon Bennett cup at Paris, Pre-
ished, each lecturer will appear at vost made 100 kilometers at tbe
each of the five places.
late of 124.5 miles an hour.
The university offers these cour­
Wra Sulzer, the impeached gove-
ses, without charge for even trans­ uor of New York, was elected to
portation, to public libraries any­ to the state assembly in the Sixth
where in the state, to women’s New York district by a big majority.
clubs, civic bodies and similar or­
In Massachusetts, Walsh, Dem­
ganizations. The courses are ar­ ocrat, was elected governor, the
ranged so as to iutertere as little as Piogressive candidate being second,
possible with regular work at the the Republican third ajtd Foss last.
university, and are part of the Uni­
The increasing use ol automo­
versity’s plan to make what knowl­
biles in Europe is leading to the
edge is here available for the great
construction of special rjutes re­
mass of tbe people outside tbe in­
served exclusively for this class of
The trans-desert race from Los
A strike on the Sumpter Valley
railroad last week lasted only five Angeles to Phoenix, Ariz., 5744
miles, was won by Olin Davis in a
Locomobile No. 4, in 18 hours and
Try a Herald want ad for any 47 minutes.
thing you want to buy or sell.
Governor Major, of Missouri, ur­
ges other states to adopt his plan of
the Middle fork to the line in the having annual "good roads" days,
It would seem to leave on which all citizens are to get out
Bridge in the lurch, but that com­ and work on the roads.
munity is too important to be ignor­
Reports from Europe say 150,000
ed, and provision must be made foi tickets via the Panama canal to the
eventual extension from Myrtle Pacific coast have t)een sold aod
Point to that place.
many of these people will tie arriv­
The breaking up of the plans ing in Oregon next year.
heretofore adopted has seemed to
Jack London has Ejeen sued fur
make it advisable to postpone the
$319 by a San Francisco firm, for
calling of a bond election until the
material used in the construction of
good roads advocates of the whole
his $80,000 residence at Glen Ellen,
county can get together on a new
which was recently burned.
agreement. A delegation from the
Edwardsburg, Idaho, <s getting
Bay, including H. C. Diers, Peter
the benefit of tbe parcels post, from
Loggie, and Dr. Bartle, of North
the tact that the rate on a sack of
Bend, visited the County court
flour from the nearest railroad is
Thursday and requested that the
only 50 cents, while it was former­
calling of an election be postponed
ly $2 50 by freight.
until the December term of court,
The great German liner, Kaiser
and this request was favorably con­
der Grosse, has been out-
sidered by the court.
A meeting will be held in North , c|aS5ed 80 ,ar bV Dewer *** monsters
Coos Bay is willing to accept the
route, providing that Coos would
build to that point, later develop­ change of routes and is already
ments have compelled them to re­ moving for the new plan. If Doug­
tract this agreement and it is all off. las county builds to tbe mouth of
The northern and western part the Umpqua, she will extend the
of Douglas have put in a protest road from there to the Coos county
which shows that no such plan line, along the coast, and Coos
would ever receive the sanctiou of county will have less than twenty
a majority of the voters of that miles to construct in order to make
county. They say that if a hard connections. This piece of road
surface highway is to be built to would also pass through the Ten-
conuect interior Douglas with a sea­ mile district and open up that very
port it should be built to give the ; important section of the Coos Bay
most benefit to Douglas county, territory. It is needless to say that
and it must be built down the Ump­ the plan has the enthusiastic sup­
qua river to its mouth, and not port of the Tenmile people, who
from Roseburg out to the Coos were unalterably opposed to the
county line in the canyon. They plan which left them entirely out in
say that a road from Roseburg to the cold.
The plan, as now framed up by
tbe mouth ot the Umpqua would
have a water level route, following the Coos Bay contingent, embodies
the river all the way; that it would practically the same system of inter­
connect up the towns of Roseburg, ior highways as heretofore agreed
Oakland and Drain and then turn­ on— running from Myrtle Point
ing west would go through Elkton through Coquille and Marshfield to
aud Scottsburg, opening up a large North Bend; from North Bend to
section of Douglas county, and con­ Bandon; from Coquille to Bandon,
tinuing down to the coast would and from Bandon to the Curry
still be on Douglas county soil and county line; with a stretch of be­
would give that county the benefit tween 16 and 20 miles Irom the Bay
of theexpeniture of her own money; through Tenmile to connect with
while the road toward Myrtle Point the Douglas county highway at the Bend on Nov. t 4lh, when it is that she will be retired from the
would accomodate very few settlers line near the coast. This cuts out hoped that a new plan can be for-; firstd®»* service and used for second
' and third class traffic.
and its effect would be mainly for the stretch from Myrtle Point np mutated on which all can unite.