Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, September 30, 1913, Image 1

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    T he C oquille H erald
•¡The Herald, the old estab­
lished reliable newspaper of
the Cotjuille Valley in which
an *‘ad” alwayr br ngr result?.
VOL. 32, NO. 2
C I T Y I) I K K C T O R Y
Fraternal and Benevolent Orders
l ' , At
1/ m !»*«? No. 08 A. F. & A.
A M.. • at Chadwick
Mas on ic H ill, evory Samrdav
•¡Job Printing—New pr
new material and expe
workmen. A guarantee
Herald printing will please.
PER YEAR $1.50
PARENTS SHOULD CO-OPERATE T R A I N S C O M E N E X T Y E A R M t » m i n » l * H | ] [ | [ | j f | ^
School Pupils Need High Mogul* of Willamette Pacific Visit Coo* Bay, Giving Colonel Roosevelt Say* Pro-
Home Study Daily
Assurance* that Work will be Continuous
gressives WillNotLieDown
ni^iit in each montit on «*r I ' iore the
full moon.
( \ W. 1* m ioott VV. M.
K. li. M a * t , 8t<rt*tary.
O . Chapter No. meetiiuf
0, F< t *»n«l and fourth
Friday eveninue of each month, in Ma­
Condensed for the Quick As­
sonic Hall.
E va B arrow , W. M
similation of Busy Men and
J obkphink (i. P kopleh , Sec.
Women— General ftound-
—Cuqmlle Lodge No.5 3 ,1. O.
I . O. O. O. F., F me,tts
every Saturday night
I'p of a Wide Scope
n Odd Fellow» Hall.
. _
(’. It. C lk A van, N. G.
Over a million automobiles are in
LODGE, N o/20 use in the Unites Slates.
M 1. O. O. F., meet» every
second and
Potatoes are bringing 8o cents a
tourtli Wediie»,lay night» in Odd Fellow»
t mii . y H kiihuv , N. G,
hundred at Gooding, Idaho.
A nnus L awbknck , Sec.
Pennsylvania has between 10,000
pvO Q U nX R KNCAMl’MKNT, No. 25 and n,ooo registered motorcycles.
I. O. (). F„ meet« the tirstanil third
Thuraday night» in Odd Fellow* Hall.
Greece is mobilizing troops in ex­
J. S. K ahton , C. P.
pectation of more trouble with Tur­
MIGHTS OF PVTH1A*4. — I,Vcurgii9 key.
l \ . Lodge No. 72. meet» Tuesday night»
Heavy forest fires have been ra­
in \V. O. VV. Hall.
R. R. W atson , K R. S. ging in central and northern Cal­
O. A. M i nto ny e , C. 0 . ifornia.
r y Y T I I I A N S IS T E R S — Justus Temple
Servians and Albanians have been
fighting over the new Albanian
An "aero bus” flew for 17 min­
utes in England last week with sev­
en passengers.
President VVilsou’s friends carried
everything before them at the New
Jersey primaries.
The site for the Cuban exhibition
at the Panama exposition was ded­
icated last week.
The plant of the Courier-Press at
Dayton, Wash, was destroyed by
fire last Thursday.
Ex-Piesident Taft denies that he
E dna K e l l e y , Rec.
lost 80 pounds in weight, and
O. W.— M yrtle Camp No. 197,
. meets every Wednesday at 7:30 says it is only 60.
p. m. at VV. O. W. H a l l . ____
Colorado, Wyoming, Utah and
Lee Currie, C. C.
J ohn L en kvk , Sec.
part ol Arizona had their first win­
VENINGTIDK CIRCLE No. 214, ter snow last week.
meets second and fourth Monday
Senator Chamberlain’s Alaska
nights in VV. O. W. Hall.
O ra X . M a u r y , G. N.
railroad bill is to come up in the
M a r y A. P ierce , Clerk.
Senate on December 8.
ARMERS UNION.— Regular meet­ The province of Ulster proposes
ings second and fourth Saturdays in
each month in VV. O. VV. Hall.
to declare its independence the day
F ra n k B ur kh ol d e r , Pres.
home rule bill becomes a law
O . A . M i nto ny e , Sec.
Francisco is going forward
'RATERNAL AID No. 398, meets the
second and fourth Thursdays each in her efforts to eliminate the worst
month at VV'. O. VV. Hall.
features of the "Birbary Coast.”
M rs . C uts. E v l a n d , Pres.
M rs . L ora H arkinoton , Sec.
During tire last three months of
1912, 260 people were killed and
Educational Organitations and Clubs
4,334 injured in train accidents in
O Q U I L L E E D U C A T I O N A L this country.
LEAGUE—Meets monthly at the
High School Building during the school
Evidence in the Sulzer impeach­
year for the purpose oi discussing edu­ ment
trial seems to indicate that
cational topics.
h K N A A V D E U S O N , Pies.
the Governor was a pretty good
L ena M inako , Sec._____ grafter himself.
l No. 35, meet» first and Third Mon­
day night» in W. O. W. Hall.
M es . O k ikok D a v i s , M. E. C.
M b ». F kbd L ineuak , K. of R.
, ED MEN—Coauille Tribe No, 46, 1.
_ R k. f O. R. M., meets every Friday night
in W. O. W. Hall.
J. S. B arton , Sachem.
A. P. M iller , C. of R.
meetings of Bea-
M • ver Camp No. 10.550
in M. VV. A.
Hall, Front street, first and third Sat­
urdays in each month.
M. O. H awkins . ConBul.
R. B. R ookrs , V. C.
N ki > O. K elley , Clerk.
of Laurel
R . Camp No. 2972 meeting
at M. W. A. Hall,
Front street, second and fourth Tues­
day nights In each month.
M ary K krn , Oracle.
To the patrons of the Coquille
High School:
We are at the hegining of another
school year and are anxious to
make it of the most possible benefit
to the students ol the Coquille
High School. To tbis end we solicit
your co-operation in carrying out
the plans of the year.
The course we have mapped out
for our students this year is a strong
The week will be heavy as'
we believe it should be. The great­
er the effort put forth by each in­
dividual student, the greater will
be the benefit which he will derive
from the year’s work.
In order ti do well the work laid
out in a regular high school course,
the students should do from two to
four hours home study each day.
Unless you know that your boy or
girl is doing this home work, you
will realize that he is getting but a
small part of the benefit the school
can give him, and that he will be
very likely fail to make a passing
grade in at least a part of his work
Parties, hall, pictures shows and
other aflfaiis that take the boys and
girls out at night during the school
week are exceedingly detrimental
to the efifectivetiveuess of their work
In seeing to it that the students
under your control take part in
those affairs only on Friday or Sat­
urday night, you will be doing
tjjem the greatest possible service so
far as their school work is con­
Trusting that you will join your
efforts with ours in making this a
valuable year for your children, we
Sincerely yours,
A, J. M. Robertson,
C. A. Howard,
Six of the chief officers ol the corporations intereste d in the con­
struction of the Willamette Pacific Railway from Eugene to Coos Bav
were in Marshfield last Friday, having come in on a tour ol iuspection
over the line. The party consisted G. W. Volckman, vice president and
general manager for McArthur Brothers and Perks Co.; F. C. Hitchcock,
vice president and manager oi the United States branch of theCompany;
II P Hoey, resident engineer of the Southern Pacific and in charge o1
all work in Ore^oh; Johnson P Porter, of Porter Bros., who is in charge
of the real construction work on the line; W. R. Fountaine, the engin­
eer who is overseAng the work for the Southern Pacific; Thomas Dix
on, supervising engineer for the company.
In interviews with the Marshfield papers, these gentlemen gave as­
surance that the line would be completed to Coos Bay next year. Mr.
Hitchcock said lli-t there was no question whatever but the road would
be completed without interruption The MacArthur Bros, and Perks
company have the contract to complete the road, and the Southern Pa­
cific is even now asking for more hurry on the job He said that work
will Ire prosecuted all winter at this end of the line, although not so
many men would be employed after bad weather interferes with the dirt
grading. Regular 1 Bains will be operating from Eugene to tidewater on
the Siuslaw some tipie next spring. The Wind creek tunnel on the line,
on which work will continue all winter, will be completed in ten or eleven
months. None of these men would express au opinion as to when the
line will be extended south irom Coos Bay-
H ow ard Elliott Rose From $40
A M on th to $100,000 a Year
Home Telephone Company
Busy on Improvements
"W e are in this fight to a finish,
regardless of results, we have just
begun to fight.”
This is the message "which Colo­
nel Roosevelt sent to the Progres
si vl j in the House of Representa­
tives upon the organization of their
Congressional campaign committee
-This committee was organized to
take special charge ol the Cougress
Packers estimate that the Doug*
campaign next year.
las county prune crop will amount
tive Wm. Hiuebaugh of Illinois
to $400,000.
was elected chairman; Representa­
Miss Agues Pitchford is a candi­
tive A. R. Rupley of Pennsylvania,
secretary; and Representitive W. J. date for treasurer ot Roseburg, the
Hidings also of Pennsylvania, election coming Oct. 6.
The citizens of Mosier voted in
The new committee emphasized favor of incorporating the town,
its organization by immediately an­ which is ten years old, last week.
nouncing its determination to see
C. L. Parker, editor oi the Drain
that a Progressive candidate lor j
Noupariel and Youcolla Times,
Congress is nominated in each dropped dead of heart disease last
oi the 435 districts in the United Wednesday.
States next year.
It proposes to
The San Francisco and Portland
make the fight all down the line.
Steamship Co. will carry exhibits
In this determination the Congres­
to the Panama exposition at half
sional committee is in hearty accord
the usual rates.
with the Progressive National
The first fall rains have com­
Committee, which has repeatedly
announced precisely the same pur­ menced at Hood River and are
helping the apple crop, as the fruit
Chairman Hinebaugh went to was ripening too fast.
The principal of the Oregon City
New York the day after the or^ni
zation o! the committee for consul­ school has declared that he will
tation with Colonel Roosevelt and take drastic measures to stamp out
brought hack to his colleagues the the practice of hazing.
message quoted above,
A special election will be held at
The new Progessive Congression­ Salem at some future date to vote
al committee will work upon differ­ on the proposed charter for a com­
ent lines from the committee of the mission form of government.
old parties.
Every Congressional
A melon grower at Hood river
distiict will be entitled to represen­ has put up this sign at bis patch:
tation, so that the members in each “ Boys, don’t bother these melons;
state will torm an effective local for they are green and God sees
committee. Between the Congres you.”
sional committee and the Progres
Governor West accuses Mayor
sive National Committee the closest Albee, of Portland, of making mis­
relations will he maintained and statements in the matter of the
there will be effective co-operation packing house strike and West’s
Transpiring in Oregon Boiled
Down to Least Number of
Lines and Yet Make the
Subject Understood.
Seals Get Most Fish
On Tillamook Bay
Frank Grant, of Portland, an­
nounces that be will be a candidate
A dispatch from Bay City, Or., for the Repulican nomination for
says: Tbe fishing season on Tilla attorney general in case Crawford
tnook Bay has offered nothing to does not want it.
encourage the fishermen. Only one
A commission of 15 citizens, men
small run has been recorded as yet and women, has been appointed by
and it lasted only a few days High the mayor of Astoria, to draft a
boats have turned into the cannery charter for a commission form of
a half ton as a catch for 24 hours municipal government.
and this is considered small.
Among the visitors at the Polk
the past, boats have turned in a ton County Fair last week was Old
or more at a time, but this season it Nancy, an Indian squaw, ftom the
is different.
Grande Ronde Reservation, who
Seals are still causing havoc claims to be 115 years old.
among the fishermen,
Scarcely a
There are approximately $200,-
net is found without a fish that had
Photo copyright. 1113, by A m erican P resa A ssociation.
000 of imports in the Federal bond­
been bitten by a seal.
UURTY years ago Howard Klllott followed Horace Greeley’s advice and entire fish have been taken from ed warehouse at Portland, await­
went w est He became a forty dollar a month clerk at Burlington.
ing the passage of the new tariff
Ia. Now be returns east to become the $100,000 a year president of the nets by seals. While an effort bill before the duties are paid.
the New York, New Haven and Hartford railroad How did be do it? was made during the summer to
Hard work, backed by a well grounded education. His parents weren’t rid the Bay of seals, present condi­ Bauks people have voted for an
wealthy, and be had a hard struggle to get through Harvard. He was born in
issue of $1800 in warrants to com­
New York city, brought up In New England and won his success ip the west. tions show little encouragement.
He became president of the Northern Pacitlc, succeeding Charles 8. Mellen
Only one cannery is in operation plete their new school house, for
Now he succeeds Mellen as head of the New Haven system. He announces a
which an issue of $2500 in bonds
new ’’open door” policy for the New England lines, which will be In contrast on the bay. The Oregon Fisheries was made but found insufficient.
with the stand of President Mellen, who has long been under fire
The longest run of the sort ever
since the season opened and is pack­
ing all its fish in tierces for foreign undertaken by Portland, Or. mo­
So far no canning has torcyclists was the recent tour of
been done, and it is hard to tell the Rose City Motorcycle Club to
when it will begin.
The Elmore Seattle, in which about 75 members
By Walt Mason.
At the Arleta school building in
not yet took part.
The paper tells of weddiDg bells Portland last Friday evening was
The first Grange fair ever held
and bridal wreaths and damsels formaly opened the first social cen­
Umatilla county was given Sat-
blushing; of men who waste their ter and continuation school in
lamook Bay Fish Company, com­ uiday by the members of the Vin­
lives in haste, upon tbeir foolish er­ Oregon. The Arleta school has
rands rushing; of politics and ring- been selected for the local experi­ posed of local fishermen, is shipping cent Grange, The fair was such a
sters’ tricks, of Wmdy Jims with ment because cf the desire of the considerable fresh fish to the mar­ success that they have decided to
hold one each year.
schemes unending; of griefs and people of that district and of tbe ket.
The price named so far by the
Mrs. Minnie Washburne, a prom­
cares and sighs snd prayers, and district’s peculiar fitness for the de­
buyers on the hay is 2 cents for inent clubwoman of Eugene, is a
mothers o’er sick children bending. \ velopment of the idea, being a
Chinooks. No price has been named candidate lor tbe presidency of the
The paper lejls of prison cells where school where neither the wealthy
lor Silversides and Chums. A few Oregcn State Federation of Wom­
human junk is safely herded; of nor the very poor class predominates
Silversides have made their appear­ en’s clubs, the office now being
churcd and pew, wnere I and y o n ,— a representative American colony
ance, but the fishermen are in hopes held by Mrs. Sara A. Evans.
hesr helpful sermons, aptly worded;! The center will aim both to amuse
that a run of Chinooks will come
Offi rers and members of tbe Port­
describes the den where broken men and to instruct. There will be il-
before the big season closes.
land Automobile Club are getting
have heard the doors of hope shut, lustrated lectures, moving pictures,
--- ----, ,
ready to organize their efforts in
clanging; describes tbe hall, where spelling matches, debates, amateur
behalf of the plan to have all main
on the wall, a huudred prints are j theatricals and classes in all the
John T. Hall The Wallingford wreck on the
County Judge
through Multnomah
Commissioners—VV. T. Dement, Geo. J.
Though the Supreme Court has
New Haven road has stirred con­ fleclareil in valid section 1 of chapter leaks discovered in the nation’s cof- young and old,
In New York, rimental to a boiler, a thin coating County converted into hard-surface
Clerk ........................ ........James Watson gress to action, and the whole ques­
311 ! of the session laws of 1913 , tbe fers; of noble schemes and rosy Chicago, in Iudiana and other of scale is often distinctly advanta­ arteries of traffic.
VV. W. Gage
Sheriff .......................
Treasurer ............... ___T. M. Dimmick tion ol train safety will probably be remainder of the act stands, and an dreams, and of tbe sneers of ribald ; Eastern centers the social center geous. T-his is especially noticeable At Grants Pass last week a pub­
Assessor ...................
T. J. Thrift
road tax mav be levied Bcoffcrs; of queens and kings, of sll idea has been wrought out. through where corrosive waters are used fur lic market was opened with good
Raymond E. Baker taken up at the December session ) additional
School Snpt.
uuder it,accord ing to nn opinion by the thing» that chance on earth, in the use of the public school build- making steam. Rain water and even
A. N. Gould
results. Several hundred women
F. E. Wilson I S me students at the university Attorney-General Crawford.
Coroner ...............
Dr. Walter Culin j of Gretfswald, Germany, are in j The Supreme Court held section prose or verses; of psin, relief, of ing, with sucess, and the Arleta melted snow cause pitting of the with their market baskets were lin­
Health Officer
trouble because they refusad to I 1 invalid because the act amended joy and grief, and farewell tours in school experiment, it is believed, plates and more or less general cor- ed up waiting for the opening ot
3 a drink beer in celebration of the j u ­ an entirely different section than sable hearses. We read it all — tbe will be the forerunner of a large rosion. As a protection against the the doors and a display of the pro­
Societies will get the very best
bilee of Empetor William’s reign, I the one it was intended to a- the stories tall of native stunt and movement of tbis character in Port, ravages of waters of this kind the duce. For a while everything was
roend. .The rest o f tbe act stands,
j occasional addition of a little lime- sold as fast as it was displayed.
I» R I N T I N G
the authorities deviating their ac­ however, says the Attorney-General, foreign esper— with brooding eye, land.
"Great Scott!
1 water is recommended, so that a The market will be open Wednes­
tion “ an incitement to action and any a tion taken under it will and fiercely cry:
at the office of Coquille Herald
against academic customs.
be legal.
|There’s nothing in the paper.”
Have you paid the printer?
^hin coating of scale uaay be formed. days and Saturdays.
E C. Drews, general manager of
the Coes Bay Home Telephone
Co , was in the city Saturday on
his way home from Bandon, where
he has been looking after the prepa­
rations for installing a new long
distance switchboard which is now
on the way. When this is installed
two more girls will be employed
1 7 0 KEEL KLUB—A business men’s
Mr. Drew informs the Herald
IN social organization. Hall in Laird's To reduce cost of beef, Armour that substantial improvements will
building, Second street.
& Co. piopose that the killing of
A . J. S h e r w o o d ,
also be made in the Coquille system,
calves be forbidden and the people
F red S l au le , Sec.
the changes being made at about the
OMVIKRCIAL Cl/Ub J. E. Nouion stop eating veal.
same time as those which the Ore­
President; J. C. S avai . e , Secretary
Washington’s stale tax has been gon Power Co. has planned. Two
fixed at 8.81 mills, an increase of blocks of 50-wire cable will be put
Transportation Facilities
3.02 mills over last year and the in on Front street, and this will be
RAINS—Leave, south hound 9:00 a. highest in its history.
hung below the wires ot the Elec­
m. and 3:00 p. m. North bound
,0:40 a. m. and 4:40 p. m.
The laiest German dreadnaughts tric system, instead of above as at
OATS—Six boats plying on the Co- will probably he equipped with 15 present, both systems using the
—1 qtiille river afford ample accor-mo- inch guns, tin owing a shell weigh- ; same set of poles on this street. On
dation lor carrying freight and | m . v l
gers to Bandon ami way points. Beats ing about 1800 pounds.
the other streets,the telephone poles
leave at 7 :30, 8 :30, 9:20 and 9:110 a. m.
The U. S. Department oi Agri- will he placed on one side of the
and at 1 :00, 3 :30 and 4 :4j p. tU
TAGE—J. L. Laird, proprietor. De­ culture states that only 125 dairies street while the electric poles will
part» 5:30 p. m. for Koeeburg via in the country are producing milk take the other side.
Myrtle Point,carrying the United Slr.ies officially certified as pure.
Mi Drewsawas somewhat sur­
mail an.I p.vsengers.
prised at the news in one of the
OSTOFFICE.—A. F. Linegar, post­
master. The inaila close as follows: seph W’ ood and George Bailey, are Bay papers, that the company was
Myrtle Point 8:40 a. m. and 2:35 p. m. among the three thousand registered figuring on installing an auto-man­
Marshfield 10:15 a. in. and 4:15 p. in.
ual switch board in the Marshfield
Bandon and way points, Norway and at the Univeisity ol Washington.
Arago 12:45 p. m. Eastern mail 4:45
exchange next spring He has in­
The man who loaned Thaw his !
a. m. Eastern mail arrives 10: a. m.
vestigated the system and says that
overcoat when the fugitive was de-!
it is a great improvement, enabling
City and County O fficers
ported from Canada has received a
one girl to handle up to 1000 call
Mayor....................................A. T. Morrison check for $50 as a token of appreci­ an hour, with greater accuracy and
Recorder........................... J. S. Lawrence ation.
Treasurer..................................'R. H. Mast
satisfaction to the subscriber.
City Attorney.................. L. A. I.iljeqvist Governor Sulzer will not try to 1 had so reported to the president of
Knginee-.........................P. M. Hall-Lewis exercise authority as governor of
Marshal ............................C. A. Kvernden
the company He is in hopes that
Night Marshal......................John Hurley New York until the end of his im-1 the new minimum wage law which
Water Superintendent S. V. Epperson peaehment trial-—and maybe not
Fire Chiei.......
Walter Oerding
will oblige Ihecotnpany to pay some-
Councilmen—D. D. Pierce, C. T. Skeels then.
wages, will bring a corres­
VV. C. Laird, G. O. Leach, VV’. II. Ly­
A French aviator last week flew ponding benefit by enabling them
ons, Leo J. Cary. Regular meetings
first and third Mondays each month. 600 miles front the coast of France to keep a more reliable class of op
Ju«tice of the Peace
J. J. Stanley across the Mediterranean to a land­ erators
Constable....................... ..Ned C. Kelley ing in Tunis his time being seven
bouts and 52 minutes.
Part of Road Act Stands
W hat’s in the Paper?
Social Center Experiment
Salutary Effect of Scale