Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, September 16, 1913, Image 4

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Reisewetter ii
Rooms in Connetion
E n velop es,
Letterheads ,
Circulars ,
! ’B illheads ,
S tatem en ts.
M edical E t h ic s In C h in a .
we don’ t do your printing we both
lose money.
T h at Letter—
You never received a reply to it, and
you wonder If It was delivered or if it
was lost. If your name and address
had been on the envelope it would have
been returned to you if the addressee
could not be found.
Let us show you how cheap
we can print 500 or 1.000 en vel­
opes W e will also print letter­
heads. T h e material, workman­
ship and price will be right.
Str. Elizabeth
Regular as the Clock
San Francisco
an d Bandon
First-class fare only............... $7.50
Up freight, per t o n ................ 3.00
E. & E. T . K ru se
24 California Street, San Francisco
For Reservation*
Agent*, Coquille, Oregon
In an article In the Journal o f Bace
Development on the practice o f medi­
cine in China, Dr. C. W. Voung o f the
Union Medical college o f Peking
quotes this from a work ou medical
“ When a patient Is severely 111 treat
him as thou wouldest wish to be treat­
ed thyself. If thou art called to a con­
dition go at once, and do not delay.
If he ask thee for medicine give It to
him at once, nnd do not nsk if he be
rich or poor. Use thy heart always to
save life and to please all. So will
thine own happiness be exalted. In
tile midst o f tbe darkness o f the world
be sure there Is some one who Is pro­
tecting thee. When thou nrt called to
an acute Illness nnd thlnkest with all
thy might o f nothing but making mon­
ey out of the patient. If thy heart be
not filled with love o f thy neighbor, be
sure that in tbe world there is some
one who will punish thee."
E a r ly N ew Y o rk .
New York city had become one o f
the most important places on tbe coast
before 1750.
Its great advantages
were Its fine lmrlior nnd the noble riv­
er which emptied into it The other
towns on the coast were shut off from
the far west by the Appalachian
mountains or the Alleghenies, which
follow the Atlnntlc coast nt a distance
of 100 to 200 miles from It from Geor­
gia to Maine. But the Hudson river
broke through this barrier and gave
New York easy access to Canada and
the profitable Indian trade. In 1697
the city contained about 4,300 inhab­
itants, about one-third being slaves
It extended from the Battery to a pal­
isaded wall, where Wall street now
runs. All above Wall street was in
the country. The population grew to
about 8.500 in 1730 and about 12,000 la
T e * t F o r S ilk Goods.
W ill
Fi re w o o d
----- ON------
E ve ry Pari of the Art of
Has had Our Careful
It is our business, so it
is necessary that we use
the very best and latest
methods to turn out the
best work possible
Our service is at your command.
If you art* not Already a customer
we would bp glad to add you to
our Lost of satisfied patrons.
There Is a simple method o f finding
:)ut whether a piece o f silk goods has
been adulterated or weighted, as the
manufacturers call i t with tin, and
that Is to cut olT a small sample and
burn It. Pure silk Is animal matter.
Just as feathers or hair, made, as every
r>ne knows, by the silkworm. Now. if
pure silk Is burned It will instantly
curl up into a crisp mass, just as a
burnt hair or feather will do, but If
the silk goods has been adulterated
with from GO to 75 per cent o f tin it
will not do this. It will leave an ash
in the semblance of the fabric, much
as a burned piece of newspaper will
leave an ash that still shows the print­
ing. The harder and more firm this
'ish the more tin there was in the silk.
-N ew York American.
P a in le ss and P o rtra its.
“ A famous artist has it so much eas­
ier than an unknown painter.”
“ How so?”
“The unknown painter has to make
his portraits look like the people he
paints? The people a famous artist
paints are willing to try to look like
their portraits.” —Pittsburgh P ost
A n O v e rsig h t.
“ 1 want to pay this bill.” he said at
the hotel Lnr, “ but I think you have
mrtde a slight error here in my favor.
I’ ve been reading over the extras, and
t cannot find that you have charged
¡anything for telling me you thought it
might rain.”
8 ecured .
B ellboy-G uy in 13 wants to know
where the fire escapes are! C lerk-
Well. show h im -h e ’s paid In advance!
-K ansas City Star.
A weak nature is injured by pros­
perity; n finer by adversity; the fittest
by neither
v w
r r iW
T T S T f t t t t
was going to Cologne to hare Bis dia EXPERT EXPLAINS W E*R O'l
R. S. K nowlton , President
Uuo. A. R obinson , Vice-Prea.
position chan-red, and tbe girls who
R. tl. M a st , Cashier.
had refused to marry him were watch­
ing him from behind blinds as he
went by.
In fo rm atio n aa to M a te ria ls and M ain
"H e would make an excellent model
te n a n c a U n d e r T ra ffic.
for a tombstone."
" 'Tts better to laugh than to cry.”
In a paper presented by W. D. So
[ “ Laugh and tbe world laughs with
hier at the third Auiericuu good roads
you; weep and you weep alone."
“ I would rather marry an Egyptian congress ut Cincinnati, in which he
discussed the uses of a truffle census
Opened for Busmes March, 1 8 9 0
"Ills face Is as long aa from Coblenz ! and gives considerable Information
' to Cologne."
a ml data from tbe experimental work
These were some o f tbe remarks o f tlf the Massachusetts highway eommls
corresponden ts :
the girl* who were watching Ludwig, i i felon with certain materials and kinds
Ladd & Tilton Bank, Portland
First National Bank, San Francisco
So Ludwig gloomily Journeyed on ( of construction and maintenance un
National Park, New York
First Trust & Savings, Coos Bay
{dow n the river, unconscious o f the re-
different kinds o f truffle, tbe fol
marks made from behind the blinds by lowing conclusions are drawn ns to tin
'th ose who had refused him, hoping, effect o f loaded farm wagon, motor
| though
not expecting, that some good truck and automobile daily truffle on
) would result from his Jouruey.
A good gravel road will wear reason
| When Ludwig left home It was ex-
! pccted that he would remain under al>ly well and be economical wfth from
! Professor Ooblestcinec’s care for a 50 to
1‘ Kbt teams, 23 to 30 heavy
week or two. But at the end Oi that ono burse tenuis, 10 to 12 heavy two
time the professor wrote Frau Keise­ horse teams and 100 to 150 automo
wetter that he had found in her sou a biles, but should be oiled with over 150
! ver^ peculiar patient one especially automobiles. Hot oiled gravehpr gravel
Portland at 8 A . M.,
susceptible to his influence, and he oiled yearly with heavy cold oil in one
Sept. 2, 7, 12, 17, 23, 30
hoped that by hypnotizing him fre­ half gallon coatings will wear with a
Sails from Coos Bay at Service of Tide
quently for several months to break daily trafile o f from 75 to 100 light
Sept. 4, 9, 14, 19, 27
the lugubrious spell that rested upon teams, 30 to 50 heavy one horse teams,
20 heavy two horse teams and 500 to
Ticket* on sale to all Eastern points and information aa to routea
At the end o f four months the widow 700 automobiles.
and rates cheerfully furnished
Water bound macadam will stand
received a letter from the professor
W. L. K0LM, Agent
Phone Main 181
stating that he had ceased to put her with a daily traffic o f from 100 to 150
son under hypnotic Influence.
The light two horse teams, 175 to 200
-• I -
B> O C T O 0-131 i t
-CisTe-iv ©> ^
young man had not yet relapsed into heavy one horse teams, GO to SO heavy
his former condition, but the professor two horse teams and not over 75 auto
could not tell how long this present mobiles at high speed. A dust layer
; > Q Q O O Q O C Q O O O < >
O O O O C **:
one would last n e was sending Lud will improve conditions on such mac
Fred Von Pegert
C. I. Kime
wig home to remain there while wait­ adam with a daily traffic o f from 50
to 100 automobiles and should pre
ing developments.
Frau Keisewetter was so filled with pare It to stand aa high as from 300 to
hope and enthusiasm that she told all 500 automobiles.
Water bound macadam with a hot oil
her friends that her «on was coming
home cured The news traveled, and blanket coat will be economical with a
before Ludwig left Cologne it had daily traffic of from 250 to 300 light
reached even to that city The young teams, 75 to 100 one horse teams, 25 t
man had not ridden half an hour be­ 30 heavy tw o horse teams nnd as high
fore he passed the house o f Gretchen as 1,400 automobiles and should stand
G e n e r a l Llacksmithing,
Hallub, who was watching for him. at least 50 motortrucks, but will cram
Wagon- Making, Machine
She went out into the road to con ble with over 100 light teams or fx
Work, Pattern Making and
gratulate him. He greeted her with a heavy one or two horse teams haulin.
smile th a ^ e h e considered the most loaded farm wagons on very narrow
beautiful she had ever seen in a man’s tires. W ater bound macadam with r
face. Clasping her hands In hesitancy, good surface coating o f tar will stand
a daily traffic of 30 to 50 light teams
she said:
23 to 30 heavy one horse teams. 10 to
“ Oh, Ludwig, how changed you are!”
15 heavy tw o horse teams aud 1,80
“ Ha, ha!” gently laughed Ludwig,
but he did uot stop, nnd Gretchen
walked along beside him. talking to
him, he looking down upon her with MICHIGAN SHOWS
that heavenly smile and au occasional
Via Coquille and Myrtle Poin t
soft “ Ha, ha!” Then another girl ran R ic h and Poor W o rk on Ro ad Im prove
out o f u house and added her congratu­
m ent T a s k .
lations to those o f the first, taking the
Five thousand Mlcliigj^p men fron.
I.eav. s Mu-sMiil-i........5 a. m.
other side o f his horse from Gretchen. nearly every walk o f life have recent
Arrive., Roet-hurg
1 p. m.
So Ludwig was kept turning his head ly set an example which may well b
Leaves Rotehurg
6 a. m.
from one sido to the other, smiling at followed by tbe whole United State.'
»Arrives Marshth hi afternoon.
each alternately, while now and then by building 250 miles of excellent an
a musical “ Hu, ha!” came from him tomobile road iu a single day. Am
Make reservations in advance at Owl
like the soft piping of a bird.
the women o f tbe northeastern part o
Drug Store, Marsslield.
As Ludwig proceeded one after an­ the state, through which the new high
other the girls who had watched him way runs, are entitled to much credit
Stages, Myrtle Point to Roseburg, Carrying Baggage and United Stales Mail
from behind blinds on bis outward too, for, while their husbands, fathers
Journey came forth to congratulate brothers and sweethearts labored ai
J . L . L A I R D , P r o p r ie t o r
him, nnd it seemed as if the hypnotic digging and plowing and grading. thes<
Office at Laird’s Livery Barn, Myrlle Point, Both Phones
spell that had been thrown upon him women cooked meals that put new
by professor Coblestelner was commu­ heart in the muscle weary worker
nicating itself to each nnd every girl, and made this most notable accom
R. £ .SHINE, V .-P re s.
for all the girls followed him, and none plishment possible.
of them seemed to have the power to
L. H. HAZARD, Cashier
0. C SANFORD, Aeet. Cashier
As a result o f the labors o f tiies«*
turn back to her home. But an old Michigan people * there now Is an un­
curmudgeon who lived on the road and broken line o f graveled highway for
saw the procession o f girls led by Lud­ over 250 miles from Lay City to Mack­
wig took his pipe out o f his mouth long inaw City, where l wo days before
o p C O Ç U Iü liE , OBBGOia.
enough to grunt and say:
there was mile after mile o f corduroy
“ Look at those girls! When the man road, sand holes and swamp lands.
P r u n n a c i s a G e n e r i t i E it i n k i i i g K u m i n e s* s-
went to Cologne none o f them wanted
Mayors of cities uml towns, state o f ­
him Now they all want him, and no
ficials, millionaire lumbermen and mill
one will give way to the others.”
8o«rd of Director*.
men slaved in the hot sun. hewing with
Frau Keisewetter was informed of
A. J. Sherwood,
; National Bank o Commerce, New York C i
picks and axes at corduroy road slabs, R .O . Dement,
the hour her son would arrive and went
throwing stones, shoveling sand and
L. Harloeker,
L . H. Hazard,
Crocker Woolworth N’ lBank, San F raud
out before her house to welcome him.
gravel, leading plow horses or perform­
Taiah Hacker.
T\.E. Shine. First Nat’l Bank <>f Portland, .Portland.
A L L T H E C U R L S F O L L O W E D H IM .
Lena Stleber had always been her
ing other o f the innumerable tasks.
to marry to perpetuate the family choice for her son’s wife, and she ask­
□nme and produce au heir for the vine­ ed Lena to be with her when he came.
yard. and when she found that Lena So Lena was there waiting with the WANTS c o n v ic t s on r o a d s .
Stieber would not have him she en­ widow.
Fresently they heard a babel of sweet N ew P riso n H ead W ill S e e k T h u s to
deavored to muke a match for him
E m p lo y N e a rly a T h o u sa n d .
with some other girl. She selected voices, above which sounded an occa­
Judge John B. Riley, the new super­
one girl after another. There were sional merry “ Ila, ha!” and, looking up,
tuauy girls who wished for just such a saw Ludwig nmbling along on his intendent of prisons in New York state,
husband, but there was none who horse surrounded by every girl who announced that he would apply to the
could stand Ludwig’s seriousness. So lived between the vineyard and Co­ prison commission for power to em­
long us he could not win Lena, he did logne Strange to M y, there was not ploy prisoners upon state highway
not care whom he married and would that bickering which might have been construction. Mr. Riley thinks that
have accepted any one his mother se­ expected from so many girls who nearly a thousand men could be used
is now fully equipped with modern
lected for him if he had been himself wanted the same man. It was held in each year to advantage iu road con­
acceptable. But there was not a girl check by tbe beautiful smile he gave struction.
faces of type and accessories
Tlie new superintendent plans to
within a distance of fifty miles who each one of tbem, causing her to be­
for the execution of
lieve that she was the best beloved send out only those prisoners whose
would marry ftira.
terms are about to expire. This pol
Frau Keisewetter heard of Professor of all
Coblestelner. who was working won­ . When Lena saw this procession she icy, he thinks, will not only lessen the
ders in Cologne about that time in turned on her heel and went into the number of escapes, but will build up
hypnotism. It occurred to her that house. Ludwig, coming up to the house, the men long confined in cells, so
probably he might by hypnotic influ­ dismounted and, taking his mother In that when they are finally released
ence give her son a cheerfulness that his arms, kissed her, then asked for they will be in physical condition and
would show itself in his countenance. Lena. She came out looking like a able immediately to take up manual
She wrote the professor to that effect thunder cloud. This at once broke labor.
The plan o f employing convicts was
and received a reply that he could in­ the spell of Ludwig’s charming good
fluence her son while in the hypnotic nature, aud every girl was clamoring tried by Joseph F. Scott when superin­
state in any direction, but that he at every other girl, upbraiding her as tendent. and In his annual report it
doubted if the condition could be made bold and shameless, declaring that she. was strongly urged as a means o f bet­
permanent He was making some ex­ and she alone, was the first, the origi­ tering the condition o f the men.
periments In securing permanent ef­ nal one whom Fran Keisewetter had
Im p ro v in g F a m o u s Road.
fects and should be glad to include her asked to marry her son.
For two years parts of the old Na­
The widow drew the young man into
sou in the number of his subjects.
'T l
So noxious was the good woman to the house with I/cna and slammed the tional road, the natural thoroughfare
in a style unexcelled and at prices
from Washington and Baltimore t*»
get rid of Ludwig’s defect that she door in the faces o f the others.
“ What shall I do?” asked Ludwig, Wheeling and the west, have been i i
begged him to go to Cologne nnd put
equally as inviting as can be
such bad condition through wester i
himself under Professor Coblestelner’s wringing his hands.
obtained from others
“ 1 will tell you what to do,” said Maryland that its usefulness as a
Influence. Ludwig, who knew some­
thing about hypnotism, had d o faith Lena decidedly. “ Go back to Profes­ through automobile route has been
In It At least, he had no faith in his sor Coblestelner and bid him remove greatly impaired. The originally goo l
disposition being so changed ns to alter the hypnotic spoil and make you again surface has been worn off for mile ,
the expression of his face. But to what you were
Do this nnd I will exposing large stones, of which IU
foundation was principally made. In
please his mother he consented to go marry yon.”
So he mounted hi9 horse, aud, kissing
So Ludwig, when It was dark, stole some cases bowlders were washed
her iJbodby, promising her that he out of the house and returned secretly i town by the mountain streams, and
In a few days he came ! several stretches were injured by the
would give Professor Coblestelner ev to Cologne
ery facility to serve him. he started ou back again to bis home and married hauling of pine timber from the <11-
- Lena Stleber His disposition was . trir* north o f Hancock nnd Flint stone.
his Jouruey.
Now, Frau Keisewetter had been so ranch Improved by marriage—that Is, I *^s a r<'slllt a great deal of the throng
diligent in hunting for a girl who after some year*, when he nnd his travel
’ east * nnd west * has been going
would marry her sou that she had tried wife had got used to-each other He ! by Bedford. Ligonier, Greensburg and
every girl living both up and down the has never forgotten having boon fol Pittsburgh, a longer and more hilly
river. Since Ludwig traveled down , lowed by so many girls and even to route than that over the National ro: 4
the river, he passed the homes o f girls this day clings to his wife in the pres- j direct to Wheeling nnd beyond. Late­
who had been tried living in that dl
ence of other women for protection, ly. however, the state highway com­
The fact had spread that
He says that he prefers that all wo-
young Keisewetter, who was so serious men. except his wife, should hate him Automobile Club o f Maryland, h *
looking that he could not get a wife,
rather than that all women ahoald taken an active Interest In restori! z
the road to its old time importance.
_______________________________________ love him.
Mechanism of the Can
Comparatively few peupla thoroughly
realize what a delicate and aenaltiva
structure the human ear really is. That
which we ordinarily designate so Is,
after all, only the outer porch o f a
series o f winding passages which, like
the lobbies o f a great building, lead
from the world without to the world
A S t o r y S h o w in g T h a t It la ,
within. Certain of these passages con
] '
B elter t o Be T o o M u c h
tuln liquid, and their membruues are
H ated T h a n T o o
stretched like parchment curtains
M u c h L ov ed
across the corridor of different places
and can be thrown into vibrations or
made to tremble like tbe bead o f a
B y P. A . M IT C H E L
drum or as the surface of a tambou­
A lexson Building
rine does when struck with a stick or
East End First St.
with the fingers. Between two or three
The Widow Kelsewet ter dwelt on the
parchment like curtains a chain o f very bank of the river Rhine in peace and
small bones extends, which serves to comfort, having inherited from her bus
tighten or relax these membranes and band u vineyard which produced one
to communicate vibrations to tbem. In of those wines for which that region is
P r o p r ie t o r
the Innermost place of all S row of famous. Frau Keisewetter was wrapt
white threads, called nerves, stretches up In her ouly child. Ludwig, who had
like the strings o f a piano from tbe taken a degree at the University of
and was
was an
an excellent
excellent young
last point to which tbe tremblings or Heidelberg
Heidelberg and
thrllllngs reach and pass Inward to man. But Ludwig bad one fau lt He
the brain.
was so serious that no one ever came
near him who did not become repelled
K e e p s T a b on the Sh ip o w n e rs.
by him. The only person who had
The cuptains' register at Lloyd's, the ever seen him smile was his mother
great English Insurance concern, has When he was a baby she used to chirp
aptly been described as the biograph­ to him just to see his face break into
ical dictionary of the whole of the dimples and the roguish look lu bis
j certificated commanders of tbe British eyes. As he grew older she found it
! mercantile marine. In the register are difficult to produce this effect, and
| entered the date and place o f the when he became a young man he very
. worthy skipper's birth, the record of rarely smiled even at her.
I Ills progress at sea, the ships he has
Ludwig as a boy had played with a
| commanded and tbe ships, if be has little girl. Lena Stleber, whose father
>—ft.»»—» —
ft—» —» —» « O been unfortunate, that be has lost
owned tbe vineyard adjoining Widow
There Is also another register, a con­ Kelsewotter’s. As the children grew
fidential Index of British shipowners older the Intimacy became love on Lud
and the history o f their ships, the num­ w ig'i part, but not ou Lima’s. She
ber o f shares held by the owners, the realized his worth, but could not en­
trade of the ships during tbe year, the dure his seriousness. Only once had
accidents which have befallen them she seen him smile, and then she was
and other Important Information. If a enraptured with him. But when days,
firm loses ship after ship, If the en­ weeks, mouths, passed and his face
tries “ foundered,”
"wrecked" and continued to wear the same gloomy
"missing” appear In succession against expression the effect died away and
the names o f their vessels, here Is a association with him became depress
moral to be drawn by the broker and lug
Call and Bee us or telephone underwriter.
This defect in her sou caused the
widow great sorrow. She desired him
and we will call and see you. I f
Merchants Bank
yo co o c o->£Kx»oo^œ <>»oooooo o<lk
ftosebu-g-iVlarshiield Auto Stage
Coquille Herald
IGatu Hrirffi
P O L K ’ S'
Have you paid
TV*. Bernaa Skoe Mk.Co.
the priDter?
O REG O N a n d W A S H IN G T O N ’
Business Directory
D ire c to ry o f e a c h C ity , T o w n a n d
V illa g e , g iv in g d e s c r ip tiv e s k e tc h o f
e a c h p la c e , lo ca tio n , p o p u la tio n , te le ­
g ra p h . sh ip p in g an d b a n k in g p o in t;
a lso C la ssifie d D ire cto ry , compiled by
b u sin ess and p ro fessio n ,
a. I.
W -J C S
T i l l : l l l i M f l M t 1 IT ?A M \
I*a<ll<-*' A « k j o u r f
t ’Nl-oho«.tee's IN*
I 'Us in Red and i
ued with
1 il..>
, oth er
ll u v « r j
r ▼
A * k fo r C I I I.€ -lr x - T F I T S
D I A M O N D H R \ M > 1*11 1.4. for 9 5
yearskn o«n ssB est,Safest. \ l»pys Reliable
Manufacturers of
The Celebrated tiergm ann 6‘hoe
The Strongest and Nearest Wa'er
Proof shoe made for loggers, min- rs
p r o sp e cto rs an ' mill men.
T h u im a u S tre e t
PoBTLAND, O hkoon .
W ork entrusted to us will receive the personal supervision
of a practical printer who takes pride in the
proper execution of every detail
Give Us a Trial Order