1 Forgot to Change The Date A Herald want ad will find a For f rices on New Crop G r a s s Seeds iiquire at Knowlton’s Drug renter for your house, or a house for jo u r renter. Store. Last Night'. Hold-up $$2S2S2SZSZSZ3!SZ&$ CH A R TER Ted Tozier and Carmel Saunders, two yuuug men of this city are in FIREPLACE HEATERS, Wood or Coal serioua trouble today over a crime As will be noted by the HOT BLAST, Coal_____ _____________ which they are slleged to have com­ No. 410, Wood or Coal, duplex grate ___ erroneous date line on the mitted last night, and it is likely WALDORF, Coal_______________ ;____ first^page of this issue, the that another will find himself in­ SPECIAL* OAK,.................. $7.76, »9.50, catastrophe against which BOX HEATERS, _____ _________ »8.00, volved. As tbe story is told this all printers try to guard has seven day winter schedule this Record time was made the other morning these two held up a man overtaken the Herald, and week, sailing from Msrsbfiebl next night in repairing some difficulty who had just come in from tne Wii we “ forgot to chanbe the Saturday and every Saturday there­ at Myrtle Point which bad left ball lett & Burr camp and relieved bim It eeeme that Saunders the town without lights. A repair of $175. date.” This issue should be after. gang was sent from here in an au offered to steer bim to a resort and The Bradley Candy Co , of Marsh­ dated field, shipped a ton of candy to tomobile and had tbe trouble all started with bim towatd tbe depot September 23, 1913 Portland last week, and this rever­ fixed within 45 minutes from tbe On tbe way they were set upon by two men who demanded their sal of tbe usual course of trade time the complaint was made. 1« your b e e covered with money. Tbe stranger put up a fight H. Sengstacken, of the T. G. k A speaks well for a growing Coos pimple«, blotch«« or rath 1 Poor but could get no help from Saund­ Co., was here on business yester­ county enterprise. condition o f your blood will ers who kept out of it. The victim cau«e the«« facial diaflgurementa If the kind gentlemen who con­ day. Mr. Seugatackeu had in his North Bend I mb a prospect of get­ ■t this season o f the year. A was overpowered and bis money tributed a sack of fine spuds to tbe pocket a copy of tbe first plat of ting » firit-claa- hotel at last. good medicine for your blood taken. He came back and reported Muisbfield ever filed in the court will clear your complexion like For your Fill Seeding get your editor’s commissary department hi: lose to the nightwxtchman and magic. short time ago will come in and di bouse. This was placed on record Seed« at Kuo« lion's Drug Store. Of the many blood purifier« Saunders and Tozier were rounded in 1857 snd shows only a few blocks W. T. Merchant, of Marshfield vulge who he was, we will give we sell Rexall M ood Tab• on the water front, showing tbe site up. Tbe money was found in To- left are undoubtedly the most was a visitor to this city yesterday. him credit on subseription, as per effective. W e are familiar with of tbe first store, afterwards M. zier’s sock. Tbe two were locked contract J. E. Norton, of Nosier & Norton, the formula o f this remedy and up, one in the city jail and one at Kerrigan’s hotel. If you are interested in Yellow know what It will do. It puri­ is off ou a busijK ss trip to San Fran­ the court house, and it is likely that fies and enriches the blood, Crawford Peaches watch for the Reward Offered on the north fork about two miles cisco. the grand jury will get busy on from its mouth and across whose blindness for the past two years, builds up the entire system and shipment which will be received by and the old couple have been taken imparts a healthy color tocheeks Automc bile service, auy time. T. Lyons k Jones on the incoming A reward of ten cents will be their cases without delay. Consider laud the county wishes to put a and lips. Sold with the Rexall care of by a grand daughter. Mrs. A. Walker, call either phene.. Stand. Breakwater. paid for every green top cream bot. able sympathy is being expresaeil wagon road. guarantee. Per package, 30c. Farmers Jt Merchants Bank. Jcbnson had been sick for three Mrs. E. Frances Mus.ck, who has tie returned to tne City Bakery. for the relatives of the young men. City Council months and confined to her bed for Mr. aDd Mrs. Frank Morse visit­ been teaching a short term of school We need ’em bad. J. N . J ac ob son . LOOK! about ten days. Besides her hus­ ed at the home of L. A. Lawhuin, at on Coos river, was visiting friends The Rexall Store Tbe city council meeting last band Mrs. Johnson ¡eaves two McKinley, Sunday. in towD over Sunday, being on her Card of Thank. We own soma of tbe finest improv­ evening was devoted mainly to daughter, Mrs. But worth,of Portland Mrs. Ralph Nosier and little way back to Bridge, where she ed farms in Minnesota, Wisconsin street matters and two contracts of and Mrs.A.E Johnson.cl Marshfield, P rofessional Cards daughter Frances start today for The husband, sons and daughters and North Dakota that we can sell resumes ebarga of the Farmers’ line some importance were let also four sons. Ira, William and visit of a couple of weeks with central office. o f the late Mrs. Frances Johnson on crop payments. If you want a On the improvement of Hall Russ, of Coquille and George, ol P H Y S IC IA N S home we will help yon. If you have friends ut Gardiner. John McGovern, a rigging man wish to express their appreciation streets two blocks from First to Skamokowa. All were present at a piece of city property or a small The Drews singing and dancing at Smith-Powers camp No. 5 at Coal- oi the kindness of their friends and farm which you wish to exchange for So ond, the LoLgston Construction the last excepting Mrs Butworth DR. JAS. RICHMOND act coming to the Scenic is first- edo, was almost instantly killed last neighbors at the time of tbe last other land, we can use it. We also Co. bid $9383 and Wm Peart $7650 and George Johnson, who were class Don’t miss it. 10c and 20c. Phveician Tuesday by being struck by a log. illness, death and burial of tbe be­ have a new Btock of groceries and the latter getting tbe job. Surgeon both sick and unable to come The A number of Socialists in the He was a member of the Marshfield loved wife and mother. cbinaware, dry goods, hardware and Office in Richmond-Barker Bldg. On ihe improvement of Moulton funeral was held Monday from tbe millinery to exchange for farm land Office PLone Main 211 county are registering ss Democrats, Aerie of Eagles and was buried un­ Got H i. Buggy or city property. W rite us for par­ street from Second street to the residence and interment was in tbe for reasons which have not been der the auspices of that order. ticulars. Information cheerfully giv­ bridge* Wm. Peart also took tbe Masonic cemetery. Dr. C. W. ENDICOTT given out. en. Agents wanted. Big Cines Kleine three-reel fea­ contract with a bid of $1250 against Herald want ads do the business. PlNTIST Lyons & Jones have Btill some of ture picture, ‘ The Miser’s Millions, C. A. Berkins. New Train Schedule that of $1305 from tbe Longston R. A. Easton writes from Sitkum: those California Sol ways, the best coming to the Scenic. Watch for P. O. Box 12 St. Paul, Minn, Office over First National Rank Construction Co. Advertising in the Herald surely 9 23 9t canning Peaches. Better get some the date. Phone Main 431 Bv tbe new train schedule which By request of Mrs. Emma Manpin brings results. The ad., ‘Buggy before they are all gone. Attorney R. O. Graves, against went into effect on Sept. 14th, tbe LAW YERS C. M. Manpin was placed on tbe Street Work Hon. B. F. Jones, of Roseburg, whom disbarment proceedings have Wanted by T. S. Easton,’ must have train runs to Beaver Hill on tbe list of inéligibles for booze. has admitted to his friends that he been started on the ground that be given him the pick of sll the old The high kDoll on the south side City Engineer Hobson filed s re­ morniDg southbound trip Mondays A. J. SHERWOOD will be a candidate before the pri­ was active in the deportation of tbe buggies in the county, judging by and Thursdays. On these days it of Front street, on the way to the A ttorney at L aw port on tbe Second street improve­ maries for the nomination for con­ I. W. W. anarchists, will have the the number of replies to one inser­ is due from Marshfield at 9:47 and First National Rank Ruilding depot, is being removed and the ment, to tbe effect that a number tion. He got one.’’ gressman from this district. solid support of the Coos County Rooms 2-3-4 dirt used to fill in on C. snd Front of faulty places which had been leaves for Myrtle Point at 9:53 re­ Knowlton’s Drug Store has re­ bar, as well as tbe local organiza­ at the juoction of those two streets, pointed out to tbe contractors dur­ turning at 11:25 and leaving for Apple Boxes ceived a supply of New Crop Grass tion of the O. N. G. L. J. LILJEQVIST where it will perform a much more ing the progress of the work had Marshfield at 11:35. No change ia Seeds, which is sold at lowest pos­ A ttorney at L aw The mandamus proceedings in­ We manufacture tbe standard □Beful function than at its old loca­ not been replaced or repaired, that made in the afternoon schedule. sible prices. First National Rank Ruilding stituted by BarrowB «t Strang, to box prescribed and approved by tion. Half a dozen teams with with one or two small exceptions Jackson county has proved her Coquille, Oregon Steven* Loses compel R H. Mast, as chairman of tbe state horticultural society, and scrapers are doing good work on quality of tbe concrete mixture is progressiveness by voting $500,000 adopted by the State Legislature, tbe school board, to sign warrants good; and recommending that a and until further notice will sell the project. bonds for the construction of her The esse of F. A. Stevens, the WALTER SINCLAIR for tbe purchase price of the new boxes in any qusnity ad the follow­ Tbe Longston Construction Co. date be set and the contractors portion of the Pacific Highway, North Bend job printer, against A ttorney at L aw school site, are resting quietly, no ing prices: received laal week a concrete mixer notified to be present and go over thus setting a good example for C. A. Johnson, which wss tried in APPLE BOXES 8c for use in the street contract held tbe work with the street committee. answer having yet been filed. Notary Public Coquille Coos. the Circuit court last week, resulted PRUNE BOXES 7c by that firm. It has already seen In tbe case in Circuit court last The city attorney was instructed i d an instructed vrrdict for defend­ C. A Pursley, who has been help­ TOMATO BOXES 6a E. D. SPERRY service in putting in the bulkhead to draw a resolution requiring prop­ week wherein Geo. Watkins, the ant. Stevens was trying to collect a ing his brother, Frank C. Pursley A ttornet and at the east end of Front street. Tbe erty owners along First street Marshfield attorney and humorist Wrestling at Scenic in the Coquille Haberdashery dur­ note for $100 given to Geo. Averill C ounsellor at L aw old plankiDg at that point has been to make connections with the ing vacation, has returned to Milton, sued L. D. Kinney for $5000 for le­ Office in Robinson Building in payment for a stock subscription Manager Wilson has secured a torn up, preparatory to filling. sewer and make a cleanup of objec­ on a wildcat automobile tramway Oregon, where he will attend Col­ gal services, the jury evidently took The Cooe Bay Paying Co. finished tionable and unsanitary conditions tbe view that Mr. Watkins' charge new attraction for the Scenic, and a which Averill was promoting, and umbia College. W. C. CHASE was one of his jokes, and judgment wrestling match will be pulled off tbe laying of concrete on Second now existing. on which he fell down. He turned Lyons & Jones will receive on A ttorn Y at L aw there next Saturday evening, be­ street Friday snd have moved their for $571 was awarded. the notea over to Stevens in pay­ tbe Breakwater a shipment of Yel­ A Nasty Mess Being Probed Office in Richmond-Barker Bldg Dutch,” 145 machinery to Marshfield. C. J. Fuhrman and wife have re­ tween, “ Smiling low Crawford Peaches from Port­ ment of indebtedness, together with land. turned from their visit to California pounds, light-weight champion of some others of the same nature, the Circuit Court C. R. BARROW The grand jury is understood to J. S. Lawrence has banded in his points, which they greatly enjoyed Germany, Jack White, 134 pounds, makers of the notes refused to pay A ttorney and C ounsellor at L aw be probing another nasty mess in resignation as clerk of tbe mangled Mr. Fuhrman says that San Fran­ light-weight champion of Califor­ Office Phone 335 The case of Andrew Heckela, which some Coquille boys and on tbe ground that they had received This will be an exhibition remains of tbe school board, but no cisco is a wonderful city, but other­ nia. Residence Phone 346 which was up for yesterday, was young men, and perhaps some older, no consideration. Stevens had ob­ bout, two best out of three falls, action has been taken on the same. wise California did not make any referred by Judge Coke to three are involved. I t seems that about tained judgment against two other J. J. STANLEY Mr Lawrence loves peace more than great hit with him, and be is more and the Police Gazette lules will referees before whom the matter fair time two young girls of the parties, from juries, but in this case govern Lovers of this branch oi law yer war, ar/^ the school scrap has evi­ than glad to be in Coquille again. will be thrashed out in Marshfield. lower river, aged abont 18 and 14 Judge Coke instructed tbe jury to Richmond-Barker Building athletics are premised a treat. dently got onto his nerves Manager Wilson bad the project- It looks as A large number of witmesses were respectively decided to forego tbe find for defendant Coquille, Orwpfon Don’ t miss it. See small bills later. B. K. Leach came in from Roee- ng machine at the Scenic taken on hand here and it would have paths of respectability and go the though Stevens might lose several apart and thoroughly overhauled burg Sunday and was before tbe taken several days to try tbe esse pace. They visited different towns hundred dollars by allowing him­ Girl is Some Hunter last Thursday. As a result, and ow­ grand jury yesterday. When seen ing to tbe fact that tbe juice did There is a long docket yet to be of tbe valley and made themselves self, like Old D >g Tray, to be caught in bad company. on tbe street here y esterday morning not come on early enough to allow A Gold Beach dispatch to the disposed of. very conspiciuous. Coming to $100 Reward, $100 County Clerk be he was accompanied by a mysterious of full adjustment before tbe show, Telegram says: this paper will The liquor case from Beaver Hill Coquille, they rented a room acd T h e readers o f to learn that there Is at least o m tbe thing did some bucking during Stannard wa* somewhat taken Licenses to W ed S leased roaded disease that science has been stranger. So far as beard from, no against J. H. McCutcbeon, wherein commenced drumming tbe streets the evening, but tbe audience took able to cure In all its stages, and that Is aback last week when into bis office Catarrh. H a ll's Catarrh Cure Is the only insults nor indignities have been it good-naturedly. he is charged with selling liquor to | Their boldness wss surprising, snd And the ma­ positive cure now know n to the medic . I County Clerk Watson issued the fol­ Fraternity. C atarrh being a constitutional offered to Leacb, and his alleged chine is working better tor the over­ walked Caterin Nodine, of Langlois. minors, wss on trial yesterday and and the makeup in which they ap- disease, requires a constitutional treat­ lowing marriage licenses during the a sler.der young girl, who presented tbia morning. Mr. McCutcbeon was pt.are