Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, September 09, 1913, Image 3

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H y pieBB fur «ale. Phone Furm-
e. h 11x3.
Marshfield is now putting on
airs with a regular taxicab.
Miss Lucia Specry was a visitor
at MnrBbfiehl lust week
Valiev Peaches at 90 vents p> r
I ox. due tomorrow at Lyons &
Jones’ store.
Miss Mary Fisher is spending
her vacation in 1’orthind.
Have You O •
Broken Out f
Trespass notices, worded accord­
ing to the legal requirements, for
>ale at tbo Herald office.
la your face covered with
pimples, blotches or rash ? Poor
condition of your blood will
cause these facial disfigurements
at this season o f tha year. A
good medicino for your blood
will clear your complexion like
Of the many blood purifiers
wo sell R e x a ll V lo o d T a b •
lets nro undoubtedly the most
effective. W o are familiar with
the formula o f this remedy and
k n ow what it will do. It puri­
fies and enriches the blood,
builds up the entire system and
imparts a healthy color to cheeks
and lips. Sold with the Rexall
guarantee. Per package, 50c.
The anuuul convention of the
Coos county Knights of Pythias
will be held iu Marshfield Septem­
ber 22nd.
The Rexall Store
Professional Cards
Office in Richmond-Barker Bldg.
Office Phone Main 211
D entist
Office over First National Bank
Phone Main 431
A ttorney at L aw
First National Bank Building
Rooms 2-3-4
A ttorney at L aw
First National Bank Building
Coquille, Oregon
A ttorney at L aw
Notary Public
A ttorn Er and
C ounsellor at L aw
Office in Robinson Building
A ttorny at L aw
Office in Richmond-Barker Bldg
A ttorney and C ounsellor at L aw
Office Phone 335
Residence Phone 346
Richmond-Barker Building
Coquille, Oregon
T h at Letter—
You never received n reply to it, and
you wonder If It was delivered or If It
was lost. If youi name and address
had been on the envelope It would have
been returned to you If the addressee
could not be found.
L et us show y o u how cheap
we can print 50 0 or 1.000 e n v el­
op es W e will also print letter-
heads T h e material, workman­
ship and price will be right.
I apple
Sneak thieves entere 1 the Garten
saloou last week a- d got away with
a couple of bottles of whiskey and
$13 in cash.
We note by the soeiet items in
the Record that J. B. and Russ
Tower with their s:ster Nellie grew
to womanhood on Coos Bay.
Don’t neghet to order some of
those delicious Valley Peaches, just
coming in for Lyons & Jones.
The Myrtle Point Bcbool board
has let the contract for their new
school building to Crowe & Co., of
Portland, the price being $11,597.
Somebody’s pipe dream about the
disappearance of J. M. Nye has
left hand against the saw Friday,
been dissipated. Mr. and Mrs. Nye
with the result that two fingers
have been having a good time iu
were nearly eut off and he will bo
laid up for two or three w e e k B .
Lyons & Jones have been display­
Rev. Arthur Thomas, the new
ing some very fine Gravensteins
pastor of the M. E. Church South,
from the Fairview neighborhood,
occupied the pulpit Sunda»y morn­
where the best Gravensteins in the
ing and made a good impression.
world are said to grow.
He comes here from Roseburg,
The Herald received a request for where he has been located for a year
a sample copy last week from a
Word has been received from
resident of Hood River, who says:
State Gamen Warde Finley, that he
‘ ‘ I want to get somewhere where I
will soon send two crates of China
can see and hear something besides
Pheasants to be liberated in Coos
county, one lot to he turned loose
The Coos and Curry county fair at S. C. Rogers’ farm on Coos river
opens a Mtyrtle Point tomorrow, to and the other at one of R. C
continue four days, and with the Dement’s places near Myrtle Point.
present prospect of good weather a
L. G- Simmons, who went to Port­
large attendance and most success­
land a couple of months ago to be
ful fair is predicted.
near his daughter, who is under
Lyous have a tine lot of
Valley Peaches on the Breakwator, treatment at a hospital, returned
arriving at Marshfield today. Put yesterday. The friends of Miss Sim­
in your order before they are all mons will regret to know that her
condition is not improving.
The Coquille Mill and Merc. Co.
call attention to the fact that they
are better prepared than ever to
supply apple, prune and tomato
boxes. Shipments made promptly
by rail or steamer. All orders will
receive immediate attention.
— Both Phones.—
Coquille Mill & Mere. Co
While felling timber in Aason
Bros.’ camp near town last week,
Everett Lewis met with a painful
accident and narrowly escaped the
loss of his right arm. The flesh
was stripped from the arm, but the
bones were not broken. He will be
laid up for some time.
September 11th will be Pioneer
Day at the fair, and preparations
have been made to entertain the
early settlers in great atyle. As
many as can do so should take ad­
vantage of the opportunity for an­
other re-union aud talk-fest over
A friend writes to the editor: old times.
“ The Herald is certainly a newsy
At the earnest request of J. J.
well-edited paper and deserves a Lamb, the Herald has consented to
better advertising patronage thin it postpone that gentleman's depar­
is at present receiving.” That sus­ ture from Southern Calfornia to his
picion has been entertained around old home in Arkansas from Febru­
this office for some time.
ary 1st until April 1st, as he doesn't
W. B. Clark, who has been on
the fire patrol in the Fairview
neighborhood and on the North
fork for four or five months, re­
turned to the city last week, the
rains having ended the necessity
for the patrol.
W. G. Ackerman writes from
Salem that hi is loafiug at present,
1 pending the purchase of the Dimi-
way printing plant by the State,
wheD he expects to be employed by
the new management, being the on­
ly one of the old force that will be
retained. If the State could get
a complete force of such printers as
Ackerman, only about a third of the
usual number would be needed on
the pay-roll.
boxes !
A visitor from Gravel Ford in
Th t mill was 1 iid up yesterday
forms the Herald tb<<t a tine hoy ar­
from a leak iu a steam pipe.
H. C. Diers, of North Bend, is at­ rived at the borne of J A. Brock
tending the circuit court festivities. man on Aug. 29th, and Mr. Brock
man is wearing a broad smile.
Dr. E. Mingus made one of his
Pat and Fanny Kelley brought
infriquent visits to this city today.
down the bouse at the Scenie last
C- VY. Sturdevant and Geo. Stew­
uight and were obliged to beg off
art weie visitors from the Rivertuii
on encores. They made a decided
neighborhood last Thursday.
hit and will appear again tonight.
California Peaches are not “ the
W. E. Clegborn, wbo was confined
only.” Si e !he Oregon product
which Lyons A Joi es are shipping to his home for some time, was
making bis way about the streets
Automobile service, any time. T. on crutches last week, and has now
A. Walker, call either phene. Stand. discarded these aids to navigation
Farmers Jk Merchants Bank.
Moon & Barclay have been given
The annual convention of the the contract for rocking about
Coos county Knights of Pythias mile and a half of road on the Mid­
will be held in Marshfield Septem­ dle Fork, beyond Myrtle Point, for
ber 22nd.
$1.75 per cubic yards of rock laid.
W. O. Matthews, of Fuirview, was The rock will be laid about ten
doing business in town last Wednes­ inches deep and nine feet wide and
day. Mr. Matthews has a 160 acre the work is to be done this fall.
farm which he took iu the wild state
Apple Boxes
some years ago aud which he has
made into a tine place.
We manufacture the standard
You can’t get any better Peaches
for canning than those which Lyons box prescribed and approved by
& Jones a e just receiviug from the the state horticultural society, and
adopted by the State Legislature,
valley orchards.
and until further notice will sell
The newspaper reporter who re­ boxes in any quauity at the follow
ported the presence of Wm. J. ing prices:
Burns in Coos Couuty investigating
the Leaeh dep rtation, must have
been “ seeing things," as Burns was
in London at the time.
A Herald want ad will find a
J. W. Carter, who w o r k s on the renter for your house, or a bouse
wood saw at the local mill, got his for your renter.
Shooks for Every hind of
Wooden Fruit-Container
We are handling the product of the Coquille
Manufacturing Company, which is turning
out a first-class article in every line of Shooks
Prices Are Right
Consult us before placing your order
t Nosier & Norton t
care to invade the blizzard territory
until the middle of winter. Neither
does he want to leave Coquille as
early as announced, but we have
that under advisement.
RATES: One cent a word, each in­
sertion. No charge less than 15 cents.
LOST— Large black and tan hound,
tipped with white all arouod.
Ten dollars reward will be paid
for his return to Sam Stephens,
FARM FOR SALE—A bargain; 120
acres, 60 acres bottom, balance
bench, all cleared, well improved
new house costing $3000, near
Price $10,500, easy
terms. B. Folsom.
town lots in Condon, Oilliatn
County, Ore. for work team, wa­
gon, set of harness, cows, calves,
hogs, poultry, farm tools, fence
posts, barb wire or any old thing
used on a ranch. Will exchange
one lot or all together for stock
in Coos County or adjacent. E
H. Meade, Coquille, Ore. 8 26-tf
WANTED -A second hand buggy.
Give description and price. Ad­
dress T. S Easton, Sitkum, Orcg
8 19 6tp
FOR S A L E - Small windows suit­
able for hot bouse purposes,
rhean. Apply at this office. 8 19tf
Herald office.
WANTED—Chan cotton
the Herald office.
rage at
Rev. C. H. Cleaves Departs
Rev. C, H. Cleaves preached his
last sermon at the M. E Church
South Sunday evening, and depart­
ed with his family yesterday for his
new charge at Roseburg, going by
automobile. He ships most of his
household goods by sea, but has
one wagon load taken out direct.
A farewell surprise party was tend­
ered this popular couple last Wed­
nesday evening at the home of W.
H. Lyons, the parsonage being par­
tially dismantled.
Will Move Next Sunday
City Council
At a meeting Wednesday evening
the city council awarded the ccn
tract for the improvement of C street
from Seeoud street, Elliott's addi
tion, to First street to the Longstou
Construction Co , for $4,465.70.
The council declared its intention
to improve Moulton street from
Second street to the T bridge, a die
tance of 150 feet.
Ordinance No 101 was passed
authorizing an issue of improvement
bonds to the amount of $3,138.
An application for a light at the
south end of Willard street was re­
ferred to the light committee
An application bv Mr. Cleghoru
to rent the old city ball building
was referred to the street committee
was no hoard until his doubt ol
Mr. Skeels’ legal election was dissi­
pated, the two directors passed a
resoluti' n authorizing the issuing
of w arrants in favor ol Barrow &
Strang for $6000 in payment for
the tract of land purchased for a
school site.
Other matters were up for con­
sideration, but no action was taken
on them
The question of Mr. Skeels’ elec-
came before the circuit court this
morning on the quo warranto pro­
ceedings brought by Geo. Peoples
and was argued this lorenoon, be­
ing taken under advisement by
Ju ige C’oke, so it seems that the
matter should reach an early settle­
New Manager Here
Present« for Pupils
H. O. Anderson informs the Her
aid that the premium lists of the
school fair contain an error in the an
nouncement o fh iso ffe ro f presents
to school children wbo make an ex­
hibit. He will give the presents in
dicated to every pupil wbo makes
an exhibit, regardless of whether
a prize is taken or not, and this offer
includes the pupils not only of the
Coquille schools but of all the
schools in the vicinity of this city
He asks that any pupil who intends
to make ao exhibit will seud him
postal card, so as to be in line for
the present.
Eastern Star Natal Day
The Natal Day meeting of the
Eastern Star at Bandon last Friday
afternoon and eveniog was attend­
ed by many delegates from the oth­
er towns cf the county, a large num­
ber passing through this city. The
Coquiile lodge took the prize for
the largest outside attendance, as
well as for the oldest member, Mr.
Roy having that distinction. Miss
Elsie Hall, of Marshfield was the
newest” member, having joind the
previous week.
F. E. McKenna, the new manager
for the Oregon Power C o, has ar­
rived and taken charge of the local
plant which supplies this city and
Myrtle Point, Mr. Morse, former
owner of the plant being still re­
tained in the employ of the company.
Mr.McKenna comes here from Walla
Walla, and is formerly of Chicago.
He has been in the employ of the
the C. M. Byllesby Co. for seven
years and is an enthusiastic booster
for his employers, who are known
wherever they have done business
as one of the moat popular public
service corporations in the country.
The new manager is now busy fitting
up the new offices on First street,
two doors east of the Herald office
where they will also carry a line of
supplies for Ibis city and Myrtle
The company is doing a
great amount of work on the plant
and the service lines, and there is
much to he done.
However, Mr.
McKenna expects now to he ready
to inaugurate the day service in
six weeks.
He Bays that the company intends
to give as good service to these two
towns as is supplied anywhere, and
he only asks the people to have
patience until the improvements un­
der way and contemplated are com­
The Herald predicts ttiat
Mr. McKenua and the people he,u
are going to like ea"h other.
------ — <»► «-------
Conference Appointments
The following appointments were
announced by Bishop Wsterbouse
ht the close of the annual conference
of the M. E. Church South, which
closed here last week: Willamette
district, A H. Mawre, presiding el­
der; Seattle, C. L. McCausland;
Portland, J. H. Bennett; Corvallis,
H M Law; Tangent, E. B. Jones;
Albany, to be supplied; Harrisburg,
H. R Wrightman; Junction Oily,
T. T. Ragsdale; Roseburg, C. H.
Cleaves; Oakland, Q. A. Taggart;
Mirtle Creek, Q. W. Householder;
Medford, H. N. Graham; Coquille,
A thur Thomas; Myrtle Point, W.
M. Andeison, W. N. Lyons, super-
nutoeraiy; Bandon, to be supplied;
Teazle Creek, L M. Hughs; trans­
ferred to East Columbia Conference,
W. T. Golder.
O nO
The satisfaction my work
is giving is the best
guarantee you can have
that you are taking no
chances when you come
to me for your glasses.
Give me a trial. In do­
ing so you are protected
by a money back guaran­
tee. Consultation and
examination free.
State Licensed Optician
The Vote on Port
The electric light plaut was not
moved to the new location with the
Coquille Mill & Merchantile Co last
Sunday, as was intended, because
preparations bad not been fully
completed. Everything would be
in readiness tomorrow but the man­
agement bar thought best to post­
pone the move until next Sunday,
rather than run any risk of inter­
ruption of service during the fair
which commences at Mvrtle Point
Circuit Court
The Circuit Court was busy this
morning with the Coquille school
question, argument on the quo war-
rento proceedings being finished
just before noon.
The jury in the condemnation
proceedings by which the Southern
Pacific is endeavoring to get a right
of way over land belonging to Tom
Beunett and others for the approach
to the bridge across Coos Bay went
over this morning to take a look at
the ground.
The grand jury is still busy with
the Leach deportation and many
witnesses have been examined. A
telegram was sent last night to
Leach, requesting him to come vol­
untarily to appeal before the grand
ju ry, but no reply had been receiv­
ed up to the hour of going to press.
It is expected that a day or so
will finish the business now belore
the court.
Following was the vote of the
precincts given on the question of
establishing the Port of Bandon:
East Bandon___________290
West B andon................253
EaBt Coquille____________52
West Coquille___________31
R iv erton _______________ 25
Prosper and Bullards__ 30
Fourm ile_______________ 11
Burton _______________
Parkersburg____________ 12
T o t a l...................... .71764
Majority in favor of Port, 367
Theodore Bergman Returns
Therodore Bergman, president of
the Tbeo. Bergman Shoe Mfg. Co.,
Portland, Oregon, has returned
from a four months’ business and
pleasure trip to Europe
away he visited the principal cities
and tanneries in Germany and
France, passing considerable time
in several o; the places.
other things he visited two of his
sisters, whom he had not seen for
32 years. On the return trip he
visited many of the large shoe man­
ufacturing plants and tanneries of
the United States
Mrs. Bergman
accompanied him on the trip.
When G-oing East
The School Tangle
Messrs. Burns and Skeels took
matters in their own hands at a
For Pupil Exhibitors
meeting of the school board held in
the city hall last Thursday evening,
The following instructions have and in spite of the protests of Chair-
been issued for the benifit of those Mast, who contended that the meet­
pupils of the Coquille schools who ing was not a meeting because there
wish to make exhibits at the fair:
Pupils planning to send in exhib­
its should notify Superintendent C.
A. Howard by card or letter at once.
This notification should give the
kind and number of exhibits beiog
Blanks to lie filled out by parents
will be seut to children who notify
the superintendent. No exhibits
will he accepted at the fair unless
A Two-Reel Feature Picture
accompanied by these blanks.
The superintendent will be at the
Dow warehouse from 10 a. m until
Made by the LUBIN CO.
uoon on Wednesday, Sept 10 to re­
and featuring ARTHUR
ceive children’s exhibits for the fair, j
JOHNSON, the greatest
Those wishing to have their exhibits
actor of them all in a
transported to Myrtle Point f ee
strong drama of tempta­
must have them on hand at that time.
tion and triumph. Watch
Children may take their own ex­
for it.
hibits to the fair or have a friend
do so, hut all exhibits must be on
band not later than Wednesday
evening, and must be accompanied
by the blank mentioned above.
The Power of
The Cross
“ T h e Exposition Line— 1 9 1 5 ”
Oregon and
Three Through Trains Daily
Lv. R oseburg
Lv. P ortland
"Shasta Limited"
‘ ‘San Francisco Express”
‘ ‘California Express”
5:50 p. m.
8:15 p. m.
1:30 a. m.
12:31 a m.
5:10 a m.
9:40 a. m.
Direct connections at San Francisco with Trains
East via Ogden, and South through Los Angeles, El
Paso or New Orleans.
$ 5 5 .0 0 Portland to Los Angeles
And Return
On sale daily limit six months.
Tickets to all points South and East on sale daily by P. L.
Sterling, Agent C. B. R & E. at Marshfield, who will arrange
reservations, or outline your trip. Write for "W ayside Notes”
describing trip ihrougu California and South.
M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent,
Portland Oregon.