MERELY MENTIONED H y pieBB fur «ale. Phone Furm- e. h 11x3. 8-26-3tp Marshfield is now putting on airs with a regular taxicab. Miss Lucia Specry was a visitor at MnrBbfiehl lust week Valiev Peaches at 90 vents p> r I ox. due tomorrow at Lyons & Jones’ store. Miss Mary Fisher is spending her vacation in 1’orthind. Have You O • Broken Out f Trespass notices, worded accord­ ing to the legal requirements, for >ale at tbo Herald office. la your face covered with pimples, blotches or rash ? Poor condition of your blood will cause these facial disfigurements at this season o f tha year. A good medicino for your blood will clear your complexion like magic. Of the many blood purifiers wo sell R e x a ll V lo o d T a b • lets nro undoubtedly the most effective. W o are familiar with the formula o f this remedy and k n ow what it will do. It puri­ fies and enriches the blood, builds up the entire system and imparts a healthy color to cheeks and lips. Sold with the Rexall guarantee. Per package, 50c. The anuuul convention of the Coos county Knights of Pythias will be held iu Marshfield Septem­ ber 22nd. FURHMIN’S PHARMACY The Rexall Store Professional Cards P H Y S IC IA N S DR. JAS. RICHMOND Phvsician Surgeon Office in Richmond-Barker Bldg. Office Phone Main 211 Dr. C. IN. ENDICOTT D entist Office over First National Bank Phone Main 431 LAWYERS A. J. SHERWOOD A ttorney at L aw First National Bank Building Rooms 2-3-4 L. J. LILJEQI/IST A ttorney at L aw First National Bank Building Coquille, Oregon WALTER SINCLAIR A ttorney at L aw Notary Public Coquille E. D. SPERRY A ttorn Er and C ounsellor at L aw Office in Robinson Building W. C. CHASE A ttorny at L aw Office in Richmond-Barker Bldg C. R. BARROW A ttorney and C ounsellor at L aw Office Phone 335 Residence Phone 346 J. J. STANLEY LAWYER Richmond-Barker Building Coquille, Oregon T h at Letter— You never received n reply to it, and you wonder If It was delivered or If It was lost. If youi name and address had been on the envelope It would have been returned to you If the addressee could not be found. L et us show y o u how cheap we can print 50 0 or 1.000 e n v el­ op es W e will also print letter- heads T h e material, workman­ ship and price will be right. I apple Sneak thieves entere 1 the Garten saloou last week a- d got away with a couple of bottles of whiskey and $13 in cash. We note by the soeiet items in the Record that J. B. and Russ Tower with their s:ster Nellie grew to womanhood on Coos Bay. Don’t neghet to order some of those delicious Valley Peaches, just coming in for Lyons & Jones. The Myrtle Point Bcbool board has let the contract for their new school building to Crowe & Co., of Portland, the price being $11,597. Somebody’s pipe dream about the disappearance of J. M. Nye has left hand against the saw Friday, been dissipated. Mr. and Mrs. Nye with the result that two fingers have been having a good time iu were nearly eut off and he will bo Humboldt. laid up for two or three w e e k B . Lyons & Jones have been display­ Rev. Arthur Thomas, the new ing some very fine Gravensteins pastor of the M. E. Church South, from the Fairview neighborhood, occupied the pulpit Sunda»y morn­ where the best Gravensteins in the ing and made a good impression. world are said to grow. He comes here from Roseburg, The Herald received a request for where he has been located for a year a sample copy last week from a Word has been received from resident of Hood River, who says: State Gamen Warde Finley, that he ‘ ‘ I want to get somewhere where I will soon send two crates of China can see and hear something besides Pheasants to be liberated in Coos apple!” county, one lot to he turned loose The Coos and Curry county fair at S. C. Rogers’ farm on Coos river opens a Mtyrtle Point tomorrow, to and the other at one of R. C continue four days, and with the Dement’s places near Myrtle Point. present prospect of good weather a L. G- Simmons, who went to Port­ large attendance and most success­ land a couple of months ago to be ful fair is predicted. near his daughter, who is under Lyous have a tine lot of Valley Peaches on the Breakwator, treatment at a hospital, returned arriving at Marshfield today. Put yesterday. The friends of Miss Sim­ in your order before they are all mons will regret to know that her gone. condition is not improving. The Coquille Mill and Merc. Co. call attention to the fact that they are better prepared than ever to supply apple, prune and tomato boxes. Shipments made promptly by rail or steamer. All orders will receive immediate attention. — Both Phones.— Coquille Mill & Mere. Co I I While felling timber in Aason Bros.’ camp near town last week, Everett Lewis met with a painful accident and narrowly escaped the loss of his right arm. The flesh was stripped from the arm, but the bones were not broken. He will be laid up for some time. September 11th will be Pioneer Day at the fair, and preparations have been made to entertain the early settlers in great atyle. As many as can do so should take ad­ vantage of the opportunity for an­ other re-union aud talk-fest over A friend writes to the editor: old times. “ The Herald is certainly a newsy At the earnest request of J. J. well-edited paper and deserves a Lamb, the Herald has consented to better advertising patronage thin it postpone that gentleman's depar­ is at present receiving.” That sus­ ture from Southern Calfornia to his picion has been entertained around old home in Arkansas from Febru­ this office for some time. ary 1st until April 1st, as he doesn't W. B. Clark, who has been on the fire patrol in the Fairview neighborhood and on the North fork for four or five months, re­ turned to the city last week, the rains having ended the necessity for the patrol. W. G. Ackerman writes from Salem that hi is loafiug at present, 1 pending the purchase of the Dimi- way printing plant by the State, wheD he expects to be employed by the new management, being the on­ ly one of the old force that will be retained. If the State could get a complete force of such printers as Ackerman, only about a third of the usual number would be needed on the pay-roll. boxes ! FRUIT BOXES I A visitor from Gravel Ford in Th t mill was 1 iid up yesterday forms the Herald tb<