•¡The Herald, ¿he i-l«J estal» lished reliable I iv «paper ol the Coquille Va'ii-y 11 which an “ a d " always ! 'g* resul V O L . 31, T he C oquille H erald N O . 51 CITY DIRECTORY Fraternal and Benevolent Orders C O Q U I L L E , C O O S C O U N T Y , O R E G O N , T U E S D A Y , S E P T E M B E R 2, 1913. SYNOPSIS OF MANY EVENTS To the Boys and Girls PER Y E A R $1.50 List of Jurors To Postmasters f l jo b Printing— New presses new material and experienced workmen. A guarantee that Herald printing will please. OREGON NEWS BRIEFLY IKED Following is the list of jurors for The earlier school fairs are already the term of Circuit Court now iu being held and at the end of another The attention of postmasters of small offices is here­ month most of them will be a matter by respectfully called to that provision o f the postal laws session: F, P. Norton, Marshfield, mer­ of history. Every one connected which is given below. The present managment o f the chant. with the work is anxious that that Herald has been endeavoring to straighten out the sub Finley Schroeder, Norway, en­ history read satisfactorily. This E. S.—Regular meeting of Beulah scription list, which is probably in worse shape than that gineer. about the last oppoitunity wt shall • Chapter No. 6, second and fourth Friday evenings of each month, in Ma­ Jas. T. Evernden, Bridge,rancher have to cal! your attention to your of any other publication in the United States or its insular sonic Hall. Condensed for the Quick As H. W. Crouch, North Beud Transpiring in Oregon Boiled exhibits for most o f your work has possession, without any exception whatever. Statements E va B arrow , W . M similation of Busy Men anc already been done. JOHKI'IC I N K U. P k OFJ.EH, SeC. rancher. Down to Least Number of have been sent out to all names on the list. Somewhat S. W. Van Zile, North Bend W omen— General Round O. O. F .—Coquille Lodge No. 53> 1. O. Just a few words about exhibit to our surprise, quite a number of these letters have come Lines and Yet Make the • O. F .f meets every Saturday night capitalist. I p of a W ide Scope ing. As we have often said, the Subject Understood. n Odd Fellows Hall. back 4 ‘returned to writer” with no explanation of the M. J. Harrison, Coquille, furni­ C. H . C ljcavks , N. G . intrinsic value of the prize you are T. S. L awhrnck , Sec. This would indicate that the postmaster has ture dealer. The trolley lines in Great Iiritiun competing for is o f little importance whyfore. Hop picking is now in progress RKBEKAH LODGE, No. 20 carried 3,127,000,000 passengers last compare J with the habits of industry never read his book of instructions. Further it would ap­ Oscar Wickham,Coquille,laborer in tbe valley. I. O. O. F., meets every secoml and year. M. V. Malloy, Marshfield, livery you are forming, and the experience pear that copies of the Herald have been going for an un fourth Wednesday nights in Odd Fellows The Portland rowing club will Hall. E mily H kusky , N. G, The Navy will erect a wifeless you are gaining in learning how to known period to parties who have been gone away so long man. hold a series of races on Sept. 6. A nnie L a w r e n c e , Sec. C. C. Going, Marshfield, station at Panama, with a radius ol do some practical thing well. II that the memory of the postmaster runneth not to the chant. The governor’s special prosecutor /"lO Q U IL L E ENCAMPMENT. No. 25 3000 miles, \ott borrow something to show, or L / I. O. O. F.", meets the lirBtand third will investigate charges of Eiootleg- contrary. There is no excuse for this. The book of in­ A. A. Nichols, Empire, laborer Thursday nights in Odd Fellows Hall. with a dash of orange juice into it take something to the fair you have ging at Foster. J. S. B a r t o n , C. P. structions which Uncle Sam furnishes to every postoffice E. E- Oakes, Bandon, real estate, not raised or made, you will fail to The arbitration treaty with Japan J . S.L awrence , Sec. A 15-year old boy killed two G. W. Norris, Fairview, rancher. get the value out of it that you is one o f the clearest and most easily understook books has expired. NIGHTS OF PY TH IAS.—Lycurgus black bears within three miles of should. Now, do not understand published in the English language. The instructions are J. A. Collier, Coquille, capitalist Astoria last week. Y Lodge No. 72, meets Tuesday nights Many floating logs are reporte J. F. Strong, Myrtle Point in W. O. W. Hall. along the coast and are considered me to say that you should not take so full and complete and couched in such language that R . R . W a t s o n , K R. 8 . No saloons can exist in Oregon anything to the lair that is not en­ any one who can read can understand them, and there is rancher. O. A. M in t o n y k , C. 0 . a menace to navigation. J. L- Barker, Fairview, rancher railroad depots since tbe new law tirely the product of your own effort. Y TH IAN SISTERS—Justus Temple Automobiles may now enter the no excuse for a neglect o f duty. The newspaper man has E. L. Wood, North Bend teal weDt into effect yesterday. Some of the fairs, especially those No. 35, meets first and Third Mon­ Yosemite Valley park, but motor­ estate. day nights in W. O. W. Hall. enough to attend to without going through the course of Professor Harrngton, of Pacific that were arranged for late in the Mss. G eorge D a v i s , M. E. C. cycles are still barred. Wra. Chandler, Myrtle Point, University, spent the summer learn­ season, do not require you to do all study necessery for him to become a clairvovant, and if M r s . F red L in k g a r , K. of R. The prisoners at the Atlanta, Ga ing the art of building permanent the work Where this is the case the paper is not delivered he expects the postmaster to rancher. ED MEN—Coauille Tribe No. 40, 1. F. E- Glazier, North Bend, real roads. O. R. M., meets every Friday night penitentiary run an extensive poul I would urge you to take everything notify him o f the fact. In this connection, attention is estate. in W. O. W. Hall. try plant inside the iuclosure. The fifth annual meeting of the you can, under the rules, that will J . S. B a r t o n , S a c h e m . called to the extract from the Act of May 12, 1910, which J. T. Collver, North Bend, laun A machine gun mounted on the make a good showing. Take pride A. P. M il l e r . C. of R. Yamhill county Veterans’ associa­ rear of a Ford makes a flying bat­ iu assisting to make your fair a sue is printed on the back of Form No. 8578, and which runs dryrnan. tion was held in McMinnville last W. A.— Regular meetings of Rea- W. G. Sellmer, Bandon, theater Wednesday. , 10,550 in M. W . A. tery for a high Chinese official. . ver Camp No. cess. But where the rules require as follows: Hall, Front street, first and third Sat­ Hereafter when copies of any publication o f the sec­ man. Kaiser William is ssid to have that you do all the work yourself, The building and other improve­ urdays in each month. Augustus Hamilton,Myrtle Point M. O. H a w k i n s . Consul. joined the ranks of the teetotalers as they do at the state fair, do not ond class, mailed by the publisher at the pound rate or ments now in progress in Indepen­ R . B. R o g e r s , V. C. and to have fallen back on lemonade try t9 evade them We might de­ free in the county of publication, are undeliverable at the rancher. dence excell anything noted In the N ed O. K e l l e y , Clerk. J. V. Hodson, North Bend, history of that place. The high record for an aeroplune ceive everyone but ourselves, but address thereon, the postmaster att he office of destination N. A.—Regular meeting of Laurei rancher. .lamp No! 2972 at M. W. A . Hall, carrying a passenger is now 13,400 clean conscience is worth every­ Newspaper men are talking of shall promptly notify the publisher of the fact, giving the C. B. Zeek, Bandon Insurance. Front Btreet, second and fourth Tues­ feet, a little over two and one-half thing. If we never do the first little erecting a memorial to Harvey day nights in each month. A. G. Boak, Bandon, clerk. M a r y K e r n , Oracle. dishonest trick, we will avoid a lot reasons therefor, and copies received five weeks after the miles. Scott on the grounds of Pacific Un­ E d n a K e l l e y , Rec. Herman Hillyer, Marshfield, mer­ mailing of the notice to the publisher, and in no instance o f trouble in this life. This is on iversity at Forest Grove. The quanity of u dural gas pro­ O. W .—Myrtle Camp No. 197, the same principle as never taking until two successive issues thereof have been published, chant. . meets every Wednesday at 7:30 duced from wells in Texas in 1912 Ray Henderson and Fred Schmid, A. G. Thrift, Bandon, merchant. p. in. at W. O. W. Hall. was 7,470,373,000 cubic feet, valued the first drink to avoid being a shall, under such regulations as the Postmaster General of Portland, Oregon, recently rode J. C. Watson, Coquille, rancher. Lee Currie, C. C. drunkard. It is a safe rule. at $1,405,077. may prescribe, be separately returned to the publisher J o h n L b n e v e , 8 e c. C. A. Jamieson, Bandon, saloon their motorcycles to San Francisco, Do not overlook the county and making the trip in six days. The American Locomotive Com­ thereof charged with postage at the third class rate. All keeper. a V KNINGTIDE CIRCLE No. 214, meets second and fourth Monday pany has given notice that it will district prizes at the State fair. It Lightning set fire to a barn at For­ I. T. Weekly, Coquille, rancher. nights in W . 0 . W. Hall. • a fine thing to cultivate local laws and parts of laws in conflict with this act are here­ discontinue the manufacture of est Grove, and it was entirely des­ O ba X . M a u r y , G. N. Alva Warren,Coquille, merchant. (Act o f May 12, 1910.) pride and patriotism. Team work by repealed. M ar y A. P ie r c e , Clerk. motor trucks. troyed with its contents, a loss of W.H. Lyons, Coquille,merchant. aids in developing this spirit, so ARM ERS UNION.— Regular meet­ $2000 for Henry Carstens. The government will use 3,078,000 join with your fellows and do your ings second and fourth Saturdays in Caught at It feet of Oregon fir in the construc­ The record price for Bartlett pears eacii month in W. O. W. Hall. part to help your district and your F r a n k B u r k h o l d e r , Pres. tion of a dry dock at Pearl harbor, county to have the banner exhibits. shipped from Medford by the Pro­ O. A. M in t o n y k , S e c. The Post Office Department has ducers Fruit Company, was received Hawaiin Islands. Co-operation is becoming more es­ r a t e r n a l a i d N o . sob , meets the caught the Republican standpatters in Boston, being $3-22 a box, or Canal engineers are having trou­ second and fourth Thursdays each sential every day and you can not iu sn illegal use of the frank for $2.31 f. o. b. Medford. month at W. O. W . Hall. ble in keeping the PHnama railroad begin too early in life to practice it. M u s. C h a s . E v l a n d , P res. the distribution of tariff literature. M r s . L o r a H a r r in g t o n , Bee. on top of a bottomless quagmire in Wishing you all success, and In two hours and 25 minutes, Several years ago tbe American the Gatun river valley. hoping lo meet a great many o f you four Oregon City girls, armed with Protective Tariff League compiled Educational Organizations and Clubs their lunch baskets and kodaks, A new $40,000 dam across the at the Fair, I remain, selections from parts of several dif- O Q U I L L E E D U O A T I O H A L outlet of Lake Tuhoe is to be con­ Yours for better boys and girls, tramped the 15 miles to Portland am lerent standpat speeches. As a part LEAGUE—Meets monthly at the N. C Maris, Wednesday. High Bchool Building during the school structed at once, with the consent of the Congressional Record this year for the purpose ot discussing edu­ of the United States government. Field Worker Industrial Fairs. Major Morrow has assured the pamphlet was entitled under the cational topics. R e n a A n d e r so n , P i e s . Port of Toledo officials that he will Dr. Douglas Mawson, the Austra­ law to free transmission through E d na M in a k o , Sac. Farmer Favors Bond Issue lian Antarctic explorer and five com­ the mails on the frank of some send the dredge Oregon to Yaquina *v * V f. ■ 4 - V- .' ; O KEEL KLUB—A business men’ s panions were rescue-1 from Macqua­ member of Congress. It has been bay next month, as soon as her K social organization. Hall in Laird’ s ■ r — - 2 - -—--fita. y —y-ij Chas J. Furhop of Lakeside was building, Second street. rie island just in time to save their widely circulated by the Protective work is finished at Gray's hartxir. A. J. S h e r w o o d , Pies. here a few days this week on busi­ ives. ¿ k' í w — '•****-‘ ■■'•.“ '7 7 :. * i A Portland attorney claims that Tariff League uuder tbe frank of F red S lagle , See. ness. He placed an order with Mr. Senator Galliuger. There has been the law providing that wife t>eaters The iatest military use made of o m m e r c i a l c l u b - j . e . N orion Wray o f Cooston for 23 Angora President; J. C. S avage . Secretary the motorcycle is in Austria, where included iu the pamphlet, however, may be given a dose of the whip­ goats which will he delivered here other material which was not part ping post was repealed 1911, when the two-wheeler aids in the quick this fall Mr. Futhop stales that Transportation Facilities of the Congressional Record, and tbe assault statue wa* re-enacted laying of telephone nn 1 telegraph while he would like to see ever pos­ R A IN S —Ie held OSTOFFICE.— A. F. Linegar, post­ and making them capable of carry- Harbor. gaged tor some lime past al dig­ Jackson county to determine master. The mails close as follows: ng 250 passengers. Myrtle Point 8:40 a. m. and 2:35 p. m. ging a tunnel into the mountain in whether the county court shall is­ Marshfield 10:15 a. m. and 4:15 p. in. The production of coal in Texas search of coal. He is now in about sue bonds and provide for perma­ Bandon and way points, Norway and How to Wash Autos 1912 passed the 2,000,000-ton Arago 12:45 p. m. Eastern mail 4:45 130 feet aDd is working steadily in nent road construction, to the a- a. m. Eastern mail arrives 10: a. m. mark, with a value at the mines of hopes of making a good strike. According to Frank W . Cole, mount of $500,000.00. P h o t o b y A m e r ic a n P re ss A ss o cia tio n . $3,055,744. These figures are He has already found three veins, head o f Ihe Buick Company’s paint­ City and County Officers H. T . Shelley, the cigar dealer LEASE imagine 17,000 trained gymnast«, all clothed alike. In action at cord breakers for the State. ing department, the greatest trouble one time on an immense field. To the stra in s of luub I c th e y g o two of them being about three feet in the lobby of tbe Board of Trade ............. A. T. Morrison The great steamship Imperator in keeping up the appearance of a through their calesthenlc movements with perfect rhythm and prac­ while in the other the coal is about R ecord er.............. ............ J. 8. Lawrence building at Portland, expressed a tically as one man. Such an Inspiring sight was witnessed recently at four feet thick. ................ 'R. H. Mast caught fire in the provision room car is that motorists abuse the var- wish for a nice cat, and his friends I^elprlg, Germany, when more than 100,000 athletes took part In games and Mr. Ferguson is an experienced ish by not knowing how to remove co n te s ts there. The picture shows a section of the 17,000 as they appeared on ....... P. M. Hall-Lewis while lying at the dock in HobokeD, got together and rounded up over ........... C. A. Evernden Marshal............... but the llames were extinguished dirt from the body. If mud forms the field. A gigantic stadium was built to seat the spectators, which was four miner and is very confident there fifty felines and turned them loose Night Marshal...... John Hurley the car it should be removed times ns large as that at the Olympic games at Stockholm. This stadium Is is lots of coal in that vicinity. The in his place of business while he was Water Superintendent .S. V. Epperson after considerable damage was done permanent The Olympic games in 1016 will be held there. Fire Chie! ................. Walter Oerding place where he is working is close The quarrying of granite is one immediately. Mud should be wash­ out. Conncilmen—D. D. Pierce, C. T. Skeels to a railway surver and only a short W. C. Laird, G. O. Leach, W . H. Ly­ of the big industries of the country. ed off before it dries on. Portland Superintendent Aider- ons, Leo J. Cary. Regular meetings distance from the end of one of the In the event of the mud becoming first and third Mondays each month. During 1912, according to E. F. man has received a communication tunnells on that line. Burcbard, of the United States Sur­ dry it should be softened with water from a teacher in New York state W . S. Butler has also commenced by a stream being plaved upon it Justice of the P eace......... J. J. Stanley vey, the production in the United Constable........................... Ned C. Kelley digging in search of coal on Maple asking the department to send ma­ but too much force should be avoid­ States was valued at $20,234,041. Then Read this Exraordinary Imaginative Showing of the terial for a debate on the subject: Creek. ed. A stream that spurts to a County Judge ................. John T. Hall The Pennsylvania and Lehigh “ Resolved, That the state of Oregon Real Line o f Descent, by Charlotte Perkins Gilman coarse spray is best, and enough Commissioners—W . T. Dement, Geo. J. New Mortgage Law Valley railroads recently built a has a tetter school system than the Armstrong time should be spent at the work so C lerk.............. ........... .......James Watson bridge a mile long, having a 264 state of New York.” father who was an eminent jurist I had been taught to revere my that the mud will soak up and drop Sheriff .......... W . W. Gage The following is an extract from foot draw, in 12 days, to take the Treasurer..................... T. M. Dimmick aDd a grand uncle who w as a major- A party of 25 business men of off of itself. After everv bit of mud ancestors, and did so. the new mortgage law which goes Assessor............... T. J. Thrift place of the bridge over Newark has been flooded off a chamois cloth Ours was an Old Family. We general. Back of that was a great­ into effect on Jan. 1 1914: “ Any Portland accompanied Samnel Hill, School Supt............ Raymond E. Baker Su rveyor........................ A. N. Gould bay, which was burned. should be applied. Motoristsshould bad a Genealogical Tree, several grandfather who was a leading di­ mortgage shall conclusively t>e per- the good road expert, and the Mult­ Coroner .......................... F. E. Wilson A flight was recently made across be careful of the soap used in wash­ Coats of Arms, and a Gallery of vine, and one who was a governor. sumed to be paid, satisfied and dis­ nomah County Commissioners on Health Officer........ ..... Dr. Walter Culin Back of that I could enumerate charged after ten years have elapsed an automobile tour along tbe Ore­ the English channel in the new ing, as some brands take off the Portraits. Dunne self-balancing aeroplane, and lustre of high finishes Soft soap There were also Books, Records, many great names, signers o f the from the date of maturity of the gon shore of the Columbia river, Societies will get the very best the aviator claims that the problem has proved to be the best. The Robbings, and a mass of documan- 1 Declaration of Independence, Col­ mortgage and alter that time no | for the purpose of mapping out a of automatic stability has been solv­ same kind of polish used for pianos tary evidence as to tbe excellence onial Governors, RDd the like; and action, suit or proceedings shall E>e new route for the Columbia River P R I N T IN G ed. The new machine is shaped and high-class cabinet work is best and dignity of my ancestors. as soon as we crossed the ocean maintained tor the foreclosure of Scenic Highway to connect Port­ at the office of Coquille Herald same.” like a letter V and has no tail. adapted for use on motor cars land with Hood River. More immediately I had a grand-1 (Continued on Page 2) F. A A. M.—Regular meeting of • Chadwick l/Mlge No. 68 A. F. & A M.. at Masonic Hall, every Su;unlay night in each month on or before the full moon. C. W . F spicott , W. M. It. li. M vbt , Secretary. A O THE NEWS IN TABLOID FORM EVENTS OF THE PAST WEEK I MAM 1K P R M R. c W I F H o w 17,000 G ym n asts A p p e a re d On G erm a n y ’s N e w A th le tic Field F . .aas* C r B S P P Have You Pride o f Ancestry?