Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, August 19, 1913, Image 1

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    KJThe Herald, the o ld estab­
lished reliable newspaper of
the Coquille V alley in which
an “ ad" always brings results.
V O L. 31,
T he C oquille H erald
Fraternal and Benevolent Orders
Y. <k A. M.—Regular meeting of
. Chadwick Lodge No. 08 A. F. & A.
M.. at Masonic Hall, every Saturday
night in euch month on or before the
full moon.
C. W . E ndicott , W. M.
M a s t , S e c re ta ry .
E. 8.—Regular meeting of lleulah
. Chapter No. 0, second and fourth
Friday evenings of each month, in Ma­
sonic Hall.
E va B a r b o w , W . M.
J o s k p h in b G. P boplrs , Sec.
I). O. F.—Coquille Lodge No. 53, l. O.
. O. F., meets every Saturday night
n Odd Fellows Hall.
C. H. C lbaves , N. G.
J. 8. L awkknck , Sec.
l o d g e , n o . 20
I. O. O. F., meets every second and
fourth Wednesday nights in Odd Fellows
E mily H em ey , N. G,
A nnus L awkbncb , Sec.
a m ie r e b e k a h
Vv I. O. O. F ., meets the first and third
Thursday nighis in Odd Fellows Hall.
J. 8. B ahtok , C. 1’ .
J . S.L awrence , Sec.
Lodge No. 72, meets Tuesday nights
in W. O. W. Hall.
„ „
n ig h t s
o f p y t iiia s
R. R. W atson , K R. 8.
O. A. M intonyb , C. C.
t t YTH IAN SISTERS—Justus Temple
I No. 35, meets first and Third Mon­
day nights in W. O. W. Hall.
Mss. G b ikoe D avis , M. 1'.. C.
Mas. F ked L inegar , K. of R.
MEN—Coquille Tribe No. 46, 1.
O. R. M., meets every Friday night
in W. O. W. Hall.
„ ,
J. 8. B arton , Sachem.
A. P. M iller , C. of R.
W. A.—Regular meetings of Rea-
. ver Camp No. 10,550 in M. W. A.
Hall, Front street, first and third Sat-
urdavs in each month.
M. O. H awkins . Consul.
R. B. R ogers , V. C.
N ed 0 . K elley , Clerk.
A .—Regular meeting of Laurel
R N.
. Camp No. 2972 at M. W . A . Hall,
Front street, second and fourth Tues­
day nights in each month.
M ary K ern , Oracle.
E dna K elley , Rec.
O. W .—Myrtle Camp No. 197,
. meets every Wednesday at 7:30
p. m. at W. O. W . Hall.
Lee Currie, C. C.
J ohn L e n e v e , 8 e c.
i nights
L meets second and fourth Monday
in W. O. W . Hall.
O ra X . M aury , G. N.
M ary A. P ierce , Clerk.
UNION. — Regular meet­
ings second and fourth Saturdays in
each month in W. O. W. Hall.
F rank B urkholoer , Pres.
O. A. M intonyb , Sec.
'RATERN A L AID No. 398, meets the
second and fourth Thursdays each
month at W. T>. W . Hall.
M rs . C iiab . E vland , Pres.
M rs . L ora H arrington , Sec.
Educational Organizations and Clubs
monthly at the
High School Building during the school
year for the purpose ot discussing edu­
cational topics.
R kna A kdkrson , Pies.
R un a M inako , Hem
KEEL KLUR—A business men’ s
K O social
organization. Hall in Laird's
building, Second street.
A. J. S h e r w o o d , Pies.
F red S lagle , Sec.
M E R C IA L CLUB - J. E. Non OR
C j O M President;
J. C. S
, Secretary
Transportation Facilities
RAINS — Leave, south bound 9:00 a.
m. and 3:00 p. m. North bound
iU:40 a. m. and 4:40 p. m.
boats plying on the Co­
quille river afford ample arcorj'im ­
itation lor carrying freight and pasoen
gers to Bandon an.) way points. Boats
leave at 7 :30, 8:30,9:20 and 9 ¡CO a. m.
and at 1:00, 3 :30 and 4 :45 p. nr
L. Laird, proprietor. De­
parts 5:30 p. m. tor Koeeburg via
Myrtle Point, carrying the United States
mail and pasengers.
OSTOFFICE.— A. F. Linegar, post­
master. The mails close as follows:
Myrtle Point 8:40 a. m. and 2:35 p. m.
Marshfield 10:15 a. m. and 4:15 p. in.
Bandon and way points, Norway and
Arago 12:45 p. m. Eastern mail 4 :45
a. m. Eastern mail arrives 10: a. ni.
City and County O fficers
Mayor.................................. A. T. Morrison
Recorder ......................J. 8. Lawrence
Treasurer................................ 'R. H. Mast
City Attorney....................L. A. Liljeqvist
Engineer.......................P. M. Hall-Lewis
.. C. A. Evernden
Night Marshal..................... John Hurley
Water Superintendent. S. V. Epperson
Fire Cliiet.........................Walter Oerding
C on ncilm en-D . I). Pierce, C. T. Hkeels
W. C. Laird, G. O. Leach, W . H. Ly­
ons, Leo J. Cary. Regular meetings
first and third Mondays each month.
Justice of the Peace
Constable ...... .......
C O Q U I L L E , C O O S C O U N T Y , O R E G O N , T U E S D A Y , A U G U S T 19, 1913.
N O . 49
J. J. Stanley
Ned C. Kelley
County Judge
John T. Hall
Comm ssioners—W. T. Dement, Geo. J.
C lerk............ ..................... James Watson
Sheriff .................................... W . W . Gage
Treasurer___ _________ T. M. Dimmick
Assessor ......
T. J. Thrift
School Supt.
Raymond E. Baker
Surveyor .....
A. N. Gould
F. E. Wilson
Health Officer
Dr. Wralter Culin
Societies will g et the very best
I» I t i N T I M i
at the office o f Coquille Herald
N. C. Mari» Talks to Boy»
and Girls of Coming Fair
t j jo b Printing— N ew presses
new material and experienced
workmen. A guarantee that
Herald printing will please.
P E R Y E A R $ 1 .5 0
State Board Issues
Hunters’ Suggestions
I hope you are all having a good Some Reasons Why Citizens of Coquille Should Vote for
The State Board of Fish and Game
River Improvement, Contributed to the Herald
time during vacation, playing some,
Commissioners have recommended
working some, and reading some;
the following suggestions to be
There are some in Coquille who goods shipped through direct to used by sportsmen in the field in
and not forgetting to prepare your
exhibits for the school fairs. Had would vote against the Port because our wharves and $1.00 a thousand order to prevent accidental shooting
you thought about how soon they they think Bandon would get the less on lumber for shipment means and relieve persons who are injured
will be here? Only a few short most benefit, aud there are some in the difference between success for or lobt in the forests and mountains:
Transpiring in Oregon Boiled
Condensed for the Quick As­ weeks now, aud the time will pass Bandon who would vote against the our mills or tailure. The difference
To prevent accidental shooting,
Down to Least Number of
similation of Busy Men and quickly. Procrastination is said to Port decause they think it would in freight rate alone would have every hunter should wear a red cap,
Lines and Yet Make the
Women— General Round- be the thief of time Do not let it open the river to Coquille, thus saved our saw-mill from going bank­ shirt or sweater, or some other arti­
Subject Understood.
be the thief of those prizes you have placing Coquille at the head of nav­ rupt. Geographically, socially and cle of clothing that can easily be
U p of a W ide cope
no doubt had your heart set on win­ igation, and thereby giving Coquille politically Bandon and Coquille are identified from game birds and ani­
The slate has been banished from
bound together and we should work mals, especially when hunting deer
The Northern Pacific has arran­ ning. It is so easy to waste time the most benefit.
There are those who would vote together. When the big fight to in the forests. Since there is a the Portland schools.
ged to build a new depot at Hoqui- and get slack in our habits, especial­
Wonderfi 1 yeilds are reporty* ia
ly during vacation.
Everyone against the good roads projects, transfer the County Seat from Co- contrast between red and the color
ain, Washington.
because of some local fear that some quille to Coos Bay occurs, we must of any bird or animal that is beiog the foothills ..ound Milton. , > *
The American consul at Caracas
one community may reap a greater depend upon, the solid Bandon vote bunted, this color will serve the best
Burns Presbyterians have award­
reports that the Castro uprising in hours each day for play, for work,
aud for readiug. You will be sur­ benefit than some other, but as be- to carry the election and keep the purpose.
ed the contract for a new church,
Venezuela is a failure.
prised how much more you will tween Bandon and Coquille there Court House in Coquille. and any-
Hunters should Dever shoot at at $11,000.
Rev. Elmer E. Count, superin­
should be no sectional jealousy, thing that we can do to up-build moving brush, leaves or grass with
A fierce electric storm struck Ba­
tendent of Methodist missions for
If you are raising garden stuff to ih e interests of the two towns and Bandon and the Port and to make the expectation of killing game, ker last week, causing destruction
Bulgaria, has issued an appeal for
exhibit, do not neglect it. The of the whole Valley are identical, many votes on the Coquille Riyer It is dangerous, for the moving ob­ of property and crops.
weeds will keep growing these hot what makes for the prosperity of should be done.
ject is likely to be a man. Never
Hog prices took a big slump in
Work has been resumed on a lim­ days just the same, and if you do the one means the prosperity of the
We should not hesitate, but shoot at any object until you are
Portland last week but the public
ited scale in three of the Michigan not keep them hoed or pulled up other.
knowing that the welfare of Bandon ebsohuely positive of identification.
pays the same price lor pork.
copper mines, including the Calu­ they will rob your pumpkins or po­
A deep river to Coquille means means strengh to our own right
To prepare for an emergency,
The postal savings bank at Port-
tatoes of the moisture they need, commercial prosperity for Coquille hand, let us pul our own shoulders every hunter and angler should car­
bad deposits to the amount of
It is given out that General Felix and they will not grow to be prize and it also means big shipments to the wheel, and work for the Port, ry in bis pocket a piece of candle
Diaz, who is on bis way from Mex­ wiuneis. If yon are raising poultry through Bandon; it means that Co- good roads and bigger, more closely and matches in a water-tight match $807,394 the first oi last week.
From the state hatchery at Bon­
ico to Japan, will meet no official do not iail to feed the fowls regular­ quille can save $1.00 a ton height united cities on the Lower Coquille safe, In case of becoming lost or
welcome there.
ly and well and handle them care­ on merchandise coming by ocean on River.
injured, one can readily start a neville, 117,000 trout were planted
in the Deschutes river last week.
Chicago police women are to wear fully so they will be gentle and In
camp fire.
Ground is being cleared at Sea­
slashed skirts and patch pockets, good condition.
Lost or distress signal: When a
If you expect to exhibit sewing
acording to a recent announcement
man is lost or injured and needs side for a new sawmill o f60,000 feet
and win that sewing machine, gold
from that city.
help, a signal by shooting should be daily capacity, with box factory in
This signal will be the fir­ connection.
Reports from seward, Alaska, say
ing of a gun once, with an intermis­
The largest inheritance tax ever
that every cannery in that section prize, you have no time to lose. II
sion of ten seconds before the second paid in Multnomah county, $16,-
is now running at capacity and has you would win in the bread making
contest, you cannot practice too
shot, then an intermission of sixty 956,43, has been paid by the heirs
been compelled to refuse fish.
seconds, then a third shot. If no of Jacob Kamm,
Clarke county, Wash., voted
answer is received, this signal
The editor ot the Burns News
nearly 7 to i in tavor of the issue of your hands with the dough. It is
should be repeated after sn inter­ describes a field of Harney county
$500,000 bonds for the construction no disgrace to work, aud horny
hands are honorable,
mission of five minutes. The an barley that will make *75 to 100
of a bridge across the Columbia.
Do not overlook the fact that the
swer to this signal would be a sin­ bushels per acre.
It is announced at Raymond,
railroads will carry your exhibits to
gle shot from the rescuing partv
Under an opinion rendered by
Wash., that work will begin this
and from the State Fair free of
followed by one recognition shot Attorney General Crawford, the
week on the Willapa harbor branch
charge. The children of no other
from the lost man
state printing office at Salem will
of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St.
state are so generously treated by
Care should be taken to get the be run as an open shop.
Paul system.
the railroads, so far as we know.
time betwebn shots as accurately as
A 100 horsepower gasoline trac­
It is announced from St Paul Do not fail to read the rules and reg­
possible. Hunters should keep in
tor engine will used for hauling the
that the Chicago Great Western ulations in the State Fair Prize List
mind this signal and avoid, if possi­
output of the Ben Harrison mine,
railway has put into effect the two which tells you what you have to
ble, giving it when shooting at
near Sumpter, to the railroad.
cent passenger fare on all its lines do in order to get the free rate.
gnme. In the absence of a watch,
in Minnesota.
Elmer F. Brock of Eagle Creek,
Some boy or girl who reads this
the time can be judged with sufficient
county, disappeared
U, S. Mail out of San Francisco may say “ I have to work hard all
accuracy by counting ten between
from his home Monday, Aug. 4,
for Honolulu and the Orient is now the time and never have a vacation,
the firBt aud second shote and sixty
and has not been heard from since.
carried on a Japenatiese liner, they and do not have time to prepare
between the second and third shots.
having underbid the American anything lor the fair.” I hope very
As the result of one hour’s solicit­
Whenever a shot is heard in the
steamship company.
Heppuer citizens put up $1275
few of you are entirely deprived of a
mountains, a hunter should count
After devoting almost all his life vacation, but as to having to work
ten to determine whether it is a sig­ for the Morrow county fair, aud the
city council followed with $500
to a study of cancer, Professor Ed hard, you really ought to be thank­
nal of distress or not.
win Goldman, prolessor of surgery ful for that. Hard work does not
The person who is lest should, more.
at Freburg university, is dead from hurt you if you do not chafe and
Railroad engineers aud specialists
afttr hearing an answer to his sig­
worry about it.
Our best and
cancer of the liver.
nal, remain at the place where he are now at St. Helens, Oregon, test­
gave the signal until the rescuing ing the treatment of Douglas fir
Legal trouble over the will of the greatest people have had to work
Surmounting difficulties
party arrives, otherwise he may take with creosote at the creosoting plant
late Nelson Bennett, pioneer railroad hard.
the opposite direction and not be in that city.
contractor, has been adjusted at brings out the best that is in you,
found at all.
Tacoma, Wash., bis daughters hav­ and develops strength of character.
The Portland W. C. T. U. has
William L. Finley,
ing given up their interest to the The best exhibits at the school fairs
condemned the poster advertising
last year were generally made by
State Game Warden.
the Portola festival because it shows
The inquiry conducted by the children who had to work hard.
a woman’s form in dancing pose,
The following is a condensed ta- with bare legs.
coroner into the East Brookside Loafers do not win prizes at fairs
dle of signals to be used by all
mine explosion August. 2, in Penn­ nor in the battles of life.
R. C. and H. T. McCormick of
Perhaps you are not yet acquaint­
sylvania, which cost 20 lives, has
the St.Helens Timber Co. have pur­
Begin with 1 shot.
shed no light upon the mysterious ed with Mr. Churchill, our new
chased from Gerber & Kempy 2440
State Superintendent, but you will
Wait 10 seconds— Repeat 1 shot. acres of fine fir and cedar timber
ave au opportunity to meet him
Wait 60 seconds— Repeat 1 shot on Crooked creek, a tributary of
Governor Gulzer, of .New York,
P h o to s by A m e r ic a n P r e s s A s s o c ia tio n .
some day, I hope. I am sure you
Answer to signal by rescuing, par­ Nehalem river.
is facing impeachment proceedings,
will like him; he says he is very
ERE you see Illustrated the new snd the old In aquatic sports. Canos ty, 1 shot
being charged with making false
The state printing board has de­
tilting Is one o f the recent gomes which has gained favor as a sum­
much interested in the boys and
Recognition of answer by lost
returns ot his election expenses and
mer pastime. It’s full o f excitement for those who participate and
cided to appoint a committee to ap­
girls of Oregon, and especially in
for those who watch. There’s a thrill In almost every move. The man, 1 shot.
with having speculated in Wall
praise and negotiate for the Duni-
seeing them learn the practical contestants try to dump each other Into the water. Now. every one knows that
Wait five minutes before giving
street while governor.
way printing plant, now installed
things of life. He is anxious to see a canoe Is the easiest thing in the world to tip over, but In this game a no­ the second signal.
The Minnesota state railroad definiie results from the Industrial ticeable feature Is the fact that It's hard to overturn the canoe unless the tilt­
in the state house.
commission at St Paul has refused Department. It is up to you to ing Is done In the right way. The contestants wear bathing suits, and so s
Governor West has sent an in­
Will Advertise Our City.
to act upon an application made by show such results, boys and girls, ducking does them no harm. If they are overturned they scramble back, and
vitation to the commander ot the
the contest Is on again. Tub racing is one o f the oldest but funniest o f water
shippers lor an increase in freight and I am sure you will do your part. games. One of the side splitting spills Is here illustrated.
More people for Oregon— is the British man of war, New Zealand,
rates, until the Interstate Commerce
Very truly yours,
slogan of the Commercial Clubs which (s cruising in Pacific waters,
Commission has considered the re­
N. C, Maris,
and progtessive citizens of our great to visit the Columbia river.
land grant, the Oregon and Calif­
Single Tax Again
Field Worker Industrial Fairs.
state. Loug before this modern
"W ith 3000 grand stand seats
ornia railway was authorized to sell
Lieutenant-Colouel Eugene Wil­
war cry was raised The Mt. Angel already sold and the date of the
son, U. S. A ., who has been the as­
Magazine, published by the Bene Round-Up still a month off,” says
Smith Must Pay for Land
to the San Francisco Star:
in blocks of 160 acres at $2 50
sistant of Colonel Goethals in the
Some of the Single Taxers arc talk dictine Fathers of Mt, Angel, Ore­ the Pendleton East Oregonian,“ it
construction of the Panama canal,
Twenty thousand acres ol land in passed just a year ngo this month, ing of submitting a stiaight single gon, has worked for the develop­ begins to look like a bumper crowd
expresses the opinion that the first
authorized those who purchased tax measure for 1914 and putting it ment of Oregon, By its Special again.”
ship would pass through the canal Coos county has been ordered for
of 1000 acres or more from the rail- on the ballot early this fall. Mean- Editions aud hieing circulated all
Albany has a new ordinance de­
in October.
C- A, Smith company in a decree road company to forfeit them to the while an exemption measure is be- over the Union and Europe it was claring it unlawful for any person
High court functionaries at Vien­ signed by Federal Judge Robert S. governme-nt and in six months’ time ing circulated for signatures and do­ instrumental of bringing to the
to carry or haul intoxicating liquor
na are reported as saying that the Bean. The forfeiture was made as or less, to buy the land back at the nations being solicited for its sup- j state thousands of enterprising citi
through the streets except in the
wife of Prince Stanislaus Sulkowski> a settlement under the “ innocent tegular price ol $2.50 an acre. It port The measure simply exempts , zens. Another Special Edition i:
packages in which it is shipped into
formerly Marie Freese oi Los Angel purchaser" statute, passed by Con is one of the provisions of the statute $1500 of personal proprety and im-' now in preparation. The courtesy
the city.
es, will not be received at the Aus gress to protect the corporations and that the lands have to be bought provements to each person. One of free publicity is extended to Co­
Newberg'a commercial club al­
trian court, the prince having mar individuals who had purchased back by the original purchaser Irom lady doing volunteer work asked quille: Mr. Robinson or Mr. Stan-
ready has under discussion plans
tied beueath his rank.
large tracts of timbered lands from
for celebrating the formal opening
Leprosy is a curable malady, ac the Oregon and California railroad the government will institute a suit eight did so. Two refused on the all arrangements.
of the new bridge across the W il­
cording to representations made to company ol the governmeut grant. asking for absolute forfeiture ot the ground that it was too small an a-1
lamette, which event is due at
the medical congress at London by
Hearing in this case was held in
large an amount, two because it was and plutocracy has unlimbered its some midwinter date.
Major E- R. Rost of the Indian May. Like all the other innocent to the party losing it
The Booth-Kelly Lumber compa­
The C. A. Smith company will "single tax" and two because it waa guns upon it, and there is some fear
Medical service. Major Rost assert purchaser cases that have been set­
- expressed that perhaps it will get ny has begun preparations to build
! ed that four cases positively had tled, the défendent timber company have to pay $50,000 to regain this notl
1 been cured in India by the new bad purchased the land in one large acreage. The complaint was direct -1 In a few days a League to push votes enough to carry. If the meas- its new sawmill near Springfield,
vaccine method, and that 30 cases, block from the railroad company ed against the Oregon and Californ- its submission will be formally ure is placed on the ballot it will Or., and when completed it will be
now under treatment, were pio* and more was paid tor it than $2. So ia railroad, Charles A, Smith and set up and things will begin to hum be by the efforts of Oregon citizens- among the largest mills in the up­
per Willamette valley.
1 gressing favorably.
an acre. Under the terms of the 1 the C. A. Smith Lumber company. :a little louder in old Oregon. Al -1 and very few of them at that.
New and the Old in Aquatic
Sports During Summer Term