Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, August 12, 1913, Image 2

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    that might be expected under the
circumstances. It is suggested that
‘an article with this disgraceful
dance as the theme might open the
eyes of the parents to the danger
their daughters are in.” It wou’i
Nothing will open their eyes except
the actual public disgrace of th< ir
daughters. It ought to be plain
enough bv this time to every obser­
ver that there are a certain propor­
tion of parents who haven’t got
common horse sense where their
children are concerned, and who
are no more equipped to shield their
daughters from the evils which sur­
round them than so many wooden
Indians. It is bar 1 to understand,
but it is a fact that we can not get
away from. It is no use to talk
to such parents or to write for
their benefit. They will not be
warned until it s too late. Then,
when a daughter becomes a stench
ir the public nostrils they wonder
at the unaccountable dispensation
of Providence which gave them a
girl so depraved. And the poor
girl bears the burden It is some
satisfaction for a newspaper to oc­
casionally call attention to these
things, but it doesn’t do any good.
We can only pray, if we believe in
prayer, that the Almighty may take
a little extra paius in looking out
for the children of—.
The Coquille Herald
Entered as second class matter May
8 , 1905. at the post office at Coquille,
Oregon, underact ot Congress of March
8 , 187«.
P. C. LEVAR, Lessee.
Devoted to the material and social
upbuilding of the Coquille Valley par­
ticularly and of Coos County generally.
Subscription, $1.50 per year in advance
Phone Main 354.
(Western W orld)
One of the four great Prophets
has told us that the consciousness
of having a shirt waist that is not
bunchy in the back lends to woman
a peace that religion cannot give;
which is as it should be. No one
in his right mind is going to decry
jh e tendency among womankind
to dress well and neatly. Especially
is it pleasant to see women who
look clean, for cleanliness and de­
cency stick close together in the
But there is a deal of difference
between the well dressed, well
mannered woman and the flashily
clothed girl o f from fourteen to
twenty summers who chases up and
down the streets with no apparent
purpose other than to draw mascu­
The Marshfield Record has the
line attention to her superior
physical attractions It seems to be following merited call down for the
quite the fashion, as soon as a girl management ot Uandon’s White
begins to take on the first attributes Cedar festival:
Ono grave error which the White
of young womanhood to dress her
in such manner as the mother thinks Cedar festival boosters made was to
will be the best advertising medium send to San Francisco to have the
through which to proclaim this in­ souvenir programs printed.
teresting fact to a waiting and ex money that is paid San Francisco
pectant world. By various devices printing concerns is gone for good
known only to the initiated she is from Bandon.
There is a solicitor here in M irsh-
all at once equipped with a full
complement of the physical quali­ field today asking for patronage
ties peculiar to the matured mem­ from Marshfield merchants for the
bers of her sex and then, under program and he should receive little
cover of some wanton red rag, she encouragement. If the work was
to be done by Bandon people it
sallies lorth to market.
How these fond mamas justify would be all right to patronize the
their actions is not known but program as the money would re­
This prac­
probably the fact that “ everybody’s main in Coos county.
doin’ it” has as much Influence tice of getting the newspapers of
with them as anything else Then Coos county to boost shows, enter­
a good many women figure in the tainments and public attractions
manner of a lady who occasionally and then have the prioting taken to
played chess
It was too much some job shop, or allow it to be
work for her to figure out how a sent to the outside should be stop­
proposed move would affect her po­ ped and the newspapers should see
sition, so she just made the move that it is stopped. The Record is
and found out what would happen— making it a practic to excl ude boost­
when it happened. However this ing of such class from its columns
may be, certain it is that none are and it would be very glad to see all
more surprised or outraged than other newspapers of the county do
mama when Mrs. Grundy brings so. If job shops are to be patron­
ized or out of-town concerns fayor-
in her report.
Poor, foolish women 1 If they ed against the newspapers it is only
could only see that this result is right and proper the newspapers
right in line with the law of Cause should be paid for making the at­
and Effect. As long as men pre­ tractions a success through adver­
pare for war they will have war tising them.
Bandon has three good newspaper
and as long as a girl's appearance
which could have turned out
on the street, in the school or at
public gatherings is an open bid the work in a nice manner.
for undesirable attention, that will
be her portion
If women make of their daughters
a walking exposition of the ana­
tomical difference between the male
and the female of the species they
need not be surprised if the
through the street or lingering by
the wayside in the bosky dell with
shame frog headed specimen of Di­
vine carelessness whose highest
value would be realized by convert­
ing him into fertilizer.
Let the mothers of this town
make carefuf estimate of the influ­
ence, on character, that may be
brought to bear on girls through
the medium of the cut and color ol
their clothing. There is room for
much study along this line and the
results are worth all one could pay
for them In the last analysis, the
blame for much that is undesirable
in the social life of the coming gen­
eration, rests squarely with the
parents. Let them do their part and
we may reasonably assume that
conditions will soon reflect a clean­
er atmosphere and a higher moral
In connection with the above as
from the Western World, the Her­
ald is informed by a resident of a
neighboring town that Carnival
Week has witnessed some queer do­
ings in that dry place. It is said
that each night, after interest in the
carnival died down, many of the
younger people, including both mar­
ried and single, repaired to the
dancing pavilion at the "Oaks,”
where, in a light so dim that it was
sometimes necessary for the men to
light matches to find their partners
the dance was kept up in the way
The Bay papers report that Ban­
don gave a cool reception to John
Motley, secretary of the Coos Bay
Chamber of Commerce, and Photog­
rapher Weister, who has been taking
pictures in this county for the book­
let which the S. P. is to issue and
distribute. However, Ed and Steve
Gallier came to the rescue and
showed the visitors the courtesies
which they had a right to expect.
It is sad that the Bandon boosters
made the excuse that “Coos Bay is
trying to hog it all." This is the
same old cry and the same senseless
petty jealousy which prevents the
different parts of Coos county
from getting together on any kind
of a prog am for the developement
of the county. Coquille and Myrtle
Point seem to be outgrowing this
provincialism in a good many ways
and are learning to co-operate with
and speak a good word for each
other. It is unfortunate that the
biggest and liveliest town on the
river cannot seem to “ come out of
it” once in a whi'e.
voted overwhelmingly in favor of
the transfer which is about to be
made. With the Terminal oompany
out of the way, the S. P. will have
matters in its own hands, and it will
be inteieating to note the next jolt
that Marshfield will get from that
When the National Highways
association sent a circular letter to
the newspapers of Coos county stat­
ing that A. L. Westgard, vice-pres­
ident of the organization would
soon pass through the towns of the
county on his western tour, it is ev­
ident that the map had not been
consulted, or that the association
had a very hazy idea o f the geogra­
phy of the country out here. If Mr.
Westgard, who is one of the lead­
ing good roads authorities in the
United States, could be induced to
take a side trip and visit Coos
County it would be an excellent
thing for our good roads movement
here, and our commercial bodies
could well afford to expend consid­
erable effort that end.
Mrs. Mary Chapman, of Glide,
Douglas Co., Oregon has been visit
ing her brother Geo. Halter and
family, for a couple of weeks She
started on her return to htr home
last Wednesday. While here she
and her brother and family made a
trip to Bandon, going down on Sat-
unlay and returning Monday.
Flossie and Herman Uidabaugh
are visiting at the home of their un- '
cle, Henry Radabaugh at Norway.
Nile Miller and wife spent Sun­
day at the home of Mr. and Mrs
Frank Miller, Sr.
y o u r c a ll w ith
Big Ben. he’ ll call you
on the aot at any time
you say.
And if you roll over and
try “just-one-more-nap,”
he’ll repeat his call 30 sec­
onds later and keep on call­
ing until you’re wide
Big Ben stands 7 inches tall—
He’ s heavy, massive, handsome.
He’ s got a great, big dial you can
easily read in the dim morning
light, a sunny .deep toned voice
you’ 11 hear distinctly on your sleep­
iest mornings.
I’ ve placed him in the window
Look at him whenever vou go by
W. H.
Geo. Halter,wife and children are
camping out in the Fairview com­
munity, thus enjoying a rest from
The Jeweler
C O Q U IL L E , O R E G O N
M tK S I lY T K H I A N C H I Itl'H.
Services Sumlay at 11 a. m and
L«on Pauli and wife, fiom below
Bandon, are at Mr. Miller,'s being 7:30 p. m.
Sunday School at 10 a m.
called there on account of tbe ill-
Frank H. Adams, faster
neas of Mrs. Pauli's mother, Mrs.
Miller. Mrs. Sadie Smith of Bandon,
M. L Church
also Mrs. Ettie McAdams of Coquille
Sunday school at 10 a. m
were also called Uorae for the same
Preaching at 11 a m. aud 8 p. m.
Prayer meeting Thursdays at
8 pm .
R o y L. C l a r k , Pastor.
Mrs Taylor and children and
Mrs. Nichols and son Gordon have
been rusticating at Bandon, camp­
ing about a week. They report a
very delightful time.
Miss Merle RtJabuugh was in
charge of the Upper Fishtrap school
last Monday, for Mr. Fennel, the
teacher who ia employed.
Christian Science Society
Corner Third aud Hall streets.
(From the Port Orford Tribune)
Services at 11 a m next Sunday.
Subject lesson sermon, “ S ul.”
George Forty and J. C. French
Wednesday evening meeting 8:00.
are preparing to mine at Hubbard’s
creek. They propose to flume the
M. L Church South
Services next Sunday as usual
creek near its mouth and go down
Suuday school at io. a m.
to bedrock where it is thought
Epwotth League at 6:45 p m
some rich sand will be found.
You are invited to be present.
The Wedderburn Trading com­
C. H. C le av es , Pastor.
pany has raised the price of salmon
on Rogue river to 50 cents tor those
first and third Sundays
using the company’s gear and 75
of each month.
Sunday school
for those furnishing their gear,
every Sunday at 10 a. m.
Port Orford’s third annual Agate which is the best price ever paid for
You are hraitlly w >1«* at.1.
Carnival will be held next Friday salmon on the lower river.
lit sv> lithe. NAiiiM, i, »land.
and Saturday. We note that the
carnival has been advertised, along
This office is in receipt of a card
Sunday school at 10 a ra.
with Port Orford’s other attractions,
Christian Endeavor at 7:00 p. tr.
in a neat folder, the product of some that states Judge Bailey’s health
Preaching at 11:00 a. ra
is now improving.
gifted job printer outside of the
You are cordially invited to all
local zoue.
these services.
very fast the last week. All hopes
T. B. McDonald, Minister
Myrtle Point Pointers
for her recovery has been despaired
of by the tamily.
What West’ Told Them
Dr. and Mrs. S. C Eudicott of
Hunters from all parts of the
Bandon passed through town on the state have been flocking into Curry
Concerning Governor West’s lat­
fourth, returning from a camping County the past week, each party
est move in the Leach matter, a
trying to beat the “ other fellow" Salem dispatch says:
Ennis Rose came in via Roseburg to the hunting grounds first
Governor West has sent letters to
from Arizona on Monday to spend
An important sale was made a Dr. Bailey K. Leach, the Socialist
his vacation with his parents, Mr. few days ago when Richard Quellen editor who was deported from Ban­
and Mrs. J. E. Rose.
sold the halfway house at Corbin to don, and Wesley Everett, W, J.
The town was filled with people F. F. Friant, late of Silverbell, Ariz Edgeworth, Jack Trainer and Fred
from the adjacent country, the four The sale includes over 300 acres ot A. Roberts, the I W W . agitators
days the Arnold Carnival was in land, considerable stock, etc., and who were deported from Marshfield,
town. Every one was out for a we understand that the considera­ informing them that if they are
good time, and all the places were tion paid was in the nei gbborhood law-abiding citizens they may live
well patronized. Not a disturbance of $ 10 ,000.
in any county in this state and be
of any size w s b heard. Saturday
Mayor Straw of Marshfield, and protected by the laws of the state.
afternoon, there was horse racing at
Iu his letter to Leach, which is
a party of friends have been camp­
the fair grounds, but did not learn
to those sent to the the I
ing in this vicinity for several days.
the out-come.
On several occasions the party in W. W .’s the governor said: Being
Miss Neilie Barton returned on their auto whizzed through the informed that you were recently
Saturday from Washington, where town at a high rate of speed while driven away from the city ol Bbn-
she has been visiting her parents if strangers would speed through don by a number of its citizens,
during her vacation.
the mayor’s home town anything who, finding objections to your ac­
Mr.and Mrs.M.Nystrom who went like he did here they would be tivities, took the law into their own
hands, please be advised that this
to California a couple of weeks ago, pinched and heavily fined.
is still a government bv law and
looking for a location, have pur­
not by mob
While I am not in
chased 160 acres below Chico and
sympathy with your methods and
will move there in October. They
Judge Coke and Herbert Lock­ condemn many of thepi, I teel you
were five days coming up from Shn
hart, who have returned
from are at least entitled to the protec­
Francisco to Bandon.
Brewster Valley declare that Neva tion of the laws of the state.
W. A. Culbertson who has been Harry has accomplished wonders in
Should you be remaining away
sick for about a year, died at Gravel road building there. They declare
from any county in this state
Ford on Saturday the 9th and was that he has relocated the work and
through fear of mob violence, you
buried Sunday. A little child of built one of the finest stretches o
may be assured the protection this
Ingram’s died there also on Satur­ highway ever constructed in Coos
office would extend to any law-
day quite suddenly.
County. He has done it at a low abiding citizen should you care to
Mr. and Mrs. D. Giles and Lou cost, they state, and they declare he
return there and conduct yourself
Clarke left on the last Fifield to is entitled to the credit of beiog
as such.
spend the winter iu San Francisco' Coos County’s foremost good roads
Should it develop that you have
man.— Coos Bay Times.
violated any law, you can expect to
be prosecuted. Should it develop
Fiahtrap and Vicinity
that you have suffered through the
lawlessness o f others, then they
Mr. Hodge and sons Walter and
shall be prosecuted.
Harley are enjoying a few days
camping on the beach.
What Gage Told Them
W. H Averill and wife from out
in the valley, are visiting here. The
latter is a sister of Tenn and Frank
Robison, and formerly resided here, i
where she has many friends, and
will be remembered as Miss Martha
The Record reports that the Robison, or “ Sis," ns every one calls
Southern Pacific and the Terminal her.
Railroad have come to an agreement
Mr. and Mrs. Albee and Miss
for the transfer to the S. P. of the
Maud spent Sunday with Mr. and
steam franchise iu Marshfield held
Mrs. Albert Fish
by the Terminal company. Marsh­
Mrs. Frank Miller, of whom we
field seems to have caught the fever.
Real estate in that town is not boom­ made mention last week as being
ing so much as is wished by the very ill, suffered another bad spell
agents aud those who have property last Friday, when D .. Stemler was
to sell, and the idea is prevalent that again called. She was some what
prehaps it is because of a fear that improved again at last reports.
the town will lie left off the route of
the S. P. Of rourse that is very
nearly a geographical impossibility,
hut people do not reason when they
are stricken with panic, so the citi­
zens of Marshfield some time ago
The following is given out as the
correspondence that passed between
Sheri J Gage and a Salem attorney
who is acting for Dr. Leach, immed­
iately after the latter’s depoitation
from Coos county
Attorney E. L.
Cannon wired the sheriff as follows-
“ Dr Leach wishes to return a
once to Bandon.
Since the mob
threatens violence if he returns, I
ask on behalf of Leach that you
meet him at Myrtle Point and give
him h 11 necessary protection on his
return. Will you do this?
me immediately.”
To this Gage replied the same day:
“ Your message relative to Dr.
Leach received
I am willing to
enforce all laws for the piotection
of persons and property, aud within
the scope of my duties I am wil­
ling to extend the same protection
to your friend as to any other citizen
aud if any person has threatened
Dr Leach with violence I think the
p.oper course for him to pursue
would be to lodge iufnimntinu to
have the persoD, or persons, threat­
ening him put undi r bonds to ki ep
the peace Fut I know ol no statute
making it the duty of tr.e county
sheriff to mei t any particular person
at any particular place to act ns his
escort. If you can ref> r me to nny
law that makes this mv duty I shall
cheerfully comply to your r< quest
without fear or favor.”
It may be that Governor West
sees by this time that he went off
halfcocked on the deportation prop-
A . D. S. Preparations
OF HYDROGEN 15c, 25c,
If going to the beach or the mountains, protect your face from the
effect of sun and w ind by use of Peroxide Cold Cream, and do
not forget a supply of other members of tho Peroxide family
osition, in giving out some of the
utterances that have been credited
to him. However, it must be re­
membered that those quotations
should be taken with a grain of salt,
aa the Portland papers naturally
play up a news item ip the most
vivid colors possible.
The gover­
nor was simply up against the
works. He could not ignore the
matter altogether, and bis announce­
ment that any citizen would be pro­
tected in his constitutional rights is
one to which no on can reasonably
take objection. His instructions to
Attorney General Crawford, to in­
vestigate the matter were also to be
expected nor could he well refuse to
take such action. Such an investi­
gation is in nowiae to be feared by
the Coos county people, and ia, in
fact, courted by tI j e sheriff and
If it calls the attorney
general down to this neck of tbe
woods, his old friends will be glad
to me him.
Po iland Semi-Weekly Journal
a d Ci quille Hera.d, both for $2 00
a year iu a Iv nice.
Hive you paid
the printer?
(Continued from first page)
chase same alter due notice.”
Where does your contract with
Keeler Bros provide that you may
sell the bonds to a better bidder, or
to the state land board?
The fact
is that your contract does not pro­
vide for any thing of the kind, and
if yon had sold to nny other party,
or to the state land board,yon would
have become liable in damages to
Keeler Bros.
Iu paragraph "10” of their urticls
in the Sentinel the gentlemen state
“ We do not know at what said
bonds might have be sold if authur-
rized by the voters, other than the
offer of Keeler Bros.” This is an
open confession of carlessness and
neglect of duty, and that is all we
ever charged them with.
It was
plainly their duty to know whether
or not they could make a better sale
of tbe bonds, before they entered
into this contract with Keeler Bros
suppose either one of these gentle­
men were to loan funds of their bsnk
at 4 or 5 per cent, and when called
upon by their board of directors for
an explanation, they would state
that they did so because they did
not know where they could do aDv
better. How long would they hold
their position? They would be “ re­
called” at once
Iu their paragraph “ 2” they state
that no other o f f e r was made other
than Keeler Bros. This being true
they ceitaiDly male mighty little
effort to look after tbe best interests
of the district, smee by their own
statemeut they contracted with the
first man who came along.
In my
previous article I made no attack
upon the reputation or character of
either of the gentlemen, and bud no
intention of so doing, and do not do
so now.
And in reply to their paragraph
“ 5” I will simply state that when
old Ex-governor Trimble, who had
known my fath er fur eighty years.
B E G I N S its forty-fifth school year
S e p t e m b e r i o . 1013.
DEGREE C O U R S E S in many phase* of
E c o n o m ic s . M in in o , f o r e s t r y . C o m ­
m e r c e . P h a r m a c y .
wrote bis obituary, among other
things he said, “ that E. W. Barrow
had not only come from Virgina as
a pioneer and c'sared up three fine
farms, but be had in addition raised
eleven children and not a “ black
sheep among Ibem.”
And I will
compare my character and tepiita-
lion from the cradle up to the pres­
ent with either of the e gentlemen.
I under-tand my friend Sanford
accused our worthy county Superin­
tendent of assisting me to write my
previous article.
Now I am sur­
prised at that,
Brother Sanford
ought to know me aud my writings
well enough to know that when a
thing needs skinning I don’ t need
any help to do it.
They couclude by saying, “ Res*
pectfully submitted to the long suf­
fering public ”
That was well said. Now who is
making the public suffer?
Who is bulldozing this whole
school district?
Who is trying to over-tide the
majority of the legal voters in two
Woo s it says, “ I refuse to recog-
niz- f i t - man the people elected as
Who ia it that by both act and
word says, “ I bate decided that
Skeels is not a director, I am greater
tbau tbe court aud more powerful
than the majority of the voters?”
Who is this Cesser? When did he
cross the Rubieou?
Mr. Burns and Mr. Skeels stand
ready and willing to do and perform
their duty as directors at any time
that Mr. Must will permit them to
Who is causing the public to suf­
Economy Jar Capa at AndersoDS
Notice of Sale of State Land
Notice is hereby given that the State
band Board of the State of Oregon will
receive sealed bids until 10:00 o ’clock
a. m. October 7, 1913, for the following
described lands, to-wit:-
The 8 V* of SW 'p and 8 W )£ of SE%
and SWJ£ of NKp4' of Section 36, T. 22S
R . 12 W.
The N W Ji of Section 16, T. 28 8 . R.
3 W.
The N‘ a, N',, of SW< 4 , SW>4 of S\V >4
and N W )4 of SE >4 of Section 36, T.
30 8 R. 11 W .
The S ^ and S '.2 of N E 14 of Section
36, T. 38 S. R. 2 W.
All bids must be accompanied by a
regularly executed application to pur­
chase and check or draft for at least
one-fifth of the amount of the bid.
The right to reject any or all bids is
Applications and bids should lie ad­
dressed to G. G. Brown, Clerk State
band Board, Salem,Oiegon,and marked
“ Application and bid to purchase state
U. G. Brown,
Clerk State band Board.
Dated August 1, 1913,
Notice to Creditors
Notice is hereby given that the under­
signed has been duly appointed as ad­
ministratrix of the estate of Thomas A.
King, deceased. Now all persons hav­
ing claims against said estate are hereby
notified to present them with the pro­
per vouchers within six months from
the date of this notice, duly verified as
by law required, to me the undersigned
at the office of James T. Hall, 11 Eldor­
ado Bldg., Marshfield, Coos County,
Margaret E. Moody
Administrix of the Estate of Thornes
A. King, deceased.
7 15 5t
* -•» -
Notice to Creditors
Notice is hereby given that the under­
signed lias been duly appointed as ad­
ministratrix de-bonis-non of the estate
of Samuel H. King, sometimes know n
as Hiram King, deceased. Now all [ mt -
T w o - y e a r c o u r s e s in aquicul ­ sons having claims against said estate
ture . h o m e E c o n o m i c * . M echanic are lierebv notified to present them
TEACHER S C O U R S E S in manual
training, agriculture, domestic science
and art.
M U SIC , including piano, atring, band
instruments and voice culture.
“ T hk E n r ic h m k n t
R uttai . b iF B ”
and a C atalogue will be mailed free
on application
A d d ress H. M. T e n n a n t , Registrar,
(tw-7-15 io s-9)
Corvallis, Oregon.
witli flip proper vouchers within six
months from the date of this notice,
duly verified as by l.yw required, to tne
the undersigned at the office of James
T. Hall, 11 Eldorado Bldg., Marshfield
Coos County, Oregon.
Margaret E. Moody
Administratrix de-bonis-non of the
Estate of Samuel H. King, sometimes
known as Hiram King, deceased.
7 15 5t