Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, August 05, 1913, Image 3

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Have You O
Broken Out #
U your f»co covered with
pimples, blotchet or raeh ? Poor
condition of your blood will
ceuee theee fecial disfigurements
■t this season of the year. A
good medicine for your blood
will clear your complexion like
Of the many blood purifiers
we sell R ex a ll B lo o d T a b «
lata are undoubtedly the most
effective. W e are familiar with
the formula of this remedy and
k n ow what it will do. It puri­
fies end enriches the blood,
builds up the entire system and
imparts a healthy color to cheeks
and lips. Sold with the Rexall
guarantee. Per package, 50c.
The Rexall Store
Professional Cards
Office in Richmond-Barker Bldg.
Office Phone Main 211
D entist
Office over First National Bank
Phone Main 481
A ttorney at L aw
First National Bank Building
RoomB 2-3-4
A ttorney at L aw
First National Bank Building
Coquille, Oregon
A ttorney at L aw
Notary Public
A ttornkt and
C ounsellor at L aw
Office in Robinson Building
W. C. C H A SE
A ttorny at L aw
Office in Richmond-Barker Bldg
A ttorney and C ounsellor at L aw
Office Phone 336
Residence Phone 346
Richmond-Barker Building
Coquille, Oregon
If so get your bread
and lunch sup­
plies from the
Tents for rent at Anderson’s
T . T. Land, a former resident
here, now located at Hillsboro, ar­
rived yesterday for a short visit jind
to look after his property interests
J. C. Savage, former owner of the
Sentinel, who has been spending
some time in California, is in town.
He says he lias no settled plana for
the immediate future.
Bert Dimmick, who for the past
year has been foreman of tbe Lyons-
Johnson Mill, has resigned his posi­
tion and will move to Raymond,
Wash., to make bis future home.
Bandon Troop No. 1 of the Boy
Scouts passed through town yester­
A. H. Stutsman, the rustling real
day forenoon on the commencement
estate dealer of Marshfield, was in
of their hike to Roseburg, which is
this city on business last Wednes­
expected to lake a couple of weeks
for the round trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Phil. Wilbur, of
At tbo fire department meeting
Mursbfield, were in town Saturday
last Wednesday evening, the follow-
on their return from a visit to Cur­
ng gentlemen were eleoted captains
ry county.
iof the teamB named: W. C. Laird;
Guns for rent at Anderson’s
hose team No. 1; M. C. Tozier, hose
The library room in the new city team No. 2; H. O. Anderson, hook
hall is being fitted up for the recep­ and ladder company.
tion of the books, which will soon
Tbe school board meeting sched­
be moved in.
uled for Wednesday evening failed
Fred Nelson, of the Nelson Iron to materialize as such.
Works, was in town Saturday night, Burns refused to sot, having his
putting in a (laker valve on the doubts as to the legality of the meet­
steam feed of the carriage at the lo­ ing and not proposing to make him­
self individually responsible for any
cal mill.
The friends made by Rev. Leroy action taken.
Clark, of the Methodist Church, re­
W. H. Lyons, who with Messrs.
gret to learn that ill-health has Leslie, Cary, Cleaves and others
made it necessary for him to give up helped add to the hilarity of the
his work here.
closing hours of the ¡carnival, was
Mrs. G. M. Bailey, of Cooston, observed Monday morning doing
passed through town yesterday on the street-sweeping act. His insig­
her wav from Bandon. where she nia of office, the ball and chain was
had been helping ont for a few days missing, however.
in a there.
Watches repaired in an up-to-date
Special sale of Packard shoes, manner by W. Frank Petett. No
Ladies, Misses, Boys and girls shoes delay.
at the new Chicago Store next door
John Motley, secretary of the
to Knowlton’s Drug Store.
Coos Bay Chamber of Commerce,
Nosier aud Norton are putting in was in this part of the county last
an elevator from the lower to the week with G. M. Weister. Photog­
upper floor of their wholesale estab­ rapher for the Southern Paoific,
lishment. and are lowering the tram­ who is taking Coos county views
way from the dock to come in below. for the booklet which theS. P. is to
This will make much more room issue for this section.
available, and enable them to handle
W. G. Ackerman writes to the
their increasing business to better Herald from Salem, saying that he
is back at his old job in the state
E. H. Meade, who is now installed office. Their many friends here will
in his farm home a couple of miles be glad to know that Mrs. Acker­
east of this city, was down to see man has gained 30 pounds since
the carnival Friday night. He re­ their return to Salem, and now
ports that he is greatly enjoying the thinks of taking “anti-fat.”
new style of existence, and after a
The annual picnic of tbe Farmers’
life of late hours in the theatrical Union will de held here on August
business, he now goes to bed at 8:30 14th. Speakers from tbe outBide
and gets up early in the morning to are scheduled to be here, and Gov
wrestle logs and build fences.
ernor West has also been invited to
Pioneer White Lead at Anderson’s attend. These annual affairs are al­
The steam schooner Del Norte ways most enjoyable, and the one
has been fitted out by a party of this year bids fair to eclipse former
San Francisco treasure seekers and records.
All householders are urged and
requested to have their chimoeys
examined and swept, removing soot,
as a safeguard against the possibil­
ity of fire.
J. C. Sullivan,
field were camping ut Myrtle Point
last week.
My Optical work is giving satir-
faction. Give me a trial. \V. Frank
Captain Hubert Dollar has dona­
ted $50 to the public libiary at
Take refuge these warm days in
F o l s o m ’ s confectionery, Always
Chaa. McCoy, the Marshfield car­
penter and builder, was in town on
business last Wednesday.
Autumtbile service, any time. T.
A. Walker, call either dhene. Stand
Farmers <fc Merchants Bauk.
is now in th e neibhorhood of Cres­
cent City tryinS to locate tbe wreck
of the old stern wheel steamer Jon
athan which sunk off Point St.
George in 18C5 with ever $1,000,000
in coin aboard, the locating of which
has baffled innumerable treasure
seekers ever since.
Floor Paints at Audersou’s
Governor West b a B appointed
Dexter Rice county judge ot Doug­
las county, succeeding
Wonacott. Judge Rice is said to be
a good roads advocate, and it is ex­
Buy your vegetables for Sunday pected that some activity will now
at Lyons & Jones.’ We will be able be shown on the improvement of
to supply cabbage, lettuce, carrote, the road leading into Coos.
cucumbers, beets, green beans, Bum­
mer squash green onions and pie
plant, fresh from the garden.
Cbas. Hale, who took charge of
the Royal theater some weoks ago,
has relinquished it again, and the
show house is being kept open by
Mr. Lemsnski, George Alexson be­
ing back at his old place behind the
gun. It is understood that there
was some mix-up over the lease be­
tween Hale and tbe owner of the
Linseed Oil at Anderson's
Shooks for Every Kind of
Wooden Fruit-Container
We are handling the product of the Coquille
Manufacturing Company, which is turning
out a first-class article in every line of Shooks
Prices Are Right
Consult us before placing your order
Economy Jar Caps at Anderson's
Miss Ella Shelley visited the
J. Roth, an artist, is in tbe city
and contemplates opening a studio family of her uncle, Ge#Sbellt-y at
Cool, tefrrshitig drink« at Fol-
Myrtle Point Sunday.
hoiu ’ b .
H. K Shelley expects to finish
Lyons & Jones receive tneir veg­
John Yoakam, of Coaledo, was etables fre«h from tbe garden Tues­ Judge Watson’s new house nt Coos
doing budineBH tu town yesterday.
days ami Fridays.
City about the laid of this week.
ChaB. Rosenburg, late of Chicago,
H. L. Groff is recovering from an
Tbe Carnival committee reports a
injury received iu Aaseu Bros ’ camp. has opened a clothing and shoe balance of about $120 on tbe right
Fresh vegetables ut Lyons & store next door to Knowlton's drug side of the ledger, as a result of tbs
Jones’ «tore Friday and Saturday.
doings last week.
Geo. Stougb, the well-known
Contractor Longslou has complet­
She (angrily)—Then I shall sue
ed the new' barn at the county in­ chimney sweep, is in town on one you for breach of promise. He —Go
of his periodical visits in the inter­ ahead. I shall sue you for slander
for saying that I proposed to you.
F. S. Dow and family, of Marsh­ est of fire prevention.
| Nosier & Norton {
Goes to City
F. C. Pursley, proprietor of the
Coquille Haberdashery, will leave
this week for San Francisco, where
be will purchase additional stock
for his enlarged store. This store,
by the way, is located in the Collier
building on First street and not in
the Golden building, as was stated
last week, The occupuncy of the
entire width of the building now
gives Mr. Pursley double his former
room, as well as twice as much show
window space for tbe display of his
Music Lovers, Attention.
All the Latest Song Hits sent to
any address for 15 cents tbe copy.
A few of the favorites are: “ Meet
Me Tonight in Dreamland,” “Twi­
light,” “Clover Blossoms,” “ O-U-Cir-
cus Day,” “ Roses of Love.” Send
for complete list. Also 12 beautiful
post card views of Oregon for 15
cents. Tne Acme Novelty Co. 205
Rothchild Bldg. Portland, Ore.
Duck Season
I. R. Tower who has been investi­
gating tbe conflict of the state and
federal game laws says that as near
as can be ascertained the federal
game law provides for duck shoot­
ing from September 16 to December
16, thus shortening tbe Oregon sea­
son sixteen days.
Tbe state law
provides for duck shooting from
September lt o December 31.—Times
Russ must be a little weak in bis
City Council.
At the meeting of the city coun­
cil last evening, about all the busi­
ness transacted was the hearing ot
reports and the paying of bills.
City Engineer Hobson reported
that the work on the First street
wooden bridge was completed and
met his approval and there was due
the contractors thereon $ 1720.
The Recorder’s report for July,
which was accepted and filed, show­
ed total receipts of general fund
$ 1095.33, and disbursements of
*965 79-
The matter of the removal ol the
old city jail was left with the street
committee with power to act.
Adjournment was taken to Thurs­
day evening, Aug. 7th, when more
street matters will be considered,
iocluding the improvement of Hall
RATES: One cent a word, each in­
sertion. No charge less than 15 cents.
FOR BALE—Pure bred Cotswold
buck, 4 years old. J. H. Rada-
baugh, Arngo, Ore.
lot in Condon, county seat of
Gilliam county, for team of horses
or other live stock in Coos.
H Meade, Coquille.
OLD NEWSPAPERS— Cheap at the
Herald office.
WANTED—Clean cotton
the Herald office.
ruga at
FARM FOR SALE—110 acres bot­
tom, 35 acres in cultivation, bal­
ance in grass. Ten graded cows,
3 young horses, all farm imple­
ments. Price $9,000, $9,000 cash,
balance long terms, 7 per cent,
Inquire B. Folsom.
Sunday's Games
The Clearing-Out
Lasts Another Week
Coquide's infield threw the game
sway Sunday at Bandon aud it was
the worst sample ot the national
pastime we have looked upon in ma­
ny a day.
Collier pitched a g o o i game, as
he always does, but tbe support that
was given him was fierce. Tbe
game only went to tbe sixth inning
thanks to tbe time limit, and the
final score was 9 to 4 in favor of
Bandon won from Marshfield by a
Shoes for Men down t o ___
score of 5 to 3. But tbe clam dig­
gers should have won this contest
Shoes for Women down to
and would have done so but for
some bonehead base running at a
Children’s Shoes from 50c up
critics! time in tbe game.
They got after Miele in tbe first
inning and scored twice and bad
him badly rattled but instead of
continuing their attack tried to pull
off some fancy stuff on the bases
and were caught and tbe opportuni­
ty passed.
First Street, Coquille, Ore.
While Bandon won both games
fairly they played too many outside
men and will likely forfeit to their
Myrtle Point defeated North Bend Leach Reported in Bandon Official Schedule For
by a score of 3 to 1 and Cooper let
The Seaon's Base
Hull’s aggregation down with three
Parties coming from Bandon this
May 25th
morning report that Dr. B. K.
At Marshfield— Bandon.
Leach, who was recently deported,
Bandon wins, 6 to 1
Tip O’Neil lammed one of Miele’s returned to Bandon yesterday, and
At N orth Bend — Coquille
curves for a homer.
This is the that he showed a letter from Govern­
We are clearing out odd lots and sizes in
Men’s, Women’s and Children’s Shoes
$ 5.00
$ 4.00
If you can find your fit you can get a
very rare bargain in first-class Footwear
second one he has put over tbe fence or West promising him protection.
this season.
In this connection, it is reported
Miele pitched bot^ games and de­ from Salem that Governor West has
serves great credit for his nice work. issued a statement scoring the Coos
Howell and Oerding gathered in- county officers for not preventing
the acts of the “ mob?’ ’ and saying
some long drives in the out field.
that be had referred the whole mat­
Csrson Bigsbee is the fastest in
ter to Attorney General Crawford
fielder in the league and plays the
for investigation.
difficult corner like a big leaguer.
.— ---------■
He was badly spiked by Penell the Base Ball Contests Decided
Bandon shortstop and may be out
of the game for a week or two.
President Kern, of the Coos
“ Swede” Piper gave a nice exhi­ County Baseball league has given
bition of fielding but failed to hit. out the following decisions on the
Kid Crawford takes a nice swing protested games:
Game between Marshfield and
at the ball and has nice fat batting
which came to an end
end when Marhfield acquired a
Clark, Bandons new oatcher is a
grouch and refused to play it out,
good receiver and bae a Dice arm
is given to Coquille.
but makes a big mistake in talking
Game between Coquille and Bau-
back to the spectators.
don on June 15th, protested by
Bandon played in their lineup Coquille on the ground that the
Johnson, Miele, Clark, Pennell and umpire had money up on Bandon,
Stafford, all imported since the is given to Bandon on the ground
league was formed. We wonder if that no definite evidence was forth­
Kern will let them get away with it. coming on the umpire’s guilt.
Game ot July 20th between
Proposed Line-Up
Marshfield and Bandon, protested
The following line-up is proposed by Marshfield on tbe ground that
for an all-star Coos county team to Bandon played too many outside
play against Humboldt county af­ men, is called off altogether, as Ban­
ter the close ot the season: Perkins don had more than three outside
and Clark catchers;
Osborne, men and Marshfield played the Co­
Collier, Oetding and Hull pitchers; quille pitcher.
Myrtle Point’s protest over the
Safer and Penelli short stop, Hill
first base, Stafford second base, game with Marshfield is still under
Bigbee third base, Wood center consideration.
field, Smith left field, Howell right
Trouble Over Star Ranch
field, O ’Conner first base.
(Curry County Leader)
Fruit Jars at Anderson’s
Laat Wednesday Deputy Sheriff
Fierce Hunters
Russell received attachment papers
on all movable property in this coun­
W. G. Chase, A. N. Gould and
ty belonging to W. E. Catterlio,
Walter Hodge went to Brewster
formerly of LangloiB, but now of
valley Saturday on an outing trip,
Forest Grove. Shares in a stock
and returned Sunday with' a fine
horse, a Dumber of heads of cheese
bnck as a trophy of their prowess.
and miscellaneous articles fell under
Mr. Chase Bays he also saw a large
the attachment. This is tbe culmi­
bear, but his explanation of why be
nation of the disposal of Mr. Catter-
didn't bring the beast in is a little
lin’s lease, stock and implements on
the Star ranch to Dr. Wetberbee,
A party consisting of nal Pieroe,
of Portland. It is generally under­
L P. Maury and E. A. Tyrrell went
stood that Mr. Catterlin traded his
to Big creek Friday and stayed un­
property on tbe Star ranch for a
til Sunday on a hunting and fishing
cash consideration and a 60-acre
expedition. They report having de­
walnut farm at Forest Grove. After
populated tbe creek of si) its finny,
Dr. Wetherbee bad taken charge of
deni ens, and that it will be no use
the ranch here he discovered that a
for any one else to go there this
chattel mortgage was held on the
season. As for game, they are re­
stock by a Bandon bank to tbe ex­
luctant to report the actual number
tent of nearly $3500. It is also al­
of animals slaughtered, on account
leged that a number of beef cattle
of the laws limiting tbe bag whioh
and bogs were disposed of after tbe
is allowable.
sale. After this discovery the doc­
"Tales of Honey and Tar” from West tor left for the north where an a
torney in Portland was authorized
end East
Wm. Lee, Paskenta, Calif, says, “ It to make out tbe papers of attach­
gives universal s: tisfaction ana 1 use
only Foley’ s H one/ and Tar Compound ment.
for my children. ” E. C. Rhodes, Mid­
dleton, Ga. writes, “ I had a racking la-
grippe cough and finally got relief tak­
ing Foley’ s Honey and Tar Compound.’ ’
Use no other in your family and refuse
substitutes. For sale at Fuhrman’ s
There It mor* Catarrh 1n this MCtion of
th« country than all other dlaeaaM put
together, and until the laat few years
was supposed to bo incurable. F or a rreat
many years doctors pronounced it a locai
THE PATRONAGE OF LADIES disease and prescribed local remedies, and
by conatantiy falling to cure with local
treatment, pronounced It Incurable. Sci­
ence has proven Catarrh to be a consti­
Our show is wholesome, entertaining, tutional disease, and therefore requires
and edifying. It is tir o a d and beneficial. | constitutional treatment. Hall’« Catarrh
Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney A
We gi t our film service through the | Co.. Toledo, Ohio, Is the only Constitu­
cure on the market. It is taken In­
Licensed Exchange and will not accept tional
ternally In doses from 10 drops to à tetj
anything that is low o r degrading. The spoonful. It acts directly on th« blood
and mucous surfaces o f th« system. They
ladiee will be pleased, the children offer on« hundred dollars for any case it
amused and both will le a r n something falls to cur«. Bend for circulars and t«a-
tlmoni ala.
Addre««: F. J. CHFTCFY A CO., Tol«do, O.
Bold by Dmmrista, 75«.
T H E S C E N IC '
$ 1.00
$ 1.00
M yrtle Point.
North Bend beats Coquille 2 to 1
Myrtle Point 7-4
Jun e 1st
At Bandon— North Bend.
Bandon wins 5 to 2.
At Coquille— Myrtle Point and
Coquille beats Myrtle Point 10 to 0.
Marshfield forfeits to Coquille.
June 8th
At Myrtle Point— Bandon and Co­
Bandon beats Myrle Point 3 tol .
Myrtle Point beats Coquille 13 to 10.
At M arshfield— N orth Bend.
Marshfield wins 10 to 3.
June 15th
At Bandon—Coquille and Myrtle
Bandon beats Coqnille 1 to 0.
Mprtle Point 11 to 8.
A t N orth Bend — Marshfield, two
North Bend wins 9 to 1.
’ ’ 5 to 3.
June 22nd
At Myrtle Point— Marshfield and
North Bend.
At Coquille— Bandon.
June 29th
At Marshfield— Myrtle Point and
Marshfield ties Myrtle Point 1 to 1.
Marshfield lieats Coquille 7 to 3.
At North
B eD d — Bandon.
North Bend beats Bandon 7 to 4.
July 13th
At Bandon—Marshfield and North
Bandon beats Marshfield, 2 to 0.
North Bend beats Bandon 6 to 2.
At Coquille— Myrtle Point
Coquille wins, 9 to 2.
July 20th
At Marshfield—Coquille and Ban­
Marshfield heats Coquille, 3 to 2.
Bandon beats Marshfield, 9 to 8.
A t N orth Bend — Myrtle Point
North Bend wins, 5 to 4.
July 27th
At North Bend— Coquille
North Bend-Coquille tie, 1 to 1,
Marshfield beats North Bend, 9 to 2.
At M yrtle P oin t— Bandon.
Bandon wins S to 2.
August 3rd
At Bandon—Coquille and Marsh­
At Myrtle Point— North Bend.
August 10th
At Coquille—Marshfield and North
At Bandon— Myrtle Point.
August 17th
At Myrtle Point—Coquille and
At Marshfield—North Bend.
August 24th
At Marshfield—Coquille and Myr­
tle Point
----- --- a » » a a----------------------
At North Bend— Bandon.
Could Count Thom.
August 31st
Mr. Almost Bn Id—Tony, my hair la
North Bend.
getting thin. Tony (the barber)—(to!
At Coquille—Myrtle Point
Which one?—Llf«.