Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, July 29, 1913, Image 3

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    ready John Rogers, he was decoiat-
>-d with tbe new ball and chain and
and taken down town to do the
white wings act on the city streets
After he had caused the collection
of quite a crowd and had flatly re­
fused to work, ho was taken back to
the bastile and placed in the cell,
where he will enjoy u diet of bread
and water, which he said was pref-
eiahle to physical exertion From
Pioneer White Lead at Anderaou’a him more or less trouble for some accounts reaching Marshal »Sullivan,
this man is something of a bad act
Parties returning from the Valley yeais
or, having recently beeu iu trouble
Tents for rent at Anderson’s
reported quite heavy raina east of
for knocking a fellow being,s front
the Coast range.
J. P. Tupper has been missed fr >m teeth down bis throat and for t< Br­
The Ladies Aid of the the M. K bis reserved seat at the Scenic for a- ing up a Marshfield restaurant.
ehurch will have a hot tamale sale bout a week, being absent on a trip
Department Reorganized
| to Curry county.
Saturday forenoon
Have you paid the printer.
Portland sweltered under a hot
last week.
Finn wi itli* r f-ir tin* street carui-
Take refuge ihi sj warm da\s iu
F o l s o m ’ s confectionery, Always
Cool, refrisliing drinks at F ol­ cool.
som a.
W. W G ige lost a flue Jeisey heif­
D. W. Baker, of Lee was buying er a few days ago by her falling in­
supplies iu town Saturday.
to u ditch.
Sti ve Gullit r, of Bamlou, was in
W. G. Cleghoru is laid up with a
the city Friday and Saturday.
lume foot, which has been causing
Have You O
Broken Out •
la your face covered with
pimples, blotches or rash ? Poor
condition o f your blood will
cause these facial disfigurements
at this season o f the year. A
good medicino for your blood
will clear your* complexion like
Of tho many blood purifiers
we sell R e x a ll B lood T a b •
lets nro undoubtedly the most
effective. W o are familiar with
the formula o f this remedy and
k n ow what it will do. It puri­
fies and enriches the blood,
builds up the entire system and
imparts a healthy color tocheeks
and lips. Sold with the Rexall
guarantee. Per package, 50c.
The Rexall Store
P rofessional C ards
Office in Kichmond-Barker Bldg.
Office Phone Main 211
D entist
Office over First National Bank
Phone Main 481
A ttorney at L aw
First National Bank Building
Rooms 2-3-4
A ttorney at L aw
First National Bank Building
Coquille, Oregon
A ttorney at L aw
Notary Public
C ounsellor at L aw
Office in Robinson Building
A ttorny at L aw
Office in Ricfimond-Barker Bldg
A ttorney and C ounsellor at L aw
Office Phone 335
Residence Phone 346
Richmoml-Barker Building
Coquille, Oregon
Big Carnival
This W eek
Let us do your Baking
while you enjoy
Maine Corn
Grown in the Uplands
of Northern Maine
The light plant was formally tum­
M ih . Wickham has had carpi-n-
dera at wot k renewing the roof of id over to the Oregon Power Com­
pany yesterday by Frank Morse, who
her hoar ling house
will remain as matiager of the plant
Captains for the two h 'Se com­
A logging angina belonging to
panies will be elected at the meet
Aasen Brothers dropped into the
ing tomoriow evinii g
i iver while being lauded from a scow
Linseid Oil at Anderson's
here, but was ruised again with little
Fred Loekley, special writer on
the Portland Journal, has been mak­
The Burroughs adding machine
ing u visit to Coos county.
just purchased by the city is install­
A. Dawkins, of Woodburn, Oregou
ed in the city hall, and Recorder
was in Coquille last week, seeking
Lawrence says that he finds it a
a location for a business college.
great convenience.
P II. Drane is lowering bis build­
Ed Ohman w h s up from bis Bear
ing iu which True’s store is located
•reek dairy ranch this morning. He
to the new level of Second street.
says that he duds a small steam en­
Among those enjoying summer gine the most satisfactorv power to
camping in Brewiter valley are the use in connection with the dairying
families of A. J. Sherwood and L. H. business.
Guns for rent at Anderson’s
My Optical work is giving satis­
A baby girl arrived July 24th at
faction. Give me a trial. W. Frank
the home of C. O. Dryden, formerly
of this city and now located at Aber­
W. E. Foote and his brother Alex
deen, Wash., as learned by friends
Foote, have leased their father’s 450
here by way of a card from the hap­
acre farm at Norway and will soon
py mother.
occupy it.
The Volunteer Fire Department
L. N. Stewart, formerly cf the
will hold a meetiug at the city hall
Bridge creamery, succeeds M. P-
Wednesday evening, July 30, at 8
Long as manager of the O. K. cream­
o'clock to complete the organization.
ery, near this city.
All members are requested to attend
Tha foundation and tower for the
this meeting.
new water tank which will be used
Improvements are being made to
by the railroad and the local mill is
the interior of the Knowltou drug
nearly completed.
store, by the installation of a new
Camp stoves at Anderson’s
subscription case. Owen Knowlton
J. H. Cecil, now located at Ven is supervising architect of the job,
tura, Cal., in renewing his allegiance to say nothing of the real work be
to the Herald, seuds his beet wishes is doing on it.
to the people of Coquille.
Some items from the East fork
It is said by those who have seen were received too late for this issue,
it that the illusion in the Carnival but we note that, “ E ra Watson,
show, “Jules Verne’s Version,” is who graded the grounds for the
very mystifying and well worth the Dora school house, had a lively run­
away when the bit on one of the
Mrs. and Mrs. Lew A. Cates visit­ bridles broke.
ed Brewster valley Sunday, in com ­
According to the Bav papers, trav­
pany with frieuda, and were charm­ el is increasing over the Coos Bav-
ed with the beauty of that mountain Roseburg auto line, and the trip is
being made in nine hours. It is re­
The new bridge on First street ported that one auto was driven
has been completed and the roadway from Marbhfield to Roseburg in less
graded to a connection with Hall st. than seven hours.
wilh which it will be connected by
The total tonnage shipped in and
out over the Coquille bar during the
The new river boat, “Charm,” lay
at the dock several hours Sunday
and was visited by many people
who were greatly pleased at her ap­
F. C, Purslev, proprietor of the
Coquille Haberdashery, is making
preparations to enlarge his store
room and occupy the entire floor of
the Golden building, finding bis pre­
sent quarters entirely too small for
The steamship Iuqua.a boat cap­
his growing stock and business.
able of carrying 90 passengers and
According to local official of the
freight consisting of several hundred
Pacific, the delay in the
tons, has been put on the Coos Bay
starting of the Southern Pacific
run out of San Francisco.
bridge across Coos Bay has been
C. E Schroeder, foreman of the caused by a change in the style of
night shift at the Prosper mill was bridge to be used. Instead of the
in town Friday. He reports every­ swinging or boistiDg draw, a lift
thing ruuning smoothly with day draw will be put in.
and night shifts, but nothing given
Economy Jar Caps at Anderson’s
out in regard to rebuilding the mill
.»■»•- ------------
recently burned.
If anyone falls into the Herald of­
fice from the Ferris wheel which is
being erected in front of our door,
be or she is requested to be careful
not to pi any type.
Floor Paints at A iderson’s
RATES; Une cent a word, each in­
sertion. No charge less than 15 cents.
FOR SALE—Pure bred Cotswold
buck, 4 years old. J. H Rada-
baugh, Arago, Ore.
7 29-4t
lot in Condon, county seat of
Gilliam county, for team of horses
or other live stock in Coos.
H Meade, Coquille.
7 29-tf
Fruits, vegetables, sea food, coffee,
teas, many package gro erie*
“ D eliciou s things for your table
C om e under the W ellm an label’*
At your grocers — if not, send us
his name — we’ ll see you get it —
and will mail you a beautiful
recipe booklet.
CO.. San Francisco
Nosier <L Norton
month of June wns 22,462. During
the month 9,299,000 feet of lumber,
16,769 railroad ties and other mer­
chandise totalling 21,284 tons were
•hipped out of Bandon.
OLD NEWSPAPERS— Cheap st the
Hetald office.
“ Julious Vem ’* Version”
About thirty years ago Julious
Verns told tis that in years to come
we would have submarine boats, air
ships and wileless telegraphy.
These things have all come to pass;
yet today there are some things per­
formed that i-eem as much ot an im­
possibility as tbe air ship or subma­
rine boat in that day. One of these
seemingly impossibilities is growing
of the flesh and clothes on a human
skeleton before your very eyes, yet
this is done at the “ Julious Vern’s
Version," one of the fedure attrac­
tion of the Arnold’« Carnival Co. this
week in this city. Don’t fail to s> e it.
rags at
Preferred Bread and Water
FARM FOR SALE —110 acres bot­
tom, 35 acres iu cultivation, bal­
ance io grass. Ten graded cows,
3 young horses, all farm imple­
ments. Price 19.000, $9.000 cash,
balance long terms, 7 per cent,
Inquire B Folsom.
One Carl Westland, who has been
working at the county rock crusher,
spent last night in the city cooler
and came before Recorder Lawrence
this morning on a charge of drunk
and disorderly. A fine of $5 was
imposed and, in the absence of the
WANTED—Clean cotton
the Herald office.
At a well attended meeting at the
city hall last Friday night the work
of reorganizing the fire department
was taken up and a start was made
toward reviving the somewhat flag­
ging interest in that organization, on
which the safety of the city depends
The election of officers for the en­
suing year resulted in the choice of
the following: W. U Chase, fire chief:
Walter Oerding, assistant chief; Clay
Knowlton, secretary; W. H. Lyons,
Another meeting will be held at
the city hall tomorrow, Wednesday,
evening at 8 o’clock, to complete the
organization. All menbers are re­
quested to attend this meeting.
The Big Carnival
The Arnold Carnival company
arrived Sunday morning and are
busily engaged setting up their
apparatus and
tents for
opening of the big show Thursday.
The caruival is given under the
auspices of tbe Commercial Club,
which is a recommendation to our
citizens that should not be over­
This is the first time that a car­
nival ol this extent has been pulled
off on the River, if not the first
time in the county, and lively times
may be expected during the last
three days of this week. The town
will be crowded by people from the
outside who will come to see the
fun, and there is no doubt that
they will be furnished with plenty
of entertainment by Mr. Arnold’s
excellent aggregation.
Let all of
our citizens imbibe the carnival
spirit and help to make things live-
ly]for the visitors and each other, for
not least entertaining feature of a
carnival is furnished by the people
themselves,when they cut loose and
all go in to have a good time.
---- - «#►«-------------
L A M B — In Coquille, Oregon, July
26 , 19 13 , Mrs. J. J. Lamb, aged
76 years.
The deceased was a native of Ten­
nessee, and came to Coquille with
her husband about 1872 , residing
here ever since except ten years
spent at Empire, then tbe county
seat, during the time that Mr.
Lamb was county cletk.
Her ill­
ness was of short duration, her first
complaint having been made on the
Fourth of July. Her trouble was
diagnosed by the physicians as can­
cer ol the stomach. She was taken
to the Mercy hospital at North Bend
with an operation in view but it
was found that her physical condi­
tion would not warrant it, and she
was brought back to her home, the
disease making very rapid progress
until death ensued. Beside the be­
reaved husband, four daughters and
one son survive her; Mrs W. B.
Smith, of Myrtle Point; Mrs J. M.
Byers, of Chula Vista, Cal ; J A.
Lamb, Mrs W H. Lyons and Mrs.
Fay Jones ol this city
The high
esteem in which this estimable
woman was held iu the 0 mmunity
was shown by the very large at­
tendance at 1 he funeral, which was
held Sunday from the M R church
South, the services being conducted
by Rev C. H Cleaves, and inter­
ment being made in the Mas nic
Sunday’s Games
of impor' >u<-e in e lucatiou d circles, Official Schedule For
who will be present at this time are !
The Seaon's Base Ball
Coquille journeyed by auto to State School Su peiiutendent J. A.
North Bend Sunday anil battled the Churchill, who will be there two
M.y 25th
champions to a tie of I to 1 , in a days and Assistant State Superio-
At Marshfield— Bandon.
9 inning struggle that was full of tendent E C. Carlton, who will be
Bandon wins, 6 to 1
snappy, startling plays and which present three days.
Mias Ruby
At North Bind Coquille and
was stopped by the lime limit.
Fahren, of Port'and will conduct Myrtle Point
Coquille complained bitterly ol tbe primary woik ari l has some in
North Bend tieats Coquille 2 to 1
tbe treatment given them by umpire ten-sting points to bring forth. R.
............................ .
M y rtle P oin t 7 -4
Gardner and declare that they L Kirk, of Springfield. Oregon will
June 1st
could have won easily with an even be p eaeut and will give instructions
At Uundon— North Beud.
break on the decisions.
in methods for high suhool and
Bandon wins 5 to 2.
At Coquille— Myrtle Point and
Collier pitched shutout ball and grammar school teachers Auother
had the best ol Hull, his opponent interesting feature of the progaam Marshfield
Coquille beats Myrtle Point 10 to 0.
all through the game and deserves is the three evening lectures by
Marshfield forfeits to Coquille.
to have a win placed to his credit, different members of the faculty.
June 8 th
but nothing doing.
Establishes Home
At Myrtle Point— Bandon and Co­
Hull, the North Bend manager,
asked to have the game finished but
E H. Meade has bought 120 acres
Bandon tieats Myrle Point 3 tol .
Coquille refused for the reason that
ot Southern Oregon Co lacd east of
Myrtle Point tieats Coquille 13 to 10.
they were not receiving a square
this city and lias m i lo record ‘time
At Marshfield—North Bend.
deal. The game will be played off
in having a house built. Four days
Marshfield wins 10 to 3.
with a force of carpenters did the
June 15th
Marshfield and North Bend had, and Mr Meade and hiH sister,
and Myrtle
a nip and tuck struggle for 9 in- j
Mrs. Harvey, are ulreudy established Point.
nings and the score stood 2 and 2 ,
th -re. The uew home is located a-
Bandon beats Coquille 1 to 0.
but in the 10 th Marshfield hopped !
Mprtle Point 11 to K.
bont two mile« from town and at the
onto “ Tamp” Osburn for a bunch |
At North Bend— Marshfield, two
side of the wagon, road, where a
of hits and “ Tatnpus” retired in |
splendid view of tbe valley is ob­ games.
favor ol Hull; but Perkins, the I
North Bend wins 9 to 1.
tained. Mr. Meade does not expect
first mau up, walloped him lor a
5 to 3.
to get rich at farming, for a few
homer, and when the agony was
years, but anticipates much benefit
over the score stood 9 to 2 in favor
At Myrtle Point— Marshfield and
to his health from the outdoor life.
of the Clamdiggers
North Bend.
Myrtle Point harpooned Bandon’s
At Coquille— Bandon.
Anderson Still Gaining
new pitcher in the first inning, and
June 29th
when the “ king” derricked him
(Western World)
At Marshfield— Myrtle Point and
the score showed the Myrtles 3
Rol Anderson, lone survivor of Coquille.
runs to the good. Miely was sub the wreck last November, is doing
Marshfield ties Myrtle Point 1 to 1.
stituted and held the home team fine, being able to sit up and even
Marshfield tieats Coquille 7 to 3.
At North Bend— Bandon.
scoreless for the rest of the game take a lew steps. He is loud in his
North Bend tieats Bandon 7 to 4.
which Bandon won 5 to 2 .
praise of the treatment he has re­
July 13th
ceived at the hands of Drs. Leep
and North
Maishfield’s team is showing up and Mann and Miss McKenzie, the
very strong at present and will give head nurse. It might be of interest Hend.
Bandon beats Marshfield, 2 to 0.
any team in the league a tussel to to know that the skin grafting done
North Bend beats Bandon tt to 2.
win from them.
in the case of Mr. Anderson is one
At Coquille— Myrtle Point.
the bridegroom, of the most serious and difficult of
Coquille wins, 9 to 2.
showed great form at second and the many similar cases on record,
July 20 th
there having been something over
came through with a hit.
At Marshfield— Coquille and Ban­
Crawford touched Hull up for 200 square inches o f skin grafted don.
three safties Suuday and slid across onto him from the different persons
Marshfield beats Coquille, 3 to 2.
Bandon beats Marshfield, 9 to 8.
the plate with what should haye who have given skin. Drs Mann
At North Bend— Myrtle Point.
been the winning run, but no show and Leep are to be congratulated,
as well as Miss McKenzie.the nurse
North Bend wins, 5 to 4.
for anything like that.
on the great work they have done.
July 27th
Oerding lined out a two bagger
At North Bend— Coquille and
and stole home cleanly but the bat­
West Hits Again
tel up fanned and spoiled his effort,
North Bend-Coquille tie, 1 to 1.
making the third out.
Governor West issued a procla­
Marshfield beats Nortli Bend, 9 to 2.
President Kern acted on Coquille’ s mation ordering peace officers every­
At M yrtle P o in t — Bandon
protest without even giving them a where in the state to seize liquors
Bandon wins 5 to 2.
hearing and decided that it was per­ shipped into this state to be sold in
August 3rd
fectly proper for the umpire to place dry territory and not lahled as pro-j
At Bandon— Coquille and Marsh­
his money on the game, and that vided by state law and in violation field.
Bandon won.
Nice precedent to of the Kenyon-Shepard-Webb act
At Myrtle Point— North Bend.
establish. After this before placing passed bv congress.
August 10 th
your money find out how the um­
The Oregon law provides that
At Coquille—Marshfield and North
liquor shipped into dry territory J Bend.
pire is betting.
Collier heaved a nice heady game must bear label showing actual con­
At Bandon— Myrtle Point.
against the Bend and with any kind tents and the real name of the con­
August 17th
of an even break would have won signee and consignor, and tranpor- j At Myrtle Point—Coquille and
hands down. He also slapped the tation companies are required to Bandon.
horse hide for three safeties which keep reoords of such shipments,
At Marshfield—North Bend.
shoved his batting average up close open to peace officers at all times.
August 24th
These provisions, the governor de­
to the five hundred mark.
At Marshfield —Coquille and Myr­
Sammy Tuttle caught a good
tle Point.
game and took care of Collier’ s titles of liquor are shipped in from
At North Bend— Bandon.
speed in nice style. He also got a sur rounding states into dry territory 1
August 31st
in Oregon.
At Bandon— North Bend.
Coquille goes to Bandon next
At Coquille—Myrtle Poiut.
Fruit Jars at Anderson’s
Sunday, but owing to some missun-
derstanding with the boats over a
promised they will
make the trip with autos.
The home team will play some
exhibition games during the Carni
val with teams to be secured later.
Probably three games will be played
Library Officers Elected
The directors of the Library as­
sociation will hold over another year
as there is a question as to the leg­
ality of the stockholders’ meetiug
last week, and no new ones were
elected. The following officers were 1
elected by the board tor the follow -, f
ing year: Mrs. Belloni, president; »
Mrs. Hazard, secretary;Mr. Knowl- J
ton, treasurer
A committee was j
appointed to revise the by laws to )'
ointorm wilh the constitution,report (
J to be made at a meetiug to be held j ^
¡August 5 th.
Teacher’s Institute
The teacher's institute will meet j
at North BcnJ August 18 and con j
tmue for live dovs, the last half day I
to be devoted to the County School
Board convention
Among others
* -
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
Our show is wholesome, entertains g
and edifying. It is broa I and beneficial.
We get our film service through the
Licensed Exchange ifnd will not accept
anything that is low or degrading. The
ladies will E>e pleased, the children
amused and both will learn something
by local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of tho ear.
There is only one way to cure deafness,
and that Is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused by an Inflamed condi­
tion of the mucous lining of the Eusta­
chian Tube. When this tube is inflamed
you have a rumbling sound or imperfect
hearing, and when It is entirely closed,
Deafness is the result, and unless tho In­
flammation can be taken out and this
tube restored to its normal condition,
hearing will be destroyed forever; nine
cases out o f ten are caused by Catarrh,
which Is nothing but an inflamed condi*
tion of the mucous surfaces.
W o w ill g iv e
One nnmlred Dollars f o r a n y c a s o o l
(causod by ca*i rrh1 that cannot been red by
^ (Ifni's»
.U’» Catarrh Corn 8<>nd for circular» fro«.
T J .CTIB N ET, A C O , T oled o, Otoka
Sold b y D m «rH T », 75o.
Taka Hall's IT anil 7 fills for cooiUpaUow.
During Carnival
Get Your Ice Cream and
Cool Drinks of
S u ccessor to
W IC K M A N &
Wells Fargo & Co., having moved their local
express office to the C. B. R. & E. depot, desire
to announce that arrangemants have been made
whereby free city delivery service will be given
their patrons. The W. H. Mansell Transfer Co.
will deliver express packages as far as the
county court house and to all business houses
and offices between the court house and the de­
pot, collecting the express charges on the same.
Parties within these limits desiring to send
packages may call up the depot nr the W. H.
Mansell Transfer Co., and the packages will be
called for. Be sure to wrap and tie packages
securely and write the name of shipper and con­
signee plainly.
Receipts will be mailed to
W . L. Kolm, Agent
Phone 181