swinging at the port davits. Far astern the remaining three bouts float­ ed bottom upward. All uround us was the dark fury of the storm, and straight ahead loomed the large bulk of a palm covered island. Between us and a safe harU h there ran a hungry, suarltug. white toothed reef with one narrow opening. I took in the scene at a glance—land, sea, sky and the deck of the steamer, where two opposing forces met, on __ < ► one side the ugly mates and mutinous «* black crew and runged against them baring Captain Thwarts ;; the fiery little captain and the bulking engineer. Bandy McAlpin. Designs of His Pirati­ A le x .o n Building “ I f the old tub’s going down give East End First St. I us the money.” threatened Blake, flour­ cal Crew ishing tin iron bar. “ Have your choice—stay here and By STE PH E N R U D O LP H E | sink with the money or take the boat and cast off!” screamed Captain Sayles. The mutineers hesitated. The wheel P R O P R IE T O R The rusty little freight steamer Me- was lashed, and the gale was driving dura bobbed tubbily In a rising sea. the Medora straight toward the ugly On every quarter stretched the Car- reef. Perhaps they were thinkiugthat if the Medora broke on the reef they Ibbeun, its calm blue face changing would still have a chance at whatever to ugly gray green as ominous dark treasure they laid in view. O f it I had clouds raced up from the horizon. It no Inkling Keek the Flies Out of did not need n land lubber’s glance A large wave came hurtling along, at the falling barometer to Inform the and the second mate sprang into the Your House by putting solitary passenger that a gale was boat. “ Come on, lads,” he yelled, in Screen Doors and “ W e’ll come back and get the money brewing Windows. He makes I was the solitary passenger. My when the sea goes down.” them to order With one accord his mates fol vod firm had sent me to Trinidad island Alao’ Screen Safes, Ironing Boards, to install some new machinery at one him into the boat and lowered away. The chains swung free again ns the Bread Boards and Step Lad­ of the big sugar estates, and the steam ders o f any size boat rode on the crest of a wave and er on which 1 had sailed from New SCREEN DOOR FACTO RY Y'ork had paused at a Cuban port of disappeared in the tumult of water. “ Aha!” yelped Captain Sayles, slant­ call. I had gone ashore and been left ing a cold blue eye in my direction. behind. Through the courtesy of busi­ “ Why didn’t you go along too? Don’t C O Q O ILL E OREGON ness friends and part owners in the you know we’re sinking?” Medora it was learned that the little “ I ’ll take a chance with you,” 1 said freighter was about to clear for Port grufliy, and I knew it was a long of Spain, and despite the protests of the chance, because I couldn’t swim a peppery little captain I sailed as a pas­ stroke. senger in the wfike of my own steamer. has installed a modern Steam Pres­ Without further parley Captain Plainly I was an unwelcome guest. sing machine, and is prepared to Sayles leaped up the ladder to the The captain ignored me. The two serve his trade better than ever. mates scowletl upon me and whispered wheel house and grasped the wheel. Bring me your work. darkly together. The crew of four vil­ The Medora was beaded toward the SPRING SAMPLES ARE READY lainous looking blacks grinned savage­ opening In the reef. It struck me then See my display o f suitings for spring ly wheu 1 appeared on deck. The that, no matter where the Medora was and summer. New and nobby pat­ Scotch engineer patronized me and wrecked, the mutineers might reach terns at lowest prices. her unless she sank to the bottom. smoked my cigars. Bring your Repair Work to me. Because of their hostile attitude to­ There her mysterious treasure would ward me I came to the conclusion that be lost to all. K. H A LV E R S O N there was some mystery about this Front Street voyage of the Medora, and I Idly sought for some clew to its solution. It so happened that I had not to search far. The solution was to be thrust upon me in the most unwelcome and unsuspected manner. Now the Medora. In light ballast, pro­ ceeded to toss giddily on her south­ Regular as the Clock ward way, and I watched the rise and fall of her bow with anxious eyes. Ijindsmnn ns I was, I scented the coming storm and I dreaded it. Captain Sayles trotted past me, his little nutcracker face wrinkled in Its First-class fare only $7.50 habitual frown, his grizzled mustache Up freight, per ton 3.00 twisted fiercely upward in two points. He squirted tobacco Juice perilously close to my white yachting shoes in mute hut contemptuous recognition of E. & E. T. Kruse my presence, although he never glanc­ 24 California Street, San Francisco ed at me. When the captain had disappeared the first mate slouched past. For Reservations “Good afternoon. Blake.” I said cheerfully. NOSLER & N O R TO N “ ’Noon.” lie returned morosely. Agents, Coquille, Oregon “ Looks like a hurricane.” “ Nothing doing,” he said contrarily. lie stopped short, bent a hand over his eyes and squinted ahead. Bells were ringing below in the engine room, and the horizon line was changing. When you get one, get one o f exper­ “ W e’re putting back.” I rejoiced. ience—26 years at the business “ Putting back, eh? I ’ll see about that!” muttered the mate, and he can­ E. G C A S S I D Y B A N D O N , ORE tered forward In the wake of the cap­ tain. Far to the northeast 1 could see the hazy blue coast of Cuba lifting ubove SKOOKUM RESTAURANT Rooms in Coiiiietion MYSTERY ii OF THE MEDORA f GEO. C. T H E R A U L T Quick Says: J. E. QUICK K. Halverson I of playing with its victim, the sea sent a heavy swell into the harbor and pushed the tired little steamer down under the waves. The captain leaped wide as the ves­ sel swirled down, a wet line whistled toward him from Sandy’s hand, he caught it deftly, nnd I bel|M»d Sandy pull the plucky little fellow aboard. 1 held my pocket Mask to his blue lips, and he growled thanks. When 1 turned my head the Medora had vanished and the raft to which we clung was spinning about in the whirl­ pool o f her suction. All at once wind and waves sent up heaving shoreward among the mangroves. Abandoning . the raft, we flouudered through tue swamp among the tangled roots and circled to the left, where we found a crescent of snowy beach washed with creaming combers it was good to be upon land once more. We flung ourselves down on the sand, and the captain pulled from a water­ proof box tobacco, matches and a pipe. Sandy and I produced our own pipes, and soon we were comforted In clouds of smoke that whipped to and fro In | tin*wind. “ Do you know where we are, cap­ tain?” I asked presently. “ Palm island.” be said shortly. Sandy laughed “ Captain’s knnwin’ it weel enough, lubber. It’s back here he lives.” lie pointed a thumb toward the jungle clad hill behind us “ Then this Is a familiar harbor?” I questioned, for I was puzzled at the loss of the Medora within this com­ paratively safe harbor. Sayles could have beached the vessel, but of course he could not help her sinking. Un­ doubtedly he was trying to beach her when she foundered. Probably she leak (Ml like a sieve. Still the careless unconcern- nay. relief—with which cap­ tain and engineer viewed the loss of the steamer excited my curiosity. “ You must know this harbor like a hook,” I Insisted. Before the captain could reply a heavy step grated on the sand nnd a tall, gaunt framed woman, her arms loaded with driftwood, stared at us with hard, round eyes. Under her steady gaze 1 fancied the captain shrank to smaller proportions. I would Kaiser and King George and Wives at Princess’ Wedd ng Str. Elizabeth San Francisco a n d Bandon AUCTIONEER THE HERALD W ill Accept ife Photos by American Press Association. MPEROR W IL L IA M was especially cordial in his welcome to King George of England at the wedding of Princess Victoria Louise In Ber­ lin. The two rulers are here seen seated in a carriage going from the station to the royal palace. Queen Mary and the kalserln are seen seated in another carriage. It was apparent that the kaiser went out of his way, na it were, to show the very best of friendly feeling toward King George because of the rumors of strained relations between the nations. E ä ' ----- O N----- SUBSCRIPTION T H E SECOND M ATE SPR AN G IN T O T H E W )A T . “ COM E ON LA D S ,” H E YE L L E D . will need laundering this spring. Send them to us. We w'ash Quilts at 15 cents, Comforts at 25 cents. We will wash your Wool Blankets for you better than you can do them and for the small charge of 25 cents. Send the entire family wash and be rid o f the hardest o f the home work. : : : : : : llip L IE LAUNDRY S HE 10. the horizon, blit every now and then it was blotted out by the mountainous waves. The gale arrived without further warning. With n whistling shriek of rage the winds ripped loose and sent the little steamer careening over the oily sea. Great churning waves slapped the heaving sides of the Medora, and smothering volleys of foam broke on the decks. There was an ominous greenish glare on sen and sky. I tore open the door of the compan­ ion way. and the wind slammed it be­ hind me. catapulting me neatly down the brass bound steps to the oilcloth of ♦he cabin floor, where I slid helplessly to and fro with every slant of the ship. The throb of the engines was stilled, and I heard the rush o f running feet on deek and the mutlled cries of men. There was a smothering dampness of escaping steam. I f they were abandoning the Medora 1 was caught like a rat In a trap. The next time I coasted to the foot of the stairs 1 caught tlie lower one and climbed up. I fairly tumbled through the door and gained the deck. Captain and crew were In a strug­ gling group around a solitary lmat Theo.BerpanShoeMfi.Co. Incorporated. Manufacturers of « « « « « * a I'he Strongest ami Nearest Water / , 7 b - 4\ P roof shoe made for log era, miner« prospectois au m ill men. tv — 21 Thurman Street PoRTLAHD, OROfc. »N W ' i.n < llr«l A o k y « * i r O ru in l ion- lrr '» IU ’. m m r il Ul » Krd »nd Gold YVi /A * \ VV/ «e ;-i v 7/ «lin r lì n v a y . r * Ë " « V i jTsVf. rcfr rrrV^Trim T b L»« DIAM O ND U R A N I» r i l l . N f r ï â }rw;,. nownas Best.Safe t. A U iy Reli .' l* I SOID BY DRlûfilSlS « « + Farmers * Kirnt N .t ’l Bank <>f Portland. T'ortlaiid « « « « « « « « « « « « « « and Merchants Bank COQUILLE, OREGON Op ned tor Busines March. 1 8 9 0 I i CORK K SPO N D E N TS : Ladd & Tilton Hank, Portland National Park, New York First National Bank, San Francisco First Trust & Savings, Coos Bay OLD R E L IA B L E — EQ UIPPED W IT H W IRELESS STEAMER BREAKWATER A L W A Y S ON T IM E Sails from Portland at 8 A. M., \ June 4, 9. 14, 19, 24, 29 Sails from Coos Bay at Service of Tide June 1, f>, 11, 1(>, 21, 2fi, 31 Tickets on sale to all Eastern points ami information as to route« ami rates* cheerfully furnished “ w e ’ r e W R E C K E D , MRS. S A Y L E S ,” P U T III S A N D Y P O L IT E L Y . 1 saw her hard eyes were dripping tears. Suddenly she brushed a hand across her wet lids. Then she gazed intently at the spot where the Medora had gone down. The waves were rock ing ubove her tomb, and 1, too, saw something black for a moment. Then it disappeared in the foamy wash. “The Medora’s smokestack!” I ex­ claimed. Elsie turned to her husband. “ Char­ lie, she’s sitting on the mud bank.” “ Aye.” lie returned calmly. "W e aimed to set her right there,” added Sandy proudly. “ After tliot pi­ rate* crew mutinied and tried to get away with the money in the hurricane I dm wed the fires, and the captain j here opened the sea cocks, and” —he i chuckled- “ the Medora dipped her bow , and went doon below. There she sits * like the lady slit? Is on her mud bank. raking eare o f the money till we can | get the wreckers here and pump her out and bring her up safe nnd sound. Twns the captain’s idee, and he’ll he gettin’ something oot of it all,” lie add­ ed diplomatically. Mrs. Sayles dropped her gaunt frame on the sand beside her little husband and hugged him in a crushing em­ brace. "There’s no man like him. San­ dy!” she triumphed. “ Ye canna heat him,” assented Sandy. “ Belay there, woman!” roared the embarrassed captain. I moved to the water’s edge and re­ viewed the events of the day. The half submerged smokestack showed plainly now. I had never heard of such an unseamanlike proceeding, hut It had required courage. Although highly scandalized at the remarkable maneuver executed by the captain and engineer of the Medora to presene her golden freight, I could not help laughing until from very ex­ haustion I sank upon the sand. Suddenly the captain’s voice rasped on my ear. “Crying, lubber?” he asked dryly. I turned and wrung his horny little hand. “ Captain, you’re a wonder—a living wonder!” “ Humph!” snorted the captain, but away back in his hard little blue eye I caught an answering twinkle. James, four years old. had been naughty to the point of evoking a whipping from his long suffering moth­ er. and all day long a desire for re­ venge rankled in his little bosom. At length bedtime enme. and. kneel­ ing before her. he implored a blessing for each member of the family Indi­ vidually. she alone being conspicuous by her absence. Then, rising from his devout posture, the little suppliant fix­ ed a keenly triumphant look upon her face, saying as he turned to climb int® bed: “ I s’pose you noticed you wasn’t in it?” —Harper’s Magazine. OREGON and W A S H IN G T O N CHICHESTER & PN i 3 . TU K. IMA MONI» Fit ANI». The Celebrated Hergmann Shoe K K. Shine BANK R. 8. K no w i . to n , President G eo . A . R o binso n , Viee-Pres. R. H, M a s t , Cashier. P O L K ’ S« Have you paid the printer? N A T IO N A L Inaiati Hacker. Sandy came running from below. hardly have been surprised had he His Mind Occupied. “ All ready!” he sang out. “ I ’ll stand vanished altogether, absorbed in the angry fire of her glance. "Sir!” sh . exclaimed when he kissed | by with a line!’’ “ Hello, Elsie,” he said meekly her. “ You forget yourself.” “ Raft?" roared the captain. "Possibly.' he replied calmly. "But “ Aye; come, lubber." said Sandy to enough. “ Well. Charlie Sayles,” she broke I can ihlnk or myself any old time me, and I went. Another five minutes nnd the Medora forth at last, “ what are you doing Just now you are occupying my undi- shot through the opening In the reef here, laying off like a lord or a high rlded attention " Boston Transcript into water churned into froth by the duke? I thought you’d cleared for gale. Through smoky spume lifted by Port of Spain.” GOOD ROAD MAXIMS. "W e ’re wrecked, Mrs. Sayles,” put in her how 1 caught a glimpse of land edged with a mangrove swamp. Just Sandy politely. Maintenance, maintenance and “ Wrecked, is it?" Her eyes searched then Sandy rushed me over the side j maintenance. Your road will go on to the teetering raft. As we broke our faces In growing incredulity. to pieces without it. “ Aye. Elsie." said the captain sadly. If the estimate is too low, then away from the steamer I saw the cap don’t bid on the job. Keep away “ Where’s the Medora?” she demand­ tain’s weather beaten face at the rail and save your money. ed. dropping the wood with a crash. nnd a lump rose in my throat. The improvement of a road “Can’t he come with us?” 1 protest- j Captain Sayles pointed the stem of enlarges the opportunity of his pipe toward the harbor. “ She lies ed angrily. those engaged in any kind of down under :here.” “ Stow that,” growled Sandy, bending business contiguous to it. “ I ’d be proud to say it, Charlie to the single oar. "The captain ’ll he Better roads should be the sl o ­ Sayles! Wrecked In your own port— gan in ev er y community. knowln* what lie’s a boot.** a pretty pair of sailormen ye he! What Get busy with your legislature I watched the Medora as we drew for better road laws. away from* her. Little hv little she have you tossy, Sandy McAlpin?” She Every state should have a well was settling In the water. The waves ; whirled upon the Scotchman. organized road association. "She went Moon.” replied Sandy. washed her main deck, splashed the “ And the > row?” cabin windows, and then, a s I f fin d | R. ( SHINE, V .-fm . F IR S T Getting Even. Fi rew ood YOUR LACE CURTAINS » J. SHERWOOD Prat. “They mutinied, and the pirates es­ L. H. HAZARD, C h i . t 0 C SANFORD, A „ t . C h i a i caped with the one boat left. They’re bangin' a round like sharks noo, waitin’ for” - He shot a glance at me and stopped. OP COQUIliUB, ORBQOfl. “ And the hags of gold money ye was trusted to take to Trinidad to pay off the sugar hand»?” persisted the wo­ T r a n s B c t s a G e n e r a l B a n k i n g H v i » l n e » t - man. “ Went doon with the Medora.” ■ o,rd ,f Director« ; C .rr<>,.,A l,tl “ Fools!” muttered the woman bitter­ A. J. Sherwood, National limit o Commerce, New York ('» ly ns she turned seaward. She stood R .O. Dement, looking out over the gray water, and L. Harlocker, L. H. Hazard, Orocker Wrrolworth N'lBank, H k d K m ih i Business Directory A D ir e c to r y o f each C ity, T o w n and V illa g e , g iv in g d e s c rip tiv e sk e tc h o f each pin \ lo ca tio n , p op u lation , tele­ g ra p h s h ip p in g and b a n k in g point; also C la ssified D ire c to ry , com piled by business a n d p rofession 1« roi.K a CO.. 8RATTLE IN. L KOLM, Agent Phone Main 181 4 t t ti x>ooooooooo®^oooooo<>ooooc<) Fred Von Pegert C. I. Kime KIME & VON PEGERT M E C H A N I C A L S H O P G e n e r a l Ulaeksmithing, Wagon Making, Machine Work, Pattern Making and Casting, Automobile Work. C O Q U I L L E , O R E G O N JO O Q & Q O O O C O O O O O O O O C Roseburg-Myrtle Point Stage Line Autos Myrtle Point to Rock Creek ■■ Roscburg to Camas Valley Lcavt 8 Myrtle Point 7 n. in. Arrives Roseburg fi p. m. Leaves Roseburg 7 a. m. Arrives Myrtle Point 7 p. in. Stages Carrying Baggage and United States Mail J . L. LAIRD, Proprietor Office at Laird’s I.ivery Barn, Myrile Point Home Telephone 461 Farm ers Telephone 156 THE Coquille Herald is no w fully equipped with modern faces of type and accessories for the execution of in a style unexcelled and at prices equally as inviting as can be obtained from others IGmu H r ir fa P R IN T E D PR O M PTLY AND A C C U R A TE LY E] W o r k entrusted to us will receive the personal supervision o f a practical printer who takes pride in the proper execution of every detail El Give Us a Trial Order