The Coquille Herald M o n e y From F r u it PUBLISHED ‘EVERY TUE8DAT High prices for deciduous fruits lu the eastern maiketsaud a bum er yield in the Northwest have com­ bined to make prospects exceeding­ ly bright for farmers in Oregon and Washington Shipments from Cal- tornia have brought from $1500 to S 2000 per car, with an estimated vield o f 14 ooj cars to be shipped irom the state. On the basis ol ■resent prices the revenue from bese 14,000 cats will be $28,000,- 100 Taking this as an index, Oregon and Washington crops should also yield a sum which will 40 a long way to keep the wheels if prosperity turning. Knterud .18 second da«e matter May 8 , 190». at tlie post olliie at Coquille, Oregun, underact o( Congress o( March 8 , 1879. P. C. LE V A R , Lessee. Prudence and Mercy I — A Revolutionary Story For Independence Day SERVICES IN • UNCLE SAM IN SUNDAY COQUILLE CHURCHES GOOD ROAD WORK “ A . D . S .” P R E S B Y T E R IA N C H U M H . By F. A. MITCHEL Bill to Pay For Carrying Mail Over Highways. Service» Sunday xt 11 » . id »mi 7:30 p. in. Sund'iy School »t 1(1 » tu Frank H . Adam s Paster Effervescent Bromo Near tbe City of Brother' v Love, i on Devoted to the material and social mouly called Philadelphia, there live« upbuilding of the Coquille Valley par­ An efficient remedy for sick and nervous M. E Church during the Revolutionary war a Quak ticularly and o f Coos County generally. Subscription, $1.50 per year in advance Headache An excellent Laxative and a Sunday school at to a. m er merchant yclept Jonathun Sut Preaching at 11 a m. and 8 p. m phen. Mr. Hutpheu was a patriot and valuable remedy in all troubles arising from Phone Main 354, Prayer meeting Thursdays at would gladly have fought the British a Disordered Stomach : : : : : : : 8 p m . R o y L C l a r k , Pastor who were trying to reduce the Ameri caus to obedience had he not belonged I T W A S GOOD W O R K F U L L L IN E A T to the sect of noncombatants. He so W a s B elieved to Be Im p ra c tic a l— M a n y Christian Science Society far w'eut back on his principles as to re T h in g s to Be C onsidered In N a tio n a l Corner T hird and Hail street». The most consistent people act frain from forbidding bis son to enlist L e g is la tio n on S ubject of Im p ro v e ­ , Service» at 11 a m in xt Sunday. iometimes with apparent inconsist­ in the American army, but his con m en t— F o ur P rin c ip a l Problem s. Subject lesson sermon “ Life ” ency. Tw o illustrations of this science would not permit him to beui Wednesday evening meeting 8:00. -»«•»> ----- Scarcely any public work is more arms himself. fact have been seen recently in Coos When Geuerul Howe and his red permaueut in its character wheu once county The American people, In the Circuit Court ol the State of the first publication of this summons is M. L Church South coats held i>ossession of Philadelphia undertaken than that of highway im­ HOW TO MAKE A Oregon for Coos County the 3rd day of June, 1913. and especilly in the West, believe Services next Sunday as usual on stated days he would send detach provement When a road is once locat­ All process ami papers in this pro­ GRAVEL ROAD RIGHT. ments out into the country to protect Sunday school at to. a m. in free speech and a free press, yet ed it is difficult to change Its location. ceeding may he served upon the under­ J. J. »Stanley, 1 the-farmers who desired to bring the it Kpwoitb League at 6:45 p m our communities have risen with Wheu once a foundation has been laid signed residing within the State of Plaintiff produce into tbe city for market. Jon You are invited to be present vs. S i m m o n s » o k P u b l i ­ Oregon, at the address hereafter men­ practical unanimity to expel from A G re a t Deal D epends on Choico of atban Sutpken was too patriotic to sell for a permanent highway the laying of tioned. J. J. STAN LE Y, c a t io n in F o n a ­ C. H. C l e a v e s , Pastor : Frank Burkhold- P roper B in d er. anything to u redcoat, and since it was a new foundation necessitates recon­ the country, 6rst two I. W. W agi­ Attorney for the Plaintiff. c i, ose k k OF 1 er, J. E. Burton the practice of the British commanders struction of the entire surface Address, Coquille, Oregon. 0 3-9t j and A. K. Cult?, T a x L ie n tators, and then the editor of an I. ST. JAMES EPISCOPAL. It is therefore imnortant that before to avoid doing anything to irritate the j Receiver It looks as If tbe bulk of money is W . W . sheet—masquerading as Defendants. Services first and third Sundays larger than the faculty for building people against the king's authority entering upon a plan of national par­ SU M M O N S they gave orders that no one need sell ticipation in highway construction we of each Socialist. And our people are right. month. Sunday school | To Frank Burkholder, J. PL Burton and What we want are good roads, not for I A. K. Cults. Receiver, the above unless he chose to do so. should adopt a definite and compre every Sunday at 10 a in. Freedom does not mean anarchy. coasting purposes, but for the good of named defendants. In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore­ Sutphen. on being asked to sell his benslve plan based upon anticipation In the Name of the State of Oregon: There is a place to draw the line. tbe traveling public, says a writer in butter and eggs, would say: You are h ra u lly wile 1. . gon. in M d for the County of Coos of needs and operations for many years You are hereby notified that J. J. Gesina Massip, j . . , i' • n . * ■ \ ji t “ Friend. I do not desire to sell thee N o matter what principles the I. the Iowa Homestead. We have had Stanley, the holder of Certificate of De­ to come, in order that we may be cer­ 1Jaintiff, t gurr in E quity kok linquency numbered 21 , issued on tbe W W . ptofess their practice is some experience lu gravel roads, and my products. I f thee take them with tbe best ones are made In this way: out my consent thee have only to tain tbe mouey ex|»euded and the work 24th day of October, 1911. by tbe Tax E rnes’ Massip, | CHURCH OP CHIII8T. O ivokck simply and soley to make trouble. done iu one year will co-ordinate with Collector of the County of Coos, State We locate tbe center of a well formed do so.“ Defendant. ) Sunday school at 10 a m. of Oregon, for the amount of Five and Now. these words might be inter They have no program except of roadbed; then four feet each way from the expenditures and constructive To Ernest Massip, the above name«! Christian Fin.leaver a t 6 : 3 0 p. 111 42-100 Dollars, the same being tbe de-truction. Their course in Coos center we open out a gravel bed eight uetiHl to mean, “ I. being a Quaker, work of the next year and for many Prater meeting, Wednesday evi n amount then due and delinquent for defemiapt. In the name of the State of j.nnot op|M»se you in combat; there years to come. Care iu plauuing a sys­ taxes for the year 1909, together with Oregon, you are hereby notified that county shows no real desire to bet­ feet wide and twelve or fifteen inches ro'.v you have only to take what you tem aud methods of procedure may ng of iaeh week at 7:30 interest and costs thereon upon you are required to appear and answer You ate cordially inviud t<> at penalty, .vcut." or there might lie a reply such save us millions of dollars of waste or ter the condition of the working- deep, depending on the kind of soil the real property assessed to you, ol the complaint filed against you in the The roudbed Is filled with coarse grav­ is has been made to men demanding the bring vastly greater results thau would 'bese eerviois. which you are tbe owner as appears of above entitled suit, in which Gesina mau. They came here a year or el mixed well with clay or earth and airreuder of a fort, “ I f you want it be attained under au ill considered aud T. U. McDonald. Minime record, situated in said County and Mas.-ip is plaintiff and you aie defend­ so ago with the avowed intention crude oil enough to make It a bed im­ •< me iii.d take it." The soldiers could State, ami particularly bo nulled and ant« witnin six weeks from the date of haphazard acdou « desir bed as follows, to-wit: Lots one, the first publication of this summons, of organizing the workers in the pervious to moisture. This bed Is well not tell whh-h of these two interpreta­ Iu the last postoffice appropriation two, three, four, five, six, seven eight, within six weeks from the 17th day of woods and mills and calling a strike. packed for all heavy freight. The sur­ tion to put upon the old man's word bill the house Inserted a provision, aft­ nine and ten in block twenty-eight; June, 1913, the same being the date of face bed upon this should be of finer ind I ad some curiosity in the matter er the bill bad been reported from the and lots one, two. five and thirty-six in the first publication of this summons, A strike for what pur| o-e? No gravel about eight or ten inches deep Jonathan, having winked at his son committee aud while It was under dts block twenty-three all in Portland addi­ und if you tail to appear and answer on one knows No showing has ever and from tbe center each way should entering the rebel army, was left with cussion ou the floor of the house, pro­ tion to tbe town of Bandon according to or before the 29th day of July, 1913, been made that the workers are not be from eight to ten feet, making a top his two daughters. They had been viding the classification of roads used B E G I N S its forty-fifth school year tbe plat thereof on file and of record in the same being the last day of the time bed from sixteeu to twenty feet wide, brought up Quakeresses, but the non for the carrying of United States mails the office of the County Clerk of sai l prescribed in the order of publication, S eptem ber 19 . 1 9 13 . well paid and well treated When with the edges well wrapped up with combatant principle was not as solid in judgment for *ant thereof will betaken Coos County. and for the payment by the govern DEGREE C O U R SE S in many phasesof You are further notified that said J. against you ami plaintiff will apply to the strike was finally called it was earth. Theu the whole is rolled down them as it was in their father. One ment of an annual sum as rental in A G R IC U LTU R E . E N G INEERING . HOME J. Stanley lias paid taxes on said prem­ the Court tor the relief demanded in E C O N O M IC S . M IN IN G . FO R E S T R Y . C O M ­ not preceded by any statement of to suit the form of a good roadbed day when a British sergeant and sev­ consideration of the fact that the gov ises for prior or subsequent years with her complaint, a succinct statement 01 The oil bed beiug underneath, tbe sea­ eral privates asked the old man if he ernment uses these highways MERCE. P H A R M A C Y . which is as follows: grievances or any demand on em sons will evaporate the oil and harden didn’t wish to sell his butter and eggs 1 That tbe marriage contract now Such payments were to be either $15. t w o - y e a r C o u r s e s in a g f u c u l - f o l l o w s ployers lor adjustment. The trouble the finer gravel sides of the road so as he received the reply, “ Those products $20 or $25 a mile, according to the and Inn« •• ore existing etween plain­ ture . H ome E c o n o m ic s . M e c h a n ic HATH OK y e a r ’ s DATE TAX RE­ AMT. tiff and «« ; ndu r be dissolved and hel*I A R T S . F O R E S T R Y . CO M M ERCE. PH A R M A C Y makers worked until they thought to make a fine driveway for coasting of the cow and the hen are the prop character of tfie road over which the TAX C E IP T NO. P A ID 1 N T E B E S T for naught erty of my daughters.” The sergeant mails were transported T E A C H E R ’S C O U R S E S i n m a n u a l and light traffic. 1906 A p i i l C e r t i f i ­ they were strong enough to tie up 2. Tlu«r the plaintiff be allowed to t r a in in g , a g r ic u ltu r e , d o m e s tic scien ce Flint or llinestoue is the best. Mon then applied to Prudence, one of the 1907 30, cate of This provision was rejected by tbe resume her maiden name, Gesina the logging camps and the mills ey is being thrown away by the use of daughters, who said, “ No redcoat is senate for several reasons a n d art. 1908 1913 r e d e m p ­ First, it I Ians* n. welcome to our property eveu by pay und tio n M U S IC , i n c l u d i n g p i a n o , s t r i n g , b a n d sandstone as a roadbed because of tbe and paralize the main industry ol did not provide that the federal ap 3. That paintiff have judgment 1911 No 374 $iy.3o 15 p e t . in s tru m e n ts a n d v o ic e cu ltu re. fact that wbeu it is rolled down and lng for it/’ against tbe dekmdant for her costa an I the country, and then they called a 1910 Oct. 8417 “ But supiM)se we take it. Surely you. disbursements herein. crushed Into form It is only a short A B E A U TIFU L B O O K LE T e n t i t l e d 24, strike without themselves knowing time until tbe frost has it in such a Quakeress, would not resist us." Service ot this summons is made by “ T h e E n r ic h m e n t o f R u r a l L if e " 1911 12.89 15 n e t . r • publication in pursuance of an order by “ Surely thee os a soldier would not a n d a C a t a l o g u e w ill be m a ile d free what it was all about except to shape that it proves worthless. Never 1912 A p ril 5821 tbe Honorable L. T. Harris, Judge «»f take from a woman what she would o n a p p lic a tio n . 5822 5, strike. They are as venomous as hammer or crush the sand rock. The deny thee." the Circuit Court of tiie State of Oregon, A d d r e s s H. M. T e n n a n t , Registrar, 1913 better form can be made of sandstone 4.27 15 p e t . for Second Judicial Diatr ct, Coos Coun­ rattlesnakes and strike as blindly by getting tbe rock in good building “ W e would take from any rebel ( t w 7-15 t o 9 9) Corvallis, Oregon. S a i d Frank B u r k h o h h ■r a s t it* o w n e r ty, dated the 10th day o June, 1913 against the authority o f tbe sovereign of tbe legal title of the above described material form to be used only on soft, at any moving thing, They war directing the. publication t reof in Phe property us the same appears of record, wet land, laying them iu mechanically what we need to sustain us In the Coquille Herald, a newspaper printed Deafness Cannot Be Cured on the prsent state of society with­ to make the eight foot roadbed and king's service.” by local applications, as they cannot and each of the other peieuns alum* and published at Coquille, Coos County, reach the diseased portion of the ear. named are hereby further notified that Oregon, once a week for a period of out having formulated any definite covering with the oil. clay and shell With that he went to the henhouse There is only one way to cure deafness, J. J. Stanley will apply to tbe Circuit six consecutive weeks, commencing plan for a substitute. They ate at Always put the oil bed underneath near by and began to look for eggs and that is by constitutional remedies. Court of tbe and State aforesai I on the 17th day of June, 1913. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condi­ Having gathered what he found there, tion of the mucous lining of the Eusta­ lor a decree foi(-closing 1 he uen against war not only with capital but with and In that way save all the fine parti­ he was passing the kitchen door when JOHN F. H ALL, cles to harden the roadbed. chian Tube. When this tube Is inflamed the proper tv above «(escribed, and nien- JAMES T. H ALL, honest labor, for they try to teach you have a rumbling sound or imperfect t oned in said ccitilicate. At.d \ou are he received a douche of scalding wo 0 17-7t Attorneys for Plaintiff. hearing, and when it Is entirely closed. ter all over him. hereby summoned to appear within the laboring man to be a sneak thief Deafness is the result, and unless the in­ SAVING MILLIONS. He was too badly burned to think of flammation can be taken out and this sixty days after the first publication of and to rob his employer in every tube restored to its normal condition, this summons exclusive or the «lav of A K i n g i n g Name. anything except the pain be suffered, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine “ Well." said the man with the round possible way. They are at war not Office of P ub lic Roads B oosting H ig h ­ but the men who were with him. see- cases out o f ten are caused by Catarrh, said first, puh.i.ation, and defend tins action or puv the amount due a-» above which is nothing but an inflamed condi­ w ay W o rk . face, “ m.v daughter has married a boy iug what had been done, vowed they only with society as it exists but tion of the mucous surfaces. shown tog. ti»er with costs aud ao rued who. I think, will be able to send Ids It Is estimated by the office of public would duck the girl iu a poud on the W e w ill g ive One ITnndred Dollars fo r any case oi interest and in ca-e of your laiiure to name ringing down the corridors of Deafness (caused by catarrh ith atcan n ot be cured b) with every principle of honor and roads of the department of agriculture premises, giving her a cold bath to pay B a il’s Catarrh Cure. Send fo r circulars free. ! do so, a decree will In- rendeieU foie- F. J. CT1BNHY, A C O , Toledo. Ohio. of good will .among men. They that about 10 per cent of tbe roads iu her for the hot water she had given 1 closing the lien of said taxes ami costs time nil right " Bold by Drugfrtsts, 75c. the United States are improved. " I ’m Kind to hear that.” his compan­ the sergeant. Rushing to the kitchen, against the land and premises above talk about “ brotherhood’ ’ auj T a l e B a ll'a F am ily f i l l s fo r constipation. If 20 per cent of the public highways they w’ere endeavoring to drag her ion replied “ Let's see Whom did she named. “ peace” in the same breath with were improved, each highway being out when there appeared in tbe door­ This summons is published by order mnrr.v?" N e c k Ring s. their preaching of hatred and the selected and improved with a view to way the towering form of the old "A young fellow named Bell."—Lon What tlu> women in the Shan bills of the Honorable John F. Hall, Judge of the County Court of the state of don Telegraph. most cowardly and ignoble warfare. the proportionate traffic upon it. a high Quaker, her father. G O VERNM ENT H IG H W A Y IN CO NNECTICUT of upper Burma want is n long neck Oregon, for the County of Coos, and degree of efficiency In highway trans­ “ Thou miscreants!" he said, raising Beauty Is estimated from the extend said order was made and dated this They are doing more harm to the portation would be reached a huge walking staff he held in his propriatious should be expended In 27th day of May, 1913, and the date of ed head pivot. From childhood the Have you paid the printer. It is figured that millions of dollars hand. “ Thou minions of a tyrannical highway Improvements; second, it es­ cause of honest labor today than women wear tight rings of brass about would lie saved annually lu the traus tablished the policy of obligating the king! 1 will smite thee hip and thigh!” any other influence. The people the neck, aud at the slightest relief portntiou of crops, the wear and tear Down came the staff on the back of government to pay to local communi­ have lost patieuce with the I. W . W. on horses and vehicles and in the mini one of the men. Then it xvas raised ties compensation for the use of high­ from the strain another ring Is added. The demonstrations seen here lately mizing of the waste in truck farming and fell again on the head of another. ways in conducting the rural free de­ Besides the rings around their necks, they wear heavy rings on their legs.— show an aroused and united public Where roads are bad tbe farmers fre They had left their muskets outside, livery service—a service that is eon New York Post. quently find It impossible to get their intending to use both bands in drag ducted at a great loss to the govern­ sentiment against which nothing products to the shipping points, and ging the girl to the pond, and were ment and for the special benefit of can stand. It may be true that, in thus perishable products are wasted, consequently without weapons. Pru the communities served: third, it was a sense, the action of our citizens perceptibly Increasing tbe cost of liv (lence’s sister. Mercy, seized a rolling the beginning of a system of com­ lng. pin and brought it down ou the skull pensation which had not been careful­ was “ lawless" for it was not sane In tbe five years preceding March. of one of the soldiers, who had stoop ly considered, but which wheu once tioned by any statute. So was the 1912, the office of public roads bad ed to avoid a bloxv from her father. adopted would certainly grow to im­ early day vigilantes ol San Francis­ built 215 object lesson roads, in all The man, stunned, lay on the floor. mense proportions about 300 miles of road fifteen feet Then the old man finished the other Believing that the government should co. Yet they did a good work that wide, and by expert advice aided In soldier with a blow of his staff ou the not enter upon any policy of par­ could not have been done so well the formulation of more than 650 mod stomach, and Prudence, seizing a ticipation in highway construction with­ o 'l ë M S P * by the forms of law. As a matter el country road systems, resulting in clothesline coiled on a nail driven into out first giving careful attention to most tnstauces In beneficial reforms the wall, assisted her father and her every phase of the subject, the sen­ „. av V Y' of tact it is well that there is no law- It has also assisted twenty-six states In sister to bind both the intruders. ate rejected this provision and inserted ........ on the statute books by which these effecting equitable state aid plans Tbe “ You old villain!" roared one of the a substitute, directing the appointment secretary of agriculture looks forward redcoats. " I thought you were a of a joint committee of the two houses thtee undesirable citizens could have ■ to the coming year ns promising better for the study of the entire question been deported from the county, for results than at any time In the history Quaker and wouldn’t fight." "I have sinned In resisting thy im­ and the drafting of such legislation as such a law would be made to work of the movement for Improved high portunities," replied the old man, “ but may meet the approval of the com­ I huve been sorely tempted. I would mittee uncounted abuses. But when the ways have turned my other check to thee, In legislating upon the subject o f sentiment of any American com­ but I could not see thee constitute thy­ national participation Iti road Improve­ Notice to Creditors munity is so aroused that its citizens self a Judge in the case of my daugh ment four different problems must be Notice is hereby given that the under­ ■tor nor permit thee to smite her." solved; join without a dissenting voice in a signed has been duly appointed as ad The door was darkened, and a Brit­ First.-To devise n plan that shall j certain action there is little danger mimstratrix of tbe estate of Tomas Ao. ish officer stood looking at his men insure no equitable distribution of the i that any injustice will be done. It King, deceased. Now all persons hav­ liound and guarded by an old man and funds of the different sections of the j is certain that only good has been ing claims against said estate are hereby two girls. He asked w l»it it meant and United States Second. -T o determine whether the notified to present them with the pro was told He directed them to unbind accomplished in this case the men, promising that they should money should be expended In the con per vouchers within Hx mouths from not be further annoyed. struct Ion of main arteries for Inter­ the date of this notice, duly verified as “ I am obliged to report this case to state commerce or to be expended upon 1 W e are pleased to note that the by law required, to me the undersigned headquarters." he said. “ Please give local branch lines that will serve mere Coos Bay Time has the good ju dge­ at the office of James T. Hall, 11 Eldor­ me your names.’’ ly as feeders for mllroads. ment to clip some of its press dis­ ado Bldg., Marshfield, Coos County, “ My name Is Jonathon Sutphen." And if you roll over and Third - T o devise n plan of co-op- i said the old man meekly. patches from the Herald. In our is­ Oregon. erntlon with the different states that try “ just-one-more-nap,” “ And yours?" to one o f the girls. Margaret K Moody will be acceptable to them and Insure sue of July 1st we published our own he’ ll repeat his call 30 sec­ “ Y es, Madam, this fabric shows identically the “ Prudence." The officer could not the cooperation of all with the federal Administrix of the Estate of Thomas condensation of an article in a Port­ onds later and keep on call­ repress n smile. same details and color as would be shown in broad day­ government. A. King, deceased. 7 15 5t “ And yours?” he said to the other land paper, on a recent decision of - • • ing until you’ re wide Fourth —To throw round the nation light. Y ou see I’m displayin r the goods under the clear sister. al funds such safeguard* as will In the Oregon supreme court touching Notice to Creditors awake. white rays of this wonderful new General Electric Mazda "Mercy." sure their proper expenditure and the ownership ol tide lands. This Notice is hereby given that the under- He hurst Into a laugh Lamp. It’s really the equivalent of daylight, and that’s guard against waste. Senator Bourne Big Ben stands 7 inches tall— “ Well. Mistress Prudence and Mis­ In Saturday Evening Boat. appears word tor word in the Times signed has been duly apt>ointed as ad­ why all up-to-date stores are using it. O f course there H e’ s heavy, massive, handsome. ministratrix de-bonis-non of the estate tress Mercy, all I have to say to you \ o f the 8th with a Portland date line H e’ s got a great, big dial you can are also other vital reasons, one of which is this: the G - E of Samuel H. King, sometimes known is that you belle your names." N o Good T h e re . over it easily read in the dim morning After the war the officer married Pru­ M azda Lamp gives t w ic e the light of the ordinary car­ as Hiram King, deceased. Now all per­ The road drag will do nothing to light, a sunny deep toned voice sons having claims against said estate dence. admitting that it was the most Improve the highway so long ns It Me« bon incandescent lamp— and c o s ts le s s to bum.’’ you’ 11 hear distinctly on your sle-p- A Myrtle Point correaapoodent of are lierebv notified to present them Imprudent act of his life. unused at tbe side of the road. The invention of the Mazda Lamp has caused thous­ iest mornings. with the proper vouchers within six the Sentinel makes a good sugges ands of people to have their houses and stores wired for Th e Economic V ie w Mo Homanei. I ’ ve placed him in the window months from the date of this notice, tion that applications for widow's' electric light. If you are not now using it, come in "What good are y«m anyhow?*’ roared "You remember that note I put In Look a: him whenever you go by duly verified as by law required, to me for a moment to-day and let us p ro v e to you r entire pensions should be thoroughly in- the pocket of otie of the coats we ship­ the exasperated father. the undersigned at the office of James satisfaction that this wonderful new lamp has made “ What good am I?" retorted the Ind. vestiyated by the county court be- T. Hall, 11 Eldorado Bldg., Martdtfhdd ped out?" said the first seamstress. electric light as cheap as it is convenient. "Get an answer?" Inquired her ebum. 'Why. dad. I'm a consumer, and I’d suvh pi unions are granted. The Coos County, Oregon. "Yes; got a letter today from the like to know what would become of Margaret E. Moody law provides that in ease the widow man who bought the cost. He In­ the f irmer* if there weren't any con Administratrix de-bonis-non of tbe closed a needle and requested me to > inner«. •*’ has other income the amount of Estate of Samuel H. King, sometime* thread It. Raid the buttons were not «1 »he o| | man went out Into the such income mu t be deducted from | known as Hirain King, deceased. T h e J e w e le r sewed ou very well."—Kansas City 1 ! “ ;! 1 r V ! : > wheat within an the pension. I !i of I M'* II ;>er's Weekly Journal 7 15 5t TURNED DOWN BY SENATE. KNOW LTON'S DRUG S T O R E OREGON A G R IC U L T U R A L COLLEGE %/, ,jt '% s Leave your call with Big Ben, he’ ll call you 011 the dot at any time you say. SCHROEDER i C tK jL IL L K , OK K OOK M t " k it * You are Sure of a Perfect Match if] Coquille River Electric Co