mountain road nearly all the way, and enough actual bill-climb­ ing i» done to carry a team over a PUBLISHED E V E R Y T U E SD AY h i g h range of mountains. The only Entered as second class matter May way to get a good road over the 8, 1905. at the poet office at Coquille, Oregon, underact oi Conerese u( March route is to relocate it. The Coquille Herald 3, 1879. P. C. LE VA R , Lessee. Devoted to the material and social upbuilding of the Coquille Valley par ticularly and of Coos County generally Subscription, $1.50 per year in advance Phone Main 354. We wish to warn the Bandon lie corder that when it copies anything from our “Synopsis of Many Events’ and uses it among its “ Items of Local Interest” it is liable to get something that is dog-goned old, From the number of people who have been throwing fits over a sup­ posed awful transgression of church people, erroneously reported to the Herald, it is evident that this paper has n wide circulation in its borne city. _______________ Readers of the Coos Bay Times have doubtless noticed that when ever that paper has spoken of the case against F. B. Cameron, recent ly convicted of bootlegging at South inlet, Cameron has always been spoken of as the former editor of The Agitator. This is not because the Times think it is any glory for the “ profesh” that a former mem ber is liable to go to jail, but because the Agitator took so many hard falls out of Mike and got under his cuti­ cle so excrutiatingly that he can’t get it out of his mind, and he can’t help gloating over the present situ ation. The much-heralded I. W. VV strike seems to have been a not- lamentable fizzle. From all accounts, no camp but the Conlogue camp was at all crippled by the “ walkout, and that camp kept right on run­ ning. If there is any reason for a strike in the logging camps of Coos county the reason has not been given to the public. The boys seen to be pretty well satisfied with their wages and their treatment. Further, they are a lot of good fellows who are willing to earn their wages and have no deep seated grouch against their employers merely because they are employers. That the industrial sys­ tem is not what it should be ought to be seen by every one, but the remedy does not lie in the I. W. W program. B le e p SUNDAY SERVICES IN COQUILLE CHURCHES PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Services Sunday at 1 1 a . m . and 7:30 p. n>. Sunday School at 10 a. in. Persons who abhor democratic Frank H. Adams, Pastor. ideals insist upon it that “ common folk can't be trusted.” Something M. L Church was done once in Libby Prison Sunday school at 10 a. m. which casts light on this point. In Preaching at 1 1 a m. and 8 p. m. November, 1864 , the prisoners de­ Prayer meeting Thursdays at p. m . R oy L. C l a r k , Pastor. termined to hold a Presidential election. At the time every man in Christian Science Society the prison was anxious, and • more Corner Third and Hall streets. or less angry, at the Washington Services at 11 a. m. next Sunday. Government because of the break­ Subject lesson sermon “ Soul and down in the exchange system; they Body.’’ were sick, worn out, dying by Wednesday evening meeting 3:00. scores. Presumably, therefore, these poor fellows would turn Lincoln M. L Church South Services next Sunday as usual down, and very hard, too. But Sunday school at 10 . a m. they did not. The vote was for Epworth League at 6:45 p m. “ old Abe,” three to one, and Lin­ You are invited to be present. coln referred to it later as the mos C. H . C l e a v e s , Pastor. encouraging episode of that cam­ 8T . JAM ES EPISCOPAL. paign. This is told by a famous Services first and third Sundays New Yorker, George Havens Put­ Sunday school nam, in the second edition of his of each month. monograph, “ A Prisoner of War in every Sunday at 10 a. m. You are heartily w tie« as«1. Virginia.” He was only twenty HMtohiF j * W i r . R ih iJ ti i, M r « « years old, a First Lieutenant of the 176 th New York Volunteers, and CHURCH OF CHRIST. he thinks that was the most im Sunday school at 10 a. m. portant vote he ever cast.— The Christian Endeavor at 0:30 p. m. Prayer meeting, Wednesday even­ Public. The above is interesting in view ing of each week ai 7:30. There will be preaching at the of the arguments that have been Christian Church, Sunday both put forth against the recall, especi­ morning aDd evening. ally the recall of judges. It will be You are cordially invited to all remembered that we were treated these services. T. B. McDonald, Minister not many months ago to very learned dissertations on what would never in G od’ s world convince me have happened at the time o f the or any saue man that low wages Civil war if the people had been in­ have nothing to do with girls going vested with the power to recall a wrong. president, and we were solemnly, if not tearfully assured that Lincoln Telephone W o rk would have been recalled at the most critical period of the war It E. C. Drews, manager of the Home was a good argument, had it been Telephone Co., was in the city last true— but it wasn’ t. It is true that week on his way to Bandon where Horace Greely and some others be would endeavor to show the peo who were in a position to make a pie that the movement now under good deal of noise were bitter way for an opposition telephone sys­ against Lincoln, but the great mass tem could not result in better ser­ of the American people were for vice, but quite the reverse. Con­ him first, last and all the time. The siderable work has been done on the common sense and honesty of “ the lines in and about Bandon lately, People” can be trusted always, and ncluding the putting in of 6000 feet he who thinks otherwise has an­ of cable and the rebuilding of lines other think coming. leading out of town. When the Itch! Itch! Itch! C onstant Itch. In tolera ble agrony, ECZEM A! A fe w d rop s o f a mild, sim ple, w ash — Instant re lie f— all skin d istre s s GONE. Municipal Railway Pays HOUSE CLEANING TIME cisco Star. Tbe average daily D. D. D. Prescription lor Eczema Sounds too good to be tru e? We gu aran tee it. T h e first fu ll size bottle f r e e i f D.D.D, ca n n ot m c h you r c a m . P ot your c o m f o r t s sake, it Is w orth a triaL C om e dn and let u s tell you about k . A ls o abou t D.D.D. Soap— It help*. W a sh in g A m m o n ia , $ 7 to .40 in March Superimeli Cashin says the Municipal Ralway C. J. FUHRMAN, Druggist D u s tin g C lo th s C re so le u m , - - 25c 10c for disinfecting F o rm a ld e h y d e , 25c for fumigating B orax penses. The following is a list of tbe exer­ cises for tbe closing of the year’s work in the Coquille schools. Some of the dates have had to be changed but no further changes will be made. Those interested in these exercises and planning to attend them would do well to cut out this list and preserve it for reference. Friday, May 23, 1:10 p m„ Patri­ otic address to grudes at the main building by Mrs. J. W. Rutledge. Friday, May 23, 2:30 p. m , ex­ hibit of school work in grades of main building. Wednesday, May 28, 1:30 p. m, progressive programs anil exhibit at Academy building. Thursday, May 29, 1:10 p. m., Patriotic address to pupils of Aca­ demy building by Mr. Bolden. Thursday, May 20, 8:15 p. m., Annual Gold Medal Contest in Dec­ lamation at the Masonic Opera House. Sunday, June 1, 8:00 p rn., Bac­ calaureate sermon by Rev C. H Cleaves at the M. E. Church South. Wednesday, June 4, 8:15 p. in., Final Commencement exercises at the Masonic Opera House. The public is cordially invited to attend any or all of these exercises. All of the programs are free except the declamatory contest to which an admission of 25 cents will be charged. On Friday afternoon, May 23, the exhibits of school work will he on display from 2:30 tbioughout the remainder of the afternoon Patrons and friends of the school are invited to call at any time after the hour mentioned and remain as long ns they choose. In addition to the ex­ hibit at the Academy building on Wednesday, May 28, a program will be given beginning at 1:30. This program will be a progressive affair, a part being given in each of tbe rooms. These exhibits are the first of the kind ever given by the Co­ quille schools and it is hoped that the patrons of th^ schools will all be interested enough to call at the school and see some of the things that have been accomplished 25c - W in d o w S o ap nearly $ 5,000 for April, after mak- Sehool Exercises For Closing the Year’s W ork best 50c B oraxo Died HANSCOM— In Coquille, Ort May 15, 1913, Charles AI Ilanscom, aged 77 years, 5 months and 1 1 days. Tbe deceased was born in Wash­ ington county, Maine, and was one of the old residents of Coos county having come here about forty years ago. For many years be followed the vocation of an ox-teamster, be­ fore the days of the donkey engine, and engaged in logging, on Coos Bay. Later, ho lived with his fam- ly at Coaledo. At last be went to Puget Sound, where be stayed sev­ eral years, returning about five years ago. Since then he has lived in this city with his sons-in law, J. B. and T. R. Pointer. Of late years he has been very feeble, aud his death wa s not unexpected. The funeral was held Friday, May 16th. Charley Ilanscom was at one time one of the best known men on Coos Bay and had a host of friends. With big passing, the old settlers will realize that their number is still further re - duced. KNOWLTON'S DRUG S T O R E Send no Money To papers or periodicals for renewal of your subscription. Bring your money to us. We take subscriptions for any paper or periodical published and forward it without any bother or expense to you. PETER SC O TT S u cce s s o r to W IC K M A N & W IC K M A N » 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 « R O U N D T R IP SUMMER EXCURSIONS' EAST V IA THE .jojgngfi. [ 8 1 / SU N SET \ ï » l IOGDEN »SHASTA 1 ROUTES CHILD WEDDINGS IN INDIA. Candy K e p t the B a b y P a rt n e r s Q ui at D u r i n g the Ce re m on y . Four hundred marriages were per­ formed simultaneously at the last wed­ ding celebration at Surat among mem­ bers of the Lewa Kunbl caste. None of tbe brides wns more than twelve years of age. the majority be­ ing from one to seven yeurs old, while the bridegrooms varied from three to nine. Most of the contracting parties sat or Iny on the Inps of their parents during the ceremony and were given sweets to keep them quiet The caste only celebrates every ten ot twelve years. These baby brides, of course, do not Join their husbands when they are married. They wait until they reach the age of ten or eleven, when there Is a second marriage. Should a baby bride's husband die before she reaches the age for the second marriage she becomes a widow and has to remain so all her life. In such enses tbe widow at once loses enste. Her orna­ ments are taken off her. and she be­ comes a sort of outcast, hardly treat­ ed, looked down upon and generally made a household drudge. The husband, on the other hand, should his bnhy bride die before the second marriage, may marry again. In fact, he Is expected to do so within a few months of the death of the bride.— Bombay Cor. Philadelphia Ledger. crew finishes tbe new line being put LOW W AGES AN D VICE in between Empire and South inlet, (Coast Seaman’ s Journal) the boys will be sent over to rebuild The allegations of Uncle Trusty’s tbe line from Norway to Arago. press organs that starvation wages To a man up a tree it would seem have nothing to do with driving Must Brand Butter that the Socialists are perhaps in girls to prostitution shows how little line to receive great benefit from the imagination and understanding ot State Food and Dairy Commis I. W. W. movement. It is drawing human nature the average high- from their ranks a number who are salaried editor possesses. It may sioner Mickle has formulated the simply anarchists and agitators with be, of course, that his shortcomings following ruling for the making of out plan or aim except to make all in that respect constitute the raison dairy made butter: “ All dairy butter offered or ex­ CURRY COUNTY CULLINGS the trouble they can. Heretofore d’etre for his high salary, which posed for sale will be considered (From the Port Orford Tribune) these people have allied themselves would be quite in keeping with Mrs. A. H. Moore Sr , continues with the Socialists on the principi Uncle Trusty’s reputation as a misbranded if it does not have plainly marked on each roll or very low at her home in Gold Beach shrewd business man. of being “agin the government But, to come back to the question square the words, ‘Dairy Butter,’ ‘16 and it is not expected that she will without any conception of true A Sincere Provider. Bobble M. was visiting with a neigh­ socialist principles or any real desire at issue, ii hunger, cold, loneliness, ounces full weight,’ or ‘32 ounces recover. full weight,’ and the name and ad­ bor while Ills mother wns In the city to bring about a state of society in insults and contempt of the world We are pleased to be able to re­ on a shopping trip. Bobble and two dress of the manufacturer. Any which every ir,ao will receive the full which poverty invariably begets, port that Robt. McKenzie Sr. is re­ other children played at housekeeping person oJering or exposing for sale fruits of his labor— which means, are not enough to make the average covering from his recent illness and In the backynrd, and In tbe course of dairy butter not branded in com­ the housekeeping Marla believed she also, that no man can live off the girl view the "primrose path” as is up and around the house again. needed supplies. pliance with this ruling will be fruits of another man’s labor. This the lesser evil, what then do you "Bobble, yon go for some Ice cream The Wood Bros, store at Harbor prosecuted uoder the statutes pro­ and lemons at the grocery,” command­ class of agitators have cast much suppose drives so many of our girls recently went into the hands of a vided for the branding of food pro­ ed Marla, and Bobble obediently trot­ discredit on the Socialists, and the into lives of shame? You surely do receiver, but the trouble has since ted Into the alley at the rear, as Marla ducts.” latter are to be congratulated tbnt not mean to insinuate that it is the been adjusted by a settlement of believed. "Jes' playin’ he was goin' te the grocery." this undesirable element is slough "total depravity” with which our 50 c on the dollar. Economy. Ten minutes later, Mrs. S., with ing off, leaving their organization learned friends, the theologians, Knicker— What Is your wife's Idea D. M. Moore is temporary post­ whom Bobbie was visiting, went ta in a clear and healthier condition have so generously imbued human of economy? Booker—Sbo out« food to master at Gold Beach, and it is the telephone, and the voice of hei grocer Inquired: nature! What then, pray, keeps save I t —New York S ub . thought that he will hold the place “ I guess Bobble has lost the money It will be seen by the article in yourself in the straight and narrow another column that Douglas county path? Will power, eb? High ideals? Linegar Must Get Oilcloth permanently, as a strong petition for the tee cream and lemons he came after. 1 can't find any change In hli has been sent to Washington asking is at last moving in the direction of Hum, I would like to see a bunch pockets. Or did you want the things his appointment. charged?” —Indianapolis News. improving a road into Coos county, ol you stroug willed idealists placed A Washington dispatch gives the Under the name of the Brookings and that the Middle fork route is on a raft in the middle of the ocean accomplishments of which fourth “Stagger” Oil. the one cboaeu. The report of the without water and ptovisions, and class postmasters must be masters Land & Timber Company, the From the beginning of September Brooking people have placed a engineer indicates that he • under watch how long you would abstain in order to come under the civil until November a small fish called Btands the situation in the canyonf from cannibalism! We can all ol service rules. It would seem that mortgage of $ 850,000 upon their stickleback Is caught In considerable quantities olT the Island of Duna- and that he has practical ideas as to philosophize clatuly on the troubles Postmaster Linegar will be safe ex- timber lands in southe{u Curry. munde, at the mouth of the Dwlna This money is to be used in de­ what is needed. Having been the of others, but before you pass judg- cept for one requirement. How can river. In the gulf of Riga, and also first person fool enough to try to merit on poor girls who go wrong, he measure the oilcloth o d the post veloping their holdings—building a near the Island of Semgallen, In tba Dwlna river, near Dunaberg. Russia. ride a bicycle in over that road, the try for a while to maintain your office floor when there aint any? big mill at Brookings, near Chetco The fishermen make an oil from this river, running railroads into their writer can heartily endorse the en­ body, soul and self-respect by work- The dispatch says: fish which Is very useful In the leather timber, etc. This is the largest I and harness Industry ns a preserve gineer's remarks as to the present ing ten or twelve hours a day for a Fourth class postmasters must be tlve. The name of this fish Is "Stleh- grade. When one leads a bicy le wage of $5 a week. Just try it; able to read, count accurately the mortgage ever placed upon Curry j llng" in German, the common name Is county property alone. up all the bills—aud down most of that’s all. "kasernge," and In some communities j money they receive, measure the oil Jake White, of Langlois, and Ray j It Is called “stagger." them because they are too steep for Remember that it is only the ex- cloth on the floors of tbeir offices, riding— he imbibes very clear and ceptional girl whose ideals have at and write at least a decipherable Martin, of Bandon, returned from Wisdom and Lovs. positive impressions us to the grade. ained those heights from where letter once in a while, in order to a trip down the coast Saturday, | How shall we help the life of the There is no reason, however, why a suicide looks more inviting than be taken under the wiog of tbe civil where they had been to make ar­ future? Pimply by putting wisdom rangements for an auto passenger and love Into onr own life and Into splendid road with very easy grades prostitution. In the average healthy j service. human affairs. All genuine virtue is line which, in company with E l vital nnd vitalizing. It carries In It should not be consltucted on the girl the love of life is stronger than In effect, they must have a reason- Middle fork route. The lay of the any and all consideration of motals. j able understanding of “ readin,- 'rit- Henry, of Bandon, they are going the power of God to conquer evil nnd country permits it, and Judge John The law o f self-preservation is su- in’ a n d ’ritbmetic ” This is in ac- to establish between Bandon aud establish righteousness. It is a living seed, holding In Itself Interminable F. Hall once informed the writer preme with her, as it is with every cordance with instructions issued Crescent City. They will put two I harvests of Its own kind. Planted In 50 h. p. seven passenger cars and human society. It will bear fruits of that ho helped survey the route and healthy animal. And with wages by the Postoffice Department, good grades were found. The insufficient to keep body and sou l: Persons wh 1 take the exainina- one 40 h. p. five passenger car on welfare through the centuries.—Charlee O. Arnes. trouble seems to have been that in health, can you, Mr. Worldy tion must be citizens of the United the run. They will leave Bandon j wheu the road was built the con­ Wiseman, tel! me what under our States, over 21 years of age, and rs everv day for Langlois, Port Orlord j S to o d b y H ii T h e o r y . Thales, the ancient philosopher, de­ tractor found it easier to go over present "Christian Civilization” is side in tbe community they asp'-s and Gold Beach, and will leave clared that there was no difference be- | the high points than to grade the left for a girl but to choose between to serve. No one must be era-' Gold Beach each alternate day for tween life and death. "W h y . then,” road around them. The result is J suicide and prostitution? Until you dishonest or have been dishoD _ Crescent City to connect with the cried one of those to whom the remark was made, "don't yon pnt an end to that, while the road follows the | can show me that there is another ably discharged from the army r j stage line running to Eureka. your life?" “ Because." was tbe reply, general course of the river, it i a. and better alternative, you will navy. "there Is no difference.” 1 Hive you paid the printer. Tickets will be sold from all main and branch line points in Oregon to Eastern destination one way through California or via Portland. Stop overs within limit. TICKETS ON SA LE DAILY—May 28 to Sept 30 Final Rerurn Limit Oct. 3iste . TO Atlantic City Baltimore Boston Chicago Denver Toronto Detroit Indianapolis Kansas City Memphis New York Washington, D. C. Norfolk Omaha Philadelphia Rochester St. Louis Winnipeg And various other points South and East. Call on nearest Agent for full Information as to routes and fares to any particular Eastern city, and for literature describing points along the S. P. or write JOHN M . SCOTT, (Jeneral Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon ', / / \ eeieertW You a r e Sure of a Perfect Match “ Yes, Madam, this fabric shows identically the same details and color as would be shown in broad day­ light. Y ou see I’m displayin \ the goods under the clear white rays of this wonderful new General Electric Mazda Lamp. It’s really the equivalent of daylight, and that’s why all up-to-date stores are using it. O f course there are also other vital reasons, one of which is this: the G -E Mazda Lamp gives twice the light of the ordinary car­ bon incandescent lamp— and costs le s s to burn.” The invention of the Mazda Lamp has caused thous­ ands of people to have their houses and stores wired for electric light. If you are not now using it, come in for a moment to-day and Irt us p rove to your entire satisfaction that this wonderful new lamp has made electric light as cheap as it is convenient Coquille River Electric Co