Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, April 29, 1913, Image 4

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    ip ecia / s fo r th e fa r m e r
G r a s s S e ed s, C o rn ,
Vetches, h a r d e n
S e e d s in bu lk, O n ion S e i s
G orm ct Id e /iy d e
& o r t r e a t in g S e e d b e fo r e p t u n t i n g
W hile it may in a sense be adveatls- j
ing, this paper is glad to give it 1;
publicity for the spirit of undaunted
courage which it breathes.
It is
especially timely front the fact that
we were last week, by means of the
pictures, actualy eyewitnesses o f
the ruin and desolation here de
Idim e a n d S u /p k u r S o lu tio n
ZTor s p r a y i n g 3 r u i t CTrees
S c fu irrel ^Idoisen
S to c k G ood ,
f 4 $ ä
è i r
T d ou ltry G o o d
Knowlton's Drug Store
If you want the BEST in
Wellman Brands
W ELLM AN stands for absolutely the BEST
Dayton, Ohio, A pr. 17 , 1913
Coquille City, Ore.
G entlem en:—
T h e flood that struck the greate
Miami Valley o f Tuesday, March
25 th, submerged a most beautiful
district tor 150 miles, extending a
hitherto peaceful stream from an
average width ot 200 ft. to from 5
to 6 miles.
T h e principal cities
and towns effected in this valley
were Piqua, T roy , D aytou, Miamis-
burg, Franklin, Middletown and
Ham ilton, aud a number of small
G>- -■ ***
D ayton, with a population
Stands for the Best Grade o f Swift’s Ham
and Bacon.
Ask your Grocer for these
Brands. If he doesn’t have them, ask him
to call up
I They
W ill
Advertise in The Herald
Is an important factor
in a Grocery Business
of the first class. W e
make a point of abso­
lute cleanliness in the
store and in the stock
Drane's Store
Quick Says:
Theo. Bergman Shoe Mfg.Co.
P O L K ’ S'
CHICHESTER S PILLS \ f Business Directory
I l l r IMA MOM» it h \ SI»
_ ______
B ut o f jo u r
ranMi Ask for C
P......... .. 6
l»l\\foM* IIR \ N
» ril.t.u, f-r «
P h oto by A m e ric a n P ress A sso cia tio n .
WO h a p p y young people indeed. You can see them like this the world
over, but what makes this picture interesting is the fact that the girl
Is none other than Princess Victoria Louise, only daughter of the
German emperor, and the young man is her fiance. Prince Ernst Au­
gustus. They were snapped strolling In Carlsrube on the day their engagement
was announced. Their clasped hands and tlielr smiling faces would seem to
lixprove the reports that the alliance was made for reasons of state and not
.»l ime. Prince Ernst is the Duke of Cumberland's ouly son. They are ac­
ini filed by Prince Oscar of Prussia.
Actual Railroad Work
Starts in North Bend
(N orth Bend H arbor)
Johnson Porter of the Porter
Brothers com pany, w hich has taken
a su b-con tract to build the W illam ­
ette Pacific railroad, was here over
Sunday and completed details per­
taining to immediate work on the
grade in North Bend.
H e left
Wednesday for the Siuslaw where
he has several large camps at w ork,
but will return in a few days.
Mr. Chisholm, foreman for the
com pany, has erected large camp
houses on the vacant land near the
former Rennie residence and is
getting his cotnmisory in shape for
the handling and feeding o f a large
crew o f men.
T h e first work to be done will be
the big cut through the park. N ew
cam ps w ill be started from Sand
Point north to Lakeside soon, prob­
ably long before the work in the
park is fitiished, if the present plans
are carried out.
T h e steam shovel and rails for
the dum p cars will be brought in at
once, the Tillam ook being chartered
for a cargo while some w ill com e in
on the Breakwater.
Another Riley
Som ebody has written a pretty
good boosting song, which some­
what in the style of James W h it­
com b R iley, is worth reprinting
T h e exchange publishing it fails to
give the name of the author, but
here it is:
I f you like the old town best,
Tell ’em so;
If you’d have her lead the rest,
Help her grow;
When there’s anything to do,
Let the fellows count on you;
You’ ll feel better when its thru—
Don’t you know.
I f you want to make a hit,
Get a name;
If the other fellow’s it,
Who’ s to blame?
Spend your money in the town,
Where you pull the sheckles down;
Give the mail concerns a frown,
That’ s the game.
If you’re used to giving knocks,
Change your style.
Throw bouquets instead of rocks,
For a while;
Let the other fellow roast;
Shun him as you would a ghost;
Meet his hammer with a boost
And smile.
When a stranger from afar
Comes along
Tell him who and what you are.
Make it strong;
Needn’ t llatter, never bluff.
Tell the truth for that’s enough.
Join the boosters, they’re the stuff.
We belong.
Mayor Simpson stated that every­
thing was in shape so far as the
Simpson Lumber Co. was concerned
D on ’ t sit around aud fret and
and that he was positive that the
construction work would be rushed frown, d o n ’ t cuss your country and
with all possible speed from now your town, d o n ’ t envy your neigh­
bor when he makes good, but get
in and hustle, and do what you
Pathetic Scenes
Notice of Final Settlement
Notice is hereby given that the under­
signed, A. M. Sinnott, as Administrator
of the Estate of George M. Payne, de­
Keek the Flies Out of
ceased. lias filed his final account of
the administration of said Estate with
Your House by putting
the Clerk of Connty Court of Coos
in Screen Doors ana
County. State of Oregon, and that the
9th day of May, A. I>. 1013, at the hour
He makes
of 10 o’clock in the forenoon of said day,
them to order
at the County Court Room, in the
Court House, at Coquille, in said Coos
Also Screen Safes, Ironing Boards,
County, have been appointed by said
Bread Boards and Step Lad­
Court, as the time and place for the
ders of any size
bearing of said final account, aud for
SCREEN DOOR FACTORY the final settlement of said estate.
Now therefore, all persons interested
J. E. Q U IC K
in the said estate are hereby notified
O R E G O N and required to be and appear at said
time and place so appointed lor the
bearing of said final account and then
and there show' cause if any exists why
said final account should not be allowed
and approved, said estate forever and
finally settled and said administrator
and hie bondsmen ex­
Manufacturers of
The Celebrated Bergmann 6 ’hoe Dated this 1st day of April, A. D.
The Strongest and Nearest Water Administrator of the Estate of Geo. M.
P roof shoe made for loggers, miners
prospectors and m ill men.
21 Tburm ao Street
P ortland . O rkoon . i
OREGON a n d W A S H IN G T O N 1
yews known as Best, Safest. Always Reltabfo
each City, Town and
A Dlrei
t..ry of *ach
Village, giving descriptive sketch of
each place, location, population, tele­
graph, shipping and banking point;
Clarified Directory, compiled by
business and profession.
First National Bank, San Francisco
First Trust & Savings, Coos Bay
Z W W WVV W-W vtV W V^W YWW W W W W W 9999W W W W
S • - ' T r 4 S ^ ^ ^ - £ S ^ -C 2 r~ rii
SCV a-V TV 9"u .
Sail» from Portland at 9 A . M.,
April 15, 20, 25, 30
Sails from Coos Bay at Service of Tide
April 12, 17, 22, 27
K0LM, Agent
W. L
Phone Main 181
140000 , the Gem City o f the valley,
If you buy Wellman, Silver Thistle or Park Brands
you are assured of a good article.
co rrespondents :
Ladd & Tilton Bank, Portland
National Park, New York
D id n ’ t Need
A New York dispatch says:
‘‘Have you n set of Shakespeare?”
Scenes paralleling those at Judea asked the joung woman at the door.
‘‘No, but we don’t need it,” was the
when Christ healed the sick and
reply. “ We had a splendid set of Hav-
probably unparalleled since His day, iland given us for a wedding present”
were enacted about the person of —Detroit Eree Press.
Dr. Friedmann.
Crow ding about
Notice to Creditors
the hospital where Dr. Friedmunn
Notice is hereby given that the under­
treated selected patients were scores
signed has been appointed administra­
of women holding in their arms trix of the estate of James L. Thomp­
deceased; all persons having claims
swollen, emaciated and mis-shappen son,
against said estate are hereby required
bodies o f children who are victims to present the same, together with the
proper vouchers therefor, to the under­
o f the white plague. Unheeding signed
at Coquille, Coos County, Ore­
the heavy rain the sorrow stricken gon, within six months from the date of
crowds awaited the arrival of Dr. this
Witness my hand and dated this 15th
Friedmann despito the warnings day of April,'A. D. 1913.
that only cases already in the hos­ Administratrix
of the estate of James
pitals and selected by the govern­
L. Thompson, deceased.
4-15 5t
------- - ,«► ------------
ment physician will be treated at {
Notice of Final Account
this time. But hoping that the little |
Notice is hereby given by Mary Me
ones would not be allowed to die at Leod Administratrix of the Rotate of
the breasts o f their mothers, when I John K McLeod, deceased, that said Ad­
ministratrix did upon March 211th, 1 !H3,
Dr. Friedmann’s auto arrived, the j Hie her linai report and account in the
women fell upoo their knees, im­ matter of said estate, and that tbe lion.
Judae of tbe County Court of Coos
peding th9 progress of the physi­ county, Oregon, made an order on
cian, and held up their children to April’3rd, 1913, fixing May 12, 1913 at
10 o’clock a. m. as the time, and the
him as he passed. Tbe spectable Court bouse in the City of Coquille,
unmanned Dr. Friedmann. With Coos County, Oregon as the place for
hearina objections to saiil final ac­
tears streaming from his eyes he ex­ count and the settlement of said Estate.
Dated this 4th day of April, 1013.
plained to them that at present be
M ary M c L eod
w a s powerless to treat their babies.. 4-8-ot
received a baptism o f from a few
inches to 24 ft. o f water, coveting
an area of from 12 to 15 square
miles of factories, beautiful stores
and residences, piling lighter formed
buildings against the more sub­
stantial ones, until certain districts
could scarcely be recognized. Streets
were impassible, and what had been
the pride of a study hard-working
people, representing a generation
ol effort, was in a few houts a
tangled mass o f debris.
N o pen will ever be able to des­
cribe the horror of tbe nights ol
Tuesday .March 25 ,and Wednesday,
March 26 . Throughout the residence
as well as the business section, the
people were caught in their houses,
stores and shops, and were driven
from the second floor o f the resi­
dences to the attices, and from the
attics to the roofs.
Tuesday and W ednesday nights
rain fell itt torreuts, and the city
was in darkness, except for the
light ol fires that lightened up tbe
heavens; and the roar o f the flood,
the cry o f the distrsessed for help,
the pow npour of rain, the rageing
of fires, made tip a scene that will
neve be forgotten.
Thursday the flood began to
subside, aud the rain turned to snow
and freezing cold, and the rescuing
o f the people went vigorously for­
ward. W ithin two weeks 75 percent
o f the factories have resumed opera­
tion, and while our factory was
entirely cut of the flood, and we
Were able to resume making and
shipping out product within a few
days, our offices were under twelve
foot of water, which have since been
Every man. woman and child
w ho could work in Dayton has
worked, and are facing the future
with a fortitude that must win
back what they have lost, and
while the property loss has been
estimated at 100 millon, the loss of
life was remarkably small, and will
not exceed 250 lives.
K indly say for D ayton— she will
make good every obligation she has
made, her people are w orking as a
unit as never before, and will come
out o f this a better city than ever.
Ninety per cent o f her factories are
now able to fill their orders, and
what we most need is not charity,
bnt your orders, to keep out tactory
people em ployed.
Thanking you
for this co-operation , we are
G eo. W . John, S ec’ y & Treas.
The A ir-F riction Carburetor Co.
Fred V on Pegert
C . I. Kime
G e n e r a l Hlacksmithing,
Wagon Making, Machine
Work, Pattern Making and
Casting, Automobile Work.
Roseburg-Myrtle Point Auto Line
J. L. LAIRD, Proprietor
Leaves Mrytle Point daily at 7 o ’ clock
a. m. Arrives at Roseburg at 2 o ’ clock
Leaves Roseburg daily at 7 a. m., ar­
riving at Myrtle Point at 2 o ’clock.
Special rigs for parties at any time.
Carrying United States Mail and Passengers’ Baggage
Office at L aird’ s Livery Barn, Myrtle Point
Home Telephone 461
Farmers Telephone 156
Coquille Herald
is now fully equipped with modern
faces of type and accessories
for the execution of
L .
in a style unexcelled and at prices
equally as inviting as can be
obtained from others
Wilsons and Marshalls
There are twenty towns and four
counties in the United States bear­
ing the name o f VV’ ilson, and a chain
of mountains in Colorado and Utah.
There are eleven Marshall coun ­
ties situated in Alabama, Illin ois
Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky,
Minnesota, Mississippi, South D a­
kota, Tennessee, and West V ir­
ginia. The majority o f these were
named for John Marshall, Chief
Justice ot the United States from
1801 to 1835 Their are also r 6 cities
or towns of the same name besides
numerous M arshalltowns.— U. S.
Geological Survey.
IC a u t U r i r f f l
W ork entrusted to us will receive the personal supervision
of a practical printer who fakes pride in the
proper execution of every detail
Give Us a Trial Order