Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, April 29, 1913, Image 3

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Carriage Paint--Anderson’s
Circuit Court
Miss Ella Shelley was a Myrtle
The case of F. B. Cameron, charged
VV'atches repaired in an up to-date Point visitor last week
with bootlegging at South inlet was
R. E. Shine his return» 1 from a tried Monday, and the jury returned a
manner by W Frank Petett.
long visit in California.
verdict of “ gu ilty,” after deliberating
A. P. Miller ban taken hold of the
Grass Hay for sale. J. C. Watson. about tw o and one-half hours.
The case o f Guy Greenleaf, charged
1 loyal again and the house will be
Marc Shelley of this city went to with rape on the person of Erma Knorr,
open from uow on, commencing to­ Mvrtle Point Thursday evening on was taken up thia morning. A t noon
five jurora had been secured and it did
not look as though the taking o f testi­
Willamette Tents- -Anderson'«
E. D. Howe went over today to
mony would be reached before tomor­
John Conloque, the logger, sailed Marshfield to resume his Julies in
row morning.
from Marshfield on the Breakwater the job department of the Record
In the first case taken up against
Saturday, on a business trip to office.
Wm. Edmunds, charging him with
forgery, the accused pleaded guilty.
My Optical work is giving satis­
The Epworth League of the M. E. faction. Give me a trial. W . Frank
Church South will give a social Petett.
The Western World says that 1,-
Friday night at the home of J. S.
600,000 feet of lumber passed over
Lawerence, at 7:30.
SETTINGS—from pure Bred Rhode the Coquille bar in three days last
Island Reds. $1.00 for 15, 100 per week.
cent fi rtile. Leave orders at Skeels
E. H. Divelbliss, who moved from
Kaudon to California some time ago,
H. W Dunham has bought the writes that he and bis family will
Billiard hall and cigar stand of A. soon return, having had enough of
Leach and is now a full-fledged the glorious climate of our sister
merchant of this city.
state on the south.
Jelly Glasses- -Anderson's.
Rasmussen Bros, have sold their
Broken Out 1
la your face covered with
pimples, blotches or rash ? Poor
condition o f your blood will
cause these facial disfigurements
at this season o f the year. A
good medicine for your blood
will clear your complexion like
Of the many blood purifiers
wo sell Rejcall B lood T a b •
lets aro undoubtedly the most
effective. W o aro familiar with
the formula o f this remedy and
know what it will do. It puri­
fie® and enriches tho blood,
builds up the entire system and
imparts a healthy color to cheeks
and lips. Sold with the P.exall
guarantee. Per package, 50c.
The Rexall Store
Professional C ards
Office in Richrnond-Barker Bldg.
Office Phone Main 211
D entist
Office over First National Bank
Phone Main 431
Room 2, Laird Bldg.
Phone 494
Chronic Diseases a Specialty
Office Hours, 9:30 to 12, 2 to 5.
saloon business in Bandon to T. W.
Blew, of Portland, who will take
possession in the near future. The
Rasmussen hoys will remain in Ban­
don, of which place they have been
Automobile service, any time prominent and progressive residents
T. A. Walker, call either phone. for about 16 years.
Stand Farmers & Merchants Bank
E. W. Ralston, who has been em­
ployed for the past 18 months in
The Herald wishes to express
the mechanical department of the
thanks to its country correspondents
Record at Marshfield, as linotype
for the excellent looal news sent in
operator and foremau, is in the citv
this week. And get onto that poe­
as a witness in the Greenleaf case.
try from Bancroft. Can you beat it?
Having resigned his position on the
A meeting will be held at Masonic Record, he will go into the automo­
hall on Thursday. May 3, for the bile huainess in Marshfield.
purpose of talking over and oxplan-
Floor Paint- -Anderson’s.
ing the amendments to the city
It is likely that Gulovson, other­
charter to be voted on at the elec­
wise known as “Sengstacken,” who
tion of May 12.
E. N. Harry was in from Brewster has been languishing in the countv
valley yesterday. He reported that jail for some time on account of
he had established his camp and offenses committed on the Bay, will
commenced work on his contract on he paroled by Judge Coke and al­
the Brewster grade, employing lowed to go to work on one of the
Coos river farms.
about twenty men.
The Hunkidory family have ar­
rived from Chippewa, Wis., having
escaped the flood and
which overtook so many in that re­
gion. and may be found at the
Farmers Union store where Mr.
Getty will be glad to nitroduoe them
to Coquille people.
A ttorney at L aw
First National Hank Building
Rooms 2-3-4
A ttorney at L aw
First National Bank Building
Coquille, Oregon
A ttorney at L aw
Notary Public
Miss Georgia Noland, late wait­
ress at the Skookum restaurant,
will be emploped by C. A. harrmg-
ton at bis new location in Myrtle
A ttorskt and
C ounsellor at L aw
Ollice in Robinson Building
A ttorny at L aw
Office in Richmond-Barker Bldg
A ttorney and C ounsellor at L aw
Office Phone 335
Residence Phone 346
Ricbmond-Barker Building
Coquille, Oregon
Paid the printer lately?
L. L Henderson, aged about 20
years, died yesterday at the emer­
gency hospital in Bandon. A sister,
arrived from Seattle before his death
and bis body will be taken there
for burial.
The Cleo Madison Stock Com­
pany, which has been playing at
Eureka, is expected at Marshfield od
the next Alliance to open a three-
weeks’ engagement at the Masonic
opera house, and will probably be
seen in this part of the county.
Card of Thanks
J. A. Folger’s Steel Cut, per l pound
‘ TdVr
M. J. B., Ground or unground, per one
pound can............ ............ ........... .......
Amber in Buk or 1 pound package at d* 1 A A
3 5 c or 3 pounds for_____________ * •'Jvr
are a lover of good COFFEE give us a
We can surely satisfy your taste.
in, hut says that the pay offered on
Nominations Made
the Smith-Powers extension is no
inducement. He will visit Bandon
The caucus held last evening at
and the Bay, on the lookout for any
city hall resulted in the nomin-
hussiness opening that may appeal
tion of D. D. Pierce, C. T. Skeels
to him.
and O. C. Sanferd to fill the three
Decoret, any color--Anderson’s places on the city council. The two
F. B. Cameron, who has been in first names are now on the hoard,
the city by request of the circuit while Mr. Sanford fills the place on
court, returned to the Bay this the ticket made vacant by the re­
morning. He reports that bis chicken fusal of Leo J. Cary to take a
business at South inlet is panning renomination.
The only name mentioned for
out in a most satisfactory manner,
and the Indian Runner ducks with recorder was that of J. S. Lawernce,
which be Las been experimenting the present iocumbent, and he was
are a bonanza in the matter of eggs, nominated by scclammation.
J. J. Stanley Acted as chairman of
and when they are grain fed their
eggs are fully equal to heD’s eggs. the meetiog, while Lew J. Cates
He will return on May 2nd to see kept the records.
------------------------ ■ » • » m •
what the court does to him. In the
Roll Anderson Gaining
the mean time, his attorneys will
move for a D ew trial in his case.
Roll Anderson, the sole survivor
Eiasica Floor Finish- -Anderson's of the disastrous railroad wreck
At n meeting of the Port of Coos which occurred on the Seely-An-
ay Commission, Secretary Seng- derson road las* November, is un­
acken was instructed to request a dergoing another siege of skin
umber of dredge owners to come grafting at the hands of Dr. Mann
) the Bay and arrange to submit at the Emergency Hospital. There
ids at the next regular meeting, yet remains to be covered with new
[ay 12, on the channel dredging, skin about a square foot of the sur­
t may be that the Port will be face. The patient is gradually re­
lady to award a contract by that gaining strength and his recovery
is now almost an assured fact.—
O. E. Hill, who conducts the store Bandon Surf.
- ------- » « t *
First National Bank building
A sensational ra| ture was made
here Saturday evening of a man and
woman long wanted by the authori­
ties The parties wero J. C L a
Frauce, alias A J. Ferger, and his
The fraud for which I hese parties
were wanted was committed iD Port­
land last year. It seems that La
France procured insurance to the
amount of $15,500—$10,000 iD the
Postal Life Insurance eompiny>
$3,000 in the Modern Wood-
meu, and $2500 in the United Arti­
sans. Then he procured a coipse,
dressed it in his clothes, with his
papers, letters, etc. in the pockets,
for identification, took it to the
Clackamas river and ‘ planted’’ it.
Then he went o n a bunting trip i d ,
that region and “ never returned.’
This was in June. In a few weeks
the body was discovered. It was in
an advanced state of decomposition,
hut the clothes and the papers
found were taken as sufficient
identification and all the insurance
was paid over to his wife.-
Later, parties who know him
claimed that they bad seen him in
Portland, and a search was started.
Since then he has been a fugitive,
and has traveled over quite a sec­
tion of the United States in an
effort to elude the detectives who
on his trail. Then L i France
came to Bandon, where under the
name of A. J Ferger he bought the
Reichert Bros, saw .ill, operating
with his brother-in law, Woffert,
who had joined him there with Mrs
La France. There deteetiv- 8 located
him and were ubiut to take him in
when he again disappeared. About
a month ago, the woman c.rne to
Coquille with her children and has
been living in the northern part of
the city. She was watched by the
sheriff's office here, and the officers
recently became convinced that La
France was with her
Saturday night all plans were laid
and Sheriff Gage descended on the
house with a party consisting of
Deputy Clyile Gage, Detective Mor­
ris, Chief Sullivan, John hickam
and Jack Hurley. The house was
surrounded and Sheriff Gage and
Hurley went iD. La France was
taken by surprise. He was lying
on the bed with his shoes off, and
when Gage entered the room he
was trying to get under the bed to
hide. He gave up without resist­
ance, but that he was prepared for
a different course was shown by the
fact that an automatic revolver was
found bidden in a basket of clothes,
but where it was not available.
Sheriff Gage and Detective Morris
started last evening to take their
prisoners to Portland, where they
will be tried, going by way of
hot oakom, m odo w ith
R O Y A L B aking P o w d e r
a ro delicious health»
fu ! and e a sily made
Bancroft Briefs
The recent fine weather has made
the orchards in this vicinity look quite
H. L. Shaner, o f Rock Creek, has
moved hia family into camp on the road
and is ready to begin work.
W e had our usual Sunday rain on the
27th, but it was the type o f April show­
ers which bring May flowers.
H. B. Price, o f Montague, Cal., was
visiting his cousin, C. D. Price, and
family at Bancroft a few days last
week, going out by way o f West Fork.
Little Miss Mahalah Kurtz entertain-
several o f her friends at her birthday
party Saturday.
The farmers are hustling to get their
crops planted, and their wives are
plantining garden seeds, setting out
plants and searching for succulent
When garden sass is in its prime
Our thoughts turn lightly into rhyme.
Coquille’s Youngest Business
Dot Medlock and VaJe Garten,
two youthful business men of the
town, have gone into the strenuous
life on their own hook. Under the
names of “Dot and Shrimp,” they
have opened the “ Coney Island Cafe"
in one of John Golden’s buildings
on First street, exploiting the quick
lunch field as a specialty. They
opened up last Friday and reported
yesterday that a good start bad
been madeoD the road to Rockefeller
town. They bad paid back the capi­
tal they borrowed of their dads for
the initial investment and had money
in the bank. Good boys.
RATES: One cent a word, each in­
sertion. No charge less than 15 cents.
Sing a song o f Rhubarb fourteen inches
FOR SALE—160 acres, 40 acres
Half a dozen stalks o f it baked in a pie.
myrtle bot*om, well improved,
When the pie was eaten we all pro­
some saw timber, in Brewster
nounced it good;
Very dainty, appetizing, wholesome
Valley. Cheap. B. Folsom. 4-22-tf
"kind o f food.
Our first we had last Sunday for pom- MAKING
F ìds and heavy shoes for men and
pany*, you know.
Today wfe nad another one because we
women. John P. Stitzer. 2-18-tf
like it so.
Oregon holds the Palm, they say, for
FOR R E N T — Tw o cottages near
Prunes and Spuds and Rye;
Christian Church, in good tepair;
Why not a reputation for good old Rhu­
barb Pie?
Garden lots in connection; alto
Whatever be our fortune, wherever we
may roam,
The thoughts o f Mother’ s cooking make
us remember home.
The Pumpkin at Thanksgiving or Mince
at Christmas time
Cannot compare in my mind with Rhu­
barb in its prime.
-------- » «■>«--
■ ■ -
Fishtrap and Vicinity
Considerable road work has been
done, but the late rains have made
the roads very wet and muddy.
Misses Ethel and Stella Taylor
and little sister, Lucile, were visiting
at the home of their friends, Mr.
and Mrs. Pbibbs of Johnsoo’s mill,
Wednesday aDd Thursday of last
Low rent for reliable,
long-term tenants. Apply C. R.
Barrow, or phone 3x
2- n t f
From a
Home Phone 477
/ J. N. Jacobsen y
w. o. w.
Myrtle Camp No. 197
Mrs. Finley and children, of Rink
Meets Every Wednesday at 7:30 p .
creek, are visiting at the home of m., in Woodmen o f the World hall.
Something doing every minute.
Mr. and Mrs Hammock, of upper ing neighbors welcome.
A. J. Sherwood, Consul Com.
J. W . Leneve, Clerk.
Rev. W. Owens, of the U. B.
Church, h'dd services at the Willow-
dale church in the morning, and at
the Excelsior school house in the j
When you get one, get one o f exper­
evening of Sunday, April 27.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Plepp wish to
Directories Delivered
express thanks to their neighbors and
ience— 26 years at the business
friends for their assistance and kind­
“ Uncle” Frank Miller and daugh­
Harry Heth, representing R. L.
The friends of Mr. Earl H. large teams suitable for railroad ness at the time o f the death and burial
Polk & Co., arrived in town Saturday ter, Grace, were shopping in Co­
Conser in Coquille and vicinity will work which he thinks of bringing o f their little daughter, Erna.
^yons & Jones
I F trial.
Erna, the daughter, two months
Mr. and Mrs. C. W . White left old, of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Plepp
here Fiiday to take the outgoing died Friday, and was buried Sun­
Breakwater, on their way to North day from the undertaking parlors.
The celebration of the 91th anni­
Plains, Washington county, where
they will now make their home. versary of the L O. O. F., held by
The change of residence is made to the Odd Fellows and Rehekahs last
enable Mrs. White to be near her Saturday evening was a very suc­
cessful and enjoyable affair.
parents, whose health is poor.
E. A. Bi-cket received yesterday a
beautiful mounted antelope head
Sewing machine for rent— An­
from a friend at Colorade Springs( derson’s.
to add to his rousenm. He says he
Through the courtesy of Manager
also has a buffalo bead on the way.
Getty of the Farmers’ Union store,
Shellac, any quantity--Andetaon’s. the editor of the Herald has been
Much complaint was being voi ed for several mornings sampling the
along First street yesterday, when quality of a certain brand of
the wind was in the righi direction ground coffee carried at that store,
so that the cinders from the mill and can say that any one who likes
were coming down like a wolf on his morning coffee of a delicate and
the fold.
pleasing aroma and flavor can learn-
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Harrington something to his advantage by ask­
have gone to Myrtle point, in prepa­ ing Mr Getty about it.
ration for taking possession of the
P. D. Williamson arrived last
Myrtle Point Hotel on May 1. By week from Grants Pass and is look
Coquille’s loss Myrtle Point gains a ing over the country with a view to
couple of good citizens.
moving down here. He has three
< be pleased to know that he has bees
; chosen Cashier of the new Paisley
'National Bank at Paisley, Oregon.
Mr. Couser is now connected with
the Trust Department of the Security
Savings & Trust Company of Port­
He was immediately brought face to
face with another indictment charging
him with obtaining money under false
pretenses, and this will go to trial at
the conclusion o f the Greenleaf case.
The case against Andrew Winkler,
charged with assault to commit rape,
at Bandon. is set for trial Thursday
The case against J. S. Barton, in­
dicted on a charge o f attempted rape
has not been set.
It was reported
around the court house that a contin­
uance would be asked for.
Other indictments which were re­
turned by the grand jury were: against
Clarence Lewis, burglary; Robert Lil-
jeqvist, pointing a gun at another; Jos.
Thomas, petit larceny.
The old grand jury was discharged
Saturday night, and the new grand
jury is now on the job. Its member­
ship is as follow s: S. C. Johnson, O.
N. Wilson, Geo. D. Mandigo, J. R. De­
vault, H. W. Dunham, W. C. Rose and
J. L. Crosby.
The case o f Edward B. Wilson,
charged with rape, which was investi­
gated by the grand last week came to
an abrupt end, the grand jury finding a
solution o f the problem in the marriage
o f the accused to an older sister o f the
girl whom he was accused o f assault­
ing. It is said that there was consider­
able doubt "as his guilt in the case,
while a child some nine months old was
evidence o f his former relations with
the older girl, and this is considered a
happy ending o f the affair.
It is understood that other criminal
business is likely to be brought before
the court and this session is expected
to extend to several weeks.
Intense interest is manifested in both
the Greenleaf and Barton cases.
Captured in Coquille
After Extended Chase
Call on Either Fanners or Home Phone
at Bridge, was in Marshfield yester­
day on huaineas. He reporta that
they are expecting a good season in
that vicinity, many new homestead­
ers having entered on tracta in that
vicinity. Hia partner, C S. Murphy,
who has been operating a linotype
for The Times returned to Bridge
with him.—Coos Bay Times.
Recommend'd for a Good Reason
for the purpose of delivering copies
ordered in Coos county of Polk’s
Oregon and Washington Business
Direetoiy for 1913-14. This is the
most complete work of the kind
published and contains an accurate
business directory of every city,
town aod village in the state* of
Oregon and Washington, and the
the names and addresses of country
merchants and professional man,
lumbermen, etc. who are located ad­
jacent to villages, together with a
large mass of general information
covering the regioD of the two
states. It is a very creditable work.
Mr. Heth came in by stage to
Myrtle Point, and sincerely hopes
we may have our railroad by the
time he comes again.
East Fork Items
E. N. Harry has moved hie road
camp to the site of Larsen’s cabiD,
has put in a big stock of supplies,
and is ready to commence making a
new grade.
Ed. Abernethy has a contract for
cutting 200,000 feet of road plank,
and Frank Young has a contract
for 100,000 feet road plank, all for
Road District No. 12.
Rolls Alford, Col. Harry and Mr.
Charleston have a contract to make
and lay 300 yards of corduroy in
the canyon.
A. H. Smith, whose place is on
Rock creek, has a thrifty young or­
chard, and the trees have made
their growth without cultivation. If
Hood river has as good land and
climate as Coos, I think they would
stop advertising it as an apple
country, hut a s a place to inflate
C. H. Grant, 230 Waverlv St; Peoria.
Ilia, says: “ Backache and congested
Kidnevs made me suffer intense pains.
Was alwavs tired and floating specks
bothered me. Took Foleys Kidney Pills
and saw big improvements after third
dav. I kept on until entirly freed of
all" trouble and suffering. That’s why
I recommend Foley Kidnev Pills. They
b a lo o D s .
cured me. Fuhrman’ o Pharmacy.
quille last Saturday.
Mrs. Frank Robison was a Co­
quille shopper Saturday.
Miss Belva Pinkston, of the Fish­
trap school, was the winner of the
3rd prize in the late “ Yellowstone
Park” contest, given by R. S. Knowl-
ton. The prize was a very beautiful
box of stationery. Accept our con­
gratulations, Miss Belva.
Mrs. Geo. HemmiDger and chil­
dren visited Coquille Friday. *
Miss Belva Pinkston and Ethel
Taylor were iD Coquille Saturday.
“ Aunt” Priscilla Robison visited
friends of upper Fishtrap a few
days last week.
Mr. Hammock and Ernest are
busy hauling shingles, the shingle
mill b e i D g kept b u s y filling the
orders which continue to pour in.
Some of the ladies met at the
home of Mrs. Inez Pinkston las
Wednesday and completed a nice
worsted quilt for a surprise gift for
the pastor of the U B. Church, and
bis wife, Rev. aDd Mrs. Owens. The
quilt was presented to them the fol­
lowing day, when the Ladies' Aid of
Johoson’s mill met at their house
for the business and devotional
Cakes and sandwiches,
also salad, were served.
Little George Robison has in­
vented himself an auto for the pur­
pose of conveying his one can of
cream to the river semi-weekly. The
invention is a sort of one-horse, two
by four, contrivance in the form of
a sled. On a whole, the vehicle is
too small to accommodate both man
And caD, so "littlo” George, in order
to avoid bring in danger of getting
forever lost in a mudbole, is com
pelled to take refuge on the ani­
mal's back.
your call with
Big Ben, he’ ll call you
on the dot at any time
you say.
And if you roll over and
try “ just-one-m ore-nap,"
he’ ll repeat his call 30 sec­
onds later and keep on call­
ing until
you’ re wide
Big Ben stands 7 inches tall—
He’ * heavy, massive, handsome.
He’ s got a great, big dial you can
easily read in the dim morning
light, a sunny deep toned voice
you’ 11 hear distinctly on your sleep­
iest mornings.
I’ ve placed him in the window
Look at hnn whenever you go by.
The leweler
C O Q U IL L E ,