The Coquille Herald PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY Entered as second cla«8 matter May 8, 1905. at the post otfice at Coquille, Oregon, underact ot Congress of March 3, 1879. P. C. LEVAR, Lease*. Devoted to the material and social upbuilding of the Coquille Valley par­ ticularly and of Coos County generally. Subscription, $1.50 per year in advance Phone Main 354. TH E OLD COMEDY The old comedy stunt called “ Stopping the Paper” was pulled off in the Herald office several times last week. It wasn’t any surprise, however. It will be remembered by the subscribers who happened to read the editorials in the last issue that some criticism was made of a petition that had been circulated in town. Fault was found with this petition on two counts; first, be­ cause it departed very tar from the truth by representing moral condi­ tions here to be at least ten times worse than they are, and that if these slanderously false statements should be circulated on the outside it would certainly tend to keep any desirable class of citizens from com­ ing here to live: second, because the writers of the petition, wishing to refer to a “case” which had beeu the subject of street talk but in which no public official action had been taken, evidently lacked the nerve to mention the man involved by name, but were so far lost to any proper sense of decency as to bring in the name of the girl to be ban­ died about where ever the petition should be read, whether the case were ever prosecuted or not. That these considerate gentle­ man were anxious to have the peti­ tion carrying this girl’s name given as wide publicity as possible is shown by the fact that the petition was brought to this office and that the suggestion was made that we publish it, as the other paper was going to publish it. It is gratify­ ing to note that the editor of the Sentinel, in publishing the petition, sidesteps the young lady’s name. But get back to the comedy: We didn’t know the name of a single one of the writers or circulators of the petition—though we had seen two of the latter in action—but we were not to remain forever in ignorance. The paper came out Tuesday even­ ing. About 9 o’clock Wednesday morning the Rev. F. H. Adams paid this office a p'.easaut call, paid his subscription and ordered the paper stopped. Now we had never sized this gentleman up as pinhead and it really didn’t occur to us to put two and two together, so we in­ advertently and innocently asked him if he was going away. (If that wasn’t comedy, what was it?) His reply that he wasn't but he didn’t want the paper any more, sent us back with redoubled industry to the task of writing a receipt for 50 cents, and a great calm fell over the office. Taking his receipt, Mr. Adams departed, but it was only a few minutes until he came back in some excitment, having lost bis re­ ceipt already. As it seemed pos­ sible that this might be the first subscription receipt he ever had and he wanted to keep it as a curi osity, he was cheerfully given a duplicate. No further cataclysms overtook the paper Wednesday, but bright and early Thursday morning the Rev. C. H. Cleaves blew breezily in, paid up and ordered his paper stopped. We didn't ask him if he was going away. He had scarcely departed when oue who announced himself as Dr. Hoag, and who had been oue of the circulators of the petition, came in with a blank check in his hand This he filled out for the amount of his bill, ordered his card out of the paper and the paper stopped, and made his getaway before the moral atmosphere of this office could get iu its deadly work on him, declining to wait for a receipt. At this writing it seems that the comedy may be confined to the three acts, which will be perfectly satisfactory to the management. MORE COMEDY Surely the woods were full of comedy last week What could be more in the line of a farce than this: Circuit court being about to con­ vene, certain guardians of the public morals, who evidently believe in the efficacy of bunting ducks with a brass band, get up a petition repre­ senting moral conditions in this town to be something so rank that no decent people would conceivably want to come here. They refer to a case of alleged attempted assault about which rumors have been rife on the street; and in referring to this case they have neither the cour­ age to use the man’s name nor the decency to refrain from using the girl’s. They direct this to District Attorney Brown and the members of the grand jury. They get out and rustle up a lot of signatures from people who evidently do not fully realize that they are giving their own town a certificate of deep moral degradation when they sign it. Theu a bunch of them go sol­ emnly before the grand jury—what for? To assist the grand jury in ferreting out some of the high crimes and misdemeanors which they assert are so commou? To offer some evidence wbiuh would be good in a c o u ^ o f law for the con­ viction of a criminal? To tell the grand jury of some one who would be able to give evidence in some of the cases which these people are talking about? Ob, no! None of these things. To present the peti­ tion. To assure Prosecuting Attor­ ney Brown and the members of the grund jury that they need not be afraid to go ahead and perform their duty; to assure them of “our sympathy and support;” “as an ex­ pression of public sentiment con­ ceived for tne sole purpose of en­ couraging and assisting” them in the performance of their sworn duty. If a single one of these men told the grand jury one solitary tbing that would be of any assist­ ance ^whatever to it in the perform­ ance of its duties: if a valuable sug­ gestion was made by one of the visitors; if it was, in fact, anything but a grand stand play the fact has not leaked out of tbe jury room. Where, then does the comedy come iu? Why partly in the immense seriousness with which these people have gone through their little Btunt; in their solemn visit to assure the prosecuting attorney THEY are be­ hind him; in their failure to sense the fact that the mere assumption that be needs such jacking up would be a reflection on bim if it came from people who knew what they were about; in the ignoriug of Deputy Prosecuting Attornev Lil- jeqvist, who, is the most energetic, efficient, honest and fearless attor­ ney who has ever occupied the posi­ tion of prosecutor in Coos county, and the going over his head to his chief—because Lil. does not tell everything he knows to every old granny who comes to him; in the assumption that the members of the grand jury—solid citizens drawn from different parts of toe county— are asking for the “sympathy and support” of a few residents of this town to give them the requisite courage and energy for the perform­ ance of their duty, or that they would look with anything but somewhat anaoyed tolerance at any such antics. More comedy might be seen iu tbe utter unconsciousness of these peo­ ple that the case that was causing them the mental perturbation had been all lined up by Mr. Liljeqvist loug before they got so busy with their petition; that he knew exactly what be was about all of the time, and when the time came for the grand jury to take up the case it was taken up and disposed of with neatness and dispatch, and their great hullabaloo cut no figure in the matter, one way or the other— neither accelerated nor retarded the movement of justice by au hour. North 37*j degrees East along the boundary of Asa Myer’s land 22.90 chains to the bank of the Coquille river: thence with the meander of said stream, up stream 8.50 chains to a point; thence South 371, degrees East Agriculture, which is to be given 16.11 chain to township line; thence W est 5.60 chains to a point; thence for the first time in the examination South 18.79 chains to a point; thence W est 12.72 chains to a point, the South­ May 8 -Í), 1913: east corner of Asa Myer’s land: thence Twelve questions will be sub­ North 22 degrees East 20.20 chains to mitted from wuich the pupil may the place of beginning, and containing 33 acres, more or less. choose ten. Save and except from the second If the pupil has a gardeu or has tract above described 2 acres more or less in the Southwest corner thereof done any creditable work in agri­ heretofore conveyed to Oleff Reed and and by him conveyed to Amelia culture, the teacher may give 30 per Lafferty. cent for such work. In this case the Third: Amelia Lafferty and Walter pupil need answer only seven ques­ Thelin owning the following tract of land: Beginning at a point 18.79chains tions out of tbe ten submitted. South and 1 chain East of the ‘4 post If a pupil fulls low in tIns subject, on Township line between Section 31, the county superintendent may add Township 28 South of Range 12 West not more than 25 per cent for a of theW illamette meridian,in CoosCoun- ty, Oregon, and Section 6, Township creditable exhibit at a county, dis 29 South of Range 12 West of Willam­ trict or state fair. ette meridian in Coos County, Oregon, RAYMOND E. BAKER, running North 5 degrees East 27.50 County School Superintendent chains to CoquiMe river; thence with and along low water line of said river up stream to a point where Reed's and PETITION FOR DRAINAGE DISTRICT Hoover’s line intersects said river; To the Honorable County Court for thence South 38 degrees West to a Coos County, Oregon: point 5.25 chains East and 18.79 chains We the undersigned persons hereby South of J4 post on Township line on petition your Honorable Body for the line between Sections 31 and 6 in Town­ organization of a Drainage District to ship 28 and 29 South of Range 12 West; he named and known as West Norway thence W est 5.25 chains to tne place of Drainage District and Numbered 8, and beginning; also beginning 10 chains respectfully show the following state W est of the Southeast corner of the of facts, to-wit: Northeast quarter of Section 6 in Town­ I ship 29 South o f Range Range 12 West That we comprise more than twenty- of the Willamette meridian, in Coos five per cent, of the owners of a body County, Oregon, thence West 30 chains; of land susceptible of one system of thence North 20 chains; thence East 30 drainage and desire to drain the same chains; thence South 20 chains to the for the improvement of agriculture place of beginning, and containing in and to prevent the overflow from Mood both parcels herein described 113 acres, waters or any possible rise of the sub­ more or less. surface of the waters thereof, the Fourth: Jesse D. Clinton owning the boundaries of which said body of land following described tracts: Beginning are described as follows, to-wit: 3.70 chains East of the section line be­ “ Beginning at a point 10.10 chains tween Sections 5 and 6, Township 29 North and 3.70 chains East o f the South, Range 12 West, Willamette Southwest corner of the Northwest Meridian, Coos County, Oregon, 13.27 quarter of the Southwest quarter of chains South of the North boundary of Section 5, in Township 29 South of said township at a cedar p o s ts 1.; inches Range 12 West of the Willamette square, 2'4 feet long driven full length meridian, in Coos County, Oregon, and in the ground, running thence South 52 running thence South *58 degrees East minutes East parallel with the section 13.70 chains along County road; thence line 7.22 chains to a cedar post driven North to low water line of the Coquille in the ground, thence East 10.00 chains river; thence with-and along low water to a cedar post marked C. S., thence line down stream to a point North 5 North 52 minutes West 2.18 chains to a degrees East 27.50 chains and East 1 cedar post marked C. S., on the left chain from the Southwest corner of the bank of the Coquille river, thence down Northwest quarter of the Northeast said bank of said river North 67 degrees quarter of Section 6 in said Township West 1.08 chains, thence North 37'... and Range: thence South 5 degrees degrees W est 4.00 chains, thence North W est 27.50 chains; thence West 1 chain 14 degrees West 1.50 chains to a cedar to quarter quarter section corner; post marked C. S., thence West 6.30 thence South 20 chains to the center of chains to the place of beginning, con­ said section 6; thence East along quar­ taining 6 acres; Also beginning 3.70 chains East and ter section line 30 chains; thence South parallel with the section line between 20.49 etiains South of the N. W. corner sections 5 and li to the middle of the of Section 5 in Township 29 South of County road; thence along said County Range 12 West of the Willamette Meri­ road South 57'a degrees East 400 feet; dian, Coos County, Oregon, running thence South 67 L, degrees East along thence South to a point 10.10 chains road 617 feet to the place of beginning, North and 3.70 chains East of the S. W. of S. W. ' j of containing 290.18 acres, more or less, corner of the N. W. save and except from the above de­ said of said Section 5, thence 8outh 68 degrees East 13.70 chains along scribed body of land one acre belonging to School District No. 80, described as County road, thence North to Co­ follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point quille river, thence down said river on North line of the County road 494 to a point 13.70 chains East of the West feet South and 217 feet East of the line of section 5, thence South 2.18 quarter section corner between Sections chains, thence West 10 chains, to place 5 and 6, Township 29 South of Range of beginning, containing 39 acres, more 12 West of the Willamette Meridian, or less. IV and running thence North 67'e degrees That a general description of the W est along North side of County road route of the said proposed Drainage 268.7 feet; thence North 14 degrees East 183.4 feet; thence South 67'.., de­ system is as follows: Variation 22 de­ grees East 217 feet; thence South to grees East. Commencing at a point marked by a willow stake set in the the place of beginning. ground on the Southerly bank of the II That the approximate number of Coquille river distant from low water acres in the said proposed Drainage line 50 feet, and from which a myrtle tree 5 feet in diameter bears South 69 de­ District are 289.18. grees East 140.5 feet and running thence III That the names of the owners of North 28 degrees 42 minutes West 50 each tract of land included in said pro­ feet to low water line in the Coquille posed Drainage Distrct, and the tracts river, and from first named point run­ of land owned separately by them are ning South 28 degrees 42 minutes East 482 feet to a point marked by a stake as follows, to-wit: First: H. L. Carl owning the fol­ driven into the ground; thence South 43 lowing tract of land: Beginning at the degrees 24 miuutes East 140.7 feet to Northwest corner of Jesse D. Clinton’s the line between Townships 28 and 29 land, the same being situated 668.3 feet South, and of Range 12 West of the South and 244.2 feet East of the corner Willamette Meridian, Coos County, of Sections 5 and 6, 31 and 32 in Town­ Oregon, at a point on said township ships 28 and 29 South of Range 12 West line which is 1865.5 feet West of the of the W illamette meridian, in Coos corner common to Sections 31 and 32 of County, Oregon, and running thence Township 28 South, Range 12 West, South parallel with the line between and Sections 5 and 6 of Township 29 Sections 5 and 6, Township 29 South of South, Range 12 West of Willamette Range 12 W est o f the Willamette meri­ meridian, and continuing thence South­ dian 2481 feet to the middle of the easterly in a direct line to a point which County road; thence North 67,'a degrees is 660 feet West and 1234.5 feet South W est 617 feet along County road; | from the corner common to Sections 31 thence north 57 degrees West 400 feet and 32 Township 28 South, Range 12 along County road; thence North paral­ West of tbe Willamette Meridian and lel winh the line between said Sections Section 5 and 6 Township 29 South, 5 a n d 6 between the land of II. I,. Carl Range 12 West of the Willamette Meri­ and S. L. Lafferty and Carl and P. S. dian; thence i-outh 990 feet more or Robison 2700 feet to the line between less, to the low contour line of foothills; Townships 28 and 29 South of Range 12 thence in an Easterly direction along West; thence East along said Township said low contour line of foothills line 423 feet to Robison’s Southeast 1250 feet to a point 594 feet Easterly corner; thence North 36 degrees East from the line between Sections 5 along the line as now fenced between and 6 of Township 29 South, Range the lands o f Carl and Robison 1230 feet 12 West of the Willamette Meridian, more or less to low water line of the and terminating at last named point; Coquille river; thence Southerly along V low water line up stream to a point due That the general character of said East of the place of beginning, thence proposed drainage system is as follows: West 350 feet to the place of beginning, one main ditch along the above men- containing 74.78 acres, less one acre ■ tioned route with a floodgate at or near conveyed by H. L. Carl to School D is-! the mouth of said ditch, and with such trict No. 80. Coos County, Oregon, and • such laterals or feeders as may he particularly described in paragraph I of : necessary, practical, or convenient for this Petition, all of said land belonging the successful drainage of said proposed to said H. L. Carl Petitioner, B. F. district. Wyatt has an option to purchase. j ’ VI Second: Price S. Robinson owning) That Wednesday, the 7th day of Mav. the following described tracts: Begin- 1913, at the County Court Room is here- ning 15.12 chains North and 9 links by designated as the time and place for West of the Sontheast corner of Sec-j the hearing of this petition; tion 31 in Township 28 South of Range 12 j VII West of the W ^am ette meridian ini That the land embraced in said pro- Notice to Teachers SUNDAY SERVICES IN following plan will govern in COQUILLE CHURCHES the The eighth grade examination iu P K E S B Y T K R IA N <.; h CRCH. Services Sunday at 11 a. at and 7:30 p. m. Sunday School at 10 a. m. Frank H. Adams, Pastor. N. L Church Sunday school at to a. m. Preaching at 1 1 a m. and 8 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursdays at 8 p. m. R oy L. C l a r k , Pastor. Christum Scieuce Society Corner Third and Hall streets. Services at 11 a. m. next Sunday. Subject lesson sermon “Everlasting Punishment." Wednesday evening meeting 7:30. M. L Church Soath Services next Sunday as usual Sunday school at 10 . a. m. Epworth ^eague at 6 : 4 5 ’p m. You are invited to be present. C. H. C leaves , Pastor. ST. JAMES EPISCOPAL. Services first and third Sundays of each m onth. Sunday school every Sunday at 10 a. m. Y oa a re h e a rtily w ilet HMtour s r Wie. a v « , 4, w**n CHURCH O F C H R IST. Sunday school at 10 a m. Christian Endeavor at (5:30 p. m. Prayer meeting, Wednesday even­ ing of each week at 7:30. You are cordially iuvited to all bese services. Preaching services at the Chris­ tian Church both moroiug and evening the first Sunday in May. The membership is especially urged to be present at the morning ser­ vice on that day. T. B. McDonald, Minister every one else is freely partaking of forbidden fruit, and they con­ clude that it would be no worse for them than for others. A descendant of the monkey, man is still an imita­ tive animal and prone to do as he thinks others are doing. An evil example will offset many good pre­ cepts, especially with young people whose characters are not fully formed. For this reasoD, a grand hurrah to tbe effect that immorality is the rule, instead of the exception, does infinitely more harm than good. That every one should ip bold e courts and officers in the enforce­ ment of law goes without saying. The restraining influence on others of the swift and certain punishment of convicted offenders is beyond calculation. As the chances of im­ munity increase the boldness of the would-be offender grows, but very few would care to go up against the certaiuty of punishment. It is tbe uncertainty that offers encourage­ ment to those of evil propensities. So it is gratifying to see the energy and fearlessness with which Deputy Prosecuting Attorney LiljeqvUt and the grand jury have taken hold of the cases brought to their attention. May nothing block a conviction in the case of any guilty «ne, and may the punishment imposed be a salu­ tary warning to other unprincipled scoundrels, so that where moral stamina is lacking the fear of con­ sequences may take its place. The ministers ot Marshfield seem to have taken a sensible staud in the matter of raising the moral standard of that town. They have held a private conference with the members of the city council and amicably discussed ways and means of clearing out some of the vice with which the place is afflicted. It is understood that the meeting was harmonious and that all agreed that a change for the better was greatly to be desired. It is stated that one result of the con­ ference will be that instead of de­ voting all their attention to the fallen women, the administration will now turn its attention to rid­ ding the town of a lot of their male parasites. This is well, for far be­ low tbe scale of the unfortunate women are the things in the guise of men who live on the wages of their degradation. It is too bad that the law seems unable to inflict any worse punishment than the en­ forcement of the mandate to “move on.” Let no one suppose, because The Hearld criticizes certain methods of fighting immoral tendencies, that the paper is not entirely in sym­ pathy with every rational attempt to find a solution for the evils which beset us. No one can enlist in a more worthy cause than that of throwing every possible safeguard around the purity, innocence and virtue of our voung people. But it is useless to blink tbe fact that the problem is the most complicated that confronts us today. The solu­ tion does Dot lie in the staging of a periodical comic opera just before the meeting of the circuit court. While that may bring a certain de­ gree of fame, and even of commen­ dation to the actors, it does not touch the underlying cause. On the contrary, it does tend to familiarize the people with the idea that the A CARD whole fabric of society is rotten; that fractures of the moral law are ! This is to certify that all druggists so common that he or she who of- j are authorized to refund your money if Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound fails fends is only following the general to cure your cough or cold. John example. No belief conld be worse Bernett, Tell, Wis., states: *•! used Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound for with which to inocculate tbe minds five years, and it always gave the best satisfaction and always cures a cough of the rising generation. Let young or cold.” Refuse substitute«. Fuhr-I people once become convinced that man Pharmacy. 4 inches J k t^ o and one-ha,^ f e e t ' S i « S ^ C ! S S t : » ! the same West l ‘% chains; thence N o r t h ! de- ^ o V t ^ v T o ^ grees East 2.26 chains; thence South j and for the development of said land, 45'.. degrees East 4.06 chains; thence . . _ , . South 37 degrees W est 2.40 chains t o 1 , That Petitioners, Price S. Robison, the place o f beginning, containing 1.10 Jesse D. Clinton and B. F. Wyatt are acres of land in Sections 31 and 32 in three persons, qualified and competent. Township 28 South o f Range 12 West an. U D . S o * » h e l p s , t o o ; a s k us. haa installed a modern Steam Pres­ sing machine, and is prepared to serve his trade better than ever. Bring me your work. SPRING SAMPLES ARE READY See my display of suitings fur spring and summer. New and nobby p it- terns at lowest prices. Bring your Repair Work to me. K. H ALVERSO N Front Street C. J . F U H R M A N , Druggist SU M M O NS In the Circuit Court of the State of O iegon for the County of Coos H. L. Carl. Plaintiff, vs. Hans K. Reed, Christina Oil­ man and Lena Hall, formerly Lena Thelin, including all the heirs at law of Oloff Reed, (also known as Olaff Reed or Or loft Reed). Deceased, the unknown heirs of Nickalai Reed, (also known as Nickolia Reed) De­ ceased, Asa Myers, Andrew Hoover, Willis A. Hoover, Laura Robison, Aaron J. Alv- ers, Albert Myers, John E. Myers, Ed. J. Myers, Lucious L. Myers, Ralph A. Myers, Daisy Clinton ami Mary Murry, including all the heirs at law of Aaron Hoover, deceased, Price S. Robison, .Ies8e I). Clinton and S. L. Lafferty and his wife, Amelia Lafferty, Jennie Schet- ter, Albert Thelin, Walter Thelin, Alice Baldwin, Alonzo Thelin and Arthur Thelin in­ cluding all the heirs at law of John Thelin, Deceased, Anne Bark low, widow of S. S. Bark- low, Deceased, James II. Hark low, Sarah Randelman, Nathan E. Barklow, John D. Barklow, LauriuJlroadbent, Bertha Snell, and Alta Abbott, including all the heirs at law of S. 8 . Bark- low, Deceased, Edward Rack- leff, Ralph R. Rackleff, Charles Rackleff, George Kaekleff, Lv- man Rackleff, Owen Rackleff, Annie Lehmanowsky, E l l e n Angel, Rose Butler, Frank Trip]», Ollie Shaw, Rachael Schroeder, Rose So wash, Laura Huntley, Emily C. Schumacker, Beatrice Beattie, Mary Simons, George Clark, and Edward Clark, including all the heirs at law of William Rackleff, (also known as William Rackliff) De­ ceased, and also all other per­ sons or parties unknown claim­ ing any right, title, estate, lien, or interest in the real estate de­ scribed in the complaint herein, Defendants, j ' PIES Saturday C IT Y ■ BAKERY COOK BROS. ■< Str. Elizabeth Regular as the Clock £ San Francisco and Bandon First-class fare only............... $7.50 Up freight, per ton ... 3.00 H cc E. & EL T . K ru se 24 California Street, San Francisco F o r R eserv atio n s NOSLER & NORTON A gents, Coquille, O regon Garage Vulcanizing Casings Tubes To Lena Hall, Alonzo Thelin, Arthur Thelin, Albert Thelin, Walter Thelin, Alice Baldwin, Andrew Hoover, Mary Murry, Bertha Snell, Ollie Shaw, Emily C. Schumacker, Beatrice Beattie, Marv Simons, George Clark, Edward Clark, Rose So wash, Annie Lehmanowsky, and the unknown heirs of Nickalai Reed, and also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien, or interest in the real estate herein described, Defendants. In the Name of the State of Oregon : you and each of you are hereby notified that the plaintiff, If. L. Carl, has com­ CLA U D E C. M OON, P rop. menced a suit in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Coos County, against you, impleaded with others, and that in pursuance of an order made and entered in said cause and court by Honorable John S. Coke, Presiding Judge of sail! Court, on the 31st day of March, 1913, you and each of you are hereby required to appear in said cau-e and court and ansuer tbe complaint of the plaintiff tiled therein, on or before six weeks from the first publication of this summons, which first publication will he upon the 1st day of April, 1913, and that for want of answer tUeieto, on Will Accept or before said time, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief de­ manded in the Complaint, a succinct statement of which is as follows: that it he declared and adjudged that the plaintiff is the owner in fee simple of the following described real estate, situated in Coos County, State of Oregon, to w it: The Southeast I4 of Section 6 T. 29 South, Ranee 12 West of the Willam­ ette Meridian, in Oregon, containing 1(10 acres. Also. Beginning at the N. W. corner of Jesse D. Clinton’s land, the same being situated 668.3 feet South and 244.2 feet East of the corner of Sections 5, 6, 31 and 32 Townships 28 and 29 South, Range 12 West of the Willam­ ette Meridian. Coo;i County. Oregon, and running thence South parallel with the line between said Sections 5 and 6 of T. 29 8., R. 12 West 3292 feet to the quarter quarter section line running East and West through the S. W. of said Section 5, thence West 244.2 feet to the line between said Sections 5 and 6 at tbe quarter quarter section corner; thence North along said section line 1320 feet to the section corner; thence West 660 feet to the line between Carl anti S L. Laferty: thence North parallel with the section line between the land of S. L. Laferty and Carl and I*. S. Robison and Carl 2040 feet to the line between Twps. 28 and 29 S., R. 12 -ON- West; thence East along T. line 423 feet to the s. E. corner of Robison land;! thence North 36 degrees E. along the ; line as now fenced between the lands o f ' Carl and Robison 1230 feet, more or I less, to low water line of Coquille River; thence Southerly along low water up* stream to a point due East of begin-' ning; thence West 350 feet to the place of beginning, being a part of Lot 8 of YO U R LA C E C U R TA IN S Section 31 and a part of Lot 1 of Section 3 2 of T. 28 South, Range 12 West and a part of Sections 5 and 6 T. 29 S., R. 12 W. Containing 75.76 acres and con­ taining in all 235.76 acres, more or less. Save and except from the above de­ will need laundering this scribed I. nd one acre heretofore sold by ! spring. Send them to H. L. Carl to School District No. 80 as ; follows: Beginning at a point on North us. We wash Quilts at line of the County Road 494 feet South and 217 feet East of the 11 section 15 cents, Comforts at 25 corner l>etween Sections 5 ami 6 above mentioned and running thence N. 67‘a cents. We will wash degrees W. along North side of County your Wool Blankets for Road 268.7 feet; thence North 14 de­ grees E 183.4 feet; thence South 671 you better than you can degrees E. 217 feet; thence South to place of beginning. do them and for the And that you, and each of you, have no estate, right, title, or interest what­ small charge o f 25 cents. ever in or tosaid premises, or any part Send the entire fam ily thereof, and also that you, and each and everyone of you, he forever de­ wash and be rid of the barred from asserting any claim what­ ever in or to said land or premises ad­ hardest of the home verse to the plaintiff, and (or such other and further relief as to the Court work. : : : : : : may seem equitable. Dated this 1st day of April, 1913. L A. R o b e r t s , | Attorney for Plaintiff. Rending at Myrtle Point, Oregon. ♦ • ♦ — The Sportsman THE HERALD Firewood & SUBSCRIPTION Have you paid the printer. COQUILLE LAUNDRY l ICE CO.