Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, April 29, 1913, Image 1

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    q T h e Herald, the old estab­
lished reliable newspaper of
the Coquille Valley in which
an “ ad" always brings results.
V O L . 31,
T he C oquille H erald
C O Q U IL L E , C O O S C O U N T Y , O R E G O N , T U E S D A Y , A P R I L 29,
N O . 33
Fraternal and Bene"t>ole
i.t Orders
& A. M.— Regular meeting of
Lodge No. 68 A. F. & A.
Hall, every Sa1 unlay
night in each month on or before the
full moon.
C. W . E ndicott , W . M.
R. H. M a st , ecr etary.
Y .
A • Chadwick
M.. at Masonic
S.— Regular meeting of Beulah
O E. . Chapter
No. 6, second and fourth
Friday evenings of each month, in Ma­
sonic Hall.
E va B akkow , W. M.
T O. O. F.—Coquille Lodge No. 53,1. O.
1 . O. F., meets every Saturday night
n Odd Fellows Hall.
C. H. C leaves , N. Q.
J. 8. L awkknck , Sec.
I. o . O. F., meets every second and
fourth Wednesday nights in Odd Fellows
E mily H eksey , N. G,
A nnie L awbbnce , Sec.
V .> I. O. O. F., meets the first and third
Thursday nights in Odd Fellows Hall.
J. 8. B abton , C. P.
J . S.L awbence , Sec.
n i g h t s o f p y t h i a s .— Lycurgus
Lodge No. 72, meets Tuesday nights
in W. 0 . W. Hall.
R. R. W atson , K R. 8.
O. A. M intonye , C. C.
IAN SISTERS—Justus Temple
No. 35, meets first and Third Mon­
day nights in W. O. W. Hall.
M bs . G bobok D avis , M. E. C.
M bs . F bkd L inegab , K. of R.
MEN—Coquille Tribe No. 46, 1.
0 . R. M., meets every Friday night
in W. O. W. Hall.
J. 8. B abton , Sachem.
A. P. M illeb , C. of R.
W. A.— Regular meetings of Bea-
• ver Camp No. 10,550 in M . W . A.
Hall, Front street, first and third Sat­
urdays in each month.
M. O. H awkins . Consul.
R. B. R ooebs , V . C.
N ed 0 . K elley , Clerk.
A.— Regular meeting of Laurel
R N.
. Camp No. 2972 at M. W . A . Hall,
Front street, second and fourth Tues­
day nights in each month.
M aby K een , Oracle.
E dna K elley , Rec.
W .— Myrtle Camp No. 197,
W . O. meets
first and third Mondays at
W . 0 . W . Hall.
R. S. K nowlton , C. C.
J ohn L eneve , Sec.
meets second and fourth Monday
nights in W . O. W. Hall.
O ka X . M auby , G. N.
M aby A. P ikbce , Clerk.
UNION.— Regular meet­
ings second and fourth Saturdays in
each month in W. O. W. Hall.
F kank B ekkholdek , Pres.
O. A. M intonye , Sec.
r a t e r n a l a i d no .
398, meets the
fourth Thursdays each
month at W. 0 . W . Hall.
M bs . C has . E vland , Pres.
M bs . L oka H abkinoton , Sec.
F second and
Educational Organizations and Clubs
Meets monthly at the
High School Building during the school
year for the purpose of discussing edu­
cational topics.
R ena A ndebson , Pres.
E dna M inabd , Sec._____
K EEL KLUB—A business men’s
K O social
organization. Hall in Laird’ s
building, Second street.
A. J. S iiebwood , Pres.
F eed S lagle , Sec.
President; J. C. S
, Secretary
'Transportation Facilities
RAINS—Leave, south bound 9:00 a.
m. and 3:00 p. m. North bound
i0 :40 a. m. and 4 ;40 p. m.
boats plying on the Co­
quille river afford ample accommo­
dation for carrying freight and passen­
gers to Bandon and way points. Boats
leave at 7 :30, 8 :30, 9 :20 and 9 :30 a. m.
and at 1 :00, 3 :30 and 4 :43 p. m.
L. Laird, proprietor.
parts 5:30 p. m. for lioseburg
Myrtle Point, carrying the United Slates
mail and pasengers.
A. F. Linegar, post­
master. The mails close as follows :
Myrtle Point 8:40 a. m. and 2:35 p. m.
Marshfield 10:15 a. m. and 4:15 p. m.
Bandon and way points, Norway and
Arago 12:45 p. m. Eastern mail 5:15
p. m. Eastern mail arrives 7 :45 a. m.
Consists of Two Artificial
Lakes, Three Canals and
Two Great Locks
In a recent address to the stu­
dents of Johns Hopkins university
Colonel Gorgas made, in a short
description, a more vivid picture of
tbe canal than has been published
heretofore in the magazines.
Colouel Gorgas said that to de­
scribe tbe great woik as canal
building was a misnomer.
real design is the creation of two
lakes, one on the northern side of
the mountain chain which is the
backbone of the isthmus, the other
on the southern side of the back­
bone, and to connect the two lakes
by a canal about nine miles long.
The next part of the plan was to
connect the northern lake, called
the Gatun lake, with the Carribbean
sea by means ol a sea level canal,
eight miles long, and to join the
southern lake, called Lake Mira-
flores, with the Pacific ocean
through another piece of ocean
level canal eight miles long.
The water in the two lakes stands
at eighty-five feet above sea level,
so necessitating the two series of
great locks.
The nine miles of
canal between the two lakes, Gatun
and Miraflores, is cut through the
Culebra mountain, the toughest
piece of canal construction of that
length that the world has seen.
So the roadway from the Atlantic
to the Pacific may be imagined in
these great divisions. Eight miles
o( sea level canal, from the Carib­
bean sea to Gatun locks; then into
Gatun lake, and south through the
lake twenty-three miles to the canal,
through the Culebra mountain.
Nine miles of canal brings a ship to
Miraflores lake, and two miles
through the lake to Miraflores locks.
Then eight miles of sea level canal
completes the passage of the isth­
mus and admits the ship to the
If the Culebra cut behaves itself
and ceases slipping and sliding Into
the cutting so laboriously made
Colonel Goethals expects to see a
ship pass from ocean to ocean in
July of this year, 1913.
Transpiring in Oregon Boiled
Down to Least Number of
Lines and Yet Make the
Subject Understood.
Salem will vote on the wet and
dry issue at the city election in
Rev. H. A. Ketcham, an aged
Presbyterian minister, died at Le­
banon last week.
Eugene will have a co-operative
store, run upon the same plan as
one recently opened in Portland
Portland’s new Broadway bridge,
which cost $1,600,000. was dedi­
cated to the public last week.
Senator Chamberlain denies that
he has opposed the appointment of
W. R. King to office under this
The Ben Harrison mine at Sump­
ter has been obliged to lay off a
portion of its force on account ol
the had conditon of tbe roads.
The Oregon Gas & Electric Co.
tells the Railroad Commission that
the population of Medford, Grants
Pass and Ashland is decreasing.
August Singler, sheriff of Jackson
county, and Lester Jones, an eigh­
teen year old desparado, killed each
other near Jacksonville last week.
The Portland-Beaver Company
plans to begin immediate construc­
tion of a cement plant at Gold Hill,
in the southern part of the state.
Klamath ranchers are in trouble
with Uncle Sam for buying cattle
which bad been issued to the In­
dians as an incentive to husbandry.
Portland is finding out a whole
lot about herself from tbe investiga­
tions of the Bureau of Municipal
Research, which has Its experts on
the job.
Dr. Thomas Gatch, one time
president of the Otegon Agricult­
ural College, died in Seattle last
week of heart disease, at the age of
80 yeats.
The skeleton of Percy Jaquith,
who disappeared at Hillsboro, about
two years ago, has been found in
the woods a few miles from where
he was last seen.
Senator Lane denies that he has
said he would bolt the Democratic
caucus if free wool were in the Un­
derwood bill, but does not say what
he would do about it.
A booster committee of over 300
members has been formed at Astoria
to work for tbe development that
is expected to come with the open­
ing of the Panama canal.
An Irish dectective all the way
lrom Dublin was robbed of $35 in
Portland, and now he will have to
go home and confess that American
crooks have put one over on him.
The tiustees of the Walla Walla
Valley Fruit Growers’ Association
have formulated the plans and let
the contracts for the construction of
a combined packing house and
warehouse at Freewater. Oregon.
(From the Port Orford Tribune)
S S. Jeffries, the Port Orford bar­
ber, left Monday to visit his family,
who are living on a homestead near
Bridge, Coos county.
Several teams are now engaged in
handling bolts to the shingle mill,
and the little mill has been busy
cutting both shingles and lumber.
A 1 Baker was down from Myrtle
Point last week, and took the con­
tract from L- Knapp to carry the
mail from Myrtle Point to Hare.
Twins— a son and a daughter
were recently born to Mr. and Mrs.
H. B. Steiner on Sixes river. Mr.
Steiner is an earnest and intelligent
exponder of Socialism, and it is
evident that he intends that his so­
cializing iufluence upon society
shall be felt.
The Six-E lk Telephone com­
pany’s lines were extended up Elk
river last week, and phones were in­
stalled in the Unican, Jamieson and
Marsh homes. The company's lines
go as far north as the Mill on Sixes
river, and will be extended up that
stream later if conditions justify.
The railroad commission has
ordered the Corvallis & Eastern
M ayor................................ A. T. Morrison
Railroad to practically rebuild its
R ecorder.................... ......J. 8. Lawrence
Treasurer................................ R. H. Mast entire line between Corvallis and
City Attorney.................L. A. Liljeqvist Yaquina and to have these repairs
Engineer........................P. M. Hall-Lewis
Marshal............................C. A. Evernden completed by the end ol next year.
C ity and County O fficers
Night Marshal .................... John Hurley
Water Superintendent. S. V. Epperson
Fire Chiet..................
Walter Oerding
Councilmen—D. D. Pierce, C. T. Skeels
W. C. Laird, G. O. Leach, W. H. Ly­
ons, Leo J. Cary. Regular meetings
first and third Mondays each month.
Business Changes Hands
Delegates from the Canadian
province ol Saskatchewan are in­
vestigating the Willamette, Umpqua
and Rogue river valleys, as the
representatives of more than 3500
Justice of the Peace.......... J. J. Stanley Canadian farmers who are desirous
Constable........................... Ned C. Kelley ol coming to Oregon.
County Judge ................... John T. Hall
Commissioners—W . T. Dement, Geo. J.
Clerk .................................James Watson
S h eriff...................................... W . W. Gage
Treasurer.........................T. M. Dimmick
Assessor .............
T. J. Thrift
School 8 upt...............Raymond E. Baker
Surveyor................................. A. N. Gould
Coroner................................. F. FI. Wilson
Health Officer..............Dr. Walter Culin
Societies will get the very best
at the office of Coquille Herald
Peter Scott, who, as noted in the
Herald of a couple of weeks ago,
was looking for investment on the
Coquille, has bought the news stand,
stationery and confectionery busi­
ness of VYickmen & Wickmen, tak­
ing possession one day last week.
Mrs. W. D. Lileye, of Forest Mrs. Scott will join him this week,
Grove, announces through the and they will reside in tbe living
mayor of Portland that she wants room back of the store, where they
another husband, her’s having been will be very cozily situated. Mr.
burned to death last February. The and Mrs. Scott have bad consider­
man must be able to support her, able cxperence in catering to the
but she will be a good, true, loving public, and will undoubtedly add to
wife to him. There you are.
the trade of this already popular
stand. Some changes and improve-
•There Is a word o f one syllable In mnts will be made in the front and
the English language that is always also in the interior arrangements
spelled wrong, even by the most edu­ by Mr. Scott who adds skilled c«r-
cated people.’’
pentery to his other accomplish­
“ W hat la that?”
•The word •wrong.’ "
191 3
P E R Y E A R $ 1 .5 0
A Marshfield Father Draws a Lesson From the Recent Sad
Tragedy Enacted in That Town
By an Essay on Subject
Which Coos County Kids
The Marshfield Record prints the disobedience when she allowed her­
Know all About
followng appeal to young girls, as
having been handed in by "a
father," and as it is evidently
genuine in its earnestness it is
worthy of reproduction here:
Monday night about half-past
nine, an hour when they should be
at home, two young girls, one
about 15 and the other just a trifle
older, were observed going down
street by two citizens. Both girls
appeared quite excited and spoke
about “ a man with a brown coat;”
the conversation was heard by the
two citizens as the girls passed;
their attention was aroused and
they watched the girls, who went
up to an auto, which was waiting
in a dark spot in the next block.
Reasons arose quickly which pre­
vented a trip being made by the
two young girls to North Bend.
The lather of one of the girls was
advised and started out to find the
men. In his quest, however, it is
regretted, he was not successful.
Why is it that young girls do not
pay attention to the terrible conse­
quence that may befall them in
going out with strange men late at
Just three weeks ago this week
little Erma Knorr shot herself
through her over-burdened little
heart, following the frightful ending
which came about by just such
thoughtlessness and disobedience to
her parents, she having been warned
and strictly forbidden to even get
into an automobile or be on the
street after dark without permis­
sion. For the three days following
the dreadful night she was in tbe
clutches ot the vile creature who
ruined her, this poo; little girl sat
around the home with a bleeding
and broken heart, thinking of the
step she had been forced into and
regretting it after it was too late,
yet knowing her little child life had
been forever disgraced and, rather
than face her father who, being
away from home had not been able
to protect and guide her, she tried
to wipe out her misfortune with her
life blood.
Did the poor little victim think
what would be the outcome of her
Washington Town Tries
Putting License W ay Up
The biggest surprise for the peo­
ple of Raymond, Wash , in many
months was pulled off at the council
meeting last week when an ordi­
nance was passed canceling all
existing saloon licenses which have
brought the citv $1000 each, and
substituting a $5000 license there­
for, and limiting the number of
saloons to one for each 1500 in-
habitants, which would give the
city only three saloons.
The move is backed by every in­
dustry in the city which has a pay­
The argument is that too many
ot the employes are incapacitated
on Monday morning as a result of
carousing and drinking all day
Sunday; that the fact that most of
the checks showed by their in­
dorsements that they had been
cashed in saloons and that the sa­
loons were getting the bulk of the
laborers’ money. Further that the
disturbers in labor matters made
their headquarters in the saloons.
Mayor Little at once informed
the council that he would veto the
ordinance, and the council informed
him that it would be passed over
his veto.
The result is being
watched with interest.
Will Use Barges
It seems that Porter Bros, have
abandoned the idea of using steam
schooners for shipping the product
of their mill at the Siuslaw. They
have let a contract to a Coos Bay
shipyard for the construclion of a
barge capable ol carrying 500,000
feet of lumber on a draft of 10 feet
or less, and it is understood that
they will have others built These
will be towed to and from San
Francisco by steam tugs.
self to be ensnared by the brutal
wretch who gained her confidence
by misrepresentations and false
promises and then dishonored her?
Likely not.
Did this poor little girl think of
the broken up home and the sorrow
and misery she would bring upon
her father, mother, sister and
brother? Did she think how that
dear mother, who had worked and
watched over her for fourteen years
would have to see her wronged
baby daughter a suicide in tb<* arms
that had fondled and rocked her to
sleep when a pure sweet baby? She
probably did not.
No. this poor little prey of a de­
signing man did not think of what
might end it all.
Little girls think a bit before you
take such chances for a joy ride or
street flirtation. Take your parent’s
advice and consult them before ac­
cepting any advances of men you
do not know or of whom your
parents do not approve. Remem­
ber there are many of these men
who will take advantage of you and
what may appear an innocent affair
may end in your everlasting ruina­
tion. The kind ot man who des­
troyed Erma Knorr do not seek the
worldly girls, but are looking for
the sweet, young buds who are a
pleasure to see and the pride of
their parents.
Do not think your father and
mother are imposing on you in for­
bidding the questionable pleasure
which may not seem wrong in your
inexperienced eyes. Your own in­
tentions and thoughts are doubtless
sweet and pure, but you may be­
come as helpless as did the little
victim of lust and then it will be all
too late.
Read this carefully, little girl and
please take it to heart. Don’t be
thoughtless and disobedient and do
not do anything that you believe
will displease your father and
Think of the heartbreaking fate
of poor little Erma Knorr who will
not have died in vain, if her sad
ending will help to bring other
little girls to their senses.
f l jo b Printing— N ew presses
new material and experienced
workmen. A guarantee that
Herald printing will please
A gold medal to the school boy
or girl between the ages of 10 and
15 who writes the best composition,
not to exceed 800 words, on the
repair and maintenance of earth
roads, is to be awarded by Loga’
Waller P.''**, Director, Office ot
Public Roads, United States Depar­
tment of Agriculture, Washington,
D. C. All compositions must he
submitted to Mr. Page before May
15, 1913. and the medal will be
awarded as soon thereafter as the
compositions can be graded
composition may be based on know­
ledge gained from books or other
sources, but no quotations should
be made.
Alter many years’ experience in
dealing with the public road situa­
tion of the country, it is Mr. Page’s
belief that ignorance on the subject
of repair and maintenance of roads
is as much the cause of their bad
condition as any other one factor.
It is expected that the competition
will bring about a better under
standing of the subject of repair and
maintenance in the rural districts.
Many children living in the rural
districts have experienced the dis­
advantages of roads made impas­
sable though a lack ot proper
maintenance and it is expected
that their interest in the competi­
tion will stimulate greater interest
among the parents. Bad roads
have prevented many children
from obtaining a proper education
and have even prevented doctors
from reaching the side of rural
patients in time to save their lives.
Any child between the ages men­
tioned, attending a country school,
may compete. Only one side of
the paper must be written on; each
page should be nunbered; the name,
age, and address of the writer, and
the name and location of the school
which he or she is attending must
be plainly written at the top of the
first page. The announcement of
the competition has been sent to
the superintendents of school in the
rural districts. No further infor­
mation can be obtained from the
Office of Public Roads. This an­
nouncement should be plain to
everyone, and all children will thns
start on a basis of equality.
Condensed for the Quick As­
similation of Busy Men and
Women— General Round-
Up of a Wide Scope
The pope is reported as recovering
from his serious illness.
General Huerta announces that
he will have the Mexican rebellion
suppressed inside of two months.
John Wesley Stevens, said io be
the youngest surviving veteran of
the civil war, is dead at the age is
It is expected that a currency re­
form measure will make its appear­
ance at the extra session of con­
Roman Catholic clergymen are
forbidden to own or ride in automo­
biles in the Rhenish Brussan prov­
ince of Cleves.
The Montnegran forces captured
the Turkish stronghold of Scutari
last week. They had beseiged the
town for six months.
It is reported that Ortie McMani-
gal will be turned loose on May
15th, as a reward for turning state's
evidence in the dynamiting cases.
A gasoline explosion destroyed
the gasoline fishing schooner Ros-
ine off Dundas Island, but the crew
of 12 were rescued with three men
A resolution has been introduced
in congress for an investigation of
the ‘ ‘baseball trust.” This thing
oi cornering the necessaries of life
has got to stop.
The rag-chewing match over tbe
new tariff bill commenced in the
House last Wednesday, and it was
expected that about 50 hours would
be consumed in oratory.
The big strike of Belgian work­
men to force an equalization of
franchise privileges was successful.
The reforms demanded have been
promised and industry has been re­
There is talk ol recalling Ambas­
sador Leishman from Berlin be­
cause his daughter is about to
marry a German duke, against the
orders of the kaiser, and the latter
Clerical Slanderer
is hot in the collar.
Gets What’s Coming
Senator Chamberlain’s resolution
Planting Artichokes for Feed for the abrogation of the Hay*
(Grant Pass Observer)
Pauncefote treaty is opposed by the
Supt. A . G. Raab Saturday state department on the ground
Mrs. Alice Rogers was awarded
$500 damages in the suit for slander planted a large area to artichokes that it can’t be abrogated without
whidh she instituted against Rev. which he has found very profitable the consent of Great Britian.
W. G. Smith in the circuit court of hog feed. He has been growing
Mrs. Annie G. Rogers, wife of a
this county, the jury rendering a artichokes for four or five years on buisness man ot Leadville, Colo., has
verdict Monday evening after de­ his Kentuck ranch and says it is been desgnatqd by Secretary Lane
liberating for only about twenty the only feed for hogs which can be for appointment as reciever of the
grown here at a profit.— North land office at Leadville at a salary
Mrs. Rogers conducts a store at Bend Hatbor.
of $3,000 a year. Mrs. Rogers is a
Glendale, and during 1910 Rev.
well known suffragist.
Smith resided in that city. During useful article in any school.
Secretary of State Bryan will go
Tbe third prize is a school flag to California to confer with the
the year it was charged that he had
made remarks reflecting upon the given by the publisher of tbe legislature of that state regarding
moral character of Mrs. Rogers and Pacific Northwest.
the alien land ownership bill now
The fourth prize, another school before that body, in an endeavor to
she brought action tor damages
against him, asking for $10,000 flag, given by A. L. Miller, Presi­ have it so modified as not to put
upon each of three counts. It is dent of the First National Bank, Uncle Sam in a hole in the matter
understood the members of the jury Portland, and the fifth prize is a of existing treaties.
that heard the evidence were in Babcock Tester, given by Monroe
The old frigate Granite State,
favor of awarding heavier damages, and Crissel.
formerly the Alabama and New
Every school should show its
but that a compromise was effected
j Hampshire, the largest wooden
on $500. The costs in the case patriotism by floating the stars and vessel ever built for the U. S. navy,
were also assessed against Mr. stripes. A Babcock tester should ba was nearly destroyed by fire last
in every school. Its use is one off
week at her anchorage in the Hud­
the best ways to teach percentage
son river, where she was used as an
Children’s Industrial Contest and it will encourage an interest in armory for the naval militia.
The United States, as owner of
This industrial contest is one in
Onr last article told about the which every girl and boy attending the Panama Canal, has a right to
five cash prizes - $ 100 , $ 75 , $ 60 , school can take a part. While the ' fix such terms as it pleases and the
$ 50 , and $ 40 , to be given to the pupils are thus advertising their neutrality of the waterway applies
counties that make the best showing school and county, and increasing j to its users only and not to tbe
; United States. This view was ex­
in tbe children’s contest.
their pride of home and patriotism,
In any county not entering this they are also learning to do some pressed by Richard Olney, former
competition, any and all one room thing useful — something by which Secretary of State. Lewis Nixon
schools may enter the district com­ they can earn a living and can also of New York agreed with Olney.
petition. The first prize in this is make of themselves more valuable
A plan to invite the governors of
a Victor Phonograph and twelve citizens.
Nevada, Washington, Oregon and
records, given by the publishers of
Tbe prize list will be off the Arizona to participate in the confer­
the Rural Spirit This would be a press in a few days. In the mean­ ence with Secretary Bryan this week,
fine thing for entertainment in the time be planning to do all you can regarding anti-alien land ownership
achool and a great aid in making to help win one of those fine dis­ legislation now pending in the Cali­
tbe achool a social center.
trict or county prizes. Your articles fornia legislature, was defeated by
The second prize is an eighteen can compete in the individual the votes ol the progressieves in that
inch library globe given by the t classes, also, even though the} are a body, an tbe ground that no out­
Northwest Furniture Company, a part of • county or district ezhibit side counsel was necessary.