Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, April 22, 1913, Image 4

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    Spring Time —
Kodak Time
é w
Take a
with you
Everything for Kodakery
Knowlton's Drug Store
I We Are Baking All the Time
So if practice makes perfect we certainly have the advan­
tage of you in that respect. Just try some of our bread,
rolls, cakes and pies and judge for yourself. We leave it
to you if if you can bake all these things equally well.
It’s the taste that tells. Try that taste today.
COOK BROS., Props.
The Curry County Leader is
camping on the trail of the Port
Orford Port Commission aud wants
to know what became of the money
that was raised by taxation in the
port district, amounting, it is said
to $1500. T he Leader takes a shot
at C. R. Peck, ot Marshfield, who
was brought out from Oklahoma by
Colonel William Grimes to be attor­
ney of the Coos Bay Port Commis­
sion when that port was organized
and the “ colonel” had charge of
the destinies of Coos Bay. John D.
Goss also gets a touching up. The
Leader says:
Just what portion of the people’s
money has been spent aud for what
is unknown, but it has leaked out
that about $250 remains or there­
about of the $1500 collected as
taxes. If this be true what became
of it? It is said Mr. Peck, an at
torney at Marshfield, was paid $250
lor assisting Attorney Meredith
and that the latter was pa<d $300
for being assisted by the former. Is
this true? But the most startling
report is one to the effect that J. D
Goss, another Marshfield attorney,
and representing the Smith interest
in their fight against the port re­
ceived $250, either as a fee or as a
rebate on his clients taxes. How
much of this is true? Let us have
a report.
(Coos Bay News)
Mrs. Housewife
If you want the BEST in
Wellman Brands
W ELLM AN stands for absolutely the BEST
If you buy Wellman, Silver Thistle or Park Brands
you are assured of a good article.
Stands for the Best Grade of Swift’s Ham
and Bacon.
Ask your Grocer for these
Brands. If he doesn’t have them, ask him
to call up
| They Will
Supply The Goods I
The Surf claims that the new
machine for extracting gold and
platinum from black sand, which
has been tested on the beach south
of Bandon by L . R. Ferbrache, is a
decided success. It is claimed that
the machine saves every particle of
gold and platinum, and that the
sand which under the old process
produced only a dollar a ton, now
yields ten times that amount. De­
vices tried heretofore, which would
save a great percentage of the gold
from the sand, would only handle
a limited amount ol sand per day,
and consequently were not a suc­
cess. We saw several inventions
tried on the Bandon and Randolph
beaches in the ’70’s, and all were
pronounced failures— the miners
getting better results with rough
lumber in the bottom of sluice
boxes, copper plates and plush
blankets charged with quicksilver.
The machine in question, however,
is said to handle about 40 tons of
sand a day, and if it does, and if it
saves nearly all the gold and plati­
num, then It is certainly the ma­
chine that black sand miners long
have sought, aud mourned because
they found it not.
A Just Complaint
The North Bend Harbor prints
the following communication:
Advertise in The Herald
Is an important factor
in a Grocery Business
of the first class. W e
make a point of abso­
lute cleanliness in the
store and in the stock
T R Y V I i M F L O U R
Drane's Store
A H a rd e n e d Cat*.
"Husband, you have never given me
any money since we have been mar­
ried. Now, I positively must have $ 30 .”
Manufacturers of
"Aw, here's a dollar. What are you
going to do with It?"
The Celebrated Uergmannb’hoe "1 think I'd better frame It as a sou­
T’lie Strongest and Nearest Water venir.”
"In thnt case hand It back and I'll
Proof shoe made for loggers, miners
give you a check Instead.” — Kansas
prospectors and mill men.
City Journal.
21 Thurman Street
N eeded to fie E xp la in ed .
P ortland , O regon .
Mrs. Hennessey, who was a lnte ar­
rival In the neighborhood, wns enter­
taining a neighbor one afternoon when
the latter Inquired:
_ T I I K IM A M O M * lll< \ M ,
“ An' what does your old man do,
Lxllenf Ault you
o u r itn iK ir U f for / \
< M c ttc n -tc r ’i» l»
lu m o n ,! M r n n d / / \ \
Mrs. nennossey?”
1 * 111 « in K , «I V I <
I bo«es, sia le 1 with
ith Blur h i
"Sure, lie's a dl'mond entter.”
i Tulle no other.
r liny
of your ' '
"Ye don't mane It!”
K D I iM
f1*** A»Wf.>rrirt-<
...... M I 'IJV
m -TFB'B
I LI.**,
f t __
« ft _
"Via; he cuts th' grass off th' baseball
years known as Best, Safest. Always ^Relhíü
S01DBY DRUGTilSTS LVLRYMHLN^ Srounds."—I.lpptncott'a.
Theo. Berenmn Shoe Mfe.Co.
•F T H E
Will you give me space to regis­
ter a complaint against the Coos Bay,
Roseburg A Eastern R. R. Co., about
the way the public is treated at the
depot in Marshfield. I cn two oc­
casions during the past week at­
tempted to gain admission to the
public waiting room, a few minutes
prior to the time of the arrival of
the Myrtle Point train. The door
was locked and being very cold
from the rain and wind, I asked per­
mission of the agent in the office to
go into the waiting room. After an
explanation he reluctantly opened
the waitiug room door and allowed
me and others to enter. I was told
by an express agent that the doors
was never opened until a very few
minutes before the departure of
the train and not at all for the art
rival of trains. Itis possible tha"
the company has a right tokeep the
doors locked or open as they please
but it is not serving the people who
desire to patronize the trains right.
Mrs. W. E. Thorp, North Bend,
Cuts out Bandon
T he Portland Telegram says:
Arrangements have been
fected by the Elmore interests for
the gasoline
Patsy. Captain Tabell, in regular
service between Portland and the
Siuslaw, taking practically the same
route at that on which the Anvil,
now ashore at the nouth of Siuslaw,
was operateed
On the start she
will not go as far as Bandon, where
the Anvil made regular calls. With
that exception she will follow the
same route.
Have you paid the printer.
You may talk of reformations, of the Economic Plan
That shall stem the Social Evil in its course,
But the Ancient Sin of nations must be got at in THE MAN.
If you want to cleanse a river, seek the source.
Ever since his first beginning Man has had his way in lust,
He has never learned the law of Self-Control;
And the World condones his sinning and the doctors say he must,
And the churches shut their eyes and take his toll.
0. C SANFORD, A u t.C ish la r
L. H. HAZARD, C«»hl«r
C O Q U I l i i i B , O R B O O fA .
T r a n n a c t a a G e n e r a l B a n k i n g
Beard of Directors.
B u a i n e » »
R . O. Dem ent,
A . J . Sherwood,
I N ational Bank o Commerce, New Y ork C i
L . H arlocker,
L . H . Hazard, ! C rocker W oolw orth N ’ lBank, San F ranci
Isaiah Hacker,
It.K . Shine. ' First N at’l Bank of Portland» Portland.
w W
And the lauded “ Lovely Mothers” send the son out into life
With no knowledge-welded armor for the fight;
“ He will make his way like others, through the Oat field, to the Wife;”
“ He will somehow be led onward to the light.”
R. S. K n o w l t o n , President
G e o . A . R o b in s o n , V ice-P res.
R. II. M a s t , C ashier.
Yes, his leaders, they shall find him. On the highways at each turn
(Since you did not choose to counsel or to warn).
They shall tempt him, then shall bind him; they shall blight and they shall hum,
Down to offspring and descendants yet unborn.
It can never end through preaching; it can never end through laws;
This social sore no punishment can heal.
It must be the mother’s teaching of the purpose and the cause,
And God’s glory, lying under sex appeal.
She must feel no fear to name it to the children it has brought;
She must speak of it as sacred and sublime;
She must beautify, not shame it, by her speech and by her thought;
Till they listen, and respect it for all time.
Merchants Bank
Opened for Busines March. 1 8 9 0
l.add & Tilton Bank, Portland
National Park, New York
Oh, the world has made its devil, and the Mothers let it grow,
And the Man has dragged their thoughts down to the earth.
There will be no Social Evil when each waking mind shall know
All the grandeur and the beauty hid in birth.
Sails from Portland at 9 A . M.,
April 15, 20, 25, 30
When each Mother sets the fashion to win confidence and trust,
And to teach the mighty lesson, Self-Control,
We can lift the great Sex passion from the darkness and the dust
And enshrine it on the altar of the soul.
Sails from Coos Bay at Service of Tide
April 12, 17, 22, 27
W. L. K0LM, Agent
Phone Main 181
The Oregon law defines a bonafide subscriber as
a “ Paying subscriber not in arrears more than one
year.” Do you want us to swear to a lie on your
account when we make our report to the govern­
ment— or do you want the Herald to be shut out of
the mails for lack of “ bonafide” subscribers?
Mining in Curry
First National Bank, San Francis«
First Trust & Savings, Coos Bay
v w T w w W W wWWW
From the heart they rested under ere they saw the light of day,
Must the daughters and the sons be taught this truth,
Till they think of it with wonder, us a holy thing always,
While love’s wisdom guides them safely through their youth.
--------------»—«>»■ «--------------
Saving Gold From Sand
R. E.SHINE, V.-Pres.
Leader Wants to Know
Where Money W ent to
Sg-S* <B***=S£ £S o - d l
New School Laws
(Port Orford Tribune)
Curry County is to have quite a
mining excitement this summer. K .
R. Wooley and wife, and Harry
Searancke, an engineer of San
Francisco, Calif., just arrived in
Wedderburn and outfitted with a
thousand pounds of supplies (or
their new mining camp near the
mouth of the Illinois River. The
senior Wooley,who laid out Wooley-
port, Cal , is already on the ground,
and has arranged to ship in much
machinery at once. They will have
fifteen or twenty men at work there
inside of thirty days, so Mr. W ool­
ey stated, and they intend to thor­
oughly examine the copper prospects
on the upper Rogue and Illinois
Mr. E. I. Kennedy has also ship­
ped in a large amount of machinery
from Grants Pass, and will demon­
strate his new method of extracting
gold from concentrates by means of
certain sails, which method promises
to revolutionize gold mining in the
placer claims on Rogue river and
save 90 per cent more gold from the
sands than have heretofore been re­
covered by any known method
Mr. Kennedy says when his method
has been demonstrated there will be
a rush to Rogue river again as in
the fifties, when there was a miner
to every rod of ground.
got the coarse gold then, but Mr.
Kennedy gets the fine gold now
and gets it all.
Pot covers at
/ l u s t Y o u B e B a ld ?
If you have dandruff; if your hair ia
fallins out and your acalp is not
glased and shiny, if you use Rexall
"9 3 ” Hair T onic according to direc­
tions for thirty days, and at the end
o f that time you are not thoroughly
satisfied with the results and will tell
us so, wa will imm ediately hand back
your money. W e w on’t ask you to
promise anything. W e w on't even
question you. W e will take you»
mero word and return your money.
Doesn’t it stand to reason that
Rexall 93” Hair T on ic must be a
mighty good remedy and have given
great satisfaction to our customers if
we endorse it like this?^ W e know o f
no similar remedy that is as good. It
is because o f what Rexall “ 93” Hair
Tonic has done fo r others that we
back it with our ow n money.
► Why suffer ecalp and hair trouble
or be bald, when Rexall " 9 3 ” Hair
Tonic will rem ove dandruff, make
your scalp com fortable and healthy,
promote hair growth and tend to
prevent baldneee— when we will
pay for the treatment should it fail
to please you?
* W e don’t obligate you to any­
thing. You simply buy the treat­
ment; use it, and if not pleased,
come back to us em pty- landed— and
we will hand back what you paid us.
T w o sixes, 60c and $1.00 a bottle.
You can buy Rexall “ 93” Hair T onio
In this tv immunity oni> at oux store;
TU V x c H Ston
Ore (T O
and city In the United State*. Ci
nt Britain. There 1« a different
nedy for nearly every ordlnar
ordinary human Hi­
each eepocially d*«Urned for the particular Ul
for which it is reoomxnended.
The Resell Store« ere AmerAee'e
St age R u n n i n g in C o n n e c t i o n
Coquille Herald
None of the law will go into effect
before January 3rd, and any action
taken by the district, or by the
teachers of any county, will not be
legal and any action before that
time will have to be taken again.
Yours very truly,
L R. A L D E R M A N ,
Supt. of Public Instruction.
T h . B e rry He W ee.
There In e R exall fHor* In nearly n
Roseburg-Myrtle Point Auto Line
of all their children to the census
6. Hereafter all schools shall have
regular lire drills and suitable in­
struction relative to the danger from
7. Hereafter all schools districts
may provide for night schools.
W h a t have y o u done to atop y o u r
h air from faffing?
H a v e yo u tried
Re tail “ 93” h a ir T on ic? If not, w e
w an t you to t r y It a t o u r risk.
C oqu ill.
Among the
educational bills passed by the last
Legislature, are the following;
1. Districts may be a majority
vote at a regularly called meeting,
authorize the school board to pur­
chase books and turuish them free
of charge to all pupils attending
school in the district.
J. L. LAIRD, Proprietor
2. After September i , 1915 all
Leaves Mrytle Point daily at 7 o ’clock
persons applying for teachers’ cer­
a. m. Arrives at Roseburg at 2 o ’clock
tificates must have completed two
Leaves Rosebuig daily at 7 a. m., ar­
years’ work in an accredited high
at Myrtle Point at 2 o ’clock.
school and attend a teacher’s train­
Special rigs for parties at any time.
ing class at least six weeks. This act
will not apply to teachers who have
had six months experience prior to
September, 1915.
Carrying United States Mail and Passengers’ Baggage
3. Provision is made for substi­
Office at L aird’s L ivery Barn, M yrlle Point
tuting a three weeks, summer school
Farmers Telephone 156
for the annual institute. T h e county Home Telephone 461
superintendent shall, on the petition
of ten teachers, submit to the teach­
ers of his county the question of
whether or not such school shall
be held. All teachers of the county
must attend unless they have had at
least twenty-seven months teaching
experience, eight of which shall
have been in Oregon, or are gradu­
ates of an accredited normal school,
is now fully equipped with modern
or the teachers’ training class in an
faces of type and accessories
accredited high school. When the
teachers have once voted for the
for the execution of
summer school thereafter such
school shall be held in lieu of the
annual institute.
4 Provision was made whereby
graduates of non- standard colleges
can take an examination for high
school certificate.
5. Provides penalty for persons
refusing to give the name and age
When Bishop Berry of the Methodist
Episcopal church was a young preach­
er he once gave a lecture In n mml
community. Wishing to be witty, he
announced to his nmllence thnt he wns
a berry and called upon them to state
what kind of berry. Nearly every ber- j
ry known In the vicinity was guessed. |
and the speaker refused to share the
qualities of any of those named. At
Inst an old Indy who was not sympa­
thetic with the seeming levity of the
lecturer arose and exclaimed In a
squeaky voice: “ I know what kind of
a henry yon are. You are a gooseberry,
and a very green one at thnt Go ou
with the lecture.” And the lecturer
did quickly.
in a style unexcelled and at prices
equally as inviting as can be
obtained from others
IG a u i U r n f s
W ork entrusted to us will receive the personal supervision
of a practical printer who takes pride in the
proper execution of every detail
Give Us a Trial Order