T he C oquille H erald iJThe Herald, the old estab- li*hed reliable newspaper of the Coquille Valley in which an ‘ ‘ad” always brings results. V O L . 31, C O Q U IL L E , C O O S C O U N T Y , O R E G O N . T U E S D A Y , A P R I L 22, N O . 32 CITY DIRECTORY Fraternal and Benehole nt Orders F. & A. M.—Regular meetinii of • Chadwick Lodge No. 1)8 A. F. & A. M.. at Masonic Hall, every Saturday night in each month on or liefore the full moon. C. W . E ndioott , W. M. R. H. M a s t , ecretary. A E. 8.—Regular meeting of Beulah O . Chapter No. <1, second and fourth Friday evenings of each month, in Ma­ SYNOPSIS OF COOS COUNTY BIRTHS MANY EVENTS X * AMI 1 1it K BEK AH LOU«*» ! . 20 ay >•••« »» Mid i'A 1. u ui . t u p 1WS foU 'th ’.V-Hllat-aday utqht* in Odd Elfi V i i 1 E libit Y, M . < Hall. A nni * L awrence , ' 25 E K SC A Ml’ ME NT, I / 1 ' ' I. O. O. F.Î meets i in* first and third Thursday niglits in Odd Fellows Hall. J. 8. B arton , C. P. J. S .L a w r e s ce , Sec. r NIG I ITS OF PYTH IAS.—Lycurgus Lodge No. 72, meetB Tuesday nights K in \Y. 0 7 W . Hall. R. R. W atso n , K R. 8. O. A. M in t o n v e , C. C. t j YTHIAN SISTERS—Justus Temple I No. 35, meets first and Third Mon­ day nights in W. O. W. Hall. Mas. G eorge D a v i s , M. E. C. M r s . F red L in e g a r , K. of R. R ED MEN— Coquille Tribe No, 4(1, 1. O. R. M „ meets every Friday night in W. 0 . W . Hall. J. S. B arton , Sachem.' A. P. M il l e r , C. of K. A.— Regular meetings of Bea- M W. . ver Camp No. 10.550 in M. W . A. Hall, Front street, first and third Sat­ urdays in each month. M. O. H a w k i n s . Consul. R. B. R og ers , V. C. N ed 0 . K e l l e y , Clerk. A.— Regular meeting of Laurel R N. . Camp No. 2972 at M. W . A . Hall, Front street, second and fourth Tues­ day nights in each month. M a r y K ern , O ra cle. E dna K e l l e y , R ec. W .—Myrtle Camp No. 197, W O. . meets first and third Mondays at W . 0 . W. Hall. R. 8. K now lton , C. C. J ohn L en e v e , Sec. CIRCLE N . 214, E VENINGTIDE meets second and fourth Monday o nights in W. 0 . W . Hall. O ra X . M a u r y , G. N. M a r y A . P ierce , C le rk . F ARMERS UNION.— Regular meet­ ings second and fourth Saturdays in each month in W. O. W. Hall. F r a n k B u r k h o ld er , Pres. O. A. M into n yk , Sec. T 7 RATERNAL AID No. 398, meets the 1* second and fourth Thursdays each month at W. O. W . Hall. M r s . C i ia s . E v l a n d , Pres. M rs . L ora H arrington , Sec. Educational Organizations and Clubs OQUILLE EDUCATIONAL LEAGUE—Meets monthly at the High School Building during the school year for the purpose of discussing edu­ cational topics. R en a A n derson , Pres. E dna M in a r d , S ec._____ O K EEL KLUB—A business men’ s K social organization. Hall in Laird’ s building, Second Btreet. A. J. S herwood , Pres. F red S l a g l e , Sec. CLUB— J . K . N C OMMERCIAL President; J. C. S , Secretary orton avage ‘Transportation Facilities south ---------------------- bound 9 :00 a. r>R AI NS — L e a v e ,------- ____ L m. ____ and ____ 3:00 p. p. m m. . North bound i0:40 a. m. end 4 ;40 p. m. OATS—Six boats plying on the Co­ B quille river afford ample accommo­ dation for carrying freight and passen­ gers to Bandon and way points. Boats leave at 7 :30, 8 :30, 9 :20 and 9 -.30 a. m. and at 1:00, 3 :30 and 4 :45 p. m.________ C T A G E —J. L. Laird, proprietor. De- O parts 5:30 p. m. for Roseburg via Myrtle Point, carrying the United Slates mail and pasengers. ______ OSTOFFICE.—A. F. Linegar, post­ P master. The mails close as follow s: Myrtle Point 8:40 a. m. and 2:35 p. m. Marshfield 10:15 a. m. and 4:15 p. in. Bandon and way points, Norway and Arago 12:45 p. m. Eastern mail 5:15 p. m. Eastern mail arrives 7 :45 a. m. City and County O fficers Mayor................................ A. T. Morrison R ecorder...........................J. 8. Lawrence K. H. Mast L. A. Liljeqvist Citv Attorney...... P. M. Hall-Lewis C. A. Kvernden Marshal Night Marshal..................... John Hurley Water Superintendent .8. V. Epperson Fire Chiei......................... Walter Oerding Councilmen —D. D. Pierce. C. T. Skeels W. C. Laird, G. O. Leach, W . H. Ly­ ons, Leo J. Cary. Regular meetings first and third Slondays each month. Justice of the Peace.......... J. J. Stanley Constable........................... Ned C. Kelley County Judge Commissioners- Armstrong C l e r k .............. Sheriff .......... . Treasurer ......... Assessor............ School Supt. Surveyor......... Coroner ......... Health Officer ..John T. Hall -W . T. Dement, Geo. J. ................ James Watson ....................W . W . Gage T. M. Dimmick ........T. J. Thrift Raymond E. Baker ................... A. N. Gould F. E. Wilson Dr. Walter Culin Societies will get the very best PR IN T IN G at the office o f Coquille Herald =11 P E R Y E A R $ 1 .5 0 1913 Here’s Proof of the Militancy Of the English Suffragettes STORY OF OLD THAGEDY n R P iìflM M F W S ON COQUILLE HIVER BAR u n L U U W l i L n j BRIEFLY TOLD HowThree Members of Bandon Life-Saving Crew Lo»t Their Own Lives Reported to County Health Of­ ficer—Boy* in Small Ma­ jority This Time THE NEWS IN TABLOID FORM (By Judge Livro) The following statistics of births and deaths in Coos county during Condensed for the Quick As­ the month of March are taken from sonic Hall. E v a B arrow , W. M. similation of Busy Men and the records kept by Dr. Walter J o seph in e G . P e o p les , Sec. Women— General Round- Culin, health officer: T 0 . O. F.—Coquille Lodge No. 5 3 ,1 .0 . 1 . O. F., meets every Saturday night n O i l Fellows Tia" 1 * N. 9. J 8. I > , K, .■ • c. f l jo b P r in tin g -N e w presses new material and experienced workmen. A guarantee that Herald printing will please EVENTS OF THE PAST WEEK In taking a retrospective view of Transpiring in Oregon Boiled events that have taken place during Down to Least Number of the last three decades in Coos Lines and Yet Make the county, one of the saddest and most BIRTHS Subject Understood. Up of a Wide Scope deplorable tragedies came to my Mar. 2—To the w ife o f Albert Dean, Coquille, a son. mind, it having taken place on Centralia. Wash., will purchase Crops are menaced by field mice 5—To the w ife o f Carl Arlandson, April 12th, 2i years ago this month, the local water plant and put in a in Lina county. North Bend, a daughter. at the mouth of the Coquille river. 5— To the w ife o f Frank Bowron, gravity system. Carlton, Oregon, will build two In the morning of that day the lakeside, a son. Since Mayor Gaynor issued his life-saving crew at Bandon went miles of sewers at a cost of $15,000. 9—To the w ife o f Robt. F. Fox, A company has been incorporated one o’clock closing order, some of out to drill between 8 and 90,clock, Marshfield, a son. 22—To the w ife o f Mack Baker, New Y o lk ’s famous eating places that being their regular drill day. in Eugene to erect a $35,000 apart­ Myrtle Point, a son. The men provided themselves with ment house. have gone into eclipse. 24— To the w ife o f Fred Nieme, Ashing tackle, intendng to cross the The halibut banks off Yaquina Geo Dietz, a ladies’ tailor of Marshfield, a daughter. bar and enjoy deep sea fishing for will be surveyed by the government Chicago, was found dead with his 25— To the w ife o f Raymond A. a time. One of the crew, Ernest this summer. Chopin, Marshfield, a son. head beaten to a pulp, as a result of 25— To the w ife o f Jas. Appleton, Braschinski. was sick, and Captain his improper treatment of young Smelt are running in the Colum­ Myrtle Point, a son. Jens Jensen was persuaded to take bia river up to the Cascades, for the girls. 26— To the wife o f Andrew Ander­ his place, though he hesitated, for first lime in four years. Franklin D. Roosevelt, assistant son, Marshfield, a daughter. the bar was very rough, which they 27— To the wife of Wm. Eickworth, secretary of the navv, gives it out The record ball game of the sea­ found to be dangerous, as it was ebb Coos River, a daughter. that the policy of this administra- son was played at Duiur recently, 28— To the w ife o f Martin Wick- tide. It was belived that when they stration favors a large and powerful going to 13 innings without a score. strom, Marshfield, a daugh­ saw the danger as they neared the navy. ter. Fifteen "co eds" at the University rolling billows that they tried to 29— To the wife o f C. A. Pennock, The English suffragettes are still of Oregon are working their way turn back, when a swell caught the Marshfield, a son. carrying on a campaign of violence, through college independent of boat and suddenly capsized it. 29— To the w ife o f I. Moon, Myrtle and fire and dynamite are among Point, a daughter. Captain Ed Nelson was in com­ outside support. the mild weapons they use when 30— To the wife o f Robt. Sturde- The Springfield city council has mand, and the boat was righted two short of breath. vant. Myrtle Point, a son. or three times. It is believed that passed an ordinance closing theaters DEATHS California saloon keepers have Captain Nelson was injured in and moving picture shows on Sun­ Mar. 1—Lee R. Webster, Marshfield, started a movement to invoke the urning the boat, for he cried “ Save day from 6 a. m. to 6 p. m. aged 65 years, 9 months and referendum on the vice abatement 22 days. me!” and Captain Jensen swam to Cherry and peach trees are burst­ hill recently passed by the legisla­ 1—Martha J. Nosier, Bandon, him, tied a line around him and ing into full bloom in the lower aged 77 years, 5 months and ture of that state. m o to s by Am erican P ress A ssociation. fastened it to the boat and said, Hood River valley and the apple 13 days. Two and one-half miles of snow ‘Now hang on,” just as a breaker buds are swelling fast. ERE Is pictorial proof of the militancy of the English suffragettes, 1—Howard E. Dillard, Coquille, about whose feats of arson you have henrd so much lately. In the struck them. That was the last sheds, in the Cascades near Wel­ aged 1 month. The plan of the Estabrook com­ upper picture Is seen the women’s fife and drum corps marching In lington will be built by the Great 6— Mary G. Svensen, Cooston, seen of Captain Nelson until his pany for building a steamer for the Loudon streets to advertise a "votes for women" meeting. A very aged 89 years, 1 month and Northern Railroad this summer, at businesslike band o f fifers nnd drummers they are too. The lower Illustration lifeless body was washed upon the lumber trade in the Siuslaw river 6 days. an expense of $1,500,000. shows three convicted window smashers going to Jail, bag and baggage. Thsy beach about an hour afterwards. district has been abandoned. 6—Virgil Young, Coaledo, aged 2 were fined for disorderly conduct refused to pay and were allowed Is get so u » Senator Root has re introduced People soon gathered on the shore years, 4 months and 15 days. of their belongings for their stay In JalL The wirelees operators of this his bill of last session for repeal of and the tug went to assist them if 9— Laura B. Cornwall, Coquille, coast are likely to go on a strike. age not given. that provision of the new Panama possible. The mate of the vessel The Curry Couuty Leader says: 12— Frank A. McNair, Coquille, The Hill Line. The “Pulleymobile” canal law which would permit swam out and fastened a line to Ad “ Their grevance is higher wages.’ * aged 1 month and 5 days. (Coos Bay News) American coastwise ships to enjoy Gross, who was tied to the boat. IS—Mamie Hawkins, North Bend, Ray Shores, the ir-year old son freedom from tolls. The man on shore then pulled Dave Holden, of Marshfield, who aged 11 years and 2 months. The report published by the Flor­ Gross ashore but he could not stand of Thomas Shores, was killed at 13— James Thompson, Coquille, has been engaged for many years Over a quarter of a million work­ aged 52 years. on the stage line from the Bay to ence West to the effect that the Hill up at first, as he was badly bruised. Cove last week by falling against a ingmen are on strike in Belgium as 17— W alter Scott, Coquille, aged Gardiner, has invented a “ Pulley- interest are moving in the matter of VV. H. Green, age 32, Captain board from which protruded a nail a protest against the voting system 63 years. building a line from Junction, via Ed Nelson, age 34, and J. K. Sum­ which pierced his heart. mobile,” or what he calls a “ con­ which keeps the clerical party in 18— Myrtle M. Hodge, Coquille, the Siuslaw, to Marshfield, did not ner, about 40 years old, lost their power though the socialists are Workmen are busy erecting a aged 21 years, 9 months and traption” intended to enable an create much enthusiasm on the bay lives. Captain Nelson had lived at automobile to navigate in soft sand. 20 days. building at the Salem Indian school actually in a majority. 19— Ole Samuelson, Coquille, aged If it is a success it will result in the Some people here are under the Norway with his brother, who kept to hold the machinery and equip­ By the installing of newly in­ 59 years, 3 months and 12 substitution of gasoline for horses impression that the source from a store, and he was of excellent ment of the new ice plant recently vented telegraph instruments, op­ days. on the beach route, with much which the West got the news was character. VV. H. Green was cap­ granted to Superintendent Wads­ erators in the Canadian Pacific Rail­ 24—Elmer F. Chase, Coquille, aged somewhat mixed in the conclusion. tain oi Co. K. O N. G., and Sum­ worth for use at the school. 41 years, 11 months and 24 added comfort for the passengers. way telegraph office at Vancouver That say that according to reports ner was a lieutenant of the same Dave is a State-of-Maine Yankee, days. were able to send messages direct to The Oregon supreme court current for some time, the Hill in company, which is evidence of --------- -------- and he ought to be able to iovent a London, England, without the use terests contemplate extending their their good standing in the commu­ handed down a decision last week Will Raise Lavender little thing like that any time. of relays. line through the Willamette Valley nity. The three lost ones were which is conceded to render value­ Twin Falls, Idaho, ha« houses and on to Roseburg, and it has been members of the life saving crew. less the Employers’ Liability Act. The first lavender club ever CURRY COUNTY CULLINGS without chimneys. They heat and founded has been organized at _ , _ * _ , , _ •, hinted on numerous occasions that The rest ot the crew, M. Wickam, The decision leaves the door wide open for the employment of light their houses wiih electricity, West Stayton Oregon, starting with (From the P°rt ° rf°rd T" bu"e> from Roseburg the line will come Mrs. Charles Forty, w 10 las to Coos Bay. The source from C. F. Fieger, were good swimmers irresponsible dummy contractors to the women cook, iron, sew and fifteen members with the following and having life presevers left the defeat the purpose of the law. wash by electricity, because it is so officers: Mrs. H. S McGowan, Pres- been receivin^ med,cal a,tent,0n at which the West received the inform boat and succeeded in reaching the cheap, fct.iug derived by the use of ident, Mrs. D. B. Conness, Vice- Bandou for ,he PaSt mon,h‘ ,S nOW ation probablv heard, while at June O. C. Carpenter, a workman who shore, but they wete in a suffering water power. President, and Mrs. S. D. Turner, conva'esc' D8- tion recently, that the Hill electric condition, having been badly bruis­ had been rendered unconscious by line was to be extended to Coos ed by being hit with the jumping an electric shock and knocked off The Japanese will test the Cali­ Secretary and Treasurer. The oh-’ Miss Neer of Myrtle Point, was fornia law enacted against them by ject of these fifteen women is to 1 passenger on the south bound stage Bay, and consequently took it for boat. Lieutenant Sumner and Cap- the Springfield, Or., bridge into the carrying a case to the supreme raise lavender for commercial pur-_ Saturday, on her way to Euchre granted that the line would come Green were buried at Bandon with Willamette, was saved by Walter via the Siuslaw. There are mauy military honors by Co. K . O. N. Shannon, a carpenter, after an court and attempting to prove that poses. Having irrigation available creek to teach the Ophir school. they are not of Mongolian origin during the dry summer months, H. D. Coe of Coos Bay, and Geo people here who yet believe that G., who mourned for their beloved heroic effort. Shannon jumped at and are therefore edited to citizen­ they belieye that the results will be A. Cable and Mike Donahue, of Hill will beat the S. P. to Coos Bay officers. Captain Nelson, first offi once into the river and swam to the highly satisfactory. Dr. Withy- Portland, were guests at the Knapp but to do so he will have to come ship in the United States. cer of the life-saving station, was sinking man. combe, of the O. A. C., at a recent hotel Sunday night. The gentle­ in either from Roseburg or Grants buried at Norway with military Professors Stafford and Shinn of The passenger steamer lines be­ meeting held at West Stayton, men were traveling south by private Pass. honors and under the auspices of the University of Oregon chemistry tween Europe and Canada are in­ spoke very encouragingly in regard conveyance. the Independent Order of Odd department at Eugene are engaged dulging in a rate war, and the Residence Burned totbe possibilities of the undertak­ Fellows, of which he was a member in working out a process for the John Fromm Jr. drove up to steerage rate from Hamburg to ing of this new club. Langlois last Thursday and met his Quebec has been reduced from $30 The Port Orford Tribune says His body was followed to the grave distillation of wood for the purpose wife, who was returning from Coos On last Friday the home of Gene by Co. K and the Trombone band of obtaining its by-products. They to $22.50. Better have your friends De Laval’s Invention Bay, where she had been under Peirce on Crystal creek was de­ of Coquille City. This terrible trag­ believe they have discovered a come over that way. medical treatment for several weeks. stroyed by fire. The house and its edy cast a gloom of sadness over method that is working out in The Scientific American, in an ed- Postmaster-General Burleson has Mrs. Fromm returned home mnch contents was an entire loss, less the whole county The life-saving practical results. announced that it is the Admini­ itoral article on Gustav de Laval, improved in health. gives this account of the invention than half a dozen articles being crew lost three of their able men The Douglas county court has stration’s policy lo continue all Re­ of the cream separator which hears saved. Mrs. Peirce was alone at and the Coquille valley lost three ¡ordered an election tor May 27, on publican postmasters now in office The boys were out Sunday in the first practice baseball game of the the time the fire occuried, and it of its noble citizens. I the question of the creation of the to the end of their terms, provided his name: There was a large dairy on the Port of Umpqua, embracing the season. They will hold a meeting had gathered considerable headway no charges are sustained against For Smith-Powers Road precincts of Gardiner, Scottsburg their efficiency. The policy applies iron works estate where de Laval next Saturday evening to organize before she discovered it. The house was employed, and so, not unatur- and elect a manager and captain for was built mostly of cedar, a strong and Elkton. This is about half the to all classes of postmasters. Mr. Palmer, of Palmer and Hol­ area included two years age, when all, the talk one day turned upon a the coming season, and all fans are wind was blowing, and the build The biennial report of State Fish new milk Bkimmer repoted from Ger­ requested to turn out and help start ing was enveloped in flames almost brook, railroad contractors, arrived the port proposition was defeated. Commissioner John S. Riseland man. It consisted essentially of a the ball rolling. as soon as the fire was seen. There here today on the Breakwater, with shows that the value of the output L. H. McMahon, of Salem, who rotating barrel, in which the milk was no insurance and the loss will a large gradiog outfit which they The Port Orford Commercial of the fisheries of Washington for is always in trouble of some kind, was placed. Centrifugal action be felt heavily by Mr. and Mrs will use on a sub-contract on the recentley knocked a man down on Club which met last Wednesday 1911 and 1912 totaled $7,964,346 - hastened the separation of the cream Peirce. The accident was caused Smith-Powers line beyond Myrtle the street, followed him to the office evening, is preparing a pamphlet on 62. The capital invested in the which wag finally skmmed by hand Point, from Willett and Burr. from a defective flue. Curry county in general, and Port of the Justice of the Peace, slapped fisheries industry was $4,940,450, as usual. This crude device form­ Mr. Holbrook is coming in via him again, then told the Justice all Orford in particular, that will be and 12,206 persons were employed, Fell Down Stairs ed the nucleus of de Laval’s auto­ Roseburg with about 100 head of about it, said he would give the printed and ready for distribution earning a total of $3,797,865.13. matic cenrfugal separator, i u horses, which he is driving over the man another round at the first op­ Secretary McAdoo has inaugur­ which cream is discharged in a con­ in the near future. At its last The Curry County Leader reports stage road. Mr. Holbrook is ex­ portunity, paid his fine and walked meeting the club also appointed a ated a gag rule in the Treasury tinuous stream from the rotating the injury of the 12 year old daugb pected to reach Myrtle Point to­ committee to take the first steps in out. Department at Washington, and j vessel. Such was de Laval’s sense ter of John Berment of Denmark night with the horses. They are preparing for the 1913 Agate Car­ nothing in the way of news will be | of honor that he refused to sell who broke her arm and injured also planning to bring fifty or sixty | Beginning April 1st, milk rates given to the public without the ' his invention until he had first nival. her shoulder by falling down stairs head of horsea from California on ill be 5 cents per quart, or $1.50 sanction of the secretary. This ex ­ given an option to the iuventor of Bandon Surf— It is remarked that The Leader says: “ Grave fears tends to the life-saving and revenue ■ its crude prototype. As the latter, several of the men around town are are felt for the recovery of the Times. i,nn, from mu my own dairy. dairy, Also a small cutter services, and the secretary ! however, did not avail himself of forced to chop wood and do many shoulder on account of the injury supply will be kept at the City Ba­ will have to gig back on that order. this offer, de Laval proceeded in-1 other menial chores since their j being in the socket which is nearly causing the injured party from kery. Home Phone 477. J. N. Jacobsen, tf Oh, yes, Morgan is dead. 1 dependently with his own device. wives have been sick. impossible to bandage up without moving it.” H j *>- : z . t :S r Æ .C L ïï