Being a Socialist, Dr Loach natuial- ly has a fight on with all defender* PUBLISHED EVERT TUESDAY i of the establish* i orJer, and he ; seems to have the nerve to go down Entered as aecuiul clans matter May ' in hia pocket to prepogate bit ideas. 8, 1905. at the poet office at Coquille, Oregon, under act of Conttreu of .March That i* the trouble with those So­ S, 1879. cialist fellows; they are willing to spend money for the dissemination P. C. LEVAR, Leaaee. of what they believe to be right Devoted to the material and social upbuilding o f the Coquille Valley par­ principle«, an I they do Dot always ticularly and o f Coos County generally. ! look first to see how that particular Subscription, $1.50 per year in advance I money is going to get back into their pockets again. This makes it Phone Main 354. difficult to “ stamp out’’ their here­ sies, as will be seen by the stand­ BASEBALL It seems that the Coos county patters with increasing frequency baseball situation has resolved itself as time passes The Coquille Herald into a deadlock. The bone of con­ tention is the number o f outside professional players to be allowed on a team. Marshfleld, North Bend and Bandon wish to leave that mat­ ter wide open and let each town put on as many outsiders as it can afford to pay for, while Coquille aud Myrtle Point wish to limit the num­ ber to two, or at most three In case of “ no limit” the two towns last named will not come Into a league. This would leave the other three up a tree, lor a three league team of Bandon, Marshfield and North Bend could not be worked out as a practical proposition Looking at the matter from the standpoint ol the spectator who lik­ es to see a good ball game but is not interested in the betting ring, it would seem that Coquille and Mvrtle Point are right. We have good players among our local boys. They will put up a game that is realv as interesting to the ordinary spectator as game played by a lot of outsiders whom nobody knows and in whom no one feels any personal interest, if not more so. Further, the teams are more likely to be evenly matched. When it comes to be a matter of seeing which town can raise the most cold cash with which to hire a professional team, it is no reflection on the two up­ river towns to say that they are not in it with Marshfield, and probably not with Bandon, They are wise to refuse to go into that sort of a competition. And if there is any money in it for the players, it had better go to our local boys than to a lot of imported booze-guzzlers who will lie around the saloons all the week and end up with a big jam Saturday night which will leave them in no condition to play the uext day. That has been the prevalent style of outside players seem on the Coos county diamonds in the past and the people have been thoroughly disgusted with that very thing. liven the man who wishes to risk a few dollars on the result of the game has a better chance for a square deal from the local players, for when a bunch of the hired out­ siders go out on the field it is al­ ways a question whether the game will be on the square. If these two towns stand to their guns they will probably carry their poiut. A . S. Hammond tekes issue with the Oregonian when that paper speaks in a complimentary way of Theodore Roosevelt and proceeds to lambast the colonel in the most ap­ proved stand-pat style He says that he once believed in Roosevelt. No doubt. All the old-timers be­ lieved in Roosevelt as long as he could be used as a cog in the ma­ chine and bis great persona) popu­ larity could be prostituted to the uses of the Gang. Hammond says; " I have lost all faith in him.” Sure thing. All of the push tost faith in Roosevelt at about the same time — when he would no longer “ stand in.” But when Hammond presumes to speak for the people he is amusing. If he were to speak for the people of Taft he would prob­ ably represent that well-meaning old smoothbore as a popular idol. Itch! Itch! Itch! C onstant itch. In tolera ble Agony, E C'/KM A! A few d rop s o f a m ild, sim ple, wash — instant re lie f— a ll skin d istre ss GONE D. D. D. Prescription lor Eczema Sounds too go o d to be tru e ? We guarantee it. The first fu ll size bottle free i f D.D.D. cannot reach y o u r case. F o r your co m fo rt's sake, it is w orth a trial. C om e in and let us tell you abou t i t A lso abou t D.D.D. Soap— it help«. C. J. FUHRMAN, Druggist had ever Been a Chinaman, that it was amusing. Then, the film shown here had evidently aeen its best days before the war; and to finish the thing off in proper shape the title had been lost off and the operator made a bad guess and ran the last reel second and the second reel last. On account of the delay in the arrival of the. Breakwater, the Scenic was obliged to use some repeaters ou Saturday and Sunday uights. They were good, however, and one in particular was well worth seeing the second time. This was the Vita- graph, “ Two Men and Two Women, with Julia Swayne Gordon and Edith Storey, Eaile Williams and Harry Northrup in the cast, making one of the best dramatic pictures seeu here in months. Notice of Final Settlement Notice is hereby given that the under- signed, A. M. Sinnott, as Administrator of the Estate of George M. I’ ayne, de­ ceased. has filed his final account of the administration of said Estate with tne Clerk of Connty Court of Coos County. .State of Oregon, and that the 9th day of Mav, A. 1>. 1913, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of sa d day, at the County Court Room, in the Court House, at Coquille, in sai l Coos County, have been appointed by Haul Court, as the time and place fur the hearing of said final account, aud for PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. the final settlement of said estate. Services Sunday at 11 a. m and Now therefore, all persons interested 7:30 p. m. in the said estate are hereby notified and required to he and appear at said Sunday School at 10 a. m. time and place so appointed lor the Frank H. Adams, Pastor. hearing of said final account and then and there show cause if any exists why said final account Bhouid not be allowed M. E. Church and approved, said estate forever and Sunday school at ro a. m. finally settled and said a Imiuistrator discharged and his bondsmen e x ­ Preaching at i r a m. Prayer meeting Thursdays at onerated. Dated this 1st day of April, A. D. 7:30 p. m. 1913. A. M. SINNOTT, Next Sunday evening Dr. J. T Administrator of the Estate of Geo. M. Abbett will be with us and will Payne, deceased. ► »••-<-- --------- preach and administer the sacra­ SUNDAY SERVICES IN COQUILLE CHURCHES ment. R o y L. C l a r k , Pastor. Notice to Creditors Notice is hereby given that the under­ signed has been appointed administra­ Christian Science Society trix of the estate of James L. Thomp­ son, deceased; all persons having claims Corner Third aDd Hall streets. against said estate are hereby required Services at 11 a m. next Sunday. to prepent the same, together with the Subject lesson sermon “ Doctrine proper vouchers therefor, to the under­ signed at Coquille, Coos County, Ore­ of Atonement.'’ Wednesday evening meeting 7:30. gon, within six months from the date of this notice. Witness my hand ami dated this 15th day of April, A . D. 1913. M. E. Church South LULA ETTA THOMPSON, Services next Sunday as usual Administratrix of the estate of James Sunday school at 10 . a. m. L. Thompson, deceased. acres in the said proposed Drainage line 50 feet, and from which a mvrtle District are 289.18. tree5 feet in diameter bearaSouth 89 de­ grees Fast 1 Id.5 feet and running thence HI That the name* o f the owners o f North 28 degrees 42 minutes \\ eat 50 each tract of land included in said pro- feet to low water line in the t'oquille F arm ers , A posed Drainage Distrct, and the tracts river, and from first named point run- of land owm ed separately by them are ning r-outh 28 degrees 42 minutes East as follows, to-wit: 482 feet to a point marked by a stake rl owning the fol-1 driven into the ground; thence “ outh 43 First: H. L lowing tract o f lard: Beginning at the Northwest corner o f lease D. Clinton's i land, the same l.i-mg situated 668.3 feet \ South and 244.2 feet East o f the corner i of Sections 5 and 6. 31 and 32 in Town ships 28 and 29 South o f Range 12 West o f the Willam- tn meridian, in Coos I County, Oregon, and running thence South para'lel with the line between Sections 5 and 6, Township 29 South o f Range 12 West of the Willamette meri dlan 2481 feet to the middle o f the County road; thence North 67t» degrees West 617 feet along County road; thence north 57' degrees West 400 feet along County road; tnence North paral­ lel winh the line lietween said Sections 5 and 6 between the land o f H. L. Carl and S. L. Lafferty and Carl and P. S. Robison 2700 feet to the line between Townships 28 and 29 South o f Range 12 West; thence Eu.:t along said Township line 423 feet to Robison's Southeast corner; thence North 36 degrees East along the line as now fenced between the lands o f Carl and Robison 1230 feet more or less to low water line o f the Coquille river; thence Southerly along low water line up stream to a point due East o f the place o f beginning, thence West 350 feet to the place o f beginning, containing 74.78 acres, less one acre conveyed Dy Ifr L. Carl to School Dis­ trict No. 80. Coos County, Oregon, and particularly described in paragraph I o f this Petition, all of said land belonging to said H. L. Carl Petitioner, B. F. Wyatt has an option to purchase. Second: Price S. Robinson owning the following described tracts: Begin­ ning 15.12 chains North and 9 links West o f the Southeast corner o f Sec­ tion 31 in Township 28 South o f Range 12 West o f the Willamette meridian, in Coos County, Oregon, at a cedar stake 4 inches square two and one-half feet long driven two feet in the ground, running thence North 60 degrees West 2.50 chains; thence North 22's degrees West 1.96 chains; thence North 40 de­ grees East 2.2« chains; thence South 4512 degrees East 4.06 chains: thence South 37 degrees West 2.40 chains to the place o f beginning, containing 1.10 acres o f land In Sections 31 and 32 in Township 28 South o f Range 12 West o f the Willamette meridian; Also commencing at the quarter quarter section post situated on the Township line lietween Townships 28 and 29 South o f Range 12 West o f the W'llamette meridian, 20 chains West of the corner o f Sections 5 and 6, 31 and 32, running thence north 37?4 de­ grees East to a certain willow tree situated on the left bank o f the Co­ quille river, thence up stream 18 rods to a point; them e South 37\ degrees West 22.90 chains to Township line; thence South 22 degrees West 20.20 chains to a point; thence West 14.40 chains to a point; thence North 37*4 degrees East 23.60 chains to the place o f beginning, containing 25.30 acres; Also commencing at a point situated on township line between Townships 28 and 29 South of Range 12 West o f the Willamette Meridian, said point being 15 chains W est o f the corner to Sec­ tions 5, 6, 31 and 32, running thence North 37?4 degrees East along the boundary o f Asa Myer’ s land 22.90 chains to the bank o f the Coquille river; thence with the meander o f said stream, up stream 8.50 chains to a point; thence South 371, degrees East 16.11 chain to township line; thence West 5.60 chains to a point; thence South 18.79 chains to a point; thence West 12.72 chains to a point, the South­ east corner o f Asa Myer's land; thence North 22 degrees East 20.20 chains to the place o f beginning, and containing 33 acres, more or less. Save and except from the second tract above described 2 acres more or less in the Southwest corner thereof heretofore conveyed to Oletf Reed and and by him conveyed to Amelia Lafferty. , degrees 24 miuutea East 140.7 feet to the " line between Townships 28 and 29 Mouth, and o f Ran^e 12 West o f the Willamette Meridian, Cooa County, Oregon, at a point on said township line which is 1865.5 feet West o f the corner common to Sections 31 and 32 o f Township 28 South, Range 12 West, and “ ections 5 and 6 o f Township 29 South, Range 12 West o f Willamette meridian, and continuing thence South­ easterly in a direct line to a point which is 660 feet West and 1234.5 feet South from the corner common to Sections 31 and 32 Township 28 Moutli, Range 12 \\ est o f the W illamette M eridian and Section 5 and 6 Township 29 Mouth, Range 12 West o f the Willamette Meri­ dian; thence Mouth 990 feet more or less, to the low contour line o f foothills; thence in an Easterly direction along said low contour line o f foothills 1250 feet to a point 594 feet Easterly from the line lietween Mections 5 and 6 o f Township 29 Mouth, Range 12 West o f the Willamette Meridian, and terminating at last named point; V That the general character o f said proposed drainage system is as follows: one main ditch along the above men­ tioned route with a floodgate at or near the mouth o f said ditch, and with such such laterals or feeders as may be necessary, practical, or convenient for the successful drainage o f said proposed district. VI That Wednesday, the 7th day o f May. 1913, at the I’ounty Court Room is here­ by designated as the time and place for the hearing o f thi^petition; That the land embraced in said pro­ posed drainage district is river bottom and that much o f it ia covered with wa­ ter during a greater part o f the year, and it is necessary to drain the same for the improvement o f agriculture and and for the development o f said land; VIII That Petitioners, Price M. Robison, Jesse D. Clinton and B. F. Wyatt are three persons, qualified and competent, and desire to serve as Trflstees tor the first year from the date o f the forma­ tion o f said drainage district, and until their successors are chosen and quali­ fied. JESSE D. CLINTON, PRICE s. ROBISON, B. F. WYATT, H. L. CARL, Petitioners. STATE OF OREGON,! COUNTY OF COOS, f I, Jesse D. Clinton, being first duly sworn depose and say that I am one of the Petitioners named in and making the foregoing Petition asking the Coun­ ty Court o f Coos County, Oregon, to form the West Norway Drainage Dis­ trict that I have read said petition, know the contents thereof and the same is true as I verily believe. JESSE D. CLINTON. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day o f April 1913. [ seal [ E. C. ROBERTS, 4-8-5t Notary Public for Oregon. ! GRASS SEEDS CORN VETCHES GARDEN SEEDS (in bulk) ONION SETS FORMALDEHYDE (for treating seed before planting) LIME & SULPHUR SOLUTION (lor spraying fruit trees) SQUIRREL POISON STOCK FOOD POULTRY FOOD K I n o w l t o n ' s D rug S tore Mrs. Housewife I If you want the BEST in GROCERIES Insist on Wellman Brands WELLMAN stands for absolutely the BEST of Everything. If you buy Wellman, Silver Thistle or Park Brands you are assured of a good article. PREMIUM Stands for the Best Grade of Swift’s Ham and Bacon. Ask your Grocer for these Brands. If he doesn’t have them, ask him to call up SU M M O N S In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of C oos H. L. Carl, Plaintiff. vs. Hans K. Reed, Christina Oil­ man and Lena Hall, formerly Lena Thelin, including all the heirs at law of Oloff Reed, (aDo known as Olaff Reed or Oiloff Epworth League at 6:45 p m. ---------------- . « » a--------------- Reed). Deceased, the unknown You are invited to be present. Notice of Fine' Account l.eirs of Nickalai Reed, (also C. H. C leaves , Pastor. known as Nickolia Reed) De­ Notice is hereby given by Mary Me Leod Administratrix of the Estate of ceased, Asa Myers, Andrew Hoover, Willis A. Hoover, John K McLeod, deceased, that said Ad­ S T . JA M MS E P IS C O P A L . Laura Robison, Aaron J. My­ ministratrix did upon March 29th, 1913, Services first and third Sundays fl’ e her final report and account in the ers, Albert Myers, John E. Third: Amelia Lafferty and Walter of each month. Sunday school matter of said estate, and that the Hon. Thelin owning the following tract of Myers, Ed. J. Myers, Lucious Judge of the County Court of Coos land: Beginning at a point 18.79chains L. Myers, Ralph A. Myers, every Sunday at 10 a. m. county, Oregon, made an order on South and 1 chain East o f the post Daisy Clinton and Mary Murry, April 3rd, 1913, fixing May 12, 1913 at on Township line between Section 31, including all the heirs at law of Ton are hraitlly wile »»'. 10 o ’clock a. m. as the time, and the Township 28 South o f Range 12 West Aaron Hoover, deceased, Price r + i r . w t y iitbs. S'ji It 1, in 1 « Court house in the City of Coquille, o f the Willamette meridian, in Coos Coun­ S. Robison, Jesse I). Clinton Coos County, Oregon as the place for ty, Oregon, and Section 6, Township and 8. L. Lafferty and his wife, H hearing objections to said final ac­ 29 South o f Range 12 West o f Willam­ Amelia Lafferty, Jennie Schet- CHURCH OF CHRIST. Walter count and the settlement of said Estate. ette meridian in Coos County, Oregon, ter, Albert Thelin, Sunday school at 10 a m. Dated this 4th day of April, 1913. running North 5 degrees East 27.50 Thelin, Alice Baldwin, Alonzo Christian Endeavor at 0:30 p. in. M ary M c L eod chains to Coquille river; thence with Thelin a id Arthur Thelin in­ Prayer meeting, Wednesday even­ Admmistratirx and along low water line o f said river cluding all the heirs at law of -------a sR> e ■ ■ .-- ing of each week at 7:30 up stream to a point where Reed’ s and I John Thelin, Deceased, Anne J- Hoover’ s line intersects said river; j Barklow, widow of S. S. Bark- You are cordially invited to all PETITION FOR DRAINAGE DISTRICT thence South 38 degrees West to a low, Deceased, James H. Bark To the Honorable County Court for j low, Sarah Randelman, Nathan Some folks find it cheaper to liese se rvices. P" •int 5.25 chains East and 18.79 chains I E. Barklow, John D. Barklow, T. B. McDonald, Minister Coos County, Oregon: outh o ■ f % ■ post on Township line on So stop the paper th«D to pay up. ■ ■ >P I ■ We the undersigred persons hereby line between Sections 31 and 6 in Town- Laura Broadbent, Bertha Snell, petition your Honorable Body for the ship 28 and 29 South o f Range 12 West; •and Alta Abbott, including all organization o f a Drainage District to The North Bend Harbor com­ thence West 5.25 chains to tne place o f | the hairs at law of S. S. Bark- be named and known as West Norway beginning; also beginning 10 chains j ' low, Deceased, Edward Rack- plains that some one lias robbed Drainage District and Numbered 8, and West o f the Southeast corner o f the leff, Ralph R. Rackleff, Charles the grave in which the big hammer O f Interest to Those W ho respectfully show the following state Northeast quarter o f Section 6 in Town- ^»ckleff, George Kackkff, Ly- o f factH, to-wit: ship 29 South o f Range Range 12 West ; ,*ian. Rackleff, Owen Rack eff, was recently buried with such im­ I Patronize the Movies o f the Willamette meridian, in Coos ^ nn,f Lehmanowsky, E l l e n That we comprise more than twenty- pressive ceremonies, aud thut the County, Oregon, thence West 30 chains; Angel, Rose Butler, Frank five per cent, o f the owners o f a body thence North 20 chains; thence East 30 Tripp, Ullie Shaw, Rachael tapping of the hammer is still o f land susceptible o f one system o f While do a bsolutely great pict chains; thence South 20 chains to the Schroeder, Ro9e No wash, Laura drainage and aesire to drain the same Huntley, Emily C. Schumacker, heard in the land. It will take ores have been show n here recently, for the improvement o f agriculture place o f beginning, and containing in Beatrice Beattie, Mary Simons, more tnau one burying to put the many g o o d ot:ea have beeD seen, and to prevent the overflow from flood both parcels herein described 113 acres, (ieorge Clark, and Edward waters or any possible rise o f the sub­ more or less. Clark, including all the heirs at hammer permanently out of com­ and the average has been high. surface o f the waters thereof, the Fourth: Jesse D. Clinton owning the law of William Rackleff, (also mission over tin re. Charming Mabel Trunelle, who boundaries o f which said body o f land following described tracts: Beginning known as William Rackliff) De- are described as follows, to-wit: 3.70 chains East o f the section line be- b e-j ceased, and also all other per- hasu’ t been seen in licensed pictures “ Beginning at a point 10.10 chains tween Sections 5 and 6, Township 29 ; sons or parties unknown claim- The Marshfield Chamber of Com­ North and 3.70 chains East o f the South, Range 12 West, Willamette j ing any right, title, estate, lien, for over a year, has returned to the merce has turned down Major Kin­ Southwest corner o f the Northwest Meridian, Coos County, Oregon, 13.27 or interest in the real estate de­ Edison company and will tie seen quarter o f the Southwest quarter of chains South o f the North boundary o f scribed in the complaint herein, ney’s suggestion of maintaining a Defendants., at the Scenic tonight for the first Section 5, in Township 29 South o f said township at a cedar post 3 4 inches ! booster in Portland for turning this Range 12 West o f tne Willamette square, 2,4 leet long driven full length ! time since her return. This is meridian, in Coos County, Oregon, and in the ground, running thence South 52 |_To Lena Hall, Alonzo Thelin, Arthur way some of the immigration com­ running thence South 88 degrees East minutes East parallel with the section Thelin, Albert Thelin, Walter Thelin, good, in lact, bully. ing into Ibis state. They think it 13.70 chains along County road; thence line 7.22 chains to a cedar post driven Alice Baldwin, Andrew Hoover, Mary Maurice Costello has been seen in North to low water line o f the Coquille in the ground, thence East 10.00 chains Murry, Bertha Snell, Ollie Shaw, Emily would lie unwise to spend any j several pictures in which his work river; thence with and along low water to a cedar post marked C. S., thence C. Schumacker, Beatrice Beattie, Mary money for that purpose at this time. 1 line down stream to a point North 5 North 52 minutes West 2.18 chains to a Simons, George Clark, Edward Clark, was line, and bis two little daugh­ degrees East 27.50 chainB and East 1 cedar post marked C. S ., on the left Rose Sowash, Annie Lehmanowsky, and It is evident that there is no one 1 ters, Dolores and Heleu, the two chain from the Southwest corner o f the bank o f the < 'oquille river, thence down the unknown heirs of Nickalai Reed, among the push just uow who Northwest quarter o f the Northeast said bank o f said river North 67 degrees and also all other persona or parties sweetest little fairies on the screen, quarter o f Section 6 in said Township West 1.08 chains, thence North 37*... unknown claiming any right, title, wants the job. and Range; thence South 5 degrees degrees West 4.00 chains, thence North estate, lien, or interest in the real have betb appeared witn him. West 27.50 chains; thence West 1 chain 14 degrees West 1.50 chains to a cedar 1 estate herein described, Defendant«, The fifth installment of “ What to quarter quarter section com er: post marked O. S., thence West 6.30 In the Name of the State ol Oregon: The Sentinel calls down the Ban­ thence South 20 chains to the center o f chains to the place o f beginning, con- you and each of you are hereby notified don Hecorder because the latter j Happened to Mary'’ included scenes said section that the plaintiff, 1!. L. Carl, has com- 6; thence East along quar­ taining 6 acres; Also beginning 3.70 chains East and menced a suit in the Circuit Court of asserts that its job department is taken in England on the visit made ter section line 30 chains; thence South 20.49 cnains South o f the N. W. com er the State of Oregon, for Coos Count;, parallel with the section lino between "bitter equipped than any other there last f ill for that purpose by sections 5 and 6 to the middle o f the o f Section 5 in Township 29 South o f against you, impleaded with others. otfice in the Coquille valley”. Is some of the Edison players includ­ County road; thence along said County Range 12 West o f the Willamette Meri- and that in pursuance of an order made South 571.. degrees East 400 feet; dian, Coos County, Oregon, running ami entered in said cause and court by Catrs starting in to refuim ing Mary Fuller Miriam Nesbitt and road thence South 871.. degrees East along thence South to a point 10.10 chains Honorable John S. Coke, Presiding the craft? He must know that the He- Marc McDermott. "F og,” recently road 617 feet to the place o f beginning, North and 3.70 chains East o f the 8. W. Judge of said Court, on the 31st day of containing 290.18 acres, more nr less, corner o f the N. W. % o f S. W. 1, of March, 1913, you and each of you are corder only used the stock lie which shown here, in which those three save and exetmt from the above de­ said o f said Section 5, thence South hereby required to appear in said enu'-e players appeared, was also taken on scribed body o f land one acre belonging 68 degrees East 13.70 chains along and court and answer the complaint of is the common property of all prin­ . . . . No. . . . described . --¿ J as to School District 80, County road, thence North to Co­ the plaintiff filed therein, on or be'ore ters. Probably the .Sentinel uses the other side, aud otberB will fol follows, to-w it: Beginning at a point quille river, thence down said river six weeks from the first publication of on North line o f the County road 494 to a point 13.70 chains East o f the West this summons, which first publication it, too, on the sly, although they all low feet South and 217 feet East o f the line o f section 5, thence South 2.18 will be upon the 1st day of April, 1913, About the funniest thing—it ought to know that the Herald thence 10 chains, to place « '‘ <1 that for want of answer thereto, on v quarter section corner between Sections chains, HH ___ West . H _____ ! o and 6, Township 29 South o f Range | o f beginning, containing 39 acres more nr before said time, the plaintiff will office is the best equipped of any in way — ever aeen here waa "The apply to the court for the relief de­ 12 West o f the Willamette Meridian, j or less, low Peril,” Hhown at the Koyal in the valley. manded in the Complaint, a succinct and running thence North 67l* degrees IV c iinection with the “ big show.” It West along North side o f County road 1 That a gi neral description o f the statement of which is as follows: that it he * led a red and adjudged that the 268.7 feet; thence North 14 degrees route o f the said proposed Drainage The Herald has been handed a w s intended as a very serious East 183.4 feet; thence South 67’ 8 de- System is as follows: Variation 22 de- plaintiff is the owner in fee simple of copy of still another Bandon diainalic picture, but it was so ut- grees East 217 feet; thence South to grees East ( ’ommencing at a point the following described real estate, marked by illow the situated in Coos County, State of publication, entitled “ Juctice" ami tad 268.7 feet; thence North 14 de­ 6 at the quarter quarter section corner; grees E 183.4 feet; thence South 67 thence North along said section line 1320 degrees E. 217 feet; thence South to feet to the section corner; thence place of beginning. And that you, and each of you, have West 660 feet to the line between Carl and S. L. Laferty; thence North parallel no estate, right, tit'e, or interest what­ with the section line between the land ever in or to said premises, or any part of S. L. Laferty and Carl and I\ S. | thereof, and also that you, and each Robison and Carl 2640 feet to the line and every one of yon, be forever de­ between Twps. 28 and 29 S., R. 12 barred from asserting any claim what­ W est; thence East along T. line 423 feet ever in or to said land or premises ad­ to the S. E. corner of Robison land; verse to the plaintiff, and for such thence North 36 degrees E. aiong the other and further relief as to the Court line as now fenced between the lands of may seem equitable. Dated this 1st day of April, 1913. Carl and Robison 1230 feet, more or L A. R oberts . less, to low water line of Coquille River: Attorney for Plaintiff. thence Southeily along low water up Residing at Myrtle Point, Oregon. stream to a point due East of begin­