Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, April 15, 1913, Image 1

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    flT h e Herald, the o ld estab­
lished reliable newspaper of
the Coquille V alley in which
an “ ad" always brings results.
VO L. 31,
T he C oquille H erald
C O Q U IL L E , C O O S C O U N T Y , O R E G O N , T U E S D A Y , A P R IL
N O . 31
Fraternal and B en ebole
r l Orders
F. & A. M.— Hegular meeting of
• Chadwick I.(Mine No. 68 A . F. A A.
M.. at Masonic Hall, every Saturday
night in each month on or before the
full moon.
C. W . K ndioott , W . M.
K. H. M a st , ecreta ry.
W orks T o Reconstruct
System of Education
University of Oregon, Eugene,
April 2—G eorge Rebec, of the ex­
tension department of tbe University
of Oregon, to whiob position he
cstne from a previous position hs
bead of tbe department o f philoso­
phy o f the University of Michigan,
has returned to the University after
a trip in Eastern Oregon, on which
he visited s ml spoke at I’ eudleton,
Athena, Adams, Stanfield, Milton,
Freewater, Fruitvale,
F o il dale,
Rock point and Vincent in tbe Um­
atilla county. After conferences
with the campus departments, Dr.
Rebec left for Huntington, Ontario
Vale, N j 6 sr , Baker, La Grande, En­
terprise aud Joseph.
“ Pendleton high school has a
physical equipment equal to that
of any high school in the state”
said Prof. Rebec. ‘ In visitiDg the
Walla Walla valley, I was astouised
to find line school buildings, and
many community halls. At Milton,
Fruitdale, Ferndale, Rockpoiut and
Vincent are schools and social cen­
ters which bespeak an intelligent,
active and progressive people.”
On his retrrn trip fiom Eastern
Oregon. Dr. Rebec visited Oregon
City, where he found a grade school
gyetem which was the premier of
the state. “ Supt. F. J. T oize, has
doue away with rigid formalisms,”
be stated “ and has installed a
couse of study that is grounded in
every day experiences. The untili
tarian, or industrial value of man­
ual training, drawing, domestic, sci­
ence and other sciences are handled
in an educative way. The children
are as far advanced in arithmetic,
geography, history,
branches of learning as those who
devote all their school time to
books. In each place, Dr. Rebec gen­
erally delivers two addresses, one
before tbe school and one for the
general public. Dr. Rebec believes
that the country is undergoing a
great industrial, political and social
transformation, andthat it is of the
utmost importance that education
and public
should he
brought to grapple with modern
problem s in a modern way, and he
fears the effect of any failure to
grasp tbe situation at the present
“ Our life will be drowned in vul-
gnrity and cheap lavishness,” says
Dr. Rebec, “ unless we take meas­
ures to insure econom ic and public
efficiency. Education must, on the
one hand, undergo an immense re­
construction iu character, and on
tbe other, be extended to a far wid­
er held where it will touch the life
o f every human being.”
S.—Regular meeting of lteulah
O E.
• Chapter No. 6, second and fourth
“ Boat on the atarbourd quarter!"
Friday evenings of each month, in Ma­ cried the lookout.
sonic Hall.
1 was Urst officer of the Helen Drew
E va B akbow , W. M.
With my glass 1 swept
JoSBHUINK ( i . P eopi . es , S e c . and on duty.
the waters uh indicated uud brought
0 . O. F.—Coquille Lodge No. 53,1. O.
. O. F., meets every Saturday night within the held of view a ship’s boat«
now rulaed high oe the creat of a wave
n Odd Fellows Hall.
C. H. C leaves , N- G.
and now sinking low in the trough.
J . 8. I.AWKENCE, Sec.
Whenever it was inclined sidewise to­
a m i e r e b e k a h l o d g e , No. 20 ward me 1 could see lying motionless
I. O. O. F., meets every second and on tlie bottom the body of u woman.
fourth Wednesday nights in Odd Fellows I'gave an order to put the ship’s bow
E mily H ekbey , N. G,
toward it and when within a reasona­
A nnie L awrence , Sec.
ble distance sent a boat out for it and
io O Q U IL L E ENCAMPMENT, No. 25 Its contents.
On its return I ordered tbe boat raid­
Vv I. O. O. F., meets the first and third
Thursday nights in Odd Fellows.Hall.
ed to the main deck, and the body w a
J. S. B ahton , C. P.
immediately lifted ou t It was that of
J . S.L awkence , Sec.
a young girl not more than seventeen
The ship’s doctor at ooce
n i g h t s o f p y t h i a s .—Lycurgus years old.
Lodge No. 72, meets Tuesday nights made an examination to determine If
•he were dead and reported signs of
in W. O. W. Hall.
R. R. W atson , K R. 8.
life. She was removed to a cabin and
O. A. M intonye , C. C.
by the united efforts of tbe doctor and
YTHIAN SISTER8—Justus Temple the stewardess was restored to oo*-
No. 35, meets first and Third Mon­ aciousuess.
When she seemed sufficiently recov­
day nights in W. O. W. Hall.
M rs . G eoroe D avis , M. E. C.
ered to be questioned she was asked
M rs . F red L ineqar , K. of R.
how she came to be In an open beat at
ED MEN—CoQuille Tribe No. 4«, 1. sen, but could remember nothing about
O. R. M., meets every Friday night her lonely voyage or a*y o f her poet
in W. 0 . W. Hall.
I made a personal examination of
J. 8. B a r t o n , Sachem.
A. P. M il l e r , C. of R.
the boat In which she had come to m
in order to Identify the ship to which
W. A.— Regular meetings of Rea- It hau belonged. It was an old one
• ver Camp No. 10.550 in M. W . A.
Hall, Front street, first and third Sat­ and had either not been painted for
some lime or bad been so weather beat­
urdays in each month.
en that tbe paint was very much worm.
M . O . H a w k i n s . Consul.
R. B. R ooers , V. C.
The stern had been Jammed against
N ed O. K elley , Clerk.
something, aud but few o f the letters
N. A.—Regular meeting of Laurel of the name were legible. This was
. Camp No. 2972 at M. W. A . Hall, many years ago, before it became the
Front street, second and fourth Tues­ onlversnl custom to paint the ship’s
name on both sides o f the stem o f the
day nights in each Month.
M ary K ern , Oracle.
I could make out the first,
E dna K elley , Rec.
fourth and eighth letters. Tbe other
O. W .— Myrtle Camp No. 197, five were either partially or entirely
. meets first and third Mondays at obliterated Those I could read were
N T 8. I think that if I had been
W . O. W. Hall.
„ „
R. S. K nowlton , C. C.
familiar with the names o f marine ani­
J ohn L eneve , 8ec.
mals I might have hit upon tbe name.
We had started from Boston on a
meets second and fourth Monday cruise around the world, taking In the
Cape of Good Hope, .lapan, the Ha­
nights in W . 0 . W. Hall.
waiian Islands, San Francisco and oth­
O ba X . M aury , G. N.
M ary A. P ierce , Clerk.
er American ports. We picked up the
ARMERS UNION.— Regular meet­ girl after having left the cape, and
ings second and fourth Saturdays in since we were approaching countries
which were then barbarous there was
each month in W. O. W. Hall.
nothing to do but keep her with us. In
F rank B urkholder , Pres.
O. A. M intonye , Sec.
a couple of weeks she had recovered
her health, but not her memory.
r a t e r n a l a i d no . 398, meets the
Being nearer her age than any other
second and fourth Thursdays each
of the officers. I became more compan­
month at W. 0 . W . Hall.
ionable with her. There were only ttro
M rs . C hab . E vland , Pres.
M rs . L ora H arrington , Sec. clews by which her identity might be
established—the three letters on the
Educational Organizations and Clubs stern o f the boat In which she had
beeu picked up and two letter* on her
O Q U IL L E E D U C A T I O N A L underclothing
The boat had been
LEAGUE—MeetB monthly at the
abundantly provisioned, and the girl
High School Building during the school
year for the purpose of discussing edu­ had been well supplied with wrap«
From these facts I argued that after
cational topics.
an accident, collision, tire or other di»-
R ena A nderson , Pres.
E dna M inard , Sec._____
aster she bad been put In the boat
O KEEL KLUB—A business men's with a number of others. She was not
social organization. Hall in Laird’ s likely to have been turned adrift alon«,
and the supply of provisions had origi­
building, Second street.
A. J. S herwood , Pres.
nally been sufficient for a number of
F red S laole , Sec.
persons. This feature of the problem
COMMERCIAL CLUB—J. E. N orton has never been solved. My theory is
President; J. C. S avage , Secretary that some person or person* who had
the girl In charge. In order that she
might have all the provisions, after a
Transportation Facilities
certain dnte committed suicide by
RAINS—Leave, south bound 9:00 a. Jumping overboard. Possibly such an
m. and 3:00 p. m. North bound act might have been the result o f 4e-
i0:40 a. m. end 4 ;40 p. m.
!t Is to be supposed that a young
OATS—Six boats plying on the Co­
quille river afford ample accommo­ man of twenty-three making a voyage
dation for carrying freight and passen­ around the world with a girl of seven­
gers to Bandon and way points. Boats teen would fall In love with her. &uch
leave at 7 :30, 8 :30, 9 :20 and 9 :30 a. m. was the case with me, and the poor girl
and at 1 :00, 3 :30 and 4 :45 p. m.________
was glad to have some one to lean upen
TAGE—J. L. Laird, proprietor. De­ in her lonely condition. I told her that
parts 5:30 p. m. for Kosehurg via she need not fear for anything sinaa
Myrtle Point, carrying the United SlateB she belonged to me. At the end of onr
mail and pasengere.
voyage we would do all in our power
OSTOFFICE.—A. F. Lincgar, |>08t- to find out her identity and be guttled
master. The mails close as follows: by tbe result.
We spent hours together working
Myrtle Point 8:40 a. m. and 2:35 p. m.
Marshfield 10:15 a. m. and 4:15 p. m. over the letters on ttie stern of the boat
Bandon and way points, Norway and In which she had drifted. The captain
Arago 12:45 p. m. Eastern mail 5:15 had a dictionary among his books, and
p. m. Eastern mail arrives 7 :45 a. m.
we undertook to make a cht^-k against
every noun beginning with N. Having
C ity and County O fficers
the relative position of all the letters
was a great advantage, and having the
Mayor................................ A. T. Morrison
first letter was even a greater help.
R ecorder...........................J. H. Lawrence
We found a number of words of eight
Treasurer................................ R- H. Mast
letters beginning with N, but the oae
City Attorney.................L. A. Liljeqvist
Engineer.......................P. M. Hall-Lewis that fitted the conditions exactly was
Marshal............................C. A. Evernden
Nautilus, and It was the only one that
Night Marshal................. John Hurley
was a proper word for the name of a
Water Superintendent ...8. V. Epperson ship
It must be remembered that
Fire Chief. „ ..................Walter Oerding
Councilmen—D. D. Pierce, C. T. Skeels ships have often been named for a per­
W . C. Laird, G. O. Leach, W. H. Ly­ son, and these names are not to be
ons, Leo J. Cary. Regular meetings found In a dictionary. However, we
first and third Mondays each month. believed that Nautilus was the name
of the ship in question, and we would
J. J. Stanley learn of sucb ship on reaching oar
Justice of the Peace
Ned C. Kelley home port.
We were not disappointed. The ship
John T. Hall Nautilus of Providence, It. 1.. had sail­
County Judge
Commissioners- -W . T. Dement, Geo. J. ed from there and had never been
heard of afterward. I took the cast­
James Watson away to that city to learn that her fa­
Clerk ................
Sheriff .............
ther had been a sea captain, and, Ills
T. M. Dimmick daughter Alice being in poor health, h«
.............. T. J. Thrift
Raymond E. Baker had taken her on a voyage with him.
School Supt....
A. N. Gould I Since she was the only person sa7ci
F. E. Wilson and had lost her memory no further
.... Dr. Walter Culin explanation was forthcoming.
Health Officer
Alice found a mother whom she did
not remember. It was sad that, hav­
ing her daughter unexpectedly return­
ed to her. the girl should not be able
Societies will get the very beat
to respond to her can*sses
But Alice
did all she could to comfort her moth­
er. remaining with her till three y«
at the office of Coquille Herald
later, when she married me.
Myrtle Point Pointers
Miss Josie W eek ly, o f Coquille,
was met here by Mr. and M is. Jas.
Brockman and relum ed with them
to their home on the East Fork
where she wifi visit with her old
Jas. Masson returned lrom San
Francisco, Cal., on the n t h , via
Marshfield. H e has been spending
the winter at the metropolis and
will be joined on M onday by Mrs.
Masson, who com es lrom Fortuna,
Thos, Guerin is having a large
garage built on his lot corner Sixth
and Spruce, thus filling a long felt
W e need a rooming house here
badly, as it is almost impossible to
find a furnished room
------------------- - « # > e--------------- —
Homestead Am endm ent
News comes from the Roseburg
land office o f an amendment o f the
homestead law passed by the last
coogress which will be of interest
to many settlers in this section.
This amendment provides that a
homesteader who has lived upon
surveyed governm ent land for five
years may make final proof under
the old law, instead o f under the
| new one requiring cultivation o f at
least 20 acres out ot 160 . As the
law stands now, proof o f general
; improvement of the land for per­
manent habitable purposes whether
the cultivated area consists o f 20
acres or less, is sufficient to secure
’ a patent.
(Without apologies to Poe or anybody else)
P E R Y E A R 9 1 .5 0
Once I spent a midnight merry with companions blithe and cheery,
In a barroom where we drank as we had often drunk before.
When the beer grew flat and flatter, suddenly there came a spatter
And a chill and sickening splatter, as of water on the floor.
“ ’Tis the swamper come, ” I mattered, “ come to scrub the barroom floor,
Only this and nothing more. ’ ’
•JJob Printing— N ew presses
new material and experienced
workmen. A guarantee that
Herald printing will please
Former Resident Writes
A n Interesting Letter
C. A. Harrington has received
from Lee Roberts, who left ht>re
about a month ago, the following
letter, which is full of matter inter­
esting to bis frieuds and others:
C o p y r ig h t, 1913, by A s s o c ia te d L it­
e ra ry P ress
Grandma Phelps was a woman over
sixty years old and lived alone In the
outskirts of tbe village of Grafton.
She was not poor, and sbe was not
without friends. Sbe wus a bit eccen­
tric. and sbe lived that way because
■be preferred to. She was well Itkod
Indistinctly^ remember it was May—or was’ t Novemler?
by all. and ber life wus passing smooth­
I, the one remaining member of that company o f four.
ly aloug when there came an udven-
Deep and bitter was my sorrow; vainly had I sought to borrow
ture to turn things topsy turvy.
A small sum until the morrow, just to buy me one drink more—
Grandma I’ belpa sold u piece of land
Just a quarter or some like Bum that would buy me one drink more.
lu tbe west sbe bad owued for many
“ Nay,” they told me, “ Nevermore.”
years and received $4,000 for It. There
was a bunk In the village, and one
would think that tbe woman would have
deposited ber money there Sbe didn’t,
And the thoughts of that sharp curtain lecture that for me was certain,
however. She would not lend It or
Chilled me—for I knew my wife toward me would be most awful sore;
bank It or turn It over to a relative to
For I ’d promised her that morning, after many a serions warning.
safely keep. Sbe announced that she
That, the sparkling winecup scorning, I’d abstain forever more;
would keep It la the house. Tbe whole
That as beverage I’d partake of water only evermore;
town came to know of ber decision,
Look on red wine nevermore.
and everybody predicted that some-
thing would happen. After six weeks
something did happen. Grandma ran
And I thought if I stayed longer, her strong words would be no stronger
out Into tbe street one morning and
Than they would have been had I gone home to her an hour before;
cried out that she had been robbed of
her money during the nigbt.
So I stayed until the swamper, stayed until the barroom swamper —
It was a sure thing tbut grandma bad
Or, I thought it was the swamper—came to scrub the barroom floor,
lost ber money, but bow? Tbe sum
Came to carry off the bottles and to scrub the barroom floor,
was In big bills and wus wrapped in
As I ’d seen him do before.
n doth und carried In tbe bosom o f her
dress she could not lose it In walk­
ing a boat. She had not been out of
Deep into that darkness peering, long I sat there, waiting, fearing,
her own yard for three days previous
List’ ning, looking for that swamper to come back and throw me out.
to to Using the money. Tbe sheriff
And the glasses round me broken were an evidential token
worked on tbe ense a week and then
Of the jests there lightly spoken and a jostling friendly bout;
made up his inlud that the old woman
was a little off lu ber heud aud bad
Glasses, chairs and tables broken in a little friendly bout;
not lost tbe money at all, but simply
For which they often throw men out.
wanted to creute a little excitement
and be talked about There are sucb
people, and tbe officer was not so stu­
Then around about me looking (with intent no insult brooking)
pid In thinking he had come across
For a weapon wherewith I might strike that swamper to the floor,
one. Ills belief was strengthened by
If he came about slinking and for such small matters thinking
tbe woman's words aud demeanor.
That because I had stopped drinking, had no cash to pay for more,
After the first outcry she took things
That he’d throw me on this stormy night outside that barroom door;
very calmly and finally even laughed
Tho’ t I’d strike him to the floor.
over the loss and said:
"Oh, well, let It all go. No use In
keeping tbe whole United States upset
about a little thing like this.’’
Open now my booth door swinging, through it there me thought came
Tbe case was dropped, so far os any
officer working on It, but o f course the
Woman clad in nightrobe whom I thought to be my wife, Irome.
talk didn’ t cease. It was surely a mat­
“ Woman,” shrieked I, “ thing of evil!—woman (hie) why in the devil
ter to wonder over, and It furnished
Have you come in such uncivil raiment from vour peacefnl home,
talk for three months. Evoo the chil­
Wand’ring out upon the city’s streets beyond your happy home?’ ’
dren bad theories about It There was
Quoth the spectre, “ Bill, come home.”
just one single person among the hun­
dreds Interested who went at that case
to solve It In a common sense way, and
that person was a boy fourteen years
Then this spectre at me darting, dancing, prancing, stopping, starting.
old. Qls name was Tom Henderson,
Terrified me till I shrieked as never mortal shrieked before.
and his father was the village black­
“ Get thee gone beyond my hearing!” When it stopped and stood there,
smith. Tbe boy has since become the
head of a detective agency In the west,
Then upon four legs appearing, sprawled before me on the floor;
and It was that case that shaped his
Sprawled, a great green cockeyed, slimy, scaly lizzard on the floor—
Sprawled and crawled upon the floor.
Tom Henderson believed the woman
had neither been robbed nor sent her
money away. The boy bad known
grandma for three years and had often
Much I marveled this ungainly reptile should have spok’n so plainly.
run errands for her. She had told him
Standing there upright before me such a little while ago.
that she Relieved In dreams and that
And I trembled, weak, past fleeing, and could only crouch there seeing
If she was worried about anyth! ig her
This strange monster from one being into millions others grow.
sleep was broken. That was tbe point
As I stood there, this strange beast to countless other beasts did grow.
he started from.
There before my eyes did grow.
Now you’ ve got the key of tbe mys­
tery. Looks easy, doesn’t It? And yet
n thousand people passed It by. Tom
Henderson wasn’t sure he was right,
Then in fright I commenced yelling, with great force my voice expelling,
of course, but that view o f the case
While those beasts crept ever back and forth on ceiling, walls and floor.
seemed to be the only one to explain
And each one, its head uplifting, through the air it commenced drifting;—
things. Grandma had beeo sleeping
Millions through the air seemed sifting, crept and flew my eyes before.
with the money under her pillow. Sbe
Lizzards, snakes and dragons crawled and writhed and flew from off
had got op In her sleep and put It else­
that floor,
.........-» ---------
where. Where? If a robber had got
Twisted, hissed, my eyes before.
Into the house he would search all
A “ Farm A dvuor”
about. The woman would have rea-
1 soned that ont. The safest place for
M. P. L on g has received a letter the money would be outside. There
Then appeared a demon awful, with a look both gleeful, woeful;
And with fiery eyes it darted straight and swift into my face;
from his brother, C. M. Long, o f was no cellar, but there was a wood­
shed and a hencoop. Ln the shed was
Then we grappled with each other, while it seemed that I should smother,
Johnson county, Missouri, who has always standing a barrel o f hen food.
Seemed that me this beast would smother, with the gas which filled the
lately been appointed County Farm
Don’t think Tom worked this ont ln
advisor for that county.
It seems half un hour. It was two weeks be­
Seemed as though the universe in that foul gas he would efface,
fore be got to It, and then be couldn't
that this is an office created under say he bad a sure thing. It simply
And destroy the human race.
a state law and the duties are well seemed a reasonable theory. When
indicated by the title The Advisor be started out one day to test his theo­
ry he was perspiring ln bis excite­
Thus we strove and fought each other, bodies twisted close together.
is supposed to be thoroughly ac­ ment. As he arrived at grandma's
Ne’er has human being been before in such a desp’rate plight.
quainted with the business of farm­ cottage be was balled with:
And it seemed we fought for ages, without food or rest or wages,
“ Say. Tommy, I hear that the mill
ing and to devote his lime to the
As when fiend with fiend engages, knew not morning, noon or night.
la going to shut down for several
And an old ‘he ’ lizzard volunteered to referee the fight—
dissemination o f useful information weeks, and 1 guess I’ll have tbe hen
Came to referee the fight.
am ong the farmers o f his county feed barrel filled up.”
“ How much have yon got left?” ask­
and to the acquiring o f new kn ow ­
ed the hoy ln a trembling voice.
“ Oh, maybe a third o f a barrel.”
“ Grandma, weren’ t you afraid of
Some days later I recovered, whereupon I then discovered,
robbers all the time you had that mon­
As full many a mortal man had so discovered years before,
ey ln the house?”
That the demon. Rum, had got me; that the liquor I had bought me,
“ Yes, toward the last when every­
The result of the city election body said I’d be murdered for I t ”
Caused the monsters that I thought me crawled upon that barroom door;
“ And you didn't sleep well?”
Had brought on a case of “ jim jams,” on that barroom floor;
held in Myrtle P oin t last week is
“ I should say I dldn'tl I didn't sleep
Only this and nothing more.
summarized by the Enterprise as
an hour at a time. Something funny
happened to me that last night I bad
counted the money over and put It un­
F or Mayor:
der my pillow when I thought I heard
L. A. R o b e r ts .............. 141
some one under the bedroom window.
P. L. Phelan................ .108
Above is the first eruption o f Spring poetry. Judging from
That started me to worrying.
Councilmen, two elected for three- thought some one might have been
sample, this year’s catch ought to be o f excellent quality.
looking ln and seen where I put the
year term:
J 8 . Whitaker
"Did you tell the sheriff o f this?”
Settle W ith W idow
Improvements at Central
"No No one got ln.”
J. D. Barklow
“ But what was the funny thing?”
H. J. K eogh has just completed
G orst A King, proprietors o f the
“ Why. I went to bed and to sleep,
and the next thing I knew 1 had fallen
Marsbfield-Nortb Bend auto line on the installation of a new switch­
over a chair in the middle o f the Boor.
E. A. D o d g e ______ ..1 7 9
which L. K. Ballinger recently met board in the central office o f the
» must have walked ln my sleep.”
his death, have voluntarily settled Hom e Telephone Com pauy here
The boy beckoned grandma to come
•m* Into the shed with him. and when
with Ballinger’s widow by paying T h is is for tbe toll lines and the
they stood by the barrel o f feed he
J. M. A rrington__ ...2 1 4
her $1500. Gorst & K in g are re­ long distance line, and It will be at­
ceiving much favorable comment tended to by another operator who
"D ig down Into itl”
first ballots, and the Enterprise says
In less than a minute she bad ber
for their prompt action, and have has been added to the force. The
that few of them were badly rattled, $4.000 In her hands!
added to the popularity which they improvement will add much to the
“ Now. Isn't that queer!” sbe gasped.
efficiency of the service. The man­ as was shown by tbe fact that only “ I remember o f thinking one day
had already won on the Bay.
- ---
-♦ » ♦
--------- ----- —
ager invites the public to call and 1 four handkerchiefs were left in the I what a safe hiding place that would
I be If there were no rats around.*
Have you paid the printer?
I voting booths.
inspect the improvements.
Black Bear, Idaho, March 29, 1913
Dear F rien d ;—
I thought I would drop you a few
lines to let you know how things
are in the frozen north. Itissn ow -
¡Dg here today"but it is not very
cold. It is so dry here that you do
not notice the cold ro much as you
would in Coquille on a frosty morn­
ing. I like the place here, so I
think I will stay awhile.
I am at Black Bear, about 4 miles
from Wallace. Wallace is a lively
place; lots of money there and it
keeps on the move. The city is in
a great round holeiu the mountains.
The railroad in and out of it is in a
canyon so narrow that there is just
room for the road in the bottom of
it and bo deep that you can not see
the top of the mountains when you
are in there.
We were in Wallace a week when
we came up here, aud the best I
could do on rooms was $7.00 a week,
and it cost us about $4.00 a day to
eat at the reastaurant. I am send­
ing you part of the bill o f fare, and
it was 10 cents extra every time you
looked at the winter. I am going
to get a hotel here if I can. But it
dose not cost much more to keep
house here than it does in Coos, ex­
cept coal it is $ 10.00 a ton.
The Black Bear No 2 is tied up
in a lawsuit, so I am working at
the staudard. I only work 8 hours
a day and make from $105 00 to
$108.50 a month, and the company
carries $1500 on my life that goes
to my family if I happen to get it
in the neck. The mine I am in
working nine levels. It is half a
mile from the mouth o f tbe tunnel to
the shaft and then 2200 fsef to the
bottom. The levels run from 800
to 3000 feet back from the shaft.
I am working on tbe 1800. They
have a track and a motor to haul
the ore out to the shaft and then
compressed air hoists to take it out.
Thera are seven big mines near here
and all working. The lowest wages
they pay up here for any kind of
work is
.00, and most of it is $3.50
for common labor.
(The letter closis with a few per­
sonal notes not of publio interest.
The bill of fare mentioned is a for-
midadle type-written document fi 11 -
in g a sb e e t of foolscap paper and
seeming to mention about every­
thing that a man would care to eat
ami at prices a little higher than he
would care to pay).