creased on the dnrk side. Not un- j SU M M ON S til both sides were equally well Iu the Circuit Couit o t the 9t«te o! Oiegou for the County of Coes PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY lighted was a commercial equilibri­ um established ou that particular sec­ Y ou can stop that a w fu l Itch fro m p ointed, d o not m ake the m istak e o f H. L. Carl. 1 Entered as second class matter May eczem a and o th e r skin tro u b le s in tw o reru sln g to try this so o th in g wash. A ll Plaintiff. 8 , 1905. at the post oltice at Coquille, j tion of Euclid Avenue. Similarly, | secon d s. * o th e r d ru g g is ts keep this D.D.D. P re­ Seems too go o d to he true— but It is s crip tio n — g o to them i f you ca n 't Oregon, under act of Congress ol March Minnesota street, between Fourth true, and wn vouch for it. liana K. Reed, Christina Oil­ co m e to us—-hut if you com e to our S, 1879. Just a fe w d rop s o f the sim ple, cool* s to r e w e w ill g iv e you the lirst dollar man and Lena Hall, formerly and Seventh streets, in St. Paul, j ln g wash, the D.D.D. P re s crip tio n f o r b o ttle on ou r p o sitiv e no p a y gu aran ­ Lena Thelin, including all the was transformed from a gloomy eczem a, and the itch s to p s instantly. tee, that D.D.D . w ill stop the itch at P. C. LEVAR, Lessee. heirs at law of Oloff Heed, (also W e g iv e you enough to p ro v e It fo r 60 once. thoroughfare, flanked by dilapidated cents. known as Olaff Reed or Oiloff D.D.D. S oap keeps tho p ores h ea lth y; Devoted to the material and social Reed). Deceased, the unknown Now, i f you have tried a g re a t m any usk us ubout It. upbuilding of the Coquille Valley par­ structures into a prosperous street cu re s f o r eczem a und have been disap­ heir* of Nickalui Heed, (ul o C. J. F U H R M A M , Druggist ticularly and of Coos County generally. iu which new buildings took the known as Nickolia Reed) De­ Subscription, $1.80 per year in advance ceased, Asu Myers, Andrew place of the old— a result accom­ the captain’s room. A very com-, Marshfield for Portland also. They Hoover, YVtllis A. Hoover, Laura Kohison, Aaron J. My­ plished entirely by street lighing. Phone Main 354 . (iu bulk) plete system of ship’s telegraph has will go to Carltou and other places ers, All)ert Myers, John E. Three bundled cities iu the United Myers, Ed. J. Myers, Lucious been installed. to visit, before they return. L. Myers, Ralph A. Myers, States and Cauada have tried or­ SQUINT-EYED JUSTICE The Grace Dollar is 230 feet long, Miss Lydia Dodge, who has beeD Daisy Clinton and Mary Murry, namental street lighting and have (Sioux City News) 40 foot beam and 16 teet depth ol spending the past two years iu Los including all the heirs at law of Hoover, deceased, Price Joe Ettor, for leading the Law­ found that it pa>s as a municipal hold and has a gross tonnage of Angeles Cal, returned tbir week on Aaron 8 . Robison, Jesse D. Clinton investment, as well as in heightened and S. L. Lafferty and his wife, 1327 tons. She is under the com­ a visit. rence textile workers’ strike was (for treating seed before planting) H Amelia Lafferty, Jennie Schet- seized at midnight on a trumped up cvic pride, in greater prestige and mand of Captain Fosen. a gentle­ Our business meu are making ter, Albert Thelin, Welter B charge, rushed to prison, denied therefore, in better citizenship. man who has been in the service on quite a member of improvements, Thelin, Alice Baldwin, Alonzo £ Thelin and Arthur Thelin in­ Cities, like human beings, are bail and kept iu solitary confine­ the coast since 1880. Most of his among them are a plate glass front cluding all the heirs at law of i- ment lor ten months, until released judged by impressions. The fleet­ experience has been in the lumber in tbe Spire Pharmacy and one in John Thelin, Deceased, Anne I Berklow, widen? of 8 . 8 . Berk* ing glimpse of town caught from (for spraying fruit trees) carrying trade and be is thoroughly Perkins Drug store. by an honest jury. low, Deceased, James H. Bark 5 the windows of a railroad train That was an example of how the w familiar wiih the conditions to be Miss Kate Fasker will fill Miss low, Sarah Randelman, Nathan E. Barklow, John D. Berklow, law cau be used by the powerful to that stops for a few minutes at a met with. Miller’s position in tbe Home Tele Laura Broadbent, Bertha Snell, — ------- ------ -•> - ---------- station leaves an indelible impres­ aid the side with money. phone office until Miss M. returns. and Alta Abbott, including all the heirs at law of S. S. Bark- sion upon tbo traveler. If he sees But when William M. Wood, Eugene Substitutes Observer low, Deceased» Edward Rack- leff, Ralph R. Rackleff, Charles head of the bloated woolen trust, nothing but for bidding gloom, ——- ------------ Coffee Club for Saloon Rackleff, George Keckleff, Ly­ was indicted on the charge of hav­ punctuated by an occasional flicker­ man Rackleff, Owen Rackleff, Annie Lehmanowsky, E l l e n ing conspired with others to "plant” ing gas lamp, he inevitably sets The University ot Oregon sends Angel, Rose Butler, Frank down that community as third-rate enough dynamite to blow Lawrence out the following: University ol Tripp, Oil ie Shaw, Rachael municipality; if he catches a glimpse Schroeder, Rose Sowash, Laura off the map, how was he treated? Oregon, Eugene, March 19— Why Huntley, Emily C. Schuinackcr, The authorities let him pick his of a main street ablaze with light, has the saloon such a strong hold Beatrice Beattie, Mary Simons, PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. here business George Clark, and Edward time to receive and respond to the be knows that on the communities where if exists? Services Sunday at 11 a. 01 and Clark, including all the heirs at warrant. On a pleasant morning thrives. Gloom means dirt, squalor, Does it represent nothing but a 7:30 p. m. law of William Rackleff, (also known as William Rackliff) De­ he came to the court house in one stagnation light mbans activity, in­ perverted taste? Has the saloon Sunday School at 10 a. m. ceased, and also all other |>er- dustry, life. From the lighting'of a Frank II. Adams, Pastor. ot his numerous automobiles; chat­ some functions which are left un­ sons or parties unknown claim­ city its charactor can invariably ing any right, title, e&late, lien, ted gaily with a high priced lawyer performed in a dry town, and which or interest in the real estate de­ Christian Science Society while the clerks were fixiug the bail be deduced. ought to be provided for in some scribed in the complaint herein, Corner Third and Hall streets. Defendants. papers, laid down five crisp ftooo other way if the saloon is abolished? Services at 11 a m next Sunday Teachers Engaged bills, and then rode merrily away. Eugene, the seat of the state Uni­ Subject lesson sermon "Matter." To Lena Hall, Alonzo Thelin, Arthur Thelin, Albert Thelin, Walter Thelin. The only charge against Ettor versity, answers that when the Wednesday evening meetiug 7 : 30 . Alice Baldwin, Andrew Hoover, Mary County School Superintendent was that by impromptu speeches he saloon is abolished it is well to pro­ Murry, Bertha Snell, Ollie Shaw, Emily C. Schumacker, Beatrice Beattie, Marv had incited violence. This, despite Baker gives out the lollowing list vide a substitute for its social being. M. L Church Simons, George Clark, Edward Clark, the fact that all the violence there of contracts for teaching of schools A "Coffee Club'’ has been opened Rose Sowash, Annie Lehmanowsky, and Sunday school at i o a m in the rural districts, that have Bible study aud prayer meeting tbe unknown heirs of Nickalai Heed, was at Lawrence, except what was and much o( the work involved and also all other persons or parries made by the police themselves, been filed with him: will be done by students in the so­ Thursday even ing at 7 : 30 . unknown claiming any right, title, Ladies’ A id meets for business estate, lien, or interest iu the real District No. 4, Blanche Moore; would hardly have disturbed a Sun­ ciology department of the Univer­ That’s what all our customers say who have tried it next Thursday afternoon wilh Mrs. estate herein described, Defendants. No. it , Mrs. Emma E. Eatson; day school picnic. sity. In the Name of the State of Oregon : H . L. John son you and each of you are hereby notified But the "planters” of that dyna­ No. 24, Dollie Robbins; No 26, R A S K Y O U It G H O C K 11 F O R IT The club has already become pop­ that the plaintiff, I L L . Oarl, lias com­ mite, whoever they were, deliber­ R. Bennett; No. 29, Eva Pruner; ular place. Loggers from the camps menced a suit in the Circuit Court of M. L Church South the State of Oregon, for Coos C ount), Services n ext Su nday as usual ately endangered thousands of lives, No. 34, Mis. Jessey Huntley; No. on the Siuslawand McKenzie rivers against you, impleaded wilh others, 37, Della Bryant; No. 38, Inez Sunday school at to. a m. tried to discredit a righteous cause residents of Eugene, aud laboring ami that in pursuance of an order made Epwoith League at 6:45 p m. VVillits; No. 40, Agnes Keating; and entered in said cause and court by and deserve as fully the stern hand men from all parts of the world are D IS T H IIIU T O R S Honorable John S. Coke, Presiding You are in vited to be present of the law as did those ironworkers No. 45, Abe Huenergardt; No. 48, to be found there, and among them Judge of said Court, on the 31st day of C. H. C l k a v e s , Pastor. Coquille, Oregon Mrs. Mable Minard; No. 52, Chole are the students, anxious not only March, 1913, you and each of you are convicted at Indianapolis. hereby required to appear in said cau-e Phone H om e 1 11 F arm ers 4 8 3 The trial of Wood may show, as Buell; No. 55, Elsie G. Philpott; to help along the good work, but 8 T. JAMES EPISCOPAL. and court and answer the complaint of Services first and third Sundays the plaintiff tiled therein, on or before Ettor’s trial showed, that when a No. 58 Ebba Wiren; No. 66. Stella to learn at first hand the world six weeks irom the lirst publication of Sunday school this summons, which first publication case gets to a jury there is a good Wicklund; No. 75, S. S. Darnell; which they are studying in theory o ( each month. No. 79, Belva Flanagan; No 84, will be upon the 1st day of April, 1913, every Sunday at 10 a. m. in the class room. prospect of justice. But no jury and that for want of answer theieto, on You are hraitlly wile at . The University Y . M. C. A . is verdict will temove the memory of Hilda Monsan. or before said time, the plaintiff will apply to tlie court lor the relief de­ the discrimination showed during backing the “ Coffee Club” because .JUiftA-i- n*1 V ' . W it M I, VI \ I . manded in the Complaint, a succinct Let ’Em Go to Sea of the good the students can do preliminary process of these typical statement of which is as follows: that CHURCH OF CHRIST. it he declared and adjudged that the there; the department of sociology cases. The American people are Sunday school at 10 a m. plaintiff is the owner in fee simple of Branded logs escaped from the favors it because of the real educa­ tired of squint-eyed justice. Christian F.udeavor at ( 1:30 p. in. the following described real estate, The place to buy your lunch goods. Our Bread is owner’s boom aud floating down in Coos County, State of tion the boys can absorb from con­ Prayer meeting, Wednesday even­ situated Oregon, tovvit: unexcelled. Yours for your own good, the river, do not become abandon­ tact with the toil-worn men who ing of each week at 7 : 30 . The Southeast >4 of .Section 6 T. 29 MONEY VALUE OF STREET ed property and are not subject to You are cordially invited to all South, Range 12 VVest of the W illam­ are the real builders of the west. ette Meridian, in Oregon, containing LIGHTING be salvaged by outside parties. bese se rvires. Many students, attracted by the T. B. McDonald, Minister 160 acres. In view of the improvement that This is the decision gained by the Also. Beginning at the N. W. corner cheapness of the good food cflered of Jesse D. Clinton’s land, the same has been made in the lighting of Log Salvage Association on the are taking their meals at the “ Coffee being situated 608.3 feet South and Ooquille’s business streets, the 13th in the courts at St. Helens. AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE— One 234.2 feet East of the corner of Sections Club.” following from are ctut number of This association regards the decision good second hand Rambler Run­ 5, 6 , 31 and 32 Tow nships 28 and 29 South, Range 12 West of the Willam­ the Scientific American will be of in­ as ol the greatest importance to about. $165 00 if taken at once. ette Meridian, Coon County. Oregon, Myrtle Point Pointers and running thence South parallel with Inquire of W. C. Rose. terest: The most prosperous, the the mill owners and loggers of the the line between said Suctions 5 and 6 most talked-of street in the western state. The decision is founded ou of T. 29 S., R. 12 VVest 3292 feet to the Mrs Cbas. Adams and daughter, quarter quarter section line running hemisphere is, Broadway, New, the provisions of the state law re­ Obituary Mrs Lester Dement, went to East and West through the S. W. *4 of York. Electric lighting made it so. lating to branded logs. An act said Section 5, thence West 244.2 feet Marshfield Friday. Mrs Dement to the line between said Sections 5 and Its millions of electric bulbs stand passed by the Legislature this year (Contributed) to take Steamer Saturday for Port­ 6 at the quarter quarter section corner; for business enterprise, wealth, makes it a misdemeanor, punish­ thence North along said section line 1320 MR. OLE SAMUELSON land, where she goes on a visit. prosperity. That good street light­ able by a fine not to extend $300 to the 24 section corner; thence Mr. Ole Samuelson passed away feet Mrs Chester Lee and Miss Cecil West 660 feet to the line between Carl ing means dollars and cents to a or imprisonment not to exceed one Miller took the Steamer from at tbe home of his sister Mrs. O. O and S. L. Laferty; thence North parallel with the section line between the land community, the city of Cleveland year, tor any one to interfere in Lund of West Coquille, March 19 , of S. L. Laferty and Carl and P. S. has demonstrated to its own satis­ any manner with branded logs. 1913 , after a long illness of two Robison and Carl 2640 feet to the line between Twpt» 28 and 29 s., R. 12 faction. A few years ago the North This statute, however, will not be months. He was born in Norway West; thence East along T. line 423 feet side of Euclid Avenue, between in torce until the end of the 90 days’ June 25 , 1854 , being at tbe time of to the S. E. corner of Robison lan d; thence North 36 degrees E. along the East Fifty-fifth and East Sixth-sixth term.— Coos Bay News. bis dismiss 58 yr. 9 months 13 days line as now fenced between the lands of — • ----------------- streets, installed a block of orna­ Carl and Robison 1230 feet, more or old. The Grace Dollar less, to low water line of Coquille River; mental street fixtures. The result The cause of bis death is attri­ thence Southerly along low water up ■ ■ a was magical. That si de of the buted to heart trouble, from the stream to a point due East of begin­ The Baudon Recorder gives the ning; thence West 350 feet to the place street wns crowded; the other side, effects of which he had been grad­ of beginning, being a part of Lot 8 of following description of the Grace deserted. Real estate values in- ually faling in health for two years. Section 31 and a part of Lot 1 of Section Dollar, the new lumber carrying 32of T. 28 South, Range 12 West and a craeed on the illuminated and de- Mr. Samuelson, in company with part of Sections 5 and 6 T. 29 S., R. 12 steamer just placed on the run to his sister came to the United States W. Containing 75.76 acres aud con­ this port: taining in all 235.76 acres, more or less. in 1887 and went direct to Bancroft, Save and except from the above de- I The Grace Dollar carries a crew scribed lend one acre heretofore sold by OregoD, to join an older brother of 25 men The accommodations j H. L. Carl to School District No. 80 as I Louis Samuelson, who about 23 for the officers and crew are superior | follows: Beginning at a point on North years ago preceded him to the great line of the County Road 494 leet South | to those found on some boats for the | and 217 feet East of the 14 section j Beyond. Mr. Samuelson owned a j corner between Sections 5 and 6 above j passengers. The officers cabins are ranch at Bancroft and bad resided mentioned and ranging thence .v 87)4 large aud neatly fitted out. Each ! degrees W. along North side of County ! there until last fall when ho came ; Road 268.7 feet; thence North 14 de- j cabin has electric light. There is a to West Coquille. His many friends grees E 183.4 feet; thence South 67V& ! hot and cold shower bath. The degrees E. 217 feet; thence South to ! of that region will be pained to place of beginning. dining room is commodious aud is Big Ben, he’ ll call you And that you, and each of you, have hear his death. artistically panneled. There is a on the dot at any time no estate, right, title, or interest what - 1 Deceased was a member of the ever in or to said premises, or any part I Notice to Creditors large skylight affording a good Notice you say. Lutheran Church having j »ined it thereof, and also that you, and each | Notice is hereby given that the light. every one of you, he forever de- \ j County Court o f the State o f Oregon, And if you roll over and when a small boy. He had no fear and Notice is hereby given by the under­ The kitchen is also roomy and is barred from asserting any claim what- j for Goos County, has appointed the ever in or to said land or premises ad- 1 | undersigned executor o f the last will o f signed, that at a regular meeting o f of dentil for he had kept Jesus as well fitted out. The ice chest has a try “ just-one-m ore-nap,” the common council o f the City o f Cn- verse to the plaintiff, and for such 1 Moses A. Welch, deceased, to adminis- Elastic bands of he’ ll repeat his call 30 sec­ his kind friend and savior through other‘And quille, to be held on the 21 st day o f special compartment for meat. In further relief as to the Court j , ter the said estate. Lattikopt Wek- may seem equitable. All persons having claims against the April, 1912. in said City o f Coquille, a this compartment cau be stored 4 onds later and keep on call­ his entire life time. biiif across kips said estate are required to exhibit the petition will be presented to said com ­ Dated this 1st day of April, 1913. ing until you’ re wide Througa all the weeks of his I tous ot meat. and upper limbs same with the necessary vouchers to mon council praying for the vacation o f L A. R oiikrts , that part or portion o f Burn’ s Avenue awake. | the undersigned at Lampa, Oregon. Attorney for Plaintiff. prodace extreme illness and days of intense suffer­ The engine and boiler room are situate, lying and 1 icing between blocks Residing at Myrtle Point, Oregon. ! Coquille, Oregon, March 7, 1913. slenderness seven and eight o f Barrow and Strang's ing he never complaiued, which well ventilated aud well lighted. Big Ben stands 7 inches tall— GEO. C. WELCH. when yon stand Executor Estate o f Moses A. Welch, addition to the City o f Coquille, a c­ The equipment includes two 400 He’ s heavy, massive, handsome. showed the nature of bis cbsiacter cording to the recorded plat o f said ad­ and perfect ease Deceased. 3-ll-5t He’ s got a great, big dial you can dition; said vacation o f said street so He was unmarried and besides horse power Scotch marine boilers, ' when you sit prayed for. extending from the North easily read in the dim morning his sister Mrs O. O. Lund of this Notice to Creditors down. ; licensed to carry a pressure of 190 j line o f Nosier street and hetween said light, a sunny deep toned voice Notice is hereby given that the blocks seven and eight to the South j pounds to the inch. Compound ex- you’ ll hear distinctly on your t’cep- city, he leaves a brother io Norway, i undersigned has been duly appointed ex- line o f Sanford street in said addition. To SAVE LITTLE CHICKS 11 together with a number of sorrow­ | pansion cyliuders 13 by 30 and 24 1 iest mornings. le cu to ro f the Last Will and Testament of Said petition will also pray for the and help them to grow into h ij, I I NEMO C __ Joseph C. Varney, deceased, and all vacation o f the alley in said block seven ing friends to mourn his sad dismiss. I stroke, 125 revolutions to the min-j strong, healthy birds, F E E D | | auto - w ith DOUBLE I’ ve placed him in the window 1 persons having claims against the estate and for the vacation o f the alley in said The futieial services were con­ ute drive the propeller. Look at him whenever you go by I o f said deceased are hereby required block eight. Said street or portion (itmtits /ASTIK DPS to present them with the proper vou­ thereof, and said alleys so sought to be / I M 5 HA P IN O ducted from the Ellingsons Unde­ Diamond Chick Food 100 barrels a day are required as J chers within six months from the date vacated, are to be vacated by said com ­ Our nam e and trade mark on every taking parlors, March 20 , 1913 , Rev fuel foi the boilers. The high \ o f this notice to the undersigned e x­ mon council to school district No. 8 , o f original package. Lastikop* Webbing is the ONI Y M A D E O N L Y B Y ecutor at the office o f J. J. Stanley in Coquille, Coos County, Oregon for Frank H Adams delivering th pressure oil burner system has been elastic fabric in existence that the City o f Coquille, County o f Coos school purposes. P o r t l a n d n ever loner; itn elanlicity. sermon and tbe remains were laid , installed. and State o f Oregon. Z. C. STRANG Fine white coutil; medium bust, S e e d C o .' Dated this 4th day o f March, 1913. C. R. BARROW to rest in the Masonic cemetery to The pilot house and chart room j j e r ^ o n ^ s k ir t ^ iz e ^ t H j^ t h ^ ^ ^ Portland, Ore« 3-4-6t ANGUS W. VARNEY, B. H. BURNS The Jeweler await the Resurrection of the Last has speaking tubes connecting with Executor o f the Last Will and Testa­ C. E. NILES Write Today for Catalog No. 232 ment o f Joseph C. Varney, Deceased. 3 - 18 - 4 t Petitioners. Great Day. 1 engine room, the wireless room, and C O Q U I L L K , O R E G O N The Coquille Herald Instant Relief from Eczema F armers , A t t e n t io n ! G R A SS SEEDS CORN VETCHES G A R D E N SEEDS O N IO N S E T S FORM ALDEHYDE L IM E & S U L P H U R S O L U T IO N S Q U I R R E L P O IS O N ST O C K F O O D P O U L T R Y FOOD SUNDAY SERVICES IN COQUILLE CHURCHES K n o w l t o n ' s D rug S tore LIB B Y’S M ILK “L ib b y’s Evaporated M ilk is positively the very best canned milk on the m arket” Nosier §c Norton I I I CITY B A K ER Y C O O K BROS. I Advertise in The Herald CLEANLINESS Is an important factor in a Grocery Business of the first class. W e m ake a point of abso­ lute cleanliness in the store and in the stock NEW! TRY V ". SCHROEDER LYONS & JONES FLOUR Drane's Store Leave your call with ñkw m V IM M a*: '. L * 3 I I I I