— “ Come on over, ” be called to tbe man who was attached to the lamp post. ‘ ‘I won’t,” said that worthy, Try u Herald want ad for uny- “ I can’ t hardly stay where I am.” Jhiug you want to buy or sell. My Optical work is giving satis ■ At the Scenic Tliureday night — j “ Mills of the Gods.” Don't miss it. taction. Give me a trial. VV. Frank — MERELY MENTIONED W HITE TEETH are something nearly every­ body can have if they’ ll give their teeth pro(>er attention a few minutes each day. Brush them thoroughly with PEARL TOOTH POWDER and results will soon surprise you. Your teeth w ill shortly have the sheen o f pearl, as this powder has rare polish­ ing and cfeansing properties. Positively cannot harm the enamel. PRICE 25c FURHMAN’S PHARMACY E. D Howe, of the Record force, visited bis family hero over Sunday Waiting For That Sunshine HOT BISCUIT, Petett. W. H. Thomas has bought a farm at Dora and has moved out to be an The NVilsey deal for the Kinney honest dairyman. property on (loos Bay is bunging Miss Myrtle E. Miller has ac­ fire. cepted employment ou the force of S. Doineuigbiui, of Luuipa creek, the Coos County Abstract Co. was doiug business in town this B. H. Burns has charge of the morning. Farmers’ Uniou a'oro during the Watches repaired in an up-to-date absence of F. O. Getty. manner by W Frauk Petett- No A Herald want ud will tind a delay. Mrs Mary Iverson, almost 90 renter for your house, or a house years of sge, pissed away at Coos- for your renter. h o t cakes, m ade w ith R O Y A L Baking P o w d e r a re delicious, health - fu i and e a sily m ade. Sp«cl.l Road Taxes Legal The two-reel feature picture, ‘ Mills of the Gods,’’ by the Vito- It seems that the excitement over “ Mills of the Gods,” Scenic, graph comany will be shown at the The Rexall Store possible trouble in the road funds Thursday. Scenic Thursday right of Coos county is a false alarm. Saturday was the last day of the N. Hatcher had his leg broken Judge Hall and District Attorney open seasou for ducks, which have last Tuesday while working around Lilp-qvist take the view that the re- been unusually plentiful this year. P rofession al C ards tbe piledriver at the city dock, and cr nt ib vision of Judge B.irnett will Commencing April 1st, the O. K. is around on crutches, as u result. not affect the collection of special Creamery will pay cash for every P H Y S IC IA N S A. complete assortment of Easter road taxes in this county, which shipment of creurn that is delivered. E gg Decorations and Egg Dyes This saves a GO-day writ for your will be received soon at Folsom’s were all voted and levied according DR. JAS. RICHMOND money. \ to law. Confectionery. IMivuician • Surgeon Howard, the small son of Mr. nnd J. C. Whittington was in town Office in Richmond-Barker Bldg. Shot For Chicken Thief Mrs. C. H. Cleves, who has been Friday, from his place five miles Office Phone Main 211 quite sick for the past week with a above Myrtle Point. Mr. Whitting­ 0. B. Stokes, formerly of Marsh­ hard cold on the lungs, is reported ton is one of those welcome citizens R. B. HOAG. M. D. field, was quite seriously wouuded as improving but little. Physician who keep their subscriptions paid at Forest Grove recently by Wm. 0, Surgeon Coos County road supervisors in advance. Richm ond-ISarker Building Geiger, neighbor, who hail been held their annual convention at the Both Phones Andrew Jackson, a native son of troubled by ehick-n thieves, and Court house last Thursday, all but Coos Couuty and n son-in law of hearing Stokes passing in the road, two being present. Dr. C. W. ENDICOTT Mrs. Hudson, of this city, was run fired at the sound. Ho got him in D k s t is t A bargain in Coquille property— down by an automobile recently at both legs with a load of bird shot both improved and unimproved. Montesano, Wash His leg was at a distance of 35 yards. Gieger Olilce over First National Bank Call on W . E. Cleghorn, at Draue’s Phone Muin 431 broken and he was otherwise in­ indemnified Stokes to the extent of store. jured. $500 down and further guarantees. J. Milton Schultz of the Myrtle DR. H. B. MOORE His old friends here never expected Tbe Marshfield city council has Point Enterprise, who recently re­ CHIROPRACTOR Room 2, Laird Bldg Phone 494 turned from several weeks’ visit to given permission to repair the Don­ to hear of Charley being shot as a Chronic Diseases a Specialty California, was in town Saturday on aldson building, lecently damaged chicken thief. --- - Office Hours, 9:30 to 12, 2 to 5. by fire, reducing it to one story. business. LAW YERS Must They Register? Captain Donaldson, the owner, in­ Sterling meat slicer for sale guar­ anteed good as new; cost over $100 tends to erect a good building on A. J. SHERWOOD There seems to be some question will take $50. A bargain for any the site in a few years. A ttornky at L aw as to whether tbe ladies must reg- one who has use for a meat slicer. Roomers at the Tuttle and Ven- First National Bank Building Drane’s Store. tf eiter in order to vote at the com­ dome lodging houses were treated Rooms 2-3-4 E. N. Harry, who was in town to a street entertainment by a ing city election, aud Mayor Morri­ Thursday, reports that he secured bunch of escapes from the idiot son is not inclined to make a pos­ L. J. LILJEQVIST the road contracts whic^ were let asylum, about 11 o ’clock last night. itive announcement vet, as the Ore­ A tto bn k y a t L aw gon election laws arc lax and blind in his district last Wednesday. First National Bank Building SETTINGS— from pure Bred Rhode in many particulars. However the Coquille, Oregon If you want to see a great Island Reds. £1.00 for 15, 100 per picture, long enough without being cent fertile. Leave orders at Skeels men who are not registered are too long, don’t miss the “ Mills of the Grocery. obliged to swear their votes in, WALTER SIN CLAIR Gods,” at the Scenic Thursday and as the women want equality it Marshfield Record — R. A. Felter A tto r n e y a t L a w night. of Bandon, one of Coos county’s seems that they should conform to Notary Public Coquille E F. Morrissey was in town last local ball fans, and formerly a play­ the same system. The city admin­ week on his way to Myrtle Point, er returned to the county this, istration will be guided by tbe E. D. SPERRT where the Coos Bay Paving Co. has morning after an absence of two opinion of City Attorney Liljeqvist A ttornk r AND a paving contract partly finished. If weeks, and says the boys at tbe who is still investigation the matter. C ounsellor at L a w _ ' ---- » — ----- the weather continues good, some Office in Robinson Building coast town are going to have a work will probably be done there Quick Dispatch ball team that will hold its own this week. W. C. C H A SE with any in the county. The Nann Smith made a new , A few cotton seed planted inside A t t o r s y at L a w Bandon Recorder— Wm. Allen record on her last trip, which was the house now and transplanted Office in ltichmond-Barker Bldg after frost will prove a great novelty brought a white leghorn egg to this highly gratifying to Capt. Wm. to yourselves and friends. Enjoy office Saturday that measured 9 Magee. The big lumber carrier seeing this beautiful plant growing inches in circumference the long way crossed the bar, loaded 1,G0()0,000 C. R. BARROW in your own yard or garden. Seud and G inches the shorter circum- A tto rn e y an d C oun sellor a t L aw feet of lumber at tbe Smith mill 10 c for liberal package of Beed to Office Phone 335 feience. This certainly is some egg, over 13 miles from the bar, and Lynch Pharis Co., Montgomery, Residence Phone 346 and is probably the biggest leghorn crossed the bar again, outward Alabama. 3-4-2t egg ever seen in Coos county. bound, in less than 23 hours. The J. J. STANLEY A jolly party of 22 young people LAWYER F. C. Getty, whose wife and little Adeline Smith has been built to made au excursion to Bandon Sun­ Richmond-Barker Building carry more lumber than the Nann day on the Queen, which was char­ boy have been staying at Empire Coquille, Oregon Smith, nnd to load and unload her for Mrs. Getty’s health, went over tered for the occasion. They report cargoes quicker, but she certainly a pleasant time, with plenty of Saturday in answer to a message will be going some if she beats the saying the little boy was quite fresh air at the boach. A U C T IO N E E R sick and would have to be taken Nann to any great extent,—Coos to the hospital It is hopod that no Bay News. When you get one, get one o f exper­ serious results may ensue. ience—26 years at the business E . O. CASSID Y BANDON. ORE. W e Are Not Operating a Medical Institute But W e Can Relieve You o f a considerable amount of WANT COLUMN RATES: One cent a word, each in­ sertion. No charge less than 15 cents. FIVE JERSEY H EIFERS— Fresh this spring, for sale. On Sweet place, Lampa. 3-ll-3tp FOUND— Black silk watch fol> with locket attached. Owner call at this office. 3-4-2t I WANT TO RENT— Small place D ea r town with room for chickens and small garden. John Kudrna, care Herald office. 3-4 5t MAKING AND REPAIRING— Fine and heavy shoes for men and women John I*. Stitzer. 2 18-lf Wet or Dry K. Halverson has installed a modern Steam Pres­ sing machine, and is prepared to serve his trade better than ever. Bring me your work. SPRING SAMPLES ARE READY See my display o f suitings for spring and summer. New and nobby pat­ terns at lowest prices. Bring your Repair Work to me. K. H A L V E R S O N Front Street caused a chronic inflammation o f the kidneys and I was miserable and all played out. From the day I began tak­ ing Foley Kidney Pills I began to re­ gain my strength and I am better now than I nave been for twenty y ea rs.” P O R S A L E — Try them.For sale by Fuhrman’ s Pharm­ acy. COWS FOR SALE Two good milch cows both coming fr e s h ¡ d the spring. Nile M.ller. Phone G9. A U T O M O B IL E My 1911 model ’ T ,” five passenger » a » » « ------------------------ j Ford, fully equipped, electric light­ Notice to Creditors ed, latest attachments, in first-class Notice is hereby given that the “hape. Reason lor selling to buy County Court o f the State o f Oregon, larger machine. T. A Walker, for Coos County, has appointed the undersigned executor o f the last will o f Coquille, Oregon NEER’S POULTRY YARDS Myrtle Point, Oregon Remember that Neer’ s Poultry is from prize winning stock, and that his prices are to suit all. In many instances you would pay from $2 50 to $10.00 per set­ ting for no better blood than you get from him for $1.50 Phone 32X8 Of Interest to Those Who Patronize the Movies The Cleopatra six-reel picture, with Helen Gardner in the title role, drew a full house at the Royal Sat­ urday night and was repeated Sun­ day night. While a great picture in some ways, in others it was some­ what of a disappointment. Miss Gardner's acting was not all that one would expect, from her former work with the Vitagraph Co., and her support left much to be desired. The story was well told, however, and the interest well sustained, con­ sidering that the historical drama must be void of surprises, if it fol­ low tbe known facts. The Lion Tamer’s Revenge, at the Scenic was one of the best foreign pictures seen here in a long time. Besides the interest arising from the appearance of a score of lions, the story was intensely dramatic and well portrayed. A delightful drama was “ The Third Thanksgiving,” at the Scenic. Chas. Ogle, who played the unre­ lenting father, is always fine; in fact poor acting is oever seen in the Edison pictures. They are in a class by themselves for their high moral tone and the utter absence of coarseness or anything that might have a demoralizing influence. Miss Lillian Christy, who left the Kalem Company some time ago, and who is one of the most attraclive of the moving picture girls, will soon be appearing at the Royal in the Flying A pictures, taken in the vicinity of Santa Barbara. Vaudeville is holding the boards at the Royal for four days Ibis week, coming with a good recommeLda* tion from the other towns of the county. | A. C. Germond and Wm. Allre'd. who are running the Royal duriDg A P. Miller’s absence, are making many friends here, both in a busi­ ness nnd social way. The Royal has vaudeville booked for about a month ahead. The Scenic announces the Vita- graph, “ Mills of the Gods,” for Thursday evening. This is a two- reel production including Leo De­ laney, Roger Lytton, Zena Keife and little Adele De Garde in the cast. It is certain to be a fine picture. Moses A. Welch, deceased, to adminis­ ter the said estate. All persons having claims against the said estate are required to exhibit the same with the necessary vouchers to the undersigned at Lampa, Oregon. Coquille, Oregon, March 7, 1913. GEO. C. W ELCH, Executor Estate o f Moses A. Welch, Deceased. I 3 -ll-5 t Work For A Stenographer Substantial Work Robt. Train is proceeding s'owly but surely with his work on the property he receutly purchased at the corner of First and H streets. He lias raised the two buildings to grade and is now placing heavy timbers underneath for them to rest on, in place of tbe toothpicks which formerly, the Lord koows how, sup­ ported the structures. A pile and cement foundation will be out 1 in > and Bob will have a substantial piece of property by the time he calls it finished. the medicine absolutely free if it fails to give you uatiafaction. The remarkable aucceaa of Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets is due to the hijih degree o f scientific skill used in de­ vising tbeir formula as well as to thg rare exercised in their manufacture^ whereby the well-known properties o f Bisrnuth-Subnitrate and Pepsin have" been properly combined with C armmatives and other agents. Bisrnuth-Subnitrate and Pepsin are constantly employed and recog­ nized by the entire medical profe»- siou as invaluable in the treatment of indigestion and dyspepsia. Theii proper combination makes a remedy invaluable for stomach relief. We are so certain that there is nothing so good for stomach ills as Rexall D ysp ep sia Tablets that we urgo you to try them a t our risk. Three sizes, 25 cents, 60 cents, and $1.00. You can buy Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets in tliia community only At our store: FUHRMAN’S Coquina PHARMACY Th* 3 k 3 S SL J* w* Oregon There Is a Rexall Store In nearly evi and city In the United States, Can, Great Britain. There Is a different _ __ Remedy for nearly every ordinary human i l l - each especially designed for the particular ill for which it Is i T h e R e s e ll Stores are Amerf D rug fttoree Have you paid the printer. \JUST ARRIVED^ We have just received our Spring Line of Ladies’ Shoes and Oxfords. We would be pleased to show uhe goods and guarantee that the priefe will please as well as the shoes. Don’t forget that with every cash purchase o f One Dollar we give a ticket to the Scenic Theater LYONS & JONES PLAN YOUR TRIP THROUGH C A LIFO R N IA E FLOWERS THE LAND OF VIA THE Blessed Be The Tie Eggs for hatching. White Rooks, Married, Saturday, March 8 , 1913, Buff Orphu gtnns, Indian Runner The ‘ ‘wet’’ element in Myrtle Ducks, White Pekin Ducks. Pure Point are tryiug to force the sub­ by J. J. Stanley, Justice of the Peace bred strains. One dollar per setting. mission of tfie license question to at his office in Coquille, Coos County Eddy A Jarman, Bullards, Phone tbe voters at the next election, while Oregon, C. Maurila Geuzoli and Farmers G4 3-11-31 the “ dry” element is fighting the Miss Marcilla Smalley, both of Arago Frank Burkholder has returned proposition and the issue is not yet Coos County, Oregon. from a trip to California, coming in settled. It is said that the people Th e bride is tbe daughter of by stage from Roseburg, 31 hours of the town are in favor of the pres­ Andrew Smalley, a pioneer of the on the trip. He says Coos county [ ent dry climate by a large majority, Fishtrap country, a most estimable looks better to him than ever b e -! while the liquor forces think that ; young lady, a favorite amongst all fore, and as for rain, Coos isn’t in it enough votes can now be mustered her acquaintances. The groom is with Southern California. by drawing on the railroad workers a dairyman of tbe same neighor- hood, and the couple will make FOR SALE — Fifteen hundred to carry the day for open saloons. bushels Beardlese Barley; 500 bush­ On Saturday Judge Coke render­ their homo on his dairy ranch there. els Bluestem Wheat—all good seed;! ed a decision denyiug t h e applica­ The Herald joins a host of friends 2 tons White Nile Peas. Leave o r -: is wishing this hBppy couple a de- ders at Knowlton’s drug Store, or j tion for a writ of mandamus to lighful and prosperous voyage on compel the submission of t h e ques­ call up Jrhn Hartley, Farmers’ 3xx, the matrimonial sea. or call at farm 1J miles below Co - 1 tion at the next city election. quille. FOR R E N T — Two cottages near Christian Church, in good tepair; if you will send us Garden lots in connection; also barn. Low rent for reliable, the weehly wash long term tenants. Apply C R, Barrow, oi phone 3 x 2 - 1 1 if A Message To Railroad Men I t w o n ’t c o s t y o u e v e n P a t e n t I am in the market (or all kinds E. S. Bacon, 11 Bast st, Bath, Me, M e d ic in e P r i c e s sends out this warning the railroaders of furs. Geo. T . Moulton. everywhere. "M y work as conductor, THAT TIRED FEELING CO Q U IL LE LAUNDRY AND ICE CO. MÍES (|N f||E PHOTOPLAYS ton last Thursday. J. S. Lawrence lias received a let­ ter from H N. Black who is visiting his son, J D. Black, in the Redlands district of California. “ Uncle lei ry” says he intended to come home about March 1st, but he hail heard so much about the “ glorious sun­ shine" of Southern California that be wanted to see some of it, nnd thought he might have to stay till the 1st of May For Dyspepsia If you suffer Stomach Trouble and you try our remedy» it won't cost you a cent if it fail«. T o prove to you that indicée tion ,nd dyspepsia can be thoroughly re­ and ( lie lieved v e t . ___ and _____ that ________ Rexall Dyapepaia -- Tableta will do it, we will furnish f wj / SUNSET 1 I OGDCNft SHASTA, ROUTES A T H O R O U G H L Y E N J O Y A B L E T R IP You Can See in California: A ttractive seaside resorts, famous hotels, hot springs and outdoor sports. At Pasadena the world famed ostrich farms and magnifi­ cent homos. At San Bernadina and Riverside the Orange Groves. A t Catalina, the wonderful submarine gardens, and at various other points attractions that delight the eye and inform the mind. L o w One W a y or Round Trip Fares: Round trip tickets to Los Angeles on sale daily with long return limit and strqr-overs at will. If you wish to go still further south or east, tickets via all rail, or rail and steamer through New Orleans can be secured at reasonable rates. Further particulars on application to any Agent. Ask for descriptive literature on California, or ‘ ‘ Wayside N otes,” describing trip San Francisco to New i Irleans. JOHN M . SCOTT, General Passenger A gent, Portland, Oregon Death of J. S. Coke, Sr. Opens New Store J. S. Coke, Sr., lather of Judge Since the departure of Miss Flora F. C. Pursley, formerly with Geo. Burns, who did consideable stenog­ John S. Coke, snd of Mrs L. Har- raphy and typewriting for the law­ locker, of this city, died last week RohinsoD, who atarted business in yers here, those gentleman are ob­ at Los Angeles, where he was living Bandon oo January 1st, h.B re­ liged to hammer their own type­ I with his son, R J. Coke. The de- turned to Coquille on account of ceased was an old resident of Coos bis wife’s health, nnd has opened a writers more than they like. They would like to sec a public county, having come here from Ten- stock of men’s furnishings, dry- stenographer located in Ihe city ! nessee in 1871 For many years the goods and men’s, women's and chil­ and say they would have a consider­ family lived on a ranch at Middle dren’s shoes in the (.oilier building, able amount of such work. At­ creek, and Mr. Coke afterward pur­ one door west of Folsom’s confec­ torney Walter Sinclair sayB tbat he chased a place in Brewster valley, tionery. Mr. Pursley made many would furnish desk room in his where he resided until the feeble-, friends during his f< rmtr stay of office, free of rent. Here is a chance ness of advanced years caused him j about a year here and while he is for a stenographer looking for a to take up his residence with one of starting on a small scale now his location. As the lawyers sre nearly his sons. He was 84 years of age knowledge of the trade ami his all mairried and getting along in when he died. The body will be pleasant personality will undoubt­ years, it is understood that a young brought to Coos Bay and the burial edly enable him to build up a con­ stantly increasing business. will probably be at Dora, lady is what they have in mind. The Sportsman CLAUDE C. MOON, Prop. FISH ER M EN 'S SUPPLIES JOINTED RODS. REELS LINES FLIES SINKERS (bven q th in g h u t ihm C i q u itt ¿ B a it The Sportsman C L A U D E C . MOON, Prop. ! J