•¡The Herald, the old estab­ lished reliable newspaper of the Coquille Valley in which an *‘ad" always brings results. V O L . 31; NO. T he C oquille H erald 25 C O Q U IL L E , C O O S C O U N T Y , O R E G O N , T U E S D A Y , CITY DIRECTORY Fraternal and Benevolent Orders F . & A. M.—Regular meeting of . Chadwick I.odKe No. 68 A F. & A. M., at Masonic Hail, every Saturday night in each month on or before the full moon. C. AV. K ndioott , W . M. K. H . M a s t , e cretary. A 8.—Heirular meeting of Beulah O K. . Chapter No. ti, second and fourtn Friday evenings of each month, in Ma­ sonic Hall. E va H arrow , W . M J oskimiink G. 1V. oit . ich , bee. JOINS CRUSADE IN THE STATE 1913 at ^ of a cent pet pound. The Myrtle will handle the up-river cream ai the same piice. The Norma will leave Bandon at 7:30 a. m , and we will receive cream Mon­ days and Fridays at present, so do not be alarmed at any thing that might be used as a club for we will H ave B e e n F i z z l i n ’ O v e r P u z z o la n , a V o lc a n ic S oil meet yon half way always C om m on in o t jjio n , a n d F in d it M a k e s M ix ­ Yours very truly, ture More Durable than Pure Cement Concrete Lecture M. P. LONG, M gr. UNIVERSITY EXPERTS FIND BEST OF ROAD MATERIAL BANDON MAN AT PORTLAND Would Organize Tours Through Rural Dis­ tricts of Oregon, Warning Against White Slavers. O. O. F .—Coquille Lodge No. 53,1. O. . O. F., meets every Saturday night I n Odd Fellows Hall. M A R C H 4, (From Press Bulletin o f the University o f Oregon) Wilson’s Cabinet ^ 3 Job Printing— N ew presses new material and experienced workmen. A guarantee that Herald printing will please P E R Y E A R $ 1 .5 0 is confined to bi.< room with failing health, and owing to his advanced age his condition is considered qniie serious. Several citizens of the lower Rogue river country went up to II- lihe last Saturday to attend a meet ing at which a new Commercial club was organized. Postmaster Johnston and son will return from Marshfield in a few days. Dr. Straw found that the scissors wound in Master Lowell’s eye was not so deep as first feared, and the sight has been saved. Mr. Fay, son of Jas. D. Fay, prominent in tbe early history of Oregon, is publishing the Gold Beach Globe in tbe abseuce of Editor Marslers, who is absent on a trip to the Willamette valley. Visitors to Gold Beach, who are nervously inclined are threatened with shocks at all hours of the day and night by discordant sounds, which, if followed up, prove to be nothing more nor less than the Gold Beach brass band at practice. A couple of months ago, George Dunn of Euchre Creek, drove 89 head of bogs into the oak woods at Panther Camp and the "Old Dig­ gings" on Lobster creek to fatten on tbe acorns. The hogs scattered, and at present it looks as though Mr. Dunn will not be able to get more than half of them out of the woods this season. OREGON NEWS BRIEELK TOLD EVENTS OF THE PAST WEEK Transpiring in Oregon Boiled Down to Least Number of Lines and Yet Make the Subject Understood. University of Oregon, Eugene, ago in a popular election $50,000, Feb 26 -A discovery of the very 000 was voted which will be used C. H . C lkaves , N. G. first importance to the state of Ore- in tearing up the macadam roads J. 8. L awhkncr , Sec. The Portland Journal brings the The spud m.Yijtet at Eugene is gonwfas announced by the engineer­ and replacing them with concrete. Grieved by the fate of a m if . r e b e k a h l o d u e , No. 20 following: dead. ing c-ril-ge of the Univesity of Ore­ I. O. O. F., meets every » LEAGUE—Meets monthly at the furnace slag from Oswego; still an­ having died of heart failure. He High School Building during the school that such means must be taken to activity along in January and then pare it with the concrete. vanced in years to play the part of was 86 years old, and living alone. year for the purpose of discussing edu­ set people aright as to the facts con­ saw more work going on than has other form is termed “ diatomaceous Maca dam Concrete young women or girls. cational topics. cerning our business, but to the ever been under way at one time in earth,” also found in the Willamette First cost....................$0.540 R ena A nderbon , 1 res. The Portland Light & Power Co. $0.095 This ie common on the stage, but has just installed a pulmoter life­ E dna M inard , S e c ._____ utter disregard of the true facts it the county. There were 75 men at valley. Upkeep for 10 year The great factor in favor of using O K EEL KLUB—A business men’s has been the policy ot some to make work building the railroad when 0.260 in the pictures we are used to see­ saving machine similar to the one 0.511 period.................... social organisation. Hall in Laird s a local material in place of cement ing an attractive young girl look which the Oregon Power Co. has assertions which must be answered. Mr. Woodward was there, and Mr. Total per square building, Second street. A. J. S h e r w o o d . Pres. In the first place the opposition Brookings informed him there is the cost of the cement saved; but yard.......................$1.051 $0.955 like an attractive young girl, and kept in Marshfield for some months. F red S lagle , Sec. states that the O. K . Creamery will would be twice as many the next the cost of transportation of the “ This indicates saving of 6 6 per not like the hero's grandmother. The Portland Journal says that cement is also an important item. /CO M M ERCIA L CLUB—J. E. N orton not run this season? The Edison picture of Martin week. Again we square yard in favor of the concrete jack rabbits have destroyed many O President; J. C. S avage , Secretary hear them say that the present The company is* receiving ship­ The cost of cement in Eugene in type over macadam, or ' $845 per chuzzlet, at the scenic was another trees in Polk county orchards this carload lots is $2.38 a barrel, net. ‘Transportation Facilities manager has bought the interest of ments of building material and rail­ mile of 15-foot road. If cement treat, and tbe splendid Edison com- winter by “ pealing” the bark, Allowing for a three-mile haul lrom were used without blending, the pany presented it in a manner adove RAINS—Leave, south bound 9:00 a. F. B. H. & Co. and will operate road supplies weekly from Califor­ which is undoubtedly worse than m. and 3:00 p. m. North bound the plant upon his own accord? nia and the logging road is already the railroad to road plant the cost saving would tie wiped out; but criticism. peeling it. _______ i0:40 a. m. und 4 ;40 p. m. Again they say F\ B. H. & Co. has built for a distance of nearly a mile. rises to $5.48 a barrel. Figuring even then the concrete road could ^be Kay Bee Co. feature picture, Judge Calkins of the circuit court OATS—Six boats plying on the Co­ at this cost for cement, the cost for ‘ still compete with macadam road. | “The invaders,” was still another always cheated the farmer? Still The company has a force of men at •“ “I ‘“ quille river afford ample accommo­ has appointed Dr. J. F. Reddy re­ follows: r the blended cement is as fine picture, at the Royal, and this dation for carrying freight and passen­ again we hear them say it is a com­ work building homes for the em­ b r e a d a n d b u t t e r q u e s t io n ceiver for the Old Channel Mining $1.315 gers to Bandon and way points. Boats mission firm. All this we will an­ ployes, commissaries for the woik- Cement, .53 o f barrel, at $2.48 house will soon present Helen “ This is not a matter of pleasure leave at 7 :30, 8 :30, 9:20 and 9 :30 a. m. company, which holds one of the Total cost o f blending......................... 38 Gardner cleopatra. swer in one sentence. MRS. FRED men, barns for tbe horses and the and at 1:00, 3 :30 and 4 -.45 p. m._______ vehicles and picnic parties. It is most extensive placer mines of the Helen is a good actress and “ a Cost o f blend, per barrel $1.095 o T A G E - -J . L. Laird, proprietor. De- B. H A IG H T (not a commission streets are being graded for the new an issue of bread and butter. Galice district. Saving per barrel................................. 785 — parts 5:30 p. m. for llost-burg via firm) W IL L O PE R A TE T H E O .K . town which is to be called Brook­ fine figure of a woman,” and ought Many millons of dollars in mud Myrtle Point, carrying the United Slates USE OF SUCH SUBSTANCE NOT A bank to be known as the bank to make a ravishing Cleopatra. mail and pasengers. __________ _ C R E A M E R Y (through the present ings. taxes— the cost of 10 to 39 cents per NEW Picture fans are looking for the of Shedd will be established at management) AN D W IL L PROM­ The method of landing material t y OSTOFFICE.—A. F. Linegar, i>ost- The use of substances similar to ton mile lor hauling is a mud tax next instatmeut of “ what Happened Shedd, in Linn county, articles of 1 master. The mails close as follows: ISE A L L OF T H E PATRONS there at present is hazardous and “ puzzolan” is not new. Los An­ which makes the tariff a joke in to Mary,” in which the charming incorporation having been filed in Myrtle Point 8 :40 a. m. and 2:35 p. m. A SQ UARE D E A L much different from that employed Marshfield 10:15 a. m. and 4:15 p. m. geles used a volcanic substance comparsion-are coming cither out and talented Mary Fuller plays tbe the county clerk's office Friday. If you will take the trouble to en­ along the coast in other sections. Bandon and way points, Norway ami called “ tufa” in the construction of people’s mouths or pay too much title role. Arago 12:45 p. m. Eastern mail 5:15 quire among the O. K . patrons of Tbe bank will have a capital stock The steamer Southwest comes p. m. Eastern mail arrives 7 :45 a. m. of its great 250-mile concrete aque­ fot it. Good roads will lift this “The Commuter’s Cat” was the of $15,000. last season you will satisfy your­ regularly and stands off the high duct in which 1,500,000 barrels of mud tax, will lower the high cost best comedy that has shown in the selves as to the fact that every one bluffs. A cable line is run from the The interior department has C ity and County Officers cement was used, or enough for of living more than any factor last week, and John Bunny, as did receive a square deal. deck, to a high point ashore, and agreed to open 129,000 acres of land and will make community existence r500 miles of 15-foot concrete road Mavor .............»................A. T. Morrison “Michael O’Shane” took the banner in Wallowa county for settlement We care not how much opposi­ the freight is transported ashore possible under new conditions. R ecord er.............................J. 8. Lawrence The German government, after pro- for the week before. This method, Treasurer................................ R. H. Mast tion is in the field, but we would along the cable. under the enlarged homestead act City Attorney L. A. Liljeqvist like the facts in the case stated. while slow, has been found to work hiblting similar blends for several Community existnece will be pos- George Alexson has again taken on March 20. This permits the Engineer........................P. M. Hall-Lewis years has very recently permitted sible without having the people charge of the projecting machine at Marshal.............................. C. A. Evernden Has not any individual the right to very satisfactorily. It is the inten­ homesteading ol 320 acres of desert their use on concrete construction, huddle together with an ever in­ the Royal Theater, since Charley Night Marshal........... John Hurley come into your community and do tion of the company to run its rail­ land by one person. Water Superintendent H. V. Epperson following elaborated tests. The itn- j creasing tendency of the population Hart drew out to go to Marshfield. Fire Chief.........................Walter Oerding business in an honest way? It does road along the bluff, and then load­ portant consideration for Oregon is j toward cities The jury in the Circuit court at Councilmen —D. D. Pierce. C. T. Skeels seem that outside capital should be ing and unloading will be done from In view of the already rapid W. C. Laird, G. O. Leach, W . H. Ly­ Roseburg, filed a verdict of guilty that the proper substances have Bold Buck’s Bluff ons, Leo J. Cary. Regular meetings welcomed. It makes the products a wharf. against Joseph Micelli, mayor of been found to exist in large quan­ destruction of many well built first and third Mondays each month. of your ranches higher and en­ Mr. Brookings is bringing a macadam roads in Oregon, and in tities all over the state; and further­ Thursday afternoon a big buck Roseburg, he being charged with hances the ranch value. The op­ number of his employes to Curry Justice of the Peace J. J. Stanley more analysis shows that Oregon’s view of the universal conclusion wandered down into County Clerk selling standard E>eer in August, Constable .........................Ned C. Kelley position is nothing more or less county and these are being taken supply is of a very high quality, an that macadam is not adaped to mod­ Staunard’s premises took a look 1911, two months before his elec­ than a joint stock company, and care of at first, but other Curry ern traffic such as motor trucks, tion, when he was manager of the County Judge John T. Hall why should they be so ill at ease if county men, from Gold Beach and improvement on the concrete rather over the town noted tbe various road tractor and mechanical haul­ Roseburg Brewing & Ice company. Commissioners—W. T. Dement, Geo. J. than an adulteration. improvements and calmly made bis another company of practically the Wedderburn, have gone to the Armstrong age generally and in view of the m a c a d a m is o u t o f d a t e Clerk ......................... James Watson same nature does business in your Chetco and all who desire employ­ Oregon should be cutting more back to the mountain unmolested. Sheriff J- W . Gage county. They are the same as ment are being supplied. Macadam pavement is rapidly fact that such traiffic will in all prob- He was perfectly safe and seemed than 6,000,000,000 feet of lumtier Treasurer ......................T. M. Dimmick falling into disfavor all over tbe ablity be the prevailing traffic with Assessor .............................. T. J. Thrift storks among geese and why not Mr. Woodward brought back country. Tbe state of New York in a few years I believe that any large fully aware of lact, though there each year by 1916, and bringing in School Supt. Raymond E. Baker with him a number of photographs has spent millions of dollars upon expenditure would lie unwise and were trigger fingers that instinctive­ or creating here through this in­ Surveyor ........... A. N. Gould they be tried and condemned. Coroner F. E. Wilaon ly crooked and mental observation dustry from $90,000,000 to $100,• We are sure that there is plenty of the vessels unloading and the macadam roads; but a few months result only in bitter dissapointment. Health Officer ....Dr. Walter Culin to the effect that he wouldn’t dare 000,000 a year. The industry then of business here for all, and we sky-line that is used in landing the do that in August. —Gold Beach should give employment to 65,000 t h a n k the many people who have supplies. Mr. Brookings stated the or 70,000 men, said F. G. Donald­ Carpenters are at work complet Globe. Eieen loyal and who intend to re- company will spend a million and a a CURRY COUNTY CULLINGS Societies will get the very best son, manager of the traffic depart­ ing the inside work of t h e upper . _ ... main our true friends— “ honesty is j half before they start to sawing (From the Port Orford Tribune) - , .. _ . A bargain in Coquille property- our policy.” lumber, which means, probably, The shingle mill is running stead- floor in i e co P R IN T IN G both improved and unimproved. ment of the West Coast Lumber The Norma will haul the cream there will E>e no sawing before some: 'ly, filling an order for half a mil- Beach. |Call on W. K. Cleghorn, at Drane’s j Manufacturers’ Association, in a at the office o f Coquille Herald a«0 fvA H l /\niA * I A " llQ Q talk at Portland. County Treasurer J a s . C a u g h e l l , s t o r e , for ■ A our plant from tbe Y lower river a time next year. M t A Washington dispatch say The personnel of President Wilson’s cabinet as partially made known last night by information reaching Congressional quarters, stood today practically utichanged, namely: Secretary of State— William J Bryan, of Nebraska? Secretary of the Treasury— Wil liam G. McAdoo, of New York. Secretary of the Navy— Josephus Daniels, of North Carolina. Postmaster-General— Albert Sid ney Burleson, of Texas. R M NOTES ON THE PHOTOPLAYS DEVELOPMENT*IN CURRY CO. R W E F r B j j