• *""•"** T h e C o q u i lle H e r a ld PUBLISHED EVSBY TUESDAY Entered a» second claB» m atter May 8, 1905. at the post oltice at C oquille, Oregon, u n d era ct o f Congress o f March 8, 1879. P. C. L E V A K , Lessee. D evoted to the m aterial and social upbuilding o f the Coquille V alley par o cu la rly and o f Coos County generally . Subscription, $1.50 p er year in advance Phone, Main 354. P ATRIOTISM O U R M OTIVE THAT ‘COMMON UHER CLAUSE” Au interest.ug contest is going on at Coos Bay and its outcome will have the greatest influence on the future of that port, directly, and of all Coos county indirectly. In its endeavor to bottle up the harbor the Southern Pacific! is using con­ siderable finesse and it seems new as though it had a fighting chance to carry its point. It has the east side of the bay effectually under control; it has North Bend over a barrel; all it needs is to capture Marshfield, and the trick is done, so far as the upper bay is concerned. What hold it has or may get on the remaining water fiont, from Pony inlet to South inlet no one seems to know or care. Just now, the S. P. is trying openly to secure the franchise of the Terminal Kailway Co. If that be turned over, then it iB all off with Marshfield, so far as any other road is concerned. The “ common user clause” of the Terminal Co. franchise is a joke— not to call it a harsher name. It is no more a com­ mon user clause than a rabbit How so many wise men of Marsh­ field have rested in the assurance that under that franchise the termi­ nal company must allow all rail roads to run their trains over that road on equal terinB passes under­ standing. Aoy school kid who has gone far enough to diagram a sent­ ence (if sentences are still “ dia­ gramed” ) ought to be able to show that all this clause does is to compel the terminal company to receive and switch cars or trains over its lines at reasonable rates. This, as it is generally understood^ all roads are compelled to do, uud that is all the terminal company is compelled to do. The much-discussed clause reads as follows: Section 11. The City of Marsh­ field expressly reserves the right and power to permit and allow any and every railroad company which shall desire to run its freight or passenger cars or trains of cats into or through the City of Marshfield upon fr o n t street north, und Front street south, H roa d w a y south, anil K ru se a ven u e east, und a n y person, tirm or cor­ poration iviio shall desire to receive a n y freig h t cars at a n y warehouse or fa cto ry in said City o f M arshfield the United States, Canada and Great Britain. There Is a different Rexali Remedy for nearly every ordinary human Bl­ each especially designed for tha particular 01 for which it is, recommended. RICE BOILERS 14 centim eters, $2.55 LADLES PIE PLATES 9 centim eters, 40c 25 cen tim eters, 60c PUDDING PANS T h e R exali S tore« are A m erica*« O fM le e k D r u g Store# 20 cen tim eters, 65c 22 centim eters, 75c 24 centim eters, $1.05 The Herald is iu receipt from the U. S. Department of Agriculture of the “ Monthly List of Eublications” for January. The list is too long to New and Second-Hand Goods publish here, but it contains mauy titles which should be of interest to every one engaged iu agricultuie. The list is sent regularly to every one who applies for it, and we TO COMPLETE ROAD GARDEN would suggest i hut our farmers and BEFORE NEXT FALL fruit growers send their names to F E R T IL IZ E R S the Division of Fublicatious, Wash­ Encouraging Assurances From a SU PERPH OSPH ATE ington, D. C., to be placed on the Man in Whose Word the F or General Gardening mailing list. ANDERSON L J People Believe Hemy Nebin, of Boise, Ariz., was convicted of a misdemeanor and sentenced to the county jail at Yuma, He was given bis ticket and commitment papers and set out for the county seat unattended. While at Maricopa he was robbed of bis cash and commitment papers, but proceeded to Y’ uma. The sheriff re­ fused to receive him because ho had uo papers. That’s what you call hard luck. SUNDAY^SERVICES IN COQUILLE CHURCHES ings of the audience. No one annoj-9 wil fully and if people w ith coughs,cold s HT. J A M B S E P IS C O P A L . hoarseness and tickling in throat w ould use F oley ’ s Honey & T ar C om p ou n d , S ervices fir s t an d th ir d Sun days they could quickly cure their coughs, each m on th . S u n da y sch ool and colds and avoid this annoyance. o f F uh rm an’ s Pharmacy. e v e r y S un day at 10 a. m . Y ou are h ea rtily w elcom e. A r ch d e a co n W m . H o r s fa ll, rector. C H U R C H O F C H R IS T . Big Ben, he’ll call you on the dot at any tim e y o u say. Ami if you roll over and try “ ju st-o n e -m o re -n a p , ” he’ ll repeat his call 30 sec­ onds later and keep on call­ ing until y o u ’ re wide awake. Big Ben .lands 7 inches tall— He’ s heavy, massive, handsome, lie's g. t a great, big dial you can easily read in the dim morning light, a sunny deep toned voice you’ II hear distinctly on your sleep­ iest mornings. I’ ve placed him in the window La k a . whc«;vcr you C’’ I Ï cheer from Mr*. 0 . J. M artin, Boone v id e . Ya., who is the m other o f eighteen c o it d n n Mr?. Martin was cured of stom ach trouble and constipation by Ohamlterlrtin’ s Tablets after five years of suffering, and now recom m ends these tablets to the public. For sale by all SCHROEDER T he Jeweler j druggists. S U L PH A T E OF POTASH F or P otatoes (Marshfield Record) N IT R A T E O F S O D A F or Special Purposes Thomas Dixon representative of the MaaArthur aud Perks company J. E. Q U IC K construction department, who has C O Q U IL L E OREGON jusTreturned to North Bend from a business trip to Eugene, says that his firm will be buiding the railroad at the Co os Bay end of the route immediately. The company is now assembling construction material at both Han Francisco and Portland and part of it will commence to ar­ rive here within (he next two weeks. The company will bring iu steam A reading lens is hidden in shovels, dump cars, track iron and the “ distance” lens undiscern- everything necessary to railroad able. No “ lines;” no cement building. G e t K rypto ks Crews will be assembled immedi­ V . R. W I L S O N , O. D ately to commence the work of clear­ E rrors o f Vision Scientifically ing the right of way between Coos C orrected Bay and the Umpqua river and men C O Q U IL L E ; OREGON wiil be on the ground next week. N e x t door to S k eels’ Store There is about 17 miles of this work to be done between the bridge site nnd the south portal of the tunnel. Camps will be established along the route and the work is expected to be completed within a very short time. Mr. Dixon said the contractors on the Eugene end of the line C. A. HARRINGTON have orders to get the railroad P R O P R IE T O R ready for operation from Eugene to tidewater by next fall and they are expending every energy towards that end. The tunnel will be com­ pleted at Noti before summer and S am e O ld P lace the work will then be greatly ab- vanced since the material can be brought iu that way from the main line. Paid the printer lately ? SKOOKUM RESTAURANT Come Preaching each Sunday at 11 a. in. and 7:30 p. m., except third Sun­ Ex-Printer Now Farmer. day of each month. Sunday school at 10 ». m. L. J. Roberts, formerly one of the Christian Endeavor at G:30 p. m. Prayer meeting, Wednesday even­ propiietors of tbe Myrtle Point En ing of each week at 7:30. terprise, was in town Friday, tie You'are cordially invited to all is now located on a farm at Bridge hese service s. T. B. M cD on a ld , M inister and Bays he is well satisfied at the ---- - - ----------- change to pure air from the atmos­ phere of printer’s iuk and lead poi­ Socialists Have Plans son. He is paying considerable A Socialist convention was held attention to apple culture and says here last Saturday, the locals at that last season be raised bell­ Bandon, Marshfield and Coquille flowers that went 38 to the box, being represented. Plans were and he bas realized good prices for formuluted for the proposal of or- his output. --------- «■,« » . - . — - gauizing a county local of which all A Home Industry. the existing locals are to be branches. These plaus will be sub A. R. Wilmont assistant minager mitted to a referendum vote of the membership for approval or rejec­ of tha North Bend Sish and Door tion. If carried out, the new plan factory, was on the river last week embodies tbe employment of a paid on one of his monthly business secretary to devote all his time to I trips. His firm is furnishing the | funishings for the new city hall the work of organization. ! here,as well as for several buildings I at Myrtle Point. The North Bend Licenses to Wed I plant is equipped to furnish ar.y- C ounty C lerk W atson issued the fo l­ j thing in its line needed in Coos low in g m arriage licenses during the county, and our builders have no w eek: ' reason to send their money out of William Smith and Ella Long. Carl E. Matthews and Stella L. the county for what they need, Culberson. j They can “ keep their money at George L. YVatters and Florence home” and save freight bills too. . . E. Dye. ♦ • ♦ I T his is tbs season o f tb e year when H ere is a m essage of hope ami good m others feel very m uch concerneil over your call with OREGON G E R M A N A L U M IN U M W A R E O reg on A. F. Estabrook of San Francisco has been on Coos. Bay figuring on the building of a new vessel. He has not yet let the contract but bas been negotiation with Kruse and Banks the North Beud ship build­ ers. The new vessel wijl be a little larger than the steamer Fifiehl which the Estabrook company how oper­ P R E S B Y T E R IA N C H U R C H . ates out of Bandon. Services Sunday at 1 1 a . m and The Tidewater Lumber company 7 :30 p. m. Sunday School at 10 a. m. mill on the Siuslaw river is to be Frank H. Adams, Pastor. open for operation March 1st and Mr Estabrook has secured the con­ Christian Science Society tract for earring that lumber from Corner Third and Hall streets. the mill. The new vessel it is un­ Services at 11 a m next Sunday derstood will used on the Siuslaw Subject lesson sermon “ Spirit.’’ run. Pending the buildiug of the Wednesday evening meeting 7:30. new boat some other vessel will be M. E. Church South on the run for the Tidewater Mill.— Services Sunday as usual. Marshfield Record. Services next Sunday as usual Sunday school at io . a. m. W h en B urton Holmes recen tly gave Epworth League at 6:45 p m. his celebrated travelogue on “ Panam a” at O rchestra Hall, C hicago, lie was ser- You are invited to be present. ion ly interrupted by continual cougli- C. H. C l e a v e s , Pastor. C O Q r iL .L E , “CORONET” FUHRMAN’S PHARMACY C o q u ille Will Build Another Boat The Sentinel says that the Her­ ald's suggestion that literature he \ prepared for mailing in answer to I inquires from the outeide had been adopted a week or ten days before the Herald said anything about it. That just corroborates the old adage that great minds run in the same channel. The garden seeds that Ktiowlton sells are northern grown—are tresh stock and the best seed it is posssi- ble to produce. Three papers toe. Knowlton’s Drug Store. Cause for Alarm Loss o f a p p «tit« o r dU troa« a ft or • a tin g —a ly m p t o m th a t ah ou lJ n o t be disregard ed . the frequent colds contracted by their children , and have abundan t reason for it as every cold weakens the lun^rs, low ­ ers the vitality ami paves the way for the m ore serious diseases that so often follow . C ham berlain’ s C ough R em edy is fam ous for its cures and i3 rdeasant and safe to take. Sold by all tfruggists. and See Str. Elizabeth R egular as the Clock San Francisco a n d Bandon First-class fare o n ly ................ $7.50 Up freight, per ton 3.00 E. & E. T. Kruse 24 California Street, San. Francisco F or R eservation« NOSLER & NORTON A gent«, Coquille, O regon Str. B r o o k l y n P lyin g Between San Francisco and Bandon <% First-class fare only $7.50 Up freight, per ton 3.00 O Sudden & Christiansen Agent«, San Francisco, California For Reservations NOSLER & NORTON Agents, C oquille, O regon