Huy your ham sliced to order at Leave oiders for dressmaking the Quality Market. witli Mrs. A P. Miller. FOR RENT —Small dairy ranch Watches repaired in an up-to-date Wedutsday, Feb. 12, Lincoln’s near Coquille. Inquire at Herald manner by W. Frank Petett. No Biribday. office. delay. Walch lor (he Saturday specail Mrs. Iidward Moeller, of Marsh­ Claude Moon drove a picDic par­ at the Quality Market. ty to Fairvit » Sunday in one of bis field, has been a guest in the city Full stock of garden grass and autos. for thi past week. When did you come field seeds at Knowlton's Drug My Optical work is giving satis­ Northern grown garden seeds at Store. across that cold? faction. Give me a trial. W. Frank Knowlton’s Drug Store. Three Alva Warren is building a neat Petett. papers for 10c. When are you going little barn on his premises in North County Clerk Watson collected to get rid o f it? The Times reports that the C. A. Coquille. tees to the amount of $637.57 for Smith pulp mill at Marshfield will Better attend to it Ranch for rent, cows for sale. the mouth of January. be ready to run in May. See or address W. F. Burgess, now Just received at Knowlton’s Drug G. Pi. Brewer, the Arago mer­ Lampa, Or. Store a large slock of the very best chant and postmaster, was doing You'll play the game T. Wilson, of Myrtle Point, was onion sets it is possible to produce. business in town this morning. o f life a great deal in the city Friday on his way home 12 ‘/jc- a pound. better i f you get If you have anything to buy or C. R. True, the Bandon baker, from Bandon. sell, ora house to rent, try a Her­ rid o f that cold has taken a lease ol the popular Satisfactory work guaranteed at ald want ad at one cent a word. by t a k i n g the dressmaking establishment of resort known as the Wigwam, at that place. Mrs. A. P. Miller. Instantaneous Postum, the cup that cheers but not inebriates, can The White Wings department Now is the proper time to plant was out iu force yesterday and the onion sets for early onions. See now be secured at Drane’s Grocery. those at Knowlton’s Drug Store, streets look better. A bargain in Coquille property— 12 J-jc• a pound. both improved and unimproved. 25 C E N T S Trespass notices printed on cloth Mr. Cates, the new owner of the Call on W E. Cleghorn, at Drane’s and worded in keeping with law, Sentinel, has made several improve­ store, for sale at the Herald office. ments about his office—not to men­ Geo. T Moulton, who handles A social dance was given at the tion the improved spelling on one the bulk of the chittiu bark trade Laird hall Friday evening, and a ot the signs. here, reports prospects of a dull very oojoyable affair is reported. There will be a meeting of the season in that commodity. Mrs. Lukens personally super­ Educational League Friday Feb­ Mrs. J. B. Monds, formerly of vises all dressmaking done at Mrs. ruary 14, at 3:30 at the high school. A. P. Miller’s dressmaking parlors. Rev. Frank H. Adame will deliver Weinstock and Lubin’s Millinery The Rexall Store We aim to keep Weinerwerst, an address entitled “ The Women department, Sacramento, Cal, is making her home in this city. bologna, head cheese and pickled of Shakespeare.’’ pigs feet in stock at the Quality Mr. Pierce’s attention fs called It pays to treat your grain and Market. Professional Cards to the advertisement of Chamber­ potatos with Formaldehyde before The new line of the Coquille lain’s cough remedy in this issue, planting to prevent disease. Sup­ Valley Telephene Co., from Myrtle as his mill whistle seems to have plied at Knowlton’s Drug Store. P H Y S IC IA N S The Scenic is advertising a two- Point to the Fox bridge, was com­ an awful cold. DR. JAS. RICHMOND pleted last week. The garden seeds that Knowlton reel picture, “ The Daughter of the Physician Norway Mackerel, Eastern and sells are northern grown— are tresh Spy,” made by the Eastern Fissan- Surgeon Pacific Codfish at the store that has stock and the best seed it is posssi- nay Co., for tonight, and it should Office in Richmond-Parker Bldg. Office Phone Main 211 reduced the high cost of living, ble to produce. Ihree papers roc. be well worth seeing. Knowlton’s Drug Store. The Farmers’ Union. Formaldehyde is the best known A horse belonging to Sheriff Gage treatment for seed to prevent dis­ R. B. HOAG. M. D. Just received at Knowlton’s Drug Physician Store a full stock of northern grown fell by the wayside one day last eases in grain, potatoes, etc. Sup­ Surgeon garden seeds, the best for this week and was found wedged into ply of full strength Formaldehyde Richmond-ltarker Building country. Three papers for 10c. the ditch being dug for a sewer, at Knowlton’s Drug Store. Botli Phones Ned C. Kelley, of Coquille, a R. S. Knowlton’s piano contest but was extricated with no serious Dr. C. W. ENDICOTT is beginning to warm up, as will injury. well known good roads booster, D b n t ih t be seen by the table of votes posted Those onion sets at Knowlton’s was here on business Tuesday. He are raised by an expert onion set reports business in all lines on the in the window of his pharmacy. Office over First National Bank grower who has soil peculiarly gain in the valley.— North Bend Phone Main 431 We are in receipt of a well written adapted to them Consequently communication on the subject of they are the very best. i2'/ic. alb. Ha rbor. DR. H. B. MOORE County Surveyor A. X, Gould was school supervision too late for this CHIROPRACTOR Fred Slagle went on a rescue ex­ busy the past week laying off the issue. It will appear next week. Room 2, Laird Bldg. Phone 494 pedition yesterday morning to the Chronic Diseases a Specialty Subscriptions taken for all lead­ assistance of a party who had start­ place of E . J. Michael at Myrtle Office Hours, 9:30 to 12, 2 to 5. ing newspapers and periodicals pub­ ed on a fishing trip in an auto and Point into five and ten acre tracts. LAW YERS lished in the United States, at the was having trouble with the darn He also surveyed a short piece of road at the Frank Snow place and Herald office. Save money by or­ thing. A. J. SHERWOOD on Cherry creek. dering of us. A tto rn ey at L aw The management of the laundry Miss Flora W. Burns, Mrs. W. First National Bank Building Mrs. Mary A McQuain will be in Marshfield has put into effect a G. Ackerman’s daughter, who has Rooms 2-3-4 glad to receive orders for plain aud new schedule for the employes. teen an efficient force in the busi­ fancy sewing at the borne of Mrs. Heretofore the laundry hands have ness department of the Herald, as E. J. Wright. She will also cut L. J. LILJEQI/IST worked ten hours a day. They patterns. Satisfaction guaranteed. A ttorn ey a t L aw well as in the composing room, ex­ will now work only eight hours pects to depart from Coquille about First National Bank Building Mr. and Mrs. C. Albert Schroed er and will receive the same pay. Coquille, Oregon the middle of the month. In the celebrated the twentieth anniversary FOR SALE — Fifteen hundred mean time she is making semi-head­ of their wedding last Wednesday bushels Beardless Barley; 500 bush­ WALTER SINCLAIR at their home near this city, about els Bluestem Wheat— all good seed; quarters at the Herald office and A ttorney at L aw fifty friends taking part in the fes­ 2 tons White Nile Peas. Leave or­ settling up the odds and ends of Notary Public Coquille ders at Knowlton’s drug Store, or Mr. Ackerman’s business. tivities of the occasion. call up Jchn Hartley, Farmers’ 3 xx, This is the best time of the year or call at farm 1 J miles below Co­ Before buying an automobile call, E. D. SPERRT to poison digger squarrela. Full or write, L Strong & Son, Myrtle quille. A tto rn et a n » supply of best squarrel poison at Point, Oregon, for information and C ou n sello r a t L aw H. K. Johnson is advertising an Knowlton’s Drug Store. price of the celebrated Mitchell Office in Robinson Building 1913 car. Nothing like it, the best auction sale of his stock and farm­ For a sprsiin you will find Chamber­ on wheels, in fact a road locomotive ing implements, intending to leave lain’s Liniment excellent. It allays the W. C. CHASE in place of a horseless carriage. the farm in the hope of benefiting pain, removes the soreness, and soon re­ stores the parts to a healthy condition. A t to rn Y a t L a w The Women’s Home Mission So­ the health of Mrs. Johuson who has 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by all Office in Richmond-Barker Bldg ciety of the M. FT. Church South will been quite Bick but is now some­ druggists. give a Valentine luncheon February what improved. C. R. BARROW 13, at the home of Mrs. J. A. Lamb The Sentinel announces that its A tto rn ey a n d C o u n sello r at L aw commencing at five p m. Lunch­ industrial edition, which has been Eggs will be furnished after the Office Phone 335 eon will consist of chicken tamales, Residence Phone 346 in preparation for some months, 15th of February, from the best hot rolls, cake, coffee, etc. 25c; will be out about the middle of of birds at $1.50 per setting children under twelve, 15c. J. J. STANLEY of 15 eggs. March A special number of the LAWYER kind promised is an excellent ad­ I still have cock birds and cockerels, The Bank of Myrtle Point, which 25 per cent off o f the regular price for Ricbmond-Barker Building has been conducted by J . R. Benson vertisement for any community the next thirty day. Now is your chance. Coquille, Oregon Kggs from ten different verities. lor many years, has been incorpor­ when sent to the outside world. Write for particulars or phone 32x8. ated. The capital stock is 525,000. W. H. Thomas, Bert Folsom, Lacs E. H. NEER, Mr. Benson is president; J. W Leneve and John McVey were in a A U C T IO N E E R Myrtle Point, - - Oregon Snelley, vice-president; Fid. Raik- party taking a trip to D.ira Sunday leff, cashier; John I) Carl and When you get one, get one o f exper­ in one of Claude Moon’s autos. They Robert Morris filling out the board Comfort Your Stomach ience—26 years at the business report the road in fine shape, being of directors. We pay for thia treatm ent If it all planked excepting one short W hen Did You MEHELYMENTIONED Come Across? "GOODRICH TIRES1 GARAGE GASOLINE W R exall £ The Cold Tablets PUHRMÄNS PHARMACY NEER'S POULTRY YARDS E. Q. C A S S ID Y BAH DON, ORE, W e Are Not Operating a Medical Institute But W e Can Relieve You o f a considerable amount o f THAT TIRED FEELING if you w ill send us the weekly wash It won’t cost you even Patent Medicine Prices COQUILLE LAUNDRY AND ICE CO. Supt. Thos. Dixon says he is here to stay until the roilroad is completed. Last summer he came in hete to commence his contract for the S P and they took him out. He says that this time it is different and that he means business. If jyou do not believe him, just watch his smoke.— North Bend Harbor. stretch which was graveled and has some muddy places. The keel of Capt. O. R Willard’s j new boat, the Charm, is now being constructed by Hermann Bros., of Bandon. She will be 80 feet long, with 13.8 feet beam and 21 inch draught, will have a six cylinder e D g i n e which will develop at least Robert Train, who recently pur­ 130 horse power. She will ply chased the business property at the the Coquille river and is expected corner of First and Hall Streets, is to be on the run about May 1 , 1013 . hard at work preparing for the im­ O. Dodge of Myrtle Point is provements he will make on the spending a few days in town. He property. The buildings will be has been having poor health and raised and placed on new founda­ has lost 25 pounds in weight, but tions, resting on concrete blocks, is now gaining Mr. Dodge says he and will be thoroughly overhauled still has quite a number of copies of and put in first-class shape. his Pioneer History of Coos and There is no better medicine made tor colds than Chamberlain's Cough Rem­ edy. It acts or. nature’s plan, relieve* the lunirs, opens the secretions, aids expectoration ; and restores the system to a healthy condition. For aale by all druggists. Curry Counties, and anv one inter­ ested in the early history of this section would find the little volume full of valuable matter touching early times, the participants in which have nearly all passed away. fails to promptly relieve Indiges­ tion and Dyspepsia. Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets re m «ly ■tomaoh troubles because they con- con­ tain the proper proportion o f P. Pepiin epain and Bismuth and the necessary rar- minatives that help nature to i the elements the absence o f which in the gastrio juices causes indiges­ tion and dyspepsia. T h ey aid the stomach to digest food and to quickly convert it into rich red blood and material necessary for overcoming natural body waste. Carry a package o f Rexall Dys­ pepsia Tablets in your vest pockety or keep them in your room. Take one after each heavy meal and prove our assertion that they will keep indi­ gestion from bothering you. W e know what Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets are and what they will do. W e guarantee them to relieve indi­ gestion and dyspepsia, or to refund £ our m oney, if they fail to d o so. )oesn’ t it stand to reason that we w ouldn't assume this m oney risk were we not certain Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets will satisfy you? Three sizes: 25 cents, 50 cents, and $1.00. You can buy Rexall Dyspepsia Tablet® Is this com m unity only at our store: FUHRMAN’S PHARMACY C oqum . Th* V i a t t f o n Or.iron There la __________ a Rexall Store in n e a - r J ly every town and city in the tiw " United ' State«, Canada and Gr*at Britain. J There la Great Is a different Rexall Remedy for nearly every ordinary ry human hum ill— ___ __ „ ___ , ______ __ i particular 01 ©orh eepoeially designed _ for _ the partie for which it is reoomnaended. T h e R e s e ll Bier«« are Amerie©*© G rea test D ru g Store# i Sportsman C L A U D E C. MOON, Proprietor l I 3 in I Oils; Wrenches, chisels, punches, hammers, plyers, cotter tin plyers, screw drivers, cut-out pedals, tire carriers, assorted springs, Winchester shot guns, Remington shot guns, guns, gun cases, ammu- nition. fishing tackle, hooks, flies, lines, leaders, sinkers, split shot, fly books, cane poles, jointed A U T O M O B I L E S U P P L fE S ; Valvoline, Harris, Monogram, French A uto and poles, pole varnish, reels, fish baskets, gun grease, decoys, and recoil pads. Sporting Goods and BICYCLE SUNDRIES .United States Tires. fi — — ..........J The Times reports that Jas. Ben­ nett, chief engineer at the Smith mill has fallen heir to about $2,000,000, or rather that the claim of himself and two brothers to certain real es­ tate in New York City has been es­ tablished and he will get about the sum named out of it, and still he says he will not quit his job! Coquille Tailor Leads In Modern Methods K. Halversen has just installed a steam pressing machine in his tail­ oring parlors It is the only one in Coos county, and is a just cause for pride on the part of this enter­ prising tailor, and is an'instrument that adds laurels to Coquille’s busi­ ness wreath. Mr Halversen has just received a first-class stock of samples suitable lor spring and summer wear and is now prepared to please the most fastidious. Call and select that new suit and have it made in an up to-date manner by the old reliable tailor of Coquille whose every aim is to please in quality of goods, workmanship and price. Cleaning, mending and pressing done promptly and reasonably. ---- . A pair of horses, wagon and other goods belonging to K. T. Bestul, who recently moved to Aurora, Oregon, were shipped to him last Friday, via Marshfield, by ! Judge Sperry, who bad charge of j the property. A great flurry was caused at time of shipment by the refusal of the railroad company to J receive the horses without new halters, when not a new halter! could be found in town. The diffi­ culty was solved by calling on Myrtle Point to semi the required equine impedimenta by the train : on which the horses were to go. » ♦# > of Diamond Quality' SEEDS Every page has been compiled with Northwestern conditions in mind. Every seed list«d . has been tested in our own laboratory and has been found good. 5IThis catalog is de­ pendable a n d r e l i a b l e . • Whether you want to buy now or not, it will pay you to have our catalog, A P o s t a l BRIN G S IT F R E E . Send today for catalog 230. Copenhagen Market, tha best early cabbage for the hom e garden. W hite Icicle Radish Crispette Lettuce D etroit B eet Lemon Cucum ber Thin Home Garden Special l ’kth, 1 each, post paid 25c PORTLAND SEED COMPANY PORTLAN D, 3 HE OREGON 3 HO A Place of Amusement ------ Halters in Demand -------- Send for Our 1913 CA TALO G THE ROYAL THEATRE (The House of Quality) W e conduct a clean, up-to-date pic­ ture house and show only the best PICTURES Our Aim is to Improve --------- Not Murdered An autopsy performed on the j body of Chas. "Foster,” who was found in a dying condition in Hazel Cameron’s bouse at Marsh­ field, disclosed the fact that he died of Bright’s Disease and not of other injuries, as was supposed. Investi­ gation ol his effects showed that the man’s name was “Forsburg, al though he had gone under the other name during several years’ residence ,on the Bay. W e are sparing no expense to make this THE house of Q U A L IT Y A. P. MILLER I ■■ ■ : ,"T| p i I CHAS. HART -3 H 1 Jr'