Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, February 11, 1913, Image 2

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    T h e C o q u ille H e r a ld
Entered as second class matter May
8, ¡90'). at the post office at Coquille,
Oregon, underact of Congress of March
S, 1879.
P. C. LEVAR, Lessee.
Devoted to the material and social
upbuilding of the Coquille Valley par­
ticularly and of Coos County generally.
Subscription, 11.50 per year in advance
Phone, Main 354.
The Macedonian cry on press-day
— “ Have you changed the date ?”
Edith Storey is certainly seme
sprinter, for a girl th a t’s afraid of
a cow.
President Taft bas signed the
bill which provides for a f i , 000,000
memorial for A b rah am Lincoln
T h e H erald no longer clubs with
the Toledo Blade. N o paper that
is filled with fake patent medicine
and deceptive “ free1' ads will have
any assistance toward circulation
from the H erald under the present
J. P. Morgan & Co. only made
{ 4 , 250,000 as a fee for tak in g $ 170 ,-
000,000 of New York city bonds
and tu r n in g them over to 280 other
firms who w anted them and had
previously agreed to take them
But there is no “ money t r u s t.”
A meeting of the Coquille Com­
mercial Club has been called for
tomorrow evening, and a full at­
tendance is desired.
T h e time is
ripe for the resumption of activity
on the part of o u r local boosting
organization, and every one should
take an interest in the work.
T h e discovery th a t Chas. F oster,
of Marshfield, died of disease and
not of violence, relieves that com­
m u nity of the onus of h arboring
individuals so in h u m a n th at they
would beat a m an into insensibility
and then leave h im to be found
d yin g several d ays later, without
m ak in g any attem p t to ascertain
his condition or to send him help
Some multi-m illionaire who has
a desire to em ulate the laird of
Skibo (or is it Skidoo) has a chance
to im mortalize him self by giving
some of his ill gotten gains toward
the establishment of a fund to pro­
vide the country p rin ting offices of
the nation with new towels.
would not only be a godsend to the
members of a calling so glorious
and so little rew arded in a pecuniary
way, but it would result in a col­
lection most in teresting in a h is­
torical way. T h e old towels could
be preserved in an im mense m u ­
seum at W ash in g to n .
Some of
them carry th u m b prin ts and re­
cords of ajl the p rom inent printers
from F ra n k ly n , and some process
could doubtless be found by which
to blast off the u n im p o rtan t layers
of more recent years an d expose
old m ark in g s of priceless value as
relics. A ny Carnegie is welcome
to this suggestion, without charge.
proud of the promptness, bravery
and all-around efficiency of its fi.e
Council D oings
At the city council meeting of
February 3 , a full attendance was
Ordinance No. 85 was passed,
authorizing the council to barrow for municipal purposes, pay­
able by w arrants, in denom inations
of $ 500 , bearing 6 per cent interest,
payable semi-annually, and m a t u r­
in g in nine years.
Declaration was made of in ten ­
tion to im prove First Street in E l ­
liott's and Not'.ey’s additions to the
width of 60 feet.
T h is measure
was carried by the following vote:
A y e — Pierce, Skeels, Leach, L yons;
N o —Cary, Laird.
A resolution was passed directing
the recorder to give tw enty d a y s ’
notice of the collection of money
due from Chas. T h o m an d M. J.
McDonald f*r their proportion of
the improvement of First street.
T h e following w arrants were or­
dered draw n:
P. E. Hall-I.ewis. engineer
J . S. Lawrence, recorder
L. A. Liljeqvist, attorney
J . C. Sullivan, marshal
John Hurley, marshal, night
R. H. Mast, treasurer
Walter Oerding, fire chief
P. E. Lawrence, leveling & rdng. 3.75
Home Tel. Co., messages........... 3.04
C. A. Smith Lbr. Co., piling
Fox & Perkins, towing
Coq. River Elec. Co., lights
114 54
Coq. Val. Sentinel, printing
J. S. Lawrence, Phillipinos
C. B. Pav. & Con. Co., lumber
Guy Kelly, labor
Skookum Rest., meals......................... 50
H. Magill, labor............................ 3.60
Natham-Dohrman Co., lamps
D. H. Johnson & Son, Phillipinos 18.40
J. B. Pointer, coal and hanling 14.25
J. R. Nosier, hall rent
W. H. Mansell, Fgt. and hauling 2.90
Cook Bros., Phillipinos
Gorham Eng. Co., supplies
J. S. Lawrence, water fund
. 25.00
S. V. Epperson, water fund .... 60.00
P. E. Lawrence, Sewer Dist. 1 19.40
T h e m eeting Monday evening
was fully attended, but the grin din g
of grist was small.
A motion made by Laird and sec­
onded by Cary, that the im prove­
ment of First street in E llio tt’s
and N olley’s additions be tabled,
was lost, show ing the m ajority of
the council to be in favor of going
ahead with the work.
It was moved and carried th at
the trees in front of the city be re­
It was also resolved to advertise
for bids for the construction of a
concrete sidewalk aroun d the city
T h a t ’s all.
Mr. and Mrs. A ckerm an G o
Mr. and Mrs. W. G . A ckerm an
went to Marshfield F rid ay to catch
the outg oing Breakwater, on their
way to their future home at Salem,
where Mr. A ckerm an ow ns a piece
of fruit land and where he will also
probably take an occasional whirl
at the art preservative.
D uring
his occupacy of the tripod in the
Herald office Mr. A ckerm an won
the regard to the com m unity, and
he and Mrs. A ckerman leave with
the best wishes of m a n y friends
made duriijg their stay of a little
over a year in this city.
--- —
Cond u cto r S. I,. Miller, Norfolk, Neb.
on Boneateel division of C. <k N. W . R y .
Co., recom m ends fr'oley K id n ey Pills ami
sa y s: “ I h ave used Foley K id n ey Tills
with very satisfactory results an d en­
dorse t h e i r use for a n y one afflicted
with k idney trouble. T h e y are all
r i g h t . ” F u h r i n a n ’a P h arm acy .
Circuit Court Nearly Done
The Circuit court has been grlud-
on slow cases for the past week and
P R E S B Y T E R IA N C H U R C H .
no great showing has been made,
Services Sunday at 1 1 a . 111 and but the docket bas been practically
7:30 p. m.
cleared, and Judge Coke expects to
Suuday School at 10 a. m.
finish tonight or possibly tomorrow.
Frank H. Adams, Pastor.
The case of Swenson vs Cody
Lumber Company resulted in a ver­
Christian Science Society
dict for defendant.
Corner Third and Hall streets.
Heckala vs. Coos Bay Liquor
Services at 11 a m next Sunday
Subject lesson sermon “Spirit.” | Company brought up against a
Wednesday evening meeting 7:30. judgment of non-suit. T his was
the case resulting from the defend-
I ant corporation shutting Heckala
M. L Church South
Services Sunday as usual.
j out of the Brewery saloon in Marsh*
Services n e x t S u nd ay as usual
I field, which he was ru nu in g in
S u n d a y school at to. a m.
their building.
E p w o ith L eague at 6:45 p. m.
The case ot H . J . Isaacs against
Y ou are invited to be present.
C. H. C le a v e s , l’astor. L. D. Kinney is to be h ta r d before
Judge H arris, by stipulation of the
8 T . JA M E S E P IS C O P A L .
p a r tie s .
Services first and third Sundays
T h e case of Stevens vs. Stutsm an
of each month.
Sunday school i was
r;e(j Kin morning,
« 0= , in™
morning, and the
every Sunday at 10 a. m.
case was taken from the jury and a
You are heartily welcome.
ju d g m e n t given for plaintiff for
Archdeacon Wm. Horsfall, rector.
I $106 45 . T h is was a suit on a note
1 given by S tu tsm an to Georg? Av-
: irill, w ho was pro m o ting an aulo-
Candlin Returas
j mobile railway or tram w ay from
William Candlin, m an ufacturers' Coos Bay to the railroad, and who
agent, of this place, arrived h o m e : transferred the note to Stevens in
last F rid ay after an absence of two 1 paym ent ot a p rintin g bill AveriU’s
weeks, spent mainly in P ortland. , scheme proved a fake, but Stevens
He bring s home a prize in the shs| e had acted in good faith
of the agency for the Oregon City
T h e case of R. L. Shumate vs.
Woolen Mills, pioneer m anufactur­ R. H. G a rd n e r and R. O G ardner,
ers of woolen clothing in O r e g o n . j for forcible en try an d unlawful de-
Mr. Candlin came borne by way ta jner was w aiting at noon for the
of E u gene end the Siuslaw, but 1 e j u d ge ’s decision on a motion that
says “ never a g a in .”
The roads had been a rg u e d.
were som ething to u g h e r than any-
_______ . . . _______
thin g in Coos oounty. He found in-
Notice Taipayers
dications of railroad activity all j Taxes due Feb. I, 1913; 3 per cent
along th e line, and s tirrin g times rebate to March 15; penalty and irter-
est. after April 7, 1913. Send list of
on th e Siuslaw an d at G a r d i n e r .
r o p e r t y on
w hich you
vou desire
to pay
i p property
on which
j taxes to YV. W. Gage, Sheriff.
A statement was made before the
Roseburg city couucil by Al. Crea-
son, to the effect that “ nine out of
every ten fi res occurring in Rose­
burg are of incendiary origin.’*
you wou’t ever try home made
cream again. Why should you ?
I.eneve’s cream is made of the
best of materials, by the most
sanitary methods and is certainly
better than the best home made
and cheaper too.
Leneve Contetionery
rMatters, Bowls ^
and Pitchers
Values 35c to 50c
Your choice while in window
■ ..... - =1
Air-o-lite Gasoline Lamps
Absolutely Safe, Cheaper than Kerosene,
Intense, Soft Light
EE------ i
Boilers., Tubs and Pails
-------- (Just Received)--------
Boilers $ 1 .2 0 to $ 3 .7 5
Pails 2 0 c to 70c
Tubs 7 5 c to $ 1 .4 5
N ew and Second-H and G oods
County Clerk Watson issued the fol­
lowing marriage licenses during the
RATES: One cent a word, each in­
sertion. No charge less than 15 cents.
Myrtle Point Pointers
Four of the laborers on tbe new
railroad went to some of the places
down the river where booze was
plentiful and got gloriously full.
When they got off the train at Myr­
tle Point there was a free for all
fight and Marshall Brown put them
all in tbe lockup for disorderly con­
duct They were released after the
boss went their bail.
John Lewellen has purchased the
Ed Itackliff place on tbe bottom and
contemplates many improvements
The Coquills high school b a s k e t
ball team made a trip to tbe bay
last week and defeated both tbe bay
teams. On Thursday evening North
Bend went down to defeat with a
score of 35 to 9. Tbe Coquille team
bad tbeir opponents outclassed iu
every respect. The game at Marsh­
field on Friday evening was closer, j
the score being 21 to 17 in favor of
the Coquille hoys It is by no j
means an easy matter to play ganus
on twro nights in succession and tbe ’
team from tbe local school did not ;
show such excellent form in the sec­
ond game. Ho.vever, they did suf­
ficiently well to win the game.
The first game of the season to be
played on tbe home floor will be
next Friday evening. The Marsh­
field team, the best in tbe country
outside Coquille, will be tbe viators.
The game is sure io be a good one
and should draw a good crowd.
Tbe second basket ball team of
tbe local high school chartered tbe
Wolverine and went to Riverton
for a game Friday evening, deieat-
ing tbe Riverton team by a score of
10 to 6 The lineup of tbe Coquille
team was as follows: forwards, Nor­
ton and Lawrence; center, Pike;
guards, Adams and Keith Leslie.
Allen McDuffee referted the game
in s highly satisfactory manner.
Riverton has some excellent basket
ball material and, with m re prac
tice in matched games, will no
doubt turn out ao excellent team.
The school continues to grow.
Four new pupils were eurolled yes.
terday morning Charles Mathews
entered the seventh A, Blauche
Clouser, tbe seventh 15, Edna Clou-
ser, tbe sixth B and Frauk Leon«,
tbe third A.
Don't forget the basket ball
game next Friday evening.
L icenses to W ed
W h e n Bu rto n Holm es recenrly gave
liis ce lebrated travelogue on “ P a n a m a ”
a t O rch estra Hall, Chicago, he was ser- I
iously i n te r ru p te d by co n tin u al cough- i
in^ of t h e audience. No one a n n o y s
willfully a n d if people w ith coughs,colds,
h o arsen ess a n d tick ling in t h r o a t would
use F oley’s H o n ey & T a r C o m p m n d ,
t h e y could q u ick lv cure t h e i r coughs
a n d colds a n d avoid t h is a n n o y an ce .
F u h r m a n ’s P h a r m a c y .
Mr. Ed Chanty of Detroit, Mich.,
who was been east for two years, re­
turned this week to look after bis
business interests.
C. E. Broadbent went to BOut berD
California Inst steamer starting from
Bandon. His wife and daughter
went with him as far as Ban Ion
where they enjoyed a week’s outing
Allie Dodge looks fine an 1 full
in the face, from an attack of the
mumps which are quite prevalent
F. E. Soulhmayd’s five children
have all been Bick with grip and a
near approach to pneumonia, but
are improving now.
School N otes
your call with
Big Ben, he’ll call you
on the dot at any time
you say.
And if you roll over and
try “just-one-more-nap,”
he’ll repeat his call 30 sec­
onds later and keep on call­
ing until you’re wide
Big Ben stands 7 inches tall—
He’s heavy, massive, handsome.
He’s got a great, big dial you can
easily read in the dim morning
light, a sunny deep toned voice
you’ 11 hear distinctly on your sleep­
iest mornings.
I’ve placed him in the window
Look at him whenev er you go by.
The Jeweler
C O Q U IL L E .
For H air H ealth
I f R e x a ll “ 9 3 ” H a i r T o n ic d o e *
n o t im p r o v e t h e h e a lt h o f y o u r
• c a lp a n d h a ir , w e w ill p a y fo r
w h a t y o u u s e d u r i n g t h e tr ia l.
W p io u ld n o t
stro n g ly e n d o rse
This is th9 season of the year when
R ex all “ 9 3 ” H a ir T o n ic a n d co n tin u e
to sell i t to t h e sam e peo p le if i t d id
I mothers feel very much concerned over
n o t d o all w e claim . S h o u ld i t n o t
I the frequent colds contracted hv their
ro v e e n tire ly s a tis fa c to ry o u r cus­
U ncalled-For Gold
children, and have abundant reason for
to m e rs w o u ld lose f a ith .in u s, wo
ould lose th e ir p a tro n a g e , a n d o u r
Doubtless if there is another ers the vitality and paves the way for ^
N o town can make better invest-
b u sin ess w o u ld suffer.
m eats th a n those dictated by a stream in the northwest th at affords the more serious diseases that so often
If y o u r h a ir is fallin g o u t o r y o u
follow. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
suffer a n y scalp tro u b le , wo b elieve
liberal policy tow ard its fire d ep art­ better or more ground for a d red g ­ is famous for its cures and is pleasant
R ex all “ 9 3 ” H a ir T o n ic w ill d o m o re
to e ra d ic a te th e d a n d ru ff, g iv e h e a lth
proposition than d o ts the and safe to take. Sold by all druggists.
m ent. Sometimes in the long ab­ ing
to th e scalp , S tim u la tt new h a ir
g ro w th a n d p re v e n t p r e m a tu r e b ald ­
sence of a fire alarm the jieople Rogue river. T h ere are miles and
ness th a n a n y o th e r h u m a n ag e n cy .
ra th e r forget an d lose interest in miles of river bed subject to loca­
Enlarging Store
W e w a n t y o u to m a k e u s p ro v e
th is. W e ask y o u to risk n o m o n e y
th eir fire d epartm ent and are in
ate v er. B u y a K ittle o f R ex all
F, C. Getty, manager of the
*'93 ' H a ir T o n ic , u*e i t a c c o rd in g to
d i n e d to look askauce at any ex yield a handsom e retu rn on a well Farmers Union store, has been mak­
d i r e c t i o n fo r th i r ty d a y s : th e n if
T h e re is only
y o u a re n o t e n tir !y satisfied , com e
p en d itu re made by the city council equipped dredger.
ing considerable improvement about
a n d te ll u s a n d wc will p ro m p tly h a n d
for the assistance of the department one place in the river, to our k n o w ­ the store The room formerly oc­
b ack th e m o n ey y o u p aid u s fo r it.
W e w o n 't ask y o u to sig n a n y ­
T h e ie is d an g er in such cases that ledge, th at the gravel from the lied cupied by the Fair store, opening
th in g , n o r e v e n to b rin g th e b o ttle
back .
W e w o n 't o b lig a te y o u in
a n iggardly policy may be adupted of the river has been prospected, on Second street has been leased
a n y w ay. W e will ta k e y o u r m e re
and the fire boys t»e made to leel and that showed att average rich­ and will be used as a warehouse
w ord. C o u ld a n y th in g be m o re fa ir?
C o u ld we d o a n y th in g m o re to p ro v e
th a t the com m unity does not fully ness of th irteen dollars to the cubic and the store opening on B street
o u r belief in R ex all " 9 3 " H a ir T o n ic ,
an d o u r h o n e s ty o f p u rp o se in rccom -
v alu e the protection they afford yard. All the lower R ogue needs, has been enlarged. Mr. Getty says
in e u d in g i t to y o u r
T h i s may easily cause a loss of in
R exall ” 9 3 ” H a ir T o n ic is a s p leas­
these changes were made necessary
a n t to u se a s s ring w a te r a n d h as
teresl on the part of the boys th em ­ Alaska streams, is men with the by the constant increase in trade.
b u t a fa in t, pk-a-- g o d o r. I t con.ce
in tw o s ite s of b o ttle s , 50c a n d $1.00.
selves. T h e n some day or night a experience, capital and inclination
Y ou can b u y R \a ll “ 9 3 ” H a ir T o nig
fire comes along and causes the
Mrs. S. S. S., Van Boren St., King­ t s th is c o m m u n ity o n ly a t o u r sto re ;
loss of more dollars in an hour than Globe.
ston, N. Y. (full name furnished on ap­
the fire boys would ask for their | Do yon know that more real danger plication: had such decided f»enefit from
S ta r t
O reg o n
using Foley's Honey A Tar Compound C o q u ille
d e p artm en t in a long term of years lurks in a common cold than in in any that she shares her g s*l fortune with ,
There Is a Rexall Store In nearly even,- town
others. She writes: “ Foley’s Honey A
and city In the United State*. Canada and
T h e town th at treats its fire boys
»ay Is to take Chamberlain's Cough Tar Compound brought my voice back
G reat Britain. Th-.-re Is a different Rexall
Remedy fur nearly every ordinary human ill—
rig h t is not only paid many fold in Remedy, a thoroughly reliable prepara­ to me during a severe ease ot bronchitis
•eoh especially designed for the particular ill
tion. an I rid vonrself of the col l as and laryngiti*. Oh. how many people
for which It is reeoo.mended.
property saved from destruction, quickly
as possible. This remedy is for I have recommended it to." Fnhrman.s
The Resell Store« a re America's Greatest
b ut it can , like Marshfield, feel sale by a l druggists.
Drug Stores
j I’harmacy.
Ben Beneaweck and Lu ills Au- F O R R E N T T w o cottages near
Christian C hurch, in good tepair; Kryptok len ses are
G a rd e n lots in connection; also w onderful creations.
Jam es Wesley Carlile a ud M artha
Low rent for reliable,
A reading len s is hidden in
Rebecca G urney.
long term tenants. Apply C. R.
A lbinus O Gustafson an d Mary
Barrow, 01 phone 3 x
2 - n t f the “distance” lens undiscern-
F. Rooke.
S C H O O L T E A C H E R W A N T E D able. No “lines;” no cem ent.
E rn est T em pliu and A nna Gid
— O ne that has experience, to
G et Kryptoks
commence March 17 . L ength ot 1
term seven months.
F or infor V . R
W I L S O N , O. D
mation write Mrs. Frances Far-1
Errors of Vision Scientifically
W hat Is a “ Good F ellow ?”
tier, Port Orford, Ore
2 - i t - 3 t |
I am in the market for al kinds
One of the ordinary, every-day
Next door to Skeels’ Store
of furs. Geo. T . Moulton.
divorce suits reveals the usual evi­
T E A M F O R S A L E — F our and
dence that marriage is an ideal con­
dition best suited to ideal people. five years old; weight 1400 p >unds
each T ru e and gentle. See l ’etett,
In this particular case the husband, the jew eler, for particulars.
entirely in the wrong, is described
COWS FOR S A L E — Two good
as follows:
‘‘A man with a host of friends
and described generally as a “ ‘good
fellow.’ ”
T here are a great m any men
know n as “ good fellows,” and u su ­
ally they are proud of it
T h is title
ol “good fellow” is usually co n­
ferred upon them in the various re­
sorts where they are spending the
money which ough t to be spent at
T h e " g o o d fellow” is usually
well acquainted with a good many
different bartenders, and they think
he is a ‘‘good fellow.”
T h e “ good fellow” usually drops
his good fellowship as he goes in
his own front door.
T h e ordinary, everyday fellow,
who spends upon his wife and ch il­
dren the money which they need,
and to which thev are entitled, is
rarely know n as a ‘‘good fellow.”
He does not spend his money for
those who have no claim upon it.—
E xchange.
Canada Still A dvancing
T h e Star
By a vote of 25,000 to 26 , 000 , the
people of T o ro n to voted on January
t in favor of instructing the I.egis-
| lature of O ntario to enact a measure
! allowing im provem ents to be taxed
, at a lower rate than land values
T h e great popular interest that
was taken in the matter is evident
Irom the fact th at city officials weie
1 elected at the same time and the
total vote on the head of the tickei
was 37 , 000 . T h e majority in favor
ot tak in g this first step toward the
Single T a x in the most im portant
city of C an ada is four to one of
those voting thereon and is two-
th irds of the entire n u m b er voting
at the election.
It is evident that Eastern Canada
is profiling by the ex am p le of the
1 progressive provinces of the West.
milch cows both coming fresh in
the spring.
Nile Miller.
My 1911 model “ T , ” five-passenger
Ford, fully equipped, eleclric li g h t­
ed, latest attachm ents, in first-class
shape. Reason for selling to buy
larger machine.
T. A W alker,
Coquille, Oregon
\ DVERT1S1NG is the royal
1 1 highway to opulence and
wealth. It is the vital principle
that makes for succsss in any
business institution. Selling is a
moil important science and de­
serves every consideration by
discerning men.
The Coquille Herald will be
found an excellent salesman.
Prosperous men are those who
advertise. No one will dispute
this. The Herald is at your
The circulation is
extensive and the rates are very
Our subscription
books are open for inspection
to all our customers. F air, isn’t
it? Try an “ ad ” with us.
A M. Stamm waa t-b< t by Alvin
Crosby, at Eugene in a Ian I dis­
pute. A charge of bird shot i« in !
Stamm's leg, Stanuu is in tbe hos j
! pital and Crosby is in jail.
H as M oney Coming
Mrs, George T h a u re n , of i i 8 J£
E W ashington St., Iowa City, la.,
1 has w ritten to the F arm ers and
Merchants Bank, ask in g in form a­
tion as to the w hereabouts of Jo h n
F ran tz, aged about 54
It seems
th at he was adopted when he was
about 7 years old by Joseph and
Elizabeth Reincke. and if he will
now show tip and prove his adop­
tion he is entitled to a share in tbeir
Come and See
Same Old Place
P a id the printer lately ?