The Coquille Herald OREGON NEWS BRIEFLY TOLD PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY Enteral a* second clsse matter May 8, 1905. at the post office at Coquille, Oregon, under act ol Congress of March 3, 1879. _______________ WALTER G. ACKERMAN, Publisher EVENTS OF THE PAST WEEK Devoted to the material and social upbuilding of the Coquille Valley par­ ticularly and of Coos County generally. Subscription, $1.50 per year in advance Transpiring in Oregon Boiled AUTOMOBILE FOR SA L E - My 1911 model “T,” five passvtiger Ford, fully equipped, electric light­ ed, latest attachments, in first-class shape. Reason for selling to buy larger machine. T. A Walker, Coquille, Oregon. SUNDAY SERVICES IN Notice to Taxpayers COQUILLE CHURCHES rebate Taxes due Feb. 1, 1913; 3 per cent to March 15: penalty ami inter­ est after April 7, 1913. Send list of PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. on which you desire to pay Services Sunday at 11 a. in and property taxes to W. W. Gagé, Sheriff. Down to Least Number of Lines and Yet Make the 7:30 p. m. Sunday School at 10 a. m. Subject Understood Frank H. Adams, Pastor. The curfew law will be strictly Christian Science Society enforced at Medford by the new Services at 11 a. m. next Sunday Subject lesson sermon “ Love.’’ mayor. Six cars of potatoes were shipped Wednesday evening meeting 7:30. last week from Aurora to California M. L Church South and Texas. Services Sunday as usual. The new $10,000 Carnege library Services next as usual at Dallas will be dedicated Friday, Sunday school Sunday at 10 . a m. Epwortb League at 6:45 p. m. January 31. to be present. PA TRIO TISM -O U R M O TIV E The steel wagon bridge across You are invited C. H. C leaves , Pastor. the Willamette at Corvallis will be CHURCH OF C H R IST . Hugh McLain, of Marshfield, in use by February 1. Sunday as usual. Morn­ presented the Oregon electoral vote Independence is to have a Mas. ing Services subject: “Ransomed One 3 .” At onic lodge and a picture show house returns to the president on Monday 7 p. m , the C. E. society will give last. Mr. McLain received £783 the latter to cost about $ 12 , 000 , “Endeavor Day” program. The mileage for services as messenger. Next year’s convention of the an pastor will give an address on tbe state association of wool growers Speaker McArthur has introduced will be held at Enterprise, Wallowa "C. E. Pledge.” Sunday school at 10 a m. a bill in the Oregon legislature sub­ county. Eudesvor at 0:30, con­ stituting the electric chair tor the The Port Orford Tribune Bays Christian ducted by the young men. execution of murderers. It has that the year 1913 promises to be a Your presence is solicited. been reported favorably by the com­ record breaker for Curry county in T. B. McDonald, Minister mittee on revision of laws and it tbe way of development. 8T. JAMES EPISCOPAL. will probably pass Wholesale houses of Baker closed Services first and third Sundays Nine bills have been introduced the year 1912 with a very satisfac­ of each month. Sunday school in the Oregon legislature demand- tory showing and tbe signs hold out every Sunday at 10 a. m. ing experiment stations in connec- tbe prospect of a larger increase for You are heartily welcome. Archdeacon Wm. Horsfall, rector. tian with the Agricultural College 1913. at Corvallis. Coos county is seek­ Mrs. Frances Archbold of IHills- $100 Reward, $100 ing to obtain an experiment station boro, died recently at her borne in leased Th© read ers of th is p ap er will be to learn th a t there is a t least ono and a test farm, and asks for an ap­ that city. She was a well known S able readed disease th a t science h as been to cure in all iis stages, an d th a t Is propriation of $ 8,000 for each. En­ pioneer of Oregon having crossed C positive atarrh . H all's C atarrh C ure i s the only euro now know n to the m edical courage your representative to work tbe plains at tbe age of one year. fratern ity . C ata rrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitu tio nal trea t­ for the measure C ata rrh C ure Is taken in­ Of the 48 commonwealths of tbe m ent. ally , H all’s actin g directly upon th e blood nation, the Stats of Oregon ranks tern and m ucous su rfaces of the system , th ere­ th e foundation of th e dis­ A letter from Senator I. S Smith first in point of attendance in the by ease. destroying and giving the p atien t stre n g th by up th e constitution and assisting urges his constituents to inform public schools, tbe percentage being building n atu re in doing its work. T he proprietors so m uch faith in its cu rativ e pow­ him of any legislation they may de­ 87.8; however in point of efficiency have e rs th a t they offer One H undred Dollars fo r any case th a t it falls to cure. Send sire, Mr, Smith has introduced she only ranks 15th. r list of F. J. testim Address rilF 'T onials. F Y CO., Toledo, Ohio. several meritorious bills that are The bill to provide financial as­ fo Bold by ell D ruggists, 75c. Take Hall’s Faipily Tills for constipation. now undergoing the usual routine sistance for women with one or in the hands of committees. He is mure children who are unable to Hints for Housekeepers chairman of the committee on in­ work, and whose husbands are dead , Keep Foley’s Honey and Tar Com­ pound always on hand, and you can dustries and a member of other im­ or inmates of some Oregon institu­ quicklv head off bv its prompt portant committees. Verily he is a tion, was unanimously passed on use. It contains a no cold opiates, heals and soothes the inflamed air passages, stops worker. January 25. the cough, and may save a big doctor’s In the yellow package. For sale Daniel Brubn, while unloading bill. at Fuhrman’s Pharmacy. Prize Essay Contests machinery at Mapleton was decap­ reports are to the effect that The National W. C. T. U. are of­ itated by a flying rope striking above the All outlook for the lumber market his shoulders. Mr. Bruhn was gen­ fering a fine opportunity to our is decidedly encouraging A good eral superintendent of the Coos bay young people in connection with lumber market means good times branch of the Southern Pacific rail­ their department of Scientific Tem­ for the coast country. road company now being built from perance Instru tion. This consists in a graded prize essay contest. Eugene to the coast. Persons troubled with partial paraly­ are often very much beneflttcd by Some of the subjects and prizes are At five o’clock a. m., January 24, sis massaging the affected ’parts thoroughly a special train left Salem carrying as follows: when applying Chamberlain’s Liniment, College contests: “The Relation 390 insane patients from the Oregon This liniment also relieves rheumatic of Individual Total Abstinence to State hospital to the new Eastern painB. For sale by all druggists. you want a reliable medicine the Prosperity of the Nation,” “AI- Oregon asylum near Pendleton, the for When a cough or cold take Chamberlain’s oohol and the Public Health,’’ “Per­ run to Pendleton being made in one Cough Remedy. It can always he de­ pended upon and is pleasant and safe to sonal Liberty,” etc. Prize $100 in day. About 25 officials and attend­ take. For sale by all druggists. ance accompanied tbe patients. gold. ----------- -»■ »«» «----- Teachers’ contests: "The Best It is extremely probable that the A Foxy Donkey Methods of Teaching the Nature matler of relocating the state fair Zoo Superintendent — What w » b and Effects of Narcotics.” Prize will come up for settlement by the all the rumpus out here this morn­ $50. voters of Oregon at the next ele- High School contests: “The Val­ tion. As Multnomah county aod ing? Attendant—Tbe bull moose and ue of Total Abstinence to a Life,” eastern Oregon will be nearly a sol­ elephant “ Alcohol and Crime,” etc. Prize id vote for its being held at the feed. were fightiog over tbeir metropolis, Salem will unboubtedly Wbat happened ? $50. Grade School contests: “ What is lose out. the Harm in a Glass of Bser, Wine The Oregon Pure Bred Livestock Tbe donkey ate it. or Cider?” “ Why do Business Men association passed a resolution Jan. It your children are subject to attacks croup, watch for the first symptom, Demand Total Abstinence on the 23, indorsing an appropriation of of hoarseness. Give Chamberlain's Cough Part of Their Employees ?” Prize $500,900 for the PaDama-Pacific ex­ remedy as soon as the child becomes $30. hoarse and the attack may be warded position and demanding that $50,- off. For sale by all druggists. Aside from the prizes offered, 000 of this amount be designated these contests are of much value to for tbe exclusive use of the livestock the student as essay writing de­ interests of the state in making a mands logical reasoning aud forces proper ehowiug at the expoaitioo. him to collect, and put in clear, con­ The first railroad for Curry coun­ cise form, the knowledge gained ty is now under actual construction THEATER from study. It also leads to inves­ and four milts are completed. It tigation outside the schoolroom and is the Brookings logging road at arouBes the whole community to Chetco, will be built for many I the importance of this vital ques­ miles into which the extensive timber hold­ tion. ings of that company, will The committee selected for judges eventually have a branch and running is obliged to carefully weigh the as far north as Pistol River. The statements made in order to give expects to have no less just decisions. The teachers are company than 400 awakened to more thorough in­ summer. men on the pay roll next struction. In this way the truth concerning alcohol is made clear Mrs. Hen Advertises and a strong movement against its use inaugurated. When a duck lays an egg she) A number of these prizes have just waddles off as if nothing had come to the coast. One bas been happened. won by an Oregon boy—why not When a hen lays an egg there’s A reading lens is hidden in many more? It is certainly worth a whale of a noise. the lens undiscern- the effort. The hen advertises. Hence tbe ' able. “distance” No “lines;” no cem en t Mrs. A. K. Tmt>or, of Crider, Mo., had demand for hens’ tggs instead of troubled with *ick headache for ducks' eggs. Get Kryptoks a)>out five years, when she bogan taking » «•* • Chamberlain's Tablets. She has taken FOR RENT—Two unlunished. V. R. W IL S O N , O. D two t$otties of them ami they cured her. Errors of Vision Scientifically Sick headache is caused by a disordered light housekeeping rooms. Inquire Corrected stomach for which these tablets are es- at McGuffiti house near Christian CO Q U ILLE ; OREGON pi i ially intended. Try them, get well god -t«\ well. >0 d by all druggists. church. Next door to Skeel»’ Store Phone, Main 354. Cut the High Cost of Living \V. II. Chapman, Winnebago. Neb., tell* bow tie did it. “ My two children bad a very bad cough ami tbe doctor's medicines did them no good. 1 got a bottle of holey's Honey and Tar Com­ pound, and before it was all used the children were free aud cured of tbeir cough. I saved a doctor's bill for one 25c bottle of Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound.*’ No opiates. Fuhrman’s. ROYAL Clean, Moral and Refined Movies Exhibited Daily SKOOKUM BRING HOME A BOX of LENEVE’S IC’E CREAM and you wou’t ever try home made cream again. Why should you ? Leneve’s cream is made of the best of materials, by the most sanitary methods and ia certainly better than the best home made and cheaper too. RESTAURANT C. A. HARRINGTON l’KOriilETOB Come and See Same Old Place Leneve Confetionery Notice ol Sheriff’s Sale By virtue of an execution and order of sale duly issued by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the County of Coos, State of Oregon, dated the 26 th day of December, 1912, in a certain action in the Circuit Court for said County and State wherein Josephine G. Peoples as Plaintiff recovered judgment against Arthur Peart and Lillian Peart, Defen­ dants, for the sum of Two Hundred Seven and 96-100 Dollars and costs and disbursements taxed at Fifty-one and 20-100 Dollars, on the 0th day of De­ cember, 1912; Notice is hereby given that 1 will on Saturday, the 1st day of February, 1913, at the ffont door of the County Court House in the City of Coquille, in said County, at ten o'clock in the fore­ noon of said day, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the fol­ lowing described property, to-wit: The West half of the North-west quarter of the North-west quarter of Section Thirty-six in Township Twenty- seven South of Range Thirteen West of the Willamette Meridian; also begin­ your ning at a point on the Section line 10 East of the corners of Sections Big Ben, he’ll call you 25, chains 2,6 35 and 36, Township Twenty- seven South, Thirteen West of on the dot at any time VV. M., thence Range East along said Section line to a line between Sections 25 and you say. 26, 5 chains, thence South 10 chains, thence 5 chains to a point due And if you roll over and South of West the place of beginnng, thence try “just-one-more-nap,” North 10 chains to the placiof begin­ containing 5 acres of land, more he’ll repeat his call 30 sec­ ning, or less, much thereof as may be onds later and keep on call­ necessary or to so satisfy the said judgment of said Plaintiff and against ing until you’re wide in said favor Defendants with interest thereon, awake. together with all costs and disburse­ Big Ben stands 7 inches tall— ments that have or may accrue. 1912. He’s heavy, massive, handsome. Dated December 2Htn, W. W. GAGE, Sheriff of Coos County, Oregon. He’s got a great, big dial you can Leave call with easily read in the dim morning light, a sunny deep toned voice you’ 11 hear distinctly on your sleep­ iest mornings. I’ve placed him in the window Look at him whenever you go by. SCHROEDER The Jeweler C O Q U IL L E , O R E G O N ■ Sitting Down to Breakfast with some of our fresh rolls or many varieties of bread on the table will be found a treat. Why not onjoy it yourself? You don’t have to come for them Just let us know what you want aud we will see that you get your rolls or bread regularly. i i i City Bakery i COOK BROS., Prop.. rla tte rs , Bowls and Pitchers Values 35c to 50c Your choice while in window r 3 Air-o-litc Gasoline Lamps Absolutely Safe, Cheaper than Kerosene, Intense, Soft Light $ 8.00 L _~— - .....J Str. Plying Brooklyn Between San Francisco and Bandon Boilers, Tubs and Pails -------- (Just Received)--------- Boilers $1.20 to $3.75 Pails 20c to 70c Tubs 75c to $1.45 First-class fare only $7.50 Up freight, per ton.............. 3.00 O Sudden & Christiansen ANDERSON A gents, San Francisco, C alifornia F or R eservations NOSLER & NORTON A gents, Coquille, O regon 20c L» New and Second-Hand Goods J Write Ideas For Moving Picture Plays! O S I CAN WRITE PHOTO PLAYS AND U EARN $25.00 OR MORE WEEKLY We Will Show You How If you have ideas—if you can THINK we will show you the secrets of this fascinating new profession. Positively no experience or literary excellence necessary. No "flowery lan­ guage” is wanted. The demand for photoplays is practically unlimited. The big film manufacturers are "moving heaven and earth” in their attempts to get enough good plots to supply the ever increasing demand. They are offering $ 100 and more, for single scen­ arios, or written ideas. Nearly all the big film companies, the buyers of photoplays, are located in or near New York City. Being right on the spot, and knowing at all times just what sort of plots are wanted by the producers, our Sales Department has a tremendous advantage over agencies situated in distant cities. W e have received many letters from the big film manufac­ turers, such as Vitagraph, Edison, Essanay, Lubin, Imp, Solax, Rex, Reliance, Champion, Comet, M elies, Etc., urging us to send photoplays to them. W e want more writers aud we'll gladly teach you the secrets of success. We are selling photoplays written by people who “never before wrote a line for puplication.” Perhaps we can do the same for you. If you can think of only one good idea every week and will write it out as directed by us, and it sells for only $25., a low fiigure, You Will Earn $100 Monthly for Spare Time rprr 'Senof IML- L. your name and address f o r free copy our illustra ted booh, MOVING PICTURE PLAYWRITING.'* Don t hesitate. Don’t Argue. Write now and learn just what this new profession may mean for you and your future. NATIONAL AUTHORS' INSTITUTE ' 543 Broadway NEW YORK CITY