OREGON NEWS The Q uality Line BRIEFLY TOLD COL. C. H. HOLDEN DIES AT FLORENCE >00000000000000000<*00<) SWIFT COMPANY’S & Premium Hams EVENTS OF THE PAST WEEK Empire Bacon Transpiring in Oregon Boiled Down to Least Number of Lines and Yet Make the Subject Understood Winchester Bacon Silverleaf Lard Jewel Compound A S K F O R IT Nosier S t Norton D I S T K I I I I ’T O H S Coquille, Oregon Phone H om e 1 1 1 F arm ers 4 8 3 *000000000000000000000004 THE Coquille Herald is now fully equipped with modern faces of type and accessories for the execution of L r 0 r J 19 0 s ^ V in a style unexcelled and at prices equally as inviting as can be obtained from others Haut Hrieffi PRINTED PROMPTLY A N D ACCURATELY El Work entrusted to us will receive the personal supervision of a practical printer who takes pride in the proper execution of every detail El Give Us a Trial Order CLEANLINESS Is an important factor in a Grocery Business of the first class. We make a point of abso­ lute cleanliness in the store and in the stock T R Y VIM F L O U R £$ Drane's Store -------------------------------------- ----------------------------- The following from the Florence West will be of interest to Herald readers as it eulogizes a brother of E. G D Holden, who too has pass­ ed to that land “ from whose bourne no traveler returns.” I.ike our for mer townsman it will he seen that the subject of this sketch was one who had rendered valuable service to his country- and fellow man: Col. C H Holden, one of the best known residents ol this section died at his home iti Gleuada, Tues day afternoon, Dec. 24, after an ill ness of about three weeks. Charles H, Llolden was born in New Hampshiie, April 18, 1832 When two months old his parents emigrated to Michigan where they settled on a faun in Kent couuty. Here the subject of our sketch grew to mandood, assisting his father in bis labors and getting such training as was afforded by the common schools At the age of nineteen he entered Plainfield Academy, and afterwards graduat­ ing from Knox college with the de­ gree of A B. He studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1857. The next yeat he was elected dis trict attorney and held that office until the breaking out ol the Civil War. At the beginning of the war he raised a company, of which he became first lieutenant, afterwards being promoted for meritorious ser­ vice till he reached the rank ol lieu­ tenant colonel, and taking part in tnauy bard battles ol the great struggle. After peace was restored Col. Hoi den took up his residence in Wash ington, D. C., remaining there till 1879 For ten years of this time he held a position in the treasury department and was the last presi dent of the last city council of the national capital. In 1879 he returned to Michigan where he practiced law for twelve years. He then came to the Pacific co^st. arriving in Florence in 1894, and afterwards making his residence in Glenada. After coming to this section Col. Holden engaged in buying and sell ing timber lands from which be acquired a comfortable fortune. H.- was a member ol Florence Masonic lodge, the Grand Array of the Re public, Knights of Pythias and In dependent Order of P'oresters. Besides his aged partner in life, who has been in feeble health for many years, he leaves sevetai neph­ ews who reside in Michigan. Hi Newberg is soon to have a city hall to cost $15,000. The poultry show at Salem Jan 14 to 1S. is the uext hig eveut in poultry interest. T. A. Samuels, the potato king of Wasco county, is reported to have raised about 30.000 sacks of potatoes ibis year. E. Elvey, a farmer near Merrill, has a black Tartarian cherry tree 54 inches in circumference which is loaded with fruit every year. The unsurveyed lands in Mal­ heur county will soon be opened to settlement, government surveyors to begin on the work immediately. Four courses in vegetable grow­ ing are to be given in the short coutse at the Oregon Agricultural college which opens its four weeks’ session January 6. Secretary of State B. W Olcott was married Dec. 25. to Miss Lena Hut­ ton, a sister of Mrs. Oswald West. The ceremony was performed at the home of Governor West in Salem Oregon now stands fourth among the states in its lumber cut, and will probably advance to third place next year. Of the total amount o* timber in the United States, this state has one-fifth. Gov. West has drafted a bill pro­ viding that prison guards shall go after convicts instead of having them brought bv sheriffs. This will effect a saviug of about 50 per cent to the slate. Steps are being taken toward the incorporation of Edenbower, the postoffice of which is located about one mile north of Roseburg. The territory to be included in the new city contains about 600 people and property of the assessable value ol perhaps half a million dollars. Blue prints of plans for the con­ struction of various farm buildings such as barns, silos and houses, will soon be furnished to the farm­ ers of the state by the farm me­ chanics department of the Oregon Agricultural college upon request This is a new departure ia the ser­ vice of the college to the state. Albany was an especially favored section ol our beautiful state. On Christmas day forty pounds of hon­ ey were taken from a bee tree in Chautauqua park, within the city limits. Ripe raspberries were pick­ ed in the garden of Henry Mi-El- tnurty 011 Christmas day, and the Albany college was the recipient of a Chrsitmas check for $ro,ooo from a friend of the institution in New York Senator Bourne has received a letter from General Bixby, head of the engineers in the war depart­ ment, giving the Willamette Pacific railroad permission to build a bridge across Coos Bay under the follow­ ing conditions: The bridge to he 12 feet above high water and the draw open except when trains are crossing, or 24 feet above high wat­ er and the draw open only when necessary. The railroad company is to maintain tugs, if necessary, to help ships through the draw. WHY HESiTATE? An Offer That Involves No Risk For Those Who Accept It We are bo positive our remedy will relieve constipation, th at we offer to furnish it free of all cost if it fails. Constipation is caused by weak ness of the nerves and muscles ol the large intestines or descending colon. To expect relief you must therefore tone up and strengthen those organs aud restore them to healthier activity We want you to try Iiexall Or­ derlies on our gaurantoe. They are eat«u like candy, and are particu larly ideal for children. They act on the nerves and muscles of the bowels They have a neutral action on the other organs or glands. They do Dot purge or cause any in­ convenience whatever. They act to overcome chronic or habitual con­ stipation and the myriad of associ­ ate or dependent chronic ailmeDte. -- Try Iiexall Orderlies at our risk. Hints for Housekeepers Two sixes, 10 c. and 25 c. Sold only Keep Foley’s Honey and Tar Com­ at our store— The i i e x a l l Store, pound always on hand, and you can quickly bead of! a cold by its prompt Fuhrman’s Pharmacy. use. It cuntains no opiates, heals and ---- soothes the inflamed air passages, stops Borrow from jour enemies, lend the cough, and may save a hig doctor s hill. In the yellow package. For sale to your friends— then no one is at Fuhrman’s Pharmacy. cheated. Str. Elizabeth Str. Br ookl yn Regular as the Clock Plying Between San Francisco a n d Bandon San Francisco and Bandon Firat-class fare only Up freigl,:, per ton 47.50 . 1.00 E . & E . T. Kruse 2 4 C alifornia S treet, San F ran cisco First-class fare only.............$7.50 Up freight, per ton............. 3.00 O Sudden & Christiansen Notice ot Sheriff’:, Sale By virtue of an execution and order of sale duly issued by the Llerk of the Circuit Court of the County of Coos, State of Oregon, dated the 26th day of December, 1912, in a certain action in the Circuit Court for said County and State wherein Josephine 0. Peoples an Plaintiff recovered judgment against Arthur Peart and Lillian Peart, Defen­ dants, for the sum of Two Hundred Seven und 96-100 Dollars and costs and disbursements taxed at Pifty-one and 20-100 Dollars, on the Oth day of De­ cember, 1012; Notice is hereby given that I will on' Saturday, the 1st day of February, I01J, at the front door of the County Court House in the City of Coquilie, in said County, at ten o’clock in the fore­ noon of said day, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the fol­ lowing described property, to-wit: The West hall of the North-west quarter of the North-west quarter of Section Thirty-six in Township Twenty- seven South of Range Thirteen West of the Willamette Meridian; also begin­ ning at a point on the Section fine 10 chains East of the corners of Sections 25, 25, 35 and 30, Township Twenty- seven South, Range Thirteen West of W. M., thence East along said Section line to a line between Sections 25 and 26, 5 chains, thence South 10 chains, thence West 5 chains to a point due South of the place of beginning, thence North 10 chains to the place of begin­ ning, containing 5 acres of land, more or less, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the said juigment in favor of said Plaintiff anil against said Defendants with interest thereon, together with all costs and disburse­ ments that have or may accrue. Dated December 26th, 1912. W. W. GAGE, Sheriff of Coos County, Oregon. rows FOR SALE — Two good milch cows both coming fresh in the spriug. Nile Miller. Phone DON’T BE BALD Nearly Anyone May Secure A Splendid Growth Of Hair 09 Pay priuter promptly, please. Notice to Creditors We have a remedy that has a Notice is hereby given that the un­ dersigned has been duly appointed ad­ record of retarding baldness and ministrate.x of the estate of Harry E. promoting hair growth in 1)3 out of Disman, deceased, and that all persons having claims against said estate are every 100 oases where used accord­ required to present the same, duly ver­ ing fo directions for a reasonable ified, and with proper vouchers there­ for, to the undersigned at the office of length of time. That may seem C. R. Barrow, in Coquilie, Coos county, like a stroi g statement it is, aud Oregon, within S'x months from the of this notice. we menu it lo lie, and no one should date Dated this the 12th day of December, doubt it until they have pul our 1912. E va M . B a r r o w , claims to au actual test. Administratrix of the estate of Har­ ry E. Disman, deceased. We are so ceituiu Rexall ” 03 ” Hair Tome will eradicate dandruff, act to prevrut baldness, stimulate the sca'p aud hair roots, anest pre­ mature loss of hair and promote hair growth, that wo personally give our positive guanantee to re­ ined every penny paid us for it in C. A. HARRINGTON every instance where it does uot PBOPBIETOB give eutiie satisfaction to the user. Uexall " 03 ” Huir Tonic is as pleasant to use as clear spriug wa­ ter. It is delightfully pirfumed, and does uot grease or gum the Sam e Old Place hair. Two sizes, 50 c. and $ 1 . 00 . With our guarantee back of it, you Sheriff7s Sale of Real Property on Foreclosure certainly take no risk. Sold only at our store— The Rexall Store, Fubr- w . » Notice is hereby given. That by vir­ Incorporated. tue of an execution duly issued out of uian's Pharmacy. Manufacturers of the Circuit Court of the State of Ore­ The Oregon Merchants’ Mutual The CelebratedRergmann Shoe gon for the County of Coos and to me directed on the luth day of December, Fire Insurance Associatiou issues a the Strongest and Nearest Water 1912, upon a judgment and decree duly lull paidup policy of fire insurance rendered, entered of record and docket­ or 30 per cetrtcless than Old Line Proof shoe made for loggers, mini rs prospectors and mill men. ed in and by said Court on the 26th day of April, 1909, in a certain suit then in companies. Write or call on T. A. 21 Thurman Street said Court pending, wherein Florence Walker, couuty agent, Coquilie. P o r t l a n d , O regon . Emily Converse, substituted for Emily C. Converse, deceased, was plaintiff and R. E. SHINE, V.-Fres Mae MacClary, formerly Mae Graves, r J. SHERWOOD P rê t. and Lucius D. MacClary, her husband, L. H. HAZARD, C i m i t i 0. C SANFORD, Atti. Clshler were defendants in favor of plaintiff and against said defendants by which execution I ain commanded to sell the property in said execution and herein O P C O Q U IU U B , C R E G O r». after described to nay the sum due the plaintiff of Two Thousand Ninety-one and 65-100 Dollars, with interest there­ T r a n s a c t s a G e n e r a l B a n k i n g B u s i n e b f e on at the rate of Six per cent, per annum from the sixth day of Decembe 1912, until paid together with the costs Boar d of Ol r ect or a. Cor respondent s. and disbursements of said suit taxed at A . J . Sherw ood, N a tio n a l Bank o C om m erce, New Y olk C i One Hundred Eighty-two and 25-100 f t . 0 . D em ent, L. R arlo o k e r, L . H . H azard , O rooker W oolw orth N ’lB an k , San F r a n c i Dollars and costs and expenses of said execution, I will on Saturday, the 11th Isaiah H acker. R .E . Shine. F irst N a t’l Bank of P o rtla n d , P o rtla n d . day or January. 1913, at the hour ol 10 o’clock a. m. of said day at the front door of the County Court House in Co- quille, Coos County, Oregon, sell at 2 R. S. K nowlton , President G eo . A. R obinson , Viee-Pres. public auction to the highest bidder for R. II. M ast , Cashier. cash in hand on the day of sale, all the right, title, interest and estate which said defendants Mae MacClarey, for­ $ merly Mae Graves, and Lucius D Macllarey, her husband, and all per­ sons claiming under them subsequent to and the plaintiff’s mortgage lien in, of and to said real property. Said premises COQUILLE. OREGON hereinbefore mentioned are described in said execution as follows, to-wit: The Southwest quarter of the North­ Op ned lor Busines March. 1 9 0 9 east quarter of Section Thirty-six in Township Thirty south of range twelve west of the Willamette meridian, in CORR kspondents : Coos County, Oregon. Said sale being made subject to re­ Ladd & Tilton Bank, Portland First National Bank, San Francisco demption in the manner provided by National Park, New Y’ork First Trust & Savings, Coos Bay law. Dated this 11th day of December, 1912. W. W. G age , Sheriff of Coos County, Oregon. SKOOKUM RESTAURANT Come and See F IR S T N A T IO N A L B A N K ! Farmers Notice of Final Settlement Merchants Bank OLD RELIABLE—EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Notice is hereby given that the un­ dersigned has lileil his tinal account in the matter of the Estate of H. W. Mc­ Clellan, whose lull name was Hugh IV. McClellan (and who was sometimes known as and called H. W. McClellan and sometimes II. W. McClellen), de­ ceased, and that the County Court has set Friday, the 3rd day of January, 1911, as the day and the County Court Room at Die County Court Mouse in Coquilie City, Coos County, Oregon, as the place for hearing objections to said final account and the settlement of said estate. A. J. S h e r w o o d , Administrator with the will annexed. STEAMER BREAKWATER ALWAYS ON TIME From Portland 8 P. M. December 3, 10. 17, 24, 31 From Coos Bay December 7, 14, 21, 28, PAUL L. STERLING, Agent Phone Main 181 Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given that the un­ dersigned has been appointed adminis­ trator af the estate of Mary J. Fellows, deceased, by the County Court of Coos County, Oregon; and all persons having claims against said estate are required to present the same, duly verified and with proper vouchers thereto, to the undersigned at the office of C. R. Bar- row, in Coquilie, Cooi County, Oregon, within six months from the da e of this notice. Dated this the 19th day of December, 1912. C, A. P endleton , Administrator of the Estate of Mary J. Fellows, deceased. C. R. Barrow, Attorney for Administra­ tor. Notice of Final Account Notice is liorebv given that A. L. Volktnar, administrator of the estate of B. ill. Greene, deceased, has fill'd his fi­ lial account a» such administrator with the clei k of the County Court for Coos County, Sia e of Oregon, and that Mon­ day, tile lltli day ol January, 191.1, at the Court House io said Coos County, ha- been appointed by Hon. John F. Hall, Judge of said Court, as the day and | lace for the hearing of objections to said final account and the settlement thereof. First publication December 12, 1912. A. L. Vol.xM ill, Administrator of said Estate. Notice of Final Account Notice is hereby given that I have filed my final report as administratrix of the estate of Emil Ogren, deceased, in the County Court of the State of Or­ egon for Coos County, and that by or­ der of the Judge of said Court, January 6, 1913, was duly set for the hearing of objections thereto. Coquilie, Oregon, December 5, 1912. M aggie O gren Administratrix of the Estate of Emil Ogren, deceased. A gent», San F rancisco, C alifornia CHICHESTER S FILLS For R eserv a tio n s For R eservation s NOSLER & NORTON NOSLER & NORTON I.m lt r« ! A«b j ro n r !*r.- r h l f h f e . l i ' r ’ll IMuninin r i l l * in H i d ami «¿»Id b o x « , sealed with Blue A g e n ts, C oq u ille, O regon A g e n ts, C oq u ille, O regon T I I K 1HAMOXI» BRAND. T a k e n o o th e r . A H u t o f yt ! » r n r r U t . A k f r C I I I -C II L S - T F R U D IA M O N D IIR A M L P I L L » , tor 8 5 years known as Best. Safest, A U ty s R ein! !• ARE THE B£ST No. 10 Hire Good Help You can hire some men fo r sm all wages, but even then they are high priced, because o f the work they w on’t do. Just so with . „ gasoline e n g in e s-T h e Stickney Engine will do all its work all the time and does it all right. Nosier & Norton EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Coquilie, Ore. NOSLER & NORTON Ago i n a 4 y o u n Gr’o c e n s ’ WHITE RIVER FLOUR B E T T E R Mahes T H A N Whiter. E V Lighter E R B read Roseburg-Myrtle Point Auto Line J. L. LAIRD, Proprietor Leaves Mrytle Point daily at 7 o’clock a. m. Arrives at Roseburg at 2 o’clock Leaves Rosebuig daily at 7 a. m., ar­ riving at Myrtle Point at 2 o’clock. Special rigs for parties at any time. S t a g e R u n n i n g in C o n n e c t i o n Carrying United States Mail and Passengers’ Baggage Office at Laird’s Livery Barn, Myrtle Point SOLD BY DRlGfilSTS EVLRYW HLIF Home Telephone 461 Farmers Telephone 156