Gravel Ford Ripple« The Coquille Herald . I K. R B in arti, who has heen PC B LISH EP EVERY THCR-SDAY ___ , , .__ • .. helf-cg his father ta the coostrac* EawreO a* « m í rhu* ■ » ( » M*y . * ...... ... 8 . I*.« >i t„c po*« « £ . « at t : ». non ol tue IL k tu .e y bridge, tetarn- O rr e o *.c a d w »t at fo » t iw t « < M»rrh ^ hL., hoœe „ , he Ford, p lid4T s. is n . - — ----- ------------------ _ C H a a t tlrf retorned from Saturday. IV\ ud to l i * Happy New Year H e was tat -»«tortai arei ».icial en serkasly ill some taro or three 2 * " »«**» -:= - V. ì l i - pee year in adrarle been ¡o tue hospital at Marshfield. Subreu.: — Phone, Mau. 354. His ¡ends are giaJ to see him able to return. Prof Fmmtrson, with his assi«t- act? o f the manna! training class, : :re the old beating plant cat of the aca istnv building Mooday ; one wii! be :osta’’ed A new dating the vacation. ¥ i> E d . Olson was one o f M ca- : d a v p a s s e n g e i s oo the Pear! to My- ii Point where she joined her ■ sister. Mis* Electa Brady, in an ex- Big Ben helps run the farm on time Is « tard for joe to get tbn farm hands > 3 time? tenJed visit to the Bay site- Ftof PATRSOTAM and M-s. E«Emerson are l< h -a r i for vow to get tbea up in the m-ruing? i'e n d - g 'he vacation with relatives OCTl MOTIVE If so. why act .et Big Bea do it for yoc? in Coqoille. Mr trips cn \ D V E R T IS IN G « tr royal ' high-cay lo opulence and wcakh. It is the vital pracipie that makes lot succxss in any business iirihtutna. Selling is a moei important science and de­ serves every consideration by taotir He states :h it this !: s fc s t stuess to get people ■p in tne world Au i be'üdstt every day at aay time )ow say. with bnt little improvement would be serviceable period- His S e n t me yxta drtwe to tows, o 1 wt the sture aud ' « V* a look a* bin: r a mnch longer trips have been in­ f Ve—u t —. t tue vudow waer» *rv< te can see ma». creased from one to four or £ve a week notwithstanding the tact that tnere are tocr ether -tats carrying freight to this place. A ll sconld be interested in SCHROEOER the improvement of the river. Tki Je» der Sl.SD.W SERVICES IS COQIELLE CHIRCHES C O Q IT L L F - Brguiar as the Clock San Francisco and Bandon ST. JAMES EPIsCOPAL. Servie** ftre ani third Suuiaj* o f each month S i t f i y aehool every s s t i i j at 1 * a. m_ T o t are heartily welcome xrchdeaeoa W a . Horeiaii. rector. sure trans-nissioa through the mills after Jacnary i. t j t j . Stamps new p--t- F r?*.-et j.-e fare t « U p freie - 1 . p«er tow_____ ---------- , CHtTtCH OF I'H R liT . '« o d a j schc* *: 1 k b . year Postmaster Ltnegar a nsttrg Christian E nleavyr at 6 30. e n all means pcsst-Ve to educate the. lurteJ by the young men. people on this point that no n n iae l o w preset -e :s soieited T. B McDo&xId. Minister annovance or loss to the public w illj Far Re NOSLER & NORTON Coq oiile, Orefoa & L Cm á S m é Str. B rooklyn Sundav sch col a: to. a m Epwoith League a: 6 -4 5 p m V o a i-e invited to be present C H C u t a VES. Paster T he Herald isbeiite-d tb s issue in coesequiucec-: C rtis tc is . an ithe dearth o f local news can be attri- p tillf E-f:Vrrf- Sem Frcuicisco and Bandon bated to the tact that a générons ■eighho- with when» we diced, j HUR HEALTH dolled oar thoughts aud ambitious nse of «he pen. :y 6 ! ug us with de i: U, E ; 3 podi g If Y o u and other made ou. : ta f such perfect • n as the good oàd ! . Scalp or Hair Trouble Take Advantage Of This Offer Fir§t-< s±* LAre c«ly W e coni J Afeats, Saa FraacK : C-a_ferai* O For R ««n a t; :cu H ave Tp l t a d a r ] to so stroeg- T he idea c f permanent exhibits lly eujcrse RsxvL "3 3 *1 Hair X.tue at iaa Diego, the erse p ri o f entry u J eoctinse to sei! it a* « e do. if - gi-rs satr-facticn p - » : 'i c i ” y assit-ed of * ic'u perma- m -e states ; u t n , th«v U> thè w^ald Ioae faith in os SKOOKUii Colora-i- i s ! N ew Mexico Every- aaCer W e ase .ra -oc that if yoar kmr c ie concede-' is a great d ea .s b e f i t a - t ì ' Bc 6 *i..r».;y fall oa aid, as "he v> ates are heard t t r very Sew or trim , it seem tnat t n " nave oopocf nitie al will fail : re*ented at the San P ie c : ttew with attrae«-ve exhibí; yca nave t u RESTAURANT C. A . H A R R IN G T O N sca.'p trovbl». PkOFelEToB Hacr Tonte is wiihtat ter set- Reta. quesu.c th* >«t remedy we kaow be rep X x p ri- :f to «ra t tue lic d ra ff. stimalate Come and See r e i grewth n i preveat f re-nature baiicess. C&lf Born Inside Out »treug t * u we ask yoo to was born try it oa o ;r poative gu aran i«« :i ams of : i * t yc-ur c 't e r wiU b* etteerfory A c cm ibe . r a cf T b o c H ::is .v . Oregco be:t Pv *ff~.e i t - . v i 'i i tvrt »n tbe interzai cali tba- re' is-ied if n d.oea sol do ns we aia. Tw su s 5-v an i Jl W> : l tide out :ce-^s of na- S c i! cu li al oar store— Tne Rexait -gaas o f he St : re. F i b r a aa s P i i : cslf, n ; il w tbe I m mad : C* » • i r s . arc i the cwtsite came ;c to t h e i heart, liier aad the head, tret ar. m u caiL W . B. Cooc, 1 veterinary P ,»«' - J W , tas the free »ad it. Dr. H. E. HERMANN W ater power nserve* were cre- it- t tue S ecret.-' . ! tue later- w r lir in g s s bet there tTÜÄHisi '.j-.'Q ; !“C 3 Lv: surgr Sane Old Place O ar faith : R e m i : - « ' Ha.r Ton ir la s: Oetober c C »H fo rt:a U l t a M - attua. Orse w u j Wash- t- r . j», N « r . i g ■- r -. The au area of 36,961 ìacd wu w.tù.jmws The B a x t e r Irosa s it r r and thè rewerve» m al* o «he n c c n s e : l»t: :a cf th» Vnit- ■ays he h is »ever eoe -etere, to .1 one be: ug m a New Y .-< m j e t s - j c a i . i l * ' - t!e> G s t io g 1 5 ;r »iT W t- .e thè mna a ho » e talioa B «y b » a « * » r i H o w 's T h is ? T * t f i r Cue B a i n t r«:rars S e M M b e any eaae cf Catarrh (hat eaxu.-e hw cured I t HaHs C atu tl Caret r i. r-a C - - - .e - 1 twaiT te e tx* -m J j t-e-a »-^ 1 s . , |te »*1 r *— T ' t* at! K iu a a Coqalk teesc- he j awt aay «aS svisw = ì : i V 7 it* irr. Friday ap-< O aW M Saturday aad « w r y v*w wewkr -.aerwafter and W A S H O W I U H ' Business Directory ÇHICHESTE- ^ Tit-d'w: a Hdu i C4:cr\ Crr» S a V - gxvrrs? z.~‘ a - a f u l se­ ccia furiai--* «C - '■* mz4m~ a n t fr-- F*” = 3 : : j 5 ». r t-stt-i. &¿4 >y * i !>rurrftM .*t f » will L h 'i * . a art ca. * fe c m z ^w | City Bakery Paul Stephan, Prop. r Three Loaves for Ten Cents Nesco Sanitary Drip Pans .^eamiess Easy to Clean All Sizes 6x9 to 18x19 Ins Prices 10c to 30c NOW ON DISPLAY at L, Y f l I I \J ANDERSON N ew and Second-Hand Goods CAN WRITE PHOTO PLAYS AND EARN $25.00 OR MORE WEEKLY ■ Of — v Lb*- ■ - « - f j s ä » it » ¿ - ." ■ If you have idea?— if you cat T H IN K — we »sill show you the secrets of this fascinating new profession. Positively no experience of ¡it er ary excellence necessary. No "Bowery lan­ guage" ts wanted. The demand for photoplays is practically unlimited. The c-:g ¿lm manufacturers are "moving heaven and earth" in their attempts to get enough good plots to supply the ever increasing demand. They are oienng $100 and more, for single scen­ arios. or written ideas. Nearly aS the big him companies, the buyers of photoplays, are located m or near N e w York City. Being nght on the spot and knowing at all times just what sort of plots are wanted by the producers, our Sales Department has a tremendous advantage over agencies situated in distant cities. ^ e have received many letters from the big him manufac­ turers. such as Vitagraph. Edison. Essanav. Lubin, Imp. Solax. Rex. Reliance. Champion, Com et Melies, Etc., urging us to send photoplays to them. W e want more writers aud w e l gisdiv teach you the secrets of success. W*e are selling photoplays written In- people who “ never before wrote a line for pupiieation.** Perhaps we can do the same for you. If you can think of only one good idea every week and will wnte it out as directed by ns. aad rt seus for only S25_ a lew htgure. ' T' 1^ « n i ix im n r • O LL your name and address for free copy r - ’••js*’-atedboo* l o w picniE PLOWKmNu D. a ! «""Htate. Don t Aigue. \\ nte now and learn just what that new professaoa may mean for you and your future. NATIONAL AUTHORS INSTITUTE n No Rivets Write Ideas For Moving Picture Plays! r P r r December 2l» »V 21 xaiExaL eaxz o r c c s m t i Come look and be tempted to buy. You W ill Earn S I 00 Monthly for Spare Time -------- AZti - - ■ !■> do b-**er ti tn -he oc* who g « * a r o .« 1 b .« -in * «t csxjrrr n ca. ? ;*iv cv. PO LK’ S- I i is too big a task to impose on any wonan. She certainly has enough other things to do be- sade- baking the bread, cakes and pie* She doesn't have to. At this bakery she can get just what she wants and better than she could bake it herself. ^feati. Coqmüle, Oregoc U'asht.-g- Oregcn. Idah>. Mon­ acJ 0 0 « s'atemeuU, aa I in eoese- tecce ;r - cesa prestigi wo - i tana, W rein in g. U tah, Nevada tiers and ca; 57.-50 ___ îj » Notice is hereby given. That by vir­ Taylorsbarg O hio— A t * Skin­ tue of an execution duly issaed out of the Circuit Court of the State of Ore- ner. the village pessimist, laughed gor for the County of Coos and to me himself to death fiom reading directed on the ' ch day of December. B IF F ! the Great American M aga­ , W t upon a judgment and decree duly ; ‘ rendered, entered of record and docket­ zine of Fun whtch is making great­ ed ia and by saad Court on the U»th day er strides that »ay o'her magazine of April. ¡> b . in a certain suit then in sas: Court pernhug. wherein Florence before the American punlic today. Err y Converse, sabstitated for Emily i ' C. Converse, deceased, was plair tiff nud ! . It is a magazine that will keep the M. Mi-Clary former!;. Mar Grave a whole familv in good burner. The am: Lucius D. MaeCUry. her husband, s tiff of Btff contains the greatest were defendants in far or of plaintiff and -gainst said defendants by which artists, cartel ter is.s, critics and ed­ execution I am commanded to sei! the itors on the c o c .aent It is highly property in said execution and herein- after described to pay tbe sum due tbe illustrated and printed in many plaintiff of Two T h n a a d Ninety 01 colcrx It will keep tbe whole tara- and «55-10? Dollars, with interest then on at the rate of Six per cent, per ily cheerful the year ’round. Yon annum from the sixth day of December. 1 can aflord to spend 50 c a year to 191i .ntii paid togetber’with the costs d-> this. Send this clipping and 50 c and disbuuseasetits of said suit taxed at One Hundred Eighty two aud S190. t-day to the B.a Publishing C o , Dotal? and coats and expenses of taid 1 Da» too. Ohio, for cue year's sub­ ae c n o m , I will on Saturday, the 11 th scription. day or January. 1913. at the’hour of 10 j o’clock a. m. of said day at the front | The sweetus: g a s s is » vavs arrow* door of the County Court House in Co qoille, Coos Coo-ty. Oregon, sell at t t « deepest river puhiic auction to the highest bidder fo • cash in hand on the day of sale, all the Dr. W i Sadler, aatb-w of "Tae right, title, interest and estate which Cao aud Cere >f Cord».’' §ayw that sa--l defendants Mae Mac Urey i-Jt u m » cold* sbt>.id be taken seriocaly. merit Mae Graves, ani Lucius D r ipe, U 5y wbeu. they ' hiug oo. ■ F>- Mac iarey. her husband, and all per k r 'r Hooey an: Tar Compoosd is a sovs eiaiming under them suhoop.-rt to r.äahie booaeho ,: ssnloeme foe coughs the plaintiff's mortgage dec in. of aud , a.-rd coick. ecpu.ty effect.vw for eh.Virer to sail real property. Said ned »re » id grown persi, us. Taee it when tow m feel a eotd coem-g oo. il will avert in said exeention as foSowa. to-wit: ¿anger of w r ais result* and cure Tbe Soathwwat quarter of the North-' -.' - Kw ! y. No harmful Fofcnuan’s east quarter of Section Ttarty-six in Township Thirty s f range twelve Pharaaey. west o f the Willamette meridian, in Coos County. Oregt-n. Ü W r u CnAtert Said sale being made subject to re­ Notice is heretiT given that tbe uu- demption is the manner provided by C-; rswrrsrd has reco duly apy cutei ai- law. uur.istrwcr x of the estate of Harrr E. Dated this 11th day of December. Dusrua.u. deeraici and that a.; persona 1912. having e aims «gainst slid estate are W. W. GadE. rvrjonwi to present the same, t i h ver- Sher.ff c f Coos County. Oregon. i i « . and with proper voucher* there­ for. to the wnirrstgtie«] at the office >f W d U y i K M C R. Bartow in CopnQe. Coos exaty, Notice is hereby gives that the as-1 •i-egoe. with r n months from tbe derv-CTol has 6 h l his uci! >«r m l ia ¿ate of this notice. Dated this the lid i dav of December. tbe matter of the Estate of H W Me- - . C V laa. wbese lull name * as Hugh W. 1 -1 Ì MeCleiiaa aad who was fomeiimes E va V- B a lio w. Administrât::!, of the estate of Har- known »s and ca ie! H. W. McCtel an ani s w t ir .r f H Vf. McC!*i:*n , de­ ry E. Dig-au. -Aeceased. cease I, *a-l that th* Couatv Court bas set rr.-iav. th* 3ri ia.- of January. h t » « Fwai Kcam t 191V as 11 .« day iu ) ib* County C ««u Notioe is Wrebv rrveo that A. i_ B o m «t to* Coonty Coart H .us* in V .»mar. aim .str,-..— of th* estate of C o ,— leC.ty. C ■ « County. Orv-r-o »* M. * ir m e , O-oe«**,! ar filed his fi­ tbe : l a e fcr - «a- uu obyscuses to **il ll ao -cot as rich ndmiwimrator wito fins' aco-uus and the ie:i.en.sut na.! tie clerk of the County C oon for Coos estate. ■ octtv - a u r>r-cu. aud tun Moo- A. J. Mttxwooo, | ay, tbe 23st. day cati>>r. [V ern ier 12. 1ÏI1 deceased ry the C.wuty Coort of Coos County, Ore-ror.: »n ia l per?.*--* kavu-g A. L V iv w i « , Administrator of swad Betate. riaiais agamsu saad estate are required to present the same, da y ver-Sed and with prop*- re*;-hers thereto, to the M n W U t o M itdcrsg-ed it the off.-re of C. S. Bar- Notie* is hereby p t t a that I have rt-v. it Coqtaiie. C.:<>- County. Ore*>-. ' sd my ¿tal repon as ad-ul-.:str*trix withti sex mooths f- m the :"a e of this : the fSUiU of Eu. . Ogre- deosased, node«. uhe County Court a t the State of Or- Datoi this the I «th day of Devesber, - c x f v C oos Cocuty. aud that by ar- 191i iev of the of said Court. Ja-.uary C. A PSXDUTWi, •1 1S1-1 v u duly set for the hearirg :-f A sL tix n ro r of the Estate of Mary J. oéieetious thereto. Fellows, deceased. Cotrc ie. 'Trig i, Deeetneer 5. IÙÎ2. t C. R- Barrow. Attoruev for Aamuuistz»- M a . uuie O uaen tor. Administratrix • : the Estate of Emil Ogren. deeewied. H * » e y.ju pwj 1 toe primer? NOSLER & NORTON in the Vuited Sratts » ter leaving t t i col do all we elaim U wilL a* the Panama Canal, is taking hold Shr-ult cur «atkasiam « m so wei ’ha: 'i t ! ! ' - p s ilrea-iy away. t e i Retai; ' J 3 " H «ìx Totie txi : p*r too Sudden Sc Christiansen Ecgiisu pe-tple can nect *T ^0 3.00 E. & E. T . K ru se 24 Calermi* 5 t r «t Saw Frau : -- he new result. O R E G O N Str. Elizabeth PRESBYTEKf AN CHlTtCH. S tm ee* S.udav at 11 a. m and ' S ) p. m. Satday School at 10 a el Frank H Adams, Paster. ler will require special stames fo in­ '. c: :: ' ' • - - :st :: ' mx:i mat er ott and a fe r boat •gati n daring the wtt seascn, and ~ i '- in use c a m :t be rceep-c t is H's Beu s a truth telling aad tv- -, ile a lit a c.oek. tfcu N crth Fork wi-h his' fork is an excellent stream for nav- ¿scenting men. T ie Cotp. Lie Herald wtfl be found an excellent salesman. Prosperous men are those who advertise. No one will dispute this. The Herald is at your disposal The circulation is extensive and the rates are very reasonable. C Our subscription books are open for inspection to ail our customers. Fair, isn’t it? T ty an “ ad with us. g g r v \ i . fenrtr. :!;ss Belle is now making regular He Laughed Till He Died” Skrf* * * ë 1 543 BrotHlwny NEW YORK CITY