Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, December 19, 1912, Image 2

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Natice la Creditor v
Couuille Herald 1 1
( the governm ent has been leasing it |
for seining purposes and
has col- j
lected large sums in reveuue.
Oregon, within six months from the
| date of this notice.
Dated this the 12th dav of December,
and M o n e y
! 1912 .
Is B a c k o f T h is O f f e r
L o g g e r K ille d
R e p u t a t io n
E v a M. B arrow ,
Administratrix o f the estate of Har­
ry E. Disman, deceased
We pay for all the medicine used
Notice sf Final Account
duriug tbis trial, if our remedy fails
Notice is hereby given that A. L.
(o com pletely relieve you o f consti- Volkmar, administrator of the estate o[
J. W . M cD onald, a rig g in g sling
er in the Beaver > .)u g n le g g in g
j f V A t l fouith lass postal mat camp, conducted by Aasen Broth-
ter w ill require special stamps to in ers \vas installti y
kil.v . Morulas
sure trans uission thi agh the mails ,ast w y j e j n the discharge of bis
after January 1 , 1 9 1 3 . Su m ps now j u ljes
Sheriffs Sale of Real ¡'ropero ou Foreclosure
B“ *«“ '--»* »“ *"• 110 ,ualler * b al
November S h ip m e n ts
Notice is hereby given that the un­
it. 1 signed has been appointed adminis­
_______ _________! ____
heir politics may be, have I on ml j
------- --
trator af the estate o f Mary J Fellows,
1 T 1 I ISIIKH K VK U Y T H l'IiS D .W ¡» u t that it is not wise to c ry haul
T h r‘ * hum lte.l ami e i « b » « n deceased, by the County Court o f Coo*
times, even after an election that passengers and freight of couM.fer- County, Oregon; and all persona having
r V C t n ^ has changed the political complex- .W e m agnitude end variety found claims against said estate are miuirwl
to present the same, ilu-y verified and
Oregon, uii'^i * 11 of Con ¿ tv s« 01 >Lirtli|jon Gf iiie country. T h ey have i*8 wft>’ o v ir ih e C oqu ill« river bar with proper vouchers thereto, to the
at the office of C. R. Bar-
I learned bv experience that hard during the mouth of November, as
row, in Coquille, Coos County, Oregon,
W ALTER G. ACKERMAN, Publisher ,ilUt;s. i,ke a hungry bound, can be appears by the following:
within six months from the da e o f this
Lumber, 4.1)72,000 feet.
Devoted to the material and social whistled up.
Dated this the loth day of December,
Ties, 24,429
1012 .
upbuilding of the < Yxiaille Valley par-
ticutarlv and o f IV
County generally.
C oven to r West has prepared a
Shingles, 114.000
A Iministralor o f the Estate o f Mary J.
Subaciii tkn, *1.50 per year in advance ^
anJ> wU, re^ „.,9t Senator C h a m -1
Matchwood, 74 cords
I Fellows, deceased.
bcrlain to secure its passage, asking
C. R. Barrow, Attorney for Administra­
Piling, 1)1,
Phone, Main ¡154.
for reconveyance to the state ofj
Salmon, 6,151 cases
Sand Island. A bill will also be in­
Notice to Creditors
Salmon, 16 tierces, each weigh-
Notice is hereby given that the un-
troduced to have ail the fishing rev- ¡Qg j 200 lba.
1 dersigned has lieen duly ap|>ointe<l ad-
eoue collected by the govern m ent!
Incoming freight, 1,922 tons.
miniatratrix o f the estate of Harry E.
j Disman, deceased, and that all persons
i returned to the state. In 1864 the ; Outgoing freight, 129 tons
having claims against said estate are
, island was ceded to the g o v e rn m e n t, Passengers in, 132.
required to present the same, duly ver-
I itied, and with proper vouchers there­
I by the state for m ilitary purposes, j Passengers out, 186.
for, to the undersigned at the office of
but never used for such. Since then j
C. R. Barrow, in Coquille, Coos county,
T h e
Notice is hereby given, That by vir­
tue o f an execution duly issued out of
the Circuit Court o f the State of Ore­
gon for the County o f Coos and to me
directed on the loth day o f December,
1912, upon a judgment and decree duly
rendered, entered o f record and docket­
ed in and by -aid Court on the 2xth day
o f April, ltk)9, in a certain suit then in
said Court (lending, wherein Florence
Emily Converse, substituted for Emily
C. Converse, deceased, was plaintiff and
Mae MacClary, formerly MaeGravts,
and I.ucius D. MacClary. her husband,
were defendants in favor o f plaintiff
and against said defendants by which
execution I am commanded to sell the
property in said execution and herein­
after described to pay the sum due the
plaintiff of Two Thousand Ninety-one
and 65-100 Dollars, with interest there­
on at the rate o f Six per cent, per
annum from the sixth day of December,
1912, until paid together with the costs
and disbursements of said suit taxed at
One Hundred Eighty-two and 25-100
Dollars and costs and expenses of said
execution, I will on Saturday, the 11th
day or January. 1913, at the hour of 10
o ’clock a. m. o f said day at the front
door o f the County Court House in Co
quille, Coos County, Oregqp, sell at
public auction to the highest bidder for
cash in hand on the day of sale, alt the
right, title, interest and estate which
said defendants Mae MacClarey, for­
merly Mae Graves, and Lucius D.
MacClarey, her husband, and all per­
sons claiming under them subsequent to
the plaintiff’s mortgage lien in, o f and
to said real property. Said premises
hereinbefore mentioned are described
in said execution as follows, to-wit:
The Southwest quarter o f the North­
east quarter of Section Thirty-six in
Township Thirty south o f range twelve
west of the Willamette meridian, in
Coos County, Oregon.
Said sale being made subject to re­
demption in the manner provided by
, law.
Dated this 11th day o f December,
W. W. G age ,
Sheriff of Coos County, Oregon.
y ou B. M. Greene, deceased, has tiled his fi­
nal accouut as such administrator with
afe noj obligated to us iD any way the eleik of the County Court for Coos
County, State <1 Oregon, and that Mon­
.whatever, if you accept our offer. day, the 13th day oi January, 1913, at
Could anything be more fair to the Court House in said Cooa Countv,
in use cannot be accepted as post-
A lo(, w h i!e
,aken ou, 1
has been appointed by Hon. John f .
iu ii ?
Is there any reason wbv you | llall, Judge of said Court, as the day
sge ou parce.s post or .ourt.i c.ass s(ruck with such force on an alder ; hottld h e fiu te to'p u t our to
anil place for the hearing of objections
to said final account and the settlement
mail matter on and
alter the new lree that it broke the top o ff thirty actual ,egt ?
year. Postmaster Liuegar is using or forjy feet from the ground which
Firet publication December 12, 1912.
Tbe most scientific, common-
all means possible
to educate the jn iaUing hit M cDonald on th e !
A. L. V olkmar ,
sense treatment is Ilexall Orderlies,
Administrator of said Estate.
people on this point that no undue back o f ,he neck killiDg him
which are eaten like candy. They
annoyance or loss to the public w ill stantly.
Notice of Final Settlement
Notice of Final Ai'connt
are very pronounced, gentle and
Notice is hereby given that the un­
Notice is hereby given that Herman
Deceased was about thirty-five p]eaaant in action aod particularly
I.. Carl and John I). Carl, executors of dersigned has filed ids final recount in
The Coos County Good Roads > ^ rs of a g e and married although aRreeable
every way. Thpy do the estate of August Carl, deceased, the matter of the Estate of H. W. Mc-
filed their final account as such j Clellan, whose lull name was Hugh VV.
the couple had separated.
cot cause diarrhoea, nausea, flatu­ executors with the clerk of the County : McClellan (and who was sometimes
Association met at Marshfield Fri- 1
T h e body is at KUingven’s under­
lence griping or any inconvenience Court for Coos County, -tate of Oregon, known as and called H. W. McClellan
day last, those in attendance from
and that Monday, thw23rd day of De­ and sometimes H. W. McCTellen), de­
taking parlors embalmed, and is
Rexall Orderlies are cember, 1912, at the courthouse in said ceased, and that the County Court lias
C oquille being President M orrison,
held aw a itin g an auswer to a tele­
particularly good for children, aged Coos County', has lieei. appoititel bv set Friday, the 3rd day of January,
N ed C. K e lle y . T b e bill providing
the H 011 . John F. Hall, judge of sail! 1913, as tlie day ami the County Court
gram sent to 1 )is wife, who lives in
and delicate persons.
for a bond issue » ( tw o per cent
Court, as the day an 1 place for the Room at the County Court House in
Calilornia, regard in g its burial.
We urge you fo try Rexall Order­ bearing of objection to said final account Coquille City, Coos County, Oregon, as
which was sanctioned by the voters!
the place for hearing objections to said
and the settlement then of.
N o coronet’ s investigation was
lies at our risk.
Two sizes, 10c.
final account and the settlement of said
at the recent election, while uot ad
H i v i s L. C arl ,
considered necessary.
J o h v D. C a r l ,
and 2oo. Remember, you can get
equate to meet the requirements ol ;
--------- -
« -- -----
Executors of the estate of August 1
A. J. S herwood ,
Rexall Remedies in this communi­ Carl, deceased.
Coos county, would do much for .
Administrator with the u til annexed.
A n o t h e r M illin e r y S t o r e
ty o d I j at our store — The Rexall
the establishment o f much better
h igh w ays
It is the intention
of j
Mrs \
Leneve Contetionery
is too big a task to impose on
any wonan. She certainly has
enough other things to do be­
sides baking the bread, cakes
and pies She doesn't have to.
A t this bakery she can get
just what she wants and better
than she could bake it herself.
Come look and be tempted to
City Bakery
Paul Stephan, Prop.
T h re e Loaves fo r T en Cents
^"^^hristmas Suggestions"^
7-piece Fruit sets - $1.05
Sugar and C’m set
Fruit Nappies, each 50
Cake Plates, each
Small Plates .15, .20, .25
Brass goods at Tbe Racket.
o.-itiou to the voters by which tucth- cia?s> up-to-date m illinery establish­
t‘he risk
is just as good as it is for the
Fourth of July. Save the bother
o f making dessert this year and
huve ice cream instead. Our ice
cream, o f course. No other is
quite as dcliriuuH and wholesome.
Give ua your order now and w e’ll
deliver it any time you Bay.
Better make tne order a big one.
can eat a lot of ice
cream. I t ’s so good.
Store, Fubrman's Pharmacy.
p. M iller has in conlern-
tbe association to submit this prop- plation for the early spring a first-
ed ÿ could be realized
w # uke
Radium Vases
Radium Bowls
When you have a bilious attack give
Chamberlain’s Tablets a trial. For sale
uleBt where latest styles w ill always
hard surface road nine feet wide
at j]andi and a large and well j by all druggists.
bordered with three feat o f stone on selected assortment w ill meet the,
each side has beeu figured as cost- requirements o f the most fastidious |
ing $ 10,000 a mile,
ib is would dressers o f our city. T b e order for
build forty miies, and the M yrtle stock has already been placed, and !
was deemed
a location decided upon, tormal an-
tlie one most appropriate to render nouncement o f which w ill be given
W e Are Not
Operating a
the greatest go
hence there the ] ate r. Mrs. M ille r’ s many frieuds i j V L G Q l C a l
w ork should be applied. That the w ill be glad to learn o f her intention j
bond issue w ill be voted seems cer (0 remain in the business w orld and j
taiu. A much larger sum should we predict for her uew enterprise
be available for nothing could add the same measure o f success that so
. .,
But W e Can
Relieve You
o f a considerable
amount of
i f you w ill sen I us
the weekly wash
it won’t cost you even Patent
will find that druggists every- j
speak well of Chamberlain's;
Medicine Prices
They Always Help Elderly People
They know from long
o f it th at in case* P (1 H I I I I I T
can always be de- v U y U I L L l
better an.!-troiuTer than I nave for many pended upon, and that it is pleasant
vt rs.
Kidney lY.’s t: i it.
,r l -,»:Y t take. For sale by all drug-j
Fuhrman’ s Pharmacy.
I A ll W A R Y
L n U l i 1/ II I
3 G
0 *
313 0 G
Holiday Goods
Notice of Final Account
Notice is hereby given that I have
filed my final report as administratrix
o f the estate o f Emil Ogren. deceased,
in the County Court o f the State of Or­
egon for Coos Count}-, and that by or­
der o f the Judge of said Court. January
6 . 1913. was duly set for the hearing of
objections thereto.
Coquille. Oregon, December 5, 1912.
M aggie O gren
Administratrix o f the Estate o f Emil
Ogren, deceased.
Notice of Final Settlement
¡[S an ta Claus II
a ll k i-d s JEWELRY
Notice is hereby given that tbe un­
dersigned has filed his final account in
the matter of the estate of MiUon Asa
Epperson. decea;ed : and that the Coun­
ty Court has set Friday, the L\>th day of
December, 1912, as the day and the
County Court room in the c art house
in Coquille City, Coo? County, Oregon,
as the place for hearing o ptions to
said final account and the settlement of
said estate.
A. J. S herwood ,
Executor of the Last W ill and Testa­
ment anti of the Estate of Milton Asa
Epperson, de and.
At Schroeder’s *0
W rite Ideas For Moving Picture Plays!
I | C A N W R IT E P H O T O P L A Y S A N D
E A R N $ 2 5 . 0 0 OR MORE W E E K L Y
We Will Show You How
If you have ideas— if you can T H I N K — w e
you the secrets of this fascinating new profession.
experience or literary excellence necessary.
Dr. H. E.
will show
Positively no
“ flowery
guage” is wanted.
T h e demand for photoplays is practically unlimited.
big film manufacturers are “ moving heaven and
in their
attempts to get enough good plots to supply the -ever increasing
T h e y are offering S I 00 and more, for single scen­
arios, or written ideas.
N ea rly all the big film companies, the buyers of photoplays,
are located in or near N e w Y o r k
C ity .
Being right on the
spot, and knowing at all times just what sort of plots are wanted
by the producers, our S a le * D e p a r t m e n t
has a tremendous
advantage over agencies situated in distant cities.
W e have received many letters from the big film manufac­
turers, such as V it a g r a p h , E d is o n , E s s a n a y , L u b in , Im p ,
S o la x , R e x , R e lia n c e , C h a m p io n , C o m e t, M e lie s , E tc.,
urging us to send photoplays to them.
W e want more writers
aud w e ’ll gladly teach you the secrets of success.
We are selling photoplays written by
people who “ never before wrote a line
for puplication.’’
Perhaps w e can do the same for you.
If you can think of
only one good idea every week and will write it out as directed
by us, and it sells for only $25., a low fiigure.
-A T -
The B a x t e r
lllS t it llL B
more to onr convenience and pros­ amply repaid her efforts as a dis­
p erity than good roads. L e t us perser o f sweets.
build a substantial trunk line to the
I f you are troubled with chronic con­
interior first and connecting branch­
stipation. the mild and gentle effect of
es from all points w ill soon follow .
Chamberlain’s Tablets makes them es­
pecially suited to your case.
sale by all druggists.
Foley Kidney Pills give just the help
<ytl to tone and where
strengthen their kidneys and bladder Cough Remedy.
.20, .25
--------- and ---------
December 20 A 21
and ever} twi w eeks thereafter
You Will Earn $100 Monthly for Spare Time
r p C C
r n U L
your name and address fo r free copy
our illustrated book. MOVING PICTURE PLAYWRITING'
Don t hesitate.
Don t Argue.
W rite
just what this new profession may mean for you and your future.
15 4 3 B ro a d w a y