Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, December 19, 1912, Image 1

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    iJThe Herald, the old estab­
lished reliable newspaper of
the Coquille Valley in which
an “ ad” always brings results.
V O L . 31,
T he C oquille H erald
N O . 14
C O Q U IL L E , COOS C O U N T Y , O R E G O N . T H U R S D A Y , D E C E M B E R 19, 1912
Loganberry is Good for Wine
Fraternal and Benevolent Orders
F. & A . M .— Regular meeting of
. Chadwick Einige No. 118 A. F. A A.
At., at Muaonic Hall, every Saturday
night in each month on or before the
full moon.
G. FI. J ohnson , W . M.
Horticulturists Say Beverage Equal to Champagne
Can be Made of the Berries
K. ft. M ast , Secretary.
G. S.— Regular meeting of lleulah
. Chapter No. 8, second and foortn
F'riday evenings of each month, in Ma­
sonic Hall.
Buai* F olsom , W . M.
! J oheimiine G. 1‘ k o i 'I. e h , bee.
$500 per Acre Made at Only 4c per Pound
T O. O. F .—Coquille Lodge No. 5 3 ,1. O.
1 . O. F., meets every Saturday night
in Odd Fellows Hall.
T. J. T hrift , N. O.
J. B. I.AWUKNce, Sec.
I. O. O. F'., meets every second and
fourth Wednesday nights in Odd F'ellows
A nnie R obinson , N. G,
A nnie L awrence , Sec.
Farmers O rganize Fruit G row ers A ssociation on C o o s B ay and W ill Operate
D ry er—Stock in the Association to b e Paid fo r W ith Berries
I X social organization. Hall in Laird’ s
building, Second street.
A. J. S herwood . Pres.
F red S lagle , Sec.
T o M ake the Farm
M ore Productive
T h e Printing M icrobe
Medical science never succeed
James Withycombe of the Ore- ed in isolating the printing microbe,
’Transportation Facilities
gon Experiment station states that nor ,D discovering its anti-toxin,
Its pres-
T^R AI NS—Leave, south bound 9:00 a. dairying affords the quickest means i 8tl11. 8Uch a germ
L m. and 3:00 p. m. North bound of building up the farm, as there is ' enco ,n 8ev<3re case8- >8 »«corapani-
ill :40 R. m. snd 4 ;40 p. m.
practically no soil exhaustion when ed
=°“ tentment, length of days,
OATS— Six boats plying on the Co­
poverty and whimiscal,
quille river afford ample accommo­ butterfat constitutes the only dairy ,
| optimistic and gentle outlook upon
dation for carrying freight and passen­ product sold.
gers to Bandon and way points. Boats
A ton of butterfat, worth about life. Nobody recovers once the mi­
leave at 7 :30, 8:30, 9:20 and 9:30 a. m.
He may
and at 1 :00, 3 :30 and 4 :45 p. in.
$700 at present market values, takes crobe enters his blood.
O T A G E — J. L. Laird, proprietor. De- less than 50 cents’ worth of plant
ness If inherited wealth or mis­
O parts 5 :3 0 p. m. for Hosehurg via
Myrtle Point, carrying the United Stales
wheat, oats, alfalfa, or clover bay, fortune cuts short his career, he stdl
mail and paiengers.
remains a printer at heart.
OSTOFFICE.— A. F. Linegar, post­ worth Irotn $15 to $30, will take
master. The mails close as follows: from the farm plant lood worth scent of paper and of ink is as the
Myrtle Point 8:40 a. in. and 2:35 p. m.
breath of life in bis nostrils. The
Marshfield 10:15 a. in. ami 4:15 p. m. about $9 tor each ton sold.
of the types aud the rumble of
Bandon and way points, Norway and
Therefore if the farmer expects
Arago 12:45 p. m. Eastern mail 5:15
presses is sweet music to his ears.
p. m. Eastern mail arrives 7 :45 p. m.
The charm of fine illustrations
Jarm he should give careful atten­
of worthy typography is a de­
tion to livestock, especially the
C ity and County Officers
light to his eyes.
He never hears
..........A. T. Morrison
without imagin­
D S. Burch, Kansas Dairy Com­
R. H. Mast missioner, considers the cow a re­ ing how it could best be arranged
upon the printed page. Poor print­
......I*. M. Hall-Lewis markable and wonderful creature,
C. A. Evernden and says she bolds the unique po­ ing hurts him more than ingratitude
Night Marshal.......................John Hurley
or coldness of friends. He tries to
Water Superintendent S. V . Epperson sition of being the foster mother of
F'lre Cliiei.......
Walter Oerding the human race, a place for which conduct his life with due regard lo
Councilmen—D. D. 1’ierce, C. T. Skeels
the four great principles— balance,
W . C. Laird, G. O. Leach, W . H . Ly­ no other animal has yet been able
harmony, proportion and good
ons, Leo J. Cary. Regular meetings to successfully compete.
first and third Mondays each month.
She gives approximately 600 I Pre88WOrk- And when he come, to
'lnows that while he him.
Justice of the Peace..........J. J. Stanley crops of milk » year, a product for d‘e*
Constable.............................Ned C. Kelley which in its various forms there is 8e^ may he f°rK0,ten, h>H work will
an unlimited outlet
¡Hv® 0D- l,rioBin8 knowledge to the
John T. Hall
County Judge
ignorant, strength to the weak, in­
Commissioners - W . T. Dement, Geo. J.
spiration and help to the oppressed
Fishermen Attention
j so long as the world shall lust.
The Coos Bay Ice and Cold Stor-
..........T. M. Dimmick
T. J. Thrift age Company w ill buy all S t e e l - 1 J e wish to call your attention to the
..............W . H. Bunch
fact that infectious diseaaes such as
A . N. Gould head Salmon. Steamer Dispatch whooping cough, diphtheria and scarlet
F. E. Wilson will gather and receipt for the fish, feverare contracted when the child has
m ,
__ _
a cold. Chamberlain s Cough Remedy
PrAimv fn,.all« 3n A WUn fnJJ.
wil1 quickly cure a cold and greatly les-
troupy unions ana tvneezy totas
| 3en [be danger of contracting these
The quickest simplest way to rid the diseases. This remedy is famous for
children of dangerous croupy coughs! its cure of colds.
It contains no
Societies will get the very best
and wheezy stuffy colds is to give them opium or other narcotic and may be
1 Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound. It given to a child with implicit confidence,
I» H I N T I N G
gives almost instant relief and stops a | Sold by all druggista.
j cough promply. It sooths and heals, j
at the office of Coquille Herald
Contains no opiates.
! X ’mas Toys at Mrs. Thompson's
J President; J. C. S avage , Secretary
Figures Prove Dairymen Greatly
Benefitted by Patronizing
O. K. Creamery
City Dads Transact Consid­
Better Results Promised
Read, R e fle ct—R ew arded
E v em d en Resigns
The city council met Monday evening
with a full attendance excepting Coun­
cilman Pierce.
Bids for the construction of the sew­
ers in Sewer District No. 1 were opened
and the contract was awarded to Edwin
Eilingsen, his bid being the lowest.
The several bidders and their figures
are given below, showing, as will be
observed, a wide variation:
Coos Bay Paving & Cons. Co. $10,000.00
Dennis & Christensen
E. Eilingsen
....................... 9,999.99
Geo. Gordon................................. 14,298.40
Jacobsen-Bade Co...................... 11,073.26
H. M. Johnson
W . J. Longston......................... 13,700.00
Robt. Train................................... 13,878.00
H. V enske.................................... 12,986.20
E .;W . R iner................................. 15,058.40
O. L. Hoagley was ordered paid $275
from the special fund on account of
improvement of Nosier street,.Williams
avenue and Smith avenue.
Dr. Notley, whose home is in Block
71 of Notley’s addition, laid a complaint
before the council regarding the trees
standing on adjacent property, which
he claims threatens his house. The
council decided that all these trees over
100 feet high must be cut down, and in­
structed the recorder to notify the own­
ers of the property to that effect. The
city will cut those in the street between
blocks 71 and 72.
Saloon licenses were granted to Bax­
ter Bros., J. P. Tupper, A . E. Beckett,
A. W . Garten.
The resignation of C. A . Evemden as
marshal was accepted, to take effect
January first.
Ordinance No. 81 was passed under
suspension of the rules. This ordinance
levies a special tax of ten mills on all
the property in the corporation. The
estimated amount to be raised is $6,000,
and will be used for the purpose of de­
fraying operating expenses and the
payment of city debts.
Ordinance No. 82 was also passed, re­
establishing the grade of First street
in Elliott's addition and Notley’s addi
tion, according to the plans and data of
the city engineer, filed September 10.
The city engineer was instructed to
prepare the necessary data for estab­
lishing the boundaries of Front street
and Ferry street. This has reference
to that portion o f Front street west of
C street, which has never been properly
defined, and to the short street leading
from the west end of Front street to
the ferry.
Adjournment was taken to Dec. 23.
fo r Com ing Season
T h ose W h o Support the Institution—
Passed — Marshal
— Coquille Farmers W ill Profit by Like Enterprise
IX enterprising farmers of Coos association will offer to pay growers thrive, is pronounced a commercial
Bay have organized for the at least 4c. per pound for their ber­ prospect of the utmost importance
purpose of engaging in and giving ries and at that price it is possible by horticulturists attending the
encouragement to the raising of lo­ to raise as much as $500 worth on State Horticultural Society. They
ganberries. Wherever grown the a single acre.
say loganberry juice would be ex­
n i g h t s o f p y t h i a s .— Lycurgus
Lodge No. 72, meets Tuesday nights loganberry has proved a money
The association will operate a ported by the thousands of cases
in \V. O. W . Hall.
maker, and its commercial field is dryer £nd ship the product to east­ to all parts of the wot Id Connois-
U. R. W atson , K R. S.
constantly enlarging. The territo­ ern markets where it is said there seuers in juice, it is asserted, would
O. A. M intonyk , C. C.
p Y T H I A N SISTERS— Justus Temple ry where it can be grown success­ is an unlimited demand at prices study out the delicate flavors of va­
1 No. 35, meets first and Third Mon­ fully is confined west of the cascades that will warrant shipping.
rious classes oftlogauberry products
day nights in W . O. W . Hall.
in Northern California, Oregon and
The first thing the association There would be in Oregon a Wal­
M rs . G r - roe D avis , M. E. C.
M rs . F red I. ineuar , K . of R.
Washington, an area none too will attempt to accomplish is to in­ do vintage which might vie with
ED M EN—Coquilie Tribe No, 4(1, 1. large to supply the demands the duce the people to purchase roots the champagne of France or the
O. R. M., meets every F'ridRV night many uses ot the berry make pos­ and set them out this winter.
It is Rhine vintages of Germany. Monks
in W. O. W . Hall.
said that good healthy roots may in Douglas fir forest recesses would
J. s. B arton , Sachem.
A . P. M ili . kr , C. of R.
Visitors from the Oregon Agri­ be had at $35 per thousaud and that develop our loganberry products
W . A.— Regular meetings of Bea- cultural College, while at Coquille, thev will grow anywhere, prefera­ which would go forth into the
• ver Camp No. 10,550 in M. W . A.
stated the adaptability of the soil bly on bottom land. The hill lands world tn tempt the tastes of man.
Hall, Front street, first and third Sat­
here as being most excellent for the are adapted to their culture aud Perhaps the grape, time-worn and
urdays in each month.
R. B. R ogers , V . 0 .
production of the loganberry. These will produce immense crops. As it moldy,might be relegated to the for­
N ed O. K elley , Clerk.
men know whereof they speak and will take a year to secure results gotten things of the past in a cen­
N. A .— Regular meeting of Lsurel
. Camp No. 2972 at M. W . A . Hall, it is their business to give reliable the importance of starting now and tury or two, in favor of the won­
F'ront street, second and fourth Tues­ information.
getting started right is apparent. derful juice ol a great new berry
day nights In each month.
All that is required is some prac- The association will be in touch which matures in the laud that
A my A asen , Oracle.
E dna K elley , Ree.
itcal men to organize an association with houses which can furnish giyes rarest tints to the rose and
O. W .— Myrtle Camp No. 197, here and big profits are bound to good healthy plants and also be well imparts shades of flavor which no
• meets first and third Mondays at result in raising the berries.
Who informed ou how to set them out bold, brazen sun ever could achieve.
W . O. W . Hall.
makes the move ?
so that those who have never tried
R. 8. K nowlton , C. C.
Professor C. L- Lewis of the Ore­
J ohn L kneve , Sec.
The Cous Bay Harbor has the this kind of berry culture need not gon Agricultural College opened
V KNINGTIDE CIRCLE No. 214, following to say:
waste time in experimenting.
the door to fanciful speculation of
meets second and fourth Monday
future uses of the loganberry iu his
nights in W . O. W . Hall.
O ba X . M aury , G . N.
Association has been recently or­ ganization has a wonderful oppor­ paper on that subject to the fruit
M ary A. P ierce , Clerk.
ganized and takes the place the old tunity before it aud that there was men. His statements are based up­
■pA R M E R S U N IO N.— Regular meet- Coos County Association held.
never a better time to begin than on careful s’ udy of the pro duct. It
•T ¡ngs second and fourth Saturdays in
The new incorporators are: G. right now. At this time there is is found to be a wonderful produc­
each month in W . O. W . Hall.
W . L. K ibtnek , President
Gilbertson, George Cantine, S W. no commission house on the bay er. Plant wiza tis who take prop­
O. A. M intonye , Sec.
Harmon, D D- Brainard, O. O. which handles the berry crops of erties from one and give to another
'K A TEU N A L AID No. 398, meets the
Agree­ the ranchers, and since they have these days, are just getting fimly
second and fourth Thursdays each Kjellacd aud A G. Raab.
month at W. O. W . Hall.
ments for plautiug loganberries taken the work of creating a mar­ established in the berry domain,
M rs . C har . E vland , Pres.
M rs . L ora H arrington , Sec. have been printed aud will be pre­ ket for this class of farm produce and the whole realm of achieve­
sented to every farmer within a on themselves, they are entiiled to ment is open before them. By the
Educational Organisations and Clubs reasonable radius of Coos Bay im­ all the ctedit and encouragement a time that these have done their best
and the immense productive value
/ " » O Q U I L L E E D U C A T I O N A L mediately. The association will move of this kind wat rants.
v y L EAGU E— Meets monthly at the offer for sale a limited amount of
the loganberry is proven, it is
High School Building during the school
The Oregon Journal says that confidently forecasted that the juice
year for the purpose of discussing edu­ stock payable in berries so that the
cational topics.
grower will not be out any cash. the use of Loganberries instead of of the loganberry will be going to
R ena A ndehson , Pres.
The capital stock is $5,000.
grapes for all parts of the northwest all parts of the world.
E dna M inard , Sec.
O O. Kjelland says that the where the vineyard shrub will not
T.r O K E EL KLUB— A business men’s
Set out a patch of loganberries
A-' I. O. O. F\, meets the firstand third
Thursday nights in Odd Fellows Hall.
J. S. H arton , C. P.
J. S. L awrence , Sec.
O K Creamery O K
G ranted Licenses — O rdi­
P E R Y E A R $1.50
erable Business
QJob Printing— New presses
new material and experienced
workmen. A guarantee that
Herald printing will please
T W ILL likely be of interest to | Creamery customers have received
the dairymen bf the Coquille $ 2,880 in tue pa»t eight months,
valley to know the difference in
This price has still been two cents
price paid by different creameries ]e88 than Tillamook or Humbolt
for butterfat in the past eight prices, and it seems reasonable to
the writer if the O. K. Ciearoery
Pi ices range as follows:
had their share of the business that
Nor- O .K .
they coulJ soon reach the Humbolt
prices, as the O. K. Creamery has
March ...................
A p ril...................... ...... 27
27 ’ only had one-tbird of the busioess
May ......................
of the lower river this season and
25,4 28
practically nothing from the up riv­
J u ly .......................
30?, 30
er country.
August ................ ......
3 14
Besides these figures, if the read­
ers of this paper have noticed in an
issue of a week ago they will recall
...... 31x
that the Creamory has been placed
(x means plus)
While the average may seem small upon a satisfactory basis to its own­
at first observation, if on« will fig­ ers.
In txplaiDiug .how these results
ure his individual cream for the en­
tire season at the following Hverage have been attained, I will take tbs
prices be will see what nn amount liberty to say that it has been done
by caring for the little losses tOat
it will mean in a year’s time.
In taking an average customer arise so naturally in the creamery
who has 300 pounds of butterfat a business.
month it would mean $30 more in
I wish to thank the many patrons
eight months from the O. K. Cream­ of the O. K. Creamery for tbeir sup­
ery, besides the one ceDt per pound port, and will promise to any one
the O. K. Creamery has paid on an who may wish to support us next
average of odo and three-quarter season that wo will try to make a
cents per pouod for hauling to the better showing than in the past, as
plant, aDd did not charge back to it is my one desire to reach the
their customers but three-quarters best prices of any creamery concern
of a rent, leaving a margin of two in the west, and I can only do this
cents per pound above any cream­ by the hearty support of those who
believe in us.
ery on the river.
For the entire output of the one
Yours very truly.
plant this would mean that O. K.
Gravel Ford Ripples
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Mereen left
recently for an extended visit with
relatives in eastern Washington.
Miss Eva Bennett accompanied
them as fiir ns Portland where she
will visit relatives who live near
The Perry Bros., launched a
unique motor boat e«rly last week.
The boat is about 25 feet in leDgtb
Curry C ounty Cullings
by seven feet beam, a very conven
R ed Cross Stam ps
ient size for general use on the
There are no vacant houses in
-------------- - . q . - --------
Port Orford.
M yrtle Point Pointers
Dairyville now receives mail via
It may not be generally known
Dr. and Mrs. C. R. Bennett return­ just bow much good is done by the
Bandon six times a week.
Mr. A . Hogue, who went to San
The steamer Bandon last week Francisco three weeks ago, return­ ed from Rosenliurg Monday with «ale of these stamps. They are
Mr. and Mrs J. V. Leep, parents of sent out by the American Cross So­
tooka cargo ol 1,700 railroad ties and ed on last steamer.
1,6000 feet of cedar lumber from
A man by the name of Alec Har- Mrs Bennett, who have beeo visit­ ciety to the women’s clubs who re­
Port Orford.
tle got his hand caught iu some ing their daughter, Mrs. F. G tain a commission of 87 yi per cent
he was running, out near Bunch of Ashland, but will spend for their sale. The money goes to
A printer by the name of Baker
reached Port Orlord last week. He Eckley, and mashed it so badly he the remainder of the winter with the study and relief of tuberculosis
in Oregon.
walked up the coast from San Fran­ came to the hospital where Dr. John­ the doctor and his wife.
This fund can be used in any com­
cisco, and his journey’s end is not
Iverson, W. H. Bunch, Mrs. S. F munity in the state where it is
his fingers.
needed. No case that is reported
Several ladies representing the Overton, J. R. Bunch and Mrs. F.
Dr. Granville and family have
to the committee is denied assistance
gone to Southern California. Port various churches have been active
and no names of patients are ever
emy the past week. .
Orford is now without a resident
J. D. Bcnnott went to McKinley
physician and a capable practition­ theatre closed Sunday evenings, but
Wednesday where he is now begin
Already several deserving people
er would receive a hearty welcome. were unsuccessful.
have been helped as shown by a
Mrs. K. Shilling visited Marsh­
Several new business ventures
A number of students of the late report of the State Chairman
have been started at Gold Beach, field sevaral days the past week re­
Academy, with several other friends, of Public Health.
viz., a hardware store, drug store, turning Thursday.
A young girl who had a deaf and
and meat market. A millinery es­
Geo. Bryant’s little girl four years were entertained Saturday evening
mother she could not leave,
tablishment and a dentist will soon old has been very sick with rheu­
a tent house, and at
be added to the list.
matism and stomach trouble, but is
last report was gaining in weight
Agnes, a village on the Rogue
aud strength.
river tbirty-two miles from its
Two of the trainmen had a dis Gravel Ford cheese factory Satur-
A young widow, with two child­
mouth, recently dedicated a new pute on onr streets a few nights ; <1»y niBht After supper the crowd
on the verge ot a breakdown,
hall and organized a commercial since which they tried to settle with
who had spent her last cent, was
club Considarable mineral exists their fists. Both were arrested and until a late . hour. , Those present
. I
expressed themselves very much furnished a tent house in the mount­
in that section. A piece of pure fined for disturbing the peace.
pleased with the evening’s enter­ ains, the local club providing the
copper, weighing about seventy-
Our town has several shoplifters
five pounds, was sent from Agnes who have been busy lately. They tainment
A check of $75 sent a tubercular
Gravel Ford is well represented
to Portland for exhibition purposes are all known and are being watch­
of two children to California,
not long since.
Misses L. and 9 . Hnenergardt, Miss where he now has wo'Jc in an or-
Dr. W m. Sadler, author o f “ The Hilda Monson and Mr. A. L. En (chard and is much improved by out-
Don’t you know M. H. Hersey's
Cause and Cure of Colds,” says that I
Racket Store is the best place-to common
colds should be taken seriously, luod are among those in attendance door work in the dry, sunny climate.
illy when they
get anything you want.
For I especially
they "hang
“ hang on.”
on.” Fo­
Fo- i from the Academy.
These are only a few of the cases
ley’ s Honey and Tar Compound is a*
. , ,
Christmas presents there you Wl ... reliable
medicine for
for coughs
coughs j !
helped so when you buy Red Cross
reliable household
household medicine
find all kinds of goods for the old and cojds. equally effective for children
One hundred choice apple trees, stamps, you not only make your
and young in great variety.
fwl ar cold coniiinKSon.Takf t ltwIn<^avert i home Krown, between four and five Christmas packages aud letters
dan nger of serious results and cur*, and one-half feet in height, $1 25 a bright and attractive, but vou help
V. R. W ilson , expett w a t c h - 1 h,rr" fu*druK*' ^uhrma" *
Phone 3X Farmers. some one else to a new lease on
maker. All grades and makes
—•*- life, to health, to happiness, to use-
of watches skillfully repaired. Sat-j Anyone wanting a fine fat goose , Beautiful scarfs of every grade, fulness.— For sale at all business
isfaction to all. Bandon, Oregon. I for Christmas call 3X Farmers.
I kind and price at Rose’* 'ash Store places in Coquille.