REXALL EMULSION Purified petroliuin, emul­ sified with hypophos- phites of lime and soda. Tonic, stimulant, nutri­ tive, intestinal, a n t i ­ s e p t i c , anti-tubercular. $1. the Bottle FUHRMflNS PHARMACY The Rexall Store Professional Cards PH Y SIC IA N S DR. JAS. RICHMOND rhvsician Surgeon Otlice in Richm ond-Barker Bldg. Ottice Phone Main 211 R. B. HOAG, M. D. Physician Surgeon Richm ond-Barker Building Both Phones Dr. C. W. ENDICOTT D kntist Office over First National Bank Phone Main 431 DR. H. B. MOORE CHIROPRACTOR Room 2, Laird Bldg Phone 494 Chronic Diseases a Specialty Office Hours, 9:30 to 12, 2 to 5. SUNDAY SERVICES IN COQUILLE CHURCHES CHURCH OF CHRIST. There will be preaching Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Morning subject: "Abiding in Christ.” Evening subject: “Gcd’s Eternal Purpose ” The evening sermon will tbe first of a series oi. "The Plan of the Agee” as revealed in the Bible. Come and hear this entire aeries. Sunday school at 10 a m. Christian Endeavor at 0:30. Your presence is solicited. T. B. M cDonald. M inister M. L Church South Services Sunday, December 1, preaching by the pastor. Tbe morn­ ing subject will be “Creation.” Evening service at 7:30. Sunday school at io. a. m. Epworth League at 6:45 p. m. You are invited to be present. C. H. C l e a v e s , Pastor. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Union service Thanksgiving even- ng at 7 :30, preaching by Rev.C. H. Cleaves of the M. E. Church South. Services Sunday at 11a. m. and :30 p. m. Sunday School at 10 a. m. Frank H. Adams, Pastor. Christian Science Society Corner Third and Hall streets. Services l ’hanksgivsing at 11a. m. Subject: “Thanksgiving.” Services at 11 a. m next Sunday. Subject lesson sermon “Ancient and Modem Necromanoy alias Hyp­ notism and Mesmerism Denounced.” ST. JAMES EPISCOPAL. Services first and third Sundays of each month. Sunday school every Sunday at 10 a. m. You are heartily welcome. Archdeacon Wn. Horsfall, rector. We Are Not Operating a Medical Institute But We Can Relieve You o f a considerable amount o f THAT TIRED FEELING if you will send us the weekly wash It won’t cost you even Patent Medicine Prices COQUILLE LAUNDRY AND ICE CO. TRAIN BREAKS HIGH BRIDGE MERELYJHENTIONED Royal BakingPowfler Santa Claus has established head­ quarters at Tbe F»ir Store. I am in the market for all kinds of I furs. Geo T. Moulton. Plastering on the interior of the the city hall Is now in progress. Anyone wanting a fine fat goose : for Christmas call 3 X Farmers. Horrible Accident on Seeley Closing out all remaining dry & Anderson Logging Road goods at cost at The Fair Store. Near Bandon — Boiler Ex­ William Weekly of Myrtle Point Roseburg looking alter busi­ plodes—Workmen Killed is ness in interests. To Mr. Pohl of Bandon the Her­ J. N. Bayliss contemplates a trip San Francisco in the near luture ald is indebted for the first informa­ to She makes it best who, looking after the on tion given of a horrible accideut business bent. culinary department, turns her back resolute­ which occurred Tuesday morning, M. H. Hersey, at The Racket, ly upon unhealthful, or even suspicious, food has all kinds of goods or. display November 25 , on the Seeley & An­ accessories. She is economical; she knows for Christmas. derson logging road, which extends that true economy does not consist in the use from a point near Prosper several An ordinance providing for the miles to timber owned by the firm. muzzling of dogs was recently pass­ of inferior meat, flour, or baking powder. She While crossing a bridge, about one ed by the city council of Myrtle is an earnest advocate of home made, home hundred feet in height, the structure Point. baked food; and has proved the truth of the collapsed failing to the ground in One hundred choice apple trees, statements of the experts that the best cook­ the form of a letter ”S” taking with home grown, between four and five ing* in the world today is done with Royal it the entire train and seven human and one-half feet in height, $1 25 a Baking Powder. beings, three of whom were instant­ dozen Phone 3 X Farmers. ly killed. Mr. Winton of the Coquille The dead—Chas. McDowell, en­ Music House is spending a few gineer; Chas. Smith, fireman; Guy days at Bandon in the interest of Santa Claus headquarters at The Freak» of Football Rose, timekeeper; Clancy Hum­ his firm. Racket Store. phrey, Fred Adkins and — Morgan Nice line of dishes—all kinds— Remember the band boys’ dance Fifty people from Coquille. it is loggers. for the Christmas trade at The Fair at Nosler’s hall tonight. estimated, wete in attendance at the Roland Anderson, brakeman, is Store. football game at Myrtle Point last Piano and organ tuning done by the only one of the unfortunates Oliver Wilson visited Myrtle O. Sumner. See adv. Saturday to see seven scores made still alive. by the high school boys of our sis­ Point Saturday last to see theCo- Presbyterian ladies are responsi­ Nearly all the men are kuown by ter city and nothing credited to tbe quille high school boys score a cy­ ble for causing a new dress of white many in this section some of them handling ol the pig skin by our pher in the toot ball game. paid to adorn their church. having relatives in Coquille. high school lads. The game was J. W Huftile, a former resident H. L. Carl, having disposed of Milo Dunham held the lucky interesting notwithstanding the re­ of Curry county, quite well known his ranch near Norway, has moved number — 1663 —that drew the sult. We are promised a more fa­ bis family to Coquille where they turkey at the Scenic Theatre Tues­ vorable score for our boys next time in Bandon, was seeking work in the neighborhood and was the first will temporarily reside. day evening. manipulate the oblong hide­ mau on the scene after the wreck. Assessor Thrift returned Satur­ One hundred ard nine scholars they bound ball with the Myrtle Point- He met Roland Anderson three or day last from Dairyville surfeited were in attendance at the Methodist four hundred feet from A. J. Rad­ with the many good things produc­ Episcopal Church South Sunday ley's logging engine, thinking he ed upon that‘‘old farm.” school last Sunday. was drunk by seeing him stagger Order your Christmas goods at Jeweler Schroeder's windows pre- Butter Will Keep a Cat in a Strange Place from one side of the road to the Tba Fair Store. sent a beautiful appearnce by the othei. On closer approach, see­ Mr. and Mrs. Longston display of useful and valuable arti­ M. P. Long, manager of the O K. ing there was something wrong, the engagement of their daughter, cles neatly arranged. Mr Huftile walked more briskly Marguerite, to N. N. Neiman, of The enumeration of school cen­ Creamery, moved into town from and nearing Mr. Anderson asked this city. The marriage will take sus for School District No 8 is ap­ his suburban home last week. Mrs. Long had a cat of which she was him what was the matter. The re­ place before early spring. proximately 510 , an increase of 1 particularly fond, but knowing that ply was, "The train went through Mrs A. O. Hooton and daughter, about r 7 - The final summary has pussy’s nature is endowed wtth a the bridge, for God’s sake go for Miss Lou, were visiting relatives uot been made as yet, this figure greater respect for places than per­ help and get a doctor.” Mr. An­ and friends in the county seat dur­ being as near as can be calculated sons feared the feline beauty would derson, though greatly injured and ing the past week. They are resi­ at present. 1 not stay iu its new city home. Mrs. bleeding from many wounds had dents of Bridge. Mr. W. J. Longston and family Long was told by a friend to apply traveled over oue-half mile from the Turkeys for the holidays are on have moved to the R. E. Shine res­ butter to the cat’s paws which wreck. display in tbe windows of Miller’s idence for the winter, where Mrs. would keep the animal busy and A. J. Radley infotmed Bert Dyer of the accident who started for Ban­ store. They are guaranteed to pro­ Longston and daughter will be at produce contentment in its new don for a doctor taking with him duce no undesirable after effects — home to their friends at any time, abode. This was accordingly done in tact are pleasing only to the eye having given up their Friday and Mrs. Long is greatly pleased Roland Anderson. Upon arriving at the wreck Mr. “The Base Ball Industry” picture atternoon “At Horae’’ during the with the conduct of her cat. O. K Creamery butter was used which Huftile found Clancey Humphrey will be repeated at the Scenic tbea. rainy season. always produces satisfaction in badly scalded and with leg broken, tre Thursday night by request. An Aid to Contractor* every home, and no wonder the cat whom he took out and carried up the All the ball fans will be given an­ was likewise satisfied and is long­ hill. Guv Rose was next taken out, other chance to see this feature film. City Engineer P. M. Hall-Lewis ingly looking for more of the lus­ also badly scalded and severely in­ The largest and finest assortment jured about the head and body. of cut glass ever brought to the has drawn most excellent plans de­ cious article made trom the creamy, By this time Mr. Radley and others city to be seen at the Racket Store. picting to exactness the contour lacteal liquor by the experienced arrived and the work of rescue was Information has been received and other particulars regarding the hands of Mr. Long. taken in hand. Guy Rose and Fred that the Coquille sawmill, for some construction of the sewer system in Adkins were the last taken out. time idle, soon resumes operations District No. 1 . Contractors bidding H. O. Anderson Engages in a Turkey Trot These men were all taken to the under the guidance of a man thor­ on the work will derive all the infor­ mation desired bv consulting the hospital at Bandon where they af­ oughly conversant with the busi­ plans. Deciphering tangible prob­ H. O. Anderson purchased a live terwards died. ness. lems is evidently a pleasure with turkey from a local dealer Tuesday Mr. Huftile called at the Herald office yesterday and gave us infor­ Married—Clinton Schrader and Hall-Lewis, at any rate he under­ and placed the bird in a coop to await his doom the following day. mation regarding the gruesome Grace Worthington, both of Co­ stands his business. Mr. Anderson has a large cat that scene, a sight which would cause quille, at the parsonage of the M. E. Known in Coquille gave tbe lutkey an unexpected call the strongest heart to succumb, not­ Church South, Monday, November creating consternation in the cage, withstanding he and others labored’ 25 , at five p.m , Rev. C. H. Cleaves The following from the Leaden and such havoc prevailed that his long and faithfully to render such officiating. aid possible for the alleviation of Three large orders for holiday published at Monroe, Benton county, turkeyship escaped aud securely Oregon, conveys news regarding perched himself in a nearby tree. their fellows. goods now an the way for The Fair the death of Chi is Jackson who H. O. climbed the tree to get the Fred Wilson, cotoner, is holding Store. an investigation the result of which The Ccqnille independent foot is well known by many in Coquille gobbler when, ho! the turkey took where he formerly resided: to his wings and flew to a ttee of has not yet been made known. ball team plays an aggregation higher altitude. M. P. Long, a “A telegram has just been receiv­ This is said to be the third train of pig skin enthusiasts at Marsh­ ed from John Jackson, at Tucson. neighbor, was called upon to bring which passed over the bridge. today. Many local lovers of Arizona, announcing tbe death oi the turkey to earth by way of the Clancey Humphrey leaves a fam­ field process but failed. Up to the game accompanied our boys to his son Chris, who has been low shooting going to press we have not learned ily of seven children and doubtless the Coos County Metropolis. with consumption, under the care whether the turkey will take the his death causes more direct sorrow route o( departing Irom life’s sphere among the living than any one of “ What Can Reasonably be Ex­ of his mother, for so long a time. sought to be provided by Mr. An­ He died Saturday, November 16 . pected of the Public Schools,” is the others. derson’s family on Thanksgiving The Jacksons have the sincerest The sad accident has driven tbe the title of a discourse to be deliver­ day, but as man has dominion over dagger of despair in the hearts of ed by Superintendent C. A. Howard sympathy of many friends in this birds of the air. doubtless means will be devised to place the way­ •11 our citizens, and is the most sor­ at an educational meeting at Myr­ vicinity in their sorrow.” ward one upon the platter. rowful of any heretofore recorded tle Point, Thursday evening, De­ cember 5 . Musical and other fea­ Apple Raiser in Town in Coos countv. A. J. Bailey, a R. R. Engineer, Bstes- tures are named on the program. Ark., says: ‘ I suffered with kid­ ney and bladder trouble so bad I w-as Church Edifice Beautified More goods to arrive at The Fred McLeod, for eight years ville, work. I had such severe pains Racket. Toys, dolls and every­ superintendent of a large apple or­ unable to back I could hardly get up. I The Methodist Episcopal Church thing you want for Christmas pres­ chard in North Yakima, is in the iu tried my several physicians with no result, but Foley Kidney Pills have done won­ South has undergone substantial ents at M. H. Hersey's Racket city visiting with his mother, Mrs. ders for me. I recommend them to all. Faust. The fruit go w ar, for whom improvements both interior and Store. Fuhrm an’s Phamacy. exterior. Rounding steps have Mrs. P. C. Levar and daughter Mr. McLeod worked, has 5,000 boxes of apples of an unmarketable been placed in froDt and a rear door leading from the pulpit is also pro­ Miss Mary will leave North Bend grade for the eastern trade, that vided. The partition near the front on the next sailing of the Redondo will be sold to dealers in local has been removed providing more for a trip to California. The/ will channels or converted into cider. RESTAURANT room and large swinging doors visit with friends at Sebastapoi, a Specimens of the Yakima product were left at the Herald office and afford convenience for ingress and town about sixty miles northwest they are adorned with the piDk of of San Francisco. During the ab­ C. A. HARRINGTON egress. A portion of the inside of sence perfection. of his family Mr. Levar will PROPRIETOR tbe building has been painted to continue upon the Herald force conform to and harmonize with that not without hope of a joyous time Is your husband cross? An irritable, finding disposition is often due to heretofore done and withal the edi­ for his lovad ones during their so- i a fault disordered stomach. A man with Come and See fice presents an appearance which journ in the sister state. good dige-tion is nearly always good na- tured. A great many have tieen per­ is a credit to our city. m anently cured of stomach trouble by Sam e O ld P lace Closing out at coat all children’s ; taking C ham berlain’s Tablet*. For sale Pay printer promptly, please. nnderwear at Tbe Fair Store. by all druggists. DEALS DEATH TO WORKMEN AbsolutelyPtire The Woman Makes the Home SKOOKUM The Publisher’s Lament Told in Prose-Poetry FOR SALE The blacksmith and machine shop Lives of poor men oft remind us - of Kiine & Von l’egert. Also their residence properties. Reasons for honest toll don’t stand a clmnce; the selling—ill health in the families. more we work we leave behind ns 1 See us at once. bigger patches on our pants. On K im k & V on P e o k r t . our pants once new and glossy now “There could be no better medicine are patches of different hue; all be- ¡than Cham berlain's Consti Remedy. cuuse subscribers linger and won’t My children were all sick with whoo|i- i g cough. One ol them was in b el; pay up what is due. Then let all had a hit'll fever an t was coughing up Our doctor save them Cham ber­ he up and doing; to send in your blood. lain's Cough Remedy and the first dose mite be it e’er so small—or when eased them , and three tiottles cured the blasts of March shall strike us ll.ein,” says Mrs. K. A. Donaldson, of we shall have no pants at all I Lexington. Miss Sold by all druggist a. O .SÖ Q .Q & G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G Q G G G S| Fishing Tackle Guns and Ammunition Cl ^ THE SPORTSMAN CLAUDE C. MOON Opposite Hotel Baxter ^ Automobile Supplies A BIG DISH g[ of our ire cream taBtes the test. Its nice cold deliciousness makes it a refreshm ent th at is simply ideal. Try some today and you’ll enjoy learning w hat perfect ice cream tastes like. And you’ll be glad to repeat the lesson again and again. { V 'S Millers Contetionery Dr. H. E. HERMANN Eyesight Specialist AT THE THE BAXTER Friday COQUILLE . .. —:■ and S a tu rd ’y December 6-7 DO YOU WEAR G L A S S E S ? Do You H a v e a n y Trouble W ith Y o u r E y e s? IF YOU DO it will pay you to have them examined and corrected at once. I am locating perm anently in Coquille and wili be glad to examine your eyes FREE of Charge. All work done by me is backed by an Absolute Guaran­ tee and I am here to M ake Good. Ask me for names of satisfied customers in Coquille and talk to them personally. Watch and Jewelry Repairing W. Frank Petitt F ront Street. O pposite Farm ers & M erchants Bank — h --------- - t i*i fill - = --------- 11