Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, November 28, 1912, Image 2

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    Trespass notices printed on cloth
Wood would you bring us wood
List of Jurors December
worded in^keeping with law, on that subscription account to the
Term Circuit Court and
tor sale at tbe Herald office.
Herald ?
1 U B U 8H E D FA KKY i HI H
The following is the jury list
Don’ t waste your money buying
Entered aa second elans matter May
strengthening plasters. Chamberlain’s
drawu Thursday last lor the l)e-
8, 1905 . at the post office at Coquill**, ,
Liniment is cheaper aud better. Dam-
cember term of the circuit court
Oregon, underact of Congress oi March
lien a piece of Haunel with it and bind
3 , 1879 .
j which convenes December 9, 1912:-
it over the affected parts and it will re­
lieve the pain and soreness. For sale
George Wilson, Empire
W \ ! I KK (I ACKERM \N, P )d hi r
by all druggists.
Devoted to the material and social
In the Circuit C ourt o f the State of
G. E. Pike, Coquille, logger.
upbuilding o f the Coquille Valley par- j
O regon for C oos County
ticularly and ot Coos County generally.
John Peait, Coquille, fainter.
Subscription, $1.50 per year in advance Brotherly Love Prevailed —
Frank Burkholder,
Chas. Webb, Coquille, farmer.
Phone, Main 354 .
Moral and Social Virtue*
lid. Henry, Bandon, teamster.
E. G. Lee, Edward Ca­
S uit
Clinton Carmen, Rural, farmer.
rey, Robert Harper, E.
Officer* and
Pi. B P*ish, Bandon, carpenter.
Rogers, W. K. Taylor,
Delegates Elected.
E quity
John Bastendorf, Empire, farmer.
M. G. Halverson, H.
L. Halverson, Bridget
W. H. Logan, Bandon, contractor.
Q u iet
Finn, Edward B. Per-
The County Farmers' Union met
Wm. Buck, Marshfield, carpenter.
T it l e
rine, and Aztec Land
in Coquille Saturday last and trans­
and Cattle Company, a
IVm, Mebl, Coquille, merchant.
acted business ot importance rela-
C. H. Chandler. Bandon, farmer. t he World's B< t in Finish and Accur­
' 4iK£»g
tive to promoting tbe well being of
ate Workmanship
To Edward B. Perrine, one o f the
W J Haga, Parkersburg, farmer.
above named defendants:
*; the fraternity
J. W Hunt, M ar.-hfield, carpenter.
The meeting was called to order
Levi Heisner, Marshfield, livery. Only one store iu each city handles OF OREGON: You are hereby re­
quired to appear and answer the com­
at 10:30 a ra., and continued in
S. tiacky, North Bend, real estate.
plaint filed against you in the above
session until after twelve o’clock
entitled suit within six weeks from
L Harrison, Mvrtle Point,farmer.
the date o f the first publication of
when the call to the table was
P. Ii- Drane, Coquille, merchant.
this summons, tow it: within six weeks
sounded by the farmers’ wives, and
A. Kllingson. Coquille, merchant.
from the 17th day o f October, 1912, the
Henry Brownson. Bridge, farmer.
same being the date o f the first publi­
adjournment was taken to supply
cation o f tnis summons; and if you fail
Arthur Matson, Sumner, farmer.
the inner man with the bountiful
so to appear or answer on or before
Thanksgiving f illing on the day products of the farm so generously
the 28tn day o f November, 1912, the
W. O. Mathews, Fairview, farmer.
same being the date o f the last publi­
of publication of the Herald, we an<j sjupcrbly prepared by the wives
T h e J ew eler
W.J Costney,¡Marshfield, plumber
cation o f this summons, for
conceived the idea of getting out anj j aUgi)ters 0f the husbandmen.
thereof, the plaintiff will take judgment
Albert Barklow,Myrtle Point, liv­
is the Exclusive Dealer in Coquille
against you and will apply to the Court
• lie paper a day prior, firmly con- ^|ter ,|jnner business was resumed ery.
for the relief demanded in his said com­
Fi. W. Bernett, Marshfield, rafts­
viueed that there was at least on e gn(j am .JUg other matters transacted
plaint, a succinct statement o f which is
follows: That you be required to set
An elegant lioe of beautiful designs
delinquent subscriber out of tbej the following were elected officers
up and allege whatever rignt, title or
J. D. McNeil, Marshfield, real es­
a n d useful articles just
many on our list whose h< art would of the County Union:
interest is claimed ) by you in and to
the real estate described in said
recei y e d
be so touched with our plaintive
President—B. H. Burns.
F. M. Friedterg, Marshfield, re­
complaint, or any part or parcel^here-
pleading for an eatable bird that he Vice President—Geo. Henninger.
of, towit: Lot 2 o f section 31 and
the northwest quarter uf the north­
Secretary-Treasurer—E. C. Howey.
W. P. Murphy, Marshfield, mer­
would promptly produce. In this
quarter of section 8, all in
Chaplain—E. W. Ferris.
C all and E xam in e west
event we feared our inner man
township 24 south o f range ten west of
Door Keeper—J. C. Whittington.
meridian; lot 4(> o f block
would be so surfeited and taxed
Conductor—M. T. Clintor.
6 in Steamboat addition to the town of
that mental, as well as physical, la­
--------» --------
The Coquille Herald
bor would be thwarted. But we
are still living upon the principal
diet principally diet— with no pros­
pect for an immediate change. Nev­
ertheless we are tbankfhl, and none
has chosen to divert our thankful­
ness from the source it rightfully
belongs the Great Author of the
universe. And this is best. Short­
comings in the Herald this week
can be attributed to its being issued
» day earlier in order that we may-
pay homage to ThauMtBgiving so
long and devoutly observed by the
Christian people of our nation.
The first woman in Oregon to be
appointed to a position as the direct
result of extending the franchise to
women is said to be Mrs A. B.
Schuster of .Medford.
She was
named by the city council to serve
on the registration board to regis­
ter voters for a city election soon to
be held in that city.
Executive Committee—Geo. Hennin-
ger, W. C. Chase, M. 0 . Hawkins.
W. C. Chase was elected as a
delegate to represent the County
Union at the State Convention
which meets in Baker City, Tues­
day, Wednesday and Thursday, De­
cember 3, 4 and 5 next.
W. I,. Kistner was also elected
to represent Coquille Union at the
State Convention in Baker City.
Remarks were made by many
present and harmony— so essential
to the success of any undertaking—
Tbe Farmers' Union has upon
its roster many of the best and most
progressive citizens of this section,
and their work is upon lines calcu­
lated to be of benefit not only to
themselves but the entire commu­
The ritualistic work of the Farm­
ers’ Union teaches doctrines which
— il followed— will make its votaries
better, wiser and consequently hap­
pier, Its features compare favora­
bly with any fraternal order, its
duties being to ameliorate the sor­
rows of the afflicted, soothe the
hearts of the oppressed and secure
for themselves aud others the just
value their laudable labors are en­
Cost of maintaining the organiza­
tion is nominal and the benefits to
be derived are measureless.
Every tiller of the soil should
become a member of the Farmers’
Union aud render his support to a
most worthy and just cause.
Pasa«lena, Cal.
C. L. Parsons of the
Chas. H. Wait! Drug Co., writes: “ We
have sold and recommended Foley’ s
Honey and Tar Com|>ound for years and
believe it to be one of the most efficient
medicines in the market. Containg no
opiates or narcotics, it can l>e given
freely to children.” Fuhrman’a Phar­
Mrs. C. Southmayd is improving
slowly under Dr. Johnson’s treat­
Miss Ii Shilling has been spend­
ing the past two weeks with friends
in Marshfield.
Mr. Jack Abbott is quite ill hav­
ing been confined to his bed for the
past week or more. Dr. Leep is at­
tending him.
The house on the Bryant ranch,
this side of Bridge, burned to the
ground Saturday night last. Some
of the furniture on the first floor
was saved.
The schools are so full that it
was found necessary to rent tbe
The official announcement of votes
Christian church, the Sunday school
in Oregon for president of the Unit­
room accommodating part ot the
ed States as issued by the secretary
seventh and all of the eighth grades
of the state is as follows: Wilson
Miss Nellie Dement spent last
47,064, Roosevelt 37.000, Taft 34,
week with her sister, Mrs. White,
673. The Socialist vote in Oregon
who is still in the hospital at
for president was 13.329 and the
Marshfield. Mrs White’s little boy
prohibitionists polled 4,360.
was quite ill at Mrs Max Diluent’s
last week just escaping pnenmouia.
Mayor Joseph Micelli has been
He is all right now.
indicted jointly with the Rose-
burg Brewery & Ice Company,
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Cooper took
charged with violating the local op­
the steamer from Bandon on Fri­
tion laws. This case will afford
day, the 22ud, enroute to llealds-
more work for Prosecuting Attor­
burg, Cal , to visit with their three
ney Geo. M. Brown.
daughters. They will both stay un­
til after the holidays when Mr.
Twelve thousand tui keys, weight Oregon High School
¡Cooper will return while his wife
over 125,000 pounds, were shipped
will stay through the winter.
from Roseburg for the Thanksgiving
trade. The average price paid for
the birds was twenty cents per tin for November has just been re­
pound and the total sum was $25, ceived. This issue is devoted ex
! clusively to the Oregon High School
The l>oy’ 8 appetite is otten a source ol
Debating League, announcing the | amazement. It von would have such an
Well Satisfied With
j subjects ot debates in the several appetite take Chamberlain » Tablets
They not only create a healthy appetite
W ork of O. K. Cream ety districts and giving a list of officers but strengthen the stomach and enable
it to do its work naturally. For sale by I
| constitution and by laws, bilbiog-_ ' all
Mr. I.. Rouble, secretary for F. K raphies, debate libraries and notes.
Haight A Company, proprietors of Superintendent Howard of this city
the O. K Creamery, has been in is named as one of the executive
j Bert Seal, Coquille.
town for the past few days in tfie committee of the state organization
interests of his firm Mr. Rouble and also director of the Coos Bay
NOTICE —Tbe Fair Store will
expresses considerable satisfaction district comprising the towns of order any goods for the holidays
wi'h the operation of the plant and Bandon, Coquille, North Bend, not carried in stock. Gall early and
make selections.
results attained therein, as follows and Myrtle Point.
’ ’ liver since Mr. was put ini
P s V - R. W i l s o n , expert watch-
charge the O. K.. Creamery has
maker. All grades and makes
been tnak'tig pmgr <s in a sure
A class of twenty-four students of watches skillfully repaired. Sat­
and steady way
He has put in in the high school lias teen mak- isfaction to all. Bandon, Oregon.
active practice out
qttare deal to '»g a special study of argumenta-
Twinges of rheumatism, backache,
patrons’ ’ theory, and lias produced tinn and debate during the past stiff joints and shooting pains, all shorn*
kidneys are not working well. Urin­
butter that hi; l>.en commanding a ’"onth and a considerable number
ary irregularities, I ohs of sleep, nervous­
premium Eiy'e isoii ,,f it» excellence lrum this class are planning to en- ness, weak hack an«l sore kidneys, tell
Tlie plant is ab- duteiv »ell'sustain t Jr the tryout for places on the the need of a g«*od reliable kidney m e d -!
icine. Toley Kidney Rills are tonic. J
ing bora tlie prod
i n end and h'ams that will debate the other strengthening and restorative. The;
has the advantage < i the competi schools of tbe county. The county build up the kindeys and regulate their
action. They mill give you quick relief
tion on the marketing end There contests are to Etc held on the even­ and contain no habit forming drugs. !
ts therelore, suffi tent cause to con- ’nR ol January 17. Coquille is to Safe and always sure. Try them. Fuhr­
man’a Pharmacy.
gratulateour patrons aud ourselves, nieet the teams of Marshfield and
A« outlined belore they have teen, Bandon and will discuss the follow-
ate and will te getting right along ,nK subject: “ Resolved, that imtni- Piano and Organ
uniformly larger pro es tor their but- gration to the United States should
let fat and we have the opportunity be furthet restticteii by an edtIca.
Tuning and Repairing
ot marketing at a premium above
ordinary brands, a product second ° a
to none.
L R opulk *'
w . * .
, T
, __________
>>m. 1 ,. Cook, mho w a s post muster
“ It is a pleasure to tell you th at
C liam U *rl uu'rt Cough R em edy is th e
N eiharf, M ontana, w rite«: “ I recoin*
n,*nd I «»ley’s Honey and T a r Com-
"...h. m. 1 ive ever used.” prmnd to »11 m.TjHopV »».| tb.-v ,,re nev-
writes Mr*. Hugh Cam)
of ‘ Lav ........... . '
1 till with it. Foley*« lion-
< «a. “ I have used it w , i I
in v chit- ey and
r»r (Vmpomi.1
' m juMiim
v coughs
u i t g u x » amt
■Imi .mil ihcn-Hiib-. havi- teen liuti,ly cobi» dives best possible result».’ ’ Fuhr
r r sale !»\ all druggists, man's Pharmacy.
Expert Work Guaranteed
O. S U M N E R
Phone 291
C oquille, O regon
Notice is hereby given that the un­
dersigned has filed his final account in
the matter of the adminstration of the
estate of John Swindal, deceased, and
that f he County Court has set Saturday,
the 7th day of December, 1912. as the
day and the County Court room at the
court house in Coquille, Coos county,
Oregon, as the place for hearing ob­
jections to said final account and the
settlement of said estate-
Dated this 7th day of November, 1912.
P rebsie S w in d a l .
Administrator of the estate of John
Swindal, decease 1
Notice of Final Account
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Coos County.
In the matter of the Estate of H. E.
Wilcox, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the under­
signed, the duly appointed, qualified,
anti acting administratrix of the Estate
of H. E. Wilcox, deceased, has filed her
final account in the said estate in the
County Court for Coos County. Oregon,
fully showing her administration of said
estate, and that Mondav, the 2nd day of
December, 1912, has been set as the
time, and the County Court Room, in
the City of Coquille, Coos County, Ore­
gon, as the place, for the heating and
settlement of laid final account. All
persons having any objection to said
account, or the settlement thereof, may
present them at that time and place.
A nna W ilcox , Administratrix.
Yarrow, according to the plat thereof
on file and o f record in the office o f the
County Clerk o f Coos County, Oregon;
lots 19, 20, 21%
and 22 in block 2; lots 23
and 24 in block <»; lots 9, 10, 11, 12 in
block 8; lots 33, 34, 35 and 36 in block
18; lots 6, 7, 10 and 11 in block 23 all in
Portland addition to the town o f Ban­
don, according to the plat thereof on
file and o f record in the office o f the
County Clerk o f said Coos County; all
o f the said real estate being situate in
the County o f Coos and State o f Ore­
gon : and that the title o f the plaintiff
in and to the said real estate and
every part and parcel thereof be quieted
against you, tne said defendant, and
against any and all persons claiming by,
through or under you; and that you and
and any and all persons claiming by,
through or under you be forever enjoin
ed and restrained from setting up any
claim o f right, title or interest in or to
the said real estate and every part and
parcel thereof; that plaintiff have ju d g ­
ment against you for his costs ana dis­
bursements in this suit; and for such
other and further relief as to the Court
may seem meet and equitable.
Service o f this summons upon you is
made by publication thereof in the Co­
quille Herald for a period o f six weeks
by an order o f the Honorable John S.
Coke, Judge o f the above entitled Court,
dated the 14th day of October, 1912.
J . J. S t a n l e y ,
Attorney for Plantiff.
Residing at Coquille, Coos County,
Notice of Final Settlement
Notice of Final Account
Notice is hereby given that ti e un­
dersigned has filed his final account in
the matter of the estate of Milton Asa
Ep ereon, (Wesared: and that t he < oun
ty Court has set Friday, the 20th day of
December, 1912, as tne day and the
County Court room iu the court house
in Coquille City, Oooi County, Oregon,
as i he plat e for hearing objections to
said final account and the settlement oi
said estate.
A. I S herwood ,
Executor of the Last Will ami Testa-
mejtt and ot rhe Estate of Milton A*-a
Epperson, deceased.
Notice is hereby wiven that Herman
L. Carl and John’ D. Carl, executors of
the estate of August Carl, deceased,
have tiled their final account as stu b
cxeuitors with the clerk of the County
Court for Coo* County, State of Oregon,
and that Monday, the 23rd day of De­
cember, 1912, at the court house in said
Coos County, has been appointed by
the Hon. John F. Hall, judge of said
Court, as the day and place for the
hearing of object?oiiB to said final account
and the settlement then of.
H erman L. C a rl ,
J ohn D. C a r l ,
Executors of the estate of August
I Carl, deceased.
Have you paid the printer? •
The Baking Question
is one you had better leave to
us. Why worry and perspire
over a hot oven when you can
get such fine bread from us at
a lees cost than you can bake
it yourseli for? Make us your
bakers and spend the time
saved in some more enjoyable
way. That’ s what wise women
all over town are doing.
| City Bakery v
Paul Stephan, Prop.
Three Loaves for Ten Cents
Christmas Suggestion
Four $5.00 Bills
will get the
Eclipse Graphophone
Continuous tone chamber, improued Colombia re­
producer, tone-control shutters, noiseless motor
See and hear the machine at
O N ’S
I ________ New and Second-Hand Goods ________ I
Write Ideas For Moving Picture Plays!
/"k I I
We Will Show You How
If you have ideas— if you can TH IN K — we will show
you the secrets of this fascinating new profession.
experience or literary excellence necessary.
guage" is wanted.
Positively no
N o “ flowery lan­
T he demand for photoplays is practically unlimited.
T he
big film manufacturers are “ moving heaven and earth” in their
attempts to get enough good plots to supply the ever increasing
demand. T h ey are offering $1 0 0 and more, for single scen­
arios, or written ideas.
Nearly all the big film companies, the buyers of photoplays,
are located in or near New York City.
Being right on the
spot, and knowing at all times just what sort of plots are wanted
by the producers, our Sales Department has a tremendous
advantage over agencies situated in distant cities.
W e have received many letters from the big film manufac­
turers, such as Vitagraph, Edison, Essanay, Lubin, Imp,
Solax, Rex, Reliance, Champion, Comet, Melies, Etc.,
urging us to send photoplays to them.
W e want more writers
aud w e’ll gladly teach you the secrets of success.
We are selling photoplays written by
people who “never before wrote a line
for pupl¡cation.”
Perhaps w e can do the same for you.
If you can think of
only one good idea every week and will write it out as directed
by us, and it sells for only $25., a low fiigure,
You Will Earn $100 Monthly for Spare Time
> n L L
Send your name and address fo r free copy
our illustrated booh, “MOVING PICTURE PLAYWRITING. ’
D on’t hesitate.
Don’t Argue.
W rite now
and learn
just what this new profession may mean for you and your future.
I 543 Broadway